Exemplo n.º 1
 private function getLoadedModules()
     if (null === $this->loadedModules) {
         $this->loadedModules = $this->moduleManager->getLoadedModules();
     return $this->loadedModules;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function showAction()
     $loadedModules = $this->moduleManager->getLoadedModules();
     $packages = $this->composerInfo->getPackages();
     return $this->renderer->render($this->viewModel);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Process the command
  * @return integer
 public function processCommandTask()
     $modulePaths = $this->getModulePathsForProject();
     // define module list
     if ($this->params->paramModuleList && count($this->params->paramModuleList) > 0) {
         // use modules parameter
         $moduleList = $this->params->paramModuleList;
     } else {
         $moduleList = $this->loadModulesForProject($modulePaths);
     // init loadable modules
     $loadableModules = [];
     // loop through module list
     foreach ($moduleList as $moduleName) {
         foreach ($modulePaths as $modulePath) {
             // check module file
             $moduleFile = $modulePath . '/' . $moduleName . '/Module.php';
             if (file_exists($moduleFile)) {
                 $loadableModules[] = $moduleName;
     // sort by key
     // configure event managers
     $sharedEvents = new SharedEventManager();
     $eventManager = new EventManager($sharedEvents);
     // configure module manager
     $moduleManager = new ModuleManager($loadableModules, $eventManager);
     // configure defaukt listeners
     $defaultListeners = new DefaultListenerAggregate(new ListenerOptions(['module_paths' => $modulePaths]));
     // load modules
     // set loaded modules
     $this->params->loadedModules = $moduleManager->getLoadedModules();
     // check loaded modules
     if (!empty($this->params->loadedModules)) {
         return 0;
     // output fail message
     $this->console->writeTaskLine('task_fetch_load_modules_not_found', [$this->console->colorize($this->params->workingPath, Color::GREEN)]);
     return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Process the command
  * @return integer
 public function processCommandTask()
     // define module list
     if ($this->params->paramModuleList && count($this->params->paramModuleList) > 0) {
         // use modules parameter
         $moduleList = $this->params->paramModuleList;
     } else {
         // fetch modules form path
         $moduleList = scandir($this->params->projectModuleDir);
         // clear unwanted entries
         unset($moduleList[array_search('.', $moduleList)]);
         unset($moduleList[array_search('..', $moduleList)]);
     // check if Module.php file exists
     foreach ($moduleList as $moduleKey => $moduleName) {
         // check module file
         $moduleFile = $this->params->projectModuleDir . '/' . $moduleName . '/Module.php';
         if (!file_exists($moduleFile)) {
     // sort by key
     // configure event listeners for module manager
     $sharedEvents = new SharedEventManager();
     $defaultListeners = new DefaultListenerAggregate(new ListenerOptions(array('module_paths' => array($this->params->projectModuleDir))));
     // configure module manager
     $moduleManager = new ModuleManager($moduleList);
     // set loaded modules
     $this->params->loadedModules = $moduleManager->getLoadedModules();
     // check loaded modules
     if (!empty($this->params->loadedModules)) {
         return 0;
     // output fail message
     $this->console->writeTaskLine('task_fetch_load_modules_not_found', array($this->console->colorize($this->params->projectPath, Color::GREEN)));
     return 1;
  * Returns list of all API-First-enabled modules
  * @return array
 protected function getEnabledModules()
     if (is_array($this->modules)) {
         return $this->modules;
     $this->modules = array();
     foreach ($this->moduleManager->getLoadedModules() as $moduleName => $module) {
         if (!$module instanceof ApigilityProviderInterface && !$module instanceof ApigilityModuleInterface) {
         if ($module instanceof ApigilityModuleInterface) {
             trigger_error('ZF\\Apigility\\ApigilityModuleInterface is deprecated,
                 use ZF\\Apigility\\Provider\\ApigilityProviderInterface instead', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
         $services = $this->getServicesByModule($moduleName);
         $versions = $this->getVersionsByModule($moduleName, $module);
         $entity = new ModuleEntity($moduleName, $services['rest'], $services['rpc']);
         $entity->exchangeArray(array('versions' => $versions, 'default_version' => $this->getModuleDefaultVersion($module)));
         $this->modules[$entity->getName()] = $entity;
     return $this->modules;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function testModuleLoadingBehavior()
     $moduleManager = new ModuleManager(array('BarModule'));
     $modules = $moduleManager->getLoadedModules();
     $this->assertSame(0, count($modules));
     $modules = $moduleManager->getLoadedModules(true);
     $this->assertSame(1, count($modules));
     // should not cause any problems
     // should not cause any problems
     $modules = $moduleManager->getLoadedModules(true);
     // BarModule already loaded so nothing happens
     $this->assertSame(1, count($modules));
Exemplo n.º 7
    public function testCanCacheMergedConfig()
        $options = new ListenerOptions(array(
            'cache_dir'            => $this->tmpdir,
