function update_component() { $comp = GetAllSelect('payroll_component', 'id')->result(); foreach ($comp as $c) { $data = array('session_id' => $this->new_session, 'payroll_component_id' => $c->id); $filter = array('session_id' => 'where/' . $this->new_session, 'payroll_component_id' => 'where/' . $c->id); $num_rows = GetAllSelect('payroll_component_session', 'id', $filter)->num_rows(); if ($num_rows > 0) { $this->db->where('session_id', $this->new_session)->where('payroll_component_id', $c->id)->update('payroll_component_session', $data); } else { $this->db->insert('payroll_component_session', $data); } $filter2 = array('session_id' => 'where/' . $this->old_session, 'payroll_component_id' => 'where/' . $c->id); $comp_sess_before = getValue('id', 'payroll_component_session', $filter2); print_ag($comp_sess_before); $comp_value = getAll('payroll_component_value', array('payroll_component_session_id' => 'where/' . $comp_sess_before))->row(); print_ag($comp_value); $comp_sess_new = getValue('id', 'payroll_component_session', $filter); $num_rows_new = GetAllSelect('payroll_component_value', 'id', array('payroll_component_session_id' => 'where/' . $comp_sess_new))->num_rows(); if (!empty($comp_value)) { $data2 = array('payroll_component_session_id' => $comp_sess_new, 'from' => $comp_value->from, 'to' => $comp_value->to, 'formula' => $comp_value->formula, 'is_condition' => $comp_value->is_condition, 'min' => $comp_value->min, 'max' => $comp_value->max, 'created_by' => sessId(), 'created_on' => dateNow()); if ($num_rows_new > 0) { $this->db->where('payroll_component_session_id', $comp_sess_new)->update('payroll_component_value', $data2); } else { $this->db->insert('payroll_component_value', $data2); } } print_ag($this->db->last_query()); } }
function add() { $no = $this->input->post('no'); permissionUser(); $list = array('barang_id' => $this->input->post('barang_id'), 'deskripsi' => $this->input->post('deskripsi'), 'catatan_barang' => $this->input->post('catatan_barang'), 'jumlah' => $this->input->post('jumlah'), 'satuan' => $this->input->post('satuan'), 'sisa_stok' => $this->input->post('sisa_stok')); $data = array('no' => $no, 'kontak_id' => $this->input->post('kontak_id'), 'tgl' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->input->post('tgl'))), 'catatan' => $this->input->post('catatan'), 'project' => $this->input->post('project'), 'status_id' => 1, 'created_by' => sessId(), 'created_on' => dateNow()); $num_rows = GetAllSelect($this->table_name, 'no', array('no' => 'where/' . $no))->num_rows(); if ($num_rows > 0) { $this->db->where('no', $no)->update($this->table_name, $data); $insert_id = getValue('id', $this->table_name, array('no' => 'where/' . $no)); } else { $this->db->insert($this->table_name, $data); $insert_id = $this->db->insert_id(); } $this->db->where($this->file_name . '_id', $insert_id)->delete($this->table_name . '_list'); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($list['barang_id']); $i++) { $data2 = array($this->file_name . '_id' => $insert_id, 'barang_id' => $list['barang_id'][$i], 'deskripsi' => $list['deskripsi'][$i], 'catatan' => $list['catatan_barang'][$i], 'qty' => str_replace(',', '', $list['jumlah'][$i]), 'satuan_id' => $list['satuan'][$i], 'sisa_stok' => $list['sisa_stok'][$i]); $num_rows_list = getAll($this->table_name . '_list', array('barang_id' => 'where/' . $list['barang_id'][$i], $this->file_name . '_id' => 'where/' . $insert_id))->num_rows(); if ($num_rows_list > 0) { $this->db->where('barang_id', $list['barang_id'][$i])->where($this->file_name . '_id', $insert_id)->update($this->table_name . '_list', $data2); } else { $this->db->insert($this->table_name . '_list', $data2); } } $produksi_ref = array('ref_id' => $insert_id, 'ref_type' => 'wo', 'status' => 1, 'created_by' => sessId(), 'created_on' => dateNow()); $this->db->insert('produksi_ref', $produksi_ref); $this->send_notification($insert_id); redirect($this->file_name, 'refresh'); }
