Exemplo n.º 1
  * Clone page, extract it and dependent objects from the current document,
  * so it can be used within other docs.
 public function __clone()
     $factory = \ZendPdf\ObjectFactory::createFactory(1);
     $processed = array();
     // Clone dictionary object.
     // Do it explicitly to prevent sharing page attributes between different
     // results of clonePage() operation (other resources are still shared)
     $dictionary = new InternalType\DictionaryObject();
     foreach ($this->_pageDictionary->getKeys() as $key) {
         $dictionary->{$key} = $this->_pageDictionary->{$key}->makeClone($factory, $processed, InternalType\AbstractTypeObject::CLONE_MODE_SKIP_PAGES);
     $this->_pageDictionary = $factory->newObject($dictionary);
     $this->_objFactory = $factory;
     $this->_attached = false;
     $this->_style = null;
     $this->_font = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Object constructor
  * @param string $imageFileName
  * @throws \ZendPdf\Exception\ExceptionInterface
  * @todo Add compression conversions to support compression strategys other than PNG_COMPRESSION_DEFAULT_STRATEGY.
  * @todo Add pre-compression filtering.
  * @todo Add interlaced image handling.
  * @todo Add support for 16-bit images. Requires PDF version bump to 1.5 at least.
  * @todo Add processing for all PNG chunks defined in the spec. gAMA etc.
  * @todo Fix tRNS chunk support for Indexed Images to a SMask.
 public function __construct($imageFileName)
     if (($imageFile = @fopen($imageFileName, 'rb')) === false) {
         throw new Exception\IOException("Can not open '{$imageFileName}' file for reading.");
     //Check if the file is a PNG
     fseek($imageFile, 1, SEEK_CUR);
     //First signature byte (%)
     if ('PNG' != fread($imageFile, 3)) {
         throw new Exception\DomainException('Image is not a PNG');
     fseek($imageFile, 12, SEEK_CUR);
     //Signature bytes (Includes the IHDR chunk) IHDR processed linerarly because it doesnt contain a variable chunk length
     $wtmp = unpack('Ni', fread($imageFile, 4));
     //Unpack a 4-Byte Long
     $width = $wtmp['i'];
     $htmp = unpack('Ni', fread($imageFile, 4));
     $height = $htmp['i'];
     $bits = ord(fread($imageFile, 1));
     //Higher than 8 bit depths are only supported in later versions of PDF.
     $color = ord(fread($imageFile, 1));
     $compression = ord(fread($imageFile, 1));
     $prefilter = ord(fread($imageFile, 1));
     if (($interlacing = ord(fread($imageFile, 1))) != self::PNG_INTERLACING_DISABLED) {
         throw new Exception\NotImplementedException('Only non-interlaced images are currently supported.');
     $this->_width = $width;
     $this->_height = $height;
     $this->_imageProperties = array();
     $this->_imageProperties['bitDepth'] = $bits;
     $this->_imageProperties['pngColorType'] = $color;
     $this->_imageProperties['pngFilterType'] = $prefilter;
     $this->_imageProperties['pngCompressionType'] = $compression;
     $this->_imageProperties['pngInterlacingType'] = $interlacing;
     fseek($imageFile, 4, SEEK_CUR);
     //4 Byte Ending Sequence
     $imageData = '';
      * The following loop processes PNG chunks. 4 Byte Longs are packed first give the chunk length
      * followed by the chunk signature, a four byte code. IDAT and IEND are manditory in any PNG.
     while (($chunkLengthBytes = fread($imageFile, 4)) !== false) {
         $chunkLengthtmp = unpack('Ni', $chunkLengthBytes);
         $chunkLength = $chunkLengthtmp['i'];
         $chunkType = fread($imageFile, 4);
         switch ($chunkType) {
             case 'IDAT':
                 //Image Data
                  * Reads the actual image data from the PNG file. Since we know at this point that the compression
                  * strategy is the default strategy, we also know that this data is Zip compressed. We will either copy
                  * the data directly to the PDF and provide the correct FlateDecode predictor, or decompress the data
                  * decode the filters and output the data as a raw pixel map.
                 $imageData .= fread($imageFile, $chunkLength);
                 fseek($imageFile, 4, SEEK_CUR);
             case 'PLTE':
                 $paletteData = fread($imageFile, $chunkLength);
                 fseek($imageFile, 4, SEEK_CUR);
             case 'tRNS':
                 //Basic (non-alpha channel) transparency.
