Пример #1
     echo '<td class="HdgDk Right">' . $Lcols2[1] . '</td>' . "\n";
     echo '<td class="HdgLt">' . $Lcols2[0] . '</td>' . "\n";
     echo '<td class="HdgDk Left Right">' . $Lcols2[3] . '</td>' . "\n";
     echo '</tr>' . "\n";
     echo '</tbody>' . "\n";
     $needheading = false;
     echo '<tbody>' . "\n";
 echo '<tr class = "taC">' . "\n";
 for ($col = 0; $col < $columns; $col++) {
     $data = $csvarray[$row][$col];
     if ($col == 0) {
         $pmo = substr($data, 5, 2);
         $pda = substr($data, strrpos($data, "-") + 1, 2);
         $pyr = substr($data, 0, 4);
         $tdate = AddDate($pmo, $pda, $pyr, 0);
         // just to get the name of the day
         if ($row !== count($csvarray) - 1) {
             // ie not the last row
             if (substr($data, 0, 7) !== substr($csvarray[$row + 1][0], 0, 7)) {
                 $needheading = true;
         $data = '<td class = "date">' . substr($tdate[weekday], 0, 3) . '</td><td class = "date"><a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '&ID=' . $WUID . '&amp;month=' . $pmo . '&amp;day=' . $pda . '&amp;year=' . $pyr . '&amp;mode=1&amp;units=' . $units . $phpselftop . '">' . $pda . '</a></td>';
     if ($col == 1) {
         $convarray = convertTemps($data);
         $data = merge_data($convarray);
         // Figures out which measurement is desired & returns it
         $data = '<td class="BodyDk Left">' . $data . '</td>';
Пример #2
function WeekCalc($Wdate)
    //Find Week Start and Week End.
    //Note LMC weeks begin with Monday (phpday #1)
    //PHP Weeks begin with Sunday (phpday #0)
    //need to declare the AddDate function in any page that requires this function
    //include ('/var/www/LMCIntranet/Util/AddDate.php');
    //echo $Wdate . ' Wdate value <br>';
    $dtW = date(w, strtotime($Wdate));
    //Day Of The Week
    //echo $dtW.' Original DtW<br>';
    if (strcmp($dtW, 0) != 0) {
        $dtW = $dtW - 1;
    } else {
        $dtW = 6;
    //echo $dtW.' Adjusted DtW<br>';
    $week['Start'] = AddDate($Wdate, 0, -$dtW, 0);
    $week['End'] = AddDate($week['Start'], 0, +6, 0);
    return $week;
Пример #3
    public function boxTimeTable($wherestr)
        global $startlecturer_time, $endlecturer_time;
        $startlecturer_time = (int) $startlecturer_time;
        $endlecturer_time = (int) $endlecturer_time;
        if ($this->week_no == "") {
            $this->week_no = 1;
        $weekarray = $this->getWeekSelectCtrl($this->week_no, "week_no", $this->year_id, $this->session_id, "onchange='getWeekNo(this.value)'");
        $weekctrl = $weekarray['html'];
        $startweek_date = $weekarray['startweek_date'];
        $endweek_date = $weekarray['endweek_date'];
        // looping by day (MONDAY to FRIDAY)
        $weekday = array(0 => "", 1 => "MONDAY", 2 => "TUESDAY", 3 => "WEDNESDAY", 4 => "THURSDAY", 5 => "FRIDAY");
        $wherestr .= " and tt.subjectclass_id = sc.subjectclass_id\r\n                            and tt.employee_id = em.employee_id\r\n                            and sc.subject_id = sb.subject_id\r\n                            and tt.lecturerroom_id = lr.lecturerroom_id\r\n                            and tt.year_id = cs.year_id\r\n                            and tt.session_id = cs.session_id\r\n                            and sc.subjectclass_id = cl.subjectclass_id \r\n                            and cs.isactive = 0 ";
        if ($this->subjectclass_id > 0) {
            $wherestr .= " and tt.subjectclass_id = {$this->subjectclass_id}";
        if ($this->lecturerroom_id > 0) {
            $wherestr .= " and tt.lecturerroom_id = {$this->lecturerroom_id}";
        //echo $this->subjectclass_id." ".$this->course_id;
        //&& $this->subjectclass_id > 0
        if ($this->course_id > 0) {
            $wherestr .= " and ( cl.course_id = {$this->course_id})";
        //$wherestr .= " and tt.generateinvoice_date between '$startweek_date' and '$endweek_date' ";
        echo <<<EOF
    <form name="frmGenerateinvoiceBox" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="search_category" value="{$this->search_category}">
    <input type="hidden" name="search_type" value="{$this->search_type}">
    <input type="hidden" name="year_id" value="{$this->year_id}">
    <input type="hidden" name="session_id" value="{$this->session_id}">
    <input type="hidden" name="course_id" value="{$this->course_id}">
    <input type="hidden" name="showtt" value="{$this->showtt}">
    <input type="hidden" name="issearch" value="{$this->issearch}">
    <input type="hidden" name="subjectclass_id" value="{$this->subjectclass_id}">
    <input type="hidden" name="lecturerroom_id" value="{$this->lecturerroom_id}">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="search">

