  * Index action shows install tool / step installer or redirect to action to enable install tool
  * @param ServerRequestInterface $request
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @return ResponseInterface
 public function index(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
     /** @var EnableFileService $enableFileService */
     $enableFileService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(EnableFileService::class);
     /** @var AbstractFormProtection $formProtection */
     $formProtection = FormProtectionFactory::get();
     if ($enableFileService->checkInstallToolEnableFile()) {
         // Install tool is open and valid, redirect to it
         $response = $response->withStatus(303)->withHeader('Location', 'sysext/install/Start/Install.php?install[context]=backend');
     } elseif ($request->getMethod() === 'POST' && $request->getParsedBody()['action'] === 'enableInstallTool') {
         // Request to open the install tool
         $installToolEnableToken = $request->getParsedBody()['installToolEnableToken'];
         if (!$formProtection->validateToken($installToolEnableToken, 'installTool')) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Given form token was not valid', 1369161225);
         // Install tool is open and valid, redirect to it
         $response = $response->withStatus(303)->withHeader('Location', 'sysext/install/Start/Install.php?install[context]=backend');
     } else {
         // Show the "create enable install tool" button
         /** @var StandaloneView $view */
         $view = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(StandaloneView::class);
         $token = $formProtection->generateToken('installTool');
         $view->assign('installToolEnableToken', $token);
         /** @var ModuleTemplate $moduleTemplate */
         $moduleTemplate = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ModuleTemplate::class);
         $cssFile = 'EXT:install/Resources/Public/Css/BackendModule/ShowEnableInstallToolButton.css';
         $cssFile = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($cssFile);
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param string $identifier
  * @return string
 public function render($identifier = '')
     $basePath = 'sysext/t3skin/images/icons/';
     $nameParts = GeneralUtility::trimExplode('-', $identifier);
     $folder = array_shift($nameParts);
     $basePath .= $folder . '/' . implode('-', $nameParts) . '.png';
     return '<img src="' . PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($basePath) . '" />';
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @param Icon $icon
  * @param array $options
  * @return string
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 protected function generateMarkup(Icon $icon, array $options)
     if (empty($options['source'])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('[' . $icon->getIdentifier() . '] The option "source" is required and must not be empty', 1440754980);
     $source = $options['source'];
     if (StringUtility::beginsWith($source, 'EXT:') || !StringUtility::beginsWith($source, '/')) {
         $source = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($source);
     $source = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($source);
     return '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($source) . '" width="' . $icon->getDimension()->getWidth() . '" height="' . $icon->getDimension()->getHeight() . '" />';
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Convert arrays with EXT: resource paths to web paths
  * Input:
  * [
  *   100 => 'EXT:form/Resources/Public/Css/form.css'
  * ]
  * Output:
  * [
  *   0 => 'typo3/sysext/form/Resources/Public/Css/form.css'
  * ]
  * @param array $resourcePaths
  * @return array
 protected function resolveResourcePaths(array $resourcePaths) : array
     $return = [];
     foreach ($resourcePaths as $resourcePath) {
         $fullResourcePath = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($resourcePath);
         $resourcePath = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($fullResourcePath);
         if (empty($resourcePath)) {
         $return[] = $resourcePath;
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Renders the view and returns the content
  * @param string $title The title to be shown
  * @param string $message The message to be shown
  * @param int $severity The severity of the error, see AbstractMessage constants
  * @param int $errorCode The error code to be referenced
  * @return string the output of the view
 public function errorAction(string $title, string $message, int $severity = AbstractMessage::ERROR, int $errorCode = 0) : string
     $this->severity = $severity;
     $classes = [AbstractMessage::NOTICE => 'notice', AbstractMessage::INFO => 'information', AbstractMessage::OK => 'ok', AbstractMessage::WARNING => 'warning', AbstractMessage::ERROR => 'error'];
     $this->view->assign('severityCssClass', $classes[$this->severity]);
     $this->view->assign('severity', $this->severity);
     $this->view->assign('message', $message);
     $this->view->assign('title', $title);
     $this->view->assign('errorCodeUrlPrefix', TYPO3_URL_EXCEPTION);
     $this->view->assign('errorCode', $errorCode);
     $this->view->assign('logo', PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath(ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('backend', 'Resources/Public/Images/typo3_orange.svg')));
     $this->view->assign('cssFile', PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath(ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('core', 'Resources/Public/Css/errorpage.css')));
     $this->view->assign('copyrightYear', TYPO3_copyright_year);
     return $this->view->render('Error');
  * Initializes the controller before invoking an action method.
