Пример #1
 public function testEmpty()
     //if(empty($field) or str_replace(" ", "", $field)=='N/A' or $field=='0.0' or $field=='0' or $field==' '){
     $empty1 = "N/A";
     $empty2 = " ";
     $empty3 = "";
     $empty4 = "0.0";
     $empty5 = "0";
Пример #2
function _rm_page_month($page)
    $arr_month = array('01' => 'Styczeń', '02' => 'Luty', '03' => 'Marzec', '04' => 'Kwiecień', '05' => 'Maj', '06' => 'Czerwiec', '07' => 'Lipiec', '08' => 'Sierpień', '09' => 'Wrzesień', '10' => 'Październik', '11' => 'Listopad', '12' => 'Grudzień');
    $year = substr($page, 0, 2);
    $month = substr($page, 2, 2);
    $ereg = '[0-9]{6}_[0-9]{5}\\.';
    $raws = array();
    foreach (rmconf('rawdir') as $udir => $dir) {
        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
        $raws = array_merge($raws, rawman_readdir(sprintf('%s20%02d_%02d/', $dir, $year, $month), $ereg));
    echo rawman_html('month', array('skins' => RM_WEB . '/skins', 'imgdir' => RM_WEB . '/index.php/image', 'content' => rawman_listmonth($raws), 'header' => $arr_month[$month] . ' 20' . $year, 'footer' => RetIf(!IsEmpty($_SESSION['bookmark']), sprintf('&raquo; <a href="' . RM_WEB . '/index.php/bookmark/all">%s</a> (%d) &laquo; ', 'Wyświetl ulubione', count($_SESSION['bookmark'])))));
Пример #3
function _rm_page_main()
    $content = '';
    $months = array();
    foreach (rmconf('rawdir') as $udir => $dir) {
        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
        $months = array_merge($months, rawman_readdir($dir, '[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{2}'));
    $years = array();
    foreach ($months as $month) {
        if (preg_match('/\\d{2}(\\d{2})_(\\d{2})/', $month, $m)) {
            $years[$m[1]][] = $m[2];
    $content = '<table border="0">';
    foreach ($years as $year => $yd) {
        $content .= '<tr><td colspan="4" class="year">20' . $year . "</td></tr>\n";
        for ($m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++) {
            if ($m % 3 == 1) {
                $content .= '<tr><td width="50"></td>';
            $content .= '<td>';
            $month = sprintf('%02d', $m);
            if (in_array($month, $yd)) {
                $link = sprintf('%02d%02d', $year, $month);
                $content .= '<div>' . '<a href="' . RM_WEB . '/index.php/month/all/' . $link . '"> ' . '<img src="' . RM_WEB . '/index.php/stack/all/' . $link . '" border="0" />' . '<br clear="all" />' . $month . '</a>' . "</div>\n";
            $content .= '</td>';
            if ($m % 3 == 0) {
                $content .= "</tr>\n";
    $content .= '</table>';
    echo rawman_html('main', array('skins' => RM_WEB . '/skins', 'content' => $content, 'footer' => RetIf(!IsEmpty($_SESSION['bookmark']), sprintf('&raquo; <a href="' . RM_WEB . '/index.php/bookmark/all">%s</a> (%d) &laquo; ', 'Wyświetl ulubione', count($_SESSION['bookmark'])))));
Пример #4
        $codigo = $_POST["codigo"];
        Query("delete from usuario where usua_codigo = '" . $codigo . "'");
        echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\talert(\"Se ha borrado exitosamente\");\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.location.href=\"../index.php\"\n\t\t\t\t</script>";
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "Message: " . $e->getMessage();
if (isset($_POST['ingresar'])) {
    try {
        $usuario = $_POST["usuario"];
        $clave = $_POST["clave"];
        if (IsEmpty("select usua_codigo from usuario where usua_nombre='" . $usuario . "' and usua_clave='" . $clave . "'") == false) {
            $rol = Value("select rol_permiso from usuario,rol,rous where fk_usua=usua_codigo and fk_rol=rol_codigo and usua_nombre='" . $usuario . "'", "ROL_PERMISO");
            if ($rol == false) {
                echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\talert(\"Agregue un rol al usuario\");\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.location.href=\"../index.php\"\n\t\t\t\t</script>";
            $_SESSION['usuario'] = $usuario;
            $_SESSION['rol'] = $rol;
        echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.location.href=\"../index.php\"\n\t\t\t\t</script>";
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "Message: " . $e->getMessage();
Пример #5

require "include/lib_xiii.php";
$info = new XIIICreatorInfo();
$log = new LogFile();
// Quick check.
function IsEmpty($var)
    if ($var == -1) {
        return true;
    return false;
// Check for illegal inputs.
if (IsEmpty($info->Get_HashCode()) && $info->Get_HashCode() != KEYPASS) {
// Invalid Port range.
if ($info->Get_Port() > MAXPORT && $info->Get_Port() < MINPORT || $info->Get_QueryPort() > MAXPORT && $info->Get_QueryPort() < MINPORT) {
// Our checks seem to be "OK", so log it.
$log->DateLog("[ASK] - Server " . $info->Get_Ip() . ":" . $info->Get_Port() . " asks for MasterServer regisration.");
// Check if we got already the ip/port into our database.
