Пример #1
     if (INST_mysqlOutOfDate($DB)) {
         $display .= INST_getAlertMsg(sprintf($LANG_INSTALL[51], SUPPORTED_MYSQL_VER));
 // Check if the database doesn't exist
 if (!INST_dbExists($DB)) {
     $display .= INST_getAlertMsg($LANG_INSTALL[56]);
 // Continue with the import if there were no previous errors
 if ($importErrors == 0) {
     // Check if the form was received from Step 1
     if (isset($_REQUEST['db'])) {
         // Write the database info to db-config.php
         if (!INST_writeConfig(INST_sanitizePath($dbconfig_path), $DB)) {
             exit($LANG_INSTALL[26] . ' ' . $dbconfig_path . $LANG_INSTALL[58]);
     require_once $dbconfig_path;
     // Not sure if this needs to be included..
     switch ($_REQUEST['migration_type']) {
         case 'select':
             header('Location: migrate.php?step=3&dbconfig_path=' . $dbconfig_path . '&language=' . $language . '&backup_file=' . urlencode($backupFile['name']) . '&site_url=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['site_url']) . '&site_admin_url=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['site_admin_url']));
         case 'upload':
             $backupFile = $_FILES['backup_file'];
             if (file_exists($backup_dir . $backupFile['name'])) {
                 // If file already exists.
                 // Ask the user if they want to overwrite the original
                 // but for now save the file as a copy so it won't need
Пример #2
    // replace all '\' with '/'
    for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
        $remains = strrchr($gl_path, '/');
        if ($remains === false) {
        } else {
            $gl_path = substr($gl_path, 0, -strlen($remains));
    $_CONF['path'] = $gl_path;
} else {
    // TODO: Remove all references to $gl_path and use $_CONF['path'] for consistency.
    $gl_path = $_CONF['path'];
$dbconfig_path = isset($_POST['dbconfig_path']) ? $_POST['dbconfig_path'] : (isset($_GET['dbconfig_path']) ? $_GET['dbconfig_path'] : $gl_path . '/db-config.php');
$dbconfig_path = INST_sanitizePath($dbconfig_path);
$step = isset($_GET['step']) ? $_GET['step'] : (isset($_POST['step']) ? $_POST['step'] : 1);
// $display holds all the outputted HTML and content
$display = INST_getHeader($LANG_PLUGINS[2] . ' 3 - ' . $LANG_PLUGINS[1]);
// Grab the beginning HTML for the installer theme.
// Make sure the version of PHP is supported.
if (INST_phpOutOfDate()) {
    // If their version of PHP is not supported, print an error:
    $display .= '<h1>' . sprintf($LANG_INSTALL[4], SUPPORTED_PHP_VER) . '</h1>' . LB;
    $display .= '<p>' . sprintf($LANG_INSTALL[5], SUPPORTED_PHP_VER) . $phpv[0] . '.' . $phpv[1] . '.' . (int) $phpv[2] . $LANG_INSTALL[6] . '</p>' . LB;
} else {
    // Ok, the user's version of PHP is supported. Let's move on
    switch ($step) {
         * Step 1 - Display the upload form and allow
         * the user to select which plugins to install
Пример #3
         // Show the "Select your installation method" buttons
         $upgr_class = $LANG_DIRECTION == 'rtl' ? 'upgrade-rtl' : 'upgrade';
