public function update_picture() { if (trim($_FILES["myfile"]["tmp_name"]) != "") { $images = $_FILES["myfile"]["tmp_name"]; $new_images = "thumb_" . $this->session->userdata('std_cardid') . '_' . $_FILES["myfile"]["name"]; copy($_FILES["myfile"]["tmp_name"], "assets/uploads/photo/" . $_FILES["myfile"]["name"]); $width = 150; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***// $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($images); $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); ImageJPEG($images_fin, "assets/uploads/photo/" . $new_images); ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); } $fileName = $_FILES["myfile"]["name"]; $ret[] = $fileName; $data_picture = array('std_picture' => $new_images); $this->Students_model->update_student_picture($this->session->userdata('std_cardid'), $data_picture); //echo base_url()."assets/uploads/photo/".$new_images; redirect('/front_profiles/student_edit', 'refresh'); //ChromePhp::log($ret); //exit; }
function resize($image_tmp, $image_name, $width_size, $folder) { $images = $image_tmp; $new_images = $image_name; $width = $width_size; $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($images); $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); ImageJPEG($images_fin, $folder . $new_images); ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); }
protected function subir_imagen() { $imagen = $_FILES['logo']['name']; $directorio = "src/marcas_logo/"; $fecha = date('d.m.Y_H.i.s'); $nombre_archivo = "logo_" . $fecha; $i = strlen($imagen) - 1; $extension = ''; while ($imagen[$i] != '.') { $extension = $imagen[$i] . $extension; $i--; } $nombre_archivo = $nombre_archivo . '.' . $extension; $new_images = $nombre_archivo; $images = $_FILES['logo']['tmp_name']; switch ($extension) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": case "JPG": case "JPEG": $thumb = ImageCreateFromJPEG($images); break; case "gif": case "GIF": $thumb = imagecreatefromgif($images); break; case "png": case "PNG": try { $thumb = imagecreatefrompng($images); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->resultado = -1; exit; } break; default: $this->resultado = 2; exit; break; } copy($images, '../' . $directorio . $nombre_archivo); $width = 300; $size = GetimageSize($images); if ($size != 0) { $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); //$height = 150; } $newwidth = 150; $newheight = $height; $srcWidth = imagesx($thumb); $srcHeight = imagesy($thumb); $newImg = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagealphablending($newImg, false); imagesavealpha($newImg, true); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($newImg, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagefilledrectangle($newImg, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparent); imagecopyresampled($newImg, $thumb, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); imagepng($newImg, '../' . $directorio . $new_images); /* imagealphablending($thumb, false); imagesavealpha($thumb, true); imagealphablending($thumb, true); /*$photoX = ImagesX($thumb); $photoY = ImagesY($thumb); $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor ( $width, $height ); imagecopyresampled($new_image, $thumb, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width+1, $height+1, $photoX, $photoY);*/ /*switch($extension){ case "jpg": case "jpeg": ImageJPEG($new_image,'../'.$directorio.$new_images); break; case "gif": imagegif($new_image,'../'.$directorio.$new_images); break; case "png": echo "helo"; imagepng ($new_image,'../'.$directorio.$new_images, 9); break; default: $this->resultado = 2; exit(); }*/ ImageDestroy($thumb); if (!is_dir('../' . $directorio)) { mkdir('../' . $directorio, 0777); } return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->sql_con, $directorio . $nombre_archivo); }
<?php if ($_FILES['file']['error'] > 0) { $erreur = "Erreur lors du transfert"; } else { $extensions_valides = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'); //1. strrchr renvoie l'extension avec le point (« . »). //2. substr(chaine,1) ignore le premier caractère de chaine. //3. strtolower met l'extension en minuscules. $extension_upload = strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES['file']['name'], '.'), 1)); if (!in_array($extension_upload, $extensions_valides)) { $erreur = "Unexpected file type"; echo $erreur; } else { $width = 500; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***// $size = GetimageSize($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); $name = "../uploads/" . $_POST['title'] . "." . $extension_upload; ImageJPEG($images_fin, $name); header("location:../uploadImages.php"); } }
