Пример #1
  * seed entries
  * ------------
 function AA_heats_seedEntries($event)
     require './lib/cl_gui_dropdown.lib.php';
     require './lib/cl_gui_select.lib.php';
     require './lib/common.lib.php';
     require './lib/utils.lib.php';
     include './config.inc.php';
     $filmnumber = false;
     $relay = AA_checkRelay($event);
     $combined = AA_checkCombined($event);
     // combined event
     $teamsm = AA_checkTeamSM($event);
     // team sm event
     $cGroup = $_POST['cGroup'];
     // combined group to seed
     $comb_last = AA_checkCombinedLast($event);
     // combined event last discipline
     if (isset($_POST['round'])) {
         $round = $_POST['round'];
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['round'])) {
             $round = $_GET['round'];
     $size = $_POST['size'];
     if (!empty($_POST['tracks'])) {
         $tracks = $_POST['tracks'];
     } else {
         $tracks = $size;
     $mode = 0;
     if (!empty($_POST['mode'])) {
         $mode = $_POST['mode'];
     //	read athletes/relays, ordered by mode type
     // get type of contest
     // if this is an svm contest, sort with first heat runner
     $svmContest = AA_checkSVMNatAC($event);
     if ($svmContest) {
         $orderFirst = "s.Erstserie ASC,";
         // those with 'y' come first
     } else {
         $orderFirst = "";
     // discipline type for top performance mode and for determining the need of a filmnumber
     $result = mysql_query("\r\n\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\td.Typ\r\n\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\tdisziplin AS d\r\n\t\t\t, wettkampf AS w\r\n\t\tWHERE xWettkampf = {$event}\r\n\t\tAND d.xDisziplin = w.xDisziplin\r\n\t");
     if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
         AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
         $order = "RAND()";
     } else {
         $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
     if ($mode == 0 && !$svmContest) {
         // open mode
         // random order
         $order = "RAND()";
         $badValue = "0";
         if ($row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrack] || $row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrackNoWind] || $row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeRelay] || $row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeDistance]) {
             $filmnumber = true;
     } elseif ($mode == 3 && !$svmContest) {
         $order = "t.Name";
         // field disciplines
         $badValue = "0";
         $orderFirst = '';
     } elseif ($svmContest) {
         // SVM mode
         if ($row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrack] || $row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrackNoWind] || $row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeRelay] || $row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeDistance]) {
             $order = "best ASC, RAND()";
             // track disciplines
             $badValue = "99999999";
             $filmnumber = true;
         } else {
             $order = "best ASC, RAND()";
             // field disciplines
             $badValue = "0";
     } else {
         // top performance mode
         if ($row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrack] || $row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrackNoWind] || $row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeRelay] || $row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeDistance]) {
             $order = "best ASC, RAND()";
             // track disciplines
             $badValue = "99999999";
             $filmnumber = true;
         } else {
             if ($row[0] == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeHigh]) {
                 $order = "best DESC, RAND()";
                 // field disciplines  (high)
             } else {
                 $order = "best ASC, RAND()";
                 // field disciplines
             $badValue = "0";
     // read merged rounds and select all events
     $eventMerged = false;
     $sqlEvents = AA_getMergedEvents($round);
     if ($sqlEvents == '') {
         $sqlEvents = " s.xWettkampf = " . $event . " ";
     } else {
         $sqlEvents = " s.xWettkampf IN " . $sqlEvents . " ";
         $eventMerged = true;
     $mergedRounds = AA_getMergedRounds($round);
     if ($mergedRounds == '') {
         $sqlRounds = "= " . $round;
     } else {
         $sqlRounds = "IN " . $mergedRounds;
     //	read entries either for athletes, relays or athletes in combined event
     if (!$combined) {
         if ($relay == FALSE && !$svmContest) {
             // single event
             $query = "SELECT xStart, if(Bestleistung = 0, {$badValue}, Bestleistung) as best, r.xRunde, t.Name" . " FROM start as s LEFT JOIN anmeldung as a ON (s.xAnmeldung = a.xAnmeldung) LEFT JOIN team as t ON (a.xTeam = t.xTeam) LEFT JOIN runde as r On (r.xWettkampf=s.xWettkampf) " . " WHERE " . $sqlEvents . " AND s.Anwesend = 0" . " AND s.xAnmeldung > 0" . " AND a.xAnmeldung = s.xAnmeldung" . " AND r.xRunde " . $sqlRounds . " ORDER BY {$order}";
         } elseif ($relay == FALSE && $svmContest) {
             // single event but svm
             $query = "SELECT s.xStart, if(Bestleistung = 0, {$badValue}, Bestleistung) as best, r.xRunde, t.Name" . " FROM start as s, anmeldung as a LEFT JOIN team as t ON (a.xTeam = t.xTeam) LEFT JOIN runde as r On (r.xWettkampf=s.xWettkampf) " . " WHERE " . $sqlEvents . " AND s.Anwesend = 0" . " AND s.xAnmeldung > 0" . " AND a.xAnmeldung = s.xAnmeldung" . " AND r.xRunde " . $sqlRounds . " ORDER BY {$orderFirst} {$order}";
         } else {
             // relay event
             $query = "SELECT xStart, if(Bestleistung = 0, {$badValue}, Bestleistung) as best, r.xRunde, t.Name" . " FROM start as s Left JOIN staffel as st ON (s.xStaffel = st.xStaffel) LEFT JOIN team as t ON (t.xTeam = st.xTeam) LEFT JOIN runde as r On (r.xWettkampf=s.xWettkampf) " . " WHERE " . $sqlEvents . " AND s.Anwesend = 0" . " AND s.xStaffel > 0" . " AND r.xRunde " . $sqlRounds . " ORDER BY {$order}";
     } else {
         // combined
         if ($comb_last == 1) {
             // last combined --> all athletes together
             $order = str_replace("DESC", "ASC", $order);
             // last combined checks the best points --> order always ASC
             if (!empty($cGroup)) {
                 $query = "SELECT xStart, if(BestleistungMK = 0, {$badValue}, BestleistungMK) as best, a.xAthlet, t.Name" . " FROM start as s, anmeldung as a LEFT JOIN team as t ON (a.xTeam = t.xTeam)" . " WHERE " . $sqlEvents . " AND s.xAnmeldung = a.xAnmeldung" . " AND a.Gruppe = '{$cGroup}'" . " AND s.Anwesend = 0" . " AND s.xAnmeldung > 0" . " ORDER BY {$order}";
             } else {
                 $query = "SELECT xStart, if(BestleistungMK = 0, {$badValue}, BestleistungMK) as best, a.xAthlet,r.xRunde, t.Name" . " FROM start as s, anmeldung as a LEFT JOIN team as t ON (a.xTeam = t.xTeam) LEFT JOIN runde as r On (r.xWettkampf=s.xWettkampf) " . " WHERE " . $sqlEvents . " AND s.xAnmeldung = a.xAnmeldung" . " AND s.Anwesend = 0" . " AND s.xAnmeldung > 0" . " ORDER BY {$order}";
         } else {
             if (!empty($cGroup)) {
                 $query = "SELECT xStart, if(Bestleistung = 0, {$badValue}, Bestleistung) as best, a.xAthlet, t.Name" . " FROM start as s, anmeldung as a LEFT JOIN team as t ON (a.xTeam = t.xTeam)" . " WHERE " . $sqlEvents . " AND s.xAnmeldung = a.xAnmeldung" . " AND a.Gruppe = '{$cGroup}'" . " AND s.Anwesend = 0" . " AND s.xAnmeldung > 0" . " ORDER BY {$order}";
             } else {
                 $query = "SELECT xStart, if(Bestleistung = 0, {$badValue}, Bestleistung) as best, a.xAthlet,r.xRunde, t.Name" . " FROM start as s, anmeldung as a LEFT JOIN team as t ON (a.xTeam = t.xTeam) LEFT JOIN runde as r On (r.xWettkampf=s.xWettkampf) " . " WHERE " . $sqlEvents . " AND s.xAnmeldung = a.xAnmeldung" . " AND s.Anwesend = 0" . " AND s.xAnmeldung > 0" . " ORDER BY {$order}";
     if ($teamsm && !empty($cGroup)) {
         // teamsm event with groups
         $query = "SELECT xStart, if(Bestleistung = 0, {$badValue}, Bestleistung) as best, t.Name" . " FROM start as s, anmeldung as a LEFT JOIN team as t ON (a.xTeam = t.xTeam)" . " WHERE s.xWettkampf = " . $event . " AND s.xAnmeldung = a.xAnmeldung" . " AND a.Gruppe = '{$cGroup}'" . " AND s.Anwesend = 0" . " AND s.xAnmeldung > 0" . " ORDER BY {$order}";
     if ($_POST['mode'] == 3) {
         // count team
         $count_team = 0;
         $pos = strpos($query, "ORDER");
         $query_team = substr($query, 0, $pos);
         $query_team .= " GROUP BY t.Name";
         $res_group = mysql_query($query_team);
         if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
             AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
         } else {
             $count_team = mysql_num_rows($res_group);
     $result = mysql_query($query);
     $entries = mysql_num_rows($result);
     // keep nbr of entries
     $noTeam = true;
     while ($row_check = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
         // only check for teams for this event
         if ($_POST['mode'] == 3) {
             if ($combined && empty($cGroup)) {
                 if (!empty($row_check[4])) {
                     $noTeam = false;
             } else {
                 if (!empty($row_check[3])) {
                     $noTeam = false;
     $result = mysql_query($query);
     // reset to first record
     if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
         AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
     if ($noTeam && $_POST['mode'] == 3) {
         // no teams exist for this event
     } else {
         if ($entries > 0) {
             mysql_query("LOCK TABLES resultat READ, rundenset READ, wettkampf READ , meeting READ, runde WRITE, serie WRITE" . ", serienstart WRITE, runde as r READ, wettkampf as w READ, kategorie as k READ, disziplin as d READ");
             // check if round still exists
             if (AA_checkReference("runde", "xRunde", $round) == 0) {
                 AA_printErrorMsg($strRound . $strErrNotValid);
             } else {
                 // check if there are any results for this round
                 $res = mysql_query("SELECT xResultat" . " FROM resultat" . ", serienstart" . ", serie" . " WHERE serie.xRunde  " . $sqlRounds . " AND serienstart.xSerie = serie.xSerie" . " AND resultat.xSerienstart = serienstart.xSerienstart");
                 if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                     AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                 } else {
                     if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
                     } else {
                         $OK = TRUE;
                         // Delete current start per heat
                         $res = mysql_query("SELECT xSerie" . " FROM serie" . " WHERE xRunde  " . $sqlRounds);
                         if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                             AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                             $OK = FALSE;
                         } else {
                             while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
                                 mysql_query("DELETE FROM serienstart" . " WHERE xSerie = " . $row[0]);
                                 if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                     AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                     $OK = FALSE;
                         // Delete heat
                         if ($OK == TRUE) {
                             // delete this round's heats
                             mysql_query("DELETE FROM serie" . " WHERE xRunde  " . $sqlRounds);
                             if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                 AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                             } else {
                                 // Update round data and seed entries
                                 AA_utils_changeRoundStatus($round, $cfgRoundStatus['heats_in_progress']);
                                 if (!empty($GLOBALS['AA_ERROR'])) {
                                 mysql_query("\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE runde SET\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBahnen = {$tracks}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE xRunde = {$round}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t");
                                 if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                     AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                 } else {
                                     // create heats
                                     $filmnr = 0;
                                     if ($filmnumber) {
                                         $filmnr = AA_heats_getNextFilm();
                                     // get TV Name
                                     $tvname = '';
                                     $sql = "SELECT \r\n                                        k.Name, k.Geschlecht, d.Name, d.Code , rt.Name , r.xRundentyp\r\n                                  FROM\r\n                                        runde AS r\r\n                                        LEFT JOIN wettkampf AS w ON (r.xWettkampf = w.xWettkampf)\r\n                                        LEFT JOIN kategorie AS k ON (w.xKategorie = k.xKategorie) \r\n                                        LEFT JOIN disziplin AS d ON (w.xDisziplin = d.xDisziplin) \r\n                                        LEFT JOIN rundentyp AS rt ON (rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp) \r\n                                  WHERE\r\n                                        r.xrunde = " . $round . "\r\n                                        AND w.xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id'];
                                     if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                         // DB error
                                         AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                     $res_tv = mysql_query($sql);
                                     $lang = $_COOKIE['language'];
                                     if (mysql_num_rows($res_tv) == 1) {
                                         $row_tv = mysql_fetch_row($res_tv);
                                         if ($row_tv[1] == 'm') {
                                             $tvname = $cfgTVDef[$lang]['m'] . " ";
                                         } else {
                                             $tvname = $cfgTVDef[$lang]['w'] . " ";
                                         // $tvname .= ' (' . $row_tv[0] . ') ';
                                         if ($row_tv[3] >= 232 && $row_tv[3] <= 236) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][232];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] >= 252 && $row_tv[3] <= 256) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][252];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] == 258) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][258];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] >= 259 && $row_tv[3] <= 261) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][259];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] >= 268 && $row_tv[3] <= 271) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][268];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] == 280) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][280];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] >= 289 && $row_tv[3] <= 291) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][289];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] >= 298 && $row_tv[3] <= 301) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][298];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] >= 347 && $row_tv[3] <= 353) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][347];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] >= 356 && $row_tv[3] <= 361) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][356];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] >= 375 && $row_tv[3] <= 381) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][375];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] >= 387 && $row_tv[3] <= 391) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][387];
                                         } elseif ($row_tv[3] >= 385 && $row_tv[3] <= 386) {
                                             $tvname .= $cfgTVDef[$lang][385];
                                         } else {
                                             $tvname .= $row_tv[2];
                                         if ($row_tv[5] != 9) {
                                             // typ ?= ohne
                                             $tvname .= " " . $row_tv[4];
                                             // Name of type of round
                                     $h = ceil($entries / $size);
                                     // calc. nbr of heats
                                     if ($_POST['mode'] == 3) {
                                         if ($h > $count_team && $count_team != 0) {
                                             $h = $count_team;
                                     for ($i = 1; $i <= $h; $i++) {
                                         if ($row_tv[5] != 9) {
                                             // typ != ohne
                                             mysql_query("INSERT INTO serie SET" . " xRunde = " . $round . ", xAnlage = 0" . ", Bezeichnung = " . $i . ", Film = " . $filmnr . ", MaxAthlet = " . $cfgMaxAthlete . ", TVName = '" . $tvname . " " . $i . "'");
                                         } else {
                                             mysql_query("INSERT INTO serie SET" . " xRunde = " . $round . ", xAnlage = 0" . ", Bezeichnung = " . $i . ", Film = " . $filmnr . ", MaxAthlet = " . $cfgMaxAthlete . ", TVName = '" . $tvname . "'");
                                         if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                             // DB error
                                             AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                         } else {
                                             $heats[] = mysql_insert_id();
                                             if ($filmnumber) {
                                     // Mode: open or top performances together
                                     // ---------------------------------------
                                     if ($_POST['mode'] == 0 || $_POST['mode'] == 1 || $_POST['mode'] == 3) {
                                         // seed qualified athletes to heats
                                         // distribute athletes from center to outer tracks
                                         $i = 0;
                                         // heat nbr
                                         $p = 1;
                                         // first position
                                         while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                             if ($p > $size) {
                                                 // heat full -> start new heat
                                                 if ($_POST['mode'] == 3) {
                                                     if ($combined && empty($cGroup)) {
                                                         if ($row[4] != $team_keep) {
                                                             // next heat
                                                             $p = 1;
                                                             // restart with first position
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($row[3] != $team_keep) {
                                                             // next heat
                                                             $p = 1;
                                                             // restart with first position
                                                 } else {
                                                     // next heat
                                                     $p = 1;
                                                     // restart with first position
                                             if (!empty($cfgTrackOrder[$tracks][$p]) && $_POST['mode'] != 3) {
                                                 $pos = $cfgTrackOrder[$tracks][$p];
                                             } else {
                                                 $pos = $p;
                                             $remark = '';
                                             if ($combined) {
                                                 $remark = AA_getResultRemark($row[2]);
                                             if ($eventMerged) {
                                                 if ($combined) {
                                                     $roundTogether = $row[3];
                                                 } else {
                                                     $roundTogether = $row[2];
                                                 mysql_query("INSERT INTO serienstart SET" . " Position = " . $pos . ", Bahn = " . $pos . ", xSerie = " . $heats[$i] . ", xStart = " . $row[0] . ", RundeZusammen = " . $roundTogether . ", Bemerkung = '" . $remark . "'");
                                             } else {
                                                 mysql_query("INSERT INTO serienstart SET" . " Position = " . $pos . ", Bahn = " . $pos . ", xSerie = " . $heats[$i] . ", xStart = " . $row[0] . ", Bemerkung = '" . $remark . "'");
                                             if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                                 // DB error
                                                 AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                             // next position
                                             if ($combined) {
                                                 $team_keep = $row[4];
                                             } else {
                                                 $team_keep = $row[3];
                                         for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $h; $j++) {
