Exemplo n.º 1
  * Get Solr connection.
  * @return \VuFind\Connection\SolrStats
 protected function getSolr()
     if (null === $this->solr) {
         $this->solr = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex('SolrStats');
     return $this->solr;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Save an XML file to the Solr index using the specified configuration.
  * @param string $xmlFile    XML file to transform.
  * @param string $properties Properties file.
  * @param string $index      Solr index to use.
  * @param bool   $testMode   Are we in test-only mode?
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return void
 public function save($xmlFile, $properties, $index = 'Solr', $testMode = false)
     // Process the file:
     $xml = $this->generateXML($xmlFile, $properties);
     // Save the results (or just display them, if in test mode):
     if (!$testMode) {
         $solr = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex($index);
         $result = $solr->saveRecord($xml);
     } else {
         Console::write($xml . "\n");
  * Gathers data for the view of the AlphaBrowser and does some initialization
  * @return \Zend\View\Model\ViewModel
 public function homeAction()
     $config = ConfigReader::getConfig();
     // Load browse types from config file, or use defaults if unavailable:
     if (isset($config->AlphaBrowse_Types) && !empty($config->AlphaBrowse_Types)) {
         $types = array();
         foreach ($config->AlphaBrowse_Types as $key => $value) {
             $types[$key] = $value;
     } else {
         $types = array('topic' => 'By Topic', 'author' => 'By Author', 'title' => 'By Title', 'lcc' => 'By Call Number');
     // Connect to Solr:
     $db = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
     // Process incoming parameters:
     $source = $this->params()->fromQuery('source', false);
     $from = $this->params()->fromQuery('from', false);
     $page = intval($this->params()->fromQuery('page', 0));
     $limit = isset($config->AlphaBrowse->page_size) ? $config->AlphaBrowse->page_size : 20;
     // Create view model:
     $view = $this->createViewModel();
     // If required parameters are present, load results:
     if ($source && $from !== false) {
         // Load Solr data or die trying:
         try {
             $result = $db->alphabeticBrowse($source, $from, $page, $limit);
             // No results?    Try the previous page just in case we've gone past
             // the end of the list....
             if ($result['Browse']['totalCount'] == 0) {
                 $result = $db->alphabeticBrowse($source, $from, $page, $limit);
         } catch (SolrException $e) {
             if ($e->isMissingBrowseIndex()) {
                 throw new \Exception("Alphabetic Browse index missing.    See " . "http://vufind.org/wiki/alphabetical_heading_browse for " . "details on generating the index.");
             throw $e;
         // Only display next/previous page links when applicable:
         if ($result['Browse']['totalCount'] > $limit) {
             $view->nextpage = $page + 1;
         if ($result['Browse']['offset'] + $result['Browse']['startRow'] > 1) {
             $view->prevpage = $page - 1;
         $view->result = $result;
     $view->alphaBrowseTypes = $types;
     $view->from = $from;
     $view->source = $source;
     return $view;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Support method for performAndProcessSearch -- perform a search based on the
  * parameters passed to the object.
  * @return void
 protected function performSearch()
     $solr = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
     // Collect the search parameters:
     $params = array('query' => $solr->buildQuery($this->getParams()->getSearchTerms()), 'handler' => $this->getParams()->getSearchHandler(), 'limit' => 0, 'facet' => $this->getParams()->getFacetSettings());
     // Perform the search:
     $this->rawResponse = $solr->search($params);
     // Get the facets from which we will build our results:
     $facets = $this->getFacetList(array('authorStr' => null));
     if (isset($facets['authorStr'])) {
         $params = $this->getParams();
         $this->resultTotal = ($params->getPage() - 1) * $params->getLimit() + count($facets['authorStr']['list']);
         $this->results = array_slice($facets['authorStr']['list'], 0, $params->getLimit());
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Get reserve info from the catalog or Solr reserves index.
