Exemplo n.º 1
  * @inheritdoc
 public function run()
     if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) {
         $post = Yii::$app->request->post();
         if (!empty($post['method'])) {
             $file = basename($post['file']);
             if (file_exists($this->getPath() . $file)) {
                 unlink($this->getPath() . $file);
         } else {
             $image = \yii\web\UploadedFile::getInstanceByName('upload');
             if (!empty($image)) {
                 $imageFileType = strtolower(pathinfo($image->name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
                 $allowed = ['png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg'];
                 if (!empty($image) and in_array($imageFileType, $allowed)) {
                     $fileName = $this->getFileName($image);
                     $image->saveAs($this->getPath() . $fileName);
                     $imagine = Image::getImagine();
                     $photo = $imagine->open($this->getPath() . $fileName);
                     $photo->thumbnail(new Box($this->maxWidth, $this->maxHeight))->save($this->getPath() . $fileName, ['quality' => 90]);
     $data['url'] = $this->getUrl();
     $data['path'] = $this->getPath();
     $data['ext'] = $this->getFileExt();
     $this->controller->layout = '@vendor/bajadev/yii2-ckeditor/views/layout/image';
     return $this->controller->render('@vendor/bajadev/yii2-ckeditor/views/browse', ['data' => $data]);
Exemplo n.º 2
  *  fetch image from protected location and manipulate it and copy to public folder to show in front-end
  *  This function cache the fetched image with same width and height before
  * @author A.Jafaripur <*****@*****.**>
  * @param integer $id image id number to seprate the folder in public folder
  * @param string $path original image path
  * @param float $width width of image for resize
  * @param float $heigh height of image for resize
  * @param integer $quality quality of output image
  * @return string fetched image url
 public function getImage($id, $path, $width, $heigh, $quality = 70)
     $fileName = $this->getFileName(Yii::getAlias($path));
     $fileNameWithoutExt = $this->getFileNameWithoutExtension($fileName);
     $ext = $this->getFileExtension($fileName);
     if ($width == 0 && $heigh == 0) {
         $size = Image::getImagine()->open($path)->getSize();
         $width = $size->getWidth();
         $heigh = $size->getHeight();
     $newFileName = $fileNameWithoutExt . 'x' . $width . 'w' . $heigh . 'h' . '.' . $ext;
     $upload_number = (int) ($id / 2000) + 1;
     $savePath = Yii::getAlias('@webroot/images/' . $upload_number);
     $baseImageUrl = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . '/images/' . $upload_number;
     $savePath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $newFileName;
     if ($width == 0 && $heigh == 0) {
         copy($path, $savePath);
     } else {
         if (!file_exists($savePath)) {
             Image::thumbnail($path, $width, $heigh)->interlace(\Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::INTERLACE_PLANE)->save($savePath, ['quality' => $quality]);
     return $baseImageUrl . '/' . $newFileName;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Скропать изображения и вернуть объет для работы с ним.
  * Если исходное изображение меньше по размерам - сначала его ресайзит до нужных размеров.