$idcheck = $info->CheckServerAlive($info->Get_Ip(), $info->Get_Port());
if ($idcheck != "") {
    if ($info->UpdateServer($idcheck)) {
        $log->DateLog("[SUCCESS] - Server at ip " . $info->Get_Ip() . ":" . $info->Get_Port() . " successfully updated for 6 more minutes!");
} else {
    if ($info->AddServer($info->Get_Ip(), $info->Get_Port(), $info->Get_QueryPort())) {
Пример #6
function IsEmpty($obj)
    if (is_array($obj)) {
        foreach ($obj as $o) {
            if (!IsEmpty($o)) {
                return false;
        return true;
    } else {
        if ($obj) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
Пример #7
											<div class = "col-xs-6">
													<p>Audience Score</p>	
												<div class="progress"> <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="<?php 
echo $movieInfoRow['tomatoUserMeter'];
" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: <?php 
echo $movieInfoRow['tomatoUserMeter'];
echo $movieInfoRow['tomatoUserMeter'];
												<p>Average Rating: <?php 
if (IsEmpty($movieInfoRow['tomatoUserRating'])) {
    echo 'N/A';
} else {
    echo $movieInfoRow['tomatoUserRating'] . '/5';
												 <p>Reviews: <?php 
echo $movieInfoRow['tomatoUserReviews'];
Пример #8
function getTheatre()
    require "../includes/connect.php";
    require "../functions/newMovie.php";
    $truncateQuery = "TRUNCATE TABLE `intheatres`";
    mysqli_query($conn, $truncateQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
    $scrapeUrl = 'http://igoogle.flixster.com/igoogle/showtimes';
    $text = file_get_contents($scrapeUrl);
    $outerRegex = '#(?s)<select name="movie">(.*?)<\\/select>#';
    preg_match($outerRegex, $text, $outer);
    echo $outer[0];
    $showtimeRegex = '#<option value="(\\d*)" >[\\s]*(.*)#';
    preg_match_all($showtimeRegex, $outer[0], $showtimes, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    foreach ($showtimes as $show) {
        //echo $show[0];
        $code = $show[1];
        $title = $show[2];
        if (substr($title, -3) == "...") {
            //echo $name;
            //echo $code;
            $movieUrl = 'http://igoogle.flixster.com/igoogle/m/' . $code;
            $movieText = file_get_contents($movieUrl);
            $titleRegex = '#<h1 id="title">(.*)</h1>#';
            preg_match($titleRegex, $movieText, $title);
            $title = $title[1];
        echo "title is ";
        if (IsEmpty($title)) {
        //$title = htmlentities ($title);
        //$title = str_replace("'", "", $title);
        echo $title . "<br>";
        $selectQuery = "SELECT movieId FROM moviename";
        $selectResult = mysqli_query($conn, $selectQuery);
        $exists = 0;
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($selectResult)) {
            if (fuzzy_match($title, $row['movieId'])) {
                $exists = 1;
        if ($exists == 1) {
            echo "exists <br>";
            $movieId = str_replace(" ", "+", $title);
            echo " movie id111 is " . $movieId;
            $movieId = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $movieId);
            echo "title is " . $title . " movie id is " . $movieId;
            if (IsEmpty($movieId)) {
            echo "inserting into theatre";
            $theatreInsertQurey = "INSERT INTO `intheatres` (`movieId`, `code`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$code}')";
            mysqli_query($conn, $theatreInsertQurey) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
        } else {
            echo "doesnt exist <br>";
            //doesnt exists
            echo "downloading new movie data";
            $movieId = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, str_replace(" ", "+", $title));
            if (IsEmpty($movieId)) {
            $theatreInsertQurey = "INSERT INTO `intheatres` (`movieId`, `code`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$code}')";
            mysqli_query($conn, $theatreInsertQurey) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
        echo "<br>";
Пример #9
function updateMovie()
    require "../includes/connect.php";
    require "../functions/string.php";
    $selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM `imdb`";
    $selectResult = mysqli_query($conn, $selectQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($selectResult)) {
        $movieId = $row['movieId'];
        //$movieId = "Dragonheart+3:+The+Sorcerer's+Curse";
        $imdbID = $row['imdbID'];
        //$imdbID = "tt2974918";
        //$movieId = "Alvin+and+the+Chipmunks:+The+Road+Chip";
        echo "updating id  :" . $imdbID . " ";
        if (IsEmpty($imdbID) || IsEmpty($movieId)) {
        $movieInfoQuery = "SELECT * FROM `movieinfo` WHERE movieId =  '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'";
        //escape as id may have apostrophe
        $movieInfoResult = mysqli_query($conn, $movieInfoQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
        $movieInfoRow = mysqli_fetch_array($movieInfoResult);
        //	continue;
        echo "getting omdb for  " . $movieId . ", ";
        //@ to suppress warnings and notices...
        $omdbXml = @simplexml_load_file("http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=" . urlencode($movieId) . "&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true");
        echo "omdb is  http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=" . urlencode($movieId) . "&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true  , ";
        $poster = "";
        $metascore = "";
        $imdbRating = "";
        $imdbVotes = "";
        //$imdbID = "";
        $runtime = "";
        $plot = "";
        $releaseDate = "";
        $rated = "";
        $genre = "";
        $director = "";
        $writer = "";
        $language = "";
        $country = "";
        $actors = "";
        $website = "";
        $boxOffice = "";
        $awards = "";
        $tomatoMeter = "";
        $tomatoImage = "";
        $tomatoRating = "";
        $tomatoReviews = "";
        $tomatoFresh = "";
        $tomatoRotten = "";
        $tomatoUserMeter = "";
        $tomatoUserRating = "";
        $tomatoUserReviews = "";
        $imdbLink = "";
        //echo $omdbXml->attributes()->response;
        if (@$omdbXml->root['response'] == "False") {
            echo "movie not found in omdb";
            // throw new Exception("Cannot load xml source.\n");
            $poster = "";
            $metascore = "";
            $imdbRating = "";
            $imdbVotes = "";
            //$imdbID = "";
            $runtime = "";