function load_msg_header() { //CHAT $data['users'] = getAll('users', array('username' => 'order/asc'), array('!=id' => sessId())); $data['unread_all'] = GetAllSelect('chat', 'is_read', array('is_read' => 'where/0', 'receiver_id' => 'where/' . sessId()))->num_rows(); $data['messages'] = getAll('chat', array('receiver_id' => 'where/' . sessId(), 'limit' => 'limit/3', 'id' => 'order/desc'))->result(); $this->load->view('chat/header', $data); }
function index() { $this->data['title'] = $this->title; $this->data['main_title'] = $this->title; permissionUser(); $this->data['coa'] = GetAllSelect('sv_setup_coa', 'id,name')->result(); $this->data['options_po'] = options_row('main', 'get_po', 'id', 'no', '-- Pilih No. Invoice --'); $this->_render_page($this->module . '/' . $this->file_name . '/index', $this->data); }
function input() { $this->data['title'] = $this->title . ' - Input'; $this->data['main_title'] = $this->main_title; $this->data['file_name'] = $this->file_name; $this->data['module'] = $this->module; permissionUser(); $num_rows = getAll($this->table_name)->num_rows(); $last_id = $num_rows > 0 ? $this->db->select('id')->order_by('id', 'asc')->get($this->table_name)->last_row()->id : 0; $this->data['last_id'] = $num_rows > 0 ? $last_id + 1 : 1; $this->data['barang'] = getAll('barang')->result_array(); $this->data['satuan'] = getAll('satuan')->result_array(); $this->data['kurensi'] = getAll('kurensi')->result(); $this->data['metode'] = getAll('metode_pembayaran')->result(); $this->data['gudang'] = getAll('gudang')->result(); $this->data['options_kontak'] = options_row('main', 'get_kontak', 'id', 'title', '-- Pilih kontak --'); $this->data['po'] = GetAllSelect('purchase_order', array('id', 'po'), array('is_invoiced' => 'where/0', 'id' => 'order/desc'))->result(); $this->_render_page($this->module . '/' . $this->file_name . '/input', $this->data); }
function update_master_component_value($component_id) { $today = date('Y-m-d'); $master_id = GetAllSelect('payroll_master_component', 'payroll_component_id, payroll_master_id', array('payroll_component_id' => 'where/' . $component_id))->result(); $emp_id = getValue('employee_id', 'payroll_master', array('id' => 'where/' . $master_id)); $filter = array('payroll_component_id' => 'where/' . $component_id, 'session_id' => 'where/' . $this->session_id); $component_session_id = getValue('id', 'payroll_component_session', $filter); //lastq(); $com_val = $this->db->select('*')->where('payroll_component_session_id', $component_session_id)->get('payroll_component_value')->result(); $formula = ''; if (!empty($com_val)) { //print_ag($com_val); foreach ($com_val as $c) { $from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($c->from)); $to = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($c->to)); //print_ag("$today lebih besar dari $from , $today kurang dari $to"); //print_mz($from); //if($today > $from && $today < $to)die('s'); if ($today >= $from && $today <= $to) { $formula = $c->formula; //echo $formula; $is_condition = $c->is_condition; $min = $c->min; $max = $c->max; } } } $tx = explode(' ', $formula); $r = ''; foreach ($master_id as $value) { if ($formula != null && $component_id != 60) { if (!in_array('IF', $tx)) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tx); $i++) { //print_mz($tx); if (preg_match("/[a-z]/i", $tx[$i])) { $session_id = '2015'; $g = getValue('id', 'payroll_component', array('code' => 'where/' . $tx[$i])); $detail = $this->payroll->get_employee_detail($emp_id); $det = $detail->row(); $employee_job_id = getValue('job_id', 'hris_employee_job', array('employee_id' => 'where/' . $emp_id)); $job_value_id = getValue('job_value_id', 'hris_jobs', array('job_id' => 'where/' . $employee_job_id)); $filter = array('session_id' => 'where/' . $session_id, 'job_value_id' => 'where/' . $job_value_id, 'job_class_id' => 'where/' . $det->job_class_id); $job_value_matrix = GetAll('payroll_job_value_matrix', $filter); //lastq(); $job_value_matrix_num = GetAll('payroll_job_value_matrix', $filter)->num_rows(); //lastq(); if ($tx[$i] == 'JVM') { $g = $jvm = $job_value_matrix_num > 0 ? $job_value_matrix->row()->value : 0; //print_r('jvm='.