                                             $sql_del = "DELETE FROM serie WHERE Bezeichnung=" . ($j + 1);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($_POST['mode'] == 2) {
                                             // distribute entries to heats
                                             $i = 0;
                                             $p = 1;
                                             $e = 0;
                                             // even or odd --> fill the heats forward or backward
                                             if (!empty($cfgTrackOrder[$tracks][$p])) {
                                                 $pos = $cfgTrackOrder[$tracks][$p];
                                             } else {
                                                 $pos = $p;
                                             while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                                 if ($i >= count($heats) || $i < 0) {
                                                     // end of heat array
                                                     if ($e % 2 != 0) {
                                                         $i = count($heats) - 1;
                                                         // restart with last heat
                                                     } else {
                                                         $i = 0;
                                                         // restart with first heat
                                                     // next position
                                                     if (!empty($cfgTrackOrder[$tracks][$p])) {
                                                         $pos = $cfgTrackOrder[$tracks][$p];
                                                     } else {
                                                         $pos = $p;
                                                 if ($eventMerged) {
                                                     if ($combined) {
                                                         $roundTogether = $row[3];
                                                     } else {
                                                         $roundTogether = $row[2];
                                                     mysql_query("INSERT INTO serienstart SET" . " Position = " . $pos . ", Bahn = " . $pos . ", xSerie = " . $heats[$i] . ", xStart = " . $row[0] . ", RundeZusammen = " . $roundTogether);
                                                 } else {
                                                     $sql = "INSERT INTO serienstart SET" . " Position = " . $pos . ", Bahn = " . $pos . ", xSerie = " . $heats[$i] . ", xStart = " . $row[0];
                                                 if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                                     // DB error
                                                     AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                                 if ($e % 2 != 0) {
                                                     // previous heat
                                                 } else {
                                                     // next heat
                                     // ET mode
                                 // ET DB error (status update)
                             // ET DB error (delete rounds)
                         // ET DB error (delete starts)
                 // ET results
             // ET round still active
             mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
     // ET DB error, entries found
Пример #2
    $round = 0;
if (!empty($_GET['comb'])) {
    $comb = $_GET['comb'];
    list($cCat, $cCode, $cDisz) = explode("_", $comb);
} else {
    $comb = 0;
    $cCat = 0;
    $cCode = 0;
    $cDisz = 0;
$teamsm = false;
if (isset($_GET['teamsm'])) {
    $teamsm = $_GET['teamsm'];
} else {
    $teamsm = AA_checkTeamSM($event);
if (isset($_GET['present'])) {
    // athlete absent
    $present = 0;
} else {
    $present = 1;
$mk_group = '';
$tm_group = '';
if (!empty($_GET['group'])) {
    if ($teamsm) {
        $tm_group = $_GET['group'];
    } else {
        $mk_group = $_GET['group'];
Пример #3
require './lib/cl_performance.lib.php';
require './lib/meeting.lib.php';
if (AA_connectToDB() == FALSE) {
    // invalid DB connection
    // abort
if (AA_checkMeetingID() == FALSE) {
    // no meeting selected
    // abort
$ukc_meeting = AA_checkMeeting_UKC();
$manual_club = '';
// check Teamsm
$teamsm = AA_checkTeamSM(0, 0);
// check if a heat is assigned
$heats_done = "false";
$res = mysql_query("\r\n        SELECT xRunde FROM\r\n            runde \r\n            LEFT JOIN wettkampf USING (xWettkampf)\r\n        WHERE\r\n            (Status = " . $cfgRoundStatus['heats_done'] . "\r\n            OR Status = " . $cfgRoundStatus['results_in_progress'] . "\r\n            OR Status = " . $cfgRoundStatus['results_done'] . ")\r\n            AND xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id']);
if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
} else {
    if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
        $heats_done = "true";
//check if UBS Kids Cup
$xAnmeld = 0;
if (isset($_POST['item'])) {
Пример #4
    function AA_results_Tech($round, $layout)
        require './lib/cl_gui_button.lib.php';
        require './config.inc.php';
        require './lib/common.lib.php';
        require './lib/heats.lib.php';
        require './lib/results.lib.php';
        require './lib/utils.lib.php';
        require './lib/cl_wind.lib.php';
        $presets = AA_results_getPresets($round);
        // read GET/POST variables
        $nextRound = AA_getNextRound($presets['event'], $round);
        $svm = AA_checkSVM(0, $round);
        // decide whether to show club or team name
        $teamsm = AA_checkTeamSM(0, $round);
        $prog_mode = AA_results_getProgramMode();
        // terminate result processing
        if ($_GET['arg'] == 'results_done' || $prog_mode == 2 && $_GET['arg'] != 'change_results' && $_GET['arg'] != 'del_results') {
            $eval = AA_results_getEvaluationType($round);
            $combined = AA_checkCombined(0, $round);
            mysql_query("LOCK TABLES r READ, s READ, ss READ, runde READ");
            // if this is a combined event, rank all rounds togheter
            $roundSQL = "";
            $roundSQL2 = "";
            if ($combined) {
                $roundSQL = " s.xRunde IN (";
                $roundSQL2 = " s.xRunde IN (";
                $res_c = mysql_query("SELECT xRunde FROM runde WHERE xWettkampf = " . $presets['event']);
                while ($row_c = mysql_fetch_array($res_c)) {
                    $roundSQL .= $row_c[0] . ",";
                    $roundSQL2 .= $row_c[0] . ",";
                $roundSQL = substr($roundSQL, 0, -1) . ")";
                $roundSQL2 = substr($roundSQL2, 0, -1) . ")";
            } else {
                $roundSQL = " s.xRunde = {$round}";
                $roundSQL2 = " s.xRunde = {$round}";
            // number of athletes
            $sql = "SELECT \r\n                    ss.xSerienstart  \r\n             FROM \r\n                    runde AS r\r\n                    LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n             WHERE r.xRunde = " . $round . "\r\n                   ";
            $res = mysql_query($sql);
            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                // DB error
                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
            } else {
                $count_athlete = mysql_num_rows($res);
            // evaluate max. nbr of results entered
            $r = 0;
            if ($prog_mode == 2) {
                // create array for calculate field focus
                $sql_r = "SELECT                                      \r\n                ru.Versuche, \r\n                LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid,  \r\n                if (ss.Position2 > 0, if (ss.Position3 > 0, ss.Position3, ss.Position2) , ss.Position ) as posOrder \r\n                , ss.Position\r\n                , ss.Position2\r\n                , ss.Position3 \r\n                , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                , ss.Rang\r\n                , s.MaxAthlet\r\n                , s.xSerie \r\n                , r.Leistung \r\n          FROM \r\n                resultat AS r\r\n                LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie )\r\n                LEFT JOIN runde AS ru ON (s.xRunde = ru.xRunde) \r\n          WHERE " . $roundSQL2 . "  \r\n          ORDER BY posOrder, r.xResultat ";
                $result_r = mysql_query($sql_r);
                $heatStart = '';
                $arr_perfAthlete = array();
                $arr_perfAthleteValids = array();
                $c = 0;
                $h = 0;
                $pos2 = 0;
                // calculate attempts of athletes
                while ($row_r = mysql_fetch_row($result_r)) {
                    if ($heatStart != $row_r[6]) {
                        // new heat start
                        if (!empty($heatStart)) {
                            $arr_perfAthlete[$h] = $c;
                            if ($c > 0) {
                                $arr_perfAthleteValids[$h] = $c;
                            if ($h >= $row_r[8] && $row_r[4] > 0) {
                                // maxAthlete reached by second/third Position
                        $c = 0;
                        if ($row_r[10] > 0 || $row_r[10] < $cfgInvalidResult['DSQ']['code']) {
                        } elseif ($row_r[10] == $cfgInvalidResult['DNS']['code']) {
                            $c = $cfgInvalidResult['DNS']['code'];
                        } elseif ($row_r[10] == $cfgInvalidResult['DNF']['code']) {
                            $c = $cfgInvalidResult['DNF']['code'];
                        } elseif ($row_r[10] == $cfgInvalidResult['DSQ']['code']) {
                            $c = $cfgInvalidResult['DSQ']['code'];
                    } else {
                        if ($row_r[10] > 0 || $row_r[10] < $cfgInvalidResult['DSQ']['code']) {
                        } elseif ($row_r[10] == $cfgInvalidResult['DNS']['code']) {
                            $c = $cfgInvalidResult['DNS']['code'];
                        } elseif ($row_r[10] == $cfgInvalidResult['DNF']['code']) {
                            $c = $cfgInvalidResult['DNF']['code'];
                        } elseif ($row_r[10] == $cfgInvalidResult['DSQ']['code']) {
                            $c = $cfgInvalidResult['DSQ']['code'];
                    $heatStart = $row_r[6];
                    $maxAthlete = $row_r[8];
                    $pos2 = $row_r[4];
                // last athlete
                if ($h >= $maxAthlete && $pos2 > 0) {
                } else {
                    $arr_perfAthlete[$h] = $c;
                    if ($c > 0) {
                        $arr_perfAthleteValids[$h] = $c;
                $p1 = 0;
                $p2 = 0;
                //calculate doing new position
                foreach ($arr_perfAthlete as $key => $val) {
                    if ($val == 3 || $val < 0) {
                    } elseif ($val == 5 || $val < 0) {
                if (count($arr_perfAthlete) == $p1) {
                    AA_rankingForNewPosition($round, 2);
                    AA_newPosition($round, 2);
                } elseif (count($arr_perfAthlete) == $p2) {
                    AA_rankingForNewPosition($round, 3);
                    AA_newPosition($round, 3);
                $sql = "SELECT \r\n                COUNT(*),                  \r\n                ru.Versuche, \r\n                LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid,  \r\n                if (ss.Position2 > 0, if (ss.Position3 > 0, ss.Position3, ss.Position2) , ss.Position ) as posOrder \r\n                , ss.Position\r\n                , ss.Position2\r\n                , ss.Position3 \r\n                , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                , ss.Rang\r\n                , s.MaxAthlet\r\n                , s.xSerie \r\n                , r.Leistung\r\n                \r\n          FROM \r\n                resultat AS r\r\n                LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie )\r\n                LEFT JOIN runde AS ru ON (s.xRunde = ru.xRunde) \r\n          WHERE " . $roundSQL2 . "                       \r\n          GROUP BY r.xSerienstart\r\n          ORDER BY posOrder ";
                $result = mysql_query($sql);
            } else {
                $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*), ru.Versuche" . " FROM resultat AS r" . " LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)" . " LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)" . " LEFT JOIN runde AS ru ON (s.xRunde = ru.xRunde)" . " WHERE " . " {$roundSQL2} " . " GROUP BY r.xSerienstart" . " ORDER BY 1 DESC");
            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                // DB error
                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
            } else {
                if ($prog_mode == 2) {
                    // decentral with ranking
                    $z = 0;
                    $pass = 0;
                    $arr_attAthlete = array();
                    $maxAthlete = 0;
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                        if ($z == 0) {
                            // first row
                            $maxatt = $row[1];
                            $maxAthlete = $row[9];
                            $xSerie = $row[10];
                        if ($row[11] != $cfgInvalidResult['DNS']['code']) {
                            $arr_attAthlete[] = $row[0];
                        $keep_rank = $row[8];
                    if ($count_athlete < $maxAthlete) {
                        $maxAthlete = $count_athlete;
                        // update max athlete in serie
                        AA_setMaxAthlete($xSerie, $maxAthlete);
                    $maxAthleteAtt = max($arr_attAthlete);
                    $minAthleteAtt = min($arr_attAthlete);
                    $onlyMaxAthlete = false;
                    if ($count_athlete > $cfgMaxAthlete) {
                        if ($maxAthleteAtt == $minAthleteAtt && $minAthleteAtt == $cfgAfterAttempts1) {
                            $onlyMaxAthlete = true;
                        } elseif ($maxAthleteAtt > $cfgAfterAttempts1) {
                            $onlyMaxAthlete = true;
                    if ($onlyMaxAthlete && $count_athlete > $cfgMaxAthlete) {
                        $c = 0;
                        $arr_attAthlete_new = array();
                        foreach ($arr_attAthlete as $key => $val) {
                            $arr_attAthlete_new[] = $val;
                            if ($c >= $maxAthlete) {
                        $arr_attAthlete = $arr_attAthlete_new;
                        $maxAthleteAtt = max($arr_attAthlete);
                        $minAthleteAtt = min($arr_attAthlete);
                    $r = $maxAthleteAtt;
                    $first_row = false;
                    $maxAthleteAtt = max($arr_perfAthleteValids);
                    $minAthleteAtt = min($arr_perfAthleteValids);
                    if ($maxAthleteAtt == $cfgAfterAttempts1 && $maxAthleteAtt == $minAthleteAtt) {
                        $pass = 2;
                    } elseif ($maxAthleteAtt == $cfgAfterAttempts2 && $maxAthleteAtt == $minAthleteAtt) {
                        $pass = 3;
                    } elseif ($maxAthleteAtt > $cfgAfterAttempts1 && $maxAthleteAtt < $cfgAfterAttempts2 + 1) {
                        $pass = 2;
                    } elseif ($maxAthleteAtt == $cfgAfterAttempts2 + 1) {
                        $pass = 3;
                    } elseif ($maxAthleteAtt == $minAthleteAtt && $z == $count_athlete) {
                        $first_row = true;
                    $fieldFocus = 1;
                } else {
                    $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
                    $r = $row[0];
            $minPerfAthl = min($arr_perfAthleteValids);
            $maxPerfAthl = max($arr_perfAthleteValids);
            $keep_val = '';
            $keep_key = '';
            foreach ($arr_perfAthlete as $key => $val) {
                if (empty($keep_val) && !empty($val)) {
                    $fieldFocus = $maxatt + 1 + $maxPerfAthl;
                $keep_key = $key;
                if ($keep_val > $val) {
                    if ($val == $cfgInvalidResult['DNS']['code'] || $val == $cfgInvalidResult['DNF']['code'] || $val == $cfgInvalidResult['DSQ']['code']) {
                    $fieldFocus = $key * ($maxatt + 1) + $maxPerfAthl;
                $keep_val = $val;
            if ($pos2 == 0) {
                if ($count_athlete > count($arr_perfAthlete)) {
                    $fieldFocus = ($keep_key + 1) * ($maxatt + 1) + $maxPerfAthl;
                } elseif ($count_athlete == count($arr_perfAthlete) && $minPerfAthl == $maxPerfAthl) {
                    $fieldFocus = $maxPerfAthl + 1;
            } else {
                if ($minPerfAthl == $maxPerfAthl) {
                    $fieldFocus = $maxPerfAthl + 1;
            if ($r > 0) {
                mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempresult");
                // temporary table
                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                    // DB error
                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    mysql_query("\r\n                LOCK TABLES\r\n                    resultat READ\r\n                    , serie READ\r\n                    , wettkampf READ\r\n                    , serienstart WRITE\r\n                    , tempresult WRITE\r\n            ");
                    // Set up a temporary table to hold all results for ranking.
                    // The number of result columns varies according to the maximum
                    // number of results per athlete.
                    $qry = "\r\n                CREATE TABLE tempresult (\r\n                    xSerienstart int(11)\r\n                    , xSerie int(11)";
                    for ($i = 1; $i <= $r; $i++) {
                        $qry = $qry . ", Res" . $i . " int(9) default '0'";
                        $qry = $qry . ", Wind" . $i . " char(5) default '0'";
                    $qry = $qry . ") ENGINE=HEAP";
                    // create temporary table
                    if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                        // DB error
                        AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                    } else {
                        // reset rank to 0  first
                        $sql = " SELECT\r\n                        r.Leistung\r\n                        , r.Info\r\n                        , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        , ss.xSerie\r\n                    FROM\r\n                        resultat as r\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serienstart as ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                    WHERE   \r\n                    {$roundSQL}\r\n                    AND r.Leistung <= 0\r\n                    ORDER BY\r\n                        ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        ,r.Leistung DESC";
                        $result = mysql_query($sql);
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            // DB error
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        } else {
                            while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                mysql_query("\r\n                            UPDATE serienstart SET\r\n                                Rang = 0\r\n                            WHERE xSerienstart = {$row['2']}\r\n                        ");
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        $result = mysql_query("\r\n                    SELECT\r\n                        r.Leistung\r\n                        , r.Info\r\n                        , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        , ss.xSerie\r\n                    FROM\r\n                       resultat as r\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serienstart as ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                    WHERE \r\n                    {$roundSQL}\r\n                    AND r.Leistung >= 0\r\n                    ORDER BY\r\n                        ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        ,r.Leistung DESC\r\n                ");
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            // DB error
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        } else {
                            // initialize variables
                            $ss = 0;
                            $i = 0;
                            // process every result
                            while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                if ($ss != $row[2]) {
                                    // add one row per athlete to temp table
                                    if ($ss != 0) {
                                        for (; $i < $r; $i++) {
                                            // fill remaining result cols.
                                            $qry = $qry . ",0,''";
                                        mysql_query($qry . ")");
                                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                            // DB error
                                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                    // (re)set SQL statement
                                    $qry = "INSERT INTO tempresult VALUES({$row['2']},{$row['3']}";
                                    $i = 0;
                                $qry = $qry . ",{$row['0']},'{$row['1']}'";
                                // add current result to query
                                $ss = $row[2];
                                // keep athlete's ID
                                // count nbr of results
                            // insert last pending data in temp table
                            if ($ss != 0) {
                                for (; $i < $r; $i++) {
                                    // fill remaining result cols.