  * @param string $tmpFileName Путь к исходному файлу
  * @param integer $paramWidth Ширина для кропа
  * @param integer $paramHeight Высота для кропа
  * @return ImageInterface
 public static function cropImage($tmpFileName, $paramWidth, $paramHeight)
     $newImage = Image::getImagine()->open($tmpFileName);
     $imageSizes = $newImage->getSize();
     $width = $imageSizes->getWidth();
     $height = $imageSizes->getHeight();
     //Если меньше нужных размеров, то сначала пропорционально ресайзим
     if ($width < $paramWidth || $height < $paramHeight) {
         $newHeight = $height;
         $newWidth = $width;
         if ($width / $height > $paramWidth / $paramHeight) {
             $newHeight = $paramHeight;
             $newWidth = round($newHeight * $width / $height);
         } elseif ($width / $height <= $paramWidth / $paramHeight) {
             $newWidth = $paramWidth;
             $newHeight = round($newWidth * $height / $width);
         $newImage->resize(new Box($newWidth, $newHeight))->save($tmpFileName, ['quality' => 80]);
     $box = new Box($paramWidth, $paramHeight);
     if ($newImage->getSize()->getWidth() <= $box->getWidth() && $newImage->getSize()->getHeight() <= $box->getHeight() || !$box->getWidth() && !$box->getHeight()) {
         return $newImage->copy();
     $newImage = $newImage->thumbnail($box, ManipulatorInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND);
     // create empty image to preserve aspect ratio of thumbnail
     $thumb = Image::getImagine()->create(new Box($newImage->getSize()->getWidth(), $newImage->getSize()->getHeight()), new Color('FFF', 100));
     $thumb->paste($newImage, new Point(0, 0));
     return $thumb;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function createThumbnails()
     $thumbs = [];
     $data = [];
     $image_sizes = SettingsHelper::getField('media.image_sizes');
     $filePath = Yii::getAlias('@uploads');
     $_width = Image::getImagine()->open($filePath . '/' . $this->folder . '/' . $this->file)->getSize()->getWidth();
     $_height = Image::getImagine()->open($filePath . '/' . $this->folder . '/' . $this->file)->getSize()->getHeight();
     $data['width'] = $_width;
     $data['height'] = $_height;
     if ($image_sizes) {
         $fileinfo = pathinfo($filePath . '/' . $this->folder . '/' . $this->file);
         foreach ($image_sizes as $size) {
             $fileName = $fileinfo['filename'] . '-' . $size['width'] . 'x' . $size['height'] . '.' . $fileinfo['extension'];
             if ($size['width'] > $_width || $size['height'] > $_height) {
             $thumb = $filePath . '/' . $this->folder . '/' . $fileName;
             Image::thumbnail($filePath . '/' . $this->folder . '/' . $this->file, $size['width'], $size['height'], ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND)->save($thumb);
             $thumbs[$size['name']] = ['width' => $size['width'], 'height' => $size['height'], 'file' => $fileName];
         $data['sizes'] = $thumbs;
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Create watermark in fs
  * @param $thumb Thumbnail
  * @param $water Watermark
  * @return string
 public static function createWatermark($thumb, $water)
     try {
         $thumbImagine = Imagine::getImagine()->read(Yii::$app->getModule('image')->fsComponent->readStream($thumb->thumb_path));
         $waterImagine = Imagine::getImagine()->read(Yii::$app->getModule('image')->fsComponent->readStream($water->watermark_path));
         $thumbSize = $thumbImagine->getSize();
         $waterSize = $waterImagine->getSize();
         // Resize watermark if it to large
         if ($thumbSize->getWidth() < $waterSize->getWidth() || $thumbSize->getHeight() < $waterSize->getHeight()) {
             $t = $thumbSize->getHeight() / $waterSize->getHeight();
             if (round($t * $waterSize->getWidth()) <= $thumbSize->getWidth()) {
                 $waterImagine->resize(new Box(round($t * $waterSize->getWidth()), $thumbSize->getHeight()));
             } else {
                 $t = $thumbSize->getWidth() / $waterSize->getWidth();
                 $waterImagine->resize(new Box($thumbSize->getWidth(), round($t * $waterSize->getHeight())));
         $position = [0, 0];
