function Insert_Forgot_Password_Form($atts) { global $wpdb, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_user_table_name; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'loggedin_page' => '/', 'reset_email_url' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Reset password', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $User = new FEUP_User(); if ($User->Is_Logged_In()) { FEUPRedirect($loggedin_page); } $ReturnString = ""; $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-forgot-password-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-forgot-password-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-reset-email-url' value='" . $reset_email_url . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='forgot-password'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Email' id='ewd-feup-reset-password' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='email' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' name='Email' value='' />"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'><label for='submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary' name='Reset_Password_Submit' value='" . $submit_text . "'></div>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Logout($atts) { // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones $Salt = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Hash_Salt"); $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $CookieName = urlencode("EWD_FEUP_Login" . "%" . sha1(md5(get_site_url() . $Salt))); $feup_Label_Successful_Logout_Message = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Successful_Logout_Message"); if ($feup_Label_Successful_Logout_Message == "") { $feup_Label_Successful_Logout_Message = __("You have been successfully logged out.", "EWD_FEUP"); } $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('no_message' => '', 'redirect_page' => '#', 'no_redirect' => 'No', 'submit_text' => 'Logout'), $atts)); if ($no_redirect != "Yes" and isset($_COOKIE[$CookieName])) { $redirect_page = get_the_permalink(); } setcookie($CookieName, "", time() - 3600, "/"); $_COOKIE[urldecode($CookieName)] = ""; if ($redirect_page != "#") { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= EWD_FEUP_Add_Modified_Styles(); $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-information-div'>"; $ReturnString .= $feup_Label_Successful_Logout_Message; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; if ($no_message != "Yes") { return $ReturnString; } }
function Auto_Login($atts) { global $user_message, $feup_success; session_start(); $username = $password = ""; if (array_key_exists('Username', $_SESSION)) { $username = $_SESSION['Username']; } if (array_key_exists('User_Password', $_SESSION)) { $password = $_SESSION['User_Password']; } // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones $Salt = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Hash_Salt"); $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $Username_Is_Email = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Username_Is_Email"); $Time = time(); $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'redirect_field' => '', 'redirect_array_string' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Login', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; if ($feup_success and $redirect_field != "") { $redirect_page = Determine_Redirect_Page($redirect_field, $redirect_array_string, $redirect_page); } if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-login-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } // $ReturnString .= "<br/>Logging you in...<br/>"; $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-login-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned hidden'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='login'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; if ($Username_Is_Email == "Yes") { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-login-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='email' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' value='{$username}' placeholder='" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . "...'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-login-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Username', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' value='{$username}' placeholder='" . __('Username', 'EWD_FEUP') . "...'>"; } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Password' id='ewd-feup-login-password-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='User_Password' value='{$password}'>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary' name='Login_Submit' '" . $submit_text . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; wp_enqueue_script('auto-login-script', '/wp-content/js/auto-login.js', array('jquery')); return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Reset_Password_Form($atts) { global $wpdb, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_user_table_name; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $Salt = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Hash_Salt"); $Time = time(); $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'login_page' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Update Account', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $CheckCookie = CheckLoginCookie(); if ($CheckCookie['Username'] == "") { $ReturnString .= __('You must be logged in to access this page.', 'EWD_FEUP'); if ($login_page != "") { $ReturnString .= "<br />" . __('Please', 'EWD_FEUP') . " <a href='" . $login_page . "'>" . __('login', 'EWD_FEUP') . "</a> " . __('to continue.', 'EWD_FEUP'); } return $ReturnString; } /*$Sql = "SELECT * FROM $ewd_feup_fields_table_name "; $Fields = $wpdb->get_results($Sql);*/ $User = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_table_name} WHERE Username='******'", $CheckCookie['Username'])); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='edit-account'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='Username' value='" . $User->Username . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-register-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": " . $User->Username . "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='User_Password' id='ewd-feup-edit-password' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='User_Password' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' value='' />"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Confirm_User_Password' id='ewd-feup-edit-confirm-password' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Repeat Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Confirm_User_Password' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' value='' />"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'><label for='submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary' name='Edit_Password_Submit' value='" . $submit_text . "'></div>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Login_Form($atts) { global $user_message, $feup_success; // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones $Salt = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Hash_Salt"); $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $Username_Is_Email = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Username_Is_Email"); $Time = time(); $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'redirect_field' => '', 'redirect_array_string' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Login', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= EWD_FEUP_Add_Modified_Styles(); if ($feup_success and $redirect_field != "") { $redirect_page = Determine_Redirect_Page($redirect_field, $redirect_array_string, $redirect_page); } if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-login' class='ewd-feup-login-form-div' class='ewd-feup-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-login-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned feup-pure-form-aligned'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='login'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; if ($Username_Is_Email == "Yes") { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-login-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label ewd-feup-login-label'>" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='email' class='ewd-feup-text-input ewd-feup-login-field' name='Username' placeholder='" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . "...'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-login-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label ewd-feup-login-label'>" . __('Username', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input ewd-feup-login-field' name='Username' placeholder='" . __('Username', 'EWD_FEUP') . "...'>"; } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Password' id='ewd-feup-login-password-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label ewd-feup-login-label'>" . __('Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input ewd-feup-login-field' name='User_Password'>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit ewd-feup-login-submit feup-pure-button feup-pure-button-primary' name='Login_Submit' value='" . $submit_text . