function SearchBuildings($name = "", $created_uid = "", $address = "", $bids = "", $province = "", $city = "", $district = "", $street = "", $btype = "", $pageSize = "", $page = "", $checkUserPoints = true, $includeUserPoints = false, $maxLng = '', $maxLat = '', $minLng = '', $minLat = '', $keywords = '') { $sql = "select b.*,u.uname from building b left join user u on b.create_uid=u.uid"; $order = " order by topic_count desc"; $where = " where 1=1"; $sqlcount = "select count(*) as rs from building b"; if ($page > 0) { if ($pageSize == "" || $pageSize == 0) { $pageSize = $this->Config['building_pagesize']; } $startrecord = $pageSize * ($page - 1); $endrecord = $pageSize * $page; $limit = ' limit ' . $startrecord . ',' . $pageSize; } if ($name != "" && (!$keywords || $keywords == "")) { //$where.=" and b.bname like '%$name%'"; $where .= " and b.bname ='{$name}'"; } if ($created_uid != "") { $where .= " and b.create_uid={$created_uid}"; } if ($address != "" && (!$keywords || $keywords == "")) { $where .= " and b.address like '%{$address}%'"; } if ($keywords && $keywords != "") { $where .= " and (b.bname like '%{$keywords}%' or b.address like '%{$keywords}%' or description like '%{$keywords}%')"; } if ($province != "" && $province != 0) { if (is_numeric($province)) { $where .= " and b.province='{$province}'"; } else { $where .= " and b.province in( select id from common_district where name='{$province}')"; } } if ($city != "" && $city != 0) { if (is_numeric($city)) { $where .= " and'{$city}'"; } else { $where .= " and in( select id from common_district where name='{$city}')"; } } if ($district != "") { $where .= " and b.district='{$district}'"; } if ($street != "") { $where .= " and b.street='{$street}'"; } if ($btype != '' && is_numeric($btype) && $btype > 0) { $where .= " and b.build_type_id={$btype}"; } if (isset($bids) && $bids != '') { if (!$includeUserPoints) { $where .= " and in({$bids})"; } else { $where .= " or in({$bids})"; } } if ($maxLng && $maxLng != '') { $where .= " and b.point_lng<='{$maxLng}'"; } if ($maxLat && $maxLat != '') { $where .= " and b.point_lat<='{$maxLat}'"; } if ($minLng && $minLng != '') { $where .= " and b.point_lng>='{$minLng}'"; } if ($minLat && $minLat != '') { $where .= " and b.point_lat>='{$minLat}'"; } $result = array(); $sqlcount = $sqlcount . $where . $order; $row = $this->DatabaseHandler->FetchFirst($sqlcount); if ($row != false) { $result['total'] = $row['rs']; } else { $result['total'] = 0; } $sqlr = trim($sql . $where . $order . $limit); $this->Logger->Write($sqlr); $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sqlr); $rows = $query->GetAll(); //do other things which related with points $uid = $this->User['uid']; $data = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $image = $row['face_url']; if ($image && $image != '') { $image_prefix = GetImagePrefix($image); } $image_profile_img = $image_prefix . "_p." . get_file_ext($image); if (file_exists($image_profile_img)) { $row['face_url_p'] = $image_profile_img; } else { $row['face_url_p'] = $row['face_url']; } $row['image_prefix'] = $image_profile_img; $bid = $row['bid']; if ($uid != "" && $checkUserPoints) { $fans = $this->DatabaseHandler->FetchFirst("select upid from userpoints where isfollowed=1 and uid={$uid} and building_id={$bid}"); if ($fans && count($fans) >= 1) { $row['fans'] = 1; } $ms = $this->DatabaseHandler->FetchFirst("select live_type from userpoints where changyong=1 and uid={$uid} and building_id={$bid}"); $row['home'] = 0; $row['work'] = 0; $row['school'] = 0; } if ($ms && count($ms) >= 1) { $row['member'] = 1; foreach ($ms as $m) { switch ($m['live_type']) { case "1": $row['home'] = 1; $row['work'] = 0; $row['school'] = 0; break; case "2": $row['home'] = 0; $row['work'] = 1; $row['school'] = 0; break; case "3": $row['home'] = 0; $row['work'] = 0; $row['school'] = 1; break; } } } $data[] = $row; } $result['data'] = $data; if ($result['total'] == 0) { $result['data'] = ''; } return $result; }
