echo "testing FamilyModConfirm<p>";
FamilyModConfirm(7, 2, 2);
echo "<p>Testing FamilyModAccept<p>";
FamilyModAccept(7, 2, 2);
echo "<p>testing FamilyModDeny<p>";
FamilyModDeny(7, 2, 2);
echo "<p>Testing newRequest<p>";
newRequest(123, '3/1', '3/2', '3/3');
echo "<p>Testing NewReservationMod<p>";
newReservationMod(1234, '3/1', 2);
echo "<p>Testing NewCancel<p>";
newCancel(1321321321, '3/1', 2);
echo "<p>Testing newFamilyMod</br>";
newFamilyMod(1321321321, '3/1', 2);
echo "<p>testing family confirm<p>";
FamilyConfirm(2, '3/1', '3/2', 'nsdjasdjad');
//Testing Mail to STjohns Email
echo "<p> Testing  ST johns Email</br>";
$to = '*****@*****.**';
//valid destination email address
$subject = 'testing php mail function windows';
$message = 'This is a test email, I am testing the php mail function';
$mailed = mail($to, $subject, $message);
if ($mailed) {
    echo 'The email was sent (Stjohns).</br>';
} else {
    echo 'The email could not be sent, please try again (Stjohns)';
echo "<p> Testing  Gmail Email</br>";
$to = '*****@*****.**';
//valid destination email address
function RequestAccept($RequestKey, $StartDate, $EndDate, $SWID, $familyID)
    $SW = retrieve_UserProfile_SW($SWID);
    if ($SW[0]->get_email_notification() == 'Yes') {
        $family = retrieve_FamilyProfile($familyID);
        $name = $family->get_patientfname() . " " . $family->get_patientlname();
        $to = $SW[0]->get_userEmail();
        $subject = "Reservation Request {$RequestKey}";
        $message = "Your reservation request, {$RequestKey}, for {$name} for the dates of {$StartDate} to {$EndDate} for has been accepted. \r\n\r\nThank You.";
        email($to, $subject, $message);
        $tempURL = randURL($familyID);
        FamilyConfirm($familyID, $StartDate, $EndDate, $tempURL);