echo createXmlHeader() . xmlEntry('error', 'Row ID was not passed!') . createXmlFooter(); die; } if ($rID) { $report = get_report_details($rID); } $kFonts = gen_build_pull_down($Fonts); $kFontSizes = gen_build_pull_down($FontSizes); $kLineSizes = gen_build_pull_down($LineSizes); $kFontColors = gen_build_pull_down($FontColors); $kFontAlign = gen_build_pull_down($FontAlign); $cFields = CreateCompanyArray(); $fFields = crit_build_pull_down($CritChoices); $kFields = CreateSpecialDropDown($report); $kTblFields = CreateFieldTblDropDown($report); $kTables = CreateTableList($report); $nyChoice = gen_build_pull_down($NoYesChoice); $pFields = gen_build_pull_down($FormProcessing); $tProcessing = gen_build_pull_down($TextProcessing); if (!$type) { // use the first type of the FormEntries array since it will be shown first with a new line $temp = array_keys($FormEntries); $type = array_shift($temp); } $properties = new objectInfo(); $properties->type = $type; $output = box_build($properties, $rowID); $xml .= xmlEntry("rowID", $rowID); $xml .= xmlEntry("html", $output); //$xml .= xmlEntry("debug", 'sizeof kFields= ' . sizeof($kFields) . ' and rowID = ' . $rowID); $xml .= xmlEntry("message", 'Success type = ' . $type . ' and html length = ' . strlen($output));
} ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_input_field('Table5Criteria', $myrow['table5criteria'], 'size="76" maxlength="75" onblur="submitToDo(\'update\')"'); ?> <td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo TEXT_TABLE6; ?> </td> <td><?php if ($myrow['table5']) { echo html_pull_down_menu('Table6', CreateTableList($ReportID, 6), $myrow['table6']); } ?> </td> <td><?php echo html_input_field('Table6Criteria', $myrow['table6criteria'], 'size="76" maxlength="75" onblur="submitToDo(\'update\')"'); ?> <td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"><?php echo RW_RPT_DB_LINK_HELP; ?> </td> </tr> </table>