            $plot = "";
            $releaseDate = "";
            $rated = "";
            $genre = "";
            $rated = "";
            $genre = "";
            $director = "";
            $writer = "";
            $language = "";
            $country = "";
            $actors = "";
            $website = "";
            $boxOffice = "";
            $awards = "";
            $tomatoMeter = "";
            $tomatoImage = "";
            $tomatoRating = "";
            $tomatoReviews = "";
            $tomatoFresh = "";
            $tomatoRotten = "";
            $tomatoUserMeter = "";
            $tomatoUserRating = "";
            $tomatoUserReviews = "";
            $imdbLink = "";
        } else {
            //$genre = $omdbXml->movie['genre'];
            $director = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['director']));
            //$releaseDate = $omdbXml->movie['released'];
            $writer = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['writer']));
            $language = @$omdbXml->movie['language'];
            $country = @$omdbXml->movie['country'];
            $actors = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['actors']));
            $website = @$omdbXml->movie['Website'];
            $boxOffice = @$omdbXml->movie['boxOffice'];
            $awards = @$omdbXml->movie['awards'];
            //omdb tomato
            $tomatoMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoMeter'];
            $tomatoImage = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoImage'];
            $tomatoRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRating'];
            $tomatoReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoReviews'];
            $tomatoFresh = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoFresh'];
            $tomatoRotten = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRotten'];
            $tomatoUserMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserMeter'];
            $tomatoUserRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserRating'];
            $tomatoUserReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserReviews'];
            $metascore = @$omdbXml->movie['metascore'];
            $imdbRating = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbRating'];
            $imdbVotes = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbVotes'];
            //$imdbID = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbID'];
            $runtime = @$omdbXml->movie['runtime'];
            $plot = mysql_real_escape_string(@$omdbXml->movie['plot']);
            $releaseDate = @$omdbXml->movie['releaseDate'];
            $rated = @$omdbXml->movie['rated'];
            $genre = @$omdbXml->movie['genre'];
            $poster = @$omdbXml->movie['poster'];
            $imdbLink = "";
        $myApiFilmsUrl = "http://api.myapifilms.com/imdb/idIMDB?idIMDB=" . $imdbID . "&token=870c3596-fa05-4ced-82cf-a76d58be8a5a&format=json&language=en-us&aka=0&business=0&seasons=0&seasonYear=0&technical=0&trailer=0&movieTrivia=0&awards=0&moviePhotos=0&movieVideos=0&actors=0&biography=0&uniqueName=0&filmography=0&bornAndDead=0&starSign=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&similarMovies=0";
        //echo $myApiFilmsUrl."<br>";
        $json = file_get_contents($myApiFilmsUrl);
        $data = json_decode($json, true);
        //true for array format
        if (IsEmpty($plot)) {
            $plot = mysql_real_escape_string($data['data']['movies'][0]['plot']);
        $imdbLink = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlIMDB'];
        if (IsEmpty($poster)) {
            $poster = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlPoster'];
            //$poster = 'http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTAzNjU4MzYwNDdeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDg3NTEzMjcx._V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg';
        //echo "poster is".IsEmpty($poster);
        if (!IsEmpty($poster)) {
            if (IsEmpty($movieInfoRow['poster'])) {
                echo "download poster for update<br>";
                downloadPoster($movieId, $poster);
        //$plot = "plesase.";
        $subtitleLink = 'http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search2/sublanguageid-all/moviename-' . $movieId;
        //cant find
        $tomatoLink = "";
        $tmdbLink = "";
        $youtubeLink = "";
        echo " --inserting...-";
        $movieInfoInsertQuery = "UPDATE `movieinfo` SET \n\t\t\t\trated = IF(LENGTH(rated)=0, '{$rated}', rated),\n\t\t\t\treleaseDate = IF(LENGTH(releaseDate)=0, '{$releaseDate}', releaseDate),\n\t\t\t\truntime = IF(LENGTH(runtime)=0, '{$runtime}', runtime),\n\t\t\t\tgenre = IF(LENGTH(genre)=0, '{$genre}', genre),\n\t\t\t\tdirector = IF(LENGTH(director)=0, '{$director}', director),\n\t\t\t\twriter = IF(LENGTH(writer)=0, '{$writer}', writer),\n\t\t\t\tactors = IF(LENGTH(actors)=0, '{$actors}', actors),\n\t\t\t\tplot = IF(LENGTH(plot)=0, '{$plot}', plot),\n\t\t\t\tlanguage = IF(LENGTH(language)=0, '{$language}', language),\n\t\t\t\tcountry = IF(LENGTH(country)=0, '{$country}', country),\n\t\t\t\tawards = IF(LENGTH(awards)=0, '{$awards}', awards),\n\t\t\t\tposter = IF(LENGTH(poster)=0, '{$poster}', poster),\n\t\t\t\tboxOffice = IF(LENGTH(boxOffice)=0, '{$boxOffice}', boxOffice),\n\t\t\t\tWebsite = IF(LENGTH(Website)=0, '{$website}', Website)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'";
        echo $movieInfoInsertQuery;
        /*$movieInfoInsertQuery = "UPDATE `movieinfo` SET 
        		`rated` = IF(`rated` IS NULL, '$rated', `rated`),
        		`releaseDate` = '$releaseDate',
        		`runtime` = '$runtime', 
        		`genre` = '$genre', 
        		`director` = '$director', 
        		`writer` = '$writer', 
        		`actors` = '$actors', 
        		`plot` = '$plot', 
        		`language` = '$language', 
        		`country` = '$country', 
        		`awards` = '$awards', 
        		`poster` = '$poster', 
        		`boxOffice` = '$boxOffice', 
        		`Website` = '$website'
        		WHERE `movieId = '$movieId'";*/
        $tomatoInsertQuery = "UPDATE `tomato` SET \n\t\t\t\ttomatoMeter = '{$tomatoMeter}',\n\t\t\t\ttomatoImage = '{$tomatoImage}',\n\t\t\t\ttomatoRating = '{$tomatoRating}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoReviews = '{$tomatoReviews}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoFresh = '{$tomatoFresh}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoRotten = '{$tomatoRotten}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoUserMeter = '{$tomatoUserMeter}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoUserRating = '{$tomatoUserRating}', \n\t\t\t\ttomatoUserReviews = '{$tomatoUserReviews}' \n\t\t\t\tWHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'";