                                    $qry = $qry . ",0,''";
                                mysql_query($qry . ")");
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    // DB error
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        if ($eval == $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeHeat]) {
                            // eval per heat
                            $qry = "\r\n                        SELECT\r\n                            *\r\n                        FROM\r\n                            tempresult\r\n                        ORDER BY\r\n                            xSerie";
                            for ($i = 1; $i <= $r; $i++) {
                                $qry = $qry . ", Res" . $i . " DESC";
                        } else {
                            // default: rank results from all heats together
                            $qry = "\r\n                        SELECT\r\n                            *\r\n                        FROM\r\n                            tempresult\r\n                        ORDER BY ";
                            $comma = "";
                            // order by available result columns
                            for ($i = 1; $i <= $r; $i++) {
                                $qry = $qry . $comma . "Res" . $i . " DESC";
                                $comma = ", ";
                        $result = mysql_query($qry);
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            // DB error
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        } else {
                            // initialize variables
                            $heat = 0;
                            $perf_old[] = '';
                            $j = 0;
                            $rank = 0;
                            // set rank for every athlete
                            while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                for ($i = 0; $i <= $r; $i++) {
                                    $perf[$i] = $row[2 * $i + 2];
                                    $wind[$i] = $row[2 * $i + 3];
                                if ($eval == $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeHeat] && $heat != $row[1]) {
                                    $j = 0;
                                    // restart ranking
                                    $perf_old[] = '';
                                // increment ranking
                                if ($perf_old != $perf) {
                                    // compare performances
                                    $rank = $j;
                                    // next rank (only if not same performance)
                                mysql_query("\r\n                            UPDATE serienstart SET\r\n                                Rang = {$rank}\r\n                            WHERE xSerienstart = {$row['0']}\r\n                        ");
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                $heat = $row[1];
                                // keep current heat ID
                                $perf_old = $perf;
                        mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempresult");
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            // DB error
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                    // ET DB error (create temp table)
                    mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
                // ET DB error (drop temp table)
            // ET any results found
            // update athletes with no result
            if ($_GET['arg'] == 'results_done') {
                AA_utils_changeRoundStatus($round, $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']);
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['AA_ERROR'])) {
        // calculate ranking points if needed
        if ($_GET['arg'] == 'results_done' || $_POST['arg'] == 'save_rank' || $prog_mode == 2 && $_GET['arg'] != 'change_results' && $_GET['arg'] != 'del_results') {
        // Qualify athletes after ranks are set
        if ($_GET['arg'] == 'results_done' || $_POST['arg'] == 'save_rank' || $_POST['arg'] == 'set_qual' || $prog_mode == 2 && $_GET['arg'] != 'change_results' && $_GET['arg'] != 'del_results') {
            // read qualification criteria
            $qual_top = 0;
            $qual_perf = 0;
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT QualifikationSieger" . ", QualifikationLeistung" . " FROM runde" . " WHERE xRunde = " . $round);
            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                // DB error
                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
            } else {
                if (($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) == TRUE) {
                $qual_top = $row[0];
                $qual_perf = $row[1];
            // ET DB error
            // qualify top athletes for next round
            if ($qual_top > 0) {
                mysql_query("LOCK TABLES serie READ, serie AS s READ, serienstart WRITE, serienstart AS ss WRITE");
                // get athletes by qualifying rank (random order if same rank)
                // don't update athletes who got 'waived' flag
                $sql = "SELECT \r\n                        ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        , ss.xSerie\r\n                        , ss.Rang\r\n                 FROM \r\n                        serienstart AS ss\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie )\r\n                 WHERE \r\n                        ss.Rang > 0  \r\n                        AND s.xRunde = " . $round . "\r\n                        AND ss.Qualifikation = 0 \r\n                 ORDER BY ss.xSerie\r\n                            , ss.Rang ASC\r\n                            , RAND()";
                $result = mysql_query($sql);
                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    $h = 0;
                    // clear array containing heats
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                        if ($h != $row[1]) {
                            // new heat
                            if (count($starts) > 0) {
                                // count athletes
                                $heats[] = $starts;
                                // keep athletes per heat
                            $c = 0;
                        $starts[$row[0]] = $row[2];
                        // keep athlete's rank
                        $h = $row[1];
                        // keep heat
                    $heats[] = $starts;
                    // keep remaining athletes
                    foreach ($heats as $starts) {
                        $rankcount = array_count_values($starts);
                        // count athletes/rank
                        $q = 0;
                        foreach ($starts as $id => $rank) {
                            // check if more athletes per rank than qualifying spots
                            if ($rankcount[$rank] > $qual_top - $rank + 1) {
                                $qual = $cfgQualificationType['top_rand']['code'];
                            } else {
                                $qual = $cfgQualificationType['top']['code'];
                            if ($q < $qual_top) {
                                mysql_query("UPDATE serienstart SET" . " Qualifikation = " . $qual . " WHERE xSerienstart = " . $id);
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                // count nbr of qualified athletes
                    // END loop every heat
                // ET DB error
                mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
            // ET top athletes
            // qualify top performing athletes for next round
            if ($qual_perf > 0) {
                mysql_query("LOCK TABLES resultat READ,resultat AS r READ, serie READ, serie AS s READ, serienstart WRITE, serienstart AS ss WRITE ");
                // get remaining athletes by performance (random order if equal performance)
                /* other possible criteria to order equal performances:
                 * - ranking within heat (not implemented)
                 * - wind (not implemented)
                $sql = "SELECT \r\n                        ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        , r.Leistung\r\n                        , ss.Qualifikation\r\n                    FROM \r\n                        resultat AS r\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                    WHERE                           \r\n                         r.Leistung > 0\r\n                         AND (ss.Qualifikation = 0 \r\n                                         OR ss.Qualifikation = " . $cfgQualificationType['waived']['code'] . ")  \r\n                         AND s.xRunde = " . $round . "\r\n                    ORDER BY r.Leistung DESC\r\n                                    , RAND()";
                $result = mysql_query($sql);
                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    $i = 1;
                    $perf = 0;
                    $cWaived = 0;
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                        // count waived qualifyings
                        if ($row[2] == $cfgQualificationType['waived']['code']) {
                        if ($i > $qual_perf) {
                            // terminate if enough top performers found
                            if ($perf != $row[1]) {
                                // last perf. worse than last qualified
                                $perf = 0;
                        // if athletes waived on qualifying, set random code for next best athletes
                        $code = $cfgQualificationType['perf']['code'];
                        if ($i + $cWaived > $qual_perf) {
                            $code = $cfgQualificationType['perf_rand']['code'];
                        mysql_query("UPDATE serienstart SET" . " Qualifikation = " . $code . " WHERE xSerienstart = " . $row[0]);
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        $perf = $row[1];
                        // keep performance
                    // reset performance if enough qualifing spots
                    if (mysql_num_rows($result) <= $qual_perf) {
                        $perf = 0;
                    // Change qualification type to "perf_rand" for athletes with same
                    // performance as the 1st unqualified athlete
                    if ($perf != 0) {
                        $sql = "SELECT \r\n                            ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        FROM \r\n                            resultat AS r\r\n                            LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                            LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                        WHERE  \r\n                            r.Leistung = " . $perf . "\r\n                            AND ss.Qualifikation > 0 \r\n                            AND s.xRunde = " . $round;
                        $result = mysql_query($sql);
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        } else {
                            while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                mysql_query("UPDATE serienstart SET" . " Qualifikation = " . $cfgQualificationType['perf_rand']['code'] . " WHERE xSerienstart = " . $row[0]);
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                    // ET unqualified athlete
                // ET DB error qualified by performance
                mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
            // ET top performances
        // print HTML page header
        AA_results_printHeader($presets['category'], $presets['event'], $round);
        $mergedMain = AA_checkMainRound($round);
        if ($mergedMain != 1) {
            // read round data
            if ($round > 0) {
                $status = AA_getRoundStatus($round);
                // No action yet
                if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['open'] || $status == $cfgRoundStatus['enrolement_done'] || $status == $cfgRoundStatus['heats_in_progress']) {
                } else {
                    if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['enrolement_pending']) {
                    } else {
                        if ($status >= $cfgRoundStatus['heats_done']) {
                            // get program mode
                            $prog_mode = AA_results_getProgramMode();
                            AA_heats_printNewStart($presets['event'], $round, "event_results.php");
                            if ($pass == 2) {
                                $fieldPos = "ss.Position2";
                                $order = "posOrder";
                            } elseif ($pass == 3) {
                                $fieldPos = "ss.Position3";
                                $order = "ss.Rang DESC";
                            } else {
                                $fieldPos = "ss.Position";
                                $order = "posOrder";
                            // display all athletes
                            if ($teamsm) {
                                $sql = "SELECT \r\n                        rt.Name\r\n                        , rt.Typ\r\n                        , s.xSerie\r\n                        , s.Bezeichnung\r\n                        , s.Wind\r\n                        , an.Bezeichnung\r\n                        , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        , ss.Position\r\n                        , ss.Rang\r\n                        , a.Startnummer\r\n                        , at.Name\r\n                        , at.Vorname\r\n                        , at.Jahrgang\r\n                        , t.Name\r\n                        , LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid\r\n                        , r.Versuche\r\n                        , ss.Qualifikation\r\n                        , at.Land\r\n                        , r.nurBestesResultat\r\n                        , ss.Bemerkung\r\n                        , at.xAthlet\r\n                        ,  if (ss.Position2 > 0, if (ss.Position3 > 0, ss.Position3, ss.Position2) , ss.Position ) as posOrder   \r\n                  FROM \r\n                        runde AS r\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein)                                  \r\n                        INNER JOIN teamsmathlet AS tat ON(st.xAnmeldung = tat.xAnmeldung)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN teamsm as t ON (tat.xTeamsm = t.xTeamsm)                      \r\n                        LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp\r\n                        LEFT JOIN anlage AS an ON an.xAnlage = s.xAnlage\r\n                  WHERE \r\n                        r.xRunde = " . $round . "                                 \r\n                  ORDER BY heatid, posOrder";
                            } else {
                                $sql = "SELECT \r\n                        rt.Name\r\n                        , rt.Typ\r\n                        , s.xSerie\r\n                        , s.Bezeichnung\r\n                        , s.Wind\r\n                        , an.Bezeichnung\r\n                        , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        , ss.Position\r\n                        , ss.Rang\r\n                        , a.Startnummer\r\n                        , at.Name\r\n                        , at.Vorname\r\n                        , at.Jahrgang\r\n                        , if('" . $svm . "', t.Name, IF(a.Vereinsinfo = '', v.Name, a.Vereinsinfo))   \r\n                        , LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid\r\n                        , r.Versuche\r\n                        , ss.Qualifikation\r\n                        , at.Land\r\n                        , r.nurBestesResultat\r\n                        , ss.Bemerkung\r\n                        , at.xAthlet\r\n                        ,  if (ss.Position2 > 0, if (ss.Position3 > 0, ss.Position3, ss.Position2) , ss.Position ) as posOrder   \r\n                  FROM \r\n                        runde AS r\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein)                                  \r\n                        LEFT JOIN team AS t ON(a.xTeam = t.xTeam) \r\n                        LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp\r\n                        LEFT JOIN anlage AS an ON an.xAnlage = s.xAnlage\r\n                  WHERE \r\n                        r.xRunde = " . $round . "                                 \r\n                  ORDER BY heatid, posOrder";
                            $result = mysql_query($sql);
                            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                // DB error
                                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                            } else {
                                $sum_athlet = mysql_num_rows($result);
                                AA_results_printMenu($round, $status, $prog_mode, 'tech');
                                // initialize variables
                                $h = 0;
                                $i = 0;
                                $r = 0;
                                $rowclass = 'odd';
                                $r_rem = 0;
                                $nextRound = AA_getNextRound($presets['event'], $round);
                                // show qualification form if another round follows
                                if ($nextRound > 0) {
                                    // next round
                                    $sql = "SELECT QualifikationSieger, \r\n                               QualifikationLeistung \r\n                          FROM runde \r\n                         WHERE xRunde = " . $round . ";";
                                    $result2 = mysql_query($sql);
                                    if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                        // DB error
                                        AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                    } else {
                                        $row2 = mysql_fetch_row($result2);
                                        if ($row2 == true) {
                                            // round found
                            <form name="qualification" action="event_results.php" method="post">
                                <input type="hidden" name="arg" value="set_qual"/>
                                <input type="hidden" name="round" value="<?php 
                                            echo $round;
                                <table class="dialog">
                                        <td class="dialog"><?php 
                                            echo $strQualification;
                                            echo $strQualifyTop;
                                        <td class="dialog"><input type="text" name="qual_top" class="nbr" maxlength="4" value="<?php 
                                            echo $row2[0];
                                        <td class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strQualification;
                                            echo $strQualifyPerformance;
                                        <td class='dialog'><input type="text" name="qual_perf" class="nbr" maxlength="4" value="<?php 
                                            echo $row2[1];
                                        <td><button type="submit"><?php 
                                            echo $strChange;
                            <form name="frmQual" action="event_results.php" method="post">
                                <input type="hidden" name="arg" value="change_qual"/>
                                <input type="hidden" name="round" value="<?php 
                                            echo $round;
                                <input type="hidden" name="focus" value="qual_0"/>
                                <input type="hidden" name="item" value="0"/>
                                <input type="hidden" name="oldqual" value="0"/>
                                <input type="hidden" name="heat" value="0"/>
                                <input type="hidden" name="qual" value="0"/>
                            <script type="text/javascript">
                                function changequal(valFocus, valItem, valOldQual, valHeat, valQual){
                                    var obj = document.frmQual;
                                    obj.focus.value = valFocus;
                                    obj.item.value = valItem;
                                    obj.oldqual.value = valOldQual;
                                    obj.heat.value = valHeat;
                                    obj.qual.value = valQual;
                                        // ET round found
                                    // ET DB error
                                // ET next round
<table class='dialog'>
                                $btn = new GUI_Button('', '');
                                // create button object
                                while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                    // get entered number of attempts
                                    $maxatt = $row[15];
                                    if ($maxatt != 0) {
                                        $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res'] = $maxatt;
                                     *  Heat headerline
                                    if ($h != $row[2]) {
                                        $h = $row[2];
                                        // keep heat ID
                                        if (is_null($row[0])) {
                                            // only one round
                                            $title = "{$strFinalround}";
                                        } else {
                                            // more than one round
                                            $title = "{$row['0']}";
                                        $c = 0;
                                        if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done'] || $prog_mode == 2) {
                                            // increment colspan to include ranking
        <form action='event_results.php#heat_<?php 
                                        echo $row[3];
' method='post'
                                        echo $h;

        <th class='dialog' colspan='
                                        echo 5 + $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res'] + $c;
                                        echo $title;
            <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='change_heat_name' />
            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                        echo $round;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                        echo $row[2];
' />
            <input class='nbr' type='text' name='id' maxlength='2'
                                        echo $row[3];
                                        echo $h;
.submit()' />
                <a name='heat_<?php 
                                        echo $row[3];
' />

        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                        echo $strPositionShort;
        <th class='dialog' colspan='2'><?php 
                                        echo $strAthlete;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                        echo $strYearShort;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                        echo $strCountry;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                        if ($svm) {
                                            echo $strTeam;
                                        } elseif ($teamsm) {
                                            echo $strTeamsm;
                                        } else {
                                            echo $strClub;
                                        if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done'] || $prog_mode == 2) {
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strRank;
                                            if ($nextRound > 0) {
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                                echo $strQualification;
                                        if ($cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res'] <= 1) {
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strPerformance;
                                        } else {
                                            for ($c = 1; $c <= $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res']; $c++) {
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                                echo $c . ".";
                    <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strResultRemark;
                                    // ET new heat
                                     * Athlete data lines
                                    if ($row[7] % 2 == 0) {
                                        // even row numer
                                        $rowclass = 'odd';
                                    } else {
                                        // odd row number
                                        $rowclass = 'even';
    <tr class='<?php 
                                    echo $rowclass;
        <td class='forms_right'><?php 
                                    echo $row[7];
                                    /* position */
        <td class='forms_right'><?php 
                                    echo $row[9];
                                    /* start nbr */
        <td nowrap><?php 
                                    echo $row[10] . " " . $row[11];
                                    /* name */
        <td class='forms_ctr'><?php 
                                    echo AA_formatYearOfBirth($row[12]);
                                    echo $row[17] != '' && $row[17] != '-' ? $row[17] : '&nbsp;';
        <td nowrap><?php 
                                    echo $row[13];
                                    /* club */
                                    $res = mysql_query("SELECT rs.xResultat" . ", rs.Leistung" . ", rs.Info" . " FROM resultat AS rs" . " WHERE rs.xSerienstart = " . $row[6] . "\r\n                    ORDER BY rs.xResultat");
                                    if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                        // DB error
                                        AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                    } else {
                                        // Show rank
                                        if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done'] || $prog_mode == 2) {
                                            $disField = ($maxatt + 1) * $maxAthlete;
                                            // attempts * 8 (first 8 athletes)
                                            if ($pass >= 2 && $r + 1 > $disField) {
                                                $dis = 'disabled=" disabled"';
                                            } else {
                                                $dis = '';
        <form action='event_results.php' method='post'
                                            echo $r;
            <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_rank' />
            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                            echo $round;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[6];
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='focus' value='rank_<?php 
                                            echo $r;
' />
            <input class='nbr' type='text' name='rank' maxlength='3'   <?php 
                                            echo $dis;
                                            echo $row[8];
' onChange='document.rank_<?php 
                                            echo $r;
.submit()' />
                                            if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done'] || $prog_mode == 2) {
                                                if ($nextRound > 0) {
                            <form name="qual_<?php 
                                                    echo $i;
" action="event_results.php" method="post">
                                    <input type="hidden" name="arg" value="change_qual"/>
                                    <input type="hidden" name="round" value="<?php 
                                                    echo $round;
                                    <input type="hidden" name="focus" value="qual_<?php 
                                                    echo $i;
                                    <input type="hidden" name="item" value="<?php 
                                                    echo $row[6];
                                    <input type="hidden" name="oldqual" value="<?php 
                                                    echo $row[16];
                                    <input type="hidden" name="heat" value="<?php 
                                                    echo $row[2];
                                                    $dropdown = new GUI_Select('qual', 1, 'changequal("qual_' . $i . '", ' . $row[6] . ', ' . $row[16] . ', ' . $row[2] . ', this.value)');
                                                    foreach ($cfgQualificationType as $type) {
                                                        $dropdown->addOption($type['text'], $type['code']);
                                                        if ($type['code'] == $row[16]) {
                                                    // next element
                                                // qualification info
                                            } else {
                                                // no rank
        <td />
                                                if ($nextRound > 0) {
        <td />
                                            // ET valid rank
                                        $disField = ($maxatt + 1) * $maxAthlete;
                                        // attempts * 8 (first 8 athletes)
                                        for ($c = 1; $c <= $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res']; $c++) {
                                            // Result focus:
                                            // - Backoffice mode: same athlete, next result
                                            // - Field mode: next athlete, same result
                                            // increment result form counter
                                            if ($cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['name'] == $strProgramModeBackoffice) {
                                                if ($row[18] == 'y') {
                                                    // only best result --> focus next line
                                                    $focus = "perf_" . ($r + $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res'] + 1);
                                                    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == $i) {
                                                        // no more athletes
                                                        if ($c == $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res']) {
                                                            // last result
                                                            $focus = "perf_" . ($r + 1);
                                                            // keep focus on this athlete
                                                        } else {
                                                            $focus = "perf_" . ($c + 1);
                                                            // focus to next result of first athlete
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($c == $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res']) {
                                                        // last result of this line
                                                        if (mysql_num_rows($result) == $i) {
                                                            // no more athletes
                                                            $focus = "perf_" . $r;
                                                            // keep focus on last athlete
                                                        } else {
                                                            $focus = "perf_" . ($r + 2);
                                                            // focus to next line result
                                                    } else {
                                                        $focus = "perf_" . ($r + 1);
                                                        // focus to next result
                                            } else {
                                                // field mode
                                                $focus = "perf_" . ($r + $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res'] + 1);
