Exemplo n.º 1
 public function getThumbnailTrue()
     if ($this->image) {
         $name = \yii\helpers\StringHelper::basename($this->image);
         $dir = \yii\helpers\StringHelper::dirname($this->image);
         return Yii::getAlias($dir . '/thumb/' . $name);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function actionIndex()
     // --------------------------- TITLE -----------------------------------
     $this->getView()->title .= ' :: ' . S::upperCamelize($this->action->id);
     // TODO
     // debug info ----------------------------------------------------------
     AppDebug::dump(['method' => __METHOD__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'module' => $this->module->id, 'controller' => $this->id, 'action' => $this->action->id, 'dirname' => StringHelper::dirname(Yii::getAlias('@frontend')), 'version' => Yii::getVersion(), 'clientIp' => $this->getClientIp(), 'userIp' => $this->getRequest()->userIP, 'language' => Yii::$app->language, 'user' => Yii::$app->getUser(), 'isGuest' => Yii::$app->getUser()->isGuest, 'view params' => $this->getView()->params]);
     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     return $this->render('index');
Exemplo n.º 3
  * walk througt all modules gii directories and collect Giant crud generator saved forms.
  * @return array
 public static function loadSavedForms($generatorName)
     $suffix = str_replace(' ', '', $generatorName);
     if (self::$savedFormList) {
         return self::$savedFormList;
      * get all possible gii directories with out validation on existing
     $giiDirs = [];
     $giiDirs[] = \Yii::getAlias('@app/gii');
     if ($commonGiiDir = \Yii::getAlias('@common/gii', false)) {
         $giiDirs[] = $commonGiiDir;
     foreach (\Yii::$app->modules as $moduleId => $module) {
          * get module base path
         if (method_exists($module, 'getBasePath')) {
             $basePath = $module->getBasePath();
         } else {
             $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($module['class']);
             $basePath = StringHelper::dirname($reflector->getFileName());
         $basePath .= '/gii';
         $giiDirs[] = $basePath;
      * from all gii directories collec forms
     $forms = [];
     foreach ($giiDirs as $basePath) {
          * search in module gii directory all forms json files
          * with required suffix
         if (!file_exists($basePath)) {
         $files = scandir($basePath);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (!preg_match('#' . $suffix . '\\.json$#', $file)) {
             $name = preg_replace('#' . $suffix . '\\.json$#', '', $file);
             $forms[$moduleId . $name] = ['jsonData' => file_get_contents($basePath . '/' . $file), 'label' => $moduleId . ' - ' . $name];
     return self::$savedFormList = $forms;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @param string $url
  * @return self
 protected static function setDomains($url)
     self::$baseFolder = '';
     if (empty(self::$homeUrl)) {
         self::$homeUrl = rtrim(StringHelper::dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/');
     if (empty(self::$baseFolder)) {
         if ($str = mb_stristr(self::$homeUrl, 'admin', TRUE)) {
             self::$baseFolder = $str . "admin";
         if ($str == false && !empty(self::$homeUrl)) {
             self::$baseFolder = rtrim(self::$homeUrl, '/');
         self::$baseFolder = rtrim(self::$baseFolder, '/');
     $url = StringHelper::byteSubstr($url, StringHelper::byteLength(self::$baseFolder), StringHelper::byteLength($url));
     self::$domains = explode('/', ltrim($url, '/'));
     return self::$domains;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function getThumbnailTrue()
     $image = $this->avatar;
     $pos = strpos($image, "http");
     if ($pos !== FALSE) {
         return $this->avatar;
     } else {
         if ($image) {
             $name = \yii\helpers\StringHelper::basename($image);
             $dir = \yii\helpers\StringHelper::dirname($image);
             return Yii::getAlias($dir . '/thumb/' . $name);
         } else {
             return Yii::$app->request->baseUrl . '/img/photo.jpg.png';
Exemplo n.º 6
    $searchModelAlias = $searchModelClass . 'Search';

