Exemplo n.º 1
  * @param integer $userId
  * @param integer $limit
  * @param integer $offset
  * @return array
  * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Client\InfiniteRedirectionException
 protected function getProjectsData($userId = null, $limit = null, $offset = null)
     $query = http_build_query(['users' => $userId, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'format' => 'json']);
     $response = $this->browser->request(sprintf('http://readthedocs.org/api/v1/project/?%s', $query));
     $projectsData = json_decode($response, true);
     return $projectsData;
  * @param string $method
  * @param \Flowpack\ElasticSearch\Domain\Model\Client $client
  * @param string $path
  * @param array $arguments
  * @param string|array $content
  * @return \Flowpack\ElasticSearch\Transfer\Response
 public function request($method, \Flowpack\ElasticSearch\Domain\Model\Client $client, $path = null, $arguments = array(), $content = null)
     $clientConfigurations = $client->getClientConfigurations();
     $clientConfiguration = $clientConfigurations[0];
     $uri = clone $clientConfiguration->getUri();
     if ($path !== null) {
         $uri->setPath($uri->getPath() . $path);
     $response = $this->browser->request($uri, $method, $arguments, array(), array(), is_array($content) ? json_encode($content) : $content);
     return new Response($response, $this->browser->getLastRequest());
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @return \Guzzle\Http\EntityBodyInterface|string
 public function literatureAction()
     $literatureUrl = $this->settings['data']['literature'];
     try {
         $literature = $this->browser->request($literatureUrl)->getContent();
         return $literature;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return '';
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @param Node $node
  * @param Application $application
  * @param Deployment $deployment
  * @param array $options
  * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Client\InfiniteRedirectionException
 protected function executeOrSimulate(Node $node, Application $application, Deployment $deployment, array $options = array())
     if (empty($options['clearPhpCacheUris'])) {
     $uris = is_array($options['clearPhpCacheUris']) ? $options['clearPhpCacheUris'] : array($options['clearPhpCacheUris']);
     foreach ($uris as $uri) {
         $deployment->getLogger()->log('... (localhost): curl "' . $uri . '"', LOG_DEBUG);
         if ($deployment->isDryRun() === FALSE) {
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @test
 public function formIsRedisplayedIfValidationErrorsOccur()
     $form = $this->browser->getForm();
     $form['post']['name']->setValue('Egon Olsen');
     $form = $this->browser->getForm();
     $this->assertSame('Egon Olsen', $form['post']['name']->getValue());
     $this->assertSame('test_noValidEmail', $form['post']['email']->getValue());
     $this->assertSame('f3-form-error', $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//*[@id="email"]')->attr('class'));
     $response = $this->browser->submit($form);
     $this->assertSame('Egon Olsen|another@email.org', $response->getContent());
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @param string $email
  * @param string $firstName
  * @param string $lastName
  * @return bool
  * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Client\InfiniteRedirectionException
 protected function sendApiRequest($email, $firstName, $lastName)
     $browser = new Browser();
     $engine = new CurlEngine();
     $jsonString = 'email=' . urlencode($email) . '&first_name=' . urlencode($firstName) . '&last_name=' . urlencode($lastName) . '&token=' . $this->settings['Slack']['token'] . '&set_active=true';
     return $browser->request($this->settings['Slack']['TeamUrl'] . '/api/users.admin.invite?t=' . time(), 'POST', [], [], [], $jsonString);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @param string $command
  * @param string $method
  * @param array $parameters
  * @param array $content
  * @return mixed $data
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Exception
 public function call($command, $method = 'GET', array $parameters = array(), array $content = array())
     $url = $this->apiUrl . $command . '?' . http_build_query($parameters);
     $this->emitBeforeApiCall($url, $method);
     // maybe we will throw own exception to give less information (token is outputed)
     $response = $this->browser->request($url, $method, array(), array(), $this->server, json_encode($content));
     $this->emitApiCall($url, $method, $response);
     $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
     if ($statusCode < 200 || $statusCode >= 400) {
         throw new Exception('ApiRequest was not successful for command  ' . $command . ' Response was: ' . $response->getStatus(), 1423473312);
     $content = json_decode($response->getContent(), TRUE);
     if ($content === NULL) {
         throw new Exception('Response from ApiRequest is not a valid json', 1423473312);
     return $content;
  * @param integer $categoryId
  * @return array
 protected function getCategoryData($categoryId)
     $response = $this->browser->request(sprintf('%s/c/%u/show.json', $this['baseUri'], $categoryId));
     $category = json_decode($response, true)['category'];
     $category['parentCategories'] = [];
     $category['idPath'] = $category['id'];
     $category['slugPath'] = $category['slug'];
     $parentCategoryId = array_key_exists('parent_category_id', $category) ? $category['parent_category_id'] : null;
     while ($parentCategoryId !== null) {
         $response = $this->browser->request(sprintf('%s/c/%u/show.json', $this['baseUri'], $parentCategoryId));
         $parentCategory = json_decode($response, true)['category'];
         array_unshift($category['parentCategories'], $parentCategory);
         $category['idPath'] = $parentCategory['id'] . '/' . $category['idPath'];
         $category['slugPath'] = $parentCategory['slug'] . '/' . $category['slugPath'];
         $parentCategoryId = array_key_exists('parent_category_id', $parentCategory) ? $parentCategory['parent_category_id'] : null;
     return $category;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @param string $command
  * @param string $method
  * @param array $content
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Client\InfiniteRedirectionException
 protected function getApiResponse($command, $method = 'GET', array $content)
     $url = self::URL . trim($command, '/') . '?' . http_build_query(array('auth_token' => $this->settings['authToken']));
     $response = $this->browser->request($url, $method, array(), array(), $this->server, json_encode($content));
     $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
     if ($statusCode < 200 || $statusCode >= 400) {
         throw new Exception('HipChat request was not successful. Response was: ' . $response->getStatus() . '. Content: ' . $response->getContent(), 1408549039);
     return $response->getContent();
  * @test
  * @expectedException \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Client\InfiniteRedirectionException
 public function browserHaltsOnExceedingMaximumRedirections()
     $requestEngine = $this->getMock(\TYPO3\Flow\Http\Client\RequestEngineInterface::class);
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
         $response = new Response();
         $response->setHeader('Location', 'http://localhost/this/willLead/you/knowhere/' . $i);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Calls the given action of the given controller
  * @param string $controllerName The name of the controller to be called
  * @param string $controllerPackageKey The package key the controller resides in
  * @param string $controllerActionName The name of the action to be called, e.g. 'index'
  * @param array $arguments Optional arguments passed to controller
  * @param string $format The request format, defaults to 'html'
  * @return string The result of the controller action
  * @deprecated since 1.1
 protected function sendWebRequest($controllerName, $controllerPackageKey, $controllerActionName, array $arguments = array(), $format = 'html')
     $route = new \TYPO3\Flow\Mvc\Routing\Route();
     $route->setName('sendWebRequest Route');
     $uriPattern = 'test/' . uniqid();
     $route->setDefaults(array('@package' => $controllerPackageKey, '@controller' => $controllerName, '@action' => $controllerActionName, '@format' => $format));
     $uri = new \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Uri('http://baseuri/' . $uriPattern);
     $response = $this->browser->request($uri, 'POST', $arguments);
     return $response->getContent();
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Call the Piwik Reporting API for node specific statistics
  * @todo make this protected for security !!!
  * @param $node NodeInterface
  * @param $controllerContext ControllerContext
  * @param $arguments array
  * @return DataResult
 public function getNodeStatistics($node = NULL, $controllerContext = NULL, $arguments = array())
     if (!empty($this->settings['host']) && !empty($this->settings['token_auth'] && !empty($this->settings['token_auth']))) {
         $params = '';
         foreach ($arguments as $key => $value) {
             if (!empty($value) && $key != 'view' && $key != 'device' && $key != 'type') {
                 $params .= '&' . $key . '=' . rawurlencode($value);
         try {
             $pageUrl = urlencode($this->getLiveNodeUri($node, $controllerContext)->__toString());
         } catch (StatisticsNotAvailableException $err) {
         $apiCallUrl = $this->settings['protocol'] . '://' . $this->settings['host'] . '/index.php?module=API&format=json' . $params;
         $apiCallUrl .= '&pageUrl=' . $pageUrl;
         $apiCallUrl .= '&idSite=' . $this->settings['idSite'] . '&token_auth=' . $this->settings['token_auth'];
         if ($arguments['view'] == 'TimeSeriesView') {
             $response = $this->browser->request($apiCallUrl);
             return new TimeSeriesDataResult($response);
         if ($arguments['view'] == 'ColumnView') {
             $response = $this->browser->request($apiCallUrl);
             return new ColumnDataResult($response);
         if ($arguments['type'] == 'device') {
             $apiCallUrl .= '&segment=pageUrl==' . $pageUrl;
             $response = $this->browser->request($apiCallUrl);
             return new DeviceDataResult($response);
         if ($arguments['type'] == 'osFamilies') {
             $apiCallUrl .= '&segment=pageUrl==' . $pageUrl;
             $response = $this->browser->request($apiCallUrl);
             return new OperatingSystemDataResult($response);
         if ($arguments['type'] == 'browsers') {
             $apiCallUrl .= '&segment=pageUrl==' . $pageUrl;
             $response = $this->browser->request($apiCallUrl);
             return new BrowserDataResult($response);
         if ($arguments['type'] == 'outlinks') {
             $apiCallUrl .= '&segment=pageUrl==' . $pageUrl;
             $response = $this->browser->request($apiCallUrl);
             return new OutlinkDataResult($response);
  * @test
 public function valueForDisabledCheckboxIsNotLost()
     $postIdentifier = $this->setupDummyPost();
     $post = $this->persistenceManager->getObjectByIdentifier($postIdentifier, \TYPO3\Fluid\Tests\Functional\Form\Fixtures\Domain\Model\Post::class);
     $this->assertEquals(true, $post->getPrivate());
     $this->browser->request('http://localhost/test/fluid/formobjects/edit?fooPost=' . $postIdentifier);
     $checkboxDisabled = $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//*[@id="private"]')->attr('disabled');
     $this->assertEquals($checkboxDisabled, $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//input[@type="hidden" and contains(@name,"private")]')->attr('disabled'), 'The hidden checkbox field is not disabled like the connected checkbox.');
     $form = $this->browser->getForm();
     $post = $this->persistenceManager->getObjectByIdentifier($postIdentifier, \TYPO3\Fluid\Tests\Functional\Form\Fixtures\Domain\Model\Post::class);
     // This will currently never fail, because DomCrawler\Form does not handle hidden checkbox fields correctly!
     // Hence this test currently only relies on the correctly set "disabled" attribute on the hidden field.
     $this->assertEquals(true, $post->getPrivate(), 'The value for the checkbox field "private" was lost on form submit!');
Exemplo n.º 14
  * @test
 public function radioButtonsAreCheckedCorrectlyOnValidationErrors()
     $form = $this->browser->getForm();
     $this->assertEquals('', $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//input[@id="category_foo"]')->attr('checked'));
     $this->assertEquals('checked', $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//input[@id="category_bar"]')->attr('checked'));
     $this->assertEquals('', $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//input[@id="subCategory_foo"]')->attr('checked'));
     $this->assertEquals('checked', $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//input[@id="subCategory_bar"]')->attr('checked'));
     $this->assertEquals('checked', $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//input[@id="category_foo"]')->attr('checked'));
     $this->assertEquals('', $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//input[@id="category_bar"]')->attr('checked'));
     $this->assertEquals('checked', $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//input[@id="subCategory_foo"]')->attr('checked'));
     $this->assertEquals('', $this->browser->getCrawler()->filterXPath('//input[@id="subCategory_bar"]')->attr('checked'));
  * @param string $changeId
  * @param string $topic
 private function setTopic($changeId, $topic)
     $user = $this->settings['Gerrit']['username'];
     $pass = $this->settings['Gerrit']['password'];
     $browser = new Client\Browser();
     $engine = new Client\CurlEngine();
     $browser->request('https://' . $user . ':' . $pass . '@review.typo3.org/a/changes/' . $changeId . '/topic', 'PUT', array(), array(), array('PHP_AUTH_USER' => $user, 'PHP_AUTH_PW' => $pass, 'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'), json_encode(array('topic' => $topic)));
  * Update the page https://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3cms-core/wiki/Forgertest
  * @deprecated Not usable because our redmine is too old
  * @param string $content
  * @param string $project
  * @param string $page
 protected function updateWikiPage($content, $project = 'typo3cms-core', $page = 'Mergedorphans')
     $user = $this->settings['Gerrit']['username'];
     $pass = $this->settings['Gerrit']['password'];
     $browser = new Client\Browser();
     $engine = new Client\CurlEngine();
     $res = $browser->request('https://' . $user . ':' . $pass . '@forge.typo3.org/projects/' . $project . '/wiki/' . $page . '/', 'PUT', array(), array(), array('PHP_AUTH_USER' => $user, 'PHP_AUTH_PW' => $pass), 'content[text]=' . rawurlencode($content) . '&commit=Save');
Exemplo n.º 17
  * @param string $projectSlug
  * @return array
  * @throws \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Client\InfiniteRedirectionException
 protected function getProjectData($projectSlug)
     $response = $this->browser->request(sprintf('http://readthedocs.org/api/v1/project/%s', $projectSlug));
     $projectData = json_decode($response, true);
     return $projectData;
  * @param string $uri
  * @return \TYPO3\Flow\Http\Response
 public function processUriPOST($uri)
     return $this->browser->request($uri, $method = 'POST');