                                                if (mysql_num_rows($result) == $i) {
                                                    // no more athletes
                                                    if ($c == $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res']) {
                                                        // last result
                                                        $focus = "perf_" . $r;
                                                        // keep focus on this athlete
                                                    } else {
                                                        $focus = "perf_" . ($c + 1);
                                                        // focus to next result of first athlete
                                            // ET program mode
                                            $item = '';
                                            $perf = '';
                                            $info = '';
                                            if ($resrow = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
                                                $item = $resrow[0];
                                                $perf = AA_formatResultMeter($resrow[1]);
                                                $info = $resrow[2];
                                            if ($status != $cfgRoundStatus['results_done'] || $prog_mode == 2) {
        <form action='controller.php' method='post'
                                                echo $r;
' target='controller'>
        <td nowrap>
            <input type='hidden' name='act' value='saveResult' />
            <input type='hidden' name='obj' value='perf_<?php 
                                                echo $r;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='type' value='<?php 
                                                echo $layout;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                echo $round;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='start' value='<?php 
                                                echo $row[6];
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                echo $item;
' />  
            <input type='hidden' name='row_col' value='<?php 
                                                echo $r . "_" . $c;
' />  
            <input type='hidden' name='maxatt' value='<?php 
                                                echo $maxatt;
' />   
             <input type='hidden' name='heat' value='<?php 
                                                echo $row[2];
' />         
                                                // technical disciplines with wind
                                                if ($layout == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJump]) {
            <input class='perfmeter' type='text' id='perf_<?php 
                                                    echo $r;
' name='perf' maxlength='6'  <?php 
                                                    echo $dis;
                                                    echo $perf;
                                                    echo $r;
, <?php 
                                                    echo $focus;
)' />
            <input class='nbr' type='text' name='wind' maxlength='5'
                                                    echo $info;
                                                    echo $r;
, <?php 
                                                    echo $focus;
)' />
                                                } else {
            <input class='perfmeter' type='text' id='perf_<?php 
                                                    echo $r;
'  name='perf' maxlength='6'  <?php 
                                                    echo $dis;
                                                    echo $perf;
                                                    echo $r;
, <?php 
                                                    echo $focus;
)' />
                                                if ($c == $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res']) {
                                                    if (mysql_num_rows($result) != $i) {
                                                        //  more athletes
                                                        $focus = "perf_" . ($c + $r + 1);
                                                    } else {
                                                        $focus = "perf_" . $r;
       <form action='controller.php' method='post'  
                                                    echo $r;
' target='controller'>   
        <input type='hidden' name='act' value='saveResult' />
            <input type='hidden' name='obj' value='perf_<?php 
                                                    echo $r;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='type' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $layout;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $round;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='start' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $row[6];
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $item;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='xAthlete' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $row[20];
' /> 
        <input class='textshort' type='text' name='remark' maxlength='5'   <?php 
                                                    echo $dis;
                                                    echo $row[19];
                                                    echo $r;
, <?php 
                                                    echo $focus;
)' />
                                            } else {
                                                // results done
        <td nowrap>
                                                // technical disciplines with wind
                                                if ($layout == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeJump]) {
                                                    echo "{$perf} ( {$info} )";
                                                } else {
                                                    echo "{$perf}";
                                                if ($c == $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['tech_res']) {
                                <td nowrap><?php 
                                                    echo $row[19];
                                            // ET results done
                                        // end loop every tech result acc. programm mode
                                        $btn->set("event_results.php?arg=del_start&item={$row['6']}&round={$round}", $strDelete);
                                    // ET DB error
                                if (!empty($dis)) {
                                    $menu = new GUI_Menulist();
                                    $menu->addButton("event_results.php?arg=change_results&round={$round}", $GLOBALS['strChangeResults']);
                            // ET DB error
            // ET round selected
            if (!empty($presets['focus'])) {
<script type="text/javascript">
                echo $presets['focus'];
) {
                echo $presets['focus'];
                echo $presets['focus'];
            } else {
    <script type="text/javascript">
                echo $fieldFocus;
                echo $fieldFocus;


        } else {
Пример #5
    function AA_results_High($round, $layout, $singleRound)
        $zaehler = 0;
        $max = 0;
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
            $arr_key = explode('_', $key);
            if ($arr_key[0] == 'hight') {
                $max = $arr_key[1];
        if ($max > 0) {
        } else {
            $max = $GLOBALS['cfgCountHeight'];
        require './lib/cl_gui_button.lib.php';
        require './config.inc.php';
        require './lib/common.lib.php';
        require './lib/heats.lib.php';
        require './lib/results.lib.php';
        require './lib/utils.lib.php';
        require './lib/cl_performance.lib.php';
        $presets = AA_results_getPresets($round);
        // read GET/POST variables
        $performance = 0;
        // initialize
        $svm = AA_checkSVM(0, $round);
        // decide whether to show club or team name
        $teamsm = AA_checkTeamSM(0, $round);
        $prog_mode = AA_results_getProgramMode();
        if ($singleRound > 0) {
            $single_svm = AA_checkSVM(0, $singleRound);
            // decide whether to show club or team name
        $click = true;
        // true = User clicks at this athlete      false = user save athlete before
        // update result(s)
        if ($_POST['arg'] == 'save_res') {
            $click = false;
            // check if athlet valid
            if (AA_checkReference("serienstart", "xSerienstart", $_POST['start']) == 0) {
            } else {
                AA_utils_changeRoundStatus($round, $cfgRoundStatus['results_in_progress']);
                if (!empty($GLOBALS['AA_ERROR'])) {
                mysql_query("\r\n            LOCK TABLES\r\n                disziplin_de READ\r\n                , disziplin_fr READ\r\n                , disziplin_it READ\r\n                , disziplin_de as d READ\r\n                , disziplin_fr as d READ\r\n                , disziplin_it as d READ\r\n                , runde READ\r\n                , runde AS r READ \r\n                , serienstart WRITE\r\n                , wettkampf READ\r\n                , wettkampf AS w READ \r\n                , resultat WRITE\r\n                , wertungstabelle READ\r\n                , wertungstabelle_punkte READ\r\n                , meeting READ\r\n        ");
                // validate result
                if ($_POST['attempts'] < 0) {
                    $perf = new PerformanceAttempt($_POST['attempts']);
                    $performance = $perf->getPerformance();
                } else {
                    $perf = new PerformanceAttempt($_POST['perf']);
                    $performance = $perf->getPerformance();
                // validate attempts
                if ($performance > 0) {
                    $info = strtoupper($_POST['attempts']);
                    $info = strtr($info, '0', 'O');
                    $info = str_replace("OOO", "O", $info);
                    $info = str_replace("OO", "O", $info);
                    if (in_array($info, $cfgResultsHigh) == false) {
                        $info = NULL;
                } else {
                    // negative or zero result
                    $info = $cfgResultsHighOut;
                // check on failed attempts (not more than 3 X in a row, it doesent matter on which hights)
                $res = mysql_query("SELECT Leistung, Info FROM \r\n                    resultat\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    xSerienstart = " . $_POST['start'] . "\r\n                ORDER BY\r\n                    Leistung ASC");
                $Xcount = 0;
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
                    if (strpos($row[1], strtoupper("o")) === false) {
                        preg_match_all("[X]", $row[1], $m);
                        $Xcount += count($m[0]);
                    } else {
                        $Xcount = 0;
                if (strpos($info, strtoupper("o")) === false) {
                    // count X for last entered attempt
                    preg_match_all("[X]", $info, $m);
                    $Xcount += count($m[0]);
                } else {
                    $Xcount = 0;
                if ($info == $cfgResultsHighOut || $Xcount >= 3) {
                    // last attempt
                    if ($cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['name'] == $strProgramModeBackoffice) {
                        $_POST['athlete'] = $_POST['athlete'] + 1;
                        // next athlete
                    $points = 0;
                } else {
                    /*$sql_sex = "SELECT Geschlecht 
                           FROM athlet 
                      LEFT JOIN anmeldung USING(xAthlet) 
                      LEFT JOIN start USING(xAnmeldung) 
                      LEFT JOIN serienstart USING(xStart) 
                          WHERE xSerienstart = ".$_POST['start'].";";*/
                    $sql_sex = "SELECT Geschlecht \r\n                          FROM kategorie \r\n                     LEFT JOIN wettkampf USING(xKategorie) \r\n                     LEFT JOIN start USING(xWettkampf) \r\n                     LEFT JOIN serienstart USING(xStart) \r\n                         WHERE xSerienstart = " . $_POST['start'] . ";";
                    $query_sex = mysql_query($sql_sex);
                    if ($_POST['attempts'] == '-') {
                        $points = 0;
                    } else {
                        if ($single_svm) {
                            $single_presets = AA_results_getPresets($singleRound);
                            // read GET/POST variables
                            $points = AA_utils_calcPoints($single_presets['event'], $performance, 0, mysql_result($query_sex, 0, 'Geschlecht'));
                        } else {
                            $points = AA_utils_calcPoints($presets['event'], $performance, 0, mysql_result($query_sex, 0, 'Geschlecht'));
                if (!empty($info)) {
                    AA_results_update($performance, $info, $points);
                } else {
            // ET Athlete valid
            mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
            // set ranks after every new result in mode = decentral with ranking
            // ******************************************************************
            if ($prog_mode == 2) {
                $eval = AA_results_getEvaluationType($round);
                $combined = AA_checkCombined(0, $round);
                mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempresult");
                // temporary table
                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                    // DB error
                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    mysql_query("\r\n                LOCK TABLES\r\n                    serie READ\r\n                    , wettkampf READ\r\n                    , resultat WRITE\r\n                    , serienstart WRITE\r\n                    , tempresult WRITE\r\n            ");
                    // clean ranks, set all to 0
                    mysql_query("UPDATE \r\n                    serienstart\r\n                    , serie\r\n                SET\r\n                    serienstart.Rang = 0\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    serienstart.xSerie = serie.xSerie\r\n                AND    serie.xRunde = {$round}");
                    // Set up a temporary table to hold all results for ranking.
                    mysql_query("\r\n                CREATE TABLE tempresult (\r\n                    xSerienstart int(11)\r\n                    , xSerie int(11)\r\n                    , Leistung int(9)\r\n                    , TopX int(1)\r\n                    , TotalX int(2)\r\n                    )\r\n                    ENGINE=HEAP \r\n            ");
                    if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                        // DB error
                        AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                    } else {
                        // if this is a combined event, rank all rounds togheter
                        $roundSQL = "";
                        if ($combined) {
                            $roundSQL = " s.xRunde IN (";
                            $res_c = mysql_query("SELECT xRunde FROM runde WHERE xWettkampf = " . $presets['event']);
                            while ($row_c = mysql_fetch_array($res_c)) {
                                $roundSQL .= $row_c[0] . ",";
                            $roundSQL = substr($roundSQL, 0, -1) . ")";
                        } else {
                            $roundSQL = " s.xRunde = {$round}";
                        // read all valid results (per athlet)
                        $sql = "\r\n                    SELECT\r\n                        r.Leistung\r\n                        , r.Info\r\n                        , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        , ss.xSerie\r\n                    FROM\r\n                        resultat AS r\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie   )\r\n                    WHERE                      \r\n                        {$roundSQL}\r\n                        AND r.Leistung != 0\r\n                    ORDER BY\r\n                        ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        ,r.Leistung DESC\r\n                ";
                        $result = mysql_query($sql);
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        } else {
                            // initialize variables
                            $leistung = 0;
                            $serienstart = 0;
                            $serie = 0;
                            $topX = 0;
                            $totX = 0;
                            $ss = 0;
                            // athlete's ID
                            $tt = FALSE;
                            // top result check
                            // process every result
                            while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                // new athlete: save last athlete's data
                                if ($ss != $row[2] && $ss != 0) {
                                    if ($leistung != 0) {
                                        // add one row per athlete to temp table
                                        mysql_query("\r\n                                    INSERT INTO tempresult\r\n                                    VALUES(\r\n                                        {$serienstart}\r\n                                        , {$serie}\r\n                                        , {$leistung}\r\n                                        , {$topX}\r\n                                        , {$totX})\r\n                                ");
                                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                            // DB error
                                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                    // initialize variables
                                    $leistung = 0;
                                    $serienstart = 0;
                                    $serie = 0;
                                    $totX = 0;
                                    $topX = 0;
                                    $tt = FALSE;
                                // save data of current athlete's top result
                                if ($tt == FALSE && strstr($row[1], 'O')) {
                                    $leistung = $row[0];
                                    $serienstart = $row[2];
                                    $serie = $row[3];
                                    $topX = substr_count($row[1], 'X');
                                    $tt = TRUE;
                                // count total invalid attempts
                                $totX = $totX + substr_count($row[1], 'X');
                                $ss = $row[2];
                                // keep athlete's ID
                            // insert last pending data in temp table
                            if ($ss != 0 && $leistung != 0) {
                                mysql_query("\r\n                            INSERT INTO tempresult\r\n                            VALUES(\r\n                                {$serienstart}\r\n                                , {$serie}\r\n                                , {$leistung}\r\n                                , {$topX}\r\n                                , {$totX})\r\n                        ");
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    // DB error
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        if ($eval == $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeHeat]) {
                            // eval per heat
                            $order = "xSerie ,";
                        } else {
                            // default: rank results from all heats together
                            $order = "";
                        // Read rows from temporary table ordered by performance,
                        // nbr of invalid attempts for top performance and
                        // total nbr of invalid attempts to determine ranking.
                        $result = mysql_query("\r\n                    SELECT\r\n                        xSerienstart\r\n                        , xSerie\r\n                        , Leistung\r\n                        , TopX\r\n                        , TotalX\r\n                    FROM\r\n                        tempresult\r\n                    ORDER BY\r\n                        {$order}\r\n                        Leistung DESC\r\n                        ,TopX ASC\r\n                        ,TotalX ASC\r\n                ");
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            // DB error
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        } else {
                            // initialize variables
                            $heat = 0;
                            $perf = 0;
                            $topX = 0;
                            $totalX = 0;
                            $i = 0;
                            $rank = 0;
                            // set rank for every athlete
                            while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                if ($eval == $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeHeat] && $heat != $row[1]) {
                                    $i = 0;
                                    // restart ranking
                                    $perf = 0;
                                    $topX = 0;
                                    $totalX = 0;
                                // increment ranking
                                if ($perf != $row[2] || $topX != $row[3] || $totalX != $row[4]) {
                                    $rank = $j;
                                    // next rank (only if not same performance)
                                mysql_query("\r\n                            UPDATE serienstart SET\r\n                                Rang = {$rank}\r\n                            WHERE xSerienstart = {$row['0']}\r\n                        ");
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                $heat = $row[1];
                                // keep current heat ID
                                $perf = $row[2];
                                $topX = $row[3];
                                $totalX = $row[4];
                        mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempresult");
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            // DB error
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                    // ET DB error (create temp table)
                    mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
                // ET DB error (drop temp table)
                // update athletes with no result
                if (!empty($GLOBALS['AA_ERROR'])) {
            // end prog mode = 2 (decentral with ranking)
        } elseif ($_POST['arg'] == 'save_height') {
            $max = $_POST['max'];
            $arr_prev = array();
            $arr_new = array();
            for ($g = 0; $g < $max; $g++) {
                $name = "hight_" . $g;
                $hiddenName = "hiddenHeight_" . $g;
                $previous_height = $_POST[$hiddenName];
                $previous_height = new PerformanceAttempt($previous_height);
                $previous_height = $previous_height->getPerformance();
                if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
                    $new_height = $_POST[$name];
                    $new_height = new PerformanceAttempt($new_height);
                    $new_height = $new_height->getPerformance();
                } else {
                    $new_height = $previous_height;
                $arr_prev[$g] = $previous_height;
                $arr_new[$g] = $new_height;
            $diff = 0;
            $first_change = false;
            foreach ($arr_prev as $key => $val) {
                if ($first_change) {
                    $arr_new[$key] = $arr_new[$key - 1] + $diff;
                } else {
                    if ($val == $arr_new[$key]) {
                        if ($diff > 0) {
                            $arr_new[$key] = $arr_new[$key - 1] + $diff;
                    } else {
                        if ($diff == 0) {
                            if ($key == 0) {
                                $first_change = true;
                                if ($_POST['disCode'] == '310') {
                                    // jump
                                    $diff = $cfgHeightDiffJump * 100;
                                } elseif ($_POST['disCode'] == '320') {
                                    $diff = $cfgHeightDiffPole * 100;
                                    // pole
                                } else {
                                    $diff = $cfgHeightDiffJump * 100;
                            } else {
                                $diff = $arr_new[$key] - $keep_val;
                        } else {
                            $arr_new[$key] = $arr_prev[$key] + $diff;
                $keep_val = $val;
            AA_delHeight($_POST['round'], $_POST['heat']);
            AA_setHeight($arr_new, $_POST['round'], $_POST['heat']);
            $name = "hight_" . $max;
            if (isset($_POST[$name]) && !empty($_POST[$name])) {
                $new_height = $_POST[$name];
                $new_height = new PerformanceAttempt($new_height);
                $new_height = $new_height->getPerformance();
                // insert new hight
                $sql = "INSERT INTO hoehe SET \r\n                                    hoehe = " . $new_height . ",\r\n                                    xRunde = " . $_POST['round'] . ",   \r\n                                    xSerie = " . $_POST['heat'];
                $res = mysql_query($sql);
                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
        } else {
            if ($_GET['arg'] == 'delete') {
                AA_results_delete($round, $_GET['item']);
        // terminate result processing
        if ($_GET['arg'] == 'results_done') {
            $eval = AA_results_getEvaluationType($round);
            $combined = AA_checkCombined(0, $round);
            mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempresult");
            // temporary table
            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                // DB error
                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
            } else {
                mysql_query("\r\n            LOCK TABLES\r\n                serie READ\r\n                , wettkampf READ\r\n                , resultat WRITE\r\n                , serienstart WRITE\r\n                , tempresult WRITE\r\n        ");
                // clean ranks, set all to 0
                mysql_query("UPDATE \r\n                serienstart\r\n                , serie\r\n            SET\r\n                serienstart.Rang = 0\r\n            WHERE\r\n                serienstart.xSerie = serie.xSerie\r\n            AND    serie.xRunde = {$round}");
                // Set up a temporary table to hold all results for ranking.
                mysql_query("\r\n            CREATE TABLE tempresult (\r\n                xSerienstart int(11)\r\n                , xSerie int(11)\r\n                , Leistung int(9)\r\n                , TopX int(1)\r\n                , TotalX int(2)\r\n                )\r\n               ENGINE=HEAP\r\n        ");
                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                    // DB error
                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    // if this is a combined event, rank all rounds togheter
                    $roundSQL = "";
                    if ($combined) {
                        $roundSQL = " s.xRunde IN (";
                        $res_c = mysql_query("SELECT xRunde FROM runde WHERE xWettkampf = " . $presets['event']);
                        while ($row_c = mysql_fetch_array($res_c)) {
                            $roundSQL .= $row_c[0] . ",";
                        $roundSQL = substr($roundSQL, 0, -1) . ")";
                    } else {
                        $roundSQL = " s.xRunde = {$round}";
                    // read all valid results (per athlet)
                    $sql = "\r\n                SELECT\r\n                    r.Leistung\r\n                    , r.Info\r\n                    , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                    , ss.xSerie\r\n                FROM\r\n                    resultat AS r\r\n                    LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                WHERE                  \r\n                    {$roundSQL}\r\n                    AND r.Leistung != 0\r\n                ORDER BY\r\n                    ss.xSerienstart\r\n                    ,r.Leistung DESC\r\n            ";
                    $result = mysql_query($sql);
                    if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                        AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                    } else {
                        // initialize variables
                        $leistung = 0;
                        $serienstart = 0;
                        $serie = 0;
                        $topX = 0;
                        $totX = 0;
                        $ss = 0;
                        // athlete's ID
                        $tt = FALSE;
                        // top result check
                        // process every result
                        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                            // new athlete: save last athlete's data
                            if ($ss != $row[2] && $ss != 0) {
                                if ($leistung != 0) {
                                    // add one row per athlete to temp table
                                    mysql_query("\r\n                                INSERT INTO tempresult\r\n                                VALUES(\r\n                                    {$serienstart}\r\n                                    , {$serie}\r\n                                    , {$leistung}\r\n                                    , {$topX}\r\n                                    , {$totX})\r\n                            ");
                                    if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                        // DB error
                                        AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                // initialize variables
                                $leistung = 0;
                                $serienstart = 0;
                                $serie = 0;
                                $totX = 0;
                                $topX = 0;
                                $tt = FALSE;
                            // save data of current athlete's top result
                            if ($tt == FALSE && strstr($row[1], 'O')) {
                                $leistung = $row[0];
                                $serienstart = $row[2];
                                $serie = $row[3];
                                $topX = substr_count($row[1], 'X');
                                $tt = TRUE;
                            // count total invalid attempts
                            $totX = $totX + substr_count($row[1], 'X');
                            $ss = $row[2];
                            // keep athlete's ID
                        // insert last pending data in temp table
                        if ($ss != 0 && $leistung != 0) {
                            mysql_query("\r\n                        INSERT INTO tempresult\r\n                        VALUES(\r\n                            {$serienstart}\r\n                            , {$serie}\r\n                            , {$leistung}\r\n                            , {$topX}\r\n                            , {$totX})\r\n                    ");
                            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                // DB error
                                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                    if ($eval == $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeHeat]) {
                        // eval per heat
                        $order = "xSerie ,";
                    } else {
                        // default: rank results from all heats together
                        $order = "";
                    // Read rows from temporary table ordered by performance,
                    // nbr of invalid attempts for top performance and
                    // total nbr of invalid attempts to determine ranking.