/* @var $class ActiveRecordInterface */
$class = $generator->modelClass;
$pks = $class::primaryKey();
$urlParams = $generator->generateUrlParams();
$actionParams = $generator->generateActionParams();
$actionParamComments = $generator->generateActionParamComments();

$temporal=new $class();

echo "<?php\n";

namespace <?= StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($generator->controllerClass, '\\')) ?>;

use Yii;
use <?= ltrim($generator->modelClass, '\\') ?>;
<?php if (!empty($generator->searchModelClass)): ?>
use <?= ltrim($generator->searchModelClass, '\\') . (isset($searchModelAlias) ? " as $searchModelAlias" : "") ?>;
<?php else: ?>
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;
<?php endif; ?>
use <?= ltrim($generator->baseControllerClass, '\\') ?>;
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException;
use yii\filters\VerbFilter;

<?php  if ( is_a($temporal, 'app\models\TramitExt') ): ?>
use app\models\USUARIOS;
use app\models\PasosTramite;
Exemplo n.º 7
$searchModelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->searchModelClass);
if ($modelClass === $searchModelClass) {
    $searchModelAlias = $searchModelClass . 'Search';
/* @var $class ActiveRecordInterface */
$class = $generator->modelClass;
$pks = $class::primaryKey();
$urlParams = $generator->generateUrlParams();
$actionParams = $generator->generateActionParams();
$actionParamComments = $generator->generateActionParamComments();
$tableSchema = $generator->getTableSchema();
echo "<?php\n";

namespace <?php 
echo StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($generator->controllerClass, '\\'));

use Yii;
use pavlinter\adm\Adm;
use <?php 
echo ltrim($generator->modelClass, '\\');
if (!empty($generator->searchModelClass)) {
use <?php 
    echo ltrim($generator->searchModelClass, '\\') . (isset($searchModelAlias) ? " as {$searchModelAlias}" : "");
Exemplo n.º 8
$modelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->modelClass);
$searchModelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->searchModelClass);
if ($modelClass === $searchModelClass) {
    $searchModelAlias = $searchModelClass . 'Search';
/* @var $class ActiveRecordInterface */
$class = $generator->modelClass;
$pks = $class::primaryKey();
$urlParams = $generator->generateUrlParams();
$actionParams = $generator->generateActionParams();
$actionParamComments = $generator->generateActionParamComments();
echo "<?php\n";

namespace <?php 
echo StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($generator->getControllerClass(), '\\'));

use Yii;
use <?php 
echo ltrim($generator->modelClass, '\\');
if (!empty($generator->searchModelClass)) {
use <?php 
    echo ltrim($generator->searchModelClass, '\\') . (isset($searchModelAlias) ? " as {$searchModelAlias}" : "");
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function generate()
     if ($this->singularEntities) {
         $this->modelClass = Inflector::singularize($this->modelClass);
         $this->controllerClass = Inflector::singularize(substr($this->controllerClass, 0, strlen($this->controllerClass) - 10)) . 'Controller';
         $this->searchModelClass = Inflector::singularize($this->searchModelClass);
     $controllerFile = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', ltrim($this->controllerClass, '\\')) . '.php');
     $baseControllerFile = StringHelper::dirname($controllerFile) . '/base/' . StringHelper::basename($controllerFile);
     $restControllerFile = StringHelper::dirname($controllerFile) . '/api/' . StringHelper::basename($controllerFile);
     $files[] = new CodeFile($baseControllerFile, $this->render('controller.php'));
     $params['controllerClassName'] = \yii\helpers\StringHelper::basename($this->controllerClass);
     if ($this->overwriteControllerClass || !is_file($controllerFile)) {
         $files[] = new CodeFile($controllerFile, $this->render('controller-extended.php', $params));
     if ($this->overwriteRestControllerClass || !is_file($restControllerFile)) {
         $files[] = new CodeFile($restControllerFile, $this->render('controller-rest.php', $params));
     if (!empty($this->searchModelClass)) {
         $searchModel = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', ltrim($this->searchModelClass, '\\') . '.php'));
         $files[] = new CodeFile($searchModel, $this->render('search.php'));
     $viewPath = $this->getViewPath();
     $templatePath = $this->getTemplatePath() . '/views';
     foreach (scandir($templatePath) as $file) {
         if (empty($this->searchModelClass) && $file === '_search.php') {
         if (is_file($templatePath . '/' . $file) && pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === 'php') {
             $files[] = new CodeFile("{$viewPath}/{$file}", $this->render("views/{$file}"));
     return $files;
Exemplo n.º 10
/* @var $this yii\web\View */
/* @var $generator \infinitydevphp\gii\crud\Generator */
$modelClass = StringHelper::basename(ltrim(str_replace('/', '\\', $generator->reallySearchNs), '\\'));
$searchModelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->reallySearchNs);
if ($modelClass === $searchModelClass) {
    $modelAlias = $modelClass . 'Model';
$rules = $generator->generateSearchRules();
$labels = $generator->generateSearchLabels();
$searchAttributes = $generator->getSearchAttributes();
$searchConditions = $generator->generateSearchConditions();
echo "<?php\n";