$g.'-'); } elseif ($tx[$i] == 'VAR') { $cm_param = GetAll('payroll_compensation_mix', array('session_id' => 'where/' . $session_id, 'job_class_id' => 'where/' . $det->job_class_id)); $cm_param_num = GetAll('payroll_compensation_mix', array('session_id' => 'where/' . $session_id, 'job_class_id' => 'where/' . $det->job_class_id))->num_rows(); //lastq(); $row = $cm_param->row(); $g = $var = $cm_param_num > 0 ? $row->var / 100 : 0 / 100; //print_mz('var='.$var.'-'); } elseif ($tx[$i] == 'CONV') { $g = getValue('value', 'payroll_exchange_rate', array('session_id' => 'where/' . $session_id)); } else { $g = getValue('value', 'payroll_master_component', array('payroll_master_id' => 'where/' . $value->payroll_master_id, 'payroll_component_id' => 'where/' . $g)); //print_r($g.'-'); } //print_r($value->component.'='.$g.'<br/>'); $tx[$i] = $g; } if (strpos($tx[$i], '%') !== false) { $tx[$i] = substr_replace($tx[$i], '/100', -1); } else { false; } $r .= $tx[$i]; } } else { $com = explode(PHP_EOL, $formula); //print_ag($com); for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($com); $j++) { $ntx = ''; $bwgs = getValue('value', 'payroll_master_component', array('payroll_master_id' => 'where/' . $value->payroll_master_id, 'payroll_component_id' => 'where/60')); $hous = getValue('value', 'payroll_master_component', array('payroll_master_id' => 'where/' . $value->payroll_master_id, 'payroll_component_id' => 'where/66')); //print_mz($xj[$i]); $bwgshous = $bwgs + $hous; //print_mz($bwgshous); $xj = explode(' ', $com[$j]); //print_ag($xj); $n = ''; for ($i = 7; $i < sizeof($xj); $i++) { if (preg_match("/[a-z]/i", $xj[$i])) { //echo $j.'-'.$xj[$i].'<br/>'; switch ($xj[$i]) { case 'TK0': $xj[$i] = getValue('value', 'payroll_ptkp', array('title' => 'where/' . 'TK0')); break; case 'K0': $xj[$i] = getValue('value', 'payroll_ptkp', array('title' => 'where/' . 'K0')); break; case 'K1': $xj[$i] = getValue('value', 'payroll_ptkp', array('title' => 'where/' . 'K1')); //print_mz($xj[$i]); break; case 'K2': $xj[$i] = getValue('value', 'payroll_ptkp', array('title' => 'where/' . 'K2')); break; case 'K3': $xj[$i] = getValue('value', 'payroll_ptkp', array('title' => 'where/' . 'K3')); break; case 'UMK': //$xj[$i]=getValue('value', 'UMK', array('session'=>'where/'.$session_id)); $xj[$i] = 3000000; break; default: //print_ag($xj[$i]); $code = getValue('id', 'payroll_component', array('code' => 'where/' . $xj[$i])); $xj[$i] = getValue('value', 'payroll_master_component', array('payroll_master_id' => 'where/' . $value->payroll_master_id, 'payroll_component_id' => 'where/' . $code)); //print_ag($xj[$i]); break; } //print_ag('awa'.$j.'-'.$xj[$i]); } //print_ag($value->component); //print_ag($xj[$i]); if ($xj[$i] == '%') { $xj[$i] = '/100'; //print_ag('ke_replace '.$xj[$i]); } $ntx .= $xj[$i]; } //print_ag($value->code); //print_ag($xj); if ($xj[6] == '>') { $f = current(explode(";", $ntx)); //print_mz($ntx); $f = $this->evalmath($f); $f = @eval("return " . $f . ";"); //print_mz($f); $l = substr($ntx, strpos($ntx, ";") + 1); //print_ag($j.'-'.$l); $l = $this->evalmath($l); $l = @eval("return " . $l . ";"); //print_ag('>'.$bwgshous.$xj[6].$f.'='.$r); //print_mz($bwgshous.' > '.$f); if ($bwgshous > $f) { $r = $l; } } elseif ($xj[6] == '<') { $f = current(explode(";", $ntx)); //print_mz($ntx); $f = $this->evalmath($f); $f = @eval("return " . $f . ";"); //print_mz($f); $l = substr($ntx, strpos($ntx, ";") + 1); //print_ag($j.'-'.$l); $l = $this->evalmath($l); $l = @eval("return " . $l . ";"); //print_ag('>'.$bwgshous.$xj[6].$f.'='.$r); //print_mz($bwgshous.' > '.