         $display .= '<h1 class="heading">' . $LANG_INSTALL[101] . ' ' . $display_step . ' - ' . $LANG_INSTALL[23] . '</h1>' . LB . '<div><form action="index.php" method="get">' . LB . '<input type="hidden" name="dbconfig_path" value="' . htmlspecialchars($dbconfig_path) . '"' . XHTML . '>' . LB . '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="' . htmlspecialchars($mode) . '"' . XHTML . '>' . LB . '<input type="hidden" name="language" value="' . $language . '"' . XHTML . '>' . LB . '<input type="hidden" name="display_step" value="' . ($display_step + 1) . '"' . XHTML . '>' . LB . '<input type="submit" name="install_type" class="button big-button" value="' . $LANG_INSTALL[24] . '"' . XHTML . '>' . LB . '<input type="submit" name="install_type" class="button big-button" value="' . $LANG_INSTALL[25] . '"' . XHTML . '>' . LB . '<input type="submit" name="install_type" class="button big-button" value="' . $LANG_INSTALL[16] . '"' . XHTML . '>' . LB . '</form> </div> <br' . XHTML . '>' . LB;
      * Write the GL path to siteconfig.php
  * Write the GL path to siteconfig.php
 case 'write_paths':
     // Get the paths from the previous page
     $_PATH = array('db-config.php' => INST_sanitizePath(urldecode($_REQUEST['dbconfig_path'])), 'public_html/' => INST_sanitizePath(urldecode($_REQUEST['public_html_path'])));
     $dbconfig_path = str_replace('db-config.php', '', $_PATH['db-config.php']);
     // Edit siteconfig.php and enter the correct GL path and system directory path
     $siteconfig_path = $_PATH['public_html/'] . 'siteconfig.php';
     $siteconfig_file = fopen($siteconfig_path, 'rb');
     $siteconfig_data = fread($siteconfig_file, filesize($siteconfig_path));
     // $_CONF['path']
     require_once $siteconfig_path;
     $siteconfig_data = str_replace("\$_CONF['path'] = '{$_CONF['path']}';", "\$_CONF['path'] = '" . str_replace('db-config.php', '', $_PATH['db-config.php']) . "';", $siteconfig_data);
     $siteconfig_file = fopen($siteconfig_path, 'wb');
     if (!fwrite($siteconfig_file, $siteconfig_data)) {
         exit($LANG_INSTALL[26] . ' ' . $_PATH['public_html/'] . $LANG_INSTALL[28]);
     // Continue onto the install, upgrade, or migration
Пример #4
 * Check PHP settings and path permissions
 * Validates the PHP settings will support glFusion and also
 * checks for proper permissions on the file system.
 * @return  string          HTML screen with environment status
function INST_checkEnvironment($dbconfig_path = '')
    global $_GLFUSION, $LANG_INSTALL, $_DB, $_DB_host, $_DB_name, $_DB_user, $_DB_pass, $_DB_table_prefix, $_DB_dbms, $_TABLES, $_SYSTEM;
    if (($rc = _checkSession()) !== 0) {
        return $rc;
    $_GLFUSION['currentstep'] = 'checkenvironment';
    $previousaction = 'pathsetting';
    // was it passed from the previous step
    if ($dbconfig_path == '') {
        if (!isset($_GLFUSION['dbconfig_path'])) {
            return INST_getPathSetting();
        $dbconfig_path = $_GLFUSION['dbconfig_path'];
    $permError = 0;
    $T = new TemplateLite('templates/');
    $T->set_file('page', 'checkenvironment.thtml');
    $T->set_var('step_heading', $LANG_INSTALL['hosting_env']);
     * First we will validate the general environment..