namespace <?php 
echo StringHelper::dirname(str_replace('/', '\\', ltrim($generator->reallySearchNs, '\\')));

use Yii;
use yii\base\Model;
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;
use <?php 
echo ltrim($generator->modelClass, '\\') . (isset($modelAlias) ? " as {$modelAlias}" : "");

 * <?php 
echo $searchModelClass;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function generate()
     $accessDefinitions = (require $this->getTemplatePath() . '/access_definition.php');
     $this->controllerNs = \yii\helpers\StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($this->controllerClass, '\\'));
     $this->moduleNs = \yii\helpers\StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($this->controllerNs, '\\'));
     $controllerName = substr(\yii\helpers\StringHelper::basename($this->controllerClass), 0, -10);
     if ($this->singularEntities) {
         $this->modelClass = Inflector::singularize($this->modelClass);
         $this->controllerClass = Inflector::singularize(substr($this->controllerClass, 0, strlen($this->controllerClass) - 10)) . 'Controller';
         $this->searchModelClass = Inflector::singularize($this->searchModelClass);
     $controllerFile = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', ltrim($this->controllerClass, '\\')) . '.php');
     $baseControllerFile = StringHelper::dirname($controllerFile) . '/base/' . StringHelper::basename($controllerFile);
     $restControllerFile = StringHelper::dirname($controllerFile) . '/api/' . StringHelper::basename($controllerFile);
      * search generated migration and overwrite it or create new
     $migrationDir = StringHelper::dirname(StringHelper::dirname($controllerFile)) . '/migrations';
     if (file_exists($migrationDir) && ($migrationDirFiles = glob($migrationDir . '/m*_' . $controllerName . '00_access.php'))) {
         $this->migrationClass = pathinfo($migrationDirFiles[0], PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     } else {
         $this->migrationClass = 'm' . date('ymd_Hi') . '00_' . $controllerName . '_access';
     $files[] = new CodeFile($baseControllerFile, $this->render('controller.php', ['accessDefinitions' => $accessDefinitions]));
     $params['controllerClassName'] = \yii\helpers\StringHelper::basename($this->controllerClass);
     if ($this->overwriteControllerClass || !is_file($controllerFile)) {
         $files[] = new CodeFile($controllerFile, $this->render('controller-extended.php', $params));
     if ($this->overwriteRestControllerClass || !is_file($restControllerFile)) {
         $files[] = new CodeFile($restControllerFile, $this->render('controller-rest.php', $params));
     if (!empty($this->searchModelClass)) {
         $searchModel = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', ltrim($this->searchModelClass, '\\') . '.php'));
         if ($this->overwriteSearchModelClass || !is_file($searchModel)) {
             $files[] = new CodeFile($searchModel, $this->render('search.php'));
     $viewPath = $this->getViewPath();
     $templatePath = $this->getTemplatePath() . '/views';
     foreach (scandir($templatePath) as $file) {
         if (empty($this->searchModelClass) && $file === '_search.php') {
         if (is_file($templatePath . '/' . $file) && pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === 'php') {
             echo $file;
             $files[] = new CodeFile("{$viewPath}/{$file}", $this->render("views/{$file}", ['permisions' => $permisions]));
     if ($this->generateAccessFilterMigrations) {
          * access migration
         $migrationFile = $migrationDir . '/' . $this->migrationClass . '.php';
         $files[] = new CodeFile($migrationFile, $this->render('migration_access.php', ['accessDefinitions' => $accessDefinitions]));
          * access roles translation
         $forRoleTranslationFile = StringHelper::dirname(StringHelper::dirname($controllerFile)) . '/messages/for-translation/' . $controllerName . '.php';
