Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function setupConfig(Container $container)
     $container->add('config', function () {
         $confPath = ROOT . $DS . 'conf' . $DS;
         $reader = new Ini();
         $config = new Config($reader->fromFile($confPath . 'default.ini'));
         if (file_exists($confPath . 'local.ini')) {
             $config->merge(new Config($reader->fromFile($confPath . 'local.ini')));
         return $config;
     }, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Load the specified configuration file.
  * @param string $filename config file name
  * @param string $path     path relative to VuFind base (optional; defaults
  * to config/vufind
  * @return Config
 protected function loadConfigFile($filename, $path = 'config/vufind')
     $configs = [];
     $fullpath = Locator::getConfigPath($filename, $path);
     // Return empty configuration if file does not exist:
     if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
         return new Config([]);
     // Retrieve and parse at least one configuration file, and possibly a whole
     // chain of them if the Parent_Config setting is used:
     do {
         $configs[] = new Config($this->iniReader->fromFile($fullpath), true);
         $i = count($configs) - 1;
         if (isset($configs[$i]->Parent_Config->path)) {
             $fullpath = $configs[$i]->Parent_Config->path;
         } elseif (isset($configs[$i]->Parent_Config->relative_path)) {
             $fullpath = pathinfo($fullpath, PATHINFO_DIRNAME) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configs[$i]->Parent_Config->relative_path;
         } else {
             $fullpath = false;
     } while ($fullpath);
     // The last element in the array will be the top of the inheritance tree.
     // Let's establish a baseline:
     $config = array_pop($configs);
     // Now we'll pull all the children down one at a time and override settings
     // as appropriate:
     while (!is_null($child = array_pop($configs))) {
         $overrideSections = isset($child->Parent_Config->override_full_sections) ? explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $child->Parent_Config->override_full_sections)) : [];
         foreach ($child as $section => $contents) {
             // Omit Parent_Config from the returned configuration; it is only
             // needed during loading, and its presence will cause problems in
             // config files that iterate through all of the sections (e.g.
             // combined.ini, permissions.ini).
             if ($section === 'Parent_Config') {
             if (in_array($section, $overrideSections) || !isset($config->{$section})) {
                 $config->{$section} = $child->{$section};
             } else {
                 foreach (array_keys($contents->toArray()) as $key) {
                     $config->{$section}->{$key} = $child->{$section}->{$key};
     return $config;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * load(): defined by FileLoaderInterface.
  * @see    FileLoaderInterface::load()
  * @param  string $locale
  * @param  string $filename
  * @return TextDomain|null
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 public function load($locale, $filename)
     $resolvedIncludePath = stream_resolve_include_path($filename);
     $fromIncludePath = $resolvedIncludePath !== false ? $resolvedIncludePath : $filename;
     if (!$fromIncludePath || !is_file($fromIncludePath) || !is_readable($fromIncludePath)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Could not find or open file %s for reading', $filename));
     $messages = [];
     $iniReader = new IniReader();
     $messagesNamespaced = $iniReader->fromFile($fromIncludePath);
     $list = $messagesNamespaced;
     if (isset($messagesNamespaced['translation'])) {
         $list = $messagesNamespaced['translation'];
     foreach ($list as $message) {
         if (!is_array($message) || count($message) < 2) {
             throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Each INI row must be an array with message and translation');
         if (isset($message['message']) && isset($message['translation'])) {
             $messages[$message['message']] = $message['translation'];
         $messages[array_shift($message)] = array_shift($message);
     if (!is_array($messages)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expected an array, but received %s', gettype($messages)));
     $textDomain = new TextDomain($messages);
     if (array_key_exists('plural', $messagesNamespaced) && isset($messagesNamespaced['plural']['plural_forms'])) {
     return $textDomain;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     $manager = new ThemeManager();
     $iniReader = new IniReader();
     $connection = $serviceLocator->get('Omeka\\Connection');
     // Get all themes from the filesystem.