                 $trnsData = fread($imageFile, $chunkLength);
                 switch ($color) {
                     case self::PNG_CHANNEL_GRAY:
                         $baseColor = ord(substr($trnsData, 1, 1));
                         $transparencyData = array(new InternalType\NumericObject($baseColor), new InternalType\NumericObject($baseColor));
                     case self::PNG_CHANNEL_RGB:
                         $red = ord(substr($trnsData, 1, 1));
                         $green = ord(substr($trnsData, 3, 1));
                         $blue = ord(substr($trnsData, 5, 1));
                         $transparencyData = array(new InternalType\NumericObject($red), new InternalType\NumericObject($red), new InternalType\NumericObject($green), new InternalType\NumericObject($green), new InternalType\NumericObject($blue), new InternalType\NumericObject($blue));
                     case self::PNG_CHANNEL_INDEXED:
                         //Find the first transparent color in the index, we will mask that. (This is a bit of a hack. This should be a SMask and mask all entries values).
                         if (($trnsIdx = strpos($trnsData, "")) !== false) {
                             $transparencyData = array(new InternalType\NumericObject($trnsIdx), new InternalType\NumericObject($trnsIdx));
                     case self::PNG_CHANNEL_GRAY_ALPHA:
                         // Fall through to the next case
                     // Fall through to the next case
                     case self::PNG_CHANNEL_RGB_ALPHA:
                         throw new Exception\CorruptedImageException("tRNS chunk illegal for Alpha Channel Images");
                 fseek($imageFile, 4, SEEK_CUR);
                 //4 Byte Ending Sequence
             case 'IEND':
                 break 2;
                 //End the loop too
             //End the loop too
                 fseek($imageFile, $chunkLength + 4, SEEK_CUR);
                 //Skip the section
     $compressed = true;
     $imageDataTmp = '';
     $smaskData = '';
     switch ($color) {
         case self::PNG_CHANNEL_RGB:
             $colorSpace = new InternalType\NameObject('DeviceRGB');
         case self::PNG_CHANNEL_GRAY:
             $colorSpace = new InternalType\NameObject('DeviceGray');
         case self::PNG_CHANNEL_INDEXED:
             if (empty($paletteData)) {
                 throw new Exception\CorruptedImageException("PNG Corruption: No palette data read for indexed type PNG.");
             $colorSpace = new InternalType\ArrayObject();
             $colorSpace->items[] = new InternalType\NameObject('Indexed');
             $colorSpace->items[] = new InternalType\NameObject('DeviceRGB');
             $colorSpace->items[] = new InternalType\NumericObject(strlen($paletteData) / 3 - 1);
             $paletteObject = $this->_objectFactory->newObject(new InternalType\BinaryStringObject($paletteData));
             $colorSpace->items[] = $paletteObject;
         case self::PNG_CHANNEL_GRAY_ALPHA:
              * To decode PNG's with alpha data we must create two images from one. One image will contain the Gray data
              * the other will contain the Gray transparency overlay data. The former will become the object data and the latter
              * will become the Shadow Mask (SMask).
             if ($bits > 8) {
                 throw new Exception\NotImplementedException('Alpha PNGs with bit depth > 8 are not yet supported');
             $colorSpace = new InternalType\NameObject('DeviceGray');
             $decodingObjFactory = ObjectFactory::createFactory(1);
             $decodingStream = $decodingObjFactory->newStreamObject($imageData);
             $decodingStream->dictionary->Filter = new InternalType\NameObject('FlateDecode');
             $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms = new InternalType\DictionaryObject();
             $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->Predictor = new InternalType\NumericObject(15);
             $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->Columns = new InternalType\NumericObject($width);
             $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->Colors = new InternalType\NumericObject(2);
             $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->BitsPerComponent = new InternalType\NumericObject($bits);
             $pngDataRawDecoded = $decodingStream->value;
             //Iterate every pixel and copy out gray data and alpha channel (this will be slow)
             for ($pixel = 0, $pixelcount = $width * $height; $pixel < $pixelcount; $pixel++) {
                 $imageDataTmp .= $pngDataRawDecoded[$pixel * 2];
                 $smaskData .= $pngDataRawDecoded[$pixel * 2 + 1];
             $compressed = false;
             $imageData = $imageDataTmp;
             //Overwrite image data with the gray channel without alpha
         case self::PNG_CHANNEL_RGB_ALPHA:
              * To decode PNG's with alpha data we must create two images from one. One image will contain the RGB data
              * the other will contain the Gray transparency overlay data. The former will become the object data and the latter
              * will become the Shadow Mask (SMask).