  * @return void
 protected function initializeAction()
     $this->pageRenderer = $this->getPageRenderer();
     // @todo Evaluate how the intval() call can be used with Extbase validators/filters
     $this->pageId = (int) GeneralUtility::_GP('id');
     $iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
     $icons = array('language' => $iconFactory->getIcon('flags-multiple', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render(), 'integrity' => $iconFactory->getIcon('status-dialog-information', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render(), 'success' => $iconFactory->getIcon('status-dialog-ok', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render(), 'info' => $iconFactory->getIcon('status-dialog-information', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render(), 'warning' => $iconFactory->getIcon('status-dialog-warning', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render(), 'error' => $iconFactory->getIcon('status-dialog-error', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render());
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'icons', $icons);
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'id', $this->pageId);
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'depth', $this->pageId === 0 ? 999 : 1);
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'language', $this->getLanguageSelection());
     $cssFile = 'EXT:workspaces/Resources/Public/Css/module.css';
     $cssFile = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($cssFile);
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineLanguageLabelArray(array('title' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('title'), 'path' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.path'), 'table' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.table'), 'depth' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_web_perm.xlf:Depth'), 'depth_0' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.depth_0'), 'depth_1' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.depth_1'), 'depth_2' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.depth_2'), 'depth_3' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.depth_3'), 'depth_4' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.depth_4'), 'depth_infi' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.depth_infi')));
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Add the given icon to the TCA table type
  * @param string $table
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $icon
 public static function addTcaTypeIcon($table, $type, $icon)
     if (GeneralUtility::compat_version('7.0')) {
         $fullIconPath = substr(PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($icon), 1);
         if (StringUtility::endsWith(strtolower($fullIconPath), 'svg')) {
             $iconProviderClass = 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Imaging\\IconProvider\\SvgIconProvider';
         } else {
             $iconProviderClass = 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Imaging\\IconProvider\\BitmapIconProvider';
         /** @var IconRegistry $iconRegistry */
         $iconRegistry = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Imaging\\IconRegistry');
         $iconIdentifier = 'tcarecords-' . $table . '-' . $type;
         $iconRegistry->registerIcon($iconIdentifier, $iconProviderClass, ['source' => $fullIconPath]);
         $GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['ctrl']['typeicon_classes'][$type] = $iconIdentifier;
     } else {
         $fullIconPath = str_replace('../typo3/', '', $icon);
         SpriteManager::addTcaTypeIcon('tt_content', $type, $fullIconPath);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Render t3editor element
  * @return array As defined in initializeResultArray() of AbstractNode
 public function render()
     $this->extPath = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath(ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('t3editor'));
     $this->codemirrorPath = $this->extPath . $this->codemirrorPath;
     $this->resultArray = $this->initializeResultArray();
     $parameterArray = $this->data['parameterArray'];
     $rows = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($parameterArray['fieldConf']['config']['rows'] ?: 10, 1, 40);
     $this->setMode(isset($parameterArray['fieldConf']['config']['format']) ? $parameterArray['fieldConf']['config']['format'] : T3editor::MODE_MIXED);
     $attributes = [];
     $attributes['rows'] = $rows;
     $attributes['wrap'] = 'off';
     $attributes['style'] = 'width:100%;';
     $attributes['onchange'] = GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($parameterArray['fieldChangeFunc']['TBE_EDITOR_fieldChanged']);
     $attributeString = '';
     foreach ($attributes as $param => $value) {
         $attributeString .= $param . '="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" ';
     $this->resultArray['html'] = $this->getHTMLCodeForEditor($parameterArray['itemFormElName'], 'text-monospace enable-tab', $parameterArray['itemFormElValue'], $attributeString, $this->data['tableName'] . ' > ' . $this->data['fieldName'], ['target' => 0]);
     $this->resultArray['additionalJavaScriptPost'][] = 'require(["TYPO3/CMS/T3editor/T3editor"], function(T3editor) {T3editor.findAndInitializeEditors();});';
     return $this->resultArray;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Returns the uri of a relative reference, resolves the "EXT:" prefix
  * (way of referring to files inside extensions) and checks that the file is inside
  * the PATH_site of the TYPO3 installation
  * @param string $filename The input filename/filepath to evaluate
  * @return string Returns the filename of $filename if valid, otherwise blank string.