    $T->set_block('page', 'envs', 'env');
    // PHP Version
    $T->set_var('item', $LANG_INSTALL['php_version']);
    if (INST_phpOutOfDate()) {
        $T->set_var('status', '<span class="no">' . phpversion() . '</span>');
    } else {
        $T->set_var('status', '<span class="yes">' . phpversion() . '</span>');
    $T->set_var('recommended', '5.3.0+');
    $T->set_var('notes', $LANG_INSTALL['php_req_version']);
    $T->parse('env', 'envs', true);
    $rg = ini_get('register_globals');
    $sm = ini_get('safe_mode');
    $ob = ini_get('open_basedir');
    $rg = ini_get('register_globals');
    $T->set_var('item', 'register_globals');
    $T->set_var('status', $rg == 1 ? '<span class="no">' . $LANG_INSTALL['on'] . '</span>' : '<span class="yes">' . $LANG_INSTALL['off'] . '</span>');
    $T->set_var('recommended', $LANG_INSTALL['off']);
    $T->set_var('notes', $LANG_INSTALL['register_globals']);
    $T->parse('env', 'envs', true);
    $sm = ini_get('safe_mode');
    $T->set_var('item', 'safe_mode');
    $T->set_var('status', $sm == 1 ? '<span class="no">' . $LANG_INSTALL['on'] . '</span>' : '<span class="yes">' . $LANG_INSTALL['off'] . '</span>');
    $T->set_var('recommended', $LANG_INSTALL['off']);
    $T->set_var('notes', $LANG_INSTALL['safe_mode']);
    $T->parse('env', 'envs', true);
    $ob = ini_get('open_basedir');
    if ($ob == '') {
        $open_basedir_restriction = 0;
    } else {
        $open_basedir_restriction = 1;
        $open_basedir_directories = $ob;
    $T->set_var('item', 'open_basedir');
    $T->set_var('status', $ob == '' ? '<span class="yes">' . $LANG_INSTALL['none'] . '</span>' : '<span class="no">' . $LANG_INSTALL['enabled'] . '</span>');
    $T->set_var('notes', $LANG_INSTALL['open_basedir']);
    $T->parse('env', 'envs', true);
    $memory_limit = INST_return_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit'));
    $memory_limit_print = $memory_limit / 1024 / 1024;
    $T->set_var('item', 'memory_limit');
    $T->set_var('status', $memory_limit < 50331648 ? '<span class="no">' . $memory_limit_print . 'M</span>' : '<span class="yes">' . $memory_limit_print . 'M</span>');
    $T->set_var('recommended', '48M');
    $T->set_var('notes', $LANG_INSTALL['memory_limit']);
    $T->parse('env', 'envs', true);
    $fu = ini_get('file_uploads');
    $T->set_var('item', 'file_uploads');
    $T->set_var('status', $fu == 1 ? '<span class="yes">' . $LANG_INSTALL['on'] . '</span>' : '<span class="no">' . $LANG_INSTALL['off'] . '</span>');
    $T->set_var('recommended', $LANG_INSTALL['on']);
    $T->set_var('notes', $LANG_INSTALL['file_uploads']);
    $T->parse('env', 'envs', true);
    $upload_limit = INST_return_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
    $upload_limit_print = $upload_limit / 1024 / 1024;
    $T->set_var('item', 'upload_max_filesize');
    $T->set_var('status', $upload_limit < 8388608 ? '<span class="no">' . $upload_limit_print . 'M</span>' : '<span class="yes">' . $upload_limit_print . 'M</span>');
    $T->set_var('recommended', '8M');
    $T->set_var('notes', $LANG_INSTALL['upload_max_filesize']);
    $T->parse('env', 'envs', true);
    $post_limit = INST_return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size'));
    $post_limit_print = $post_limit / 1024 / 1024;
    $T->set_var('item', 'post_max_size');
    $T->set_var('status', $post_limit < 8388608 ? '<span class="no">' . $post_limit_print . 'M</span>' : '<span class="yes">' . $post_limit_print . 'M</span>');
    $T->set_var('recommended', '8M');
    $T->set_var('notes', $LANG_INSTALL['post_max_size']);
    $T->parse('env', 'envs', true);
    if ($_GLFUSION['method'] == 'upgrade' && @file_exists('../../siteconfig.php')) {
        require '../../siteconfig.php';
        $_GLFUSION['dbconfig_path'] = $_CONF['path'];
        if (!file_exists($_CONF['path'] . 'db-config.php')) {
            return _displayError(FILE_INCLUDE_ERROR, 'pathsetting', 'Error code: ' . __LINE__);
        require $_CONF['path'] . 'db-config.php';
        if (!file_exists($_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-database.php')) {
            return _displayError(FILE_INCLUDE_ERROR, 'pathsetting', 'Error code: ' . __LINE__);
        require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-database.php';
        if (!file_exists($_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php')) {
            return _displayError(FILE_INCLUDE_ERROR, 'pathsetting', 'Error code: ' . __LINE__);
