Exemplo n.º 1
  * Checks if the specified method matches against the method name
  * expression.
  * Returns TRUE if method name, visibility and arguments constraints match and the target
  * method is not final.
  * @param string $className Ignored in this pointcut filter
  * @param string $methodName Name of the method to match against
  * @param string $methodDeclaringClassName Name of the class the method was originally declared in
  * @param mixed $pointcutQueryIdentifier Some identifier for this query - must at least differ from a previous identifier. Used for circular reference detection.
  * @return boolean TRUE if the class matches, otherwise FALSE
  * @throws \TYPO3\FLOW3\Aop\Exception
 public function matches($className, $methodName, $methodDeclaringClassName, $pointcutQueryIdentifier)
     $matchResult = preg_match('/^' . $this->methodNameFilterExpression . '$/', $methodName);
     if ($matchResult === FALSE) {
         throw new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Aop\Exception('Error in regular expression', 1168876915);
     } elseif ($matchResult !== 1) {
         return FALSE;
     switch ($this->methodVisibility) {
         case 'public':
             if (!($methodDeclaringClassName !== NULL && $this->reflectionService->isMethodPublic($methodDeclaringClassName, $methodName))) {
                 return FALSE;
         case 'protected':
             if (!($methodDeclaringClassName !== NULL && $this->reflectionService->isMethodProtected($methodDeclaringClassName, $methodName))) {
                 return FALSE;
     if ($methodDeclaringClassName !== NULL && $this->reflectionService->isMethodFinal($methodDeclaringClassName, $methodName)) {
         return FALSE;
     $methodArguments = $methodDeclaringClassName === NULL ? array() : $this->reflectionService->getMethodParameters($methodDeclaringClassName, $methodName);
     foreach (array_keys($this->methodArgumentConstraints) as $argumentName) {
         $objectAccess = explode('.', $argumentName, 2);
         $argumentName = $objectAccess[0];
         if (!array_key_exists($argumentName, $methodArguments)) {
             $this->systemLogger->log('The argument "' . $argumentName . '" declared in pointcut does not exist in method ' . $methodDeclaringClassName . '->' . $methodName, LOG_NOTICE);
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Traverses all aspect containers, their aspects and their advisors and adds the
  * methods and their advices to the (usually empty) array of intercepted methods.
  * @param array &$interceptedMethods An array (empty or not) which contains the names of the intercepted methods and additional information
  * @param array $methods An array of class and method names which are matched against the pointcut (class name = name of the class or interface the method was declared)
  * @param string $targetClassName Name of the class the pointcut should match with
  * @param array &$aspectContainers All aspects to take into consideration
  * @return void
 protected function addAdvicedMethodsToInterceptedMethods(array &$interceptedMethods, array $methods, $targetClassName, array &$aspectContainers)
     $pointcutQueryIdentifier = 0;
     foreach ($aspectContainers as $aspectContainer) {
         if (!$aspectContainer->getCachedTargetClassNameCandidates()->hasClassName($targetClassName)) {
         foreach ($aspectContainer->getAdvisors() as $advisor) {
             $pointcut = $advisor->getPointcut();
             foreach ($methods as $method) {
                 list($methodDeclaringClassName, $methodName) = $method;
                 if ($this->reflectionService->isMethodFinal($targetClassName, $methodName)) {
                 if ($pointcut->matches($targetClassName, $methodName, $methodDeclaringClassName, $pointcutQueryIdentifier)) {
                     $advice = $advisor->getAdvice();
                     $interceptedMethods[$methodName]['groupedAdvices'][get_class($advice)][] = array('advice' => $advice, 'runtimeEvaluationsClosureCode' => $pointcut->getRuntimeEvaluationsClosureCode());
                     $interceptedMethods[$methodName]['declaringClassName'] = $methodDeclaringClassName;