protected function subir_imagen() { $imagen = $_FILES['imagen']['name']; $directorio = "src/productos/"; $fecha = date('d.m.Y_H.i.s'); $nombre_archivo = "logo_" . $fecha; $i = strlen($imagen) - 1; $extension = ''; while ($imagen[$i] != '.') { $extension = $imagen[$i] . $extension; $i--; } $nombre_archivo = $nombre_archivo . '.' . $extension; $new_images = $nombre_archivo; // $images = $_FILES["imagen"]["tmp_name"]; copy($images, '../' . $directorio . $nombre_archivo); $width = 150; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***// $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); switch ($extension) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": case "JPG": case "JPEG": $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($images); break; case "gif": case "GIF": $images_orig = imagecreatefromgif($images); break; case "png": case "PNG": $images_orig = imagecreatefrompng($images); break; default: $this->resultado = 2; exit; } $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); ImageJPEG($images_fin, '../' . $directorio . $new_images); ImageDestroy($images_orig); //ImageDestroy($images_fin); // if (!is_dir('../' . $directorio)) { mkdir('../' . $directorio, 0777); } /*if ($imagen && move_uploaded_file($images_fin,'../'.$directorio.$nombre_archivo)) { $this->resultado = 1; }else{ $this->resultado = 0; }*/ return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->sql_con, $directorio . $nombre_archivo); }
function jResize2($tmp, $name) { copy($_FILES, "Photos/" . $_FILES["userfile"]["name"]); $width = 500; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***// $size = GetimageSize($tmp); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($tmp); $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); ImageJPEG($images_fin, "Photos/" . $name); ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); }
//count file $count = count($_FILES["file_"]["name"]); $title_rep = str_replace(" ", "", $en_title); for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) { $file_name = $_FILES["file_"]["name"][$i]; if ($file_name != "") { //file rename $f_name = explode(".", $file_name); $f_rename = $maxID . "_" . $i . "_" . $title_rep . "." . $f_name['1']; //Resize// $images = $_FILES["file_"]["tmp_name"][$i]; $new_images = $f_rename; //copy($_FILES["file_"]["tmp_name"][$i],"file/resize1/".$_FILES["file_"]["name"][$i]); //size original $width = 500; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***// $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($images); $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); ImageJPEG($images_fin, "file/news/" . $new_images); //size thumbnails ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); //Resize// //if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file_"]["tmp_name"][$i],"file/news/".$f_rename)) //{ $result_insert = mysqli_query($mysqli, "INSERT INTO w_news_file (id,news_id,name) VALUES (NULL, '{$maxID}','{$f_rename}')"); //}
// 1以上の値 } $height = 0; // 指定しない場合は0 指定する場合は1以上の値 include_once '../../mainfile.php'; $photo_path = $_GET['photo']; $photo_path = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . $photo_path; if (!isset($photo_path)) { return array(0, "イメージのパスが設定されていません。"); exit; } if (!file_exists($photo_path)) { return array(0, "指定されたパスにファイルが見つかりません。"); exit; } $size = @GetimageSize($photo_path); $re_size = $size; //アスペクト比固定処理 $tmp_width = $size[0] / $width; if ($height != 0) { $tmp_height = $size[1] / $height; } if ($tmp_width > 1 || $tmp_height > 1) { if ($height == 0) { if ($tmp_width > 1) { $re_size[0] = $width; $re_size[1] = $size[1] * $width / $size[0]; } } else { if ($tmp_width > $tmp_height) { $re_size[0] = $width;
function _upload_Image($directory, $input_name, $max_size, $setW_H, $setThumbnail) { $array = array(); $index = 0; if ($_FILES) { $img_name = $_FILES[$input_name]['name']; $img_type = $_FILES[$input_name]['type']; $img_size = $_FILES[$input_name]['size']; $img_tmp = $_FILES[$input_name]['tmp_name']; if (is_array($img_tmp)) { if (file_exists($directory)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($img_name); $i++) { if ($img_type[$i] == "image/jpeg" || $img_type[$i] == "image/png" || $img_type[$i] == "image/gif") { if ($max_size > $img_size[$i] / 1024) { $img_W = getimagesize($img_tmp[$i]); if ($setW_H < $img_W[0] && $setW_H < $img_W[0]) { if (!file_exists($directory . $img_name[$i])) { $nameRandom = set_namefileUpload($img_name[$i], "Img-"); $content = $directory . $nameRandom; if (copy($img_tmp[$i], $content)) { $images = $img_tmp[$i]; if (!file_exists($directory . "thumbnail/")) { mkdir($directory . "thumbnail"); } $new_images = $directory . "thumbnail/" . "thumbnails_" . $nameRandom; $width = $setThumbnail; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ** */ $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); if (ereg("(gif)\$", $img_name[$i])) { $images_orig = imagecreatefromgif($images); } elseif (ereg("(png)\$", $img_name[$i])) { $images_orig = imagecreatefrompng($images); } else { $images_orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($images); } $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); if (ereg("(gif)\$", $img_name[$i])) { imageGIF($images_fin, $new_images); } elseif (ereg("(png)\$", $img_name[$i])) { imagePNG($images_fin, $new_images); } else { ImageJPEG($images_fin, $new_images); } ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); $array['data'][$index] = $nameRandom; $array['sucess'] .= "คัดลอกไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} สำเร็จ !<br />"; $index++; } else { $array['error'] .= "คัดลอกไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} ไม่สำเร็จ !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "มีชื่อไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} แล้ว กรุณาเปลี่ยนชื่อ !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} มีขนาดความกว้างความสูงน้อยเกินไป !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} มีขนาดมากกว่า {$max_size} KB !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ระบบไม่รองรับกับไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} นี้ !<br />"; } } } else { if (mkdir($directory)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($img_name); $i++) { if ($img_type[$i] == "image/jpeg" || $img_type[$i] == "image/png" || $img_type[$i] == "image/gif") { if ($max_size > $img_size[$i] / 1024) { $img_W = getimagesize($img_tmp[$i]); if ($setW_H < $img_W[0] && $setW_H < $img_W[0]) { if (!file_exists($directory . $img_name[$i])) { $nameRandom = set_namefileUpload($img_name[$i], "Img-"); $content = $directory . $nameRandom; if (copy($img_tmp[$i], $content)) { $images = $img_tmp[$i]; if (!file_exists($directory . "thumbnail/")) { mkdir($directory . "thumbnail"); } $new_images = $directory . "thumbnail/" . "thumbnails_" . $nameRandom; $width = $setThumbnail; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ** */ $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); if (ereg("(gif)\$", $img_name[$i])) { $images_orig = imagecreatefromgif($images); } elseif (ereg("(png)\$", $img_name[$i])) { $images_orig = imagecreatefrompng($images); } else { $images_orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($images); } $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); if (ereg("(gif)\$", $img_name[$i])) { imageGIF($images_fin, $new_images); } elseif (ereg("(png)\$", $img_name[$i])) { imagePNG($images_fin, $new_images); } else { ImageJPEG($images_fin, $new_images); } ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); $array['data'][$index] = $nameRandom; $array['sucess'] .= "คัดลอกไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} สำเร็จ !<br />"; $index++; } else { $array['error'] .= "คัดลอกไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} ไม่สำเร็จ !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "มีชื่อไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} แล้ว กรุณาเปลี่ยนชื่อ !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} มีขนาดความกว้างความสูงน้อยเกินไป !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} มีขนาดมากกว่า {$max_size} KB !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ระบบไม่รองรับกับไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} นี้ !<br />"; } } } else { $array['error'] .= "โฟล์เดอร์ {$directory} ไม่มีกรุณาสร้าง โฟล์เดอร์ดังกล่าว !<br />"; } } } else { if (file_exists($directory)) { if ($img_type == "image/jpeg" || $img_type == "image/png" || $img_type == "image/gif") { if ($max_size > $img_size / 1024) { $img_W = getimagesize($img_tmp); if ($setW_H < $img_W[0] && $setW_H < $img_W[0]) { if (!file_exists($directory . $img_name)) { $nameRandom = set_namefileUpload($img_name, "Img-"); $content = $directory . $nameRandom; if (copy($img_tmp, $content)) { $images = $img_tmp; if (!file_exists($directory . "thumbnail/")) { mkdir($directory . "thumbnail"); } $new_images = $directory . "thumbnail/" . "thumbnails_" . $nameRandom; $width = $setThumbnail; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ** */ $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); if (ereg("(gif)\$", $img_name)) { $images_orig = imagecreatefromgif($images); } elseif (ereg("(png)\$", $img_name)) { $images_orig = imagecreatefrompng($images); } else { $images_orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($images); } $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); if (ereg("(gif)\$", $img_name)) { imageGIF($images_fin, $new_images); } elseif (ereg("(png)\$", $img_name)) { imagePNG($images_fin, $new_images); } else { ImageJPEG($images_fin, $new_images); } ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); $array['data'][$index] = $nameRandom; $array['sucess'] .