  * @internal
 private function getUriForFileName($filename)
     if (strpos($filename, '://')) {
         return $filename;
     $urlPrefix = '';
     if (strpos($filename, 'EXT:') === 0) {
         $absoluteFilename = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($filename);
         $filename = '';
         if ($absoluteFilename !== '') {
             $filename = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($absoluteFilename);
     } elseif (strpos($filename, '/') !== 0) {
         $urlPrefix = GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_PATH');
     return $urlPrefix . $filename;
Exemplo n.º 10
	 * Returns the Ajax URL for a given AjaxID including a CSRF token.
	 * This method is only called by the core and must not be used by extensions.
	 * Ajax URLs of all registered backend Ajax handlers are automatically published
	 * to JavaScript inline settings: TYPO3.settings.ajaxUrls['ajaxId']
	 * @param string $ajaxIdentifier Identifier of the AJAX callback
	 * @param array $urlParameters URL parameters that should be added as key value pairs
	 * @param bool $backPathOverride (unused)
	 * @param bool $returnAbsoluteUrl If set to TRUE, the URL returned will be absolute, $backPathOverride will be ignored in this case
	 * @return string Calculated URL
	 * @internal
	static public function getAjaxUrl($ajaxIdentifier, array $urlParameters = array(), $backPathOverride = FALSE, $returnAbsoluteUrl = FALSE) {
		$additionalUrlParameters = array(
			'ajaxID' => $ajaxIdentifier
		if (!empty($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['AJAX'][$ajaxIdentifier]['csrfTokenCheck'])) {
			$additionalUrlParameters['ajaxToken'] = FormProtectionFactory::get()->generateToken('ajaxCall', $ajaxIdentifier);
		$url = 'ajax.php?' . ltrim(GeneralUtility::implodeArrayForUrl('', ($additionalUrlParameters + $urlParameters), '', TRUE, TRUE), '&');
		if ($returnAbsoluteUrl) {
			return GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR') . $url;
		} else {
			return PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath(PATH_typo3 . $url);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Retrieves configured favicon for backend (with fallback)
  * @return string
 protected function getBackendFavicon()
     return PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['favicon'] ?: ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('backend') . 'Resources/Public/Icons/favicon.ico');
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Creates a link to the deprecation log file with the absolute path as the
  * link text.
  * @return string Link to the deprecation log file
 protected function getDeprecationLogFileLink()
     $logFile = GeneralUtility::getDeprecationLogFileName();
     $linkToLogFile = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($logFile);
     return '<a href="' . $linkToLogFile . '">' . $logFile . '</a>';
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Internal method building a Uri object, merging the GET parameters array into a flat queryString
  * @param array $parameters An array of GET parameters
  * @param string $referenceType The type of reference to be generated (one of the constants)
  * @return Uri
 protected function buildUri($parameters, $referenceType)
     $uri = 'index.php?' . ltrim(GeneralUtility::implodeArrayForUrl('', $parameters, '', true, true), '&');
     if ($referenceType === self::ABSOLUTE_PATH) {
         $uri = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath(PATH_typo3 . $uri);
     } else {
         $uri = GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_DIR') . $uri;
     return GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Uri::class, $uri);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Render a list of items as a nicely formatted definition list including a
  * link, icon, title and description.
