Exemplo n.º 1
  * 取得缓存类实例
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @return mixed
 static function getInstance($type = '', $options = array())
     static $_instance = array();
     $guid = $type . \Utils\Func::GuidString($options);
     if (!isset($_instance[$guid])) {
         $obj = new \Cache\cache();
         $_instance[$guid] = $obj->connect($type, $options);
     return $_instance[$guid];
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function testSignUp($name, $password, $email)
     if (User::findFirst("name = {$name} OR email = {$email}")) {
         return false;
     $salt = substr(str_shuffle('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'), 0, 4);
     $user = new User();
     $user->name = $name;
     $user->email = $email;
     $user->password = $password;
     $user->salt = $salt;
     $user->reg_time = $user->last_sign_time = time();
     $user->last_sign_ip = Func::getClientIp(1);
     return $user->create() === true ? true : false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function mongoAction()
     echo \Utils\Func::getClientIp(1, 1);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @TODO 获取客户IP
  * @param int $type 1.获取长地址(默认), 0.获取普通地址,例如:
  * @param bool|true $adv
 public function getClientIp($type = 1, $adv = true)
     \Utils\Func::getClientIp($type, $adv);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * 投注
  * 1. 验证订单数据验证有用户数据
  * 2. 验证用户余额是否足够
  * 3.
 public function bet()
     $http_raw_post_data = file_get_contents('php://input');
     if (empty($http_raw_post_data) || !($cart = json_decode($http_raw_post_data, true)) || empty($cart) || !is_array($cart)) {
         return $this->response->setJsonContent(['status' => 2, 'info' => '订单数据不正确!']);
     $first_cart = current($cart);
     if (!isset($first_cart['lottery_id']) || empty($first_cart['lottery_id']) || !isset($first_cart['expect']) || empty($first_cart['expect'])) {
         return $this->response->setJsonContent(['status' => 3, 'info' => '订单数据不正确!']);
     $lottery_model = \Models\Lottery::findFirst(array('conditions' => 'id=?0 AND status=1 AND type!=3', 'bind' => array($first_cart['lottery_id'])));
     if (empty($lottery_model)) {
         return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 4, 'info' => '游戏不存在或已被删除!'));
     $now_timestamp = time();
     $fetch = new \Lottery\Fetch\Fetch($lottery_model->name, $now_timestamp);
     $fetch_platform = $fetch->getPlatform();
     $salesInfo = $fetch_platform->getCurrentSaleExpectInfo($lottery_model->deadline);
     if (empty($salesInfo['status'])) {
         return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 5, 'info' => '市场已关闭,官网停止开奖'));
     if ($first_cart['expect'] != $salesInfo['expect']) {
         return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 6, 'info' => '该期彩票还未开始销售或已结束销售!'));
     // TODO 判断是否中奖
     $assertion = new \Lottery\Assertion\Assertion();
     $lottery_bet_datas = $lottery_afternumber_data = $lottery_afternumber_bet_datas = array();
     $cart_num = ukey_next_id();
     $ip = \Utils\Func::getClientIp(1, \GET_CLIENTIP_MODE);
     $hardware_info = \Local\Func::getHardwareInfo();
     $bet_platform = 1;
     $is_software = intval($this->request->getPost('is_software'));
     if ($is_software && $hardware_info) {
         $bet_platform = 3;
     } elseif ($hardware_info) {
         $bet_platform = 2;
     $total_bet_money = 0;
     foreach ($cart as $raw) {
         if (!isset($raw['lottery_id']) || empty($raw['lottery_id']) || $raw['lottery_id'] != $lottery_model->id || !isset($raw['expect']) || empty($raw['expect']) || $raw['expect'] < $salesInfo['expect'] || !isset($raw['mode']) || !in_array($raw['mode'], array('角', '2角', '分', '2分', '1元', '2元', '元', '1角')) || !isset($raw['times']) || !isset($raw['rate']) || !isset($raw['raw']) || empty($raw['raw']) || !isset($raw['data']) || empty($raw['data']) || !isset($raw['is_manual']) || !$raw['is_manual'] && !is_array($raw['data']) || $raw['is_manual'] && !is_string($raw['data'])) {
             return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 7, 'info' => '订单数据不正确!'));
         if (!isset($raw['playway_id']) || empty($raw['playway_id']) || !($playway = \Models\Lottery\Playway::getPlaywayByLotteryIdAndPlaywayId($lottery_model->id, $raw['playway_id']))) {
             return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 8, 'info' => '您投注的玩法玩法不存在!'));
         $raw['times'] = intval($raw['times']);
         if ($raw['times'] < 1 || $raw['times'] > 9999) {
             return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 9, 'info' => '您投注的倍数不正确!'));
         $rate_max = $lottery_model->rate_max;
         if ($this->loggedInfo && ($rate_ctrl = \Models\Lottery\Ctrl::findFirst(array('conditions' => 'id=?0 AND type=4', 'bind' => array($this->loggedInfo->uid))))) {
             $rate_ctrl->value = json_decode($rate_ctrl->value, true);