         $files[] = new CodeFile($forRoleTranslationFile, $this->render('roles-translation.php', ['accessDefinitions' => $accessDefinitions]));
      * create gii/[name]GiantCRUD.json with actual form data
     $suffix = str_replace(' ', '', $this->getName());
     $controllerFileinfo = pathinfo($controllerFile);
     $formDataFile = StringHelper::dirname(StringHelper::dirname($controllerFile)) . '/gii/' . str_replace('Controller', $suffix, $controllerFileinfo['filename']) . '.json';
     //$formData = json_encode($this->getFormAttributesValues());
     $formData = json_encode(SaveForm::getFormAttributesValues($this, $this->formAttributes()));
     $files[] = new CodeFile($formDataFile, $formData);
     return $files;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @return string The namespace for the child class which is used by the
  * developers for non-automatically generated code.
 public function getChildNs()
     return StringHelper::dirname($this->ns);
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Returns the migrations that are not applied.
  * @return array List of new migrations (key: migration version; value: alias)
 protected function getNewMigrations()
     $applied = [];
     foreach ($this->getMigrationHistory(null) as $version => $info) {
         $applied[substr($version, 1, 13)] = true;
     $moduleMigrations = FileHelper::findFiles(Yii::getAlias($this->modulesPath), ['only' => ['*/migrations/*php']]);
     array_walk($moduleMigrations, function (&$value) {
         $value = dirname($value);
     $moduleMigrations = array_unique($moduleMigrations);
     $directories = ArrayHelper::merge([$this->migrationPath], $moduleMigrations, $this->migrationLookup);
     array_walk($directories, function (&$directory) {
         $appPath = Yii::getAlias('@app');
         // For correct detection on Windows
         $vendorPath = StringHelper::dirname($appPath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor';
         $directory = str_replace($appPath, '@app', $directory);
         $directory = str_replace($vendorPath, '@vendor', $directory);
         $directory = FileHelper::normalizePath($directory, '/');
     $migrations = [];
     foreach ($directories as $alias) {
         $dir = Yii::getAlias($alias);
         $handle = opendir($dir);
         while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
             if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {
             $path = "{$dir}/{$file}";
             if (preg_match('/^(m(\\d{6}_\\d{6})_.*?)\\.php$/', $file, $matches) && is_file($path) && !isset($applied[$matches[2]])) {
                 $migrations[$matches[1]] = $alias;
     return $migrations;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * 生成搜索模型代码文件
  * @return CodeFile
  * @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
 protected function generateSearchModelCodeFile()
     $currentFormModelFullClass = StringHelper::dirname($this->searchModelClass) . '\\' . StringHelper::basename($this->modelClass);
     $isFormDirExistModel = class_exists($currentFormModelFullClass);
     $searchModel = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', ltrim($this->searchModelClass, '\\') . '.php'));
     return new CodeFile($searchModel, $this->render('search.php', ['isFormDirExistModel' => $isFormDirExistModel]));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function getNameSpace()
     $class = $this->modelClass;
     return StringHelper::dirname($class);
Exemplo n.º 16
$modelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->modelClass);
$searchModelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->reallySearchNs);
if ($modelClass === $searchModelClass) {
    $searchModelAlias = $searchModelClass . 'Search';
/* @var $class ActiveRecordInterface */
$class = $generator->modelClass;
$pks = $class::primaryKey();
$urlParams = $generator->generateUrlParams();
$actionParams = $generator->generateActionParams();
$actionParamComments = $generator->generateActionParamComments();
echo "<?php\n";