            'config_cache_enabled' => true,
        $configListener = new ConfigListener($options);

        $moduleManager = $this->moduleManager;
        $moduleManager->setModules(array('SomeModule', 'ListenerTestModule'));
        $moduleManager->events()->attach('loadModule', $configListener);
        $moduleManager->loadModules(); // This should cache the config

        $modules = $moduleManager->getLoadedModules();

        // Now we check to make sure it uses the config and doesn't hit 
        // the module objects getConfig() method(s)
        $moduleManager = new ModuleManager(array('SomeModule', 'ListenerTestModule'));
        $moduleManager->events()->attach('loadModule.resolve', new ModuleResolverListener, 1000);
        $configListener = new ConfigListener($options);
        $moduleManager->events()->attach('loadModule', $configListener);
        $modules = $moduleManager->getLoadedModules();
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function testCanLoadMultipleModulesObjectWithString()
     require_once __DIR__ . '/TestAsset/SomeModule/Module.php';
     $configListener = $this->defaultListeners->getConfigListener();
     $moduleManager = new ModuleManager(array('SomeModule' => new \SomeModule\Module(), 'BarModule'), new EventManager());
     $loadedModules = $moduleManager->getLoadedModules();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('SomeModule\\Module', $loadedModules['SomeModule']);
     $config = $configListener->getMergedConfig();
     $this->assertSame($config->some, 'thing');
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @param  ModuleManager $modules
 public function __construct(ModuleManager $modules)
     $this->modules = $modules->getLoadedModules();
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Creates and returns the module manager
  * Instantiates the default module listeners, providing them configuration
  * from the "module_listener_options" key of the ApplicationConfig
  * service. Also sets the default config glob path.
  * Module manager is instantiated and provided with an EventManager, to which
  * the default listener aggregate is attached. The ModuleEvent is also created
  * and attached to the module manager.
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator Service Manager
  * @return ModuleManager
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     $moduleCollection = new ModuleCollection();
     $modules = $moduleCollection->getModules();
     $array = array();
     $autoloader = AutoloaderFactory::getRegisteredAutoloader(AutoloaderFactory::STANDARD_AUTOLOADER);
     foreach ($modules as $module) {
         $array[] = $module->getName();
         $path = GC_APPLICATION_PATH . '/library/Modules/' . $module->getName();
         if (file_exists($path) === false) {
             $path = GC_APPLICATION_PATH . '/extensions/Modules/' . $module->getName();
         $autoloader->registerNamespace($module->getName(), $path);
     $application = $serviceLocator->get('Application');
     $configuration = $serviceLocator->get('ApplicationConfig');
     $configuration['module_listener_options']['module_paths'] = array('./library/Modules', './extensions/Modules');
     $listenerOptions = new Listener\ListenerOptions($configuration['module_listener_options']);
     $defaultListeners = new Listener\DefaultListenerAggregate($listenerOptions);
     $serviceListener = new Listener\ServiceListener($serviceLocator);
     $this->prepareServices($serviceListener, $serviceLocator);
     $moduleManager = new ModuleManager($array, $application->getEventManager());
     $config = $moduleManager->getEvent()->getConfigListener()->getMergedConfig(false);
     $this->prepareConfig($serviceLocator, $config);
     foreach ($moduleManager->getLoadedModules() as $module) {
         if (method_exists($module, 'onBootstrap')) {
     return $moduleManager;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Run diagnostics
  * @return ConsoleModel|ViewModel
  * @throws \ZFTool\Diagnostics\Exception\RuntimeException
 public function runAction()
     // check for help mode
     if ($this->requestOptions->getFlagHelp()) {
         return $this->runHelp();
     // get needed options to shorten code
     $flagVerbose = $this->requestOptions->getFlagVerbose();
     $flagDebug = $this->requestOptions->getFlagDebug();
     $flagQuiet = $this->requestOptions->getFlagQuiet();
     $flagBreak = $this->requestOptions->getFlagBreak();
     $testGroupName = $this->requestOptions->getTestGroupName();
     // output header
     if (!$flagQuiet) {
         $this->consoleHeader('Starting diagnostics for Zend Framework 2 project');
     // start output
     if (!$flagQuiet) {
         $this->console->writeLine('       => Get basic diag configuration');
     // Get basic diag configuration
     $config = isset($this->configuration['diagnostics']) ? $this->configuration['diagnostics'] : array();
     // start output
     if (!$flagQuiet) {
         $this->console->writeLine('       => Collect diag tests from modules ');
     // Collect diag tests from modules
     $modules = $this->moduleManager->getLoadedModules(false);
     foreach ($modules as $moduleName => $module) {
         if (is_callable(array($module, 'getDiagnostics'))) {
             $tests = $module->getDiagnostics();
             if (is_array($tests)) {
                 $config[$moduleName] = $tests;
             // Exit the loop early if we found test definitions for
             // the only test group that we want to run.
