Exemplo n.º 1
  * setConfig
  * Store the configuration of the recommendation module.
  * RecommendLinks:[ini section]:[ini name]
  *      Display links listed in the specified section of the specified ini file;
  *      if [ini name] is left out, it defaults to "searches."
  * @param string $settings Settings from searches.ini.
  * @return void
 public function setConfig($settings)
     $settings = explode(':', $settings);
     $mainSection = empty($settings[0]) ? 'RecommendLinks' : $settings[0];
     $iniName = isset($settings[1]) ? $settings[1] : 'searches';
     $config = $this->configLoader->get($iniName);
     $this->links = isset($config->{$mainSection}) ? $config->{$mainSection}->toArray() : array();
Exemplo n.º 2
  * setConfig
  * Store the configuration of the recommendation module.
  * @param string $settings Settings from searches.ini.
  * @return void
 public function setConfig($settings)
     $settings = explode(':', $settings);
     $mainSection = empty($settings[0]) ? 'SpecifiableFacets' : $settings[0];
     $iniName = isset($settings[1]) ? $settings[1] : 'searches';
     $config = $this->configLoader->get($iniName);
     $specFacets = isset($config->{$mainSection}) ? $config->{$mainSection} : array();
     foreach ($specFacets as $label => $expand) {
         list($baseFacet, $expFacetField, $type) = explode(':', $expand);
         if ($type == 'select') {
             $this->facetsWithSelect[] = $expFacetField;
         $this->config[$baseFacet] = array('label' => $label, 'field' => $expFacetField);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Return configuration for the patron's active library card driver.
  * @param array $patron Patron
  * @return bool|array False if no driver configuration was found,
  * or configuration.
 protected function getPatronDriverConfig($patron)
     if (isset($patron['cat_username']) && ($pos = strpos($patron['cat_username'], '.')) > 0) {
         $source = substr($patron['cat_username'], 0, $pos);
         $config = $this->configReader->get($source);
         return is_object($config) ? $config->toArray() : [];
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * setConfig
  * Store the configuration of the recommendation module.
  * @param string $settings Settings from searches.ini.
  * @return void
 public function setConfig($settings)
     $settings = explode(':', $settings);
     $mainSection = empty($settings[0]) ? 'MapSelection' : $settings[0];
     $iniName = isset($settings[1]) ? $settings[1] : 'searches';
     $config = $this->configLoader->get($iniName);
     if (isset($config->{$mainSection})) {
         $entries = $config->{$mainSection};
         if (isset($entries->default_coordinates)) {
             $this->defaultCoordinates = explode(',', $entries->default_coordinates);
         if (isset($entries->geo_field)) {
             $this->geoField = $entries->geo_field;
         if (isset($entries->height)) {
             $this->height = $entries->height;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Load favorites data
  * Extract from a config object
  * @return Array
 protected function loadInstitutionFavoriteData()
      * Favorite institution config
      * @var Config $config
     $config = $this->configManager->get('favorite-institutions');
     return $config->toArray();
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Store the configuration of the recommendation module.
  * @param string $settings Settings from searches.ini.
  * @return void
 public function setConfig($settings)
     // Save the basic parameters:
     $this->settings = $settings;
     // Parse the additional settings:
     $settings = explode(':', $settings);
     $mainSection = empty($settings[0]) ? 'Results' : $settings[0];
     $iniName = isset($settings[1]) ? $settings[1] : 'facets';
     // Load the desired facet information...
     $config = $this->configLoader->get($iniName);
     // All standard facets to display:
     $this->facets = isset($config->{$mainSection}) ? $config->{$mainSection}->toArray() : [];
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Get configuration for the ILS driver.  We will load an .ini file named
  * after the driver class and number if it exists;
  * otherwise we will return an empty array.
  * @param string $source The source id to use for determining the
  * configuration file
  * @return array   The configuration of the driver
 protected function getDriverConfig($source)
     // Determine config file name based on class name:
     try {
         $config = $this->configLoader->get($source);
     } catch (\Zend\Config\Exception\RuntimeException $e) {
         // Configuration loading failed; probably means file does not
         // exist -- just return an empty array in that case:
         $this->error("Could not load config for {$source}");
         return [];
     return $config->toArray();
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Return configuration for the patron's active library card driver.