     foreach (new DirectoryIterator(OMEKA_PATH . '/themes') as $dir) {
         // Theme must be a directory
         if (!$dir->isDir() || $dir->isDot()) {
         // Theme directory must contain config/module.ini
         $iniFile = new SplFileInfo($dir->getPathname() . '/config/theme.ini');
         if (!$iniFile->isReadable() || !$iniFile->isFile()) {
         // Theme INI must be valid
         $ini = $iniReader->fromFile($iniFile->getRealPath());
         if (!$manager->iniIsValid($ini)) {
         $manager->registerTheme(new Theme($dir->getBasename(), $ini));
     return $manager;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
     $app = $e->getParam("application");
     //Este fragmento de código se usa cuando hay instalador
     $reader = new Ini();
     $data = $reader->fromFile(__DIR__ . '/config/config.ini');
     $appInstalada = false;
     if ($data['production']['configuracion']['instalado'] == "0") {
         $app->getEventManager()->attach('dispatch', array($this, 'initInstalacion'), 20000);
         $config = new Config(array(), true);
         $config->production = array();
         $config->production->configuracion = array();
         $config->production->configuracion->instalado = "-1";
         $config->production->configuracion->confirmado = "0";
         $writer = new Ini2();
         $writer->toFile(__DIR__ . '/config/config.ini', $config);
     } elseif ($data['production']['configuracion']['instalado'] == "-1") {
     } else {
         $appInstalada = true;
     if ($appInstalada) {
         $app->getEventManager()->attach('dispatch', array($this, 'initAuth'), 200);
     $moduleRouteListener = new ModuleRouteListener();
     $eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Fetch the entire translation.ini, or a part
  * @return Config|string
 private function getConfig($section = null, $setting = null)
     $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config');
     $config = $config['circlical']['translation_editor'];
     $cache_dir = $config['cache_dir'];
     $translator_config = $cache_dir . '/translator.ini';
     $params = [];
     if (file_exists($translator_config)) {
         $reader = new ConfigReader();
         $params = $reader->fromFile($translator_config);
     $config = new Config($params, true);
     if ($section) {
         if (isset($config->{$section})) {
             if ($setting) {
                 return isset($config->{$section}->{$setting}) ? $config->{$section}->{$setting} : null;
             } else {
                 return $config->{$section};
         } else {
             return null;
     return $config;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     $iniReader = new Ini();
     $config = new Config($iniReader->fromFile('../../../local/config/vufind/config.ini'));
     $this->url = $config->get('Index')->get('url') . '/' . $config->get('Index')->get('default_core');
     $this->urlAdmin = $config->get('Index')->get('url') . '/admin';
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \Zend\ModuleManager\Feature\ConfigProviderInterface::getConfig()
 public function getConfig()
     $currentConfig = (include __DIR__ . '/config/zendservernagiosplugin.config.php');
     $additionalConfigFile = new Ini();
     $additionalConfig = $additionalConfigFile->fromFile(__DIR__ . '/../../config/config.ini');
     $currentConfig = array_merge($currentConfig, $additionalConfig);
     return $currentConfig;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function __construct(Adapter $adapter)
     $this->adapter = $adapter;
     $reader = new Ini();
     $this->config = $reader->fromFile('config/autoload/config.ini');
     $this->environment = $this->config['environment'];
     $this->config = $this->config[$this->environment];
  * Create service
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
  * @return mixed
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     //$config = Factory::fromFile( '/usr/local/vufind/resources.swissbib.ch/local/config/resources/config.ini');
     $config1 = new Ini();
     $test = $config1->fromFile(APPLICATION_PATH . '/local/config/resources/config.ini');
     $t = new ZendConfig($test);
     return $t;
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected function initConfig(MvcEvent $e)
     $application = $e->getApplication();
     $services = $application->getServiceManager();
     $services->setFactory('ConfigPosterlabs', function ($services) {
         $reader = new Ini();
         $data = $reader->fromFile(__DIR__ . '/config/config.ini');
         return $data;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function loadTranslations()
