protected function HideOrDeaktiv(bool $hidden)
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("Invert")) {
         $hidden = !$hidden;
     if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("Target") == 0) {
         echo "Target invalid.";
     $Target = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Target");
     if (!IPS_ObjectExists($Target)) {
         echo "Target invalid.";
     if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("TargetType") == 0) {
         $this->SetHiddenOrDisabled($Target, $hidden);
     } elseif ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("TargetType") == 1) {
         $Source = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Source");
         $Childs = IPS_GetChildrenIDs($Target);
         foreach ($Childs as $Child) {
             if ($Child == $Source) {
             if (IPS_GetObject($Child)['ObjectType'] == 6) {
                 if (IPS_GetLink($Child)['TargetID'] == $Source) {
             $this->SetHiddenOrDisabled($Child, $hidden);
     } else {
         echo "TargetType invalid.";
 protected function HideOrDeaktiv(bool $hidden)
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("Invert")) {
         $hidden = !$hidden;
     // Links erzeugen / prüfen wird nur bei ApplyChanges gemacht
     $Source = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Source");
     $Childs = IPS_GetChildrenIDs($this->InstanceID);
     foreach ($Childs as $Child) {
         if (IPS_GetObject($Child)['ObjectType'] != 6) {
         if (IPS_GetLink($Child)['TargetID'] == $Source) {
         $this->SetHiddenOrDisabled($Child, $hidden);
Пример #3
 private function processChilds($childCategory, $state)
     $childs = IPS_GetChildrenIDs($childCategory);
     foreach ($childs as $child) {
         $link = @IPS_GetLink($child);
         if ($link) {
             $variableID = $link["TargetID"];
             $variableObject = IPS_GetObject($variableID);
             $variable = IPS_GetVariable($variableID);
             $ipsValue = $state;
             // request associated action for the specified variable and value
             if ($variable["VariableCustomAction"] > 0) {
                 IPS_RunScriptEx($variable["VariableCustomAction"], array("VARIABLE" => $variableID, "VALUE" => $ipsValue));
             } else {
                 IPS_RequestAction($variableObject["ParentID"], $variableObject["ObjectIdent"], $ipsValue);
Пример #4
	function Entertainment_SetRoomVisible($PowerId, $Value) {
	   $RoomConfig   = get_RoomConfiguration();
	   $RoomId        = IPS_GetParent($PowerId);
	   $RoomName      = IPS_GetName($RoomId);
	   $WFRoomName   = $RoomConfig[$RoomName][c_Property_Name];
	   if ($WFRoomName=="") return;
	   $WFRoomId     = IPS_GetCategoryIDByName($WFRoomName, c_ID_WebFrontRoomes);

		$ChildrenIds = IPS_GetChildrenIDs($WFRoomId);
		foreach($ChildrenIds as $ChildrenIdx => $ChildrenId) {
		   if (IPS_LinkExists($ChildrenId)) {
			   $LinkData = IPS_GetLink($ChildrenId);
			   $LinkedChildId = $LinkData["LinkChildID"];
		  		if ($LinkedChildId <> $PowerId) {
		    		IPSLogger_Trc(__file__, 'Set Control "'.IPS_GetName($ChildrenId).'" of Room "'.IPS_GetName($RoomId).'" Visible='.bool2OnOff($Value));
		  			IPS_SetHidden($ChildrenId, !$Value);
			} else {
		  	   $GroupSwitchId = get_ControlIdByRoomId($RoomId, c_Control_Group);
		 		IPS_SetHidden($ChildrenId, !GetValue($GroupSwitchId) or !$Value);
Пример #5
 public function ApplyChanges()
     //Never delete this line!
     $IRCode1 = $this->ReadPropertyString("IRCode1");
     $IRCode2 = $this->ReadPropertyString("IRCode2");
     $IRLabel1 = $this->ReadPropertyString("IRLabel1");
     $IRLabel2 = $this->ReadPropertyString("IRLabel2");
     $LearnIRCode = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('LearnIRCode');
     $NumberIRCodes = $this->ReadPropertyString("NumberIRCodes");
     //Mögliche Prüfungen durchführen
     if ($LearnIRCode) {
         $irid = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("LearnIRCodeID");
     } elseif ($IRCode1 == '' or $IRCode2 == '' or $IRLabel1 == '' or $IRLabel2 == '') {
         // Status Error Felder dürfen nicht leer sein
     } else {
         if ($NumberIRCodes == 0) {
             $ircodes = $this->ArrIRCodes();
             //Anzahl an IR Codes
             for ($i = 0; $i <= 99; $i++) {
                 if (empty($ircodes[$i][1])) {
                     $NumberIRCodes = $i;
                     //Anzahl der IRCodes mit Inhalt beim ersten leeren Feld wird abgebrochen
         } else {
         // Status aktiv
     //Variablen bei Bedarf
     //Add/Remove according to feature activation
     // create link list for deletion of liks if target is deleted
     $links = array();
     foreach (IPS_GetLinkList() as $key => $LinkID) {
         $links[] = array('LinkID' => $LinkID, 'TargetID' => IPS_GetLink($LinkID)['TargetID']);
     // Statusanzeige
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("IRStatus")) {
         $stateIR = $this->RegisterVariableBoolean("Status", "Status", "~Switch", 1);
     } else {
         $this->removeVariableAction("Status", $links);
Пример #6
  * Liest alle zu Überwachenden Variablen ein.