                    $result = mysql_query("\r\n                SELECT\r\n                    xSerienstart\r\n                    , xSerie\r\n                    , Leistung\r\n                    , TopX\r\n                    , TotalX\r\n                FROM\r\n                    tempresult\r\n                ORDER BY\r\n                    {$order}\r\n                    Leistung DESC\r\n                    ,TopX ASC\r\n                    ,TotalX ASC\r\n            ");
                    if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                        // DB error
                        AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                    } else {
                        // initialize variables
                        $heat = 0;
                        $perf = 0;
                        $topX = 0;
                        $totalX = 0;
                        $i = 0;
                        $rank = 0;
                        // set rank for every athlete
                        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                            if ($eval == $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeHeat] && $heat != $row[1]) {
                                $i = 0;
                                // restart ranking
                                $perf = 0;
                                $topX = 0;
                                $totalX = 0;
                            // increment ranking
                            if ($perf != $row[2] || $topX != $row[3] || $totalX != $row[4]) {
                                $rank = $j;
                                // next rank (only if not same performance)
                            mysql_query("\r\n                        UPDATE serienstart SET\r\n                            Rang = {$rank}\r\n                        WHERE xSerienstart = {$row['0']}\r\n                    ");
                            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                            $heat = $row[1];
                            // keep current heat ID
                            $perf = $row[2];
                            $topX = $row[3];
                            $totalX = $row[4];
                    mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tempresult");
                    if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                        // DB error
                        AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                // ET DB error (create temp table)
                // read all starting athletes with no valid result (rank=0)
                // and add disqualification code
                $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT\r\n                    ss.xSerienstart\r\n                FROM\r\n                    resultat AS r\r\n                    LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie )\r\n                WHERE   \r\n                    ss.Rang = 0\r\n                    AND s.xRunde = " . $round . "\r\n                    AND r.Leistung >= 0";
                $result = mysql_query($sql);
                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                        // check if "disqualified" result already there
                        $res = mysql_query("\r\n                    SELECT\r\n                        xResultat\r\n                    FROM\r\n                        resultat\r\n                    WHERE xSerienstart = {$row['0']}\r\n                    AND (Leistung = " . $cfgInvalidResult['DSQ']['code'] . " OR Leistung = " . $cfgInvalidResult['NRS']['code'] . ")");
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            // DB error
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        } else {
                            if (mysql_num_rows($res) <= 0) {
                                mysql_query("\r\n                            INSERT INTO\r\n                                resultat\r\n                            SET\r\n                                Leistung = " . $cfgInvalidResult['NRS']['code'] . "\r\n                                , Info = '{$cfgResultsHighOut}'\r\n                                , xSerienstart = {$row['0']}\r\n                        ");
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    // DB error
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
            // ET DB error (drop temp table)
            // update athletes with no result
            AA_utils_changeRoundStatus($round, $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']);
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['AA_ERROR'])) {
        // calculate ranking points if needed
        if ($_GET['arg'] == 'results_done' || $_POST['arg'] == 'save_rank') {
        if ($_POST['arg'] == 'save_remark') {
            AA_utils_saveRemark($_POST['item'], $_POST['remark'], $_POST['xAthlete']);
        // print HTML page header
        AA_results_printHeader($presets['category'], $presets['event'], $round);
        $mergedMain = AA_checkMainRound($round);
        if ($mergedMain != 1) {
            // read round data
            if ($round > 0 && $prog_mode != 2) {
                $status = AA_getRoundStatus($round);
                // No action yet
                if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['open'] || $status == $cfgRoundStatus['enrolement_done'] || $status == $cfgRoundStatus['heats_in_progress']) {
                } else {
                    if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['enrolement_pending']) {
                    } else {
                        if ($status >= $cfgRoundStatus['heats_done']) {
                            AA_heats_printNewStart($presets['event'], $round, "event_results.php");
                            // display all athletes
                            if ($teamsm) {
                                $sql = "\r\n                SELECT rt.Name\r\n                    , rt.Typ\r\n                    , s.xSerie\r\n                    , s.Bezeichnung\r\n                    , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                    , ss.Position\r\n                    , ss.Rang\r\n                    , a.Startnummer\r\n                    , at.Name\r\n                    , at.Vorname\r\n                    , at.Jahrgang\r\n                    , t.Name\r\n                    , LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid\r\n                    , rs.xResultat\r\n                    , rs.Leistung\r\n                    , rs.Info\r\n                    , at.Land\r\n                    , ss.Bemerkung\r\n                    , at.xAthlet\r\n                    , r.xRunde \r\n                    , ss.RundeZusammen  \r\n                FROM\r\n                    runde AS r\r\n                    LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie   )\r\n                    LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein)\r\n                    INNER JOIN teamsmathlet AS tat ON(st.xAnmeldung = tat.xAnmeldung)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN teamsm as t ON (tat.xTeamsm = t.xTeamsm)                      \r\n                    LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp\r\n                    LEFT JOIN resultat AS rs ON rs.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart\r\n                WHERE \r\n                    r.xRunde = {$round}              \r\n                ORDER BY\r\n                    heatid\r\n                    , ss.Position\r\n                    , rs.xResultat DESC\r\n            ";
                            } else {
                                $sql = "\r\n                SELECT rt.Name\r\n                    , rt.Typ\r\n                    , s.xSerie\r\n                    , s.Bezeichnung\r\n                    , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                    , ss.Position\r\n                    , ss.Rang\r\n                    , a.Startnummer\r\n                    , at.Name\r\n                    , at.Vorname\r\n                    , at.Jahrgang\r\n                    , if('" . $svm . "', t.Name, IF(a.Vereinsinfo = '', v.Name, a.Vereinsinfo))   \r\n                    , LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid\r\n                    , rs.xResultat\r\n                    , rs.Leistung\r\n                    , rs.Info\r\n                    , at.Land\r\n                    , ss.Bemerkung\r\n                    , at.xAthlet\r\n                    , r.xRunde \r\n                    , ss.RundeZusammen  \r\n                FROM\r\n                    runde AS r\r\n                    LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie   )\r\n                    LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein)\r\n                    LEFT JOIN team AS t ON(a.xTeam = t.xTeam) \r\n                    LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp\r\n                    LEFT JOIN resultat AS rs ON rs.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart\r\n                WHERE \r\n                    r.xRunde = {$round}              \r\n                ORDER BY\r\n                    heatid\r\n                    , ss.Position\r\n                    , rs.xResultat DESC\r\n            ";
                            $result = mysql_query($sql);
                            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                // DB error
                                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                            } else {
                                AA_results_printMenu($round, $status, $prog_mode, 'high');
                                // initialize variables
                                $a = 0;
                                $h = 0;
                                $i = 0;
                                if (!empty($_GET['athlete'])) {
                                    $_POST['athlete'] = $_GET['athlete'];
                                if (empty($_POST['athlete']) || mysql_num_rows($result) < $_POST['athlete']) {
                                    $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                    // focus to first athlete
                                $rowclass = 'odd';
                                if ($cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['name'] == $strProgramModeBackoffice) {
                                    $focus = 0;
                                    // keep focus on this athlete if Backoffice Mode
                                } else {
                                    $focus = 1;
                                    // focus on next athlete if Field Mode

<table class='dialog'>
                                $btn = new GUI_Button('', '');
                                // create button object
                                while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                    if ($row[20] > 0) {
                                        $singleRound = $row[20];
                                    } else {
                                        $singleRound = $row[19];
                                    // terminate last row if new athlete and not first item
                                    if ($a != $row[4] && $i != 0) {
                                        if ($_POST['athlete'] == $i + 1 && $cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['name'] == $strProgramModeField) {
                                            if ($row[15] == 'XXX' && !$click) {
                                                $_POST['athlete'] = $_POST['athlete'] + 1;
                                        if ($_POST['athlete'] == $i) {
                                            echo "<td>";
                                            $btn->set("event_results.php?arg=del_start&item={$a}&round={$round}", $strDelete);
                                            echo "</td>";
                                        echo "</tr>";
                                     *  Heat headerline
                                    if ($h != $row[2]) {
                                        $h = $row[2];
                                        // keep heat ID
                                        if (is_null($row[0])) {
                                            // only one round
                                            $title = "{$strFinalround}";
                                        } else {
                                            // more than one round
                                            $title = "{$row['0']}";
                                        $c = 0;
                                        if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
                                            $c = 1;
                                            // increment colspan to include ranking
        <form action='event_results.php#heat_<?php 
                                        echo $row[3];
' method='post'
                                        echo $h;

        <th class='dialog' colspan='<?php 
                                        echo 7 + $c;
' />
                                        echo $title;
            <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='change_heat_name' />
            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                        echo $round;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                        echo $singleRound;
' />    
            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                        echo $row[2];
' />
            <input class='nbr' type='text' name='id' maxlength='2'
                                        echo $row[3];
                                        echo $h;
.submit()' />
                <a name='heat_<?php 
                                        echo $row[3];
' />
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                        echo $strPositionShort;
        <th class='dialog' colspan='2'><?php 
                                        echo $strAthlete;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                        echo $strYearShort;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                        echo $strCountry;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                        if ($svm) {
                                            echo $strTeam;
                                        } elseif ($teamsm) {
                                            echo $strTeamsm;
                                        } else {
                                            echo $strClub;
                                        if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strRank;
        <th class='dialog' ><?php 
                                        echo $strResultRemark;
        <th class='dialog' colspan='2'><?php 
                                        echo $strPerformance;
                                    // ET new heat
                                     * Athlete data lines
                                    if ($a != $row[4]) {
                                        $a = $row[4];
                                        // keep athlete ID
                                        // increment athlete counter
                                        $l = 0;
                                        // reset result counter
                                        if ($_POST['athlete'] == $i) {
                                            // active item
                                            $rowclass = 'active';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($row[5] % 2 == 0) {
                                                // even row numer
                                                $rowclass = 'even';
                                            } else {
                                                // odd row number
                                                $rowclass = 'odd';
                                        if ($rowclass == 'active') {
    <tr class='active'>
                                        } else {
    <tr class='<?php 
                                            echo $rowclass;
                                            echo $i;
        <td class='forms_right'><?php 
                                        echo $row[5];
        <td class='forms_right'><?php 
                                        echo $row[7];
                                        /* start nbr */
        <td nowrap><?php 
                                        echo $row[8] . " " . $row[9];
                                        /* name */
        <td class='forms_ctr'><?php 
                                        echo AA_formatYearOfBirth($row[10]);
                                        echo $row[16] != '' && $row[16] != '-' ? $row[16] : '&nbsp;';
        <td nowrap><?php 
                                        echo $row[11];
                                        /* club */
                                        if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
                                            if ($_POST['athlete'] == $i) {
        <form action='event_results.php' method='post'
            <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_rank' />
            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                echo $round;
' />
             <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                                echo $singleRound;
' />    
            <input type='hidden' name='athlete' value='<?php 
                                                echo $i + $focus;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                echo $row[4];
' />
            <input class='nbr' type='text' name='rank' maxlength='3'
                                                echo $row[6];
' onChange='document.rank.submit()' />
                                            } else {
                                                echo "<td>" . $row[6] . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . $row[17] . "</td>";
                                        } else {

<form action='event_results.php' method='post'
                                            echo $i;
            <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_remark' />
            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                            echo $round;
' />
             <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                            echo $singleRound;
' />    
            <input type='hidden' name='athlete' value='<?php 
                                            echo $i + $focus;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[4];
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='xAthlete' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[18];
' />    
            <input class='textshort' type='text' name='remark' maxlength='5'
                                            echo $row[17];
' onchange='document.remark_<?php 
                                            echo $i;
.submit()' />
                                    // ET new athlete
                                    $new_perf = '';
                                    if ($_POST['athlete'] == $i) {
                                        if (is_null($row[14])) {
                                            // no result yet: show form
                                            $last_perf = 0;
                                        } else {
                                            $last_perf = $row[14];
                                        $item = '';
                                        if ($l == 0) {
                                            // read all performances achieved in current heat and
                                            // better than last entered performance
                                            if ($cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['name'] == $strProgramModeField) {
                                                if (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentral)) {
                                                    $new_perf = AA_formatResultMeter($last_perf);
                                                    $new_info = $row[15];
                                                    $item = $row[13];
                                                } else {
                                                    $new_perf = getNextHeight($row[2], $last_perf);
                                                    $new_info = '';
                                            } else {
                                                if (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStay)) {
                                                    $new_perf = AA_formatResultMeter($last_perf);
                                                    $new_info = $row[15];
                                                    $item = $row[13];
                                                } else {
                                                    $new_perf = getNextHeight($row[2], $last_perf);
                                                    $new_info = '';
        <form action='event_results.php' method='post'
        <td nowrap colspan='2'> 
            <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_res' />
            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                            echo $round;
' />
             <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                            echo $singleRound;
' />    
            <input type='hidden' name='athlete' value='<?php 
                                            echo $i + $focus;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='start' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[4];
' />
             <input type='hidden' name='xSerie' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[2];
' />  
            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                            echo $item;
' />
            <input class='perfheight' type='text' name='perf' maxlength='5'
                                            echo $new_perf;
                    onChange='checkSubmit(document.perf)' />  
            <input class='texttiny' type='text' name='attempts' maxlength='3'
                                            echo $new_info;
                    onChange='document.perf.submit()' onBlur='document.perf.submit()' />
                                        if (is_null($row[14]) == false && empty($item)) {
                                            // next height
        <td nowrap>
                                            echo AA_formatResultMeter($row[14]) . "<br/>( {$row['15']} )";
                                            $btn = new GUI_Button("event_results.php?arg=delete&round={$round}&item={$row['13']}&athlete={$i}", "X");
                                    } else {
                                        if (is_null($row[14]) == false) {
                                            echo "<td colspan='2' nowrap>" . AA_formatResultMeter($row[14]) . " ( {$row['15']} )</td>";
                                if ($a != 0) {
                                    if ($_POST['athlete'] == $i) {
                                        echo "<td>";
                                        $btn->set("event_results.php?arg=del_start&item={$a}&round={$round}", $strDelete);
                                        echo "</td>";
                                    echo "</tr>";
                            // ET DB error
            } else {
                if ($round > 0 && $prog_mode == 2) {
                    $status = AA_getRoundStatus($round);
                    // No action yet
                    if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['open'] || $status == $cfgRoundStatus['enrolement_done'] || $status == $cfgRoundStatus['heats_in_progress']) {
                    } else {
                        if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['enrolement_pending']) {
                        } else {
                            if ($status >= $cfgRoundStatus['heats_done']) {
                                AA_heats_printNewStart($presets['event'], $round, "event_results.php");
                                $ph = 0;
                                // find max height per athlete
                                $sql_max_h = "SELECT \r\n                 LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid\r\n                , count(*) \r\n            FROM\r\n                runde AS r\r\n                LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart) \r\n                LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n                LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n                LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein)\r\n                LEFT JOIN team AS t ON(a.xTeam = t.xTeam) \r\n                LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp\r\n                LEFT JOIN resultat AS rs ON rs.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart\r\n            WHERE r.xRunde = {$round}              \r\n            GROUP BY ss.xSerienstart\r\n            ORDER BY\r\n                heatid\r\n                , ss.Position DESC\r\n                , rs.xResultat";
                                $res_max_h = mysql_query($sql_max_h);
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    // DB error
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                } else {
                                    $ph = 0;
                                    //  height column
                                    $starts = 0;
                                    // all started athletes
                                    while ($row_max_h = mysql_fetch_row($res_max_h)) {
                                        if ($row_max_h[1] > $ph) {
                                            $ph = $row_max_h[1];
                                // fill last infos (included previous info by 'XXX') in an array
                                $sql_info = "SELECT rt.Name\r\n                , rt.Typ\r\n                , s.xSerie\r\n                , s.Bezeichnung\r\n                , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                , ss.Position\r\n                , ss.Rang\r\n                , a.Startnummer\r\n                , at.Name\r\n                , at.Vorname\r\n                , at.Jahrgang\r\n                , if('" . $svm . "', t.Name, IF(a.Vereinsinfo = '', v.Name, a.Vereinsinfo))   \r\n                , LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid\r\n                , rs.xResultat\r\n                , rs.Leistung\r\n                , rs.Info\r\n                , at.Land\r\n                , ss.Bemerkung\r\n                , at.xAthlet\r\n                , r.xRunde \r\n                , ss.RundeZusammen  \r\n            FROM\r\n                runde AS r\r\n                LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart) \r\n                LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n                LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n                LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein)\r\n                LEFT JOIN team AS t ON(a.xTeam = t.xTeam) \r\n                LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp\r\n                LEFT JOIN resultat AS rs ON rs.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart  \r\n            WHERE r.xRunde = {$round}      \r\n              ORDER BY\r\n                heatid\r\n                , ss.Position \r\n                , rs.xResultat\r\n                \r\n                ";
                                $res_info = mysql_query($sql_info);
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    // DB error
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                } else {
                                    $c = 0;
                                    $arr_info = array();
                                    $arr_info_remark = array();
                                    // previous info 'p'
                                    $count_results = 0;
                                    $count_ends = 0;
                                    // athletes with results 'XXX'
                                    while ($row_info = mysql_fetch_row($res_info)) {
                                        if ($row_info[4] != $a && $c > 0) {
                                            if (!empty($keep_info)) {
                                                if ($c == $ph) {
                                                    $arr_info[] = $keep_info;
                                                    $arr_info_remark[] = '';
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($keep_info == 'XXX') {
                                                        $arr_info[] = $keep_info;
                                                        $arr_info_remark[] = 'p';
                                                        // previous
                                                    } else {
                                                        $arr_info[] = '';
                                                        $arr_info_remark[] = '';
                                                $c = 0;
                                        if ($row_info[15] == 'XXX') {
                                        $a = $row_info[4];
                                        $keep_info = $row_info[15];
                                    if (!empty($keep_info)) {
                                        if ($c == $ph) {
                                            $arr_info[] = $keep_info;
                                            $arr_info_remark[] = '';
                                        } else {
                                            if ($keep_info == 'XXX') {
                                                $arr_info[] = $keep_info;
                                                $arr_info_remark[] = 'p';
                                                // previous
                                            } else {
                                                $arr_info[] = '';
                                                $arr_info_remark[] = '';
                                // array for infos to jump
                                $arr_info_toJump = array();
                                foreach ($arr_info as $key => $val) {
                                    if (!in_array($val, $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                        $arr_info_toJump[$key] = $val;
                                // find out new column (= newHight )
                                $sql_hight = "SELECT    \r\n                LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid                 \r\n                , rs.Leistung\r\n                , rs.Info                   \r\n                , d.Code  \r\n            FROM\r\n                runde AS r\r\n                LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart) \r\n                LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n                LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n                LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein)\r\n                LEFT JOIN team AS t ON(a.xTeam = t.xTeam) \r\n                LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp\r\n                LEFT JOIN resultat AS rs ON rs.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart\r\n                LEFT JOIN wettkampf AS w ON (w.xWettkampf = r.xWettkampf)  \r\n                LEFT JOIN disziplin_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS d ON (d.xDisziplin = w.xDisziplin)   \r\n            WHERE r.xRunde = {$round}                 \r\n              ORDER BY\r\n                heatid\r\n                , rs.Leistung DESC\r\n                , ss.Position ASC\r\n                ";
                                $res_hight = mysql_query($sql_hight);
                                $e = 0;
                                // count performance when is finished with this high
                                $z = 0;
                                $first = true;
                                $disCode = 0;
                                while ($row_hight = mysql_fetch_row($res_hight)) {
                                    if ($perf_keep != $row_hight[1] && !$first) {
                                        if ($z > 1) {
                                        } else {