= "คัดลอกไฟล์ {$img_name} สำเร็จ !<br />"; $index++; } else { $array['error'] .= "คัดลอกไฟล์ {$img_name} ไม่สำเร็จ !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "มีชื่อไฟล์ {$img_name} แล้ว กรุณาเปลี่ยนชื่อ !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ไฟล์ {$img_name} มีขนาดความกว้างความสูงน้อยเกินไป !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} มีขนาดมากกว่า {$max_size} KB !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ระบบไม่รองรับกับไฟล์ {$img_name} นี้ !<br />"; } } else { if (mkdir($directory)) { if ($img_type == "image/jpeg" || $img_type == "image/png" || $img_type == "image/gif") { if ($max_size > $img_size / 1024) { $img_W = getimagesize($img_tmp); if ($setW_H < $img_W[0] && $setW_H < $img_W[0]) { if (!file_exists($directory . $img_name)) { $nameRandom = set_namefileUpload($img_name, "Img-"); $content = $directory . $nameRandom; if (copy($img_tmp, $content)) { $images = $img_tmp; if (!file_exists($directory . "thumbnail/")) { mkdir($directory . "thumbnail"); } $new_images = $directory . "thumbnail/" . "thumbnails_" . $nameRandom; $width = $setThumbnail; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ** */ $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); if (ereg("(gif)\$", $img_name)) { $images_orig = imagecreatefromgif($images); } elseif (ereg("(png)\$", $img_name)) { $images_orig = imagecreatefrompng($images); } else { $images_orig = imagecreatefromjpeg($images); } $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); if (ereg("(gif)\$", $img_name)) { imageGIF($images_fin, $new_images); } elseif (ereg("(png)\$", $img_name)) { imagePNG($images_fin, $new_images); } else { ImageJPEG($images_fin, $new_images); } ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); $array['data'][$index] = $nameRandom; $array['sucess'] .= "คัดลอกไฟล์ {$img_name} สำเร็จ !<br />"; $index++; } else { $array['error'] .= "คัดลอกไฟล์ {$img_name} ไม่สำเร็จ !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "มีชื่อไฟล์ {$img_name} แล้ว กรุณาเปลี่ยนชื่อ !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ไฟล์ {$img_name} มีขนาดความกว้างความสูงน้อยเกินไป !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ไฟล์ {$img_name[$i]} มีขนาดมากกว่า {$max_size} KB !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "ระบบไม่รองรับกับไฟล์ {$img_name} นี้ !<br />"; } } else { $array['error'] .= "โฟล์เดอร์ {$directory} ไม่มีกรุณาสร้าง โฟล์เดอร์ดังกล่าว !<br />"; } } } } return $array; }
function save_image_picture($file_pic, $num_file) { $rename_file_pic = ''; $return_file = ''; if (!empty($file_pic)) { $type_file_pic = explode(".", $file_pic); $end_file_pic = end($type_file_pic); if ($end_file_pic == "png" || $end_file_pic == "jpeg" || $end_file_pic == "gif" || $end_file_pic == "jpg") { $rename_file_pic = rename_files('3') + 1; // copy($_FILES['pic' . $num_file]['tmp_name'], 'new_files_images/' . $rename_file_pic . "." . $end_file_pic); $width = 100; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***// $size = GetimageSize($_FILES['pic' . $num_file]['tmp_name']); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($_FILES['pic' . $num_file]['tmp_name']); $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); // ImageJPEG($images_fin, "new_files_images/" . $rename_file_pic . "." . $end_file_pic); ImageJPEG($images_fin, "new_files_images/" . $rename_file_pic . "." . $end_file_pic); ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); update_num_max($rename_file_pic, '3'); } $return_file = $rename_file_pic . "." . $end_file_pic; } return $return_file; }
function Main($path, $width, $height, $dst_file, $header = false) { if (!isset($path)) { return array(0, "イメージのパスが設定されていません。"); } if (!file_exists($path)) { return array(0, "指定されたパスにファイルが見つかりません。"); } // 画像の大きさをセット if ($width) { $this->imgMaxWidth = $width; } if ($height) { $this->imgMaxHeight = $height; } $size = @GetimageSize($path); $re_size = $size; //アスペクト比固定処理 if ($this->imgMaxWidth != 0) { $tmp_w = $size[0] / $this->imgMaxWidth; } if ($this->imgMaxHeight != 0) { $tmp_h = $size[1] / $this->imgMaxHeight; } if ($tmp_w > 1 || $tmp_h > 1) { if ($this->imgMaxHeight == 0) { if ($tmp_w > 1) { $re_size[0] = $this->imgMaxWidth; $re_size[1] = $size[1] * $this->imgMaxWidth / $size[0]; } } else { if ($tmp_w > $tmp_h) { $re_size[0] = $this->imgMaxWidth; $re_size[1] = $size[1] * $this->imgMaxWidth / $size[0]; } else { $re_size[1] = $this->imgMaxHeight; $re_size[0] = $size[0] * $this->imgMaxHeight / $size[1]; } } } $imagecreate = function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor") ? "imagecreatetruecolor" : "imagecreate"; $imageresize = function_exists("imagecopyresampled") ? "imagecopyresampled" : "imagecopyresized"; switch ($size[2]) { // gif形式 case "1": if (function_exists("imagecreatefromgif")) { $src_im = imagecreatefromgif($path); $dst_im = $imagecreate($re_size[0], $re_size[1]); $transparent = imagecolortransparent($src_im); $colorstotal = imagecolorstotal($src_im); $dst_im = imagecreate($re_size[0], $re_size[1]); if (0 <= $transparent && $transparent < $colorstotal) { imagepalettecopy($dst_im, $src_im); imagefill($dst_im, 0, 0, $transparent); imagecolortransparent($dst_im, $transparent); } $imageresize($dst_im, $src_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $re_size[0], $re_size[1], $size[0], $size[1]); if (function_exists("imagegif")) { // 画像出力 if ($header) { header("Content-Type: image/gif"); imagegif($dst_im); return ""; } else { $dst_file = $dst_file . ".gif"; if ($re_size[0] == $size[0] && $re_size[1] == $size[1]) { // サイズが同じ場合には、そのままコピーする。(画質劣化を防ぐ) copy($path, $dst_file); } else { imagegif($dst_im, $dst_file); } } imagedestroy($src_im); imagedestroy($dst_im); } else { // 画像出力 if ($header) { header("Content-Type: image/png"); imagepng($dst_im); return ""; } else { $dst_file = $dst_file . ".png"; if ($re_size[0] == $size[0] && $re_size[1] == $size[1]) { // サイズが同じ場合には、そのままコピーする。(画質劣化を防ぐ) copy($path, $dst_file); } else { imagepng($dst_im, $dst_file); } } imagedestroy($src_im); imagedestroy($dst_im); } } else { // サムネイル作成不可の場合(旧バージョン対策) $dst_im = imageCreate($re_size[0], $re_size[1]); imageColorAllocate($dst_im, 255, 255, 214); //背景色 // 枠線と文字色の設定 $black = imageColorAllocate($dst_im, 0, 0, 0); $red = imageColorAllocate($dst_im, 255, 0, 0); imagestring($dst_im, 5, 10, 10, "GIF {$size['0']}x{$size['1']}", $red); imageRectangle($dst_im, 0, 0, $re_size[0] - 1, $re_size[1] - 1, $black); // 画像出力 if ($header) { header("Content-Type: image/png"); imagepng($dst_im); return ""; } else { $dst_file = $dst_file . ".png"; imagepng($dst_im, $dst_file); } imagedestroy($src_im); imagedestroy($dst_im); } break; // jpg形式 // jpg形式 case "2": $src_im = imageCreateFromJpeg($path); $dst_im = $imagecreate($re_size[0], $re_size[1]); $imageresize($dst_im, $src_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $re_size[0], $re_size[1], $size[0], $size[1]); // 画像出力 if ($header) { header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); imageJpeg($dst_im); return ""; } else { $dst_file = $dst_file . ".jpg"; if ($re_size[0] == $size[0] && $re_size[1] == $size[1]) { // サイズが同じ場合には、そのままコピーする。(画質劣化を防ぐ) copy($path, $dst_file); } else { imageJpeg($dst_im, $dst_file); } } imagedestroy($src_im); imagedestroy($dst_im); break; // png形式 // png形式 case "3": $src_im = imageCreateFromPNG($path); $colortransparent = imagecolortransparent($src_im); $has_alpha = ord(file_get_contents($path, false, null, 25, 1)) & 0x4; if ($colortransparent > -1 || $has_alpha) { $dst_im = $imagecreate($re_size[0], $re_size[1]); // アルファチャンネルが存在する場合はそちらを使用する if ($has_alpha) { imagealphablending($dst_im, false); imagesavealpha($dst_im, true); } imagepalettecopy($dst_im, $src_im); imagefill($dst_im, 0, 0, $colortransparent); imagecolortransparent($dst_im, $colortransparent); imagecopyresized($dst_im, $src_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $re_size[0], $re_size[1], $size[0], $size[1]); } else { $dst_im = $imagecreate($re_size[0], $re_size[1]); imagecopyresized($dst_im, $src_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $re_size[0], $re_size[1], $size[0], $size[1]); imagecolorstotal($src_im) == 0 ? $colortotal = 65536 : ($colortotal = imagecolorstotal($src_im)); imagetruecolortopalette($dst_im, true, $colortotal); } // 画像出力 if ($header) { header("Content-Type: image/png"); imagepng($dst_im); return ""; } else { $dst_file = $dst_file . ".png"; if ($re_size[0] == $size[0] && $re_size[1] == $size[1]) { // サイズが同じ場合には、そのままコピーする。(画質劣化を防ぐ) copy($path, $dst_file); } else { imagepng($dst_im, $dst_file); } } imagedestroy($src_im); imagedestroy($dst_im); break; default: return array(0, "イメージの形式が不明です。"); } return array(1, $dst_file); }