             if (isset($rate_ctrl->value[$lottery_model->id])) {
                 $rate_max = $rate_ctrl->value[$lottery_model->id];
         $raw['rate'] = intval($raw['rate']);
         if ($raw['rate'] < $lottery_model->rate_min || $raw['rate'] > $rate_max) {
             return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 10, 'info' => '您投注的比例不正确!'));
         $raw['is_manual'] = intval($raw['is_manual']);
         if ($raw['is_manual']) {
             $raw['is_manual'] = 1;
         $bet_count = 0;
         if ($raw['is_manual']) {
             if ($playway['split'] == 'ssc') {
                 //时时彩拆号,每注使用 空格或,;回车隔开
                 preg_match_all('/\\d+/', $raw['data'], $matches);
                 $bet_count = isset($matches[0]) ? count($matches[0]) : 0;
             } elseif ($playway['split'] == '11x5') {
                 $matches = explode(',', $raw['data']);
                 $bet_count = count($matches);
         } else {
             $assertionPlaywayType = $assertion->getAssertionPlaywayType($playway['playway_type_name']);
             if (!empty($assertionPlaywayType)) {
                 $bet_count = $assertionPlaywayType->getBetCount($playway, $raw['data']);
         if ($bet_count <= 0) {
             return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 11, 'info' => '订单数据不正确!'));
         $bet_money_rate = 1;
         if ($raw['mode'] == '角' || $raw['mode'] == '2角') {
             $bet_money_rate = 0.1;
         } elseif ($raw['mode'] == '分' || $raw['mode'] == '2分') {
             $bet_money_rate = 0.01;
         } else {
             if ($raw['mode'] == '1元') {
                 $bet_money_rate = 0.5;
             } else {
                 if ($raw['mode'] == '1角') {
                     $bet_money_rate = 0.05;
         $bet_money = bcmul($playway['price'] * $bet_money_rate, $raw['times'] * $bet_count, 2);
         if ($bet_money <= 0) {
             return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 12, 'info' => '订单数据不正确!'));
         $total_bet_money += $bet_money;
         if ($playway['playway_type_name'] == 'ssc-chonghaocount') {
             $raw['data']['number2'] = array($playway['min_bet_num']);
         $lottery_bet_data = array('id' => ukey_next_id(), 'cart_num' => $cart_num, 'uid' => $this->loggedInfo ? $this->loggedInfo->uid : $this->trial_user->uid, 'lottery_id' => $raw['lottery_id'], 'playway_id' => $raw['playway_id'], 'afternumber_id' => 0, 'expect' => $raw['expect'], 'json_data' => $raw['data'], 'data' => $raw['raw'], 'bet_rate' => $raw['rate'], 'bet_times' => $raw['times'], 'bet_mode' => $raw['mode'], 'is_manual' => $raw['is_manual'], 'bet_platform' => $bet_platform, 'bet_count' => $bet_count, 'bet_money' => $bet_money, 'valid_bet_money' => $bet_money, 'bonus_count' => 0, 'bonus_money' => 0, 'refund_rate' => 0, 'refund_money' => 0, 'after_bet_money' => 0, 'after_fresh_money' => 0, 'ip' => $ip, 'hardware_info' => $hardware_info, 'addtime' => $now_timestamp, 'updatetime' => $now_timestamp, 'status' => 1);
         $lottery_bet_datas[] = $lottery_bet_data;
         if ($this->loggedInfo) {
             $afternumber_start_expect = $lottery_bet_data['expect'];
             $afternumber_end_expect = $lottery_bet_data['expect'];
             $afternumber_expect_count = 1;
             if (isset($raw['afternumberData']) && !empty($raw['afternumberData']) && is_array($raw['afternumberData'])) {
                 foreach ($raw['afternumberData'] as $v) {
                     if (!isset($v['expect']) || empty($v['expect']) || $v['expect'] < $salesInfo['expect'] || !isset($v['times'])) {
                         return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 13, 'info' => '订单数据不正确!'));
                     $v['times'] = intval($v['times']);
                     if ($v['times'] < 1) {
                         return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 14, 'info' => '订单数据不正确!'));
                     $lottery_afternumber_bet_data = $lottery_bet_data;
                     $lottery_afternumber_bet_data['id'] = ukey_next_id();
                     $lottery_afternumber_bet_data['expect'] = $v['expect'];
                     $lottery_afternumber_bet_data['bet_times'] = $v['times'];
                     $lottery_afternumber_bet_data['bet_money'] = $lottery_bet_data['bet_money'] / $lottery_bet_data['bet_times'] * $v['times'];
                     $afternumber_end_expect = $lottery_afternumber_bet_data['expect'];
                     $total_bet_money += $lottery_afternumber_bet_data['bet_money'];
                     $lottery_afternumber_bet_datas[] = $lottery_afternumber_bet_data;
             if ($lottery_bet_data['expect'] > $salesInfo['expect'] || !empty($lottery_afternumber_bet_datas)) {
                 $lottery_afternumber_data = array('uid' => $lottery_bet_data['uid'], 'lottery_id' => $lottery_bet_data['lottery_id'], 'start_expect' => $afternumber_start_expect, 'end_expect' => $afternumber_end_expect, 'expect_count' => $afternumber_expect_count, 'win_stop' => isset($raw['win_stop']) && $raw['win_stop'] ? 1 : 0, 'win_backout' => isset($raw['win_backout']) && $raw['win_backout'] ? 1 : 0, 'addtime' => $now_timestamp, 'updatetime' => $now_timestamp, 'status' => 1);
      * 非客户端投注判断
     if ($bet_platform == 1 && $this->loggedInfo) {
         $lottery_ctrl = \Models\Lottery\Ctrl::findFirst(array('conditions' => 'id=?0 AND type=2', 'bind' => array($this->loggedInfo->uid)));
         if ($lottery_ctrl && $lottery_ctrl->value) {
             return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => -900, 'info' => '暂只允许使用客户端进行投注!'));
     $db = $this->db;
     if ($this->loggedInfo) {
         $profile = \Models\User\Profile::findFirst(array('conditions' => 'uid=?0', 'bind' => array($this->loggedInfo->uid), 'for_update' => true));
     } else {
         $profile = \Models\Lottery\Trial\User::findFirst(array('conditions' => 'uid=?0', 'bind' => array($this->trial_user->uid), 'for_update' => true));
     if (!$profile) {
         return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => -500, 'info' => '用户不存在!'));
     $before_money = $this->loggedInfo ? $profile->lottery_money : $profile->money;
     if ($before_money < $total_bet_money) {
         return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => -501, 'info' => '投注失败,余额不足!'));
      * 追号数据
     if (!empty($lottery_afternumber_data)) {
         $lottery_afternumber_model = new \Models\Lottery\Afternumber();
         if (!$lottery_afternumber_model->create($lottery_afternumber_data)) {
             $message = current($lottery_afternumber_model->getMessages());
             return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => -601, 'info' => '投注失败:' . $message->getMessage() . '!'));
      * 投注数据
     foreach (array_merge($lottery_bet_datas, $lottery_afternumber_bet_datas) as $lottery_bet_data) {
         $lottery_bet_data['afternumber_id'] = $lottery_afternumber_model->id ? $lottery_afternumber_model->id : 0;
         $lottery_bet_data['after_bet_money'] = $before_money - $lottery_bet_data['bet_money'];
         if ($this->loggedInfo) {
             $lottery_bet_model = new \Models\Lottery\Bet();
         } else {
             $lottery_bet_model = new \Models\Lottery\Trial\Bet();
         if (!$lottery_bet_model->create($lottery_bet_data)) {
             $message = current($lottery_bet_model->getMessages());
             return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => -502, 'info' => '投注失败:' . $message->getMessage() . '!'));
         if ($this->loggedInfo) {
              * 帐表记录
             $moneyLogIsSuccess = false;
             try {
                 $moneyLog = new \Collections\User\Money\Log();
                 $moneyLog->account = 2;
                 $moneyLog->type = -1;
                 $moneyLog->uid = $this->loggedInfo->uid;
                 $moneyLog->username = $this->loggedInfo->username;
                 $moneyLog->oid = $lottery_bet_model->id;
                 $moneyLog->money = $lottery_bet_model->bet_money;
                 $moneyLog->before_money = $before_money;
                 $before_money -= $lottery_bet_model->bet_money;
                 $moneyLog->after_money = $before_money;
                 $moneyLog->message = '时时彩投注消费';
                 $moneyLogIsSuccess = $moneyLog->save();
             } catch (\MongoException $e) {
             if (!$moneyLogIsSuccess) {
                 return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => -503, 'info' => '订单数据提交失败,请重试!'));
     if ($this->loggedInfo) {
         $profile->lottery_money -= $total_bet_money;
         $profile->bet_money += $total_bet_money;
     } else {
         $profile->money -= $total_bet_money;
     if (!$profile->save()) {
         $message = current($profile->getMessages());
         return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => -504, 'info' => '投注失败:' . $message->getMessage() . '!'));
     $this->loggedInfo->profile = $profile;
     return $this->response->setJsonContent(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '投注成功!'));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function getSimplePrompt($minVal, $cardNums, $valNos, $promptArr, $size)
     $promptNos = array();
     foreach ($cardNums as $_val => $num) {
         if ($_val > $minVal && $num >= $size) {
             $promptNos[] = $valNos[$_val];
     $promptNos = Func::sortSimpleCard($promptNos, -1);
     foreach ($promptNos as $key => $nos) {
         if (count($nos) > $size) {
             array_splice($nos, 0, count($nos) - $size);
         $promptArr[] = $nos;
     return $promptArr;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * 修改记录并在验证字段之前触发
 public function beforeValidationOnUpdate()
     $this->last_sign_time = time();
     $this->last_sign_ip = Func::getClientIp(1);