$f); if ($bwgshous < $f) { $r = $l; } } elseif ($xj[6] == '<=') { $f = current(explode(";", $ntx)); //print_mz($ntx); $f = $this->evalmath($f); $f = @eval("return " . $f . ";"); //print_mz($f); $l = substr($ntx, strpos($ntx, ";") + 1); //print_ag($j.'-'.$l); $l = $this->evalmath($l); $l = @eval("return " . $l . ";"); //print_ag('>'.$bwgshous.$xj[6].$f.'='.$r); //print_mz($bwgshous.' > '.$f); if ($bwgshous <= $f) { $r = $l; } } elseif ($xj[6] == '>=') { $f = current(explode(";", $ntx)); //print_mz($ntx); $f = $this->evalmath($f); $f = @eval("return " . $f . ";"); //print_mz($f); $l = substr($ntx, strpos($ntx, ";") + 1); //print_ag($j.'-'.$l); $l = $this->evalmath($l); $l = @eval("return " . $l . ";"); //print_ag('>'.$bwgshous.$xj[6].$f.'='.$r); //print_mz($bwgshous.' > '.$f); if ($bwgshous >= $f) { $r = $l; } } //print_ag($bwgshous.$xj[6].$f.'='.$r); } //print_ag($bwgshous.$xj[6].$f.$r); //print_ag($bwgshous.$xj[6].$f.$r); //print_mz($com); //print_ag($ntx); //print_ag($f); } $f = $this->evalmath($r); $tz = @eval("return " . $f . ";"); //print_ag($tz); //$is_condition = getValue('is_condition', 'payroll_component_value', array('payroll_component_id'=>'where/'.$value->component_id)); //$is_condition = 0; if ($is_condition == 1) { //$min = 1000; //$max = 70000000; //$min = getValue('min', 'payroll_component_value', array('payroll_component_id'=>'where/'.$value->component_id)); //$max = getValue('max', 'payroll_component_value', array('payroll_component_id'=>'where/'.$value->component_id)); if ($tz > $max) { $tz = $max; } elseif ($tz < $min) { $tz = $min; } else { $tz = $tz; } } $this->db->where('payroll_master_id', $value->payroll_master_id)->where('payroll_component_id', $component_id)->update('payroll_master_component', array('value' => $tz)); //echo '<pre>';print_r($this->db->last_query());echo "</pre><br/>"; } } }
function insert_all_po_status() { $q = GetAllSelect('purchase_order', 'id')->result(); foreach ($q as $k) { $this->insert_po_status($k->id); print_r($this->db->last_query()); } }
function cek_stok($id) { $num_rows = GetAllSelect('stok', 'barang_id', array('barang_id' => 'where/' . $id))->num_rows(); $data = array('barang_id' => $id, 'created_by' => sessId(), 'created_on' => dateNow()); if ($num_rows < 1) { $this->db->insert('stok', $data); } return true; }
function cek_master_component_monthly($session_id = 2015) { $master = GetAllSelect('payroll_master', 'id')->result(); foreach ($master as $m) { $master_id = $m->id; //$filter = array('id'=>'where/'.$m->id, 'session_id'=>'where/'.sessNow()); $filter = array('id' => 'where/' . $m->id); $group_id = getValue('payroll_group_id', 'payroll_master', $filter); //print_mz($group_id); $group_id = getValue('id', 'payroll_group', array('job_class_id' => 'where/' . $group_id)); //lastq() $cek_group_component = GetAllSelect('payroll_group_component', 'payroll_component_id', array('payroll_group_id' => 'where/' . $group_id)); //print_mz($cek_group_component->result()); foreach ($cek_group_component->result() as $r) { $component_num_rows = GetAllSelect('payroll_master_component', 'payroll_component_id', array('payroll_master_id' => 'where/' . $master_id, 'payroll_component_id' => 'where/' . $r->payroll_component_id))->num_rows(); //print_r("num_rows-".$component_num_rows); if ($component_num_rows < 1) { $data = array('payroll_master_id' => $master_id, 'payroll_component_id' => $r->payroll_component_id, 'value' => 0); $this->db->insert('payroll_master_component', $data); } } } }
function get_status($id) { $pr_in_po = GetAllSelect('purchase_order_list', 'request_id', array('request_id' => 'where/' . $id))->num_rows(); //lastq();print_mz($pr_in_po); $num_in_pr = $this->db->select_sum('jumlah')->where('request_id', $id)->get('purchase_request_list')->row()->jumlah; $num_in_po = $this->db->select_sum('jumlah')->where('request_id', $id)->get('purchase_order_list')->row()->jumlah; if ($num_in_po >= $num_in_pr) { return "Close"; } elseif ($num_in_po < $num_in_pr && $pr_in_po > 0) { return "Parsial"; } elseif ($pr_in_po < 1) { return "Open"; } else { "-"; } }