             if ($bits > 8) {
                 throw new Exception\NotImplementedException('Alpha PNGs with bit depth > 8 are not yet supported');
             $colorSpace = new InternalType\NameObject('DeviceRGB');
             $decodingObjFactory = ObjectFactory::createFactory(1);
             $decodingStream = $decodingObjFactory->newStreamObject($imageData);
             $decodingStream->dictionary->Filter = new InternalType\NameObject('FlateDecode');
             $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms = new InternalType\DictionaryObject();
             $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->Predictor = new InternalType\NumericObject(15);
             $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->Columns = new InternalType\NumericObject($width);
             $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->Colors = new InternalType\NumericObject(4);
             $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->BitsPerComponent = new InternalType\NumericObject($bits);
             $pngDataRawDecoded = $decodingStream->value;
             //Iterate every pixel and copy out rgb data and alpha channel (this will be slow)
             for ($pixel = 0, $pixelcount = $width * $height; $pixel < $pixelcount; $pixel++) {
                 $imageDataTmp .= $pngDataRawDecoded[$pixel * 4 + 0] . $pngDataRawDecoded[$pixel * 4 + 1] . $pngDataRawDecoded[$pixel * 4 + 2];
                 $smaskData .= $pngDataRawDecoded[$pixel * 4 + 3];
             $compressed = false;
             $imageData = $imageDataTmp;
             //Overwrite image data with the RGB channel without alpha
             throw new Exception\CorruptedImageException('PNG Corruption: Invalid color space.');
     if (empty($imageData)) {
         throw new Exception\CorruptedImageException('Corrupt PNG Image. Mandatory IDAT chunk not found.');
     $imageDictionary = $this->_resource->dictionary;
     if (!empty($smaskData)) {
          * Includes the Alpha transparency data as a Gray Image, then assigns the image as the Shadow Mask for the main image data.
         $smaskStream = $this->_objectFactory->newStreamObject($smaskData);
         $smaskStream->dictionary->Type = new InternalType\NameObject('XObject');
         $smaskStream->dictionary->Subtype = new InternalType\NameObject('Image');
         $smaskStream->dictionary->Width = new InternalType\NumericObject($width);
         $smaskStream->dictionary->Height = new InternalType\NumericObject($height);
         $smaskStream->dictionary->ColorSpace = new InternalType\NameObject('DeviceGray');
         $smaskStream->dictionary->BitsPerComponent = new InternalType\NumericObject($bits);
         $imageDictionary->SMask = $smaskStream;
         // Encode stream with FlateDecode filter
         $smaskStreamDecodeParms = array();
         $smaskStreamDecodeParms['Predictor'] = new InternalType\NumericObject(15);
         $smaskStreamDecodeParms['Columns'] = new InternalType\NumericObject($width);
         $smaskStreamDecodeParms['Colors'] = new InternalType\NumericObject(1);
         $smaskStreamDecodeParms['BitsPerComponent'] = new InternalType\NumericObject(8);
         $smaskStream->dictionary->DecodeParms = new InternalType\DictionaryObject($smaskStreamDecodeParms);
         $smaskStream->dictionary->Filter = new InternalType\NameObject('FlateDecode');
     if (!empty($transparencyData)) {
         //This is experimental and not properly tested.
         $imageDictionary->Mask = new InternalType\ArrayObject($transparencyData);
     $imageDictionary->Width = new InternalType\NumericObject($width);
     $imageDictionary->Height = new InternalType\NumericObject($height);
     $imageDictionary->ColorSpace = $colorSpace;
     $imageDictionary->BitsPerComponent = new InternalType\NumericObject($bits);
     $imageDictionary->Filter = new InternalType\NameObject('FlateDecode');
     $decodeParms = array();
     $decodeParms['Predictor'] = new InternalType\NumericObject(15);
     // Optimal prediction
     $decodeParms['Columns'] = new InternalType\NumericObject($width);
     $decodeParms['Colors'] = new InternalType\NumericObject($color == self::PNG_CHANNEL_RGB || $color == self::PNG_CHANNEL_RGB_ALPHA ? 3 : 1);
     $decodeParms['BitsPerComponent'] = new InternalType\NumericObject($bits);
     $imageDictionary->DecodeParms = new InternalType\DictionaryObject($decodeParms);
     //Include only the image IDAT section data.
     $this->_resource->value = $imageData;
     //Skip double compression
     if ($compressed) {
Exemplo n.º 3
 private function decode($imageData, $width, $colors, $bits)
     $decodingObjFactory = ObjectFactory::createFactory(1);
     $decodingStream = $decodingObjFactory->newStreamObject($imageData);
     $decodingStream->dictionary->Filter = new InternalType\NameObject('FlateDecode');
     $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms = new InternalType\DictionaryObject();
     $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->Predictor = new InternalType\NumericObject(self::PREDICATOR);
     $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->Columns = new InternalType\NumericObject($width);
     $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->Colors = new InternalType\NumericObject($colors);
     $decodingStream->dictionary->DecodeParms->BitsPerComponent = new InternalType\NumericObject($bits);
     return $decodingStream->value;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Object constructor.
 public function __construct()
     $this->_factory = Pdf\ObjectFactory::createFactory(1);
     $this->_processed = array();