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Confirm_Forgot_Password($atts) { global $wpdb, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_user_table_name; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $CheckCookie = CheckLoginCookie(); $Salt = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Hash_Salt"); $Time = time(); $User = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_table_name} WHERE Username='******'", $CheckCookie['Username'])); $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'login_page' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Change password', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form' class='feup-pure-form pure-form-aligned'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='confirm-forgot-password'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Email' id='ewd-feup-edit-password' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='email' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Email' class='ewd-feup-text-input' value='" . $_GET['add'] . "' />"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Resetcode' id='ewd-feup-edit-password' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Reset code', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Resetcode' class='ewd-feup-text-input' value='" . $_GET['rc'] . "' />"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='User_Password' id='ewd-feup-edit-password' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='User_Password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' value='' />"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Confirm_User_Password' id='ewd-feup-edit-confirm-password' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Repeat Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Confirm_User_Password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' value='' />"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'><label for='submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit feup-pure-button feup-pure-button-primary' name='Edit_Password_Submit' value='" . $submit_text . "'></div>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; return $ReturnString; }
function Try_Now($atts) { // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones global $wpdb, $post, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_fields_table_name; global $redirect_field, $redirect_array_string, $redirect_page; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $Salt = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Hash_Salt"); $Username_Is_Email = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Username_Is_Email"); $Time = time(); $Sql = "SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_fields_table_name} ORDER BY Field_Order"; $Fields = $wpdb->get_results($Sql); $ReturnString = ""; if (isset($_GET['ConfirmEmail'])) { ConfirmUserEmail(); } // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'redirect_field' => "", 'redirect_array_string' => "", 'submit_text' => __('Register', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); if (isset($_GET['ConfirmEmail'])) { $ConfirmationSuccess = ConfirmUserEmail(); } if ($feup_success and $redirect_field != "") { $redirect_page = Determine_Redirect_Page($redirect_field, $redirect_array_string, $redirect_page); } if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { //brian autologin session_start(); $_SESSION['Username'] = $_REQUEST['Username']; $_SESSION['User_Password'] = $_REQUEST['User_Password']; FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; if (!isset($ConfirmationSuccess)) { $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-register-form-div'>"; $ReturnString .= <<<HTML <p class="terms_cond"><i>Get your 3-day free trial now. No credit card required!</i></p> HTML; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= "<span id='signup_error_message' class='error-message'>" . $user_message['Message'] . "</span>"; } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' name='ewd-feup-register-form' method='post' id='ewd-feup-register-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned' enctype='multipart/form-data' data-toggle='validator' novalidate>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='register'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-post-id' value='" . $post->ID . "'>"; $ReturnString .= ' <div class="pure-control-group"> <label for="Phone" id="ewd-feup-register-4" class="ewd-feup-field-label">Phone: </label><input name="Phone" id="ewd-feup-register-input-4" class="ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3" type="tel" placeholder="Phone" data-inputmask="\'mask\': \'9999999999\'" required=""></div> <div class="pure-control-group"><label for="Gender" id="ewd-feup-register-11" class="ewd-feup-field-label" required>Gender: </label><select name="Gender" id="ewd-feup-register-input-11" class="ewd-feup-select pure-input-1-3" required> <option value="Female" selected>- Gender -</option> <option value="Female" >Female</option> <option value="Male">Male</option> <!--<option value="Other">Other</option>--> </select></div> '; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group hidden'>"; if ($Username_Is_Email == "Yes") { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-register-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>Hidden username</label>"; if (isset($_POST['Username'])) { $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' required=false value='" . $_POST['Username'] . "'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' required=false placeholder='" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . "...'>"; } } else { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-register-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>Hidden username</label>"; if (isset($_POST['Username'])) { $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' required=false value='" . $_POST['Username'] . "'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' required=false placeholder='" . __('Username', 'EWD_FEUP') . "...'>"; } } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group hidden'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Password' id='ewd-feup-register-password-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; if (isset($_POST['User_Password'])) { $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='User_Password' value='" . $_POST['User_Password'] . "'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='User_Password'>"; } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group hidden'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Repeat Password' id='ewd-feup-register-password-confirm-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Repeat Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; if (isset($_POST['Confirm_User_Password'])) { $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Confirm_User_Password' value='" . $_POST['Confirm_User_Password'] . "'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Confirm_User_Password'>"; } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; ?> <?php $ReturnString .= "<span class='ipad_fix'></span><div class='pure-control-group'><label for='submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary' name='Register_Submit' value='" . "Send" . "'></div>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= ' <div class="terms_cond"> I accept the <a href="/terms-and-conditions" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions</a> </div>'; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; } else { $ReturnString = "<div class='ewd-feup-email-confirmation'>"; if ($ConfirmationSuccess == "Yes") { $ReturnString .= __("Thanks for confirming your e-mail address!", 'EWD_FEUP'); } if ($ConfirmationSuccess == "No") { $ReturnString .= __("The confirmation number provided was incorrect. Please contact the site administrator for assistance.", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; } wp_enqueue_script('inputmask', "/wp-content/js/inputmask.min.js", "jquery", false, true); wp_enqueue_script('jquery_inputmask', "/wp-content/js/jquery.inputmask.min.js", "inputmask", false, true); wp_enqueue_script('trynow-script', '/wp-content/js/trynow.js', array('jquery')); return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Edit_Profile($atts) { // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones global $wpdb, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_fields_table_name, $ewd_feup_user_table_name, $ewd_feup_user_fields_table_name; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $Salt = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Hash_Salt"); $Time = time(); $CheckCookie = CheckLoginCookie(); $Sql = "SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_fields_table_name} WHERE Field_Show_In_Front_End='Yes' ORDER BY Field_Order"; $Fields = $wpdb->get_results($Sql); $User = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_table_name} WHERE Username='******'", $CheckCookie['Username'])); $UserData = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_fields_table_name} WHERE User_ID='%d'", $User->User_ID)); $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'login_page' => '', 'omit_fields' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Edit Profile', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; if ($CheckCookie['Username'] == "") { $ReturnString .= __('You must be logged in to access this page.', 'EWD_FEUP'); if ($login_page != "") { $ReturnString .= "<br />" . __('Please', 'EWD_FEUP') . " <a href='" . $login_page . "'>" . __('login', 'EWD_FEUP') . "</a> " . __('to continue.', 'EWD_FEUP'); } return $ReturnString; } if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='edit-profile'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='Omit_Fields' value='" . $omit_fields . "'>"; $Omitted_Fields = explode(",", $omit_fields); foreach ($Fields as $Field) { if (!in_array($Field->Field_Name, $Omitted_Fields)) { if ($Field->Field_Required == "Yes") { $Req_Text = "required"; } else { $Req_Text = ""; } $Value = ""; foreach ($UserData as $UserField) { if ($Field->Field_Name == $UserField->Field_Name) { $Value = $UserField->Field_Value; } } $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-edit-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __($Field->Field_Name, 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; if ($Field->Field_Type == "text" or $Field->Field_Type == "mediumint") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' type='text' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "date") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-date-input pure-input-1-3' type='date' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "datetime") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-datetime-input pure-input-1-3' type='datetime-local' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "textarea") { $ReturnString .