         if ($water->position == Watermark::POSITION_CENTER) {
             $position = [round(($thumbImagine->getSize()->getWidth() - $waterImagine->getSize()->getWidth()) / 2), round(($thumbImagine->getSize()->getHeight() - $waterImagine->getSize()->getHeight()) / 2)];
         } else {
             $posStr = explode(' ', $water->position);
             switch ($posStr[0]) {
                 case 'TOP':
                     $position[0] = 0;
                 case 'BOTTOM':
                     $position[0] = $thumbImagine->getSize()->getWidth() - $waterImagine->getSize()->getWidth();
             switch ($posStr[1]) {
                 case 'LEFT':
                     $position[1] = 0;
                 case 'RIGHT':
                     $position[1] = $thumbImagine->getSize()->getHeight() - $waterImagine->getSize()->getHeight();
         $tmpThumbFilePath = Yii::getAlias('@runtime/' . str_replace(Yii::$app->getModule('image')->thumbnailsDirectory, '', $thumb->thumb_path));
         $tmpWaterFilePath = Yii::getAlias('@runtime/' . str_replace(Yii::$app->getModule('image')->watermarkDirectory, '', $water->watermark_path));
         $watermark = Imagine::watermark($tmpThumbFilePath, $tmpWaterFilePath, $position);
         $path = Yii::$app->getModule('image')->thumbnailsDirectory;
         $fileInfo = pathinfo($thumb->thumb_path);
         $watermarkInfo = pathinfo($water->watermark_path);
         $fileName = "{$fileInfo['filename']}-{$watermarkInfo['filename']}.{$fileInfo['extension']}";
         $watermark->save(Yii::getAlias('@runtime/') . $fileName);
         $stream = fopen(Yii::getAlias('@runtime/') . $fileName, 'r+');
         Yii::$app->getModule('image')->fsComponent->putStream("{$path}/{$fileName}", $stream);
         unlink(Yii::getAlias('@runtime/' . $fileName));
         return "{$path}/{$fileName}";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function saveImage($model)
     $model->date = date('Y-m-d');
     $maxId = Products::find()->select('max(id)')->scalar();
     $imageName = $maxId + 1;
     // (uniqid('img_')-как вариант, без нагрузки на бд)лучше вариант чем с датой, primary key всегда будет
     // уникальным + запрос вроде не сложный на выборку поскольку primary индексированый и взять максимальное
     // не составит большую нагрузку на бд
     $model->photo = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'photo');
     $fullName = Yii::getAlias('@webroot') . '/photos/' . $imageName . '.' . $model->photo->extension;
     $img = Image::getImagine()->open($fullName);
     $size = $img->getSize();
     $ratio = $size->getWidth() / $size->getHeight();
     $height = round(Products::IMAGE_WIDTH / $ratio);
     $box = new Box(Products::IMAGE_WIDTH, $height);
     $img->resize($box)->save(Yii::getAlias('@webroot') . '/thumbnails/' . $imageName . '.' . $model->photo->extension);
     $model->thumbnail = '/thumbnails/' . $imageName . '.' . $model->photo->extension;
     $model->photo = '/photos/' . $imageName . '.' . $model->photo->extension;
     $save = $model->save();
     if ($save) {
         return true;
     } else {
         die('product model was not save');
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Creates and caches the image thumbnail and returns full path from thumbnail file.
  * @param string $filename
  * @param integer $width
  * @param integer $height
  * @param string $mode
  * @return string
  * @throws FileNotFoundException
 public static function thumbnailFile($filename, $width, $height, $mode = self::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND)
     $filename = FileHelper::normalizePath(Yii::getAlias($filename));
     if (!is_file($filename)) {
         throw new FileNotFoundException("File {$filename} doesn't exist");
     $cachePath = Yii::getAlias('@webroot/' . self::$cacheAlias);
     $thumbnailFileExt = strrchr($filename, '.');
     $thumbnailFileName = md5($filename . $width . $height . $mode . filemtime($filename));
     $thumbnailFilePath = $cachePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($thumbnailFileName, 0, 2);
     $thumbnailFile = $thumbnailFilePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $thumbnailFileName . $thumbnailFileExt;
     if (file_exists($thumbnailFile)) {