  * @param string $course Course ID to use as limit (optional)
  * @param string $inst   Instructor ID to use as limit (optional)
  * @param string $dept   Department ID to use as limit (optional)
  * @return array
 public function findReserves($course = null, $inst = null, $dept = null)
     // Special case -- process reserves info using index
     if ($this->useIndex()) {
         // connect to reserves index
         $reservesIndex = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex('SolrReserves');
         // get the selected reserve record from reserves index
         // and extract the bib IDs from it
         $result = $reservesIndex->findReserves($course, $inst, $dept);
         $bibs = array();
         $instructor = isset($result['instructor']) ? $result['instructor'] : '';
         $course = isset($result['course']) ? $result['course'] : '';
         foreach ($result['bib_id'] as $bib_id) {
             $bibs[] = array('BIB_ID' => $bib_id, 'bib_id' => $bib_id, 'course' => $course, 'instructor' => $instructor);
         return $bibs;
     // Default case -- find reserves info from the catalog
     $catalog = $this->getController()->getILS();
     return $catalog->findReserves($course, $inst, $dept);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Get a connection to the Solr index.
  * @param null|array $shards Selected shards to use (null for defaults)
  * @param string     $index  ID of index/search classes to use (this assumes
  * that \VuFind\Search\$index\Options and \VuFind\Connection\$index are both
  * valid classes)
  * @return \VuFind\Connection\Solr
 public function getSolrConnection($shards = null, $index = 'Solr')
     // Turn on all shards by default if none are specified (we need to be sure
     // that any given ID will yield results, even if not all shards are on by
     // default).
     $sm = $this->getSearchManager();
     $options = $sm->setSearchClassId($index)->getOptionsInstance();
     $allShards = $options->getShards();
     if (is_null($shards)) {
         $shards = array_keys($allShards);
     // If we have selected shards, we need to format them:
     if (!empty($shards)) {
         $selectedShards = array();
         foreach ($shards as $current) {
             $selectedShards[$current] = $allShards[$current];
         $shards = $selectedShards;
     // Connect to Solr and set up shards:
     $solr = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex($index);
     $solr->setShards($shards, $options->getSolrShardsFieldsToStrip());
     return $solr;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Generate the sitemaps based on settings established by the constructor.
  * @return void
 public function generate()
     $solr = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
     $currentPage = 1;
     $last_term = '';
     while (true) {
         if ($currentPage == 1) {
             $fileWhole = $this->fileStart . ".xml";
         } else {
             $fileWhole = $this->fileStart . "-" . $currentPage . ".xml";
         // Get
         $current_page_info_array = $solr->getTerms('id', $last_term, $this->countPerPage);
         if (!isset($current_page_info_array) || count($current_page_info_array) < 1) {
         } else {
             $smf = $this->openSitemapFile($fileWhole, 'urlset');
             foreach ($current_page_info_array as $item => $count) {
                 $loc = htmlspecialchars($this->resultUrl . urlencode($item));
                 if (strpos($loc, 'http') === false) {
                     $loc = 'http://' . $loc;
                 fwrite($smf, '<url>' . "\n");
                 fwrite($smf, '  <loc>' . $loc . '</loc>' . "\n");
                 fwrite($smf, '  <changefreq>' . htmlspecialchars($this->frequency) . '</changefreq>' . "\n");
                 fwrite($smf, '</url>' . "\n");
                 $last_term = $item;
             fwrite($smf, '</urlset>');
     // Set-up Sitemap Index
     $this->buildIndex($currentPage - 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Set up the Solr index so we can retrieve some record data.
  * @return void
 protected function prepSolr()
     // Create or solr connection
     $this->db = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
     // Get the total # of records in the system
     $result = $this->db->search(array('query' => '*:*'));
     $this->totalRecords = $result['response']['numFound'];
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Get a service manager.
