Exemplo n.º 1
  * @inheritDoc
 public function __invoke($fcqn, $namespace, $commandName)
     $commandName = ucfirst($commandName);
     $reflectionClass = new ClassReflection($fcqn);
     $fileGenerator = FileGenerator::fromReflectedFileName($reflectionClass->getFileName());
     $fileGenerator->setUse(ltrim($namespace, '\\') . '\\' . $commandName);
     $classGenerator = $fileGenerator->getClass();
     // workaround for import namespace
     if ($classToExtend = $classGenerator->getExtendedClass()) {
         $classGenerator->setExtendedClass(substr($classToExtend, strrpos($classToExtend, '\\') + 1));
     return $fileGenerator;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Returns class' code inside namespace
  * @param ClassReflection $class
 private function dumpClass(ClassReflection $class)
     if (array_search($class->getName(), $this->cachedClasses) !== false) {
     if ($class->isInternal()) {
     if ($class->getParentClass()) {
     foreach ($class->getInterfaces() as $interface) {
     if ($class->getTraits()) {
         foreach ($class->getTraits() as $trait) {
     $classContents = $class->getContents(false);
     $classFileDir = dirname($class->getFileName());
     $classContents = trim(str_replace('__DIR__', sprintf("'%s'", $classFileDir), $classContents));
     $uses = implode("\n", $this->codeGenerator->getUseLines($class));
     $this->cache[] = "namespace " . $class->getNamespaceName() . " {\n" . ($uses ? $uses . "\n" : '') . $this->codeGenerator->getDeclarationLine($class) . "\n" . $classContents . "\n}\n";
     $this->cachedClasses[] = $class->getName();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Generate code to cache from class reflection.
  * This is a total mess, I know. Just wanted to flesh out the logic.
  * @todo Refactor into a class, clean up logic, DRY it up, maybe move
  *       some of this into Zend\Code
  * @param  ClassReflection $r
  * @return string
 protected static function getCacheCode(ClassReflection $r)
     $useString = '';
     $usesNames = array();
     if (count($uses = $r->getDeclaringFile()->getUses())) {
         foreach ($uses as $use) {
             $usesNames[$use['use']] = $use['as'];
             $useString .= "use {$use['use']}";
             if ($use['as']) {
                 $useString .= " as {$use['as']}";
             $useString .= ";\n";
     $declaration = '';
     if ($r->isAbstract() && !$r->isInterface()) {
         $declaration .= 'abstract ';
     if ($r->isFinal()) {
         $declaration .= 'final ';
     if ($r->isInterface()) {
         $declaration .= 'interface ';
     if (!$r->isInterface()) {
         $declaration .= 'class ';
     $declaration .= $r->getShortName();
     $parentName = false;
     if (($parent = $r->getParentClass()) && $r->getNamespaceName()) {
         $parentName = array_key_exists($parent->getName(), $usesNames) ? $usesNames[$parent->getName()] ?: $parent->getShortName() : (0 === strpos($parent->getName(), $r->getNamespaceName()) ? substr($parent->getName(), strlen($r->getNamespaceName()) + 1) : '\\' . $parent->getName());
     } else {
         if ($parent && !$r->getNamespaceName()) {
             $parentName = '\\' . $parent->getName();
     if ($parentName) {
         $declaration .= " extends {$parentName}";
     $interfaces = array_diff($r->getInterfaceNames(), $parent ? $parent->getInterfaceNames() : array());
     if (count($interfaces)) {
         foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
             $iReflection = new ClassReflection($interface);
             $interfaces = array_diff($interfaces, $iReflection->getInterfaceNames());
         $declaration .= $r->isInterface() ? ' extends ' : ' implements ';
         $declaration .= implode(', ', array_map(function ($interface) use($usesNames, $r) {
             $iReflection = new ClassReflection($interface);
             return array_key_exists($iReflection->getName(), $usesNames) ? $usesNames[$iReflection->getName()] ?: $iReflection->getShortName() : (0 === strpos($iReflection->getName(), $r->getNamespaceName()) ? substr($iReflection->getName(), strlen($r->getNamespaceName()) + 1) : '\\' . $iReflection->getName());
         }, $interfaces));
     $classContents = $r->getContents(false);
     $classFileDir = dirname($r->getFileName());
     $classContents = trim(str_replace('__DIR__', sprintf("'%s'", $classFileDir), $classContents));
     $return = "\nnamespace " . $r->getNamespaceName() . " {\n" . $useString . $declaration . "\n" . $classContents . "\n}\n";
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Build the content of the class
  * It replace the __DIR__ constant with the class directoryname
  * @param Reflection\ClassReflection $class
  * @return string
 protected function buildContent(Reflection\ClassReflection $class)
     $code = $class->getContents(false);
     $classDir = dirname($class->getFileName());
     $code = str_replace('__DIR__', "'{$classDir}'", $code);
     return $code;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @param ClassReflection $class
  * @return bool
 public function isSatisfiedBy(ClassReflection $class)
     return static::hasDIR($class->getFileName());
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Builds and populates Action object based on the provided class name
  * @param  string $className
  * @return Action
 public function buildAction($className)
     $classReflection = new ClassReflection($className);
     $scanner = new FileScanner($classReflection->getFileName(), $this->annotationManager);
     $classScanner = $scanner->getClass($classReflection->getName());
     $action = new Action($classScanner->getName());
     foreach ($classScanner->getMethods() as $classMethod) {
         if ($classMethod->isPublic() && $classMethod->getName() != '__construct') {
     return $action;
 protected function findImports(ClassReflection $reflection)
     $matches = array();
     preg_match_all('/^use ([a-zA-Z0-9\\\\]*)\\;$/im', file_get_contents($reflection->getFileName()), $matches);
     return $matches[1];
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @return array
 protected function setClientMethodDocblocks()
     $client = new \SoapClient(__DIR__ . '/../../Resources/wsdl/services.wsdl');
     $functions = $client->__getFunctions();
     $functions = array_map(function ($function) {
         return preg_replace("~^[a-z]+\\s([a-z]+) ?\\(.+\\)\$~i", "\$1", $function);
     }, $functions);
     $exchangeWebServicesReflection = new ClassReflection(ExchangeWebServices::class);
     $fileGen = Generator\FileGenerator::fromReflectedFileName($exchangeWebServicesReflection->getFileName());
     $exchangeWebServicesClass = Generator\ClassGenerator::fromReflection($exchangeWebServicesReflection);
     $docblock = $exchangeWebServicesClass->getDocBlock();
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($docblock);
     $property = $reflection->getProperty('tags');
     $property->setValue($docblock, []);
     $tags = [];
     $tags[] = new Generator\DocBlock\Tag\GenericTag('@package php-ews\\Client');
     $tags[] = new EmptyDocblockTag();
     foreach ($functions as $function) {
         $tag = new MethodWIthRequestTag($function, ['Type']);
         $tags[] = $tag;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @covers SpeedLoader\BuildClass::compressCode
 public function testCompressCodeHigh()
     $classRef = new ClassReflection('SpeedLoaderTestAsset\\Simple\\ClassToCompress');
     $buildClass = new BuildClass();
     $content = str_replace('<?php' . "\n", '', file_get_contents($classRef->getFileName()));
     $result = $this->invokeMethod($buildClass, 'compressCode', [$content]);
     $expected = php_strip_whitespace($classRef->getFileName());
     $expected = str_replace('<?php' . "\n", '', $expected);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);