         if (self::$cacheExpire !== 0 && time() - filemtime($thumbnailFile) > self::$cacheExpire) {
         } else {
             return $thumbnailFile;
     if (!is_dir($thumbnailFilePath)) {
         mkdir($thumbnailFilePath, 0755, true);
     $box = new Box($width, $height);
     $image = Image::getImagine()->open($filename);
     $image = $image->thumbnail($box, $mode);
     return $thumbnailFile;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function upload($attribute)
     if ($uploadImage = UploadedFile::getInstance($this->owner, $attribute)) {
         if (!$this->owner->isNewRecord) {
         $croppingFileName = md5($uploadImage->name . $this->quality . filemtime($uploadImage->tempName));
         $croppingFileExt = strrchr($uploadImage->name, '.');
         $croppingFileDir = substr($croppingFileName, 0, 2);
         $croppingFileBasePath = Yii::getAlias($this->basePath) . $this->baseDir;
         if (!is_dir($croppingFileBasePath)) {
             mkdir($croppingFileBasePath, 0755, true);
         $croppingFilePath = Yii::getAlias($this->basePath) . $this->baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $croppingFileDir;
         if (!is_dir($croppingFilePath)) {
             mkdir($croppingFilePath, 0755, true);
         $croppingFile = $croppingFilePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $croppingFileName . $croppingFileExt;
         $cropping = $_POST[$attribute . '-cropping'];
         $imageTmp = Image::getImagine()->open($uploadImage->tempName);
         $image = Image::getImagine()->create($imageTmp->getSize());
         $image->paste($imageTmp, new Point(0, 0));
         $point = new Point($cropping['dataX'], $cropping['dataY']);
         $box = new Box($cropping['dataWidth'], $cropping['dataHeight']);
         $image->crop($point, $box);
         $image->save($croppingFile, ['quality' => $this->quality]);
         $this->owner->{$attribute} = $this->baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $croppingFileDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $croppingFileName . $croppingFileExt;
     } elseif (isset($_POST[$attribute . '-remove']) && $_POST[$attribute . '-remove']) {
     } elseif (isset($this->owner->oldAttributes[$attribute])) {
         $this->owner->{$attribute} = $this->owner->oldAttributes[$attribute];
 public function run()
     if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) {
         $data = Yii::$app->request->post();
         if (!empty($data['url']) && in_array($data['direction'], ['CW', 'CCW'])) {
             try {
                 $url = $data['url'];
                 $url = str_replace(Yii::$app->request->baseUrl, '', $url);
                 if (substr($url, 0, 1) == '/') {
                     $url = substr($url, 1);
                 if (strpos($url, '?_ignore=') !== false) {
                     $url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '?_ignore='));
                 Image::getImagine()->open($url)->copy()->rotate($data['direction'] == 'CW' ? 90 : -90)->save($url);
                 list($width, $height) = getimagesize($url);
                 return Json::encode(['size' => [$width, $height], 'url' => Yii::$app->request->baseUrl . '/' . $url]);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 return Json::encode(['errors' => [$e->getMessage()]]);
         } else {
             return Json::encode(['errors' => ['Invalid rotate options!']]);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @param $oldModel FileUploadBehavior
 public function afterSave($oldModel)
     if ($this->_file instanceof UploadedFile) {
         foreach ($this->options['thumbs'] as $id => $options) {
             if (isset($options['imagine']) || $options['saveOptions']) {
                 if (empty($options['saveOptions'])) {
                     $options['saveOptions'] = [];
                 if (empty($options['imagine'])) {
                     $options['imagine'] = function ($filename) {
                         return Image::getImagine()->open($filename);
                 $this->processImage($options['imagine'], $options['saveOptions'], $id);
         if (isset($this->options['imagine']) || $this->options['saveOptions']) {
             if (empty($this->options['saveOptions'])) {