        $linksInsertQuery = "UPDATE `links` SET \n\t\t\t\timdbLink = '{$imdbLink}'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'";
        $imdbInsertQuery = "UPDATE `imdb` SET \n\t\t\t\tmetaCriticScore = '{$metascore}'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'";
        if (IsEmpty($movieInfoRow['poster'])) {
            $posterQuery = "UPDATE `movieinfo` SET \n\t\t\t\t\t\tposter = '{$poster}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE movieId = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($movieId) . "'";
            mysqli_query($conn, $posterQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
        if (!mysqli_query($conn, $movieInfoInsertQuery)) {
            die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($conn));
        echo "movieinfo updated,  ";
        if (!mysqli_query($conn, $tomatoInsertQuery)) {
            die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($conn));
        echo "tomato updated,  ";
        if (!mysqli_query($conn, $linksInsertQuery)) {
            die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($conn));
        echo "links updated,  ";
        if (!mysqli_query($conn, $imdbInsertQuery)) {
            die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($conn));
        echo "imdb updated,  ";
        echo "<br>";
        /*mysqli_query($conn, $movieInfoInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
        	          mysqli_query($conn, $imdbInsertQuery)or die(mysqli_error($conn));
        	          mysqli_query($conn, $linksInsertQuery)or die(mysqli_error($conn));
        	          mysqli_query($conn, $tomatoInsertQuery)or die(mysqli_error($conn));*/
Пример #10
                //echo $counterFromUser;
                //echo $counterFromTitle;
                //echo $counterFromDescription++;
            } else {
                $articles[] = array('title' => (string) $item->title, 'description' => (string) $item->description, 'link' => (string) $item->link, 'date' => (string) $item->pubDate, 'image' => $image);
    return $articles;
    //print out all objects of "articles"
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    //echo "Please input a key word 4" . "<br>";
} else {
    if (!IsEmpty($_POST['searchWord']) && isset($_COOKIE["SavedUserInfo"]) && $_COOKIE["SavedUserInfo"] != "999999999") {
        $inputWord = $_POST['searchWord'];
        $sInsertUser = $_COOKIE["SavedUserInfo"];
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO accounts (`ID`, `ACCOUNT_NUMBER`, `USERNAME`, `EMAIL`, `PASSWORD`, `CREATED_DATE`, `KEYWORD`)\r\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUE(NULL, '{$sInsertUser}', '0', '0', '0', '0', '{$inputWord}')") or die(mysql_error());
        echo "Input is added successfully";
if (!isset($_POST['submitAccount'])) {
    //echo "Please input a key word 2";
} else {
    $userName = $_POST['username'];
    $emailLocal = $_POST['email'];
    $passWord = $_POST['password'];
    //$timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
    $timezone = date("Y-m-d");
Пример #11
function rawman_editbox($pic)
    // Reading params and settting form fields
    $par = rawman_mkdir(array(rawman_getpicdir($pic), 'param')) . $pic . '.txt';
    $opt = rawman_convparams($par, array('rating' => 0, 'coloring' => 'none', 'wb' => 'camera', 'rotate' => 'none'));
    if (preg_match('/\\-b\\s+(\\d\\.\\d+)\\b/', $opt['dcraw'], $m)) {
        _fsine(array('brightness' => $m[1]));
    if (IsEmpty($opt['wb']) && preg_match('/\\-a\\b/', $opt['dcraw'], $m)) {
        $opt['wb'] = 'auto';
    if (preg_match('/\\-gamma\\s+(\\d\\.\\d+)\\b/', $opt['cnvpre'], $m)) {
        _fsine(array('gamma' => $m[1]));
    if (preg_match('/\\-t\\s+(\\d+)\\b/', $opt['dcraw'], $m)) {
        $opt['rotate'] = $m[1] == 270 ? 'left' : 'right';
    } elseif (preg_match('/\\-rotate\\s+(\\d+)\\b/', $opt['cnvpre'], $m)) {
        $opt['rotate'] = $m[1] == 270 ? 'left' : 'right';
    $arr_ev = array('-2.00', '-1.66', '-1.50', '-1.33', '-1.00', '-0.66', '-0.50', '-0.33', '0.00', '+0.33', '+0.50', '+0.66', '+1.00', '+1.33', '+1.50', '+1.66', '+2.00');
    $arr_high = array(0 => '0 - White', 1 => '1 - Pink', 3 => '3', 4 => '4', 5 => '5', 6 => '6', 7 => '7', 8 => '8', 9 => '9');
    _fsine(array('ev' => '+0.33', 'rotate' => $opt['rotate']));
    echo '
<form name="editForm">' . CreateHiddenField('balance', $opt['wb']) . rawman_wb($opt['wb'], true) . '<p style="clear:both;"></p>
<li>Ekspozycja: ' . CreateSelectField('ev', $arr_ev, 0) . 'EV</li>
<li>Jasność: ' . CreateInputText('brightness', 5) . '</li>
<li>Gamma: ' . CreateInputText('gamma', 5) . '</li>
<li>Ziarno: ' . CreateInputText('noise', 5) . '</li>
<li>Odbłyski: ' . CreateSelectField('highlight', $arr_high) . '</li>
' . '<p style="clear:both;"></p>' . CreateHiddenField('rotate', $opt['rotate']) . rawman_rotate($opt['rotate'], true) . '<p style="clear:both;"></p>' . CreateButton('preview', 'View', 'onclick="editImg()"') . CreateButton('cancel', 'Cancel', 'onclick="rmSendReq(\'' . rmconf('elem-dir') . '/info\')"') . CreateButton('apply', 'Apply', 'onclick="applyImg()"') . '</form>';
Пример #12
function getRecent()
    require "../includes/connect.php";
    	find title of each recently released movie then put into omdb
    	    <FILE_INFORMATION Order_Number="19222835">
    $xml = simplexml_load_file("http://api.myapifilms.com/imdb/inTheaters?token=870c3596-fa05-4ced-82cf-a76d58be8a5a&format=xml&language=en-us");
    //the "recently released" date
    $date = htmlentities($xml->data->movies->date);
    $trim = trim(str_replace(" ", "", $date));
    $trim = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $trim);
    //$rest = substr("abcdef", -1);    // returns "f"
    $day = substr($trim, -2);
    $month = substr($trim, 0, 3);
    $year = date("Y");
    //echo $date;
    global $formattedRecentDate;
    $formattedRecentDate = $day . " " . $month . " " . $year;
    //echo $formattedRecentDate;
    //store formatted date for use in recent.php so you dont have to keep calling api
    $newFileName = '../includes/recentDate.txt';
    $appendContent = $formattedRecentDate;
    //If filename does not exist, the file is created. Otherwise, the existing file is overwritten, unless the FILE_APPEND flag is set.