                                            $e_keep = $e;
                                            $e = 0;
                                    $first = false;
                                    if (in_array($row_hight[2], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                        if ($row_hight[2] != 'XXX') {
                                    $perf_keep = $row_hight[1];
                                    $disCode = $row_hight[3];
                                $newHight = false;
                                if (is_null($e_keep)) {
                                    $e_keep = $e;
                                if ($e_keep == $starts - $count_ends) {
                                    $newHight = true;
                                if (empty($_POST)) {
                                    if ($ph > $max) {
                                        $max = $ph;
                                if (empty($_POST)) {
                                    $y = 0;
                                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res_c_h)) {
                                        $name = "hight_" . $y;
                                        $hiddenName = "hiddeHight_" . $y;
                                        $performance_new = AA_formatResultMeter($row[0]);
                                        $_POST[$name] = $performance_new;
                                        $_POST[$hiddenName] = $performance_new;
                                // found active athlete
                                $a_activ = 0;
                                $flen = 0;
                                $f_len_keep = 0;
                                $r_f_len = 0;
                                $r_f_len_keep = 0;
                                $a_activ_set = false;
                                $f = 0;
                                $reset_activ = false;
                                for ($r = $starts - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) {
                                    if ($arr_info[$r] == '' || $arr_info_remark[$r] == 'p') {
                                    } else {
                                        if ($f > 0) {
                                            $a_activ = $r + 2;
                                            for ($j = $a_activ - 1; $j < $starts; $j++) {
                                                if ($arr_info_remark[$a_activ - 1] == 'p') {
                                            $a_activ_set = true;
                                        if ($a_activ > $starts) {
                                            $a_activ_set = false;
                                            $reset_activ = true;
                                if (!$a_activ_set) {
                                    if ($newHight) {
                                        for ($r = 0; $r < $starts; $r++) {
                                            if ($arr_info[$r] != 'XXX') {
                                                $a_activ = $r + 1;
                                                $a_activ_set = true;
                                        if (!$a_activ_set) {
                                            $a_activ = 1;
                                    } elseif ($reset_activ) {
                                        $val_keep = '';
                                        foreach ($arr_info_toJump as $key => $val) {
                                            if (strlen($val) == 1) {
                                                $arr_info_toJump_1[$key] = $val;
                                            } elseif (strlen($val) == 2) {
                                                $arr_info_toJump_2[$key] = $val;
                                        if (count($arr_info_toJump_1) > 0) {
                                            foreach ($arr_info_toJump_1 as $key => $val) {
                                                $a_activ = $key + 1;
                                        } else {
                                            foreach ($arr_info_toJump_2 as $key => $val) {
                                                $a_activ = $key + 1;
                                    } else {
                                        for ($r = $starts - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) {
                                            if (in_array($arr_info[$r], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                                $athleteValidFirst = false;
                                            } else {
                                                $f_len = strlen($arr_info[$r]);
                                                $r_f_len = $r;
                                                if ($f_len_keep > 0) {
                                                    if ($f_len_keep < $f_len) {
                                                        $a_activ = $r_f_len_keep + 1;
                                                    } elseif ($f_len_keep = $f_len) {
                                                        $a_activ = $r_f_len + 1;
                                                    } elseif ($f_len_keep > $f_len) {
                                                } else {
                                                    $a_activ = $r_f_len + 1;
                                                $f_len_keep = $f_len;
                                                $r_f_len_keep = $r_f_len;
                                if (is_null($_POST['athlete'])) {
                                    $_POST['athlete'] = $a_activ;
                                $aClick = false;
                                if (isset($_POST['result'])) {
                                    // this means that user makes a click to a athlete
                                    $aClick = true;
                                if (isset($_GET['arg']) && $_GET['arg'] == 'delete') {
                                    $aClick = true;
                                $athleteValidAfter = true;
                                if ($_POST['athlete'] >= 1 && !$aClick) {
                                    $athleteValidAfter = true;
                                    if ($starts != $count_ends) {
                                        if (count($arr_info) == $starts) {
                                            for ($r = $starts - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) {
                                                if ($r < $_POST['athlete'] - 1) {
                                                if (in_array($arr_info[$r], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                                    $athleteValidAfter = false;
                                                } else {
                                                    $athleteValidAfter = true;
                                            if ($_POST['athlete'] > $starts) {
                                                $athleteValidAfter = false;
                                    } else {
                                        $athleteValidAfter = false;
                                        if (!$aClick) {
                                            $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                            $a_activ = 1;
                                    if (!$athleteValidAfter && !$aClick && !$newHight) {
                                        // set to first athlete when no valid athletes after
                                        $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                // find out first valid athlete
                                $athleteValidFirst = true;
                                $a_first = 0;
                                if ($_POST['athlete'] >= 1 && !$aClick) {
                                    $athleteValidFirst = true;
                                    if ($starts != $count_ends) {
                                        if (count($arr_info) == $starts) {
                                            for ($r = 0; $r < $starts; $r++) {
                                                if ($arr_info[$r] == 'XXX') {
                                                    $athleteValidFirst = false;
                                                } else {
                                                    $athleteValidFirst = true;
                                                    $a_first = $r + 1;
                                    } else {
                                        $athleteValidAfter = false;
                                        if (!$aClick) {
                                            $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                            $a_activ = 1;
                                    if ($a_first > 0 && !$athleteValidAfter && !$click) {
                                        $_POST['athlete'] = $a_first;
                                if (isset($_POST['result']) || $aClick) {
                                    // this means that user makes a click to a athlete
                                    $a_activ = $_POST['athlete'];
                                if ($starts == $count_ends && !$aClick) {
                                    $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                    $a_activ = 1;
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    // DB error
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                } else {
                                    AA_results_printMenu($round, $status, $prog_mode, 'high');
                                    // initialize variables
                                    $a = 0;
                                    $h = 0;
                                    $i = 0;
                                    if (!empty($_GET['athlete'])) {
                                        $_POST['athlete'] = $_GET['athlete'];
                                    if (empty($_POST['athlete']) || $starts < $_POST['athlete']) {
                                        $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                        // focus to first athlete
                                    $rowclass = 'odd';
                                    if ($cfgProgramMode[$prog_mode]['name'] == $strProgramModeBackoffice) {
                                        $focus = 0;
                                        // keep focus on this athlete if Backoffice Mode
                                    } else {
                                        $focus = 1;
                                        // focus on next athlete if Field Mode

<table class='dialog'>
                                    $l = 0;
                                    $newAthl = false;
                                    $flagField = false;
                                    $skip = false;
                                    $s = 0;
                                    $s_keep = 0;
                                    $k = 0;
                                    $p = 0;
                                    // all pass
                                    $btn = new GUI_Button('', '');
                                    // create button object
                                    $flagField = false;
                                    $res_info = mysql_query($sql_info);
                                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res_info)) {
                                        if ($a != $row[4] && $i != 0) {
                                            // new athlete
                                            $k = 0;
                                            if ($s >= $s_keep) {
                                                $s_keep = $s;
                                            $s = 0;
                                        if ($row[15] == 'XXX') {
                                            $skip = true;
                                        } else {
                                            if (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd) && $ph == $k && !$newHight) {
                                                $skip = true;
                                            } else {
                                                $skip = false;
                                        if ($row[20] > 0) {
                                            $singleRound = $row[20];
                                        } else {
                                            $singleRound = $row[19];
                                        // terminate last row if new athlete and not first item
                                        if ($a != $row[4] && $i != 0) {
                                            $athleteValid = true;
                                            $athleteValidAfter = true;
                                            if ($starts != $count_ends) {
                                                if (count($arr_info) == $starts) {
                                                    for ($r = $starts - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) {
                                                        if (in_array($arr_info[$r], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                                            $athleteValid = false;
                                                        } else {
                                                            $athleteValid = true;
                                                    for ($r = $starts - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) {
                                                        if ($r < $_POST['athlete'] - 1) {
                                                        if (in_array($arr_info[$r], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                                            $athleteValidAfter = false;
                                                        } else {
                                                            $athleteValidAfter = true;
                                            } else {
                                                $athleteValid = false;
                                                $athleteValidAfter = false;
                                                if (!$aClick) {
                                                    $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                                    $a_activ = 1;
                                            if ($_POST['athlete'] == $i || !$athleteValid && $newHight && $k != 1 || $aClick && $a_activ == $i) {
                                                if (!$flagField) {
                                <form action='event_results.php' method='post'
                                <td nowrap colspan='2'> 
                                            <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_res' />
                                            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $round;
' />
                                             <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $singleRound;
' />    
                                            <input type='hidden' name='athlete' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $i + $focus;
' />
                                            <input type='hidden' name='start' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $a;
' />                                              
                                            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $item;
' />
                                            <input class='perfheight' type='hidden' name='perf' maxlength='5'    
                                                    echo $new_perf;
                                                    foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                                                        $arr_key = explode('_', $key);
                                                        $hiddenName = $arr_key[0] . "_" . $arr_key[1];
                                                 <input type='hidden' name='<?php 
                                                        echo $hiddenName;
' value='<?php 
                                                        echo $val;
' /> 
                                            <input class='texttiny' type='text' name='attempts' maxlength='3'  onfocus="this.value = '<?php 
                                                    echo $new_info;
                                                    echo $new_info;
' />
                                             <button type='button' name="butt" onclick="document.perf.submit()">ok</button>
                                                    $flagField = true;
                                                    echo "<td colspan='31'>&nbsp;";
                                                    echo "</td>";
                                                    echo "<td>";
                                                    $btn->set("event_results.php?arg=del_start&item={$a}&round={$round}", $strDelete);
                                                    echo "</td>";
                                            echo "</tr>";
                                         *  Heat headerline
                                        if ($h != $row[2]) {
                                            $h = $row[2];
                                            // keep heat ID
                                            if (is_null($row[0])) {
                                                // only one round
                                                $title = "{$strFinalround}";
                                            } else {
                                                // more than one round
                                                $title = "{$row['0']}";
                                            $c = 0;
                                            if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
                                                $c = 1;
                                                // increment colspan to include ranking
        <form action='event_results.php#heat_<?php 
                                            echo $row[3];
' method='post'
                                            echo $h;

        <th class='dialog' colspan='<?php 
                                            echo 7 + $c;
' />
                                            echo $title;
            <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='change_heat_name' />
            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                            echo $round;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                            echo $singleRound;
' />    
            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[2];
' />               
            <input class='nbr' type='text' name='id' maxlength='2'
                                            echo $row[3];
                                            echo $h;
.submit()' />
                <a name='heat_<?php 
                                            echo $row[3];
' />
                                            if (isset($_POST['max'])) {
                                                $colspanPerf = $_POST['max'] * 2 + 2;
                                            } else {
                                                $colspanPerf = $cfgCountHeight * 2 + 2;
            <th colspan="<?php 
                                            echo $colspanPerf;
                                            echo $strPerformance;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strPositionShort;
        <th class='dialog' colspan='2'><?php 
                                            echo $strAthlete;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strYearShort;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strCountry;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            if ($svm) {
                                                echo $strTeam;
                                            } elseif ($teamsm) {
                                                echo $strTeamsm;
                                            } else {
                                                echo $strClub;
        <th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strRank;
        <th class='dialog' ><?php 
                                            echo $strResultRemark;
                                            $height_start = $cfgHeightStartJump;
                                            // default jump
                                            if ($disCode == '310') {
                                                // jump
                                                $height_start = $cfgHeightStartJump;
                                            } elseif ($disCode == '320') {
                                                $height_start = $cfgHeightStartPole;
                                                // pole
        <form action='event_results.php' method='post' name='hight_id'> 
        <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_height' />
        <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                            echo $round;
' />
        <input type='hidden' name='heat' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[2];
' />  
        <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                            echo $singleRound;
' />          
                                            $count_height = AA_checkHeight($round, $row[2]);
                                            $arr_height = array();
                                            if ($count_height > 0) {
                                                $max = $count_height;
                                                $sql = "SELECT h.Hoehe \r\n                    FROM \r\n                         hoehe AS h\r\n                         LEFT JOIN runde AS r ON (r.xRunde = h.xRunde)\r\n                         LEFT JOIN wettkampf AS w ON (w.xWettkampf = r.xWettkampf) \r\n                    WHERE \r\n                         h.xRunde = " . $round . " \r\n                         AND h.xSerie = " . $row[2] . " \r\n                         AND w.xMeeting = " . $_COOKIE['meeting_id'] . "\r\n                         ORDER BY hoehe";
                                                $res = mysql_query($sql);
                                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                                } else {
                                                    $g = 0;
                                                    while ($row_height = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
                                                        $arr_height[] = $row_height[0];
                                                        $height = AA_formatResultMeter($row_height[0]);
                                                        $dis = '';
                                                        // disable the hight done
                                                        if ($newHight) {
                                                            $ph_vgl = $ph - 1;
                                                            if ($g <= $ph_vgl) {
                                                                $dis = 'disabled="disabled"';
                                                        } else {
                                                            $ph_vgl = ceil($ph - 1);
                                                            if ($g <= $ph_vgl) {
                                                                $dis = 'disabled="disabled"';
                                                            if ($count_results == 0 && $g == 0) {
                                                                $dis = '';
                            <input class='perfheight' type='hidden' name='hiddenHeight_<?php 
                                                        echo $g;
' maxlength='5' value='<?php 
                                                        echo $height;
                            <th class='dialog' colspan='2'><input class='perfheight' type='text' name='hight_<?php 
                                                        echo $g;
' maxlength='5'
                                                        echo $height;
' onchange='document.hight_id.submit()' <?php 
                                                        echo $dis;
                                            } else {
                                                $max = $cfgCountHeight;
                                                for ($g = 0; $g < $cfgCountHeight; $g++) {
                                                    $_POST['start'] = 0;
                                                    $height_start_tmp = new PerformanceAttempt($height_start);
                                                    $height_start_tmp = $height_start_tmp->getPerformance();
                                                    $arr_height[] = $height_start_tmp;
                                                    AA_setHeight($height_start_tmp, $round, $row[2], '');
                        <input class='perfheight' type='hidden' name='hiddenHeight_<?php 
                                                    echo $g;
' maxlength='5' value='<?php 
                                                    echo sprintf("%.2f", $height_start);
                            <th class='dialog' colspan='2'><input class='perfheight' type='text' name='hight_<?php 
                                                    echo $g;
' maxlength='5'
                                                    echo sprintf("%.2f", $height_start);
' onchange='document.hight_id.submit()' /></th>
                                                    if ($disCode == '310') {
                                                        // jump
                                                        $height_start += $cfgHeightDiffJump;
                                                    } elseif ($disCode == '320') {
                                                        $height_start += $cfgHeightDiffPole;
                                                        // pole
                                                    } else {
                                                        $height_start += $cfgHeightDiffJump;
                <input class='perfheight' type='hidden' name='hiddenHeight_<?php 
                                            echo $g;
' maxlength='5' value=''/> 
                    <th class='dialog' colspan='2'><input class='perfheight' type='text' name='hight_<?php 
                                            echo $max;
' maxlength='5'
                        value='' onchange='document.hight_id.submit()' /></th>   
                <input type='hidden' name='max' value='<?php 
                                            echo $max;
' />  
                <input type='hidden' name='disCode' value='<?php 
                                            echo $disCode;
' />  
                                        // ET new heat
                                         * Athlete data lines   
                                        if ($newAthl) {
                                            if ($k == $ph) {
                                                // k = results per athlete  ph = hight column
                                                $athleteValid = true;
                                                $athleteValidAfter = true;
                                                if ($starts != $count_ends) {
                                                    if (count($arr_info) == $starts) {
                                                        for ($r = $starts - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) {
                                                            if (in_array($arr_info[$r], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                                                $athleteValid = false;
                                                            } else {
                                                                $athleteValid = true;
                                                        for ($r = $starts - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) {
                                                            if ($r < $_POST['athlete'] - 1) {
                                                            if (in_array($arr_info[$r], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                                                $athleteValidAfter = false;
                                                            } else {
                                                                $athleteValidAfter = true;
                                                } else {
                                                    $athleteValid = false;
                                                    $athleteValidAfter = false;
                                                    if (!$aClick) {
                                                        $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                                        $a_activ = 1;
                                                if (!$athleteValid) {
                                                    $l = 1;
                                                    if (!$click) {
                                                        if ($a_first == 0) {
                                                            $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                                            $l = 0;
                                            if (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralNotPassed)) {
                                                // find O (example: O, XO , XXO )
                                                $l = 0;
                                                // reset result counter
                                                $newAthl = false;
                                            } else {
                                                if (is_null($row[15])) {
                                                    $l = 0;
                                                    $newAthl = false;
                                                } else {
                                                    if (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd) && $_POST['athlete'] == $i && $skip) {
                                                        if ($athleteValidAfter && !$aClick) {
                                                        $newAthl = false;
                                                        $l = 1;
                                                    } elseif (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd) && $_POST['athlete'] == $i && !$skip && $p != $ph) {
                                                        $l = 1;
                                                    } else {
                                                        $l = 1;
                                        if ($a != $row[4]) {
                                            if ($k == $ph) {
                                                $athleteValid = true;
                                                if ($starts != $count_ends) {
                                                    if (count($arr_info) == $starts) {
                                                        for ($r = $starts - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) {
                                                            if (in_array($arr_info[$r], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                                                $athleteValid = false;
                                                            } else {
                                                                $athleteValid = true;
                                                } else {
                                                    $athleteValid = false;
                                                    if (!$aClick) {
                                                        $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                                        $a_activ = 1;
                                                $athleteValidAfter = true;
                                                for ($r = $starts - 1; $r >= 0; $r--) {
                                                    if ($r >= $_POST['athlete']) {