                 $this->options['saveOptions'] = [];
             if (empty($this->options['imagine'])) {
                 $this->options['imagine'] = function ($filename) {
                     return Image::getImagine()->open($filename);
             $this->processImage($this->options['imagine'], $this->options['saveOptions']);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function upload()
     if ($this->usua_imagem instanceof \yii\web\UploadedFile) {
         $imagem = 'uploads/' . $this->usua_codigo . '.png';
         $imagine = Image::getImagine()->open($this->usua_imagem->tempName)->thumbnail(new Box(140, 140))->save($imagem, ['quality' => 90]);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Sets up the box for the uploaded image as a boundary
  * @param int | int[] $dimension One or two dimensions of the box. In case of integer it will make a square box
  * @param bool        $crop      Determines if the image need to be cropped
  * @return $this
 public function resize($dimension, $crop = true)
     /** @var ImageInterface $imagine */
     $imagine = Image::getImagine()->open($this->contentFile);
     $this->performResize($imagine, $dimension, $crop);
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function createAvatar($uploadedAvatar)
     $fileName = $this->avatar ? $this->avatar : Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString(16);
     $uploadedAvatar->saveAs(User::avatarPath() . '/' . $fileName);
     foreach (User::getAvatarSizes() as $size) {
         Image::thumbnail(User::avatarPath() . '/' . $fileName, $size[0], $size[1])->save(User::avatarPath() . "/{$fileName}_{$size[0]}_{$size[1]}.png");
     Image::getImagine()->open(User::avatarPath() . '/' . $fileName)->save(User::avatarPath() . '/' . $fileName . '.png');
     unlink(User::avatarPath() . '/' . $fileName);
     $this->avatar = $fileName;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function createPoster($uploadedPoster)
     $fileName = $this->poster ? $this->poster : Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString(16);
     $uploadedPoster->saveAs(Competition::posterPath() . '/' . $fileName);
     foreach (Competition::getPosterSizes() as $size) {
         Image::thumbnail(Competition::posterPath() . '/' . $fileName, $size[0], $size[1])->save(Competition::posterPath() . "/{$fileName}_{$size[0]}_{$size[1]}.png");
     Image::getImagine()->open(Competition::posterPath() . '/' . $fileName)->save(Competition::posterPath() . '/' . $fileName . '.png');
     unlink(Competition::posterPath() . '/' . $fileName);
     $this->poster = $fileName;
  * @param $image \pavlinter\display2\objects\Image
  * @param $originalImage \Imagine\Gd\Image
  * @return mixed
 public function resize($image, $originalImage)
     $Box = new Box($image->width, $image->height);
     $newImage = $originalImage->thumbnail($Box);
     $boxNew = $newImage->getSize();
     $x = ($Box->getWidth() - $boxNew->getWidth()) / 2;
     $y = ($Box->getHeight() - $boxNew->getHeight()) / 2;
     $point = new \Imagine\Image\Point($x, $y);
     $palette = new \Imagine\Image\Palette\RGB();
     $color = $palette->color($image->bgColor, $image->bgAlpha);
     return \yii\imagine\Image::getImagine()->create($Box, $color)->paste($newImage, $point);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * 保存头像
  * @return  [type] [description]
  * @version 1.0    2015-12-28T16:14:11+0800
  * @author cnzhangxl@foxmail.com
 private function saveAvatar(&$model)
     if ($_FILES['Manager']['tmp_name']['avatar']) {
         $rel_path = date('Ym') . '/' . date('d') . '/';
         $save_path = Yii::getAlias('@upload_path/' . $rel_path);
         !is_dir($save_path) ? mkdir($save_path, 0777, true) : null;
         $image = Image::getImagine();
         $file_name = uniqid() . '.jpg';
         Image::thumbnail($_FILES['Manager']['tmp_name']['avatar'], 160, 160)->save($save_path . $file_name);
         $model->avatar = $rel_path . $file_name;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Creates thumbnail function callback for [[url]] function. Example:
  * ```php
  *  (new Thumbnail())->url($image, Thumbnail::thumb(100, 100), '100x100');
  * ```
  * @param integer $width
  * @param integer $height