     $confPath = ROOT . $DS . 'conf' . $DS . 'lang' . $DS;
     foreach (glob($confPath . '*.ini') as $file) {
         $fileName = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
         $reader = new Ini();
         $this->dictionary[$fileName] = new Config($reader->fromFile($file));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static function transformDate($date)
     $reader = new Ini();
     $config = $reader->fromFile('config/autoload/config.ini');
     $sqlsrvlang = $config['sqlsrvlang'];
     if ($sqlsrvlang == 'es') {
         $dates = explode('-', $date);
         $date = $dates[2] . '-' . $dates[1] . '-' . $dates[0];
     return $date;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * @param string $name            
  * @param string $routename            
  * @return boolean
 public function checkAutorisation($name, $routename)
     $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Config');
     $filePath = $config['auth']['filePath'];
     $reader = new Ini();
     try {
         $usersData = $reader->fromFile($filePath);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return is_array($usersData) && array_key_exists($name, $usersData) && $this->acl->hasResource($routename) && $this->acl->hasRole($usersData[$name]) && $this->acl->isAllowed($usersData[$name], $routename);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * call and read specified configuration
  * @param string $path
  * @param string $type
  * @return array
 protected function configurationStrategy($path, $type)
     $config = [];
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('File ' . $path . 'don\'t exists.');
     switch ($type) {
         case 'array':
             $config = (include_once $path);
         case 'ini':
             $reader = new Reader\Ini();
             $config = $reader->fromFile($path);
         case 'xml':
             $reader = new Reader\Xml();
             $config = $reader->fromFile($path);
         case 'json':
             $reader = new Reader\Json();
             $config = $reader->fromFile($path);
         case 'yaml':
             $reader = new Reader\Yaml(['Spyc', 'YAMLLoadString']);
             $config = $reader->fromFile($path);
     return $config;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Reads all targets
  * @return array associative array with all targets.
  *               - key - name of the the target
  *               - value - target properties
  * @throws ConfigException
 public function load()
     $reader = new ConfigReader();
     return $reader->fromFile($this->configFile);
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Create the module manager
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
  * @return array
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     $manager = new ModuleManager();
     $iniReader = new IniReader();
     $connection = $serviceLocator->get('Omeka\\Connection');
     // Get all modules from the filesystem.
     foreach (new DirectoryIterator(OMEKA_PATH . '/modules') as $dir) {
         // Module must be a directory
         if (!$dir->isDir() || $dir->isDot()) {
         $module = $manager->registerModule($dir->getBasename());
         // Module directory must contain config/module.ini
         $iniFile = new SplFileInfo($dir->getPathname() . '/config/module.ini');
         if (!$iniFile->isReadable() || !$iniFile->isFile()) {
         // Module INI must be valid
         if (!$manager->iniIsValid($module)) {
         // Module directory must contain Module.php
         $moduleFile = new SplFileInfo($dir->getPathname() . '/Module.php');
         if (!$moduleFile->isReadable() || !$moduleFile->isFile()) {
         // Module class must extend Omeka\Module\AbstractModule
         require_once $moduleFile->getRealPath();
         $moduleClass = $dir->getBasename() . '\\Module';
         if (!class_exists($moduleClass) || !is_subclass_of($moduleClass, 'Omeka\\Module\\AbstractModule')) {
     // Get all modules from the database, if installed.
     $dbModules = [];
     if ($serviceLocator->get('Omeka\\Status')->isInstalled()) {
         $statement = $connection->prepare("SELECT * FROM module");
         $dbModules = $statement->fetchAll();
     foreach ($dbModules as $moduleRow) {
         if (!$manager->isRegistered($moduleRow['id'])) {
             // Module installed but not in filesystem
             $module = $manager->registerModule($moduleRow['id']);
         $module = $manager->getModule($moduleRow['id']);
         if ($module->getState()) {
             // Module already has state.