    if (file_put_contents($newFileName, $appendContent) != false) {
        echo "File created (" . basename($newFileName) . ")";
    } else {
        echo "Cannot create file (" . basename($newFileName) . ")";
    //for($zeroOrOne=0; $zeroOrOne <=1; $zeroOrOne++){
    for ($zeroOrOne = 0; $zeroOrOne <= 0; $zeroOrOne++) {
        //use this to skip first row (blank)
        $b = false;
        //movies[0] is the array for recently released, [1] is in theatres now
        foreach ($xml->data->movies[$zeroOrOne] as $movie) {
            if (!$b) {
                $b = true;
            //insert to omdb if not already found
            //rating is imdb rating
            $title = htmlentities($movie->title);
            echo $title . "<br>";
            if (empty($title)) {
            //echo $title .'<br>';
            $selectQuery = "SELECT movieId FROM moviename";
            $selectResult = mysqli_query($conn, $selectQuery);
            $exists = 0;
            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($selectResult)) {
                if (fuzzy_match($title, $row['movieId'])) {
                    $exists = 1;
            if ($exists == 1) {
                if ($zeroOrOne == 1) {
                    $movieId = str_replace(" ", "+", $title);
                    $theatreInsertQurey = "INSERT INTO `intheatres` (`movieId`) VALUES ('{$movieId}')";
                    mysqli_query($conn, $theatreInsertQurey) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
            } else {
                //print("not found");
                //format is 20151113
                if ($zeroOrOne == 0) {
                    $releaseDate = $formattedRecentDate;
                } else {
                    if ($zeroOrOne == 1) {
                        //format is 20151113
                        $releaseDate = $movie->releaseDate;
                        $day = substr($releaseDate, -2);
                        $monthNum = substr($releaseDate, 5, 6);
                        $monthName = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthNum, 15));
                        $month = substr($monthName, 0, 3);
                        $year = substr($releaseDate, 0, 4);
                        $releaseDate = $day . " " . $month . " " . $year;
                $movieId = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, str_replace(" ", "+", $title));
                $rated = htmlentities($movie->rated);
                $runtime = htmlentities($movie->runtime);
                $plot = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities($movie->plot));
                $poster = $movie->urlPoster;
                echo $poster . "<br>";
                downloadPoster($movieId, $poster);
                $imdbLink = $movie->urlIMDB;
                $metascore = substr($movie->metascore, 0, -4);
                $imdbRating = $movie->rating;
                $imdbVotes = $movie->votes;
                $imdbID = $movie->idIMDB;
                try {
                    $genreList = "";
                    foreach ((array) $movie->genres->genre as $genre) {
                        $temp = (string) $genre;
                        $genreList = $genreList . $temp . " ";
                    $genreList = trim($genreList);
                    $genre = $genreList;
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    //echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
                if (IsEmpty($movieId)) {
                //@ to suppress warnings and notices...
                $omdbXml = @simplexml_load_file("http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=" . $movieId . "&y=" . $year . "&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true");
                $director = "";
                $writer = "";
                $language = "";
                $country = "";
                $actors = "";
                $website = "";
                $boxOffice = "";
                $awards = "";
                $tomatoMeter = "";
                $tomatoImage = "";
                $tomatoRating = "";
                $tomatoReviews = "";
                $tomatoFresh = "";
                $tomatoRotten = "";
                $tomatoUserMeter = "";
                $tomatoUserRating = "";
                $tomatoUserReviews = "";
                if (@$omdbXml->root['response'] == "False") {
                    // throw new Exception("Cannot load xml source.\n");
                    $director = "";
                    $writer = "";
                    $language = "";
                    $country = "";
                    $actors = "";
                    $website = "";
                    $boxOffice = "";
                    $awards = "";
                    $tomatoMeter = "";
                    $tomatoImage = "";
                    $tomatoRating = "";
                    $tomatoReviews = "";
                    $tomatoFresh = "";
                    $tomatoRotten = "";
                    $tomatoUserMeter = "";
                    $tomatoUserRating = "";
                    $tomatoUserReviews = "";
                } else {
                    //$genre = $omdbXml->movie['genre'];
                    $director = @$omdbXml->movie['director'];
                    //$releaseDate = $omdbXml->movie['released'];
                    $writer = @$omdbXml->movie['writer'];
                    $language = @$omdbXml->movie['language'];
                    $country = @$omdbXml->movie['country'];
                    $actors = @$omdbXml->movie['actors'];
                    $website = @$omdbXml->movie['Website'];
                    $boxOffice = @$omdbXml->movie['boxOffice'];
                    $awards = @$omdbXml->movie['awards'];
                    //omdb tomato
                    $tomatoMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoMeter'];
                    $tomatoImage = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoImage'];
                    $tomatoRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRating'];
                    $tomatoReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoReviews'];
                    $tomatoFresh = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoFresh'];
                    $tomatoRotten = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRotten'];
                    $tomatoUserMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserMeter'];
                    $tomatoUserRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserRating'];
                    $tomatoUserReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserReviews'];
                $myApiFilmsUrl = "http://api.myapifilms.com/imdb/idIMDB?idIMDB=" . $imdbID . "&token=870c3596-fa05-4ced-82cf-a76d58be8a5a&format=json&language=en-us&aka=0&business=0&seasons=0&seasonYear=0&technical=0&trailer=0&movieTrivia=0&awards=0&moviePhotos=0&movieVideos=0&actors=0&biography=0&uniqueName=0&filmography=0&bornAndDead=0&starSign=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&similarMovies=0";
                $json = file_get_contents($myApiFilmsUrl);
                $data = json_decode($json, true);
                //true for array format
                if (IsEmpty($plot)) {
                    $plot = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $data['data']['movies'][0]['plot']);
                $imdbLink = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlIMDB'];
                if (IsEmpty($poster)) {
                    $poster = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlPoster'];
                if (!IsEmpty($poster)) {
                    downloadPoster($movieId, $poster);
                $subtitleLink = 'http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search2/sublanguageid-all/moviename-' . $movieId;
                //cant find
                $tomatoLink = "";
                $tmdbLink = "";
                $youtubeLink = "";
                $movieInfoInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `movieinfo` (`movieId`, `rated`, `releaseDate`, `runtime`, `genre`, `director`, `writer`, `actors`, `plot`, `language`, `country`, `awards`, `poster`, `boxOffice`, `Website`, `Screenshots`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$rated}', '{$releaseDate}', '{$runtime}', '{$genre}', '{$director}', '{$writer}', '{$actors}', '{$plot}', '{$language}', '{$country}', '{$awards}', '{$poster}', '{$boxOffice}', '{$website}', '{$boxOffice}')";
                $movieNameInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `moviename` (`movieId`, `name`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$title}')";
                $imdbInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `imdb` (`movieId`, `metaCriticScore`, `imdbRating`, `imdbVotes`, `imdbID`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$metascore}', '{$imdbRating}', '{$imdbVotes}', '{$imdbID}')";
                $linksInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `links` (`movieId`, `youtubeLink`, `imdbLink`, `tomatoLink`, `subtitleLink`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$youtubeLink}', '{$imdbLink}', '{$tomatoLink}','{$subtitleLink}')";
                $tomatoInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `tomato` (`movieId`,`tomatoMeter`, `tomatoImage`, `tomatoRating`, `tomatoReviews`, `tomatoFresh`, `tomatoRotten`, `tomatoUserMeter`,`tomatoUserRating`, `tomatoUserReviews`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$tomatoMeter}', '{$tomatoImage}', '{$tomatoRating}', '{$tomatoReviews}', '{$tomatoFresh}', '{$tomatoRotten}','{$tomatoUserMeter}', '{$tomatoUserRating}', '{$tomatoUserReviews}')";
                if ($zeroOrOne == 1) {
                    $theatreInsertQurey = "INSERT INTO `intheatres` (`movieId`) VALUES ('{$movieId}')";
                    mysqli_query($conn, $theatreInsertQurey) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
                mysqli_query($conn, $movieInfoInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
                mysqli_query($conn, $movieNameInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
                mysqli_query($conn, $imdbInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
                mysqli_query($conn, $linksInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
                mysqli_query($conn, $tomatoInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
Пример #13
function newMovie($title)
    $movieId = str_replace(" ", "+", $title);
    $movieId = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $movieId);
    //in case of apostrophes etc.