  * @param string $sizeMode
  * @return callable
 public static function thumb($width, $height, $sizeMode = self::SIZE_MODE_ORIGINAL)
     if ($sizeMode == self::SIZE_MODE_DESIRED) {
         return function ($image) use($width, $height) {
             return Image::thumbnail($image, $width, $height, ManipulatorInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET);
     if ($sizeMode == self::SIZE_MODE_ORIGINAL) {
         return function ($image) use($width, $height) {
             return Image::getImagine()->open($image)->thumbnail(new Box($width, $height));
     throw new InvalidParamException('Unknown $sizeMode');
Exemplo n.º 18
 public function resize($filename, $type, $width, $type_model, $folder)
     $img = Image::getImagine()->open(Yii::getAlias('uploads/' . $type_model . 'original/' . $filename . "." . $type));
     $size = $img->getSize();
     if ($width < $size->getWidth()) {
         $ratio = $size->getWidth() / $size->getHeight();
         $height = round($width / $ratio);
     } else {
         $width = $size->getWidth();
         $height = $size->getHeight();
     $box = new Box($width, $height);
     $img->resize($box)->save('uploads/' . $type_model . $folder . $filename . "." . $type);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function uploadFile()
     $image = UploadedFile::getInstance($this->owner, $this->inAttributeUploadImage);
     if ($image && $this->owner->validate()) {
         $oldNameFile = $this->owner->{$this->inAttribute};
         $savePath = $this->owner->getSavePath();
         $saveName = md5($image->getBaseName()) . rand(1, 500) . '.' . $image->getExtension();
         $this->owner->{$this->inAttribute} = $saveName;
         $path = $savePath . $saveName;
         $photo = Image::getImagine()->open($image->tempName);
         $photo->thumbnail(new Box(500, 600))->resize(new Box(500, 600))->save($path, ['quality' => 100]);
         @unlink($savePath . $oldNameFile);
Exemplo n.º 20
 protected static function generateThumbnail($file, $width, $height, $options)
     $thumbName = self::getThumbFileName($file, $width, $height);
     $thumbDir = self::getThumbCachePath($thumbName);
     $thumbPath = "{$thumbDir}/{$thumbName}";
     if (file_exists($thumbPath)) {
         return $thumbPath;
     $mode = ArrayHelper::getValue($options, 'mode', ManipulatorInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND);
     $box = new Box($width, $height);
     $image = Image::getImagine()->open($file);
     $image = $image->thumbnail($box, $mode);
     return $thumbPath;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * @inheritdoc
 public function run()
     Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
     if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) {
         $params = Yii::$app->request->post();
         $srcImage = $this->getImagePath($params['image']['src']);
         $image = Image::getImagine()->open(Yii::getAlias($this->uploadRootPath . $srcImage));
         $size = $image->getSize()->heighten($params['image']['height']);
         $image->crop(new \Imagine\Image\Point($params['crop']['x'], $params['crop']['y']), new \Imagine\Image\Box($params['crop']['width'], $params['crop']['height']));
         $destImage = $this->getNewName($srcImage);
         $image->save(Yii::getAlias($this->uploadRootPath . $destImage));
         return ['file' => $destImage];
     return ['error' => 'It should be POST request.'];
Exemplo n.º 22
 protected function thumb($mode, $in, $width, $height, $out = null)
     $imagine = Image::getImagine();
     $path = Yii::getAlias($in);
     $img = $imagine->open($path);
     $thumb = $img->thumbnail(new Box($width, $height), $mode);
     if ($out) {
         if (false !== strpos('/', $out)) {
         } else {
             $thumb->save(dirname($path) . '/' . $out);
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function actionIndex()
     //        echo '1111';
     echo Yii::$app->hydra->getCacheUrl('/news/1.jpg', '100x100p');
     //        Yii::$app->hydra->parseCachePath('/data/cache/path/anydir/file-300x200p.jpg');
     $imagine = Image::getImagine();
     $image = $imagine->open('https://pp.vk.me/c625231/v625231488/6207f/ZdXVkWDteFk.jpg');