        require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
        $config = config::get_instance();
        $config->set_configfile($_CONF['path'] . 'db-config.php');
        $_CONF = $config->get_config('Core');
        $_PATH['public_html'] = $_CONF['path_html'];
        $_PATH['dbconfig_path'] = $_CONF['path'];
        $_PATH['admin_path'] = INST_getAdminPath();
        $_PATH['log_path'] = $_CONF['path_log'];
        $_PATH['lang_path'] = $_CONF['path_language'];
        $_PATH['backup_path'] = $_CONF['backup_path'];
        $_PATH['data_path'] = $_CONF['path_data'];
    } else {
        $_PATH['public_html'] = INST_getHtmlPath();
        if ($dbconfig_path == '') {
            $_PATH['dbconfig_path'] = INST_sanitizePath(INST_stripslashes($_POST['private_path']));
        } else {
            $_PATH['dbconfig_path'] = $dbconfig_path;
        $_PATH['admin_path'] = INST_getAdminPath();
        $_PATH['log_path'] = $_GLFUSION['log_path'];
        $_PATH['lang_path'] = $_GLFUSION['lang_path'];
        $_PATH['backup_path'] = $_GLFUSION['backup_path'];
        $_PATH['data_path'] = $_GLFUSION['data_path'];
    if (!preg_match('/^.*\\/$/', $_PATH['public_html'])) {
        $_PATH['public_html'] .= '/';
    if (!preg_match('/^.*\\/$/', $_PATH['dbconfig_path'])) {
        $_PATH['dbconfig_path'] .= '/';
    if (!preg_match('/^.*\\/$/', $_PATH['admin_path'])) {
        $_PATH['admin_path'] .= '/';
    $file_list = array($_PATH['dbconfig_path'] . 'db-config.php', $_PATH['data_path'], $_PATH['log_path'] . 'error.log', $_PATH['log_path'] . 'access.log', $_PATH['log_path'] . 'captcha.log', $_PATH['log_path'] . 'spamx.log', $_PATH['data_path'] . 'layout_cache/', $_PATH['data_path'] . 'temp/', $_PATH['dbconfig_path'] . 'plugins/mediagallery/tmp/', $_PATH['dbconfig_path'] . 'system/lib-custom.php', $_PATH['public_html'], $_PATH['public_html'] . 'siteconfig.php', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'backend/glfusion.rss', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'images/articles/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'images/topics/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'images/userphotos/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'images/library/File/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'images/library/Flash/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'images/library/Image/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'images/library/Media/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'mediagallery/mediaobjects/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'mediagallery/mediaobjects/covers/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'mediagallery/mediaobjects/orig/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'mediagallery/mediaobjects/tn/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'mediagallery/mediaobjects/orig/0/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'mediagallery/mediaobjects/disp/0/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'mediagallery/mediaobjects/tn/0/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'mediagallery/watermarks/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'filemgmt_data/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'filemgmt_data/category_snaps/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'filemgmt_data/category_snaps/tmp/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'filemgmt_data/files/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'filemgmt_data/files/tmp/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'filemgmt_data/snaps/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'filemgmt_data/snaps/tmp/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'forum/media/', $_PATH['public_html'] . 'forum/media/tn/');
    $T->set_var('dbconfig_path', $_PATH['dbconfig_path']);
    $T->set_block('page', 'perms', 'perm');
    $classCounter = 0;
    foreach ($file_list as $path) {
        $ok = INST_isWritable($path);
        if (!$ok) {
            $T->set_var('location', $path);
            $T->set_var('status', $ok ? '<span class="yes">' . $LANG_INSTALL['ok'] . '</span>' : '<span class="Unwriteable">' . $LANG_INSTALL['not_writable'] . '</span>');
            $T->set_var('rowclass', $classCounter % 2 + 1);
            $T->parse('perm', 'perms', true);
            if (!$ok) {
                $permError = 1;
    // special test to see if we can create a directory under layout_cache...