    //@ to suppress warnings and notices...
    $omdbXml = @simplexml_load_file("http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=" . urlencode($movieId) . "&plot=full&r=xml&tomatoes=true");
    $poster = "";
    $metascore = "";
    $imdbRating = "";
    $imdbVotes = "";
    $imdbID = "";
    $runtime = "";
    $plot = "";
    $releaseDate = "";
    $rated = "";
    $genre = "";
    $director = "";
    $writer = "";
    $language = "";
    $country = "";
    $actors = "";
    $website = "";
    $boxOffice = "";
    $awards = "";
    $tomatoMeter = "";
    $tomatoImage = "";
    $tomatoRating = "";
    $tomatoReviews = "";
    $tomatoFresh = "";
    $tomatoRotten = "";
    $tomatoUserMeter = "";
    $tomatoUserRating = "";
    $tomatoUserReviews = "";
    $imdbLink = "";
    //echo $omdbXml->attributes()->response;
    if (@$omdbXml->root['response'] == "False") {
        echo "movie not found in omdb";
        // throw new Exception("Cannot load xml source.\n");
        $poster = "";
        $metascore = "";
        $imdbRating = "";
        $imdbVotes = "";
        $imdbID = "";
        $runtime = "";
        $plot = "";
        $releaseDate = "";
        $rated = "";
        $genre = "";
        $rated = "";
        $genre = "";
        $director = "";
        $writer = "";
        $language = "";
        $country = "";
        $actors = "";
        $website = "";
        $boxOffice = "";
        $awards = "";
        $tomatoMeter = "";
        $tomatoImage = "";
        $tomatoRating = "";
        $tomatoReviews = "";
        $tomatoFresh = "";
        $tomatoRotten = "";
        $tomatoUserMeter = "";
        $tomatoUserRating = "";
        $tomatoUserReviews = "";
        $imdbLink = "";
    } else {
        //$genre = $omdbXml->movie['genre'];
        $director = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['director']));
        //$releaseDate = $omdbXml->movie['released'];
        $writer = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['writer']));
        $language = @$omdbXml->movie['language'];
        $country = @$omdbXml->movie['country'];
        $actors = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, htmlentities(@$omdbXml->movie['actors']));
        $website = @$omdbXml->movie['Website'];
        $boxOffice = @$omdbXml->movie['boxOffice'];
        $awards = @$omdbXml->movie['awards'];
        //omdb tomato
        $tomatoMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoMeter'];
        $tomatoImage = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoImage'];
        $tomatoRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRating'];
        $tomatoReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoReviews'];
        $tomatoFresh = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoFresh'];
        $tomatoRotten = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoRotten'];
        $tomatoUserMeter = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserMeter'];
        $tomatoUserRating = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserRating'];
        $tomatoUserReviews = @$omdbXml->movie['tomatoUserReviews'];
        $metascore = @$omdbXml->movie['metascore'];
        $imdbRating = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbRating'];
        $imdbVotes = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbVotes'];
        $imdbID = @$omdbXml->movie['imdbID'];
        $runtime = @$omdbXml->movie['runtime'];
        $plot = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, @$omdbXml->movie['plot']);
        $releaseDate = @$omdbXml->movie['releaseDate'];
        $rated = @$omdbXml->movie['rated'];
        $genre = @$omdbXml->movie['genre'];
        $poster = @$omdbXml->movie['poster'];
        $imdbLink = "";
    if (!IsEmpty($imdbID)) {
        echo "getting myapi films ";
        $myApiFilmsUrl = "http://api.myapifilms.com/imdb/idIMDB?idIMDB=" . $imdbID . "&token=870c3596-fa05-4ced-82cf-a76d58be8a5a&format=json&language=en-us&aka=0&business=0&seasons=0&seasonYear=0&technical=0&trailer=0&movieTrivia=0&awards=0&moviePhotos=0&movieVideos=0&actors=0&biography=0&uniqueName=0&filmography=0&bornAndDead=0&starSign=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&similarMovies=0";
        $json = file_get_contents($myApiFilmsUrl);
        $data = json_decode($json, true);
        //true for array format
        if (IsEmpty($plot)) {
            $plot = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $data['data']['movies'][0]['plot']);
        $imdbLink = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlIMDB'];
        if (IsEmpty($poster)) {
            $poster = $data['data']['movies'][0]['urlPoster'];
            //$poster = 'http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTAzNjU4MzYwNDdeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDg3NTEzMjcx._V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg';
        echo "poster is" . IsEmpty($poster);
        if (!IsEmpty($poster)) {
            echo "download poster";
            downloadPoster($movieId, $poster);
    $subtitleLink = 'http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search2/sublanguageid-all/moviename-' . $movieId;
    //cant find
    $tomatoLink = "";
    $tmdbLink = "";
    $youtubeLink = "";
    if (IsEmpty($movieId)) {
    $title = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $title);
    $movieInfoInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `movieinfo` (`movieId`, `rated`, `releaseDate`, `runtime`, `genre`, `director`, `writer`, `actors`, `plot`, `language`, `country`, `awards`, `poster`, `boxOffice`, `Website`, `Screenshots`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$rated}', '{$releaseDate}', '{$runtime}', '{$genre}', '{$director}', '{$writer}', '{$actors}', '{$plot}', '{$language}', '{$country}', '{$awards}', '{$poster}', '{$boxOffice}', '{$website}', '{$boxOffice}')";
    $movieNameInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `moviename` (`movieId`, `name`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$title}')";
    $imdbInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `imdb` (`movieId`, `metaCriticScore`, `imdbRating`, `imdbVotes`, `imdbID`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$metascore}', '{$imdbRating}', '{$imdbVotes}', '{$imdbID}')";
    $linksInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `links` (`movieId`, `youtubeLink`, `imdbLink`, `tomatoLink`, `subtitleLink`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$youtubeLink}', '{$imdbLink}', '{$tomatoLink}','{$subtitleLink}')";
    $tomatoInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO `tomato` (`movieId`,`tomatoMeter`, `tomatoImage`, `tomatoRating`, `tomatoReviews`, `tomatoFresh`, `tomatoRotten`, `tomatoUserMeter`,`tomatoUserRating`, `tomatoUserReviews`) VALUES ('{$movieId}', '{$tomatoMeter}', '{$tomatoImage}', '{$tomatoRating}', '{$tomatoReviews}', '{$tomatoFresh}', '{$tomatoRotten}','{$tomatoUserMeter}', '{$tomatoUserRating}', '{$tomatoUserReviews}')";
    mysqli_query($conn, $movieInfoInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
    echo "info d  ";
    mysqli_query($conn, $movieNameInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
    echo "name d  ";
    mysqli_query($conn, $imdbInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
    echo "imdb d  ";
    mysqli_query($conn, $linksInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
    echo "links d  ";