namespace <?php 
echo StringHelper::dirname(str_replace('/', '\\', ltrim($generator->reallyControllerNs, '\\')));

use Yii;
$attribute = '';
if ($attribute = $generator->hasUploadBehavior) {
use trntv\filekit\actions\DeleteAction;
use trntv\filekit\actions\UploadAction;
use <?php 
echo ltrim($generator->modelClass, '\\');
Exemplo n.º 17
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generate()
     $files = [];
     $relations = $this->generateRelations();
     $db = $this->getDbConnection();
     foreach ($this->getTableNames() as $tableName) {
         list($relations, $translations) = array_values($this->extractTranslations($tableName, $relations));
         $className = php_sapi_name() === 'cli' ? $this->generateClassName($tableName) : $this->modelClass;
         $queryClassName = $this->generateQuery ? $this->generateQueryClassName($className) : false;
         $tableSchema = $db->getTableSchema($tableName);
         $params = ['tableName' => $tableName, 'className' => $className, 'queryClassName' => $queryClassName, 'tableSchema' => $tableSchema, 'labels' => $this->generateLabels($tableSchema), 'hints' => $this->generateHints($tableSchema), 'rules' => $this->generateRules($tableSchema), 'relations' => isset($relations[$tableName]) ? $relations[$tableName] : [], 'ns' => $this->ns, 'enum' => $this->getEnum($tableSchema->columns)];
         if (!empty($translations)) {
             $params['translation'] = $translations;
         $params['blameable'] = $this->generateBlameable($tableSchema);
         $params['timestamp'] = $this->generateTimestamp($tableSchema);
         $files[] = new CodeFile(Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->ns)) . '/base/' . $className . $this->baseClassSuffix . '.php', $this->render('model.php', $params));
         $modelClassFile = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->ns)) . '/' . $className . '.php';
         if ($this->generateModelClass || !is_file($modelClassFile)) {
             $files[] = new CodeFile($modelClassFile, $this->render('model-extended.php', $params));
         if ($queryClassName) {
             $queryClassFile = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->queryNs)) . '/' . $queryClassName . '.php';
             if ($this->generateModelClass || !is_file($queryClassFile)) {
                 $params = ['className' => $queryClassName, 'modelClassName' => $className];
                 $files[] = new CodeFile($queryClassFile, $this->render('query.php', $params));
          * create gii/[name]GiiantModel.json with actual form data
         $suffix = str_replace(' ', '', $this->getName());
         $formDataDir = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $this->ns));
         $formDataFile = StringHelper::dirname($formDataDir) . '/gii' . '/' . $tableName . $suffix . '.json';
         $formData = json_encode(SaveForm::getFormAttributesValues($this, $this->formAttributes()));
         $files[] = new CodeFile($formDataFile, $formData);
     return $files;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * @param \phpDocumentor\Reflection\InterfaceReflector $reflector
  * @param Context $context
  * @param array $config
 public function __construct($reflector = null, $context = null, $config = [])
     parent::__construct($reflector, $context, $config);
     if ($reflector === null) {
     foreach ($this->tags as $i => $tag) {
         if ($tag instanceof AuthorTag) {
             $this->authors[$tag->getAuthorName()] = $tag->getAuthorEmail();
         } else {
             if ($tag->getName() == 'package') {
                 $this->namespace = $tag->getContent();
     if (empty($this->namespace)) {
         $this->namespace = trim(StringHelper::dirname($this->name), '\\');
     foreach ($reflector->getProperties() as $propertyReflector) {
         if ($propertyReflector->getVisibility() != 'private') {
             $property = new PropertyDoc($propertyReflector, $context, ['sourceFile' => $this->sourceFile]);
             $property->definedBy = $this->name;
             $this->properties[$property->name] = $property;
     foreach ($reflector->getMethods() as $methodReflector) {
         if ($methodReflector->getVisibility() != 'private') {
             $method = new MethodDoc($methodReflector, $context, ['sourceFile' => $this->sourceFile]);
             $method->definedBy = $this->name;
             $this->methods[$method->name] = $method;
Exemplo n.º 19
/* @var $generator yii\gii\generators\crud\Generator */

$modelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->modelClass);
$searchModelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->searchModelClass);
if ($modelClass === $searchModelClass) {
    $modelAlias = $modelClass . 'Model';
$rules = $generator->generateSearchRules();
$labels = $generator->generateSearchLabels();
$searchAttributes = $generator->getSearchAttributes();
$searchConditions = $generator->generateSearchConditions();

echo "<?php\n";

namespace <?= StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($generator->searchModelClass, '\\')) ?>;

use Yii;
use yii\base\Model;
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;
use <?= ltrim($generator->modelClass, '\\') . (isset($modelAlias) ? " as $modelAlias" : "") ?>;

 * <?= $searchModelClass ?> represents the model behind the search form about `<?= $generator->modelClass ?>`.
class <?= $searchModelClass ?> extends <?= isset($modelAlias) ? $modelAlias : $modelClass ?>

     * @inheritdoc
     * Composes asset bundle class source code.
     * @param  array  $config asset bundle config.
     * @return string class source code.
    protected function composeAssetBundleClassSource(array &$config)
        $config = array_merge(['namespace' => StringHelper::dirname(get_class($this)), 'class' => 'AppAsset', 'basePath' => $this->testFilePath, 'baseUrl' => '', 'css' => [], 'js' => [], 'depends' => []], $config);
        foreach ($config as $name => $value) {
            if (is_array($value)) {
                $config[$name] = var_export($value, true);
        $source = <<<EOL
namespace {$config['namespace']};

use yii\\web\\AssetBundle;

class {$config['class']} extends AssetBundle
    public \$basePath = '{$config['basePath']}';
    public \$baseUrl = '{$config['baseUrl']}';
    public \$css = {$config['css']};
    public \$js = {$config['js']};
    public \$depends = {$config['depends']};
        return $source;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function getWidgetNameSpace()
     //        Yii::info(StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($this->controllerClass, '\\')));
     return dirname(StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($this->controllerClass, '\\'))) . '\\widgets';
Exemplo n.º 22
/* @var $this yii\web\View */
/* @var $generator \mootensai\enhancedgii\model\Generator */
$modelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->modelClass);
$searchModelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->searchModelClass);
if ($modelClass === $searchModelClass) {
    $modelAlias = $modelClass . 'Model';
$rules = $generator->generateSearchRules();
$labels = $generator->generateSearchLabels();
$searchAttributes = $generator->getSearchAttributes();
$searchConditions = $generator->generateSearchConditions();
echo "<?php\n";

namespace <?php 
echo StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($generator->nsSearchModel, '\\'));

use Yii;
use yii\base\Model;
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;
use <?php 
echo ltrim($generator->searchModelClass, '\\') . (isset($modelAlias) ? " as {$modelAlias}" : "");

 * <?php 
echo $searchModelClass;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Retrieves only basename of class fqn
  * @param string $fqn
 public static function ns($fqn)
     return trim(StringHelper::dirname($fqn), '\\');
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Returns the ID of action, which should be used for return redirect.
  * If action belongs to another controller or does not exist in current controller - 'index' is returned.
  * @param string $defaultActionId default action ID.
  * @return string action ID.
 public function getReturnAction($defaultActionId = 'index')
     if ($this->returnAction !== null) {
         return $this->returnAction;
     $sessionKey = '__adminReturnAction';
     $actionId = Yii::$app->getSession()->get($sessionKey, $defaultActionId);
     $actionId = trim($actionId, '/');
     if ($actionId === 'index') {
         return $actionId;
     if (strpos($actionId, '/') !== false) {
         $controllerId = StringHelper::dirname($actionId);
         if ($controllerId !== $this->controller->getUniqueId()) {
             return 'index';
         $actionId = StringHelper::basename($actionId);
     if (!$this->actionExists($actionId)) {
         return 'index';
     return $actionId;
Exemplo n.º 25
$types = $renderer->getNavTypes(isset($type) ? $type : null, $types);
$nav = [];
$subNav = [];
foreach ($types as $i => $class) {
    $namespace = $class->namespace;
    preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\\\[a-zA-Z0-9]*)/', $class->namespace, $matches);
    if (isset($matches[1])) {
        $namespace = $matches[1];
    } else {
        $namespace = '';
    $subNamespace = StringHelper::dirname($class->name);
    $subLabel = StringHelper::dirname(str_replace($namespace, '', $class->name));
    if (empty($subNamespace)) {
        $subNamespace = $class->namespace;
        $subLabel = '.';
    if (empty($namespace)) {
        $namespace = 'Not namespaced classes';
    if (!isset($nav[$namespace])) {
        $nav[$namespace] = ['label' => $namespace, 'url' => '#'];
    if (!isset($subNav[$subNamespace])) {
        $subNav[$subNamespace] = ['label' => $subLabel, 'url' => '#', 'items' => []];
        $nav[$namespace]['items'][] =& $subNav[$subNamespace];
    $subNav[$subNamespace]['items'][] = ['label' => StringHelper::basename($class->name), 'url' => './' . $renderer->generateApiUrl($class->name), 'active' => isset($type) && $class->name == $type->name];
Exemplo n.º 26
/* @var $this yii\web\View */
/* @var $generator yii\gii\generators\crud\Generator */
$modelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->modelClass);
$searchModelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->searchModelClass);
if ($modelClass === $searchModelClass) {
    $modelAlias = $modelClass . 'Model';
$rules = $generator->generateSearchRules();
$labels = $generator->generateSearchLabels();
$searchAttributes = $generator->getSearchAttributes();
$searchConditions = $generator->generateSearchConditions();
echo "<?php\n";

namespace <?php 
echo StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($generator->searchModelClass, '\\'));

use Yii;
use yii\base\Model;
use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;
use <?php 
echo ltrim($generator->modelClass, '\\') . (isset($modelAlias) ? " as {$modelAlias}" : "");

* <?php 
echo $searchModelClass;
Exemplo n.º 27
$traitClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->traitClass);
$controllerClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->controllerClass);
$modelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->modelClass);
$searchModelClass = StringHelper::basename($generator->searchModelClass);
if ($modelClass === $searchModelClass) {
    $searchModelAlias = $searchModelClass . 'Search';
$pks = $generator->getTableSchema()->primaryKey;
$urlParams = $generator->generateUrlParams();
$actionParams = $generator->generateActionParams();
$actionParamComments = $generator->generateActionParamComments();
echo "<?php\n";

namespace <?php 
echo StringHelper::dirname(ltrim($generator->traitClass, '\\'));

use Yii;
use <?php 
echo ltrim($generator->modelClass, '\\');
if (!empty($generator->searchModelClass)) {
use <?php 
    echo ltrim($generator->searchModelClass, '\\') . (isset($searchModelAlias) ? " as {$searchModelAlias}" : "");