         $moduleIni = $module->getIni();
         if (Comparator::greaterThan($moduleIni['version'], $moduleRow['version'])) {
             // Module in filesystem is newer version than the installed one.
         if ($moduleRow['is_active']) {
             // Module valid, installed, and active
         } else {
             // Module valid, installed, and not active
     foreach ($manager->getModules() as $id => $module) {
         if (!$module->getState()) {
             // Module in filesystem but not installed
     return $manager;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * This method is responsible for returning a configIni object wrapping
  * which ever ini file is passed in.
  * @param $fileSrcPath string The path to the ini file.
  * @return Zend\Config\Config
 private function _getConfigIniFromIniPath($fileSrcPath)
     $reader = new Ini();
     $config = $reader->fromFile($fileSrcPath);
     return new Config($config);
Exemplo n.º 19
 function testGetCitiesMethod()
     $nx = $this->nx;
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists($nx->root_folder . "/dados/consulta/cidades.txt"));
     $nx->container['request'] = $nx->container->factory(function ($c) {
         $response = new stdclass();
         $response->code = 200;
         $response->raw_body = '[{"cod_cidade":"35","nome":"Alta Floresta, MT","status":1},{"cod_cidade":"36","nome":"Carlinda, MT","status":"0"},{"cod_cidade":"50","nome":"Cuiab\\u00e1, MT","status":"0"},{"cod_cidade":"37","nome":"Parana\\u00edta, MT","status":"0"},{"cod_cidade":"49","nome":"Sinop, MT","status":"0"}]';
         return $response;
     $this->assertTrue(file_exists($nx->root_folder . "/dados/consulta/cidades.txt"));
     $reader = new IniReader();
     $cities = $reader->fromFile($nx->root_folder . "/dados/consulta/cidades.txt");
Exemplo n.º 20
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     $iniReader = new Ini();
     $config = new Config($iniReader->fromFile('../../../local/config/vufind/config.ini'));
     $this->connector = new Connector($config->get('Summon')->get('apiId'), $config->get('Summon')->get('apiKey'));
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Manage special input parameters (arrays and files) and target
  * @param MvcEvent $event
 public function postRoute(MvcEvent $event)
     $match = $event->getRouteMatch();
     if (!$match) {
     $services = $event->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
     // [Normalize the arguments]
     $config = $services->get('config');
     $routeName = $match->getMatchedRouteName();
     if (isset($config['console']['router']['routes'][$routeName]['options']['arrays'])) {
         foreach ($config['console']['router']['routes'][$routeName]['options']['arrays'] as $arrayParam) {
             if ($value = $match->getParam($arrayParam)) {
                 $data = array();
                 // if the data ends with <char(s)> then we have special delimiter
                 $delimiter = '&';
                 // Ex: "x[1]=2&y[b]=z"
                 if (strpos($value, '=') === false) {
                     // when we do not have pairs the delimiter in such situations
                     // is set to "comma" by default
                     $delimiter = ',';
                     // Ex: "x,y,z"
                 if (preg_match("/<(.*?)>\$/", $value, $m)) {
                     // Ex: "x[1]=2|y[b]=z<|>" - the delimiter is | and the pairs are x[1]=2 and y[b]=z
                     $delimiter = $m[1];
                     $value = substr($value, 0, strlen($value) - strlen("<{$delimiter}>"));
                 if (strpos($value, '=') === false) {
                     // we do not have pairs
                     $data = explode($delimiter, $value);
                     foreach ($data as $i => $v) {
                         $data[$i] = trim($v);
                 } else {
                     // Ex: x=1 y[1]=2 y[2]=3
                     Utils::parseString($value, $data, $delimiter);
                 $match->setParam($arrayParam, $data);
     // [Translate all paths to real absolute paths]
     if (isset($config['console']['router']['routes'][$routeName]['options']['files'])) {