                                                    if (in_array($arr_info[$r], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                                        $athleteValidAfter = false;
                                                    } else {
                                                        $athleteValidAfter = true;
                                                if (!$athleteValid) {
                                                    $l = 1;
                                                    if (!$click) {
                                                        if ($a_first == 0) {
                                                            $_POST['athlete'] = 1;
                                                            $l = 0;
                                            $a = $row[4];
                                            // keep athlete ID
                                            $info_keep = $row[15];
                                            // keep info
                                            // increment athlete counter
                                            $newAthl = true;
                                            if (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralNotPassed)) {
                                                // find O (example: O, XO , XXO )
                                                $l = 0;
                                                // reset result counter
                                                $newAthl = false;
                                            } else {
                                                if (is_null($row[15])) {
                                                    $l = 0;
                                                    $newAthl = false;
                                                } else {
                                                    if (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd) && $_POST['athlete'] == $i && $skip && !$aClick) {
                                                        if ($starts != $count_ends) {
                                                        $newAthl = false;
                                                        $l = 1;
                                                    } elseif (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd) && $_POST['athlete'] == $i && !$skip && $p != $ph) {
                                                        $l = 1;
                                                    } else {
                                                        $l = 1;
                                            if ($a_activ == $i) {
                                                // active item
                                                $rowclass = 'active';
                                                if (isset($_POST['start'])) {
                                                    AA_setCurrAthlete($row[2], $row[4]);
                                            } else {
                                                if ($row[5] % 2 == 0) {
                                                    // even row numer
                                                    $rowclass = 'even';
                                                } else {
                                                    // odd row number
                                                    $rowclass = 'odd';
                                            if ($rowclass == 'active') {
                                <tr  id="athlete_<?php 
                                                echo $i;
" class='active'>
                                            } else {
                                <tr id="athlete_<?php 
                                                echo $i;
" class='<?php 
                                                echo $rowclass;
                                                echo $i;
                        <td class='forms_right'><?php 
                                            echo $row[5];
                        <td class='forms_right'><?php 
                                            echo $row[7];
                                            /* start nbr */
                        <td nowrap><?php 
                                            echo $row[8] . " " . $row[9];
                                            /* name */
                        <td class='forms_ctr'><?php 
                                            echo AA_formatYearOfBirth($row[10]);
                                            echo $row[16] != '' && $row[16] != '-' ? $row[16] : '&nbsp;';
                        <td nowrap><?php 
                                            echo $row[11];
                                            /* club */
                                            if ($a_activ == $i) {
                                    <form action='event_results.php' method='post'
                                        <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_rank' />
                                        <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                echo $round;
' />
                                         <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                                echo $singleRound;
' />    
                                        <input type='hidden' name='athlete' value='<?php 
                                                echo $i + $focus;
' />
                                        <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                echo $row[4];
' />                                           
                                        <input class='nbr' type='text' name='rank' maxlength='3'
                                                echo $row[6];
' onchange='document.rank.submit()' />
                                                if ($zaehler == 0) {
                                     <form action='event_results.php' method='post'
                                                    echo $i;
                                        <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_remark' />
                                        <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $round;
' />
                                         <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $singleRound;
' />    
                                        <input type='hidden' name='athlete' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $i + $focus;
' />
                                        <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $row[4];
' />                                          
                                        <input type='hidden' name='xAthlete' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $row[18];
' />    
                                        <input class='textshort' type='text' name='remark' maxlength='5'
                                                    echo $row[17];
' onchange='document.remark_<?php 
                                                    echo $i;
.submit()' />
                                            } else {
                                                echo "<td>" . $row[6] . "</td>";
                                                echo "<td>" . $row[17] . "</td>";
                                        // ET new athlete
                                        $new_perf = '';
                                        if ($_POST['athlete'] == $i) {
                                            // only current athlet
                                            $item = '';
                                            $ph_perf = $ph - 1;
                                            $hiddenName = "hiddenHight_" . $ph_perf;
                                            if ($newHight) {
                                                $ph_perf += 1;
                                            $hiddenName = "hiddenHight_" . $ph_perf;
                                            $new_perf = $arr_height[$ph_perf];
                                            $new_perf = new PerformanceAttempt($new_perf);
                                            $new_perf = $new_perf->getPerformance();
                                            // read all performances achieved in current heat and
                                            // better than last entered performance
                                            if (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentral)) {
                                                $new_info = $row[15];
                                                if (in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralEnd)) {
                                                    $new_info = '';
                                                } else {
                                                    $item = $row[13];
                                            } else {
                                                $new_info = '';
                                            if (is_null($row[14]) == false && empty($item)) {
                                                // next height
                                <td nowrap>
                                                echo $row[15];
                                                if ($_POST['athlete'] == $a_activ) {
                                                    $btn = new GUI_Button("event_results.php?arg=delete&round={$round}&item={$row['13']}&athlete={$i}", "del");
                                                } else {
                                            if ($l == 0) {
                                                // first item
                                                $find = strpos(strtoupper($row[15], 'O'));
                                                if ($row[15] == '-') {
                                                    if (!$skip) {
                                                } elseif (!in_array($row[15], $cfgResultsHighStayDecentralNotPassed)) {
                                                $flagField = true;
                            <form action='event_results.php' method='post'
                            <td nowrap colspan='2'> 
                                        <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_res' />
                                        <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                echo $round;
' />
                                         <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                                echo $singleRound;
' />    
                                        <input type='hidden' name='athlete' value='<?php 
                                                echo $i + $focus;
' />
                                        <input type='hidden' name='start' value='<?php 
                                                echo $row[4];
' />  
                                        <input type='hidden' name='xSerie' value='<?php 
                                                echo $row[2];
' />                                        
                                        <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                echo $item;
' />
                                        <input class='perfheight' type='hidden' name='perf' maxlength='5'
                                                echo $new_perf;
                                                foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                                                    $arr_key = explode('_', $key);
                                                    $hiddenName = $arr_key[0] . "_" . $arr_key[1];
                                                 <input type='hidden' name='<?php 
                                                    echo $hiddenName;
' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $val;
' /> 
                                        <input class='texttiny' type='text' name='attempts' maxlength='3' onfocus="this.value = '<?php 
                                                echo $new_info;
                                                echo $new_info;
' />
                                             <button type='button' name="butt" onclick="document.perf.submit()">ok</button> 
                                                $prev_info = '';
                                                echo "<td colspan='31'>&nbsp;";
                                                echo "</td>";
                                                echo "<td>";
                                                $btn->set("event_results.php?arg=del_start&item={$a}&round={$round}", $strDelete);
                                                echo "</td>";
                                        } else {
                                            if (is_null($row[14]) == false) {
                                                // result entered
                                                $showNotValidRes = '';
                                                if ($row[14] < 0) {
                                                    $showNotValidRes = "({$row['14']})";
                                                echo "<td colspan='2' nowrap>{$showNotValidRes} {$row['15']} </td>";
                                    if ($a != 0) {
                                        if ($s == $s_keep || $s_keep == 1 || $info_keep == '-' && $ph == $k) {
                                            if (!$aClick) {
                                                $skip = true;
                                        } else {
                                            $skip = false;
                                        if ($_POST['athlete'] == $i) {
                                            if (!$flagField && !$skip) {
                            <form action='event_results.php' method='post'
                            <td nowrap colspan='2'> 
                                        <input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_res' />
                                        <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                echo $round;
' />
                                         <input type='hidden' name='singleRound' value='<?php 
                                                echo $singleRound;
' />    
                                        <input type='hidden' name='athlete' value='<?php 
                                                echo $i + $focus;
' />
                                        <input type='hidden' name='start' value='<?php 
                                                echo $a;
' />                                            
                                        <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                echo $item;
' />
                                        <input class='perfheight' type='hidden' name='perf' maxlength='5'
                                                echo $new_perf;
                                                foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                                                    $arr_key = explode('_', $key);
                                                    $hiddenName = $arr_key[0] . "_" . $arr_key[1];
                                                 <input type='hidden' name='<?php 
                                                    echo $hiddenName;
' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $val;
' /> 
                                        <input class='texttiny' type='text' name='attempts' maxlength='3' onfocus="this.value = '<?php 
                                                echo $new_info;
                                                echo $new_info;
' />
                                         <button type='button' name="butt" onclick="document.perf.submit()">ok</button>
                                                echo "<td colspan='15'>&nbsp;";
                                                echo "</td>";
                                                echo "<td>";
                                                $btn->set("event_results.php?arg=del_start&item={$a}&round={$round}", $strDelete);
                                                echo "</td>";
                                        echo "</tr>";
                                // ET DB error

<script type="text/javascript">
    var prog = "<?php 
            echo $prog_mode;
    if (prog == 2) {   
           if(document.perf) { 
    else {      
        if(document.perf) {
         if(document.rank) {


        } else {
Пример #6
    function AA_results_Track($round, $layout, $autoRank = '')
        require './lib/cl_gui_button.lib.php';
        require './lib/cl_gui_dropdown.lib.php';
        require './lib/cl_gui_select.lib.php';
        require './config.inc.php';
        require './lib/common.lib.php';
        require './lib/heats.lib.php';
        require './lib/results.lib.php';
        require './lib/utils.lib.php';
        include_once './lib/timing.lib.php';
        $presets = AA_results_getPresets($round);
        // read GET/POST variables
        $relay = AA_checkRelay($presets['event']);
        // check, if this is a relay event
        $svm = AA_checkSVM(0, $round);
        // decide whether to show club or team name
        $teamsm = AA_checkTeamSM(0, $round);
        // $flagMain=AA_getMainRound($round);
        //   if ($flagMain) {
        // terminate result processing
        if ($_GET['arg'] == 'results_done') {
            $eval = AA_results_getEvaluationType($round);
            $combined = AA_checkCombined(0, $round);
            $eventType = AA_getEventTypes($round);
            mysql_query("\r\n\t\tLOCK TABLES\r\n\t\t\trundentyp_de READ\r\n            , rundentyp_fr READ\r\n            , rundentyp_it READ\r\n\t\t\t, runde READ\r\n\t\t\t, serie READ\r\n            , serie AS s READ \r\n\t\t\t, resultat READ\r\n            , resultat AS r READ \r\n\t\t\t, wettkampf READ\r\n\t\t\t, start WRITE\r\n\t\t\t, serienstart WRITE\r\n            , serienstart AS ss WRITE \r\n\t");
            if ($eval == $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeAll] || $eval == $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeHeat] && isset($eventType['club'])) {
                // eval all heats together
                $heatorder = "";
            } else {
                // default: rank results per heat
                $heatorder = "s.xSerie, ";
            $nextRound = AA_getNextRound($presets['event'], $round);
            // if this is a combined event, rank all rounds togheter
            $roundSQL = "";
            if ($combined) {
                $roundSQL = "WHERE s.xRunde IN (";
                $res_c = mysql_query("SELECT xRunde FROM runde WHERE xWettkampf = " . $presets['event']);
                while ($row_c = mysql_fetch_array($res_c)) {
                    $roundSQL .= $row_c[0] . ",";
                $roundSQL = substr($roundSQL, 0, -1) . ")";
            } else {
                $roundSQL = "WHERE s.xRunde = {$round}";
            /*$result = mysql_query("
            			, serienstart.xSerienstart
            			, serienstart.xSerie
            			, serienstart.xStart
            			, serie.Wind
            			, serienstart
            			, serie
            		WHERE resultat.xSerienstart = serienstart.xSerienstart
            		AND serienstart.xSerie = serie.xSerie
            		ORDER BY
            			resultat.Leistung ASC
            	");  */
            $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT \r\n\t\t\t\t   r.Leistung, \r\n\t\t\t\t   ss.xSerienstart, \r\n\t\t\t\t   ss.xSerie, \r\n\t\t\t\t   ss.xStart, \r\n\t\t\t\t   s.Wind \r\n\t\t\t  FROM resultat AS r\r\n\t\t LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss USING(xSerienstart) \r\n\t\t LEFT JOIN serie AS s USING(xSerie) \r\n\t\t\t " . $roundSQL . " \r\n\t\t  ORDER BY " . $heatorder . "\r\n\t\t\t\t   r.Leistung ASC;";
            $result = mysql_query($sql);
            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                // DB error
                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
            } else {
                $heat = 0;
                $perf = 0;
                $i = 0;
                $rank = 0;
                while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                    // check on codes < 0
                    if ($row[0] < 0) {
                        mysql_query("UPDATE serienstart SET" . " Rang = 0" . " WHERE xSerienstart = " . $row[1]);
                    } else {
                        if (!($eval == $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeHeat] && isset($eventType['club']))) {
                            if ($eval != $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeAll] && $heat != $row[2]) {
                                $i = 0;
                                // restart ranking   (not SVM with single heat)
                                $perf = 0;
                        // increment ranking
                        if ($perf < $row[0]) {
                            // compare with previous performance
                            $rank = $i;
                            // next rank (only if not same performance)
                        mysql_query("UPDATE serienstart SET" . " Rang = " . $rank . " WHERE xSerienstart = " . $row[1]);
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        // keep performance for information (heat seeding)
                        if ($nextRound > 0) {
                            mysql_query("\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE start SET\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstart.Bestleistung = {$row['0']}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE start.xStart = {$row['3']}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t");
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        $heat = $row[2];
                        // keep current heat ID
                        $perf = $row[0];
                        // keep current performance
            mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
            // update athletes with no result
            AA_utils_changeRoundStatus($round, $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']);
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['AA_ERROR'])) {
        // ET terminate results
        // Qualify athletes after ranks are set
        if ($_GET['arg'] == 'results_done' || $_POST['arg'] == 'save_rank' || $_POST['arg'] == 'set_qual') {
            // read qualification criteria
            $qual_top = 0;
            $qual_perf = 0;
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT QualifikationSieger" . ", QualifikationLeistung" . " FROM runde" . " WHERE xRunde = " . $round);
            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                // DB error
                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
            } else {
                if (($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) == TRUE) {
                $qual_top = $row[0];
                $qual_perf = $row[1];
            // ET DB error
            // qualify top athletes for next round
            if ($qual_top > 0) {
                mysql_query("LOCK TABLES serie READ, serie As s READ,  serienstart WRITE, serienstart AS ss WRITE");
                // get athletes by qualifying rank (random order if same rank)
                // don't limit rank
                // don't update athletes who got 'waived' flag
                // don't update athletes who got 'waived' flag
                $sql = "SELECT \r\n                        ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        , ss.xSerie\r\n                        , ss.Rang\r\n                 FROM \r\n                        serienstart AS ss\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)  \r\n                 WHERE \r\n                        ss.Rang > 0                        \r\n                        AND s.xRunde = " . $round . "\r\n                        AND ss.Qualifikation = 0 \r\n                 ORDER BY \r\n                        ss.xSerie\r\n                            , ss.Rang ASC\r\n                            , RAND()";
                $result = mysql_query($sql);
                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    $h = 0;
                    // clear array containing heats
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                        if ($h != $row[1]) {
                            // new heat
                            if (count($starts) > 0) {
                                // count athletes
                                $heats[] = $starts;
                                // keep athletes per heat
                            $c = 0;
                        $starts[$row[0]] = $row[2];
                        // keep athlete's rank
                        $h = $row[1];
                        // keep heat
                    $heats[] = $starts;
                    // keep remaining athletes
                    foreach ($heats as $starts) {
                        $rankcount = array_count_values($starts);
                        // count athletes/rank
                        $q = 0;
                        foreach ($starts as $id => $rank) {
                            // check if more athletes per rank than qualifying spots
                            if ($rankcount[$rank] > $qual_top - $rank + 1) {
                                $qual = $cfgQualificationType['top_rand']['code'];
                            } else {
                                $qual = $cfgQualificationType['top']['code'];
                            if ($q < $qual_top) {
                                mysql_query("UPDATE serienstart SET" . " Qualifikation = " . $qual . " WHERE xSerienstart = " . $id);
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                // count nbr of qualified athletes
                    // END loop every heat
                // ET DB error
                mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
            // ET top athletes
            // qualify top performing athletes for next round
            if ($qual_perf > 0) {
                mysql_query("LOCK TABLES resultat READ, serie READ, serienstart WRITE, resultat AS r READ, serie AS s READ, serienstart AS ss WRITE");
                // get remaining athletes by performance (random order if equal performance)
                /* other possible criteria to order equal performances:
                 * - ranking within heat (not implemented)
                 * - wind (not implemented)
                $sql = "SELECT \r\n                        ss.xSerienstart\r\n                        , r.Leistung\r\n                        , ss.Qualifikation\r\n                  FROM \r\n                        resultat AS r\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                        LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                  WHERE     \r\n                        r.Leistung > 0\r\n                        AND (ss.Qualifikation = 0 \r\n                                         OR ss.Qualifikation = " . $cfgQualificationType['waived']['code'] . ")   \r\n                        AND s.xRunde = " . $round . "\r\n                        ORDER BY r.Leistung ASC\r\n                        , RAND()";
                $result = mysql_query($sql);
                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    $i = 1;
                    $perf = 0;
                    $cWaived = 0;
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                        // count waived qualifyings
                        if ($row[2] == $cfgQualificationType['waived']['code']) {
                        if ($i > $qual_perf) {
                            // terminate if enough top performers found
                            if ($perf != $row[1]) {
                                // last perf. worse than last qualified
                                $perf = 0;
                        // if athletes waived on qualifying, set random code for next best athletes
                        $code = $cfgQualificationType['perf']['code'];
                        if ($i + $cWaived > $qual_perf) {
                            $code = $cfgQualificationType['perf_rand']['code'];
                        mysql_query("UPDATE serienstart SET" . " Qualifikation = " . $code . " WHERE xSerienstart = " . $row[0]);
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        $perf = $row[1];
                        // keep performance
                    // reset performance if enough qualifing spots
                    if (mysql_num_rows($result) <= $qual_perf) {
                        $perf = 0;
                    // Change qualification type to "perf_rand" for athletes with same
                    // performance as the 1st unqualified athlete
                    if ($perf != 0) {
                        $sql = "SELECT \r\n                                ss.xSerienstart\r\n                         FROM \r\n                                resultat AS r\r\n                                LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                         WHERE   \r\n                                r.Leistung = " . $perf . "\r\n                                AND ss.Qualifikation > 0  \r\n                                AND s.xRunde = " . $round;
                        $result = mysql_query($sql);
                        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                            AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                        } else {
                            while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                mysql_query("UPDATE serienstart SET" . " Qualifikation = " . $cfgQualificationType['perf_rand']['code'] . " WHERE xSerienstart = " . $row[0]);
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                    // ET unqualified athlete
                // ET DB error qualified by performance
                mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
            // ET top performances
        // calculate ranking points if needed
        if ($_GET['arg'] == 'results_done' || $_POST['arg'] == 'save_rank') {
            // only for SVM with heat single --> set back the ranks per heat
            if ($eval == $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeHeat] && isset($eventType['club'])) {
                mysql_query("\r\n\t\tLOCK TABLES\r\n\t\t\trundentyp_de READ\r\n            , rundentyp_fr READ\r\n            , rundentyp_it READ\r\n\t\t\t, runde READ\r\n\t\t\t, serie READ\r\n            , serie AS s READ   \r\n\t\t\t, resultat READ   \r\n            , resultat AS r READ   \r\n\t\t\t, serienstart WRITE\r\n            , serienstart AS ss WRITE    \r\n\t");
                // if this is a combined event, rank all rounds togheter
                $heatorder = "s.xSerie, ";
                $roundSQL = "";
                if ($combined) {
                    $roundSQL = " s.xRunde IN (";
                    $res_c = mysql_query("SELECT xRunde FROM runde WHERE xWettkampf = " . $presets['event']);
                    while ($row_c = mysql_fetch_array($res_c)) {
                        $roundSQL .= $row_c[0] . ",";
                    $roundSQL = substr($roundSQL, 0, -1) . ")";
                } else {
                    $roundSQL = " s.xRunde = {$round}";
                $sql = "\r\n        SELECT DISTINCT\r\n            r.Leistung\r\n            , ss.xSerienstart\r\n            , ss.xSerie\r\n            , ss.xStart\r\n            , s.Wind\r\n            , ss.Rang            \r\n        FROM\r\n            resultat AS r\r\n            LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (r.xSerienstart = ss.xSerienstart)\r\n            LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n        WHERE  \r\n            {$roundSQL}\r\n        ORDER BY\r\n            {$heatorder}\r\n            r.Leistung ASC\r\n    ";
                $result = mysql_query($sql);
                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                    // DB error
                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                } else {
                    $heat = 0;
                    $perf = 0;
                    $i = 0;
                    $rank = 0;
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                        // check on codes < 0
                        if ($row[0] < 0) {
                            mysql_query("UPDATE serienstart SET" . " Rang = 0" . " WHERE xSerienstart = " . $row[1]);