/** * Load view * * @access public * @param string $view * @param mixed $data * @param boolean $return * @return void */ public function load_view($view, $data = array(), $return = FALSE) { // Not include master view on ajax request if ($this->_ci->input->is_ajax_request()) { $this->_ci->load->view($view, $data); return; } // Title if (empty($this->title)) { $title = $this->brand_name; } else { $title = $this->title . $this->title_separator . $this->brand_name; } // Description $description = $this->description; // Metadata $metadata = array(); foreach ($this->metadata as $name => $content) { if (strpos($name, 'og:') === 0) { $metadata[] = '<meta property="' . $name . '" content="' . $content . '">'; } else { $metadata[] = '<meta name="' . $name . '" content="' . $content . '">'; } } $metadata = implode('', $metadata); // Javascript $js = array(); foreach ($this->js as $js_file) { $js[] = '<script src="' . assets_url($js_file) . '"></script>'; } $js = implode('', $js); // additionalscript $script = array(); foreach ($this->script as $script_file) { $script[] = $script_file; } $script = implode('', $script); // CSS $css = array(); foreach ($this->css as $css_file) { $css[] = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . assets_url($css_file) . '">'; } $css = implode('', $css); //HEADER $photo = getValue('photo', 'users', array('id' => 'where/' . sessId())); $data['photo_profile'] = !empty($photo) ? base_url('uploads/' . sessId() . '/80x80/' . $photo) : assets_url('assets/images/no-image.png'); $data['sess_name'] = getValue('username', 'users', array('id' => 'where/' . sessId())); $data['notification'] = GetAll('notifikasi', array('is_read' => 'where/0', 'receiver_id' => 'where/' . sessId(), 'limit' => 'limit/3', 'id' => 'order/desc')); $data['notifications'] = GetAll('notifikasi', array('is_read' => 'where/0', 'receiver_id' => 'where/' . sessId(), 'id' => 'order/desc')); $data['notification_num'] = GetAll('notifikasi', array('is_read' => 'where/0', 'receiver_id' => 'where/' . sessId()))->num_rows(); //CHAT //$data['users'] = getAll('users', array('username'=>'order/asc'), array('!=id'=>sessId())); $data['users'] = getAll('users', array('username' => 'order/asc')); $data['unread_all'] = GetAllSelect('chat', 'is_read', array('is_read' => 'where/0', 'receiver_id' => 'where/' . sessId()))->num_rows(); $data['messages'] = getAll('chat', array('receiver_id' => 'where/' . sessId(), 'limit' => 'limit/3', 'id' => 'order/desc'))->result(); $header = $this->_ci->load->view('header', $data, TRUE); $chat_bar = $this->_ci->load->view('chat', $data, TRUE); $footer = $this->_ci->load->view('footer', array(), TRUE); $sidebar = $this->_ci->load->view('sidebar', array(), TRUE); $main_content = $this->_ci->load->view($view, $data, TRUE); $body = $this->_ci->load->view('layout/' . $this->layout, array('header' => $header, 'chat_bar' => $chat_bar, 'footer' => $footer, 'sidebar' => $sidebar, 'main_content' => $main_content), TRUE); return $this->_ci->load->view('base_view', array('title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'metadata' => $metadata, 'js' => $js, 'css' => $css, 'additionalscript' => $script, 'body' => $body, 'ga_id' => $this->ga_id), $return); }
function add_so() { permissionUser(); //$this->data['so'] = GetAllSelect('sales_order', array('id','so'), array('id'=>'order/desc'))->result(); $this->data['so'] = GetAllSelect('stok_pengeluaran', array('id', 'created_on'), array('id' => 'order/desc'))->result(); $this->load->view($this->module . '/' . $this->file_name . '/no_so', $this->data); }