= "<textarea name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-textarea pure-input-1-2' " . $Req_Text . ">" . $Value . "</textarea>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "file") { $ReturnString .= __("Current file:", 'EWD_FEUP') . " " . substr($Value, 10) . " | "; $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-date-input pure-input-1-3' type='file' value='' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "select") { $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); $ReturnString .= "<select name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-select pure-input-1-3'>"; foreach ($Options as $Option) { $ReturnString .= "<option value='" . $Option . "' "; if (trim($Option) == trim($Value)) { $ReturnString .= "selected='selected'"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "</option>"; } $ReturnString .= "</select>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "radio") { $Counter = 0; $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); foreach ($Options as $Option) { if ($Counter != 0) { $ReturnString .= "</div><div class='pure-control-group ewd-feup-negative-top'><label class='pure-radio'></label>"; } $ReturnString .= "<input type='radio' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' value='" . $Option . "' class='ewd-feup-radio' " . $Req_Text . " "; if (trim($Option) == trim($Value)) { $ReturnString .= "checked"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option; $Counter++; } } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "checkbox") { $Counter = 0; $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); $Values = explode(",", $Value); foreach ($Options as $Option) { if ($Counter != 0) { $ReturnString .= "</div><div class='pure-control-group ewd-feup-negative-top'><label class='pure-radio'></label>"; } $ReturnString .= "<input type='checkbox' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "[]' value='" . $Option . "' class='ewd-feup-checkbox' " . $Req_Text . " "; if (in_array($Option, $Values)) { $ReturnString .= "checked"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "</br>"; $Counter++; } } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; unset($Req_Text); } } $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'><label for='submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary' name='Edit_Profile_Submit' value='" . $submit_text . "'></div>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Edit_Times($atts) { global $wpdb, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_user_table_name; global $ewd_feup_fields_table_name, $ewd_feup_user_table_name, $ewd_feup_user_fields_table_name; global $login_page, $redirect_page, $Time, $Salt; /** @var string $login_page * @var string $Time * @var string $Salt * @var string $omit_fields */ $Omitted_Fields = explode(",", $omit_fields); $CheckCookie = CheckLoginCookie(); $Sql = "SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_fields_table_name} WHERE Field_Show_In_Front_End='Yes' ORDER BY `FIELD_ORDER` ASC"; $Fields = $wpdb->get_results($Sql); $User = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_table_name} WHERE Username='******'", $CheckCookie['Username'])); $UserData = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_fields_table_name} WHERE User_ID='%d'", $User->User_ID)); $print_field = function ($Field, $hidden = false) use($Omitted_Fields, $UserData, &$ReturnString) { $display_label = $Field->Field_Name; if ($display_label == "Breakfast") { $display_label = "Reminder 1"; } if ($display_label == "Select your time zone") { $display_label = "Time Zone"; } if (!in_array($Field->Field_Name, $Omitted_Fields)) { if ($Field->Field_Required == "Yes") { $Req_Text = "required"; } $Value = ""; if ($Field->Field_Name == "Phone") { $Field->Field_Type = "tel"; } foreach ($UserData as $UserField) { if ($Field->Field_Name == $UserField->Field_Name) { $Value = $UserField->Field_Value; } } if ($Field->Field_Name == "I need the most help...") { // $ReturnString .= '<hr/>'; } $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group " . ($hidden ? "hidden" : "") . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-edit-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __($display_label, 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; if ($Field->Field_Type == "text" or $Field->Field_Type == "mediumint") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-text-input ' type='text' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "tel") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-text-input ' type='tel' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "date") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-date-input ' type='date' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "datetime") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-datetime-input ' type='datetime-local' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "textarea") { $ReturnString .= "<textarea name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-textarea ' " . $Req_Text . ">" . $Value . "</textarea>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "file") { $ReturnString .= __("Current file:", 'EWD_FEUP') . " " . substr($Value, 10) . " | "; $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-date-input ' type='file' value='' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "select") { $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); $bkend_calculated_time = ''; if (empty($Value)) { switch ($Field->Field_Name) { case 'Breakfast': $Value = '06:00pm'; break; case 'Lunch': $Value = 'None set'; break; case 'Dinner': $Value = 'None set'; break; default: break; } } $ReturnString .= "<select rel='" . $bkend_calculated_time . "' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-select '>"; foreach ($Options as $Option) { $ReturnString .= "<option value='" . $Option . "' "; if (trim($Option) == trim($Value)) { $ReturnString .= "selected='selected'"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "</option>"; } $ReturnString .= "</select>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "radio") { $Counter = 0; $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); foreach ($Options as $Option) { if ($Counter != 0) { $ReturnString .= "</div><div class='pure-control-group ewd-feup-negative-top " . ($hidden ? "hidden" : "") . "'><label class='pure-radio'></label>"; } $ReturnString .= "<input type='radio' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' value='" . $Option . "' class='ewd-feup-radio' " . $Req_Text . " "; if (trim($Option) == trim($Value)) { $ReturnString .= "checked"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option; $Counter++; } } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "checkbox") { $Counter = 0; $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); $Values = explode(",", $Value); foreach ($Options as $Option) { if ($Counter != 0) { $ReturnString .= "</div><div class='pure-control-group ewd-feup-negative-top " . ($hidden ? "hidden" : "") . "'><label class='pure-radio'></label>"; } $ReturnString .= "<input type='checkbox' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "[]' value='" . $Option . "' class='ewd-feup-checkbox' " . $Req_Text . " "; if (in_array($Option, $Values)) { $ReturnString .= "checked"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "</br>"; $Counter++; } } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; unset($Req_Text); if ($Field->Field_Name == "I need the most help...") { // $ReturnString .= '<hr/>'; } } }; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $Username_Is_Email = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Username_Is_Email"); $CheckCookie = CheckLoginCookie(); $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'login_page' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Update Account', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; if ($CheckCookie['Username'] == "") { $ReturnString .= __('You must be logged in to access this page.', 'EWD_FEUP'); if ($login_page != "") { $ReturnString .= "<br />" . __('Please', 'EWD_FEUP') . " <a href='" . $login_page . "'>" . __('login', 'EWD_FEUP') . "</a> " . __('to continue.', 'EWD_FEUP'); } return $ReturnString; } if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } $ReturnString .= "<form novalidate action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='edit_reminder_times'>"; //UserData: 0: Time zone; 1: OK to receive texts?; 2: Dinner; 3: Lunch; 4: Breakfast; 5: Phone; 6:Gender; 7: Last Name; 8 First Name: ; 9: I need the most help...; 10: Membership Expiry Date //Fields: 5: First Name; 0: Breakfast; 1: Lunch; 2: Dinner; 3: I need the most help...; 4: Select your time zone; 5: First Name; 6:Last Name; 7: Gender; 8: OK to receive texts?; 9: Phone; // $times = array($UserData[4]->Field_Value, $UserData[3]->Field_Value, $UserData[2]->Field_Value); $ReturnString .