     //        $image = $image->thumbnail(new Box(300, 100), ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND);
     $image = $image->thumbnail(new \Imagine\Image\Box(300, 100), ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET);
     //        $image = $image->crop(new Point(0, 0), new Box(300, 200));
     //        Yii::$app->response->headers->add('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg');
     //        Yii::$app->response->send();
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static function thumbnailFile($filename, $width, $height, $mode = self::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND, $isWatermark = false)
     $filename = FileHelper::normalizePath(Yii::getAlias($filename));
     if (!is_file($filename)) {
         throw new FileNotFoundException("File {$filename} doesn't exist");
     $cachePath = Yii::getAlias(self::$cashBaseAlias . '/' . self::$cacheAlias);
     $thumbnailFileExt = strrchr($filename, '.');
     $thumbnailFileName = md5($filename . $width . $height . $mode . filemtime($filename));
     $thumbnailFilePath = $cachePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($thumbnailFileName, 0, 2);
     $thumbnailFile = $thumbnailFilePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $thumbnailFileName . $thumbnailFileExt;
     if (file_exists($thumbnailFile)) {
         if (self::$cacheExpire !== 0 && time() - filemtime($thumbnailFile) > self::$cacheExpire) {
         } else {
             return $thumbnailFile;
     if (!is_dir($thumbnailFilePath)) {
         mkdir($thumbnailFilePath, 0755, true);
     $box = new Box($width, $height);
     $imagine = Image::getImagine();
     $image = $imagine->open($filename)->thumbnail($box, $mode);
     if ($isWatermark) {
         if (file_exists(Yii::getAlias(self::$watermark))) {
             $watermark = Image::getImagine()->open(Yii::getAlias(self::$watermark));
             $image = Image::getImagine()->open($thumbnailFile);
             $size = $image->getSize();
             $wSize = $watermark->getSize();
             $bottomRight = new Point($size->getWidth() - $wSize->getWidth() - 30, $size->getHeight() - $wSize->getHeight() - 12);
             $image->paste($watermark, $bottomRight);
         } else {
             if (self::$watermark) {
                 $point = new Point(self::$watermarkConfig['fontStart'][0], self::$watermarkConfig['fontStart'][1]);
                 $color = new Color(self::$watermarkConfig['fontColor'], self::$watermarkConfig['fontSize']);
                 $font = Image::getImagine()->font(Yii::getAlias(self::$watermarkConfig['fontFile']), Yii::getAlias(self::$watermarkConfig['fontSize']), $color);
                 $image = Image::getImagine()->open($thumbnailFile);
                 $image->draw()->text(self::$watermark, $font, $point, self::$watermarkConfig['fontAngle']);
     return $thumbnailFile;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public function actionFileUpload()
     $this->enableCsrfValidation = false;
     $uploaddir = Yii::getAlias('@frontend/web/uploads/services/');
     $tmp_image_name = $_FILES['service_img']['tmp_name'];
     $image_name = substr(sha1(basename($_FILES['service_img']['name']) . time() . rand(1000, 9999)), 0, 7) . basename($_FILES['service_img']['name']);
     move_uploaded_file($tmp_image_name, $uploaddir . $image_name);
     Image::getImagine()->open(Yii::getAlias('@frontend/web/uploads/services/' . $image_name))->thumbnail(new Box(500, 500))->save(Yii::getAlias('@frontend/web/uploads/services/min/' . $image_name), ['quality' => 90]);
     $model = new Media();
     $model->service_id = $_SESSION['Service']['id'];
     $model->img = $image_name;
     $model->type = 'img';
     $model->created_date = date('Y-m-d h:m:s');
     $model->status = '1';
     return $model->getPrimaryKey();
 public function actionCrop()
     $imageConfig = ['id_row' => Yii::$app->request->get('id_row'), 'width' => Yii::$app->request->get('width'), 'height' => Yii::$app->request->get('height'), 'image' => Yii::$app->request->get('image'), 'category' => Yii::$app->request->get('category'), 'bgColor' => Yii::$app->request->get('bgColor'), 'bgAlpha' => Yii::$app->request->get('bgAlpha'), 'mode' => Yii::$app->request->get('mode')];