    mysqli_query($conn, $tomatoInsertQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
    echo "tomato d <br>";
Пример #14
            $date = $_POST["fecha"];
            $email = $_POST["email"];
            $pais = strtoupper($_POST["pais"]);
            $estado = strtoupper($_POST["estado"]);
            $municipio = strtoupper($_POST["municipio"]);
            $parroquia = strtoupper($_POST["parroquia"]);
            if (IsEmpty("select luga_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "'")) {
                Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $pais . "','pais',null)");
                Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $estado . "','estado',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))");
                Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $municipio . "','municipio',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado'))");
                Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $parroquia . "','parroquia',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio'))");
            } elseif (IsEmpty("select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais')")) {
                Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $estado . "','estado',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))");
                Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $municipio . "','municipio',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais')))");
                Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $parroquia . "','parroquia',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))))");
            } elseif (IsEmpty("select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))")) {
                Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $municipio . "','municipio',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais')))");
                Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $parroquia . "','parroquia',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))))");
            } elseif (IsEmpty("select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $parroquia . "' and luga_tipo='parroquia' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais')))")) {
                Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $parroquia . "','parroquia',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))))");
            Query("update propietario set prop_nombre='" . $nombre . "',prop_apellido='" . $apellido . "',prop_cedula=" . $ci . ",prop_fecha_nac=to_date('" . $date . "','yyyy-mm-dd'),prop_email='" . $email . "',fk_luga=(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $parroquia . "' and luga_tipo='parroquia' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais')))) where prop_codigo=" . $codigo);
            echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\talert(\"Se ha modificado exitosamente\");\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.location.href=\"../index.php\"\n\t\t\t\t</script>";
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "Message: " . $e->getMessage();
Пример #15
function CreateCheckOne($name, $desc, $params = '')
    global $form;
    return sprintf('<input type="checkbox" id="form-%s" name="form[%s]" value="1" %s %s /> %s ', $name, $name, RetIf(!IsEmpty($form[$name]), 'checked="checked"'), RetIf(!IsEmpty($params), $params), $desc);
Пример #16
     Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $estado . "','estado',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))");
     Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $municipio . "','municipio',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais')))");
     Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $parroquia . "','parroquia',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))))");
 } elseif (IsEmpty("select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))")) {
     Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $municipio . "','municipio',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais')))");
     Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $parroquia . "','parroquia',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))))");
 } elseif (IsEmpty("select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $parroquia . "' and luga_tipo='parroquia' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais')))")) {
     Query("insert into lugar values (SQ_LUGA_codigo.nextval,'" . $parroquia . "','parroquia',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais'))))");
 if (IsEmpty("select hara_codigo from haras where hara_nombre='" . $haras . "'")) {
     Query("insert into haras values (sq_hara_codigo.nextval,'" . $haras . "',(select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $parroquia . "' and luga_tipo='parroquia' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $municipio . "' and luga_tipo='municipio' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $estado . "' and luga_tipo='estado' and fk_luga = (select LUGA_codigo from lugar where luga_nombre='" . $pais . "' and luga_tipo='pais')))))");
 if (IsEmpty("select caba_codigo from caballeriza where caba_numero = '" . $caballeriza . "'")) {
     Query("insert into caballeriza values (sq_caba_codigo.nextval,'" . $caballeriza . "','" . $entr . "','" . $vete . "')");
 if (IsEmpty("select pues_codigo from puesto, caballeriza where pues_numero = '" . $puesto . "' and caba_numero = '" . $caballeriza . "' and fk_caba = caba_codigo")) {
     if ($ffin == null) {
         Query("insert into puesto (pues_codigo,pues_fecha_inicio,pues_numero,fk_caba) values (sq_pues_codigo.nextval,to_date('" . $fini . "','yyyy-mm-dd'),'" . $puesto . "',(select CABA_codigo from  CABALLERIZA WHERE CABA_numero='" . $caballeriza . "'))");
     } else {
         Query("insert into puesto values (SQ_PUES_codigo.nextval,to_date('" . $fini . "','yyyy/mm/dd'),to_date('" . $ffin . "','yyyy/mm/dd'),'" . $puesto . "',(select CABA_codigo from  CABALLERIZA WHERE CABA_numero='" . $caballeriza . "'))");
 if ($raza == null) {
     $raza = null;
 if ($padre == null) {
     $padre = null;
 if ($madre == null) {
     $madre = null;
Пример #17
function updateRating($i)
    echo $i;
    require "../includes/connect.php";
    $updateDate = new DateTime();
    $updateDate = $updateDate->format('Y-m-d');
    //convert to dd/mm/yyyy
    //$oldDate = $updateDate;
    //$timestamp = strtotime($oldDate);
    //$updateDate = date('d/m/Y', $timestamp);
    //$selectQuery = "SELECT imdbID FROM imdb";
    $rowCountQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM imdb";
    $rowCount = mysqli_query($conn, $rowCountQuery);
    $rowCountRow = mysqli_fetch_array($rowCount);
    $rowCount = $rowCountRow[0];
    echo "number of rows is " . $rowCount . "<br>";
    $count = ceil($rowCount / 2);
    echo "updating " . $count . " rows<br>";
    if ($i == 1) {
        $selectQuery = "SELECT imdbID FROM imdb LIMIT {$count}";
    } else {
        if ($i == 2) {
            //(SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 50) ORDER BY id ASC
            $selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t    SELECT * FROM imdb ORDER BY movieId DESC LIMIT {$count}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) sub\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY movieId ASC";
    $selectResult = mysqli_query($conn, $selectQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($selectResult)) {
        //if no imdbID then ignore.