  * The keys of a single item are:
  * - title:             Title of the item
  * - link:              Link to the task
  * - icon:              Path to the icon or Icon as HTML if it begins with <img
  * - description:       Description of the task, using htmlspecialchars()
  * - descriptionHtml:   Description allowing HTML tags which will override the
  * description
  * @param array $items List of items to be displayed in the definition list.
  * @param bool $mainMenu Set it to TRUE to render the main menu
  * @return string Formatted definition list
 public function renderListMenu($items, $mainMenu = false)
     $assigns = [];
     $assigns['mainMenu'] = $mainMenu;
     // Change the sorting of items to the user's one
     if ($mainMenu) {
         $userSorting = unserialize($this->getBackendUser()->uc['taskcenter']['sorting']);
         if (is_array($userSorting)) {
             $newSorting = [];
             foreach ($userSorting as $item) {
                 if (isset($items[$item])) {
                     $newSorting[] = $items[$item];
             $items = $newSorting + $items;
     if (is_array($items) && !empty($items)) {
         foreach ($items as $itemKey => &$item) {
             // Check for custom icon
             if (!empty($item['icon'])) {
                 if (strpos($item['icon'], '<img ') === false) {
                     $iconFile = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($item['icon']);
                     if (@is_file($iconFile)) {
                         $item['iconFile'] = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($iconFile);
             $id = $this->getUniqueKey($item['uid']);
             $contentId = strtolower(str_replace('\\', '-', $id));
             $item['uniqueKey'] = $id;
             $item['contentId'] = $contentId;
             // Collapsed & expanded menu items
             if (isset($this->getBackendUser()->uc['taskcenter']['states'][$id]) && $this->getBackendUser()->uc['taskcenter']['states'][$id]) {
                 $item['ariaExpanded'] = 'true';
                 $item['collapseIcon'] = 'actions-view-list-expand';
                 $item['collapsed'] = '';
             } else {
                 $item['ariaExpanded'] = 'false';
                 $item['collapseIcon'] = 'actions-view-list-collapse';
                 $item['collapsed'] = 'in';
             // Active menu item
             $panelState = (string) $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'] == $item['uid'] ? 'panel-active' : 'panel-default';
             $item['panelState'] = $panelState;
     $assigns['items'] = $items;
     // Rendering of the output via fluid
     $view = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(StandaloneView::class);
     return $view->render();
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Return a JS array for special anchor classes
  * @return string classesAnchor array definition
 public function buildJSClassesAnchorArray()
     $JSClassesAnchorArray = 'HTMLArea.classesAnchorSetup = [ ' . LF;
     $classesAnchorIndex = 0;
     foreach ($this->configuration['RTEsetup']['properties']['classesAnchor.'] as $label => $conf) {
         if (is_array($conf) && $conf['class']) {
             $JSClassesAnchorArray .= ($classesAnchorIndex++ ? ',' : '') . ' { ' . LF;
             $index = 0;
             $JSClassesAnchorArray .= ($index++ ? ',' : '') . 'name : "' . str_replace('"', '', str_replace('\'', '', $conf['class'])) . '"' . LF;
             if ($conf['type']) {
                 $JSClassesAnchorArray .= ($index++ ? ',' : '') . 'type : "' . str_replace('"', '', str_replace('\'', '', $conf['type'])) . '"' . LF;
             if (trim(str_replace('\'', '', str_replace('"', '', $conf['image'])))) {
                 $JSClassesAnchorArray .= ($index++ ? ',' : '') . 'image : "' . GeneralUtility::locationHeaderUrl(PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath(GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName(trim(str_replace('\'', '', str_replace('"', '', $conf['image'])))))) . '"' . LF;
             $JSClassesAnchorArray .= ($index++ ? ',' : '') . 'addIconAfterLink : ' . ($conf['addIconAfterLink'] ? 'true' : 'false') . LF;
             if (trim($conf['altText'])) {
                 $string = GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->getLanguageService()->sL(trim($conf['altText'])));
                 $JSClassesAnchorArray .= ($index++ ? ',' : '') . 'altText : ' . str_replace('"', '\\"', str_replace('\\\'', '\'', $string)) . LF;
             if (trim($conf['titleText'])) {
                 $string = GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->getLanguageService()->sL(trim($conf['titleText'])));
                 $JSClassesAnchorArray .= ($index++ ? ',' : '') . 'titleText : ' . str_replace('"', '\\"', str_replace('\\\'', '\'', $string)) . LF;
             if (trim($conf['target'])) {
                 $JSClassesAnchorArray .= ($index++ ? ',' : '') . 'target : "' . trim($conf['target']) . '"' . LF;
             $JSClassesAnchorArray .= '}' . LF;
     $JSClassesAnchorArray .= '];' . LF;
     return $JSClassesAnchorArray;
Exemplo n.º 16
     * Rendering normal HTML-page with header by wrapping the generated content ($pageContent) in body-tags and setting the header accordingly.