public function houseImgUpload($hid, $file) { $filename = $file['name']; $type = $file['type']; $source = $file['tmp_name']; $typename = explode("/", $type); $accepted_types = array('jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg'); $temp_path = 'img_temp'; if (is_dir($temp_path)) { chmod($temp_path, 0777); } else { mkdir($temp_path, 0777); } foreach ($accepted_types as $mime_type) { if ($mime_type == $typename[1]) { $status = 'OK'; break; } } if ($status == 'OK') { //start resize $width = 600; $size = GetimageSize($source); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); switch ($typename[1]) { case 'jpg': $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($source); break; case 'jpeg': $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($source); break; case 'png': $image = imagecreatefrompng($source); break; case 'gif': $image = imagecreatefromgif($source); break; default: $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($source); } $x = imagesx($image); $y = imagesy($image); $imgfin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($imgfin, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $x, $y); ImageJPEG($imgfin, "img_temp/" . $hid . '_' . $filename); //end resize //start read image $img_temp = "img_temp/" . $hid . '_' . $filename; // $of = fopen($img_temp, 'r'); $rb = fread($of, filesize($img_temp)); fclose($of); $img = addslashes($rb); //end read image $sql = "update house set housepic='{$img}',dateupdate=DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') where hcode='{$hid}'"; $upload = $this->conn->prepare($sql); $upload->execute(); unlink($img_temp); return 'OK'; } else { return 'NOT'; } }
protected function subir_imagen() { $imagen = $_FILES['imagen']['name']; $directorio = "../src/avatar_usuarios/"; $fecha = date('d.m.Y_H.i.s'); $nombre_archivo = "avatar" . $fecha; $i = strlen($imagen) - 1; $extension = ''; while ($imagen[$i] != '.') { $extension = $imagen[$i] . $extension; $i--; } $nombre_archivo = $nombre_archivo . '.' . $extension; $new_images = $nombre_archivo; // $images = $_FILES["imagen"]["tmp_name"]; switch ($extension) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($images); break; case "gif": $images_orig = imagecreatefromgif($images); break; case "png": $images_orig = imagecreatefrompng($images); break; default: $this->datos["respuesta"] = 7; exit; break; } copy($images, $directorio . $nombre_archivo); $width = 300; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***// $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); ImageJPEG($images_fin, $directorio . $new_images); ImageDestroy($images_orig); //ImageDestroy($images_fin); // if (!is_dir($directorio)) { mkdir($directorio, 0777); } return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->sql_con, $directorio . $nombre_archivo); }
$imgtype = $rowData2['ProfileType']; $imgfile = "Profile/{$rowData2['ProfilePic']}"; $imgname = $rowData2['ProfilePic']; if ($imgtype == NULL) { $imgtype = 'image/jpeg'; $imgfile = "Profile2/thumbnails_profilePic.jpg"; $imgname = "profilePic.jpg"; $imgbinary = fread(fopen($imgfile, "r"), filesize($imgfile)); echo "<img src='data:image/{$imgtype};base64," . base64_encode($imgbinary) . "' '/>"; } else { // $new_images = "thumbnails_" . $imgname; //copy($rowData2,"Photos/".$rowData2['MediaTitle']); $height = 105; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***// $size = GetimageSize($imgfile); $width = round($height * $size[0] / $size[1]); $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($imgfile); $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); ImageJPEG($images_fin, "Profile2/" . $new_images); $imgfile = "Profile2/" . $new_images; $imgbinary = fread(fopen($imgfile, "r"), filesize($imgfile)); echo "<img src='data:image/{$imgtype};base64," . base64_encode($imgbinary) . "' '/>"; } ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); } }
public static function compressedFotoBeritaUmum($img) { $imageFileType = explode('.', $img); $imageFileType = $imageFileType[1]; $targetFile = '../../../View/img/Upload/beritaUmum/' . $img; $tempImg = '../../../View/img/Upload/beritaUmum/_' . $img; $finalImg = 'http://localhost/SIMasjid/View/img/Upload/beritaUmum/_' . $img; if (file_exists($tempImg)) { unlink($tempImg); } if (!file_exists($tempImg)) { if (copy($targetFile, $tempImg)) { $size = GetimageSize($tempImg); $width = 1000; $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); if ($imageFileType == 'JPEG' || $imageFileType == 'jpeg' || $imageFileType == 'JPG' || $imageFileType == 'jpg') { $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($tempImg); } else { if ($imageFileType == 'PNG' || $imageFileType == 'png') { $images_orig = imagecreatefrompng($tempImg); } else { if ($imageFileType == 'GIF' || $imageFileType == 'gif') { $images_orig = imagecreatefromgif($tempImg); } else { if ($imageFileType == 'BMP' || $imageFileType == 'bmp') { $images_orig = imagecreatefromwbmp($tempImg); } } } } $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); if ($imageFileType == 'PNG' || $imageFileType == 