= '<div><br/></div>'; $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[0]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[1]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[2]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[3], true); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[4], true); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[5], true); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[6], true); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[7], true); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[8], true); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[9], true); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[10], true); $ReturnString .= <<<HTML <div><br/></div> <div class="pure-control-group center"> <select rel="" name="Time zone" id="ewd-feup-register-input-14" class="ewd-feup-select"> <option value="Please select">Please select</option><option value="PST" selected="selected">Pacific Time Zone</option> <option value="EST">Eastern Standard Timezone</option><option value="CST">Central Standard Timezone</option><option value="MST">Mountain Standard Timezone</option></select> </div> HTML; /** @var string $submit_text */ $ReturnString .= "<input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary' name='Edit_Profile_Submit' value='Save'>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Edit_Profile($atts) { /** @var string $redirect_page * @var string $login_page * @var string $Time * @var string $Salt * @var string $omit_fields */ // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones global $wpdb, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_fields_table_name, $ewd_feup_user_table_name, $ewd_feup_user_fields_table_name; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $CheckCookie = CheckLoginCookie(); $Sql = "SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_fields_table_name} WHERE Field_Show_In_Front_End='Yes' ORDER BY `FIELD_ORDER` ASC"; $Fields = $wpdb->get_results($Sql); $User = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_table_name} WHERE Username='******'", $CheckCookie['Username'])); $UserData = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_fields_table_name} WHERE User_ID='%d'", $User->User_ID)); //If user doesn't have First name last name, send to first-time-sign-in $first_name = array_pop(array_filter($UserData, function ($v) { return $v->Field_Name == "First Name"; })); $last_name = array_pop(array_filter($UserData, function ($v) { return $v->Field_Name == "Last Name"; })); if (is_object($first_name) && empty($first_name->Field_Value) && is_object($last_name) && empty($last_name->Field_Value)) { FEUPRedirect('/first-time-sign-in'); } $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'login_page' => '', 'omit_fields' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Save settings', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; if ($CheckCookie['Username'] == "") { $ReturnString .= __('You must be logged in to access this page.', 'EWD_FEUP'); if ($login_page != "") { $ReturnString .= "<br />" . __('Please', 'EWD_FEUP') . " <a href='" . $login_page . "'>" . __('login', 'EWD_FEUP') . "</a> " . __('to continue.', 'EWD_FEUP'); if (isset($_SESSION['user_name_changed']) && isset($_SESSION['message_count']) && !empty($_SESSION['user_name_changed']) && $_SESSION['message_count'] > 0) { $ReturnString .= "<p class='text-success'>Your email has been changed. Please use your new email for logging in.</p><br/>"; $_SESSION['message_count']--; } } return $ReturnString; } if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= "<div class='updated'><p>" . $user_message['Message'] . "</p></div>"; } session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['first_sms_sent_to']) && !empty($_SESSION['first_sms_sent_to']) && isset($_SESSION['message_count']) && $_SESSION['message_count'] > 0) { $ReturnString .= "<br/><p class='text-success'>Welcome to ThinkThinly. A message has been sent to your number " . $_SESSION['first_sms_sent_to'] . "</p>"; $_SESSION['message_count']--; } session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['user_updated'])) { $ReturnString .= "<br/><p class='updated'>" . $_SESSION['user_updated'] . "</p>"; unset($_SESSION['user_updated']); } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"; //fields //5: First Name; 0: Breakfast; 1: Lunch; 2: Dinner; 3: I need the most help...; 4: Select your time zone; 5: First Name; 6:Last Name; 7: Gender; 8: OK to receive texts?; 9: Phone; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='edit_your_settings'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='Omit_Fields' value='" . $omit_fields . "'>"; $Omitted_Fields = explode(",", $omit_fields); //Brian added. Force new username and password if user has just signed up $username = $User->Username; $user_email = $User->user_email; if (strpos($username, "") != false) { $username = ""; } $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group hidden">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for="Username">Phone number: </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type="text" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name="Username" value="' . $username . '" required>'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; if (empty($username)) { $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for ="User_Password">Password: </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type = "password" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name = "User_Password" value = "" required>'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for="Confirm_User_Password" > Repeat Password: </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type = "password" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name = "Confirm_User_Password" value = "" >'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; } ////Brian added force new username $print_field = function ($Field) use($Omitted_Fields, $UserData, &$ReturnString) { $display_label = $Field->Field_Name; if ($display_label == "Breakfast") { $display_label = "Reminder time"; } if ($display_label == "Lunch") { $display_label = "Reminder 2"; } if ($display_label == "Dinner") { $display_label = "Reminder 3"; } if ($display_label == "Select your time zone") { $display_label = "Time zone"; } if (!in_array($Field->Field_Name, $Omitted_Fields)) { if ($Field->Field_Required == "Yes") { $Req_Text = "required"; } $Value = ""; if ($Field->Field_Name == "Phone") { $Field->Field_Type = "tel"; } foreach ($UserData as $UserField) { if ($Field->Field_Name == $UserField->Field_Name) { $Value = $UserField->Field_Value; } } if ($Field->Field_Name == "I need the most help...") { $ReturnString .= '<hr/>'; } $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group row-id-" . $Field->Field_ID . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-edit-. {$Field->Field_IDclass}='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __($display_label, 'EWD_FEUP') . "</label>"; if ($Field->Field_Type == "text" or $Field->Field_Type == "mediumint") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' type='text' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "tel") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' type='tel' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "date") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-date-input pure-input-1-3' type='date' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "datetime") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-datetime-input pure-input-1-3' type='datetime-local' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "textarea") { $ReturnString .= "<textarea name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-textarea pure-input-1-2' " . $Req_Text . ">" . $Value . "</textarea>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "file") { $ReturnString .= __("Current file:", 'EWD_FEUP') . " " . substr($Value, 10) . " | "; $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-date-input pure-input-1-3' type='file' value='' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "select") { $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); $bkend_calculated_time = ''; if (empty($Value)) { switch ($Field->Field_Name) { case 'Breakfast': $Value = '12:00pm'; break; case 'Lunch': $Value = 'None set'; break; case 'Dinner': $Value = 'None set'; break; default: break; } } $ReturnString .= "<select rel='" . $bkend_calculated_time . "' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-select pure-input-1-3'>"; foreach ($Options as $Option) { $ReturnString .= "<option value='" . $Option . "' "; if (trim($Option) == trim($Value)) { $ReturnString .= "selected='selected'"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "</option>"; } $ReturnString .= "</select>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "radio") { $Counter = 0; $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); foreach ($Options as $Option) { if ($Counter != 0) { $ReturnString .= "</div><div class='pure-control-group ewd-feup-negative-top'><label class='pure-radio'></label>"; } $ReturnString .= "<input type='radio' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' value='" . $Option . "' class='ewd-feup-radio' " . $Req_Text . " "; if (trim($Option) == trim($Value)) { $ReturnString .= "checked"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option; $Counter++; } } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "checkbox") { $Counter = 0; $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); $Values = explode(",", $Value); foreach ($Options as $Option) { if ($Counter != 0) { $ReturnString .= "</div><div class='pure-control-group ewd-feup-negative-top'><label class='pure-radio'></label>"; } $ReturnString .= "<input type='checkbox' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "[]' value='" . $Option . "' class='ewd-feup-checkbox' " . $Req_Text . " "; if (in_array($Option, $Values)) { $ReturnString .= "checked"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "</br>"; $Counter++; } } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; unset($Req_Text); if ($Field->Field_Name == "I need the most help...") { $ReturnString .= '<hr/>'; } } }; //5: First Name; 0: Breakfast; 1: Lunch; 2: Dinner; 3: I need the most help...; 4: Select your time zone; 5: First Name; 6:Last Name; 7: Gender; 8: OK to receive texts?; 9: Phone; $ReturnString .= '<div id="your_settings">'; $ReturnString .= ' <div class="text_with_hr"> <span> Reminder times </span> </div>'; $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[0]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[1]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[2]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[4]); $ReturnString .= '<input type="submit" class="ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary" name="Edit_Profile_Submit" value="Save">'; $ReturnString .= '<div class="break big"></div> <div class="text_with_hr"> <span> Your info </span> </div> <div class="break big"></div>'; $ReturnString .= <<<HTML <div class="pure-control-group"><label for="Phone" class="ewd-feup-field-label">Phone: </label> <input name="Phone" disabled class="ewd-feup-select pure-input-1-3" value="{$username}"> </div> HTML; $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for="user_email">Email: </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type="email" class="ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3" name="user_email" value="' . $user_email . '" >'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[5]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[6]); $ReturnString .= '<input type="submit" class="ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary" name="Edit_Profile_Submit" value="Save">'; $ReturnString .= '<div class="break big"></div> <div class="text_with_hr"> <span> Password </span> </div> <div class="break big"></div>'; $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for ="User_Password">New password</label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type = "password" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name = "User_Password" value = "" >'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for="Confirm_User_Password"> Retype password</label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type = "password" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name = "Confirm_User_Password" value = "" >'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; //brian3t extract $FIELDS here //insert form for paypal $userdata_ = array(); foreach ($UserData as $user_data) { $user_data_[$user_data->Field_Name] = $user_data; } $expiry_date = $user_data_["Membership Expiry Date"]->Field_Value; $output = ""; $output .= "<script> var \$user_id= {$User->User_ID} ; </script>"; $ReturnString .= $output; ////brian3t extract form field add paypal /** @var string $submit_text */ $ReturnString .= '<input type="submit" class="ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary" name="Edit_Profile_Submit" value="Save">'; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; wp_enqueue_script('inputmask', "/wp-content/js/inputmask.min.js", "jquery", false, true); wp_enqueue_script('jquery_inputmask', "/wp-content/js/jquery.inputmask.min.js", "inputmask", false, true); wp_enqueue_script('your_settings', '/wp-content/js/your_settings.js', array('jquery')); wp_enqueue_script('timezone', "/wp-content/js/jstz-1.0.4.min.js", "jquery", false, true); return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Edit_Profile($atts) { /** @var string $redirect_page * @var string $login_page * @var string $Time * @var string $Salt * @var string $omit_fields */ // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones global $wpdb, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_fields_table_name, $ewd_feup_user_table_name, $ewd_feup_user_fields_table_name; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $CheckCookie = CheckLoginCookie(); $Sql = "SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_fields_table_name} WHERE Field_Show_In_Front_End='Yes' ORDER BY `FIELD_ORDER` ASC"; $Fields = $wpdb->get_results($Sql); $User = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_table_name} WHERE Username='******'", $CheckCookie['Username'])); $UserData = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_fields_table_name} WHERE User_ID='%d'", $User->User_ID)); $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'login_page' => '', 'omit_fields' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Save settings', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; if ($CheckCookie['Username'] == "") { $ReturnString .= __('You must be logged in to access this page.', 'EWD_FEUP'); if ($login_page != "") { $ReturnString .= "<br />" . __('Please', 'EWD_FEUP') . " <a href='" . $login_page . "'>" . __('login', 'EWD_FEUP') . "</a> " . __('to continue.', 'EWD_FEUP'); if (isset($_SESSION['user_name_changed']) && isset($_SESSION['message_count']) && !empty($_SESSION['user_name_changed']) && $_SESSION['message_count'] > 0) { $ReturnString .= "<p class='text-success'>Your email has been changed. Please use your new email for logging in.</p><br/>"; $_SESSION['message_count']--; } } return $ReturnString; } if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= "<div class='updated'><p>" . $user_message['Message'] . "</p></div>"; } session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['first_sms_sent_to']) && !empty($_SESSION['first_sms_sent_to']) && isset($_SESSION['message_count']) && $_SESSION['message_count'] > 0) { $ReturnString .= "<br/><p class='text-success'>Welcome to ThinkThinly. A message has been sent to your number " . $_SESSION['first_sms_sent_to'] . "</p>"; $_SESSION['message_count']--; } session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['user_updated'])) { $ReturnString .= "<br/><p class='updated'>" . $_SESSION['user_updated'] . "</p>"; unset($_SESSION['user_updated']); } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-edit-profile-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"; //fields //5: First Name; 0: Breakfast; 1: Lunch; 2: Dinner; 3: I need the most help...; 4: Select your time zone; 5: First Name; 6:Last Name; 7: Gender; 8: OK to receive texts?; 9: Phone; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='edit-profile'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='Omit_Fields' value='" . $omit_fields . "'>"; $Omitted_Fields = explode(",", $omit_fields); //Brian added. Force new username and password if user has just signed up $username = $User->Username; $user_email = $User->user_email; if (strpos($username, "") != false) { $username = ""; } $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group hidden">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for="Username">Phone number: </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type="text" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name="Username" value="' . $username . '" required>'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; if (empty($username)) { $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for ="User_Password">Password: </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type = "password" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name = "User_Password" value = "" required>'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for="Confirm_User_Password" > Repeat Password: </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type = "password" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name = "Confirm_User_Password" value = "" >'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; } ////Brian added force new username //fixing data before display //5: First Name; 0: Breakfast; 1: Lunch; 2: Dinner; 3: I need the most help...; 4: Select your time zone; 5: First Name; 6:Last Name; 7: Gender; 8: OK to receive texts?; 9: Phone; $print_field = function ($Field) use($Omitted_Fields, $UserData, &$ReturnString) { $display_label = $Field->Field_Name; if ($display_label == "Breakfast") { $display_label = "Time 1"; } if ($display_label == "Lunch") { $display_label = "Time 2"; } if ($display_label == "Dinner") { $display_label = "Time 3"; } if ($display_label == "Select your time zone") { $display_label = "Time Zone"; } if (!in_array($Field->Field_Name, $Omitted_Fields)) { if ($Field->Field_Required == "Yes") { $Req_Text = "required"; } $Value = ""; if ($Field->Field_Name == "Phone") { $Field->Field_Type = "tel"; } foreach ($UserData as $UserField) { if ($Field->Field_Name == $UserField->Field_Name) { $Value = $UserField->Field_Value; } } if ($Field->Field_Name == "I need the most help...") { $ReturnString .= '<hr/>'; } $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-edit-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __($display_label, 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; if ($Field->Field_Type == "text" or $Field->Field_Type == "mediumint") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' type='text' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "tel") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' type='tel' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "date") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-date-input pure-input-1-3' type='date' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "datetime") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-datetime-input pure-input-1-3' type='datetime-local' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "textarea") { $ReturnString .= "<textarea name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-textarea pure-input-1-2' " . $Req_Text . ">" . $Value . "</textarea>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "file") { $ReturnString .= __("Current file:", 'EWD_FEUP') . " " . substr($Value, 10) . " | "; $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-date-input pure-input-1-3' type='file' value='' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "select") { $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); $bkend_calculated_time = ''; if (empty($Value)) { switch ($Field->Field_Name) { case 'Breakfast': $Value = '12:00pm'; break; case 'Lunch': $Value = 'None set'; break; case 'Dinner': $Value = 'None set'; break; default: break; } } $ReturnString .= "<select rel='" . $bkend_calculated_time . "' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-select pure-input-1-3'>"; foreach ($Options as $Option) { $ReturnString .= "<option value='" . $Option . "' "; if (trim($Option) == trim($Value)) { $ReturnString .= "selected='selected'"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "</option>"; } $ReturnString .= "</select>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "radio") { $Counter = 0; $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); foreach ($Options as $Option) { if ($Counter != 0) { $ReturnString .= "</div><div class='pure-control-group ewd-feup-negative-top'><label class='pure-radio'></label>"; } $ReturnString .= "<input type='radio' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' value='" . $Option . "' class='ewd-feup-radio' " . $Req_Text . " "; if (trim($Option) == trim($Value)) { $ReturnString .= "checked"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option; $Counter++; } } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "checkbox") { $Counter = 0; $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); $Values = explode(",", $Value); foreach ($Options as $Option) { if ($Counter != 0) { $ReturnString .= "</div><div class='pure-control-group ewd-feup-negative-top'><label class='pure-radio'></label>"; } $ReturnString .= "<input type='checkbox' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "[]' value='" . $Option . "' class='ewd-feup-checkbox' " . $Req_Text . " "; if (in_array($Option, $Values)) { $ReturnString .= "checked"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "</br>"; $Counter++; } } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; unset($Req_Text); if ($Field->Field_Name == "I need the most help...") { $ReturnString .= '<hr/>'; } } }; //5: First Name; 0: Breakfast; 1: Lunch; 2: Dinner; 3: I need the most help...; 4: Select your time zone; 5: First Name; 6:Last Name; 7: Gender; 8: OK to receive texts?; 9: Phone; $ReturnString .= '<div id="your_settings"> <ul id="tabs" class="nav nav-tabs" data-tabs="tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#tab_one" data-toggle="tab">Account</a></li> <li><a href="#tab_two" data-toggle="tab">Reminder times</a></li> <li ' . ($User->subscription == "active" ? ' class="hidden" ' : '') . '><a href="#tab_three" data-toggle="tab">Subscription</a></li> <li><a href="#tab_four" data-toggle="tab">Summary</a></li> </ul> <div id="my-tab-content" class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="tab_one">'; $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[5]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[6]); $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for="user_email">Email: </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type="email" class="ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3" name="user_email" value="' . $user_email . '" >'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for ="User_Password">Set new password (leave this field empty if you don\'t want to change your password): </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type = "password" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name = "User_Password" value = "" >'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for="Confirm_User_Password" > Repeat Password: </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type = "password" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name = "Confirm_User_Password" value = "" >'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; $ReturnString .= ' </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="tab_two"> Tell us what times you need motivational boost and we\'ll text you then. <br/>Pick up to three times. (Hint: You can choose meal times, workout times, late afternoon cravings or any time you need encouragement.)'; $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[0]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[1]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[2]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[4]); $ReturnString .= ' </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="tab_three"> <h3>Lasting change starts here.</h3> Get motivational texts every day up to three times a day daily for just $4.99 a month.<br/> That\'s the cost of one cup of coffee. Cancel any time.<br/> <br/> <button id="add_membership" type="button"> Yes, please send me messages! </button> </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="tab_four"> <h3>You did it!</h3> The new you is on its way, one motivational message at a time. <h4>Settings</h4> '; $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[0]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[1]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[2]); $ReturnString .= $print_field($Fields[4]); $ReturnString .= '<div class="pure-control-group">'; $ReturnString .= '<label for="Username">Phone number: </label>'; $ReturnString .= '<input type="text" disabled="disabled" class="ewd-feup-text-input" name="Username" value="' . $username . '" required>'; $ReturnString .= '</div>'; $ReturnString .= '</div> '; // print_field($Field, $Omitted_Fields, $UserData, $ReturnString); //brian3t extract $FIELDS here //insert form for paypal $userdata_ = array(); foreach ($UserData as $user_data) { $user_data_[$user_data->Field_Name] = $user_data; } $expiry_date = $user_data_["Membership Expiry Date"]->Field_Value; $output = ""; // $output = '<hr/>'; // $output .= <<<HTML // <div class="pure-control-group"><label for="Membership Expiry Date" id="ewd-feup-edit-16" class="ewd-feup-field-label">Expires: // </label><span class="form_text">$expiry_date // </span><input name="Membership Expiry Date" value="$expiry_date" id="ewd-feup-register-input-16" type="hidden"> // <label> // </label><span class="form_text">Extend membership by <input name="qty" size=1 value=1> months // </span> // <label> // </label><button type="button" id="add_membership">Go</button> // // </div> //HTML; // $output .= '<hr/>'; $output .= "<script> var \$user_id= {$User->User_ID} ; </script>"; $ReturnString .= $output; ////brian3t extract form field add paypal /** @var string $submit_text */ $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'><label for='submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary' name='Edit_Profile_Submit' value='" . $submit_text . "'></div>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; wp_enqueue_script('inputmask', "/wp-content/js/inputmask.min.js", "jquery", false, true); wp_enqueue_script('jquery_inputmask', "/wp-content/js/jquery.inputmask.min.js", "inputmask", false, true); wp_enqueue_script('your_settings', '/wp-content/js/your_settings.js', array('jquery')); wp_enqueue_script('timezone', "/wp-content/js/jstz-1.0.4.min.js", "jquery", false, true); $ReturnString .= ' </div> </div>'; //determine tab $tab = 2; //0: Breakfast; 1: Lunch; 2: Dinner; 3: I need the most help...; 4: Select your time zone; 5: First Name; 6:Last Name; 7: Gender; 8: OK to receive texts?; 9: Phone; if (empty($UserData[10]->Field_Value)) { $tab = 1; } if ($User->subscription == "active") { $tab = 4; } if (!empty($UserData[0]->Field_Value)) { if (strtotime($UserData[0]->Field_Value) < time()) { $tab = 3; } } $ReturnString .= "<script>var \$tab = '{$tab}';</script>"; return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Edit_Account_Form($atts) { global $wpdb, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_user_table_name; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $Username_Is_Email = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Username_Is_Email"); $CheckCookie = CheckLoginCookie(); //$Sql = "SELECT * FROM $ewd_feup_fields_table_name "; //$Fields = $wpdb->get_results($Sql); $User = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_table_name} WHERE Username='******'", $CheckCookie['Username'])); $feup_Label_Please = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Please"); if ($feup_Label_Please == "") { $feup_Label_Please = __("Please", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_To_Continue = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_To_Continue"); if ($feup_Label_To_Continue == "") { $feup_Label_To_Continue = __("To Continue", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_Login = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Login"); if ($feup_Label_Login == "") { $feup_Label_Login = __("Login", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_Email = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Email"); if ($feup_Label_Email == "") { $feup_Label_Email = __("Email", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_Username = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Username"); if ($feup_Label_Username == "") { $feup_Label_Username = __("Username", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_Password = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Password"); if ($feup_Label_Password == "") { $feup_Label_Password = __("Password", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_Repeat_Password = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Repeat_Password"); if ($feup_Label_Repeat_Password == "") { $feup_Label_Repeat_Password = __("Repeat Password", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_Password_Strength = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Password_Strength"); if ($feup_Label_Password_Strength == "") { $feup_Label_Password_Strength = __("Password Strength", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_Require_Login_Message = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Require_Login_Message"); if ($feup_Label_Require_Login_Message == "") { $feup_Label_Require_Login_Message = __('You must be logged in to access this page.', 'EWD_FEUP'); } $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'login_page' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Update Account', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= EWD_FEUP_Add_Modified_Styles(); if ($CheckCookie['Username'] == "") { $ReturnString .= $feup_Label_Require_Login_Message; if ($login_page != "") { $ReturnString .= "<br />" . $feup_Label_Please . " <a href='" . $login_page . "'>" . $feup_Label_Login . "</a> " . $feup_Label_To_Continue; } return $ReturnString; } if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-edit-account-form-div' class='ewd-feup-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-edit-account-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned feup-pure-form-aligned'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='edit-account'>"; if ($Username_Is_Email == "Yes") { $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-register-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label ewd-feup-login-label'>" . $feup_Label_Email . ": </label>"; // $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-register-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </div>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='email' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' value='" . $User->Username . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-register-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label ewd-feup-login-label'>" . $feup_Label_Username . ": </label>"; // $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-register-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Username', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </div>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' value='" . $User->Username . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; } $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Password' id='ewd-feup-login-password-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label ewd-feup-login-label'>" . $feup_Label_Password . ": </label>"; // $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-register-password-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </div>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input ewd-feup-password-input' name='User_Password' value=''>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Repeat-Password' id='ewd-feup-register-password-confirm-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label ewd-feup-login-label'>" . $feup_Label_Repeat_Password . ": </label>"; // $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-register-password-confirm-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Repeat Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </div>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input ewd-feup-check-password-input' name='Confirm_User_Password' value=''>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Password Strength' id='ewd-feup-password-strength' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . $feup_Label_Password_Strength . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<span id='ewd-feup-password-result'>Too Short</span>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'><label for='submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit feup-pure-button feup-pure-button-primary' name='Edit_Profile_Submit' value='" . $submit_text . "'></div>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Register_Form($atts) { // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones global $wpdb, $post, $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_fields_table_name; $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $Salt = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Hash_Salt"); $Username_Is_Email = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Username_Is_Email"); $Use_Captcha = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Use_Captcha"); $Time = time(); $Sql = "SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_fields_table_name} ORDER BY Field_Order"; $Fields = $wpdb->get_results($Sql); $ReturnString = ""; if (isset($_GET['ConfirmEmail'])) { ConfirmUserEmail(); } // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'redirect_field' => "", 'redirect_array_string' => "", 'submit_text' => __('Register', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); if (isset($_GET['ConfirmEmail'])) { $ConfirmationSuccess = ConfirmUserEmail(); } if ($feup_success and $redirect_field != "") { $redirect_page = Determine_Redirect_Page($redirect_field, $redirect_array_string, $redirect_page); } if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= EWD_FEUP_Add_Modified_Styles(); if (!isset($ConfirmationSuccess)) { $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-register-form-div' class='ewd-feup-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-register-form' class='feup-pure-form feup-pure-form-aligned' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='register'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-post-id' value='" . $post->ID . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; if ($Username_Is_Email == "Yes") { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-register-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; if (isset($_POST['Username'])) { $ReturnString .= "<input type='email' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' value='" . $_POST['Username'] . "'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<input type='email' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' placeholder='" . __('Email', 'EWD_FEUP') . "...'>"; } } else { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-register-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Username', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; if (isset($_POST['Username'])) { $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' value='" . $_POST['Username'] . "'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' placeholder='" . __('Username', 'EWD_FEUP') . "...'>"; } } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Password' id='ewd-feup-register-password-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; if (isset($_POST['User_Password'])) { $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='User_Password' value='" . $_POST['User_Password'] . "'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='User_Password'>"; } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Repeat Password' id='ewd-feup-register-password-confirm-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Repeat Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; if (isset($_POST['Confirm_User_Password'])) { $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Confirm_User_Password' value='" . $_POST['Confirm_User_Password'] . "'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Confirm_User_Password'>"; } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; foreach ($Fields as $Field) { if ($Field->Field_Required == "Yes") { $Req_Text = "required"; } else { $Req_Text = ""; } $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __($Field->Field_Name, 'EWD_FEUP') . ": </label>"; if ($Field->Field_Type == "text" or $Field->Field_Type == "mediumint") { if (isset($_POST[str_replace(" ", "_", $Field->Field_Name)])) { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-text-input pure-input-1-3' type='text' value='" . $_POST[str_replace(" ", "_", $Field->Field_Name)] . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-text-input' type='text' placeholder='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "date") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-date-input' type='date' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "datetime") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-datetime-input' type='datetime-local' value='" . $Value . "' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "file") { $ReturnString .= "<input name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-date-input' type='file' value='' " . $Req_Text . "/>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "textarea") { $ReturnString .= "<textarea name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-textarea' " . $Req_Text . ">" . $_POST[str_replace(" ", "_", $Field->Field_Name)] . "</textarea>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "select") { $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); $ReturnString .= "<select name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' id='ewd-feup-register-input-" . $Field->Field_ID . "' class='ewd-feup-select'>"; foreach ($Options as $Option) { $ReturnString .= "<option value='" . $Option . "' "; if (isset($_POST[str_replace(" ", "_", $Field->Field_Name)]) and $Option == $_POST[str_replace(" ", "_", $Field->Field_Name)]) { $ReturnString .= "selected='selected'"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "</option>"; } $ReturnString .= "</select>"; } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "radio") { $Counter = 0; $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); foreach ($Options as $Option) { if ($Counter != 0) { $ReturnString .= "</div><div class='feup-pure-control-group ewd-feup-negative-top'><label class='feup-pure-radio'></label>"; } $ReturnString .= "<input type='radio' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "' value='" . $Option . "' class='ewd-feup-radio' " . $Req_Text . " "; if (isset($_POST[str_replace(" ", "_", $Field->Field_Name)]) and $Option == $_POST[str_replace(" ", "_", $Field->Field_Name)]) { $ReturnString .= "checked='checked'"; } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "<br/>"; $Counter++; } } elseif ($Field->Field_Type == "checkbox") { $Counter = 0; $Options = explode(",", $Field->Field_Options); foreach ($Options as $Option) { if ($Counter != 0) { $ReturnString .= "</div><div class='feup-pure-control-group ewd-feup-negative-top'><label class='feup-pure-radio'></label>"; } $ReturnString .= "<input type='checkbox' name='" . $Field->Field_Name . "[]' value='" . $Option . "' class='ewd-feup-checkbox' " . $Req_Text . " "; if (isset($_POST[str_replace(" ", "_", $Field->Field_Name)])) { if (in_array($Option, $_POST[str_replace(" ", "_", $Field->Field_Name)])) { $ReturnString .= "checked"; } } $ReturnString .= ">" . $Option . "</br>"; $Counter++; } } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; unset($Req_Text); } if ($Use_Captcha == "Yes") { $ReturnString .= EWD_FEUP_Add_Captcha(); } $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'><label for='submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit feup-pure-button feup-pure-button-primary' name='Register_Submit' value='" . $submit_text . "'></div>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; } else { $ReturnString = "<div class='ewd-feup-email-confirmation'>"; if ($ConfirmationSuccess == "Yes") { $ReturnString .= __("Thanks for confirming your e-mail address!", 'EWD_FEUP'); } if ($ConfirmationSuccess == "No") { $ReturnString .= __("The confirmation number provided was incorrect. Please contact the site administrator for assistance.", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; } return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Login_Form($atts) { global $user_message, $feup_success; // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones $Salt = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Hash_Salt"); $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $Username_Is_Email = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Username_Is_Email"); $Time = time(); $Payment_Frequency = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Payment_Frequency"); $Payment_Types = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Payment_Types"); $Membership_Cost = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Membership_Cost"); $Levels_Payment_Array = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Levels_Payment_Array"); $feup_Label_Login = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Login"); if ($feup_Label_Login == "") { $feup_Label_Login = __("Login", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_Email = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Email"); if ($feup_Label_Email == "") { $feup_Label_Email = __("Email", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_Username = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Username"); if ($feup_Label_Username == "") { $feup_Label_Username = __("Username", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $feup_Label_Password = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Label_Password"); if ($feup_Label_Password == "") { $feup_Label_Password = __("Password", 'EWD_FEUP'); } $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'redirect_field' => '', 'redirect_array_string' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Login', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= EWD_FEUP_Add_Modified_Styles(); $ReturnString .= "</style>"; if ($_POST['Payment_Required'] == "Yes") { if ($Payment_Types == "Membership" and is_numeric($Membership_Cost) and $Membership_Cost != "" or $Payment_Types == "Levels" and sizeof($Levels_Payment_Array) > 0) { $ReturnString .= do_shortcode("[account-payment]"); return $ReturnString; } } if ($feup_success and $redirect_field != "") { $redirect_page = Determine_Redirect_Page($redirect_field, $redirect_array_string, $redirect_page); } // if there is no redirect page, have the current page reload if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-login' class='ewd-feup-login-form-div' class='ewd-feup-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } if (strpos($user_message['Message'], "Payment required.") !== false) { $ReturnString .= "</div>"; return $ReturnString; } //Payment required $ReturnString .= "<form action='user-blog' method='post' id='ewd-feup-login-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned feup-pure-form-aligned'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='login'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; if ($Username_Is_Email == "Yes") { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-login-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label ewd-feup-login-label'>" . $feup_Label_Email . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='email' class='ewd-feup-text-input ewd-feup-login-field' name='Username' placeholder='" . $feup_Label_Email . "...'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-login-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label ewd-feup-login-label'>" . $feup_Label_Username . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input ewd-feup-login-field' name='Username' placeholder='" . $feup_Label_Username . "...'>"; } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Password' id='ewd-feup-login-password-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label ewd-feup-login-label'>" . $feup_Label_Password . ": </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input ewd-feup-login-field' name='User_Password'>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='feup-pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Submit'></label><input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit ewd-feup-login-submit feup-pure-button feup-pure-button-primary' name='Login_Submit' value='" . $feup_Label_Login . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; return $ReturnString; }
function Insert_Login_Form($atts) { global $user_message, $feup_success; global $ewd_feup_fields_table_name, $ewd_feup_user_table_name, $ewd_feup_user_fields_table_name, $wpdb; // Include the required global variables, and create a few new ones $Salt = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Hash_Salt"); $Custom_CSS = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Custom_CSS"); $Username_Is_Email = get_option("EWD_FEUP_Username_Is_Email"); $Time = time(); $ReturnString = ""; // Get the attributes passed by the shortcode, and store them in new variables for processing extract(shortcode_atts(array('redirect_page' => '#', 'redirect_field' => '', 'redirect_array_string' => '', 'submit_text' => __('Login', 'EWD_FEUP')), $atts)); $ReturnString .= "<style type='text/css'>"; $ReturnString .= $Custom_CSS; $ReturnString .= "</style>"; /** * @var string $redirect_field * @var string $redirect_page * @var string $redirect_array_string */ if ($feup_success and $redirect_field != "") { $redirect_page = Determine_Redirect_Page($redirect_field, $redirect_array_string, $redirect_page); } if ($feup_success and $redirect_page != '#') { $CheckCookie = CheckLoginCookie(); $User = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_table_name} WHERE Username='******'", $CheckCookie['Username'])); if ($User->subscription == "active") { $redirect_page = "/your-settings"; } else { $UserData = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$ewd_feup_user_fields_table_name} WHERE User_ID='%d'", $User->User_ID)); $expiry_date = null; foreach ($UserData as $u) { if ($u->Field_Name == "Membership Expiry Date") { $expiry_date = $u->Field_Value; } } //$UserData[10]->Field_Value; //compare date here if (time() - strtotime($expiry_date) > -3600 * 24) { $redirect_page = '/account-expired'; } elseif ($expiry_date == "") { $redirect_page = '/you-did-it'; } else { $redirect_page = '/your-settings'; } } FEUPRedirect($redirect_page); } $ReturnString .= "<div id='ewd-feup-login-form-div'>"; if (isset($user_message['Message'])) { $ReturnString .= $user_message['Message']; } $ReturnString .= "<form action='#' method='post' id='ewd-feup-login-form' class='pure-form pure-form-aligned'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-check' value='" . sha1(md5($Time . $Salt)) . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-time' value='" . $Time . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='hidden' name='ewd-feup-action' value='login'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; if ($Username_Is_Email == "Yes") { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-login-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>Phone</label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' placeholder='Phone Number...'>"; } else { $ReturnString .= "<label for='Username' id='ewd-feup-login-username-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>Phone Number: </label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='text' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='Username' placeholder='Phone Number...'>"; } $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='pure-control-group'>"; $ReturnString .= "<label for='Password' id='ewd-feup-login-password-div' class='ewd-feup-field-label'>" . __('Password', 'EWD_FEUP') . "</label>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='password' class='ewd-feup-text-input' name='User_Password'>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<input type='submit' class='ewd-feup-submit pure-button pure-button-primary' name='Login_Submit' value='" . $submit_text . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "</form>"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; return $ReturnString; }