  * @access private
 private function GetAllTargets()
     $Links = IPS_GetChildrenIDs($this->InstanceID);
     foreach ($this->NoTriggerVarList->Items as $IPSVar) {
     $TriggerVarList = new TNoTriggerVarList();
     foreach ($Links as $Link) {
         $Objekt = IPS_GetObject($Link);
         if ($Objekt['ObjectType'] != otLink) {
         $Target = @IPS_GetObject(IPS_GetLink($Link)['TargetID']);
         if ($Target === false) {
         if ($Target['ObjectType'] != otVariable) {
         //      zur Liste hinzufügen und Register auf Variable, Link etc...
         $NoTriggerVar = new TNoTriggerVar($Target['ObjectID'], $Link, false);
     $this->NoTriggerVarList = $TriggerVarList;
     foreach ($TriggerVarList->Items as $IPSVar) {
Пример #7
 public function ApplyChanges()
     $ipAddress = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
     if ($ipAddress) {
         $curl = curl_init();
         curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_URL => 'http://' . $ipAddress . ':1400/xml/device_description.xml'));
         $result = curl_exec($curl);
         if (!curl_exec($curl)) {
             die('Error: "' . curl_error($curl) . '" - Code: ' . curl_errno($curl));
     //Never delete this line!
     // Start create profiles
     $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx("Status.SONOS", "Information", "", "", array(array(0, "Prev", "", -1), array(1, "Play", "", -1), array(2, "Pause", "", -1), array(3, "Stop", "", -1), array(4, "Next", "", -1), array(5, "Transition", "", -1)));
     $this->RegisterProfileInteger("Volume.SONOS", "Intensity", "", " %", 0, 100, 1);
     $this->RegisterProfileInteger("Tone.SONOS", "Intensity", "", " %", -10, 10, 1);
     $this->RegisterProfileInteger("Balance.SONOS", "Intensity", "", " %", -100, 100, 1);
     $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx("Switch.SONOS", "Information", "", "", array(array(0, "Off", "", 0xff0000), array(1, "On", "", 0xff00)));
     //Build Radio Station Associations according to user settings
     if (!IPS_VariableProfileExists("Radio.SONOS")) {
     // Build Group Associations according Sonos Instance settings
     $allSonosInstances = IPS_GetInstanceListByModuleID("{F6F3A773-F685-4FD2-805E-83FD99407EE8}");
     $GroupAssociations = array(array(0, "none", "", -1));
     foreach ($allSonosInstances as $key => $SonosID) {
         if (@IPS_GetProperty($SonosID, "GroupCoordinator")) {
             $GroupAssociations[] = array($SonosID, IPS_GetName($SonosID), "", -1);
     if (IPS_VariableProfileExists("Groups.SONOS")) {
     $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx("Groups.SONOS", "Network", "", "", $GroupAssociations);
     // End Create Profiles
     // Start Register variables and Actions
     // 1) general availabe
     $this->RegisterVariableString("nowPlaying", "nowPlaying", "", 20);
     $this->RegisterVariableInteger("Radio", "Radio", "Radio.SONOS", 21);
     $this->RegisterVariableInteger("Status", "Status", "Status.SONOS", 29);
     $this->RegisterVariableInteger("Volume", "Volume", "Volume.SONOS", 30);
     // 2) Add/Remove according to feature activation
     // create link list for deletion of liks if target is deleted
     $links = array();
     foreach (IPS_GetLinkList() as $key => $LinkID) {
         $links[] = array('LinkID' => $LinkID, 'TargetID' => IPS_GetLink($LinkID)['TargetID']);
     // 2a) Bass
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("BassControl")) {
         $this->RegisterVariableInteger("Bass", "Bass", "Tone.SONOS", 36);
     } else {
         $this->removeVariableAction("Bass", $links);
     // 2b) Treble
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("TrebleControl")) {
         $this->RegisterVariableInteger("Treble", "Treble", "Tone.SONOS", 37);
     } else {
         $this->removeVariableAction("Treble", $links);
     // 2c) Mute
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("MuteControl")) {
         $this->RegisterVariableInteger("Mute", "Mute", "Switch.SONOS", 31);
     } else {
         $this->removeVariableAction("Mute", $links);
     // 2d) Loudness
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("LoudnessControl")) {
         $this->RegisterVariableInteger("Loudness", "Loudness", "Switch.SONOS", 35);
     } else {
         $this->removeVariableAction("Loudness", $links);
     // 2e) Balance