    <td acolspan="12" align="left">{$weekctrl}</td>

        $i = 0;
        foreach ($weekday as $day_name) {
            //looping monday to friday
            //$date_name = getNameDay($trans_date);
            echo <<<EOF

        <td class="even"><b>{$day_name}</b><br>{$trans_date}</td>
            $trans_time = $startlecturer_time;
            $j = 0;
            while ($trans_time < $endlecturer_time) {
                //looping start_time to end_time
                $whereloop = "";
                $rowtype = "odd";
                $transstart_time = $trans_time;
                $transend_time = $trans_time + 100;
                $time_description = "";
                if ($i == 0) {
                    //header only
                    $time_description = "{$transstart_time} - {$transend_time}";
                    $rowtype = "head";
                } else {
                    //start SQL
                    $whereloop .= $wherestr . " and tt.generateinvoice_starttime <= {$transstart_time} and tt.generateinvoice_endtime >= {$transend_time} ";
                    $whereloop .= " and tt.generateinvoice_date = '{$trans_date}' ";
                    $sql = "select tt.generateinvoice_id,tt.generateinvoice_date,tt.generateinvoice_starttime,tt.generateinvoice_endtime,\r\n                    tt.employee_id,tt.lecturerroom_id,tt.year_id,tt.session_id,tt.subjectclass_id,\r\n                    em.employee_name,sb.subject_name,sb.subject_no,lr.lecturerroom_name,\r\n                    lr.lecturerroom_no,sc.course_id,sc.group_no\r\n                    from\r\n                    {$this->tablegenerateinvoice} tt, {$this->tablesubjectclass} sc, {$this->tableemployee} em,\r\n                    {$this->tablesubject} sb, {$this->tablelecturerroom} lr, {$this->tableclosesession} cs,\r\n                    {$this->tablesubjectclassline} cl \r\n                    {$whereloop}\r\n                    group by sc.subjectclass_id\r\n                     order by tt.generateinvoice_date";
                    //echo "<br>";
                    //end SQL
                    $rs = $this->xoopsDB->query($sql);
                    $check = 0;
                    $time_description = "";
                    while ($row = $this->xoopsDB->fetchArray($rs)) {
                        //echo "sa $check <br>";
                        $course_id = $row['course_id'];
                        $generateinvoice_id = $row['generateinvoice_id'];
                        $subjectclass_id = $row['subjectclass_id'];
                        $subject_name = $row['subject_name'];
                        $subject_no = $row['subject_no'];
                        $lecturerroom_no = $row['lecturerroom_no'];
                        $employee_name = $row['employee_name'];
                        $group_no = $row['group_no'];
                        $time_description .= "<a title='Edit This Record' target='blank' href='generateinvoice.php?action=edit&generateinvoice_id={$generateinvoice_id}'>{$subject_name}({$subject_no})<br>Room : ({$lecturerroom_no}) <br>Group : {$group_no}<br>Lecturer : {$employee_name}</a><br><br>";
                        //$time_description .= $time_description;
                    $time_description .= "<br><a title='Add New Class' target='blank' href='generateinvoice.php?action=addnew&generateinvoice_date={$trans_date}&generateinvoice_starttime={$transstart_time}&generateinvoice_endtime={$transend_time}&year_id={$this->year_id}&session_id={$this->session_id}'><font color=red>Add New >></font></a>";
                    //if($check >0)
                    //$time_description = "$subject_name($subject_no)<br>Room : ($lecturerroom_no)<br>Lecturer : $employee_name";
                echo <<<EOF
        <td class="{$rowtype}" align="left" nowrap>{$time_description}</td>
                $trans_time = $trans_time + 100;
                // add 1 hour
            echo <<<EOF
            $trans_date = AddDate($startweek_date, $i);
        echo <<<EOF