                        } else {
                            if ($eval != $cfgEvalType[$strEvalTypeAll] && $heat != $row[2]) {
                                $i = 0;
                                // restart ranking
                                $perf = 0;
                            if ($row[5] != 0) {
                                // rank
                                // increment ranking
                                if ($perf < $row[0]) {
                                    // compare with previous performance
                                    $rank = $i;
                                    // next rank (only if not same performance)
                                mysql_query("UPDATE serienstart SET" . " Rang = " . $rank . " WHERE xSerienstart = " . $row[1]);
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                            $heat = $row[2];
                            // keep current heat ID
                            $perf = $row[0];
                            // keep current performance
                mysql_query("UNLOCK TABLES");
            // end:   only for SVM with heat single --> set back the ranks per heat
        if ($autoRank) {
            // automatic ranking returns to event monitor
        // get results from timing system
        //  - save directly in database
        if ($_GET['arg'] == "time_measurement") {
        // print HTML page header
        AA_results_printHeader($presets['category'], $presets['event'], $round);
        $mergedMain = AA_checkMainRound($round);
        if ($mergedMain != 1) {
            // read round data
            if ($round > 0) {
                $status = AA_getRoundStatus($round);
                // No action yet
                if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['open'] || $status == $cfgRoundStatus['enrolement_done'] || $status == $cfgRoundStatus['heats_in_progress']) {
                } else {
                    if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['enrolement_pending']) {
                    } else {
                        if ($status >= $cfgRoundStatus['heats_done']) {
                            AA_heats_printNewStart($presets['event'], $round, "event_results.php");
                            $nextRound = AA_getNextRound($presets['event'], $round);
                            // show qualification form if another round follows
                            if ($nextRound > 0) {
                                $result = mysql_query("\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\tQualifikationSieger\r\n\t\t\t\t\t, QualifikationLeistung\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\t\trunde\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE xRunde = {$round}\r\n\t\t\t");
                                if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                    // DB error
                                    AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                } else {
                                    if (($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) == TRUE) {
<table class='dialog'>
	<form action='event_results.php' method='post' name='qualification'>
		<td class='dialog'>
			<input type='hidden' name='arg' value='set_qual' />
			<input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                    echo $round;
' />
                                    echo $strQualification . " " . $strQualifyTop;
		<td class='dialog'>
			<input class='nbr' name='qual_top' type='text' maxlength='4'
                                    echo $row[0];
' /></td>
		<td class='dialog'>
                                    echo $strQualification . " " . $strQualifyPerformance;
		<td class='dialog'>
			<input class='nbr' name='qual_perf' type='text' maxlength='4'
                                    echo $row[1];
' /></td>
			<button type='submit'>
                                    echo $strChange;
                                    $printed = TRUE;
                                    // qualification parameters printed
                                    // ET round found
                                // ET DB error
                            // ET next round
                            // check if round is final
                            $sql_r = "SELECT \r\n                    rt.Typ\r\n                FROM\r\n                    runde as r\r\n                    LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " as rt USING (xRundentyp)\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    r.xRunde=" . $round;
                            $res_r = mysql_query($sql_r);
                            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                // DB error
                                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                            $order = "ASC";
                            if (mysql_num_rows($res_r) == 1) {
                                $row_r = mysql_fetch_row($res_r);
                                if ($row_r[0] == 'F') {
                                    $order = "DESC";
                            // display all athletes
                            if ($relay == FALSE) {
                                // single event
                                if ($teamsm) {
                                    $query = "SELECT \r\n                                r.Bahnen\r\n                                , rt.Name\r\n                                , rt.Typ\r\n                                , s.xSerie\r\n                                , s.Bezeichnung\r\n                                , s.Wind\r\n                                , s.Film\r\n                                , an.Bezeichnung\r\n                                , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                                , ss.Position\r\n                                , ss.Rang\r\n                                , ss.Qualifikation\r\n                                , a.Startnummer\r\n                                , at.Name\r\n                                , at.Vorname\r\n                                , at.Jahrgang  \r\n                                , t.Name \r\n                                , LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid\r\n                                , s.Handgestoppt\r\n                                , at.Land   \r\n                                , ss.Bemerkung  \r\n                                , at.xAthlet                    \r\n                         FROM \r\n                                runde AS r\r\n                                LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein)\r\n                                INNER JOIN teamsmathlet AS tat ON(st.xAnmeldung = tat.xAnmeldung)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN teamsm as t ON (tat.xTeamsm = t.xTeamsm)                      \r\n                                LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp\r\n                                LEFT JOIN anlage AS an ON an.xAnlage = s.xAnlage\r\n                         WHERE\r\n                                r.xRunde = " . $round . "   \r\n                         ORDER BY heatid " . $order . ", ss.Position";
                                } else {
                                    $query = "SELECT \r\n                                r.Bahnen\r\n                                , rt.Name\r\n                                , rt.Typ\r\n                                , s.xSerie\r\n                                , s.Bezeichnung\r\n                                , s.Wind\r\n                                , s.Film\r\n                                , an.Bezeichnung\r\n                                , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                                , ss.Position\r\n                                , ss.Rang\r\n                                , ss.Qualifikation\r\n                                , a.Startnummer\r\n                                , at.Name\r\n                                , at.Vorname\r\n                                , at.Jahrgang  \r\n                                , if('" . $svm . "', t.Name, IF(a.Vereinsinfo = '', v.Name, a.Vereinsinfo))  \r\n                                , LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid\r\n                                , s.Handgestoppt\r\n                                , at.Land   \r\n                                , ss.Bemerkung  \r\n                                , at.xAthlet                    \r\n                         FROM \r\n                                runde AS r\r\n                                LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN anmeldung AS a ON (a.xAnmeldung = st.xAnmeldung)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN athlet AS at ON (at.xAthlet = a.xAthlet)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = at.xVerein)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN team AS t ON(a.xTeam = t.xTeam)\r\n                                LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp\r\n                                LEFT JOIN anlage AS an ON an.xAnlage = s.xAnlage\r\n                         WHERE\r\n                                r.xRunde = " . $round . "   \r\n                         ORDER BY heatid " . $order . ", ss.Position";
                            } else {
                                // relay event
                                $query = "SELECT \r\n                            r.Bahnen\r\n                            , rt.Name\r\n                            , rt.Typ\r\n                            , s.xSerie\r\n                            , s.Bezeichnung\r\n                            , s.Wind\r\n                            , s.Film\r\n                            , an.Bezeichnung\r\n                            , ss.xSerienstart\r\n                            , ss.Position\r\n                            , ss.Rang\r\n                            , ss.Qualifikation\r\n                            , sf.Name\r\n                            , if('" . $svm . "', t.Name, v.Name)  \r\n                            , LPAD(s.Bezeichnung,5,'0') as heatid\r\n                            , s.Handgestoppt\r\n                            , ss.Bemerkung   \r\n                     FROM \r\n                            runde AS r\r\n                            LEFT JOIN serie AS s ON (s.xRunde = r.xRunde)\r\n                            LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss ON (ss.xSerie = s.xSerie)\r\n                            LEFT JOIN start AS st ON (st.xStart = ss.xStart)\r\n                            LEFT JOIN staffel AS sf ON (sf.xStaffel = st.xStaffel)\r\n                            LEFT JOIN verein AS v ON (v.xVerein = sf.xVerein)                    \r\n                            LEFT JOIN team AS t ON(sf.xTeam = t.xTeam)\r\n                            LEFT JOIN rundentyp_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS rt ON rt.xRundentyp = r.xRundentyp\r\n                            LEFT JOIN anlage AS an ON an.xAnlage = s.xAnlage\r\n                     WHERE \r\n                            r.xRunde = " . $round . "                          \r\n                    ORDER BY heatid " . $order . ", ss.Position";
                            $result = mysql_query($query);
                            if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                // DB error
                                AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                            } else {
                                AA_results_printMenu($round, $status, $prog_mode, 'track');
                                // initialize variables
                                $h = 0;
                                // heat counter
                                $p = 0;
                                // position counter (to evaluate empty heats
                                $i = 0;
                                // input counter (an individual id is assigned to each
                                // input field, focus is then moved to the next input
                                // field by calling $i+1)
                                $rowclass = 'odd';
                                $tracks = 0;
                                $btn = new GUI_Button('', '');
                                // create button object
<table class='dialog'>
                                while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                                    // increment position counter
                                     *  Heat headerline
                                    if ($h != $row[3]) {
                                        $tracks = $row[0];
                                        // keep nbr of planned tracks
                                        // fill previous heat with empty tracks
                                        if ($p > 1) {
                                            printEmptyTracks($p, $tracks, 5 + $c);
                                        $h = $row[3];
                                        // keep heat ID
                                        $p = 1;
                                        // start with track one
                                        if (is_null($row[1])) {
                                            // only one round
                                            $title = "{$strFinalround}";
                                        } else {
                                            // more than one round
                                            $title = "{$row['1']}";
                                        // increment colspan to include ranking and qualification
                                        $c = 0;
                                        if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
                                            if ($nextRound > 0) {
		<form action='event_results.php#heat_<?php 
                                        echo $row[4];
' method='post'
                                        echo $h;

		<th class='dialog' colspan='3'>
                                        echo $title;
			<input type='hidden' name='arg' value='change_heat_name' />
			<input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                        echo $round;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                        echo $row[3];
' />
			<input class='nbr' type='text' name='id' maxlength='2'
                                        echo $row[4];
                                        echo $h;
.submit()' />
				<a name='heat_<?php 
                                        echo $row[4];
' />
                                        if ($status != $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
		<form action='controller.php' method='post'
                                            echo $row[4];
' target='controller'>
		<th class='dialog' colspan='2'>
                                            echo $strFilm;
			<input type='hidden' name='act' value='saveFilm' />
			<input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                            echo $round;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[3];
' />
			<input class='nbr' type='text' name='film' id='in_<?php 
                                            echo $i;
				maxlength='3' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[6];
                                            echo $row[4];
, 'in_<?php 
                                            echo $i + 1;
')" />
                                            // next element
                                        } else {
                                            // results done
		<th class='dialog' colspan='2'>
                                            echo $strFilm . " " . $row[6];
                                        // track discipline with wind
                                        if ($layout == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrack]) {
                                            if ($status != $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
		<form action='controller.php' method='post'
                                                echo $row[4];
' target='controller'>
		<th class='dialog' colspan='<?php 
                                                echo 1 + $c;
                                                echo $strWind;
			<input type='hidden' name='act' value='saveWind' />
			<input type='hidden' name='obj' value='windheat_<?php 
                                                echo $row[4];
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                echo $round;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                echo $row[3];
' />
			<input class='nbr' type='text' name='wind'  id='in_<?php 
                                                echo $i;
				maxlength='5' value='<?php 
                                                echo $row[5];
                                                echo $row[4];
, 'in_<?php 
                                                echo $i + 1;
')" />
                                                // next element
                                            } else {
                                                // results done
		<th class='dialog' colspan='2'>
                                                echo $strWind . " " . $row[5];
                                        } else {
		<th class='dialog' colspan='<?php 
                                            echo 1 + $c;
' />
                                        // ET track discipline with wind
                                        // can set "hand taken time"
                                        if ($row[18] == 1 && $relay == false) {
                                            $handstopped = "checked";
                                        } elseif ($row[15] == 1 && $relay == true) {
                                            $handstopped = "checked";
                                        } else {
                                            $handstopped = "";
                                        if ($status != $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
		<form action='controller.php' method='post'
                                            echo $row[4];
' target='controller'>
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strHandStopped;
			<input type='hidden' name='act' value='saveHandStopped' />
			<input type='hidden' name='obj' value='handstopped_<?php 
                                            echo $row[4];
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                            echo $round;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[3];
' />
			<input type="checkbox" name="handstopped" id='in_<?php 
                                            echo $i;
                                            echo $row[4];
, 'in_<?php 
                                            echo $i + 1;
                                            echo $handstopped;
                                            // next element
                                        } else {
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strHandStopped;
			<input type="checkbox" name="handstopped" <?php 
                                            echo $handstopped;
                                         *  Column header
                                        if ($relay == FALSE) {
                                            // athlete display
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strPositionShort;
		<th class='dialog' colspan='2'><?php 
                                            echo $strAthlete;
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strYearShort;
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strCountry;
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            if ($svm) {
                                                echo $strTeam;
                                            } elseif ($teamsm) {
                                                echo $strTeamsm;
                                            } else {
                                                echo $strClub;
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strPerformance;
                                        } else {
                                            // relay display
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strPositionShort;
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strRelay;
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            if ($svm) {
                                                echo $strTeam;
                                            } else {
                                                echo $strClub;
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strPerformance;
                                        if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                            echo $strRank;
                                            if ($nextRound > 0) {
		<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                                echo $strQualification;
<th class='dialog'><?php 
                                        echo $strResultRemark;
                                    // ET new heat
                                     * Empty tracks
                                    if ($layout == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrack] || $layout == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrackNoWind] || $layout == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeRelay]) {
                                        // current track and athlete's position not identical
                                        if ($p < $row[9]) {
                                            $p = printEmptyTracks($p, $row[9] - 1, 5 + $c);
                                    // ET empty tracks
                                     * Athlete data lines
                                    $p = $row[9];
                                    // keep position
                                    if ($p % 2 == 0) {
                                        // even row numer
                                        $rowclass = 'even';
                                    } else {
                                        // odd row number
                                        $rowclass = 'odd';
                                    if ($relay == FALSE) {
	<tr class='<?php 
                                        echo $rowclass;
		<td class='forms_right'><?php 
                                        echo $row[9];
                                        /* position */
		<td class='forms_right'><?php 
                                        echo $row[12];
                                        /* start nbr */
                                        echo $row[13] . " " . $row[14];
                                        /* name */
		<td class='forms_ctr'><?php 
                                        echo AA_formatYearOfBirth($row[15]);
                                        echo $row[19] != '' && $row[19] != '-' ? $row[19] : '&nbsp;';
                                        echo $row[16];
                                        /* club */
                                    } else {
                                        // relay
	<tr class='<?php 
                                        echo $rowclass;
		<td class='forms_right'><?php 
                                        echo $row[9];
                                        /* position */
                                        echo $row[12];
                                        /* relay name */
                                        echo $row[13];
                                        /* club */
                                    $sql = "SELECT rs.xResultat, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   rs.Leistung, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   rs.Info, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   d.Strecke \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  FROM resultat AS rs \r\n\t\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN serienstart AS ss USING(xSerienstart) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN serie AS se USING(xSerie) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN runde AS ru USING(xRunde) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN wettkampf AS w USING(xWettkampf) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN disziplin_" . $_COOKIE['language'] . " AS d USING(xDisziplin) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE rs.xSerienstart = " . $row[8] . " \r\n\t\t\t\t\t  ORDER BY rs.Leistung ASC;";
                                    $res = mysql_query($sql);
                                    if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
                                        // DB error
                                        AA_printErrorMsg(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error());
                                    } else {
                                        $perf = '';
                                        $resrow = mysql_fetch_array($res);
                                        if ($resrow != NULL) {
                                            // result found
                                            /*$secflag = false;
                                            		if(substr($resrow[1],0,2) >= 60){
                                            			$secflag = true;
                                            $secflag = intval($resrow['Strecke']) <= 400;
                                            $perf = AA_formatResultTime($resrow[1], false, $secflag);
                                        if ($status != $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
		<form action='controller.php' method='post'
                                            echo $i;
' target='controller'>
			<input type='hidden' name='act' value='saveResult' />
			<input type='hidden' name='obj' value='perf_<?php 
                                            echo $i;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='type' value='<?php 
                                            echo $layout;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                            echo $round;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='start' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[8];
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                            echo $resrow[0];
' />
			<input class='perftime' type='text' name='perf' id='in_<?php 
                                            echo $i;
				maxlength='12' value='<?php 
                                            echo $perf;
                                            echo $i;
, 'in_<?php 
                                            echo $i + 1;
')" />
        <form action='controller.php' method='post'
                                            echo $i;
' target='controller'>
            <input type='hidden' name='act' value='saveResult' />
            <input type='hidden' name='obj' value='perf_<?php 
                                            echo $i;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='type' value='<?php 
                                            echo $layout;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                            echo $round;
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='start' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[8];
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                            echo $resrow[0];
' />
            <input type='hidden' name='xAthlete' value='<?php 
                                            echo $row[21];
' />   
            <input class='textshort' type='text' name='remark' id='in_<?php 
                                            echo $i;
                maxlength='5' value='<?php 
                                            if ($relay) {
                                                echo $row[16];
                                            } else {
                                                echo $row[20];
                                            echo $i;
, 'in_<?php 
                                            echo $i + 1;
')" />
                                            // next element
                                        } else {
                                            // results done
		<td class='forms_right'><?php 
                                            echo $perf;
                                        if ($status == $cfgRoundStatus['results_done']) {
                                            if ($row[10] > 0) {
		<form action='event_results.php' method='post'
                                                echo $i;
			<input type='hidden' name='arg' value='save_rank' />
			<input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                echo $round;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='focus' value='rank_<?php 
                                                echo $i;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                echo $row[8];
' />
			<input class='nbr' type='text' name='rank' maxlength='3'
                                                echo $row[10];
                                                echo $i;
.submit()' />
                                                // next element
                                                if ($nextRound > 0) {
		<form action='event_results.php' method='post'
                                                    echo $i;
			<input type='hidden' name='arg' value='change_qual' />
			<input type='hidden' name='round' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $round;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='focus' value='qual_<?php 
                                                    echo $i;
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='item' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $row[8];
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='oldqual' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $row[11];
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='heat' value='<?php 
                                                    echo $row[3];
' />
                                                    $dropdown = new GUI_Select('qual', 1, "document.qual_{$i}.submit()");
                                                    foreach ($cfgQualificationType as $type) {
                                                        $dropdown->addOption($type['text'], $type['code']);
                                                        if ($type['code'] == $row[11]) {
                                                    // next element
                                                // qualification info
                                            } else {
                                                // no rank
                        <td /> 
                                            // ET no rank
                     <td class='perftime'><?php 
                                            if ($relay) {
                                                echo $row[16];
                                            } else {
                                                echo $row[20];
                                        // ET 'results_done'
                                        $btn->set("event_results.php?arg=del_start&item={$row['8']}&round={$round}", $strDelete);
                                    // ET DB error
                                // Fill last heat with empty tracks for disciplines run in
                                // individual tracks
                                if ($layout == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrack] || $layout == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeTrackNoWind] || $layout == $cfgDisciplineType[$strDiscTypeRelay]) {
                                    if ($p > 0) {
                                        // heats set up
                                        printEmptyTracks($p, $tracks, 5 + $c);
                                // ET track disciplines
                            // ET DB error
            // ET round selected
            if (!empty($presets['focus'])) {

<script type="text/javascript">
                echo $presets['focus'];
.rank) {
                echo $presets['focus'];
                echo $presets['focus'];
	else if(<?php 
                echo $presets['focus'];
.qual) {
                echo $presets['focus'];
        } else {