  * @return \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager
 public function getServiceManager()
     if (!$this->serviceManager) {
         $recordDriverFactory = new \VuFind\RecordDriver\PluginManager(new \Zend\ServiceManager\Config(array('abstract_factories' => array('VuFind\\RecordDriver\\PluginFactory'))));
         $this->serviceManager = new \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager();
         $this->serviceManager->setService('RecordDriverPluginManager', $recordDriverFactory);
         $this->serviceManager->setService('SearchSpecsReader', new \VuFind\Config\SearchSpecsReader());
         $this->serviceManager->setService('Logger', new \VuFind\Log\Logger());
     return $this->serviceManager;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Set up plugin managers.
  * @return void
 protected function initPluginManagers()
     $app = $this->event->getApplication();
     $serviceManager = $app->getServiceManager();
     $config = $app->getConfig();
     // Use naming conventions to set up a bunch of services based on namespace:
     $namespaces = array('Auth', 'Autocomplete', 'Db\\Table', 'ILS\\Driver', 'Recommend', 'RecordDriver', 'Related', 'Resolver\\Driver', 'Session', 'Statistics\\Driver');
     foreach ($namespaces as $ns) {
         $serviceName = str_replace('\\', '', $ns) . 'PluginManager';
         $className = 'VuFind\\' . $ns . '\\PluginManager';
         $configKey = strtolower(str_replace('\\', '_', $ns)) . '_plugin_manager';
         $service = new $className(new ServiceManagerConfig($config[$configKey]));
         if ($service instanceof ServiceLocatorAwareInterface) {
         $serviceManager->setService($serviceName, $service);
     // Set up search manager a little differently -- it is a more complex class
     // that doesn't work like the other standard plugin managers.
     $manager = new \VuFind\Search\Manager($config['search_manager']);
     $serviceManager->setService('SearchManager', $manager);
     // TODO: factor out static connection manager.
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Display repair instructions for Solr problems.
  * @return mixed
 public function fixsolrAction()
     // In Windows, localhost may fail -- see if switching to helps:
     $config = ConfigReader::getConfig();
     $configFile = ConfigReader::getLocalConfigPath('config.ini', null, true);
     if (stristr($config->Index->url, 'localhost')) {
         $newUrl = str_replace('localhost', '', $config->Index->url);
         try {
             $solr = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex(null, null, $newUrl);
             $results = $solr->search();
             // If we got this far, the fix worked.  Let's write it to disk!
             $writer = new ConfigWriter($configFile);
             $writer->set('Index', 'url', $newUrl);
             if (!$writer->save()) {
                 return $this->forwardTo('Install', 'fixbasicconfig');
             return $this->redirect()->toRoute('install-home');
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // Didn't work!
     // If we got this far, the automatic fix didn't work, so let's just assign
     // some variables to use in offering troubleshooting advice:
     $view = $this->createViewModel();
     $view->rawUrl = $config->Index->url;
     $view->userUrl = str_replace(array('localhost', ''), $this->getRequest()->getServer()->get('HTTP_HOST'), $config->Index->url);
     $view->core = isset($config->Index->default_core) ? $config->Index->default_core : "biblio";
     $view->configFile = $configFile;
     return $view;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Command-line tool to delete suppressed records from the index.
  * @return void
 public function suppressedAction()
     // Setup Solr Connection
     $this->consoleOpts->addRules(array('authorities' => 'Delete authority records instead of bibliographic records'));
     $core = $this->consoleOpts->getOption('authorities') ? 'authority' : 'biblio';
     $solr = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex('Solr', $core);
     // Make ILS Connection
     try {
         $catalog = $this->getILS();
         if ($core == 'authority') {
             $result = $catalog->getSuppressedAuthorityRecords();
         } else {
             $result = $catalog->getSuppressedRecords();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Console::writeLine("ILS error -- " . $e->getMessage());
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Validate result:
     if (!is_array($result)) {
         Console::writeLine("Could not obtain suppressed record list from ILS.");
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     } else {
         if (empty($result)) {
             Console::writeLine("No suppressed records to delete.");
             return $this->getSuccessResponse();
     // Get Suppressed Records and Delete from index
     $status = $solr->deleteRecords($result);
     if ($status) {
         // Commit and Optimize
     } else {
         Console::writeLine("Delete failed.");
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     return $this->getSuccessResponse();