         $path = $services->get('path');
         foreach ($config['console']['router']['routes'][$routeName]['options']['files'] as $param) {
             if ($value = $match->getParam($param)) {
                 if (!is_array($value)) {
                     $match->setParam($param, $path->getAbsolute($value));
                 } else {
                     $newValue = array_map(function ($v) use($path) {
                         return $path->getAbsolute($v);
                     }, $value);
                     $match->setParam($param, $newValue);
     // [Figure out the target]
     if (isset($config['console']['router']['routes'][$routeName]['options']['no-target'])) {
     // Read the default target
     $targetConfig = $services->get('targetConfig');
     // Add manage named target (defined in zsapi.ini)
     $target = $match->getParam('target');
     if ($target) {
         try {
             $reader = new ConfigReader();
             $data = $reader->fromFile($config['zsapi']['file']);
             if (empty($data[$target])) {
                 if (!isset($config['console']['router']['routes'][$routeName]['options']['ingore-target-load'])) {
                     throw new \Zend\Console\Exception\RuntimeException('Invalid target specified.');
                 } else {
                     $data[$target] = array();
             foreach ($data[$target] as $k => $v) {
                 $targetConfig[$k] = $v;
         } catch (\Zend\Config\Exception\RuntimeException $ex) {
             if (!isset($config['console']['router']['routes'][$routeName]['options']['ingore-target-load'])) {
                 throw new \Zend\Console\Exception\RuntimeException('Make sure that you have set your target first. \\n
                                                             This can be done with ' . __FILE__ . ' addTarget --target=<UniqueName> --zsurl=http://localhost:10081/ZendServer --zskey= --zssecret=');
     if (empty($targetConfig) && !($match->getParam('zskey') || $match->getParam('zssecret') || $match->getParam('zsurl'))) {
         throw new \Zend\Console\Exception\RuntimeException('Specify either a --target= parameter or --zsurl=http://localhost:10081/ZendServer --zskey= --zssecret=');
     // optional: override the target parameters from the command line
     foreach (array('zsurl', 'zskey', 'zssecret', 'zsversion', 'http') as $key) {
         if (!$match->getParam($key)) {
         $targetConfig[$key] = $match->getParam($key);
     $outputFormat = $match->getParam('output-format', 'xml');
     if ($outputFormat == 'kv') {
         $outputFormat = "json";
     $apiManager = $services->get('zend_server_api');
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Support method for init() -- load all of the theme details from either the
  * session or disk (as needed).
  * @param string $currentTheme The name of the user-selected theme.
  * @return string Error message on problem, empty string on success.
 protected function loadThemeDetails($currentTheme)
     // Fill in the session if it is not already populated:
     if (!isset($this->session->currentTheme) || $this->session->currentTheme !== $currentTheme) {
         // If the configured theme setting is illegal, switch it to "blueprint"
         // and set a flag so we can throw an Exception once everything is set
         // up:
         if (!file_exists($this->baseDir . "/{$currentTheme}/theme.ini")) {
             $themeLoadError = 'Cannot load theme: ' . $currentTheme;
             $currentTheme = 'blueprint';
         // Remember the top-level theme setting:
         $this->session->currentTheme = $currentTheme;
         // Build an array of theme information by inheriting up the theme tree:
         $allThemeInfo = array();
         do {
             $iniReader = new IniReader();
             $currentThemeInfo = new Config($iniReader->fromFile($this->baseDir . "/{$currentTheme}/theme.ini"));
             $allThemeInfo[$currentTheme] = $currentThemeInfo;
             $currentTheme = $currentThemeInfo->extends;
         } while ($currentTheme);
         $this->session->allThemeInfo = $allThemeInfo;
     // Report success or failure:
     return isset($themeLoadError) ? $themeLoadError : '';