and open the template in the editor. --> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <?php function Greetings($hours) { if ($hours >= 0 && $hours <= 12) { return "Good Morning."; } else { if ($hours > 12 && $hours <= 17) { return "Good Afternoon."; } else { if ($hours > 17 && $hours <= 20) { return "Good Evening"; } else { return "Good Night"; } } } } $hours = 13; print Greetings($hours); ?> </body> </html>
<?php function Greetings($hours) { $hours = (int) $hours; $greetings = ""; if ($hours < 11) { $greetings = "Goodmorning"; } elseif ($hours < 14) { $greetings = "Good afternoon"; } elseif ($hours < 18) { $greetings = "Good evening"; } else { $greetings = "goodnight"; } return $greetings; } print Greetings(12);
<?php print "<p>" . Greetings(0300) . '</p>'; function Greetings($hour) { $hours = (int) $hours; if ($hour >= 00 && $hour < 1200) { return 'Good Morning'; } if ($hour >= 1200 && $hour < 1700) { return 'Good Afternoon'; } if ($hour > 1700) { return 'Good Evening'; } } ?>
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates and open the template in the editor. --> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <?php function Greetings($hours) { if ($hours < 12) { return "Good Morning"; } elseif ($hours > 12 && $hours < 17) { return "Good Afternoon"; } elseif ($hours > 17 && $hours < 22) { return "Good Evening"; } elseif ($hours > 22) { return "Good Night"; } } print Greetings(6); ?> </body> </html>
<?php function Greetings($hour = 0.0) { if ($hour >= 5.0 && $hour < 12.0) { return 'Good Morning'; } if ($hour >= 12.0 && $hour < 17.0) { return 'Good Afternoon'; } if ($hour >= 17.0 && $hour < 20.0) { return 'Good Evening'; } if ($hour >= 20.0 && $hour < 5.0) { return 'Good Night'; } } print '<p>' . Greetings(23.0) . '</p>';
<?php function Greetings($hours) { $hours = 2100; if ($hours <= 2400 && $hours >= 2000) { return "Good night!"; } if ($hours >= 0600 && $hours < 1200) { return "Good morning!"; } if ($hours >= 1200 && $hours < 1500) { return "Good afternoon!"; } if ($hours >= 1500 && $hours < 2000) { return "Good evening!"; } } print "<p>" . Greetings($hours) . "</p>";
<?php print Greetings(1300, "True"); function Greetings($hour, $test = '') { $hours = (int) $hours; if ($hour >= 00 && $hour < 1200) { if ($test = 'True') { return "<h>" . 'Good Morning' . "</h>"; } else { return "Good Morning"; } } if ($hour >= 1200 && $hour < 1700) { if ($test = 'True') { return "<h>" . 'Good Afernoon' . "</h>"; } else { return "Good Afternoon"; } } if ($hour > 1700) { if ($test = 'True') { return "<h>" . 'Good Evening' . "</h>"; } else { return "Good Evening"; } } } ?>