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("BalanceControl")) {
         $this->RegisterVariableInteger("Balance", "Balance", "Balance.SONOS", 38);
     } else {
         $this->removeVariableAction("Balance", $links);
     // 2f Sleeptimer
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("SleeptimerControl")) {
         $this->RegisterVariableInteger("Sleeptimer", "Sleeptimer", "", 39);
     } else {
         $this->removeVariable("Sleeptimer", $links);
     // 2g Playlists
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("PlaylistControl")) {
         if (!IPS_VariableProfileExists("Playlist.SONOS")) {
             $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx("Playlist.SONOS", "Database", "", "", array());
         $this->RegisterVariableInteger("Playlist", "Playlist", "Playlist.SONOS", 22);
     } else {
         $this->removeVariable("Playlist", $links);
     // 2h) GroupVolume, GroupMembers, MemberOfGroup
     if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("GroupCoordinator")) {
         IPS_SetHidden($this->RegisterVariableString("GroupMembers", "GroupMembers", "", 10), true);
         $this->RegisterVariableInteger("GroupVolume", "GroupVolume", "Volume.SONOS", 11);
         $this->removeVariableAction("MemberOfGroup", $links);
     } else {
         $this->RegisterVariableInteger("MemberOfGroup", "MemberOfGroup", "Groups.SONOS", 12);
         $this->removeVariableAction("GroupVolume", $links);
         $this->removeVariable("GroupMembers", $links);
     // 2i) Hide/unhide MemberOfGroup depending on presence of GroupCoordinators
     if (sizeof($GroupAssociations) === 1) {
         // hide MemberOfGroup
         foreach ($allSonosInstances as $key => $SonosID) {
             $GroupingID = @IPS_GetVariableIDByName("MemberOfGroup", $SonosID);
             if ($GroupingID) {
                 IPS_SetHidden($GroupingID, true);
     } else {
         // unhide MemberOfGroup
         foreach ($allSonosInstances as $key => $SonosID) {
             $GroupingID = @IPS_GetVariableIDByName("MemberOfGroup", $SonosID);
             if ($GroupingID) {
                 IPS_SetHidden($GroupingID, false);
     // End Register variables and Actions
     // Start add scripts for regular status and grouping updates
     // 1) _updateStatus
     $statusScriptID = @$this->GetIDForIdent("_updateStatus");
     if ($statusScriptID === false) {
         $statusScriptID = $this->RegisterScript("_updateStatus", "_updateStatus", file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/_updateStatus.php"), 98);
     } else {
         IPS_SetScriptContent($statusScriptID, file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/_updateStatus.php"));
     IPS_SetHidden($statusScriptID, true);
     IPS_SetScriptTimer($statusScriptID, 5);
     // 2) _updateGrouping
     $groupingScriptID = @$this->GetIDForIdent("_updateGrouping");
     if ($groupingScriptID === false) {
         $groupingScriptID = $this->RegisterScript("_updateGrouping", "_updateGrouping", file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/_updateGrouping.php"), 99);
     } else {
         IPS_SetScriptContent($groupingScriptID, file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/_updateGrouping.php"));
     IPS_SetHidden($groupingScriptID, true);
     IPS_SetScriptTimer($groupingScriptID, 300);
     // End add scripts for regular status and grouping updates
Пример #8
		private function AddObjects() {
			$childrenIds = IPS_GetChildrenIDs($this->currentId);
			foreach ($childrenIds as $idx=>$childrenId) {
				$object     = IPS_GetObject($childrenId);
				$name       = IPS_GetName($childrenId);
				$position   = $object['ObjectPosition'];
				$linkId     = $childrenId;
				if ($object['ObjectType']==6) { // Link
					$link = IPS_GetLink($childrenId);
					$childrenId = $link['LinkChildID'];
					$object     = IPS_GetObject($childrenId);
				switch($object['ObjectType']) {
					case 0: // Category
					case 1: // Instance
						echo 'Found Category '.$name."\n";
						$this->AddObjectCategory($linkId, $childrenId, $name, $position);
					case 2: // Variable
						echo 'Found Variable '.$name."\n";
						$this->AddObjectVariable($linkId, $childrenId, $name, $position);
					case 3: // Script
						echo 'Found Script '.$name."\n";
						$this->AddObjectScript($linkId, $childrenId, $name, $position);
					   // Unsupported Object ...