        if (IsEmpty($row['imdbID'])) {
        $id = $row['imdbID'];
        $url = "http://api.myapifilms.com/imdb/idIMDB?idIMDB=" . $id . "&token=870c3596-fa05-4ced-82cf-a76d58be8a5a&format=json&language=en-us&aka=0&business=0&seasons=0&seasonYear=0&technical=0&trailer=0&movieTrivia=0&awards=0&moviePhotos=0&movieVideos=0&actors=0&biography=0&uniqueName=0&filmography=0&bornAndDead=0&starSign=0&actorActress=0&actorTrivia=0&similarMovies=0";
        $json = file_get_contents($url);
        $data = json_decode($json, true);
        //true for array format
        //print_r to see the json in array for so you know how to parse
        if (isset($data['data']['movies'][0]['rating'])) {
            $rating = str_replace(",", ".", $data['data']['movies'][0]['rating']);
            $votes = preg_replace('/[^\\d]+/i', '', $data['data']['movies'][0]['votes']);
        } else {
        $updateQuery = "UPDATE `imdb` SET imdbRating = '{$rating}', imdbVotes = '{$votes}' WHERE imdbID = '{$id}'";
        mysqli_query($conn, $updateQuery) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
        //format (just split by / and :)x
        //date:rating(imdb):votes,date:rating(imdb):votes, date:rating(imdb):votes, ..
        $newFileName = '../ratings/' . $id . ".php";
        $appendContent = $updateDate . ":" . $rating . ":" . $votes . "/";
        //if file doesnt exist
        /*if (!file_exists($newFileName)) {
        		    $headings = "date,rating,votes\n";
        		    file_put_contents($newFileName,$headings,  FILE_APPEND);
        //$appendContent = $updateDate.",". $rating.",". $votes."\n";
        //If filename does not exist, the file is created. Otherwise, the existing file is overwritten, unless the FILE_APPEND flag is set.
        if (file_put_contents($newFileName, $appendContent, FILE_APPEND) != false) {
            echo "File created (" . basename($newFileName) . ")";
        } else {
            echo "Cannot create file (" . basename($newFileName) . ")";
        //echo ob_get_contents();
Пример #18
function calcAverageRating($meta, $imdb, $tomato, $tomatoUser)
    echo "--- meta = {$meta}, imdb={$imdb}, tomato={$tomato}, tomatouser={$tomatouser}";
    if (IsEmpty($meta) or IsEmpty($imdb) or IsEmpty($tomato) or IsEmpty($tomatoUser)) {
        //$average = "N/A";
        if (IsEmpty($meta) and IsEmpty($tomato) and IsEmpty($tomatoUser)) {
            echo "--empty meta, empty tomato, empty tomatouser";
            $average = intval($imdb) * 10;
        } else {
            if (IsEmpty($imdb) and IsEmpty($tomato) and IsEmpty($tomatoUser)) {
                echo "--empty imdb, empty tomato, empty tomatouser";
                $average = $meta;
            } else {
                if (IsEmpty($meta) and IsEmpty($imdb) and IsEmpty($tomato)) {
                    echo "--empty meta, imdb, tomato";
                    $average = $tomatoUser / 5 * 100;
                } else {
                    if (IsEmpty($tomato) and IsEmpty($tomatoUser)) {
                        echo "--empty tomato, tomatouser ";
                        $metaWeighting = $meta / 100 * 50;
                        $imdbWeighting = $imdb / 10 * 50;
                        $average = $metaWeighting + $imdbWeighting;
                    } else {
                        if (IsEmpty($meta)) {
                            echo "--empty meta";
                            $imdbWeighting = $imdb / 10 * 50;
                            $tomatoWeighting = $tomato / 10 * 34;
                            $tomatoUserWeighting = $tomatoUser / 5 * 16;
                            $average = $imdbWeighting + $tomatoWeighting + $tomatoUserWeighting;
                        } else {
                            if (IsEmpty($tomato)) {
                                echo "--empty tomato";
                                $metaWeighting = $meta / 100 * 33;
                                $imdbWeighting = $imdb / 10 * 34;
                                $tomatoUserWeighting = $tomatoUser / 5 * 33;
                                $average = $metaWeighting + $imdbWeighting + $tomatoUserWeighting;
                            } else {
                                echo "--ALL EMPTY";
                                $average = 0;
    } else {
        echo "--no empty";
        $metaWeighting = $meta / 100 * 25;
        $imdbWeighting = $imdb / 10 * 25;
        $tomatoWeighting = $tomato / 10 * 34;
        $tomatoUserWeighting = $tomatoUser / 5 * 16;
        $average = $metaWeighting + $imdbWeighting + $tomatoWeighting + $tomatoUserWeighting;
    echo "---average = {$average} ---<br>";
    return $average;