private function startXmlDocument($page) { global $config; self::getXmlStream()->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("feed"); self::getXmlStream()->writeAttribute("xmlns", ""); self::getXmlStream()->writeAttribute("xmlns:xhtml", ""); self::getXmlStream()->writeAttribute("xmlns:opds", ""); self::getXmlStream()->writeAttribute("xmlns:opensearch", ""); self::getXmlStream()->writeAttribute("xmlns:dcterms", ""); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("title"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->title); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); if ($page->subtitle != "") { self::getXmlStream()->startElement("subtitle"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->subtitle); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); } self::getXmlStream()->startElement("id"); if ($page->idPage) { $idPage = $page->idPage; if (!is_null(GetUrlParam(DB))) { $idPage = str_replace("cops:", "cops:" . GetUrlParam(DB) . ":", $idPage); } self::getXmlStream()->text($idPage); } else { self::getXmlStream()->text($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("updated"); self::getXmlStream()->text(self::getUpdatedTime()); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("icon"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->favicon); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("author"); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("name"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->authorName); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("uri"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->authorUri); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->startElement("email"); self::getXmlStream()->text($page->authorEmail); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); self::getXmlStream()->endElement(); $link = new LinkNavigation("", "start", "Home"); self::renderLink($link); $link = new LinkNavigation("?" . getQueryString(), "self"); self::renderLink($link); $urlparam = "?"; if (!is_null(GetUrlParam(DB))) { $urlparam = addURLParameter($urlparam, DB, GetUrlParam(DB)); } if ($config['cops_generate_invalid_opds_stream'] == 0 || preg_match("/(MantanoReader|FBReader)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { // Good and compliant way of handling search $urlparam = addURLParameter($urlparam, "page", Base::PAGE_OPENSEARCH); $link = new Link("feed.php" . $urlparam, "application/opensearchdescription+xml", "search", "Search here"); } else { // Bad way, will be removed when OPDS client are fixed $urlparam = addURLParameter($urlparam, "query", "{searchTerms}"); $urlparam = str_replace("%7B", "{", $urlparam); $urlparam = str_replace("%7D", "}", $urlparam); $link = new Link($config['cops_full_url'] . 'feed.php' . $urlparam, "application/atom+xml", "search", "Search here"); } self::renderLink($link); if ($page->containsBook() && !is_null($config['cops_books_filter']) && count($config['cops_books_filter']) > 0) { $Urlfilter = getURLParam("tag", ""); foreach ($config['cops_books_filter'] as $lib => $filter) { $link = new LinkFacet("?" . addURLParameter(getQueryString(), "tag", $filter), $lib, localize("tagword.title"), $filter == $Urlfilter); self::renderLink($link); } } }
require_once "serie.php"; require_once "tag.php"; require_once "language.php"; require_once "customcolumn.php"; require_once "book.php"; require_once "resources/doT-php/doT.php"; // If we detect that an OPDS reader try to connect try to redirect to feed.php if (preg_match("/(MantanoReader|FBReader|Stanza|Marvin|Aldiko|Moon+ Reader|Chunky)/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { header("location: feed.php"); exit; } $page = getURLParam("page", Base::PAGE_INDEX); $query = getURLParam("query"); $qid = getURLParam("id"); $n = getURLParam("n", "1"); $database = GetUrlParam(DB); // Access the database ASAP to be sure it's readable, redirect if that's not the case. // It has to be done before any header is sent. Base::checkDatabaseAvailability(); if ($config['cops_fetch_protect'] == "1") { session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['connected'])) { $_SESSION['connected'] = 0; } } header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $data = array("title" => $config['cops_title_default'], "version" => VERSION, "opds_url" => $config['cops_full_url'] . "feed.php", "customHeader" => "", "template" => getCurrentTemplate(), "server_side_rendering" => useServerSideRendering(), "current_css" => getCurrentCss(), "favico" => $config['cops_icon'], "getjson_url" => "getJSON.php?" . addURLParameter(getQueryString(), "complete", 1)); if (preg_match("/Kindle/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $data["customHeader"] = '<style media="screen" type="text/css"> html { font-size: 75%; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 75%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 75%; }</style>'; } $headcontent = file_get_contents('templates/' . getCurrentTemplate() . '/file.html');
public static function getDbDirectory($database = NULL) { global $config; if (self::isMultipleDatabaseEnabled()) { if (is_null($database)) { $database = GetUrlParam(DB, 0); } $array = array_values($config['calibre_directory']); return $array[$database]; } return $config['calibre_directory']; }