function SearchUsers($uids, $city, $district, $street, $startage = '', $endage = '', $gender = '', $hasQQ = false, $hasMSN = false, $hasPhone = false, $hastouxiang = false, $page, $pageSize, $paging = true, $current_uid = '', $checkFollowMe = false, $province = '', $orderBy = 'lastlogin') { $sql = "select u.push_uid,u.channel_id,u.device_type, u.password, case when u.gendar=1 then '他' when u.gendar=2 then '她' else 'TA' end as gendar_txt1,case when u.gendar=1 then '男' when u.gendar=2 then '女' else '未填写' end as gendar_txt,u.uid,u.uname,u.face_url,u.aboutme,u.uemail,u.birthday,u.lastlogintime,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.birthday) as bint,u.gendar,u.fans_count,u.topic_count,u.follow_count,u.province,,u.area,u.street,u.qq,,u.msn,u.secondemail,u.realname,u.regdate,"; $sql .= "(select count(*) from userpoints where uid=u.uid and point_type='fans') as gpoints,"; $sql .= "(select count(*) from buddys where uid=u.uid and isfriend=1) as friend_count,"; $sql .= "(select name from common_district where id=u.province) as province_name,"; $sql .= "(select name from common_district where as city_name,"; $sql .= "(select name from common_district where id=u.area) as district_name,"; $sql .= "(select name from common_district where id=u.street) as street_name "; if ($current_uid != '' && $current_uid > 0) { $sql .= ",(select isfriend from buddys where buddyid=u.uid and uid={$current_uid}) as isfriend "; $sql .= ",(select isfollowed from buddys where buddyid=u.uid and uid={$current_uid}) as isfollowed "; } if ($checkFollowMe) { $sql .= ",(select isfriend from buddys where buddyid={$current_uid} and uid=u.uid) as followme "; } // $sql.="(select id from buddys where uid=$loginId and buddyid=u.uid) as bid"; $sql .= "from user u "; $sqlcount = "select count(u.uid) as rs from user u "; $where = "where 1=1 "; $orderby = "order by u.lastlogintime desc "; switch ($orderBy) { case "lastpost": $orderby = "order by u.lastposttime desc "; break; case "fanscount": $orderby = "order by u.fans_count desc "; break; case "name": $orderby = "order by u.uname asc "; break; case "lastlogin": $orderby = "order by u.lastlogintime desc "; break; default: $orderby = "order by u.lastlogintime desc "; break; } $limit = ''; if ($page > 0) { if ($pageSize == "" || $pageSize == 0) { $pageSize = $this->Config['building_topic_pagesize']; } $startrecord = $pageSize * ($page - 1); $endrecord = $pageSize * $page; $limit = ' limit ' . $startrecord . ',' . $pageSize; } if ($uids && $uids != '') { $where .= "and u.uid in ({$uids}) "; } if ($province && $province != '') { $where .= "and u.province in ({$province}) "; } if ($city && $city != '') { $where .= "and in ({$city}) "; } if ($district && $district != '') { $where .= "and u.area in ({$district}) "; } if ($street && $street != '') { $where .= "and u.street in ({$street}) "; } if ($startage && $startage != '') { $where .= "and u.birthday >= '{$startage}' "; } if ($endage && $endage != '') { $where .= "and u.birthday <= '{$endage}' "; } if ($gender && $gender != '') { $where .= "and u.gendar={$gender} "; } if ($hastouxiang) { $where .= "and u.face_url<>'' "; } if ($hasPhone && $hasPhone == true) { $where .= "and<>'' "; } if ($hasQQ && $hasQQ == true) { $where .= "and u.qq <>'' "; } if ($hasMSN && $hasMSN == true) { $where .= "and u.msn<>'' "; } $result = array(); $result['data'] = array(); $result['total'] = 0; //$this->Logger->Write($sqlcount.$where); $totalRow = $this->DatabaseHandler->FetchFirst($sqlcount . $where); if ($totalRow) { $result['total'] = $totalRow['rs']; } if ($result['total'] == 0) { return $result; } if ($paging) { $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql . $where . $orderby . $limit); } else { $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql . $where . $orderby); } $this->Logger->Write($sql . $where . $orderby . $limit); $list = array(); if ($query) { $rows = $query->GetAll(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $image = $row['face_url']; if ($image && $image != '') { $image_prefix = GetImagePrefix($image); } $image_profile_img = $image_prefix . "_p." . get_file_ext($image); if (file_exists($image_profile_img)) { $row['face_url_p'] = $image_profile_img; } else { $row['face_url_p'] = $row['face_url']; } $row['image_prefix'] = $image_profile_img; $cdate = date('Y'); $bdate = date('Y', $row['bint']); $row['age'] = $cdate - $bdate; $row['lastlogin'] = getTime($row['lastlogintime']); $row['regdate'] = getTime($row['regdate']); $list[] = $row; } } $result['data'] = $list; return $result; }