  * @param array $patron Patron
  * @return bool|array False if no driver configuration was found,
  * or configuration.
 protected function getPatronDriverConfig($patron)
     if (null === $this->configReader) {
         return false;
     if (isset($patron['cat_username']) && ($pos = strpos($patron['cat_username'], '.')) > 0) {
         $source = substr($patron['cat_username'], 0, $pos);
         $config = $this->configReader->get("VoyagerRestful_{$source}");
         if (!is_object($config) || $config->count() == 0) {
             $config = $this->configReader->get($source);
         return is_object($config) ? $config->toArray() : [];
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function __construct(\VuFind\Config\PluginManager $configLoader)
     $this->config = $configLoader->get('browse');
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Constructor
  * @param \VuFind\Config\PluginManager $configLoader Configuration loader
  * @param array                        $apiInfo      API information
 public function __construct(\VuFind\Config\PluginManager $configLoader, $apiInfo = null)
     $this->searchIni = $this->facetsIni = 'EDS';
     $searchSettings = $configLoader->get($this->searchIni);
     $this->resultLimit = 100;
     $this->viewOptions = ['list|title' => 'Title View', 'list|brief' => 'Brief View', 'list|detailed' => 'Detailed View'];
     $this->apiInfo = $apiInfo;
     $facetConf = $configLoader->get($this->facetsIni);
     if (isset($facetConf->Advanced_Facet_Settings->translated_facets) && count($facetConf->Advanced_Facet_Settings->translated_facets) > 0) {
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Map legacy VuFind settings into the permissions.ini setup.
  * @param \VuFind\Config\PluginManager $loader      Config loader
  * @param array                        $permissions Permissions to update
  * @return array
 protected function addLegacySettings(\VuFind\Config\PluginManager $loader, array $permissions)
     // Add admin settings if they are absent:
     if (!$this->permissionDefined($permissions, 'access.AdminModule')) {
         $config = $loader->get('config')->toArray();
         $permissions['legacy.AdminModule'] = [];
         if (isset($config['AdminAuth']['ipRegEx'])) {
             $permissions['legacy.AdminModule']['ipRegEx'] = $config['AdminAuth']['ipRegEx'];
         if (isset($config['AdminAuth']['userWhitelist'])) {
             $permissions['legacy.AdminModule']['username'] = $config['AdminAuth']['userWhitelist'];
         // If no settings exist in config.ini, we grant access to everyone
         // by allowing both logged-in and logged-out roles.
         if (empty($permissions['legacy.AdminModule'])) {
             $permissions['legacy.AdminModule']['role'] = ['guest', 'loggedin'];
         $permissions['legacy.AdminModule']['permission'] = 'access.AdminModule';
     // Add staff view setting it they are absent:
     if (!$this->permissionDefined($permissions, 'access.StaffViewTab')) {
         $permissions['legacy.StaffViewTab']['role'] = ['guest', 'loggedin'];
         $permissions['legacy.StaffViewTab']['permission'] = 'access.StaffViewTab';
     // Add EIT settings if they are absent:
     if (!$this->permissionDefined($permissions, 'access.EITModule')) {
         $permissions['legacy.EITModule'] = ['role' => 'loggedin', 'permission' => 'access.EITModule'];
     // Add Summon settings if they are absent:
     // Check based on login status
     $defined = $this->permissionDefined($permissions, 'access.SummonExtendedResults');
     if (!$defined) {
         $config = $loader->get('Summon');
         $permissions['legacy.SummonExtendedResults'] = [];
         if (isset($config->Auth->check_login) && $config->Auth->check_login) {
             $permissions['legacy.SummonExtendedResults']['role'] = ['loggedin'];
         if (isset($config->Auth->ip_range)) {
             $permissions['legacy.SummonExtendedResults']['ipRegEx'] = $config->Auth->ip_range;
         if (!empty($permissions['legacy.SummonExtendedResults'])) {
             $permissions['legacy.SummonExtendedResults']['require'] = 'ANY';
             $permissions['legacy.SummonExtendedResults']['permission'] = 'access.SummonExtendedResults';
         } else {
     return $permissions;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Load all recommendation settings from the relevant ini file.  Returns an
  * associative array where the key is the location of the recommendations (top
  * or side) and the value is the settings found in the file (which may be either
  * a single string or an array of strings).
  * @param string $handler Name of handler for which to load specific settings.
  * @return array associative: location (top/side/etc.) => search settings
 public function getRecommendationSettings($handler = null)
     // Load the necessary settings to determine the appropriate recommendations
     // module:
     $searchSettings = $this->configLoader->get($this->getSearchIni());
     // Load a type-specific recommendations setting if possible, or the default
     // otherwise:
     $recommend = [];
     if (null !== $handler && isset($searchSettings->TopRecommendations->{$handler})) {
         $recommend['top'] = $searchSettings->TopRecommendations->{$handler}->toArray();
     } else {
         $recommend['top'] = isset($searchSettings->General->default_top_recommend) ? $searchSettings->General->default_top_recommend->toArray() : false;
     if (null !== $handler && isset($searchSettings->SideRecommendations->{$handler})) {
         $recommend['side'] = $searchSettings->SideRecommendations->{$handler}->toArray();
     } else {
         $recommend['side'] = isset($searchSettings->General->default_side_recommend) ? $searchSettings->General->default_side_recommend->toArray() : false;
     if (null !== $handler && isset($searchSettings->NoResultsRecommendations->{$handler})) {
         $recommend['noresults'] = $searchSettings->NoResultsRecommendations->{$handler}->toArray();
     } else {
         $recommend['noresults'] = isset($searchSettings->General->default_noresults_recommend) ? $searchSettings->General->default_noresults_recommend->toArray() : false;
     return $recommend;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function __construct(\VuFind\Config\PluginManager $configLoader, IdentityResolver $identityResolver)
     $this->shibbolethConfig = $configLoader->get($this::CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
     if (empty($this->shibbolethConfig)) {
         throw new AuthException("Could not load " . $this::CONFIG_FILE_NAME . ".ini configuration file.");
     $this->identityResolver = $identityResolver;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Get configuration for the ILS driver.  We will load an .ini file named
  * after the driver class if it exists; otherwise we will return an empty
  * array.
  * @return array
 public function getDriverConfig()
     // Determine config file name based on class name:
     $parts = explode('\\', $this->getDriverClass());
     $config = $this->configReader->get(end($parts));
     return is_object($config) ? $config->toArray() : [];
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Initialize helper with dependencies
  * @param    IlsConnection $ilsConnection
  * @param    HMAC $hmac
  * @param    AuthManager $authManager
  * @param    ConfigManager $configManager
  * @param    Translator $translator
  * @param     LocationMap $locationMap
  * @param     BibCode $bibCodeHelper
  * @param     Logger $swissbibLogger
  * @throws    \Exception
 public function __construct(IlsConnection $ilsConnection, HMAC $hmac, AuthManager $authManager, IlsAuth $ilsAuth, ConfigManager $configManager, Translator $translator, LocationMap $locationMap, EbooksOnDemand $ebooksOnDemand, Availability $availability, BibCode $bibCodeHelper, Logger $swissbibLogger)
     $this->ils = $ilsConnection;
     $this->configManager = $configManager;
     $this->configHoldings = $configManager->get('Holdings');
     $this->hmac = $hmac;
     $this->authManager = $authManager;
     $this->ilsAuth = $ilsAuth;
     $this->translator = $translator;
     $this->locationMap = $locationMap;
     $this->ebooksOnDemand = $ebooksOnDemand;
     $this->availability = $availability;
     $this->bibCodeHelper = $bibCodeHelper;
     $this->swissbibLogger = $swissbibLogger;
     /** @var Config $relationConfig */
     $relationConfig = $configManager->get('libadmin-groups');
     // Just ignore missing config to prevent a crashing frontend
     if ($relationConfig->count() !== null) {
         $this->institution2group = $relationConfig->institutions->toArray();
         $this->groupSorting = $relationConfig->groups->toArray();
     } elseif (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development') {
         throw new \Exception('Missing config file libadmin-groups.ini. Run libadmin sync to solve this problem');
     $holdsIlsConfig = $this->ils->checkFunction('Holds');
     $this->hmacKeys = $holdsIlsConfig['HMACKeys'];
  * Create the query builder.
  * @return QueryBuilder
 protected function createQueryBuilder()
     $specs = $this->loadSpecs();
     $config = $this->config->get('config');
     $defaultDismax = isset($config->Index->default_dismax_handler) ? $config->Index->default_dismax_handler : 'dismax';
     $builder = new QueryBuilder($specs, $defaultDismax);
     // Configure builder:
     $search = $this->config->get($this->searchConfig);
     $caseSensitiveBooleans = isset($search->General->case_sensitive_bools) ? $search->General->case_sensitive_bools : true;
     $caseSensitiveRanges = isset($search->General->case_sensitive_ranges) ? $search->General->case_sensitive_ranges : true;
     $helper = new LuceneSyntaxHelper($caseSensitiveBooleans, $caseSensitiveRanges);
     return $builder;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Constructor
  * @param \VuFind\Config\PluginManager $configLoader Configuration loader
  * @param array                        $apiInfo      API information
 public function __construct(\VuFind\Config\PluginManager $configLoader, $apiInfo = null)
     $this->searchIni = 'EDS';
     $searchSettings = $configLoader->get($this->searchIni);
     $this->viewOptions = ['list|title' => 'Title View', 'list|brief' => 'Brief View', 'list|detailed' => 'Detailed View'];
     $this->apiInfo = $apiInfo;
 public function __construct(\VuFind\Config\PluginManager $configLoader, UserTable $userTableGateway)
     $this->shibbolethConfig = $configLoader->get(static::CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
     if (empty($this->shibbolethConfig)) {
         throw new AuthException("Could not load " . static::CONFIG_FILE_NAME . ".ini configuration file.");
     $this->userTableGateway = $userTableGateway;
  * Create the similar records query builder.
  * @return SimilarBuilder
 protected function createSimilarBuilder()
     return new SimilarBuilder($this->config->get($this->searchConfig), $this->uniqueKey);