//$photo_chat = (!empty($u->photo)) ? base_url('uploads/'.$u->id.'/80x80/'.$u->photo): assets_url('assets/images/no-image.png'); ?> <img alt="<?php echo $u->username; ?> " height="25px" width="25px" src="<?php echo $photo_chat; ?> " class="media-object"> <div class="media-body"> <h4 class="media-heading"><?php echo $u->username; ?> </h4> <?php $unread_single = GetAllSelect('chat', 'is_read', array('is_read' => 'where/0', 'receiver_id' => 'where/' . sessId(), 'sender_id' => 'where/' . $u->id))->num_rows(); ?> <?php echo $unread_single != 0 ? '<span class="badge" id="msgs-badge">' . $unread_single . '</span>' : ''; ?> </div> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="user-chat">
function get_status($id) { $po_in_stok = GetAllSelect('stok_pengeluaran_list', 'order_id', array('order_id' => 'where/' . $id))->num_rows(); $num_in_po = $this->db->select_sum('jumlah')->where('order_id', $id)->get('sales_order_list')->row()->jumlah; $num_in_stok = $this->db->select_sum('jumlah')->where('order_id', $id)->get('stok_pengeluaran_list')->row()->jumlah; if ($num_in_stok >= $num_in_po) { return "Close"; } elseif ($num_in_stok < $num_in_po && $po_in_stok > 0) { return "Parsial"; } elseif ($po_in_stok < 1) { return "Open"; } else { "-"; } }
function get_umk($sess_id) { /* $filter = array('session_id'=>'where/'.$sess_id ); $v = getAll('payroll_umk', $filter); if ($v->num_rows() > 0) { $v = $v->row(); echo json_encode(array('value'=>$v->value, 'id'=>$v->id)); } else { echo json_encode(array('value'=> 0, 'id'=> 0)); } */ //print_mz($v); $this->data['sess_id'] = $sess_id; //$this->data['umk_value'] = $this->payroll->get_umk($sess_id);print_mz($this->data['umk_value']->result()); $this->data['city'] = GetAllSelect('payroll_umk_city', 'id, title'); //print_mz($this->data['city']->result()); $this->load->view('config_tax/umk', $this->data); }
function overtime($user = "******", $tgl = "0000-00-00", $dep = "0", $status = "0") { //Set Global permission(); $data['filename'] = 'overtime'; $data['title'] = 'Overtime'; $data['path_file'] = $this->filename; //if($user == 0 && $tgl == "0000-00-00" && !$this->uri->segment(5)) $tgl = date("Y-m-d"); $data['tgl'] = $tgl; $exp = explode("~", $tgl); if ($exp[0] != "0000-00-00") { $data['start_date'] = $exp[0]; if (!isset($exp[1])) { $data['end_date'] = $exp[0]; } else { if (!$exp[1]) { $data['end_date'] = $exp[0]; } else { $data['end_date'] = $exp[1]; } } if ($exp[1]) { $data['period'] = GetMonth(substr($exp[1], 5, 2)) . " " . substr($exp[1], 0, 4); } else { $data['period'] = ""; } } else { $dt = "Dec 2015"; //date("M Y"); $period = GetPeriod($dt); $data['start_date'] = substr($period, 0, 10); $data['end_date'] = substr($period, 11, 10); $data['period'] = $dt; } $path_paging = base_url() . $this->filename . "/main/" . $user . "/" . $tgl . "/" . $dep . "/" . $status; $uri_segment = 7; $pg = $this->uri->segment($uri_segment); $per_page = 15; //End Global $filter_where_in = array(); $exp = explode("-", $exp[0]); if (!isset($exp[0])) { $exp[0] = ""; } if (!isset($exp[1])) { $exp[1] = ""; } if (!isset($exp[2])) { $exp[2] = ""; } //if($exp[2] > 0) $filter = array("tahun"=> "order/asc", "bulan"=> "order/asc", "tanggal"=> "order/asc"); //else $filter = array("id_employee"=> "order/asc", "tahun"=> "order/asc", "bulan"=> "order/asc", "tanggal"=> "order/asc"); //Grup Admin $id_grup = $this->session->userdata("webmaster_grup"); if ($status) { /*if($status == "alpa2") { $kemarin = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $exp[1], $exp[2]-1, $exp[0])); $exp_alpa = explode("-", $kemarin); $filter["alpa"] = "where/1"; } else */ if ($status == "jh") { $filter['terlambat !='] = "where/1"; } $filter[$status] = "where/1"; } $kondisi = ""; if ($status == "alpa2") { $tgl_alpa = array($exp[2], $exp_alpa[2]); $filter_where_in['tanggal'] = $tgl_alpa; $bln_alpa = array($exp[1], $exp_alpa[1]); $filter_where_in['bulan'] = $bln_alpa; $thn_alpa = array($exp[0], $exp_alpa[0]); $filter_where_in['tahun'] = $thn_alpa; } else { if ($data['start_date'] == $data['end_date']) { if ($exp[0] > 0) { $filter['tahun'] = "where/" . $exp[0]; $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[0] . " )"; if ($exp[1] > 0) { $filter['bulan'] = "where/" . $exp[1]; $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )"; if ($exp[2] > 0) { $filter['tanggal'] = "where/" . $exp[2]; $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[2] . " " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )"; } } } else { if ($exp[1] > 0) { $exp[0] = date("Y"); $filter['tahun'] = "where/" . $exp[0]; $filter['bulan'] = "where/" . $exp[1]; $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )"; if ($exp[2] > 0) { $filter['tanggal'] = "where/" . $exp[2]; $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[2] . " " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )"; } } else { if ($exp[2] > 0) { $exp[0] = date("Y"); $exp[1] = date("m"); $filter['tahun'] = "where/" . $exp[0]; $filter['bulan'] = "where/" . $exp[1]; $filter['tanggal'] = "where/" . $exp[2]; $data['title'] = $this->title . " ( " . $exp[2] . " " . GetMonth(intval($exp[1])) . " " . $exp[0] . " )"; } } } } } if ($dep) { /*$ex = explode("-",$dep); $dep=array(); foreach($ex as $r) { $dep[] = $r; } $filter_where_in['id_department'] = $dep;*/ $filter['id_department'] = "where/" . $dep; } //else $dep=array(); if ($user) { $temp_user = $user; $ex = explode("-", $user); $user = array(); foreach ($ex as $r) { $user[] = $r; } $filter_where_in['id_employee'] = $user; $user = $temp_user; if ($data['start_date']) { $filter['date_full >='] = "where/" . $data['start_date']; $filter['date_full <='] = "where/" . $data['end_date']; } } //else $user=array(); $data['spic'] = $user; $data['sdep'] = $dep; /*$data['stgl'] = $exp[2]; $data['sbln'] = $exp[1]; $data['sthn'] = $exp[0];*/ $filter['person_nm'] = "order/asc"; $filter['lembur'] = "where/1"; //if(count($user) > 0 || $exp[2] > 0) if ($exp[2] > 0 && $data['start_date'] == $data['end_date'] || $user) { $data['flag_tgl'] = 1; $data['grid'] = array("Nama Karyawan", "Tanggal", "OT. Incidental", "Kelebihan Jam Kerja", "Tunjangan Hari Kerja", "Alasan Lembur", "Scan Masuk", "Scan Pulang", "Keterangan"); $data['list'] = array("id_employee", "tgl", "ot_incidental", "ot_allow_shift", "ot_cont_allow", "alasan_lembur", "scan_masuk", "scan_pulang", "keterangan"); if ($status == "alpa2") { $sql = "select * from kg_view_kehadiran_mcci where tanggal='" . $exp[2] . "' AND bulan='" . $exp[1] . "' AND tahun='" . $exp[0] . "' AND alpa='1'\n AND id_employee in (select id_employee from kg_view_kehadiran where tanggal='" . $exp_alpa[2] . "' AND bulan='" . $exp_alpa[1] . "' AND tahun='" . $exp_alpa[0] . "' AND alpa='1')"; $data['query_all'] = $this->db->query($sql); if (!$pg) { $pg = 0; } $data['query_list'] = $this->db->query($sql . " LIMIT {$pg}, {$per_page}"); } else { $data['query_all'] = GetAll("kg_view_kehadiran", $filter, $filter_where_in); $filter['limit'] = $pg . "/" . $per_page; $data['query_list'] = GetAll("kg_view_kehadiran", $filter, $filter_where_in); //lastq(); } } else { /*$temp = $filter['id_employee']; unset($filter['id_employee']); $filter['id_employee'] = $temp; $temp = $filter['tanggal']; unset($filter['tanggal']); $filter['tanggal'] = $temp; $temp = $filter['bulan']; unset($filter['bulan']); $filter['bulan'] = $temp; $temp = $filter['tahun']; unset($filter['tahun']); if($temp == "order/asc") $temp = "where/".date("Y"); $filter['tahun'] = $temp;*/ if ($data['start_date']) { $filter['date_full >='] = "where/" . $data['start_date']; $filter['date_full <='] = "where/" . $data['end_date']; } $data['flag_tgl'] = 0; $data['grid'] = array("Name", "Hour SUM"); $data['list'] = array("person_nm", "acc_ot_incidental"); /*if($exp[1] > 0) $filter['group'] = array("","bulan","tahun"); elseif($exp[0] > 0) $filter['group'] = array("","tahun"); else */ //$filter['group'] = array("","tahun"); $filter['person_nm'] = "group"; //else $filter['group'] = array(""); /*$select = " as a_id,,, SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.jhk) as jhk, SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.sakit) as sakit, SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.cuti) as cuti,SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.ijin) as ijin,,SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.alpa) as alpa,SUM( as off, SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.potong_gaji) as potong_gaji, SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.pc) as pc,SUM(kg_kehadirandetil.jh) as jh"; $data['query_all'] = GetJoin("employee","kehadirandetil"," ".