public function Image($id) { $upload = new TUpload(); $result = $upload->Save('image'); $url = str_replace('../upload/', UR_UPLOAD, $result['value']['path']); $this->model->Edit($id, array('topic_image' => $url)); GoBack(); }
public function Update($id) { if (isset($_POST['ajax'])) { unset($_POST['ajax']); $result['success'] = $this->model->Edit($id, array('widget_setting' => serialize($_POST))); $result['value'] = null; echo json_encode($result); } else { $this->model->Edit($id, array('widget_setting' => serialize($_POST))); GoBack(); } }
public function Upload() { if (file_exists($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { $zip = new TCompress(); // print_r(); $zip->ZipExtract(PLUGIN_DIR, $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); unlink($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); } GoBack(); }
function IndexPollsVoice() { if (!isset($_GET['poll_id'])) { GoBack(); } if (!isset($_POST['voice'])) { System::site()->AddTextBox('', '<p align="center">Вы не выбрали ни одного варианта ответа.</p>'); } else { $pid = SafeEnv($_GET['poll_id'], 11, int); System::database()->Select('polls', GetWhereByAccess('view', "`id`='{$pid}' and `active`='1'")); if (System::database()->NumRows() == 0) { GoBack(); } $poll = System::database()->FetchRow(); $answers = unserialize($poll['answers']); $multianswers = SafeDB($poll['multianswers'], 1, int); $voice = SafeEnv($_POST['voice'], 11, int); if (!$multianswers) { $voice = $voice[0]; } //Проверяем, учавствовал ли данный пользователь в этом опросе $ip = getip(); if (System::user()->Auth) { $uid = System::user()->Get('u_id'); } else { $uid = -1; } System::database()->Select('polls_voices', "`poll_id`='{$pid}' and (`user_ip`='{$ip}' or `user_id`='{$uid}')"); if (System::database()->NumRows() == 0) { if (!$multianswers) { if (isset($answers[$voice])) { $answers[$voice][2] = $answers[$voice][2] + 1; $answers = serialize($answers); System::database()->Update('polls', "answers='{$answers}'", "`id`='{$pid}'"); } else { GoBack(); } } else { $c = count($voice); for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) { if (isset($answers[$voice[$i]])) { $answers[$voice[$i]][2] = $answers[$voice[$i]][2] + 1; } else { GoBack(); } } $answers = serialize($answers); System::database()->Update('polls', "answers='{$answers}'", "`id`='{$pid}'"); } $voice = serialize($voice); if (System::user()->Auth) { $user_id = System::user()->Get('u_id'); } else { $user_id = 0; } System::database()->Insert('polls_voices', "'','{$pid}','" . getip() . "','{$voice}','{$user_id}'"); System::user()->ChargePoints(System::config('points/polls_answer')); GoBack(); } else { System::site()->AddTextBox('', '<p align="center">Извините, Вы уже принимали участие в этом опросе.</p>'); } } }
/** * universak bulk action in controller * @return string */ public function BulkAction() { $arr = explode(',', $_POST['action']); switch ($arr[0]) { case 'Delete': foreach ($_POST['id'] as $id) { $this->model->Delete($id); } break; case 'Edit': $data = array($arr[1] => $arr[2]); foreach ($_POST['id'] as $id) { $this->model->Edit($id, $data); } break; default: return 'error'; break; } GoBack('/do'); }
public function Delete($id) { $this->model->Delete(intval($id)); GoBack(); }
public function SaveSetting() { $this->model->SaveSetting(); GoBack(); }
function IndexUserLogOut() { if (System::user()->Auth) { System::user()->UnLogin(false); GoBack(); } else { System::site()->Login(); // Если не авторизирован, то показываем форму входа } }
echo json_encode($result); die; } } $result['success'] = false; $result['value'] = 'اعتبار حساب کاربری شما برای لایک خدشه دار است.'; echo json_encode($result); break; case 'comment': if (isset($_COOKIE['mid'])) { $valid = array('comment_parent', 'comment_text', 'comment_topic_id'); $edit = promis($clean, $valid); $m = new TModel('comment', 'comment_'); $data = array('comment_parent' => $clean['comment_parent'], 'comment_text' => $clean['comment_text'], 'comment_topic_id' => $clean['comment_topic_id'], 'comment_member_id' => $_COOKIE['mid'], 'comment_time' => time(), 'comment_ip' => _ipi()); $tmp = $m->Create($data); if (isset($clean['ajax'])) { $result['success'] = $tmp != false ? true : false; echo json_encode($result); die; } else { GoBack(); } } else { $result['value'] = 'شما بایستی وارده شده باشید'; echo json_encode($result); die; } break; default: break; }
public function RemoveReport($id) { $this->report->Delete($id); GoBack(); }
public function Save($setting) { // error_reporting(0); $reg = TRegistry::GetInstance(); if ($reg->GetValue(ROOT_SYSTEM, $setting) === FALSE) { $reg->AddValue(ROOT_SYSTEM, $setting, serialize($_POST[$setting])); } else { $reg->SetValue(ROOT_SYSTEM, $setting, serialize($_POST[$setting])); } //echo serialize($_POST[$setting]); if (is_array($_FILES)) { foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) { $fname = str_replace('__', '.', $key); move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], '../assets/images/' . $fname); } } GoBack(); }
public function RemoveAttach($attach_id, $destination, $type = REALTION_ATTACH) { $rel = TRelation::GetInstance(); $rel->Remove($attach_id, $destination, $type); GoBack(); }
function IndexForumRestoreBasketTopic($topic_id = 0, $go_back = true) { global $forum_lang; if (!System::user()->isAdmin()) { HackOff(); return; } $topic = System::database()->Select('forum_topics', "`id`='{$topic_id}' and `delete`='1'"); if (count($topic) > 0) { $topic = $topic[0]; $forum_id = SafeEnv($topic['forum_id'], 11, int); // Восстанавливаем количество сообщений и тем для форума System::database()->Select('forums', "`id`='{$forum_id}'"); if (System::database()->NumRows() == 0) { // Форум не найден System::site()->AddTextBox($forum_lang['error'], $forum_lang['error_no_forum']); return; } $forum = System::database()->FetchRow(); $forum_topics = SafeEnv($forum['topics'], 11, int) + 1; if ($forum_topics < 0) { $forum_topics = 0; } $forum_posts = SafeEnv($forum['posts'], 11, int) + SafeEnv($topic['posts'], 11, int); if ($forum_posts < 0) { $forum_posts = 0; } $forum_set = "`topics`='{$forum_topics}',`posts`='{$forum_posts}'"; System::database()->Update('forums', $forum_set, "`id`='{$forum_id}'"); // Восстанавливаем тему System::database()->Update('forum_topics', "`delete`='0'", "`id`='{$topic_id}'"); // Удаляем метку в корзине System::database()->Delete('forum_basket_topics', "`obj_id`='{$topic_id}'"); // Устанавливаем инф-ю о последнем сообщении для темы и форума ForumSetLastPost($topic_id); ForumSetLastTopic($forum_id); // Очищаем кэш форума ForumCacheClear(); if ($go_back) { if (isset($_GET['back'])) { GoRefererUrl($_GET['back']); } else { GoBack(); } } } else { System::site()->AddTextBox($forum_lang['error'], $forum_lang['error_no_topic']); return; } }