    $rc = mkdir($_PATH['dbconfig_path'] . 'data/layout_cache/test/');
    if (!$rc) {
        $T->set_var('location', $_PATH['dbconfig_path'] . 'data/layout_cache/<br /><strong>' . $_GLFUSION['errstr'] . '</strong>');
        $T->set_var('status', '<span class="Unwriteable">' . $LANG_INSTALL['unable_mkdir'] . '</span>');
        $T->set_var('rowclass', $classCounter % 2 + 1);
        $T->parse('perm', 'perms', true);
        $permError = 1;
        @rmdir($_PATH['dbconfig_path'] . 'data/layout_cache/test/');
    } else {
        $ok = INST_isWritable($_PATH['dbconfig_path'] . 'data/layout_cache/test/');
        if (!$ok) {
            $T->set_var('location', $path);
            $T->set_var('status', $ok ? '<span class="yes">' . $LANG_INSTALL['ok'] . '</span>' : '<span class="Unwriteable">' . $LANG_INSTALL['not_writable'] . '</span>');
            $T->set_var('rowclass', $classCounter % 2 + 1);
            $T->parse('perm', 'perms', true);
            if (!$ok) {
                $permError = 1;
        @rmdir($_PATH['dbconfig_path'] . 'data/layout_cache/test/');
    // special test to see if existing cache files exist and are writable...
    $rc = INST_checkCacheDir($_PATH['dbconfig_path'] . 'data/layout_cache/', $T, $classCounter);
    if ($rc > 0) {
        $permError = 1;
    if ($permError) {
        $button = 'Recheck';
        $action = 'checkenvironment';
        $T->set_var('error_message', $LANG_INSTALL['correct_perms']);
        $recheck = '<button type="submit" name="submit" onclick="submitForm( checkenv, \'checkenvironment\' );">' . LB;
        $recheck .= 'Recheck' . LB;
        $recheck .= '<img src="layout/arrow-recheck.gif" alt=""/>' . LB;
        $recheck .= '</button>' . LB;
    } else {
        $recheck = '';
        $T->set_var('location', $LANG_INSTALL['directory_permissions']);
        $T->set_var('status', 1 ? '<span class="yes">' . $LANG_INSTALL['ok'] . '</span>' : '<span class="Unwriteable">' . $LANG_INSTALL['not_writable'] . '</span>');
        $T->parse('perm', 'perms', true);
        $T->set_var('location', $LANG_INSTALL['file_permissions']);
        $T->set_var('status', 1 ? '<span class="yes">' . $LANG_INSTALL['ok'] . '</span>' : '<span class="Unwriteable">' . $LANG_INSTALL['not_writable'] . '</span>');
        $T->parse('perm', 'perms', true);
        $button = $LANG_INSTALL['next'];
        if ($_GLFUSION['method'] == 'upgrade') {
            $action = 'doupgrade';
            $previousaction = '';
        } else {
            $action = 'getsiteinformation';
            $previousaction = 'pathsetting';
    $button = $LANG_INSTALL['next'];
    if ($_GLFUSION['method'] == 'upgrade') {
        $action = 'doupgrade';
        $previousaction = '';
    } else {
        $action = 'getsiteinformation';
        $previousaction = 'pathsetting';
    $T->set_var(array('previousaction' => $previousaction, 'nextaction' => $action, 'button' => $button, 'recheck' => $recheck, 'back_to_top' => $LANG_INSTALL['back_to_top'], 'lang_previous' => $LANG_INSTALL['previous'], 'lang_host_env' => $LANG_INSTALL['hosting_env'], 'lang_setting' => $LANG_INSTALL['setting'], 'lang_current' => $LANG_INSTALL['current'], 'lang_recommended' => $LANG_INSTALL['recommended'], 'lang_notes' => $LANG_INSTALL['notes'], 'lang_filesystem' => $LANG_INSTALL['filesystem_check'], 'lang_php_settings' => $LANG_INSTALL['php_settings'], 'lang_php_warning' => $LANG_INSTALL['php_warning'], 'hiddenfields' => _buildHiddenFields()));
    $T->parse('output', 'page');
    return $T->finish($T->get_var('output'));