function editLinks() { global $cfg; DisplayHead(_ADMINEDITLINKS); // Admin Menu displayMenu(); echo "<div align=\"center\">"; echo "<table border=1 bordercolor=\"" . $cfg["table_admin_border"] . "\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_data_bg"] . "\">"; // Link Mod //echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"".$cfg["table_header_bg"]."\" background=\"themes/".$cfg["theme"]."/images/bar.gif\">"; //echo "<img src=\"images/properties.png\" width=18 height=13 border=0> <font class=\"title\">"._ADMINEDITLINKS."</font>"; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"" . $cfg["table_header_bg"] . "\" background=\"themes/" . $cfg["theme"] . "/images/bar.gif\">"; echo "<img src=\"images/properties.png\" width=18 height=13 border=0> <font class=\"title\">" . _ADMINEDITLINKS . "</font>"; //echo "</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">"; echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 align=\"center\">"; // Link Mod ?> <form action="admin.php?op=addLink" method="post"> <?php echo _FULLURLLINK; ?> : <!-- Link Mod --> <!-- <input type="Text" size="50" maxlength="255" name="newLink"> --> <input type="Text" size="30" maxlength="255" name="newLink"> <?php echo _FULLSITENAME; ?> : <input type="Text" size="30" maxlength="255" name="newSite"> <!-- Link Mod --> <input type="Submit" value="<?php echo _UPDATE; ?> "><br> </form> <?php echo "</td></tr>"; $arLinks = GetLinks(); $arLid = Array_Keys($arLinks); $inx = 0; // Link Mod $link_count = count($arLinks); // Link Mod foreach ($arLinks as $link) { $lid = $arLid[$inx++]; // Link Mod //echo "<tr><td><a href=\"admin.php?op=deleteLink&lid=".$lid."\"><img src=\"images/delete_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\""._DELETE." ".$lid."\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a> "; //echo "<a href=\"".$link."\" target=\"_blank\">".$link."</a></td></tr>\n"; if (isset($_GET["edit"]) && $_GET["edit"] == $link['lid']) { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">"; ?> <form action="admin.php?op=editLink" method="post"> <?php echo _FULLURLLINK; ?> : <input type="Text" size="30" maxlength="255" name="editLink" value="<?php echo $link['url']; ?> "> <?php echo _FULLSITENAME; ?> : <input type="Text" size="30" maxlength="255" name="editSite" value="<?php echo $link['sitename']; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="lid" value="<?php echo $lid; ?> "> <input type="Submit" value="<?php echo _UPDATE; ?> "><br> </form> <?php } else { echo "<tr><td>"; echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=deleteLink&lid=" . $lid . "\"><img src=\"images/delete_on.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _DELETE . " " . $lid . "\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a> "; echo "<a href=\"admin.php?op=editLinks&edit=" . $lid . "\"><img src=\"images/edit.gif\" width=16 height=16 border=0 title=\"" . _EDIT . " " . $lid . "\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a> "; echo "<a href=\"" . $link['url'] . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $link['sitename'] . "</a></td>\n"; echo "<td align=right width='36'>"; if ($inx > 1) { // Only put an 'up' arrow if this isn't the first entry: echo "<a href='admin.php?op=moveLink&direction=up&lid=" . $lid . "'>"; echo "<img src='images/uparrow.png' width='16' height='16' "; echo "border='0' title='Move link up' align='absmiddle' alt='Up'></a>"; } // If only one link, just put in a space in each cell: echo $inx == 1 ? "<img src='images/blank.gif' width='16' align='absmiddle'>" : ""; echo " "; if ($inx != count($arLinks)) { // Only put a 'down' arrow if this isn't the last item: echo "<a href='admin.php?op=moveLink&direction=down&lid=" . $lid . "'>"; echo "<img src='images/downarrow.png' width='16' height='16' "; echo "border='0' title='Move link down' align='absmiddle' alt='Down'></a>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; } // Link Mod } echo "</table></div><br><br><br>"; DisplayFoot(true, true); }
GNU General Public License for more details. To read the license please visit *******************************************************************************/ // prevent direct invocation if (!isset($cfg['user']) || isset($_REQUEST['cfg'])) { @ob_end_clean(); @header("location: ../../../index.php"); exit; } /******************************************************************************/ // init template-instance tmplInitializeInstance($cfg["theme"], "page.admin.editLinks.tmpl"); // set vars $arLinks = GetLinks(); $arLid = Array_Keys($arLinks); $inx = 0; $link_count = count($arLinks); $link_list = array(); foreach ($arLinks as $link) { $lid = $arLid[$inx++]; $counter = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST["edit"]) && $_REQUEST["edit"] == $link['lid']) { $is_edit = 1; } else { $is_edit = 0; } if ($inx > 1) { $counter = 2; }
<?php $dsp->NewContent('Wähle den Eintrag aus, der Verlinkt werden soll'); function GetLinks($caption, $mod, $table, $id, $name, $link) { global $func, $db, $dsp; if ($func->isModActive($mod)) { $out = '<select name="link" onChange="javascript:if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != \'\') InsertCode(opener.document.' . $_GET['form'] . '.' . $_GET['textarea'] . ', \'[url=' . $link . '\' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value + \']\', \'[/url]\')">'; $out .= '<option value="">' . t('Bitte Link auswählen') . '</option>'; $res = $db->qry("SELECT %plain%, %plain% FROM %prefix%%plain%", $id, $name, $table); while ($row = $db->fetch_array($res)) { $out .= '<option value="' . $row[$id] . '">' . $row[$name] . '</option>'; } $out .= '</select>'; $dsp->AddDoubleRow($caption, $out); } } GetLinks(t('News'), 'news', 'news', 'newsid', 'caption', 'index.php?mod=news&action=comment&newsid='); GetLinks(t('Board'), 'board', 'board_forums', 'fid', 'name', 'index.php?mod=board&action=forum&fid='); GetLinks(t('Board-Thread'), 'board', 'board_threads', 'tid', 'caption', 'index.php?mod=board&action=thread&tid='); GetLinks(t('Bug-Eintrag'), 'bugtracker', 'bugtracker', 'bugid', 'caption', 'index.php?mod=bugtracker&bugid='); GetLinks(t('Server'), 'server', 'server', 'serverid', 'caption', 'index.php?mod=server&action=show_details&serverid='); GetLinks(t('Sitzblock'), 'seating', 'seat_block', 'blockid', 'name', 'index.php?mod=seating&action=show&step=2&blockid='); GetLinks(t('Turnier'), 'tournament2', 'tournament_tournaments', 'tournamentid', 'name', 'index.php?mod=tournament2&action=details&tournamentid='); GetLinks(t('Turnier-Paarungen'), 'tournament2', 'tournament_tournaments', 'tournamentid', 'name', 'index.php?mod=tournament2&action=games&step=2&tournamentid='); GetLinks(t('Turnier-Spielbaum'), 'tournament2', 'tournament_tournaments', 'tournamentid', 'name', 'index.php?mod=tournament2&action=tree&step=2&tournamentid='); GetLinks(t('Turnier-Ranking'), 'tournament2', 'tournament_tournaments', 'tournamentid', 'name', 'index.php?mod=tournament2&action=rangliste&step=2&tournamentid=');