             if ($testGroupName && $moduleName == $testGroupName) {
     // Filter array if a test group name has been provided
     if ($testGroupName) {
         $config = array_intersect_key($config, array($testGroupName => 1));
     // start output
     if (!$flagQuiet) {
         $this->console->writeLine('       => Analyze test definitions and construct test instances');
     // Analyze test definitions and construct test instances
     $testCollection = array();
     foreach ($config as $testGroupName => $tests) {
         foreach ($tests as $testLabel => $test) {
             // Do not use numeric labels.
             if (!$testLabel || is_numeric($testLabel)) {
                 $testLabel = false;
             // Handle a callable.
             if (is_callable($test)) {
                 $test = new Callback($test);
                 if ($testLabel) {
                     $test->setLabel($testGroupName . ': ' . $testLabel);
                 $testCollection[] = $test;
             // Handle test object instance.
             if (is_object($test)) {
                 if (!$test instanceof TestInterface) {
                     throw new RuntimeException('Cannot use object of class "' . get_class($test) . '" as test. ' . 'Expected instance of ZFTool\\Diagnostics\\Test\\TestInterface');
                 if ($testLabel) {
                     $test->setLabel($testGroupName . ': ' . $testLabel);
                 $testCollection[] = $test;
             // Handle an array containing callback or identifier with optional parameters.
             if (is_array($test)) {
                 if (!count($test)) {
                     throw new RuntimeException('Cannot use an empty array() as test definition in "' . $testGroupName . '"');
                 // extract test identifier and store the remainder of array as parameters
                 $testName = array_shift($test);
                 $params = $test;
             } elseif (is_scalar($test)) {
                 $testName = $test;
                 $params = array();
             } else {
                 throw new RuntimeException('Cannot understand diagnostic test definition "' . gettype($test) . '" in "' . $testGroupName . '"');
             // Try to expand test identifier using Service Locator
             if (is_string($testName) && $this->getServiceLocator()->has($testName)) {
                 $test = $this->getServiceLocator()->get($testName);
                 // Try to use the built-in test class
             } elseif (is_string($testName) && class_exists('ZFTool\\Diagnostics\\Test\\' . $testName)) {
                 $class = new \ReflectionClass('ZFTool\\Diagnostics\\Test\\' . $testName);
                 $test = $class->newInstanceArgs($params);
                 // Check if provided with a callable inside the array
             } elseif (is_callable($testName)) {
                 $test = new Callback($testName, $params);
                 if ($testLabel) {
                     $test->setLabel($testGroupName . ': ' . $testLabel);
                 $testCollection[] = $test;
                 // Try to expand test using class name
             } elseif (is_string($testName) && class_exists($testName)) {
                 $class = new \ReflectionClass($testName);
                 $test = $class->newInstanceArgs($params);
             } else {
                 throw new RuntimeException('Cannot find test class or service with the name of "' . $testName . '" (' . $testGroupName . ')');
             if (!$test instanceof TestInterface) {
                 // not a real test
                 throw new RuntimeException('The test object of class ' . get_class($test) . ' does not implement ' . 'ZFTool\\Diagnostics\\Test\\TestInterface');
             // Apply label
             if ($testLabel) {
                 $test->setLabel($testGroupName . ': ' . $testLabel);
             $testCollection[] = $test;
     if (!$flagQuiet) {
         $this->console->write(' Diag ', Color::NORMAL, Color::CYAN);
         $this->console->write(' ');
     // Configure test runner
     $runner = new Runner();
     if (!$flagQuiet && $this->getRequest() instanceof ConsoleRequest) {
         if ($flagVerbose || $flagDebug) {
             $runner->addReporter(new VerboseConsole($this->console, $flagDebug));
         } else {
             $runner->addReporter(new BasicConsole($this->console));
     // Run tests
     $results = $runner->run();
     // Return result
     if ($this->getRequest() instanceof ConsoleRequest) {
         // Return appropriate error code in console
         $model = new ConsoleModel();
         $model->setVariable('results', $results);
         if ($results->getFailureCount() > 0) {
         } else {
     } else {
         // Display results as a web page
         $model = new ViewModel();
         $model->setVariable('results', $results);
     return $model;