     * @param string $pageContent The page content which TypoScript objects has generated
     * @return void
    public static function renderContentWithHeader($pageContent)
        /** @var TypoScriptFrontendController $tsfe */
        $tsfe = $GLOBALS['TSFE'];
        /** @var TimeTracker $timeTracker */
        $timeTracker = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TimeTracker::class);
        $pageRenderer = static::getPageRenderer();
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['moveJsFromHeaderToFooter']) {
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['pageRendererTemplateFile']) {
            $file = $tsfe->tmpl->getFileName($tsfe->config['config']['pageRendererTemplateFile']);
            if ($file) {
        $headerComment = $tsfe->config['config']['headerComment'];
        if (trim($headerComment)) {
            $pageRenderer->addInlineComment(TAB . str_replace(LF, LF . TAB, trim($headerComment)) . LF);
        // Setting charset:
        $theCharset = $tsfe->metaCharset;
        // Reset the content variables:
        $tsfe->content = '';
        $htmlTagAttributes = array();
        $htmlLang = $tsfe->config['config']['htmlTag_langKey'] ?: ($tsfe->sys_language_isocode ?: 'en');
        // Set content direction: (More info: http://www.tau.ac.il/~danon/Hebrew/HTML_and_Hebrew.html)
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['htmlTag_dir']) {
            $htmlTagAttributes['dir'] = htmlspecialchars($tsfe->config['config']['htmlTag_dir']);
        // Setting document type:
        $docTypeParts = array();
        $xmlDocument = true;
        // Part 1: XML prologue
        switch ((string) $tsfe->config['config']['xmlprologue']) {
            case 'none':
                $xmlDocument = false;
            case 'xml_10':
                $docTypeParts[] = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $theCharset . '"?>';
            case 'xml_11':
                $docTypeParts[] = '<?xml version="1.1" encoding="' . $theCharset . '"?>';
            case '':
                if ($tsfe->xhtmlVersion) {
                    $docTypeParts[] = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $theCharset . '"?>';
                } else {
                    $xmlDocument = false;
                $docTypeParts[] = $tsfe->config['config']['xmlprologue'];
        // Part 2: DTD
        $doctype = $tsfe->config['config']['doctype'];
        if ($doctype) {
            switch ($doctype) {
                case 'xhtml_trans':
                    $docTypeParts[] = '<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
                case 'xhtml_strict':
                    $docTypeParts[] = '<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
                case 'xhtml_frames':
                    $docTypeParts[] = '<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"
                case 'xhtml_basic':
                    $docTypeParts[] = '<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN"
                case 'xhtml_11':
                    $docTypeParts[] = '<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
                case 'xhtml+rdfa_10':
                    $docTypeParts[] = '<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN"
                case 'html5':
                    $docTypeParts[] = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
                    if ($xmlDocument) {
                        $pageRenderer->setMetaCharsetTag('<meta charset="|" />');
                    } else {
                        $pageRenderer->setMetaCharsetTag('<meta charset="|">');
                case 'none':
                    $docTypeParts[] = $doctype;
        } else {
            $docTypeParts[] = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
            if ($xmlDocument) {
                $pageRenderer->setMetaCharsetTag('<meta charset="|" />');
            } else {
                $pageRenderer->setMetaCharsetTag('<meta charset="|">');
