$query = $database->query($sql); if ($query->numRows()) { while ($result = $query->fetchRow()) { // Falls es das Vorschaubild noch nicht gibt: //Chio Start $bildfilename = $result['file_name']; $file = $pathToFolder . $bildfilename; if (!is_file(DirectoryHandler::DecodePath($file))) { $deletesql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_foldergallery_files WHERE id=' . $result['id']; $database->query($deletesql); continue; } $file = $pathToFolder . $bildfilename; $thumb = $pathToThumb . $bildfilename; if (!is_file(DirectoryHandler::DecodePath($thumb))) { FG_createThumb($file, $bildfilename, $pathToThumb, $settings['tbSettings']); } //Chio Ende $bilder[] = array('id' => $result['id'], 'file_name' => $bildfilename, 'caption' => $result['caption'], 'thumb_link' => $urlToThumb . $bildfilename); } } else { // Diese Kategorie enthält noch keine Bilder $error['noimages'] = 1; } //Template $t = new Template(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates', 'remove'); $t->set_file('modify_cat', 'modify_cat.htt'); // clear the comment-block, if present $t->set_block('modify_cat', 'CommentDoc'); $t->clear_var('CommentDoc'); // set other blocks
exit; } // Move the image and create the thumb: $handle = new upload($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']); if ($handle->uploaded) { // Save the image in the right categorie $handle->file_new_name_body = $filename; $handle->file_new_name_ext = $extension; $handle->process(DirectoryHandler::DecodePath($categoriePath)); if (!$handle->processed) { echo DirectoryHandler::DecodePath($categoriePath); exit; } $handle->clean(); // Create the thumb $success = FG_createThumb($categoriePath . $filename . '.' . $extension, $filename . '.' . $extension, $categoriePath . 'fg-thumbs/', $settings['tbSettings']); if (!$success) { exit; } } else { exit; } // get DB infos $sql = 'SELECT position FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_foldergallery_files` WHERE `parent_id`= ' . $cat_id . ' ORDER BY `position` DESC LIMIT 1;'; $query = $database->query($sql); $result = $query->fetchRow(); $newPosition = $result['position'] + 1; //Insert to db $sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_foldergallery_files` (`parent_id`, `file_name`, `position`) VALUES ( \'' . $cat_id . '\' , \'' . $filename . '.' . $extension . '\' , \'' . $newPosition . '\');'; $query = $database->query($sql); $sql = 'SELECT id FROM `' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_foldergallery_files` WHERE `parent_id` = ' . $cat_id . ' AND `position` = ' . $newPosition . ';';