// Make sure the main page data is loaded. require_once $bb_dir . "/" . $bb_file . "_" . $bb_pref_lang . "_page.php"; // Load initialization functions. require_once ROOT_PATH . "/" . SUPPORT_PATH . "/bb_init_functions.php"; // Manage the page. if (isset($_REQUEST["bb_action"])) { require_once "edit.php"; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST["action"])) { // Find the widget. Can't be a widget master and must exist. if (isset($_REQUEST["wid"]) && isset($bb_langpage["widgets"][$_REQUEST["wid"]])) { $bb_widget->SetID($_REQUEST["wid"]); if ($bb_widget->_m === false && $bb_widget->_a !== false && file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH . "/" . $bb_widget->_file)) { // Load widgets. BB_LoadWidgets(); $bb_widget->SetID($_REQUEST["wid"]); $bb_widget_instances[$_REQUEST["wid"]]->ProcessAction(); } } } else { // Load widgets. BB_LoadWidgets(); $bb_widget->SetID(""); $data = BB_ProcessPage($bb_page["cachetime"] != 0, true, true); if ($bb_page["cachetime"] != 0) { $bb_page["langs"][$bb_pref_lang][$bb_profile] = array(time(), gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); BB_WriteFile($bb_dir . "/" . $bb_file . "_" . $bb_pref_lang . ($bb_profile != "" ? "." . $bb_profile : "") . ".html", $data); BB_SavePage(); } } }
} if (isset($_REQUEST["notify"])) { require_once "translate.php"; if (isset($bb_translate_notify[(int) $_REQUEST["notify"]])) { $entry = $bb_translate_notify[(int) $_REQUEST["notify"]]; echo BB_Translate("<br />%s, %s, %s => %s, %s", htmlspecialchars($entry[0]), BB_FormatTimestamp($entry[1]), htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate(BB_GetIANADesc($entry[4], true, true))), htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate(BB_GetIANADesc($entry[5], true, true))), htmlspecialchars($entry[6])); } } BB_RunPluginAction("post_bb_main_edit_mainviewinfo"); } else { if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_main_edit_view") { BB_RunPluginAction("pre_bb_main_edit_view"); if ($bb_page["redirect"] != "") { header("Location: " . $bb_page["redirect"]); } else { BB_ProcessPage(false, true, false); } BB_RunPluginAction("post_bb_main_edit_view"); } else { if ($_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_main_edit_menu") { BB_RunPluginAction("pre_bb_main_edit_menu"); ?> <div class="menu"> <div class="title"><?php echo BB_Translate("Page Options"); ?> </div> <?php BB_RunPluginAction("bb_main_edit_menu_pre_page_options"); echo BB_CreatePropertiesLink(BB_Translate("Edit Properties"), "bb_main_edit_page_opt_properties"); if (count($bb_profiles) > 1) {
public function ProcessAction() { foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $val) { if (substr($key, 0, 3) == "bb_" || substr($key, 0, 2) == "g_") { global ${$key}; } } if (!$this->initrun) { $this->initrun = true; $this->ProcessLangmap(); if (isset($bb_widget->init)) { eval("?" . ">" . $bb_widget->init); } } if (!isset($bb_widget->action) || $bb_widget->action === "") { echo BB_ProcessPage(true, false, true); } else { eval("?" . ">" . $bb_widget->action); } }