        if ($tsfe->xhtmlVersion) {
            $htmlTagAttributes['xml:lang'] = $htmlLang;
        if ($tsfe->xhtmlVersion < 110 || $doctype === 'html5') {
            $htmlTagAttributes['lang'] = $htmlLang;
        if ($tsfe->xhtmlVersion || $doctype === 'html5' && $xmlDocument) {
            // We add this to HTML5 to achieve a slightly better backwards compatibility
            $htmlTagAttributes['xmlns'] = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
            if (is_array($tsfe->config['config']['namespaces.'])) {
                foreach ($tsfe->config['config']['namespaces.'] as $prefix => $uri) {
                    // $uri gets htmlspecialchared later
                    $htmlTagAttributes['xmlns:' . htmlspecialchars($prefix)] = $uri;
        // Swap XML and doctype order around (for MSIE / Opera standards compliance)
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['doctypeSwitch']) {
            $docTypeParts = array_reverse($docTypeParts);
        // Adding doctype parts:
        if (!empty($docTypeParts)) {
            $pageRenderer->setXmlPrologAndDocType(implode(LF, $docTypeParts));
        // Begin header section:
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['htmlTag_setParams'] !== 'none') {
            $_attr = $tsfe->config['config']['htmlTag_setParams'] ? $tsfe->config['config']['htmlTag_setParams'] : GeneralUtility::implodeAttributes($htmlTagAttributes);
        } else {
            $_attr = '';
        $htmlTag = '<html' . ($_attr ? ' ' . $_attr : '') . '>';
        if (isset($tsfe->config['config']['htmlTag_stdWrap.'])) {
            $htmlTag = $tsfe->cObj->stdWrap($htmlTag, $tsfe->config['config']['htmlTag_stdWrap.']);
        // Head tag:
        $headTag = $tsfe->pSetup['headTag'] ?: '<head>';
        if (isset($tsfe->pSetup['headTag.'])) {
            $headTag = $tsfe->cObj->stdWrap($headTag, $tsfe->pSetup['headTag.']);
        // Setting charset meta tag:
        $pageRenderer->addInlineComment('	This website is powered by TYPO3 - inspiring people to share!
	TYPO3 is a free open source Content Management Framework initially created by Kasper Skaarhoj and licensed under GNU/GPL.
	TYPO3 is copyright ' . TYPO3_copyright_year . ' of Kasper Skaarhoj. Extensions are copyright of their respective owners.
	Information and contribution at ' . TYPO3_URL_GENERAL . '
        if ($tsfe->baseUrl) {
        if ($tsfe->pSetup['shortcutIcon']) {
            $favIcon = ltrim($tsfe->tmpl->getFileName($tsfe->pSetup['shortcutIcon']), '/');
            $iconFileInfo = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ImageInfo::class, PATH_site . $favIcon);
            if ($iconFileInfo->isFile()) {
                $iconMimeType = $iconFileInfo->getMimeType();
                if ($iconMimeType) {
                    $iconMimeType = ' type="' . $iconMimeType . '"';
                $pageRenderer->setFavIcon(PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($tsfe->absRefPrefix . $favIcon));
        // Including CSS files
        if (is_array($tsfe->tmpl->setup['plugin.'])) {
            $stylesFromPlugins = '';
            foreach ($tsfe->tmpl->setup['plugin.'] as $key => $iCSScode) {
                if (is_array($iCSScode)) {
                    if ($iCSScode['_CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE'] && empty($tsfe->config['config']['removeDefaultCss'])) {
                        if (isset($iCSScode['_CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE.'])) {
                            $cssDefaultStyle = $tsfe->cObj->stdWrap($iCSScode['_CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE'], $iCSScode['_CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE.']);
                        } else {
                            $cssDefaultStyle = $iCSScode['_CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE'];
                        $stylesFromPlugins .= '/* default styles for extension "' . substr($key, 0, -1) . '" */' . LