static function getEachfileqouta($file, $domainname, $oldtime, $newtime) { $fp = @fopen($file, "r"); print "Opening File name is :{$file}\n"; error_reporting(0); if (!$fp) { return 0; } $fsize = filesize($file); print "Here U are in Mail log file Size is:{$fsize}\n"; if ($fsize <= 5) { return 0; } $total = 0; $ret = FindRightPosition($fp, $fsize, $oldtime, $newtime, array("ftpusertraffic__pureftp", "getTimeFromString")); if ($ret < 0) { dprint("Could not find position\n"); return null; } $total = 0; while (!feof($fp)) { $string = fgets($fp); if (csa($string, $domainname)) { $total += self::LogConvertString($string); } if (self::getTimeFromString($string) > $newtime) { break; } } $total = $total / (1024 * 1024); $total = round($total, 1); fclose($fp); dprint("Returning Total From OUT SIDE This File: for {$domainname} {$total} \n"); return $total; }
static function convertfile($oldtime, $newtime) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $file = '/var/log/kloxo/maillog'; if (!lxfile_real($file)) { return null; } $fp = fopen($file, "r"); $fsize = filesize($file); $ret = FindRightPosition($fp, $fsize, $oldtime, $newtime, array("mailtraffic", "getTimeFromOriginalQmailString")); if ($ret < 0) { dprint("Could not find position\n"); return; } $totstring = null; $count = 0; while (!feof($fp)) { $count++; if ($count > 1000000) { break; } $string = fgets($fp); $totstring .= $string; if (self::getTimeFromOriginalQmailString($string) > $newtime) { break; } } fclose($fp); $convertfile = tempnam("/tmp/", "mail_log"); $convertfile_source = tempnam("/tmp/", "mail_log_source"); lfile_put_contents($convertfile_source, $totstring); system("perl {$sgbl->__path_kloxo_httpd_root}/awstats/tools/ standard < {$convertfile_source} > {$convertfile}"); lunlink($convertfile_source); return $convertfile; }
static function readSingleMail($name) { $ret['message'] = lxshell_output("__path_program_root/bin/misc/qmHandle", "-m{$name}"); $oldtime = time() - 7200; $newtime = time() - 500; $fp = fopen("/var/log/kloxo/maillog", "r"); $fsize = lxfile_size("/var/log/kloxo/maillog"); $ot = date("Y-m-d:H-i"); dprint("Start time: {$ot}\n"); $res = FindRightPosition($fp, $fsize, $oldtime, $newtime, array("mailtraffic", "getTimeFromOriginalQmailString")); if ($res < 0) { $ret['log'] = null; return $ret; } //$s = fgets($fp); dprint("here {$s}\n"); takeToStartOfLine($fp); takeToStartOfLine($fp); //$s = fgets($fp); dprint("here {$s}\n"); $delivery = null; while (!feof($fp)) { $s = fgets($fp); if (!$delivery) { if (csa($s, "starting delivery") && csa($s, "msg {$name}")) { $delivery = preg_replace("/.*delivery ([^:]*):.*/", "\$1", $s); $delivery = trim($delivery); dprint("Deliver num: {$delivery}*\n"); continue; } } else { dprint("{$s}\n"); if (csa($s, "delivery {$delivery}:")) { dprint("{$s}\n"); $ret['log'] = $s; break; } } } return $ret; }
static function getEachfileqouta($file, $iface, $oldtime, $newtime) { $fp = @fopen($file, "r"); print "Opening File name is :{$file}\n"; error_reporting(0); if (!$fp) { return 0; } $fsize = filesize($file); print "Here U are in Mail log file Size is:{$fsize}\n"; if ($fsize <= 5) { return 0; } $total = 0; $ret = FindRightPosition($fp, $fsize, $oldtime, $newtime, array("vpstraffic__xen", "getTimeFromString")); if ($ret < 0) { dprint("Could not find position\n"); return; } $total = 0; while (!feof($fp)) { $string = fgets($fp); if (csa($string, $iface)) { //$total += self::LogConvertString($string); $incoming += self::getFromString($string, 4); $outgoing += self::getFromString($string, 5); $total += self::getFromString($string, 5); $total += self::getFromString($string, 4); } if (self::getTimeFromString($string) > $newtime) { break; } } $incoming = self::roundupValue($incoming); $outgoing = self::roundupValue($outgoing); $total = self::roundupValue($total); fclose($fp); dprint("Returning Total From OUT SIDE This File: for {$iface} {$total} \n"); return array('total' => $total, 'incoming' => $incoming, 'outgoing' => $outgoing); }
static function readMaillog() { $date = time() - 24 * 3600 * 2; $logfile = "/var/log/kloxo/maillog"; $fp = fopen($logfile, "r"); $fsize = lxfile_size($logfile); FindRightPosition($fp, $fsize, $date, time(), array("mailtraffic", "getTimeFromOriginalQmailString")); while (!feof($fp)) { $s = fgets($fp); $s = trim($s); if (!csa($s, "lx-sending")) { continue; } $v = strfrom($s, "mail for"); $id = $v; if (!isset($total[$id])) { $total[$id] = 1; } else { $total[$id]++; } } return $total; }
function lxguard_main($clearflag = false) { include_once "htmllib/lib/lxguardincludelib.php"; lxfile_mkdir("__path_home_root/lxguard"); $lxgpath = "__path_home_root/lxguard"; $file = "/var/log/secure"; $fp = fopen($file, "r"); $fsize = filesize($file); $newtime = time(); $oldtime = time() - 60 * 10; $rmt = lfile_get_unserialize("{$lxgpath}/"); if ($rmt) { $oldtime = max((int) $oldtime, (int) $rmt->ddate); } $ret = FindRightPosition($fp, $fsize, $oldtime, $newtime, "getTimeFromSysLogString"); $list = lfile_get_unserialize("{$lxgpath}/"); if ($ret) { parse_sshd_and_ftpd($fp, $list); lfile_put_serialize("{$lxgpath}/", $list); } get_total($list, $total); //dprintr($list['']); dprintr($total); $deny = get_deny_list($total); $hdn = lfile_get_unserialize("{$lxgpath}/"); $deny = lx_array_merge(array($deny, $hdn)); $string = null; foreach ($deny as $k => $v) { if (csb($k, "127")) { continue; } $string .= "ALL : {$k}\n"; } dprint($string); $stlist[] = "###Start Program Hostdeny config Area"; $stlist[] = "###Start Lxdmin Area"; $stlist[] = "###Start Kloxo Area"; $stlist[] = "###Start Lxadmin Area"; $endlist[] = "###End Program HostDeny config Area"; $endlist[] = "###End Kloxo Area"; $endlist[] = "###End Lxadmin Area"; $startstring = $stlist[0]; $endstring = $endlist[0]; file_put_between_comments($stlist, $endlist, $startstring, $endstring, "/etc/hosts.deny", $string); if ($clearflag) { lxfile_rm("{$lxgpath}/"); $rmt = new Remote(); $rmt->hl = $total; $rmt->ddate = time(); lfile_put_serialize("{$lxgpath}/", $rmt); } return $list; }
static function getEachwebfilequota($file, $oldtime, $newtime) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $fp = @lfopen($file, "r"); $total = 0; print "\n{$file}: " . @date('Y-m-d-H', $oldtime) . " " . @date('Y-m-d-H', $newtime) . "\n"; if (!$fp) { print "File Does Not Exist:returning Zero"; return 0; } $fsize = lfilesize($file); if ($fsize <= 10) { print "File Size is Less Than Zero and Returning Zero:\n"; return 0; } print "File Size is :{$fsize}\n\n\n"; $ret = FindRightPosition($fp, $fsize, $oldtime, $newtime, array("webtraffic", "getTimeFromString")); if ($ret < 0) { return; } print "Current Position " . ftell($fp) / $fsize * 100 . "\n"; $total = 0; $count = 0; $break = 1000; while (!feof($fp)) { $count++; $line = fgets($fp); list($time, $size) = self::apacheLogConvertString($line); if ($time > $newtime) { break; } $total += $size; if ($count > 100000) { $break = 10000; } if (!($count % $break)) { print "Count {$count} {$newtime} {$time} {$total} {$size}\n"; } } print "{$count} lines actually processed in {$file}\n"; $total = $total / (1024 * 1024); $total = round($total, 1); fclose($fp); print "Returning Total From OUT SIDE This File: {$total} \n"; return $total; }
static function getEachfileqouta($file, $vpsid, $oldtime, $newtime) { $fp = @fopen($file, "r"); print "Opening File name is :{$file}\n"; error_reporting(0); if (!$fp) { return 0; } $fsize = filesize($file); print "Here U are in Mail log file Size is:{$fsize}\n"; if ($fsize <= 5) { return 0; } $total = 0; $ret = FindRightPosition($fp, $fsize, $oldtime, $newtime, array("vpstraffic__openvz", "getTimeFromString")); if ($ret < 0) { dprint("Could not find position\n"); return; } $total = 0; while (!feof($fp)) { $string = fgets($fp); //The space at the end is important. Otherwise 200 will match 2000. if (csa($string, "openvz-{$vpsid} ")) { $t = self::LogConvertString($string); if ($t > 10000014985) { continue; } $total += self::LogConvertString($string); $incoming += self::getFromString($string, 4); $outgoing += self::getFromString($string, 5); } if (self::getTimeFromString($string) > $newtime) { break; } } $incoming = self::roundupValue($incoming); $outgoing = self::roundupValue($outgoing); $total = self::roundupValue($total); fclose($fp); dprint("Returning Total From OUT SIDE This File: for {$vpsid} {$total} {$incoming} {$outgoing} \n"); return array('total' => $total, 'incoming' => $incoming, 'outgoing' => $outgoing); }