     foreach ($imageConfig as $k => $v) {
         if ($v === null) {
     /* @var $display \pavlinter\display2\components\Display */
     $display = Yii::$app->get(Module::getInstance()->componentId);
     $image = $display->getImage($imageConfig);
     $img = \yii\imagine\Image::getImagine()->open($image->rootSrc);
     Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_RAW;
     $headers = Yii::$app->response->headers;
     $headers->add('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg');
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Создает уменьшенную и обрезанную копию изображения
  * Обрезка производится до 200 пикселей
  * @param string $sourceFilePath
  * @param string $thumbImagePath
  * @return bool
 public function createThumb($sourceFilePath)
     $imageWidth = 200;
     $imageRatio = 1.5;
     $img = Image::getImagine()->open($sourceFilePath);
     $size = $img->getSize();
     // Если высота больше ширины
     if ($size->getHeight() > $size->getWidth()) {
         //$img = BwImage::thumbnail($sourceFilePath, $imageWidth, $imageWidth, ManipulatorInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET)->save($sourceFilePath);
         $imageHeight = round($imageWidth * $imageRatio);
         $box = new Box($size->getWidth(), $size->getWidth() * $imageRatio);
         $start = new StartPoint($box);
         $img->crop($start, $box);
         $img->resize(new Box($imageWidth, $imageHeight))->save($sourceFilePath);
     } else {
         $imageHeight = round($imageWidth / $imageRatio);
         $img = BwImage::thumbnail($sourceFilePath, $imageWidth, $imageHeight)->save($sourceFilePath);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public function actionServeImage()
     $preset = $_GET['preset'];
     list($width, $height) = $this->resolvePreset($preset);
     $image = File::getByName($_GET['name']);
     if (isset($image) && is_file($image->path)) {
         $presetFolder = $image->getPresetFolder($preset);
         $fileCachePath = $presetFolder . $image->filename;
         if ($preset == 'editor') {
             copy($image->path, $fileCachePath);
         } else {
             Image::getImagine()->open($image->path)->thumbnail(new \Imagine\Image\Box($width, $height))->save($fileCachePath);
         header('Content-type: ' . mime_content_type($fileCachePath));
Exemplo n.º 29
  * [[@doctodo method_description:followResizeInstructions]].
  * @param [[@doctodo param_type:imagePath]] $imagePath [[@doctodo param_description:imagePath]]
  * @param [[@doctodo param_type:resize]]    $resize    [[@doctodo param_description:resize]]
  * @return [[@doctodo return_type:followResizeInstructions]] [[@doctodo return_description:followResizeInstructions]]
 protected function followResizeInstructions($imagePath, $resize)
     if (is_object($imagePath)) {
         $image = $imagePath;
     } else {
         $imagine = Image::getImagine();
         $image = $imagine->open($imagePath);
     if (!$image) {
         return false;
     $size = $image->getSize();
     if (isset($resize['width']) && $resize['width'] < $size->getWidth()) {
     if (isset($resize['height']) && $resize['height'] < $size->getHeight()) {
     return $image;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Create thumbnail in fs
  * @param $image Image
  * @param $size ThumbnailSize
  * @return string|false
 public static function createThumbnail($image, $size)
     try {
         /** @var Filesystem $fs */
         $fs = Yii::$app->getModule('image')->fsComponent;
         $file = Imagine::getImagine()->read($fs->readStream($image->filename));
         /** @var ImageInterface $thumb */
         $thumb = $file->thumbnail(new Box($size->width, $size->height), $size->resize_mode);
         $path = Yii::$app->getModule('image')->thumbnailsDirectory;
         if (!preg_match('#^(?<name>.+)\\.(?<ext>[^\\.]+)$#', $image->filename, $fileInfo)) {
             return false;
         $stream = $thumb->get($fileInfo['ext'], ['quality' => $size->quality]);
         $src = "{$path}/{$fileInfo['name']}-{$size->width}x{$size->height}.{$fileInfo['ext']}";
         $fs->put($src, $stream);
         return $src;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;