public static function getJson($complete = false) { global $config; $page = getURLParam("page", Base::PAGE_INDEX); $query = getURLParam("query"); $search = getURLParam("search"); $qid = getURLParam("id"); $n = getURLParam("n", "1"); $database = GetUrlParam(DB); $currentPage = Page::getPage($page, $qid, $query, $n); $currentPage->InitializeContent(); if ($search) { return self::getContentArrayTypeahead($currentPage); } $out = array("title" => $currentPage->title); $entries = array(); foreach ($currentPage->entryArray as $entry) { array_push($entries, self::getContentArray($entry)); } if (!is_null($currentPage->book)) { $out["book"] = self::getFullBookContentArray($currentPage->book); } $out["databaseId"] = GetUrlParam(DB, ""); $out["databaseName"] = Base::getDbName(); if ($out["databaseId"] == "") { $out["databaseName"] = ""; } $out["fullTitle"] = $out["title"]; if ($out["databaseId"] != "" && $out["databaseName"] != $out["fullTitle"]) { $out["fullTitle"] = $out["databaseName"] . " > " . $out["fullTitle"]; } $out["page"] = $page; $out["multipleDatabase"] = Base::isMultipleDatabaseEnabled() ? 1 : 0; $out["entries"] = $entries; $out["isPaginated"] = 0; if ($currentPage->isPaginated()) { $prevLink = $currentPage->getPrevLink(); $nextLink = $currentPage->getNextLink(); $out["isPaginated"] = 1; $out["prevLink"] = ""; if (!is_null($prevLink)) { $out["prevLink"] = $prevLink->hrefXhtml(); } $out["nextLink"] = ""; if (!is_null($nextLink)) { $out["nextLink"] = $nextLink->hrefXhtml(); } $out["maxPage"] = $currentPage->getMaxPage(); $out["currentPage"] = $currentPage->n; } if (!is_null(getURLParam("complete")) || $complete) { $out = self::addCompleteArray($out); } $out["containsBook"] = 0; if ($currentPage->containsBook()) { $out["containsBook"] = 1; } $out["abouturl"] = "index.php" . addURLParameter("?page=" . Base::PAGE_ABOUT, DB, $database); if ($page == Base::PAGE_ABOUT) { $temp = preg_replace("/\\<h1\\>About COPS\\<\\/h1\\>/", "<h1>About COPS " . VERSION . "</h1>", file_get_contents('about.html')); $out["fullhtml"] = $temp; } $out["homeurl"] = "index.php"; if ($page != Base::PAGE_INDEX && !is_null($database)) { $out["homeurl"] = $out["homeurl"] . "?" . addURLParameter("", DB, $database); } return $out; }
public function getDetailUrl() { $urlParam = $this->getUri(); if (!is_null(GetUrlParam(DB))) { $urlParam = addURLParameter($urlParam, DB, GetUrlParam(DB)); } return 'index.php' . $urlParam; }
} return str_replace("&", "&", $out); }; $data = preg_replace_callback("/(src=)[\"']([^:]*?)[\"']/", $callback, $data); $data = preg_replace_callback("/(href=)[\"']([^:]*?)[\"']/", $callback, $data); $data = preg_replace_callback("/(\\@import\\s+)[\"'](.*?)[\"'];/", $callback, $data); $data = preg_replace_callback("/(src\\s*:\\s*url\\()(.*?)\\)/", $callback, $data); return $data; } if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli') { return; } $idData = getURLParam("data", NULL); $add = "data={$idData}&"; if (!is_null(GetUrlParam(DB))) { $add .= DB . "=" . GetUrlParam(DB) . "&"; } $myBook = Book::getBookByDataId($idData); $book = new EPub($myBook->getFilePath("EPUB", $idData)); $book->initSpineComponent(); if (!isset($_GET["comp"])) { notFound(); return; } $component = $_GET["comp"]; try { $data = getComponentContent($book, $component, $add); $expires = 60 * 60 * 24 * 14; header("Pragma: public"); header("Cache-Control: maxage=" . $expires); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $expires) . ' GMT');
$file = $book->getFilePath($type, $idData); } if (!$file || !file_exists($file)) { notFound(); return; } } switch ($type) { case "jpg": header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); //by default, we don't cache $thumbnailCacheFullpath = null; if (isset($config['cops_thumbnail_cache_directory']) && $config['cops_thumbnail_cache_directory'] !== '') { $thumbnailCacheFullpath = $config['cops_thumbnail_cache_directory']; //if multiple databases, add a subfolder with the database ID $thumbnailCacheFullpath .= !is_null(GetUrlParam(DB)) ? 'db-' . GetUrlParam(DB) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : ''; //when there are lots of thumbnails, it's better to save files in subfolders, so if the book's uuid is //"01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef", we will save the thumbnail in .../0/12/34567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef-... $thumbnailCacheFullpath .= substr($book->uuid, 0, 1) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($book->uuid, 1, 2) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; //check if cache folder exists or create it if (file_exists($thumbnailCacheFullpath) || mkdir($thumbnailCacheFullpath, 0700, true)) { //we name the thumbnail from the book's uuid and it's dimensions (width and/or height) $thumbnailCacheName = substr($book->uuid, 3) . '-' . getURLParam("width") . 'x' . getURLParam("height") . '.jpg'; $thumbnailCacheFullpath = $thumbnailCacheFullpath . $thumbnailCacheName; } else { //error creating the folder, so we don't cache $thumbnailCacheFullpath = null; } } if ($thumbnailCacheFullpath !== null && file_exists($thumbnailCacheFullpath)) { //return the already cached thumbnail
public static function getLink($book, $type, $mime, $rel, $filename, $idData, $title = NULL, $height = NULL) { global $config; $urlParam = addURLParameter("", "data", $idData); if (Base::useAbsolutePath() || $rel == Link::OPDS_THUMBNAIL_TYPE || $type == "epub" && $config['cops_update_epub-metadata']) { if ($type != "jpg") { $urlParam = addURLParameter($urlParam, "type", $type); } if ($rel == Link::OPDS_THUMBNAIL_TYPE) { $urlParam = self::handleThumbnailLink($urlParam, $height); } $urlParam = addURLParameter($urlParam, "id", $book->id); if (!is_null(GetUrlParam(DB))) { $urlParam = addURLParameter($urlParam, DB, GetUrlParam(DB)); } if ($config['cops_thumbnail_handling'] != "1" && !empty($config['cops_thumbnail_handling']) && $rel == Link::OPDS_THUMBNAIL_TYPE) { return new Link($config['cops_thumbnail_handling'], $mime, $rel, $title); } else { return new Link("fetch.php?" . $urlParam, $mime, $rel, $title); } } else { return new Link(str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($book->path . "/" . $filename)), $mime, $rel, $title); } }