'png') { imagealphablending($images_fin, false); imagesavealpha($images_fin, true); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($images_fin, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagefilledrectangle($images_fin, 0, 0, $w, $h, $transparent); } ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); if ($imageFileType == 'JPEG' || $imageFileType == 'jpeg' || $imageFileType == 'JPG' || $imageFileType == 'jpg') { ImageJPEG($images_fin, $tempImg); } else { if ($imageFileType == 'PNG' || $imageFileType == 'png') { imagepng($images_fin, $tempImg); } else { if ($imageFileType == 'GIF' || $imageFileType == 'gif') { imagegif($images_fin, $tempImg); } else { if ($imageFileType == 'BMP' || $imageFileType == 'bmp') { imagewbmp($images_fin, $tempImg); } } } } ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); } else { $finalImg = null; } unlink($targetFile); } return $finalImg; }
protected function subir_imagen() { if ($this->registro_nuevo) { return true; } $imagen = $_FILES['avatar']['name']; $directorio = "src/avatar_usuarios/"; $fecha = date('d.m.Y_H.i.s'); $nombre_archivo = "avatar_" . $fecha; $i = strlen($imagen) - 1; $extension = ''; while ($imagen[$i] != '.') { $extension = $imagen[$i] . $extension; $i--; } $extension = strtolower($extension); $nombre_archivo = $nombre_archivo . '.' . $extension; $new_images = $nombre_archivo; $images = $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']; switch ($extension) { case "jpg": case "jpeg": $thumb = ImageCreateFromJPEG($images); break; case "gif": $thumb = imagecreatefromgif($images); break; case "png": try { $thumb = imagecreatefrompng($images); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->resultado = -1; exit; } break; default: $this->resultado = 2; exit; break; } copy($images, '../' . $directorio . $nombre_archivo); $width = 300; $size = GetimageSize($images); if ($size != 0) { $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); //$height = 150; } $newwidth = 150; $newheight = $height; $srcWidth = imagesx($thumb); $srcHeight = imagesy($thumb); $newImg = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); imagealphablending($newImg, false); imagesavealpha($newImg, true); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($newImg, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagefilledrectangle($newImg, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparent); imagecopyresampled($newImg, $thumb, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); imagepng($newImg, '../' . $directorio . $new_images); ImageDestroy($thumb); if (!is_dir('../' . $directorio)) { mkdir('../' . $directorio, 0777); } return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->sql_con, $directorio . $nombre_archivo); }
public function uploadAction() { App_Log::get()->debug($this, 'uploadAction'); $request = $this->getRequest(); $fileDescription = $request->getParam('file_description', ''); $this->_folder = $request->getParam('file_folder', 'all'); //if ($request->getPost ()) { App_Log::get()->debug($this, 'request->getPost'); try { if (!empty($_FILES)) { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $tempFile = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; $fileName = $_FILES['Filedata']['name']; $fileName = iconv("UTF-8", "TIS-620", $fileName); $targetPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_REQUEST['folder'] . '/'; $targetFile = str_replace('//', '/', $targetPath) . $fileName; App_Log::get()->debug($this, "{$fileName} \n "); $fileTypes = explode(".", $fileName); $index = count($fileTypes) - 1; $fileTypes = $fileTypes[$index]; App_Log::get()->debug($this, "{$fileTypes} \n "); $images = $tempFile; $new_images = "Thumbnails_" . $fileName; $thumbnailPath = "/files/" . $new_images; $path = "/files/" . $fileName; //copy ( $_FILES ["fileUpload"] ["tmp_name"], APPLICATION_PATH . "/data" . $fileName ); $width = 100; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***// $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); switch (strtolower($fileTypes)) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $images_orig = @ImageCreateFromJPEG($images); break; case 'png': $images_orig = @ImageCreateFromPNG($images); break; case 'gif': $images_orig = @ImageCreateFromGIF($images); break; } if (in_array($fileTypes, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'))) { $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); ImageJPEG($images_fin, $targetPath . $new_images); ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); } move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $targetFile); $file = new Cms_Model_File(); App_Log::get()->debug($this, 'create new file'); $fileNameUTF = iconv("TIS-620", "UTF-8", $fileName); $file->setName($fileNameUTF)->setPath($path)->setThumbnailPath($thumbnailPath)->setType($fileTypes)->setDescription($fileDescription); if ($this->_folder != 'all') { $file->setFolder($this->_folder); } $file->save(); echo "1"; } } catch (Exception $e) { App_Log::get()->debug($this, $e->getMessage()); echo "0"; } //} }
function resizeImageCrop($image, $image_new_name, $image_width, $image_height, $transparent = false) { global $CFG; if (!file_exists($image)) { return false; } $size = GetimageSize($image); $orig_w = $size[0]; $orig_h = $size[1]; $ratio_src = $orig_w / $orig_h; $ratio_target = $image_width / $image_height; $image_new = ImageCreateTrueColor($image_width, $image_height); if (!$transparent) { $bg_colour = imagecolorallocate($image_new, $CFG->block_oppia_mobile_export_thumb_bg_r, $CFG->block_oppia_mobile_export_thumb_bg_g, $CFG->block_oppia_mobile_export_thumb_bg_b); imagefill($image_new, 0, 0, $bg_colour); } else { imagealphablending($image_new, false); imagesavealpha($image_new, true); } switch ($size['mime']) { case 'image/jpeg': $image_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($image); break; case 'image/png': $image_src = imagecreatefrompng($image); break; case 'image/gif': $image_src = imagecreatefromgif($image); break; } if ($ratio_src > $ratio_target) { $crop = floor(($orig_w - $orig_h * $image_width / $image_height) / 2); imagecopyresampled($image_new, $image_src, 0, 0, $crop, 0, $image_width, $image_height, $orig_w - 2 * $crop, $orig_h); } else { $crop = floor(($orig_h - $orig_w * $image_height / $image_width) / 2); imagecopyresampled($image_new, $image_src, 0, 0, 0, $crop, $image_width, $image_height, $orig_w, $orig_h - 2 * $crop); } $image_new_name = $image_new_name . ".png"; imagepng($image_new, $image_new_name, 9); imagedestroy($image_new); imagedestroy($image_src); return $image_new_name; }
$image_id = $item + 1; // add 1 to max } } // Free the statement identifier when closing the connection oci_free_statement($stid); // now add the new data to the images table $date = $_POST['createdate']; $lob = oci_new_descriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB); $thumblob = oci_new_descriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB); $stmt = oci_parse($conn, "INSERT INTO images(image_id, sensor_id, date_created, description, thumbnail, recoreded_data) VALUES ('{$image_id}', '{$sensor_id}', to_date('{$date}', 'dd/mm/YYYY hh24:mi:ss'), '{$description}', empty_blob(), empty_blob()) returning thumbnail, recoreded_data into :thumbnail, :recoreded_data"); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ':thumbnail', $thumblob, -1, OCI_B_BLOB); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ':recoreded_data', $lob, -1, OCI_B_BLOB); oci_execute($stmt, OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT); // resize image $size = GetimageSize($tmpName); $Img = ImageCreateFromJpeg($tmpName); $oldWidth = imagesx($Img); $oldHeight = imagesy($Img); $newWidth = 50; $newHeight = 50; $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($newWidth, $newHeight); ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $Img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $oldWidth, $oldHeight); ob_start(); imagejpeg($images_fin); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); //echo base64_encode($data); $image = "<img src='data:image/jpeg;base64," . base64_encode($data) . "'>"; //echo $image; $sBinaryThumbnail = base64_encode($data);
public static function ResizeImage($Img, $w) { $filename = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . JURI::root(true) . "/" . $Img; $images = $filename; $new_images = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . JURI::root(true) . "/thumb/" . $Img; //copy("/images/thumb/"$_FILES,"Photos/".$_FILES["userfile"]["name"]); $width = $w; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***// $size = GetimageSize($images); $height = round($width * $size[1] / $size[0]); if ($size[0] == "250") { return "The logo has the right width. Doesn't make sense resize it! Good job!"; } $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($images); $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig); $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig); $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height); $result = ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width + 1, $height + 1, $photoX, $photoY); ImageJPEG($images_fin, $filename); ImageDestroy($images_orig); ImageDestroy($images_fin); if ($result) { return "Logo resized to " . $width . "px by " . $height . "px"; } else { return "mmm It looks like something unexpected just happened, ask Jose!"; } }