$kondisi, "left", $select, $filter, $filter_where_in);*/ $select = "id, person_nm, id_employee as a_id, SUM(jhk) as jhk, SUM(ot_incidental) as ot_incidental,SUM(acc_ot_incidental) as acc_ot_incidental,\n SUM(ot_allow_shift) as ot_allow_shift,SUM(ot_cont_allow) as ot_cont_allow"; $data['query_all'] = GetAllSelect("kg_view_kehadiran_mcci", $select, $filter); //lastq(); $filter['limit'] = $pg . "/" . $per_page; //$data['query_list'] = GetJoin("employee","kehadirandetil"," ".$kondisi, "left", $select, $filter, $filter_where_in); $data['query_list'] = GetAllSelect("kg_view_kehadiran_mcci", $select, $filter); unset($filter['person_nm']); unset($filter['limit']); $query_detail = GetAllSelect("kg_view_kehadiran_mcci", "*", $filter); foreach ($query_detail->result_array() as $r) { $data['query_detail'][$r['id_employee']][] = $r; } //print_mz($data['query_detail']); //die($this->db->last_query()); } if (!$this->uri->segment(3) && !$this->uri->segment(4) && !$this->uri->segment(5)) { $data['dis_tgl'] = "display:none;"; } else { $data['dis_tgl'] = "display:''"; } //Page $pagination = Page($data['query_all']->num_rows(), $per_page, $pg, $path_paging, $uri_segment); if (!$pagination) { $pagination = "<strong>1</strong>"; } $data['pagination'] = $pagination; //End Page $this->load->view('overtime', $data); }
function insert_po_status($id) { $po_in_stok = GetAllSelect('purchase_return', 'ref_id', array('ref_id' => 'where/' . $id))->num_rows(); $num_in_po = $this->db->select_sum('jumlah')->where('order_id', $id)->get('purchase_order_list')->row()->jumlah; $retur_id = getValue('id', 'purchase_return', array('ref_id' => 'where/' . $id)); $num_in_stok = $this->db->select_sum('diretur')->where('retur_id', $retur_id)->get('purchase_return_list')->row()->diretur; if ($num_in_stok >= $num_in_po) { $this->db->where('id', $id)->update('purchase_order', array('status_id' => 4)); } elseif ($num_in_stok < $num_in_po && $po_in_stok > 0) { $this->db->where('id', $id)->update('purchase_order', array('status_id' => 5)); } }
function insert_status($produksi_id, $ref_id, $produksi_ref, $ref, $field) { $num = GetAllSelect('produksi_list', 'produksi_id', array('produksi_id' => 'where/' . $produksi_id))->num_rows(); $num_in_ref = $this->db->select_sum('qty')->where($field, $produksi_ref)->get($ref)->row()->qty; $produksi_id_list = GetAllSelect('produksi', 'id', array('ref_id' => 'where/' . $ref_id))->result_array(); //print_mz($produksi_id); $produksi_id = array(); foreach ($produksi_id_list as $key => $value) { $produksi_id[] = $value['id']; } $num_in_list = $this->db->select_sum('jumlah')->where_in('produksi_id', $produksi_id)->get('produksi_list')->row()->jumlah; //lastq(); //print_mz($num_in_ref.'-'.$num_in_list); if ($num_in_list >= $num_in_ref) { $this->db->where('ref_id', $ref_id)->update('produksi', array('status_id' => 2)); $this->db->where('id', $ref_id)->update('produksi_ref', array('status' => 2)); } elseif ($num_in_list <= $num_in_ref && $num > 0) { $this->db->where('id', $ref_id)->update('produksi', array('status_id' => 3)); $this->db->where('id', $ref_id)->update('produksi_ref', array('status' => 3)); } elseif ($num < 1) { $this->db->where('ref_id', $ref_id)->update('produksi', array('status_id' => 1)); $this->db->where('id', $ref_id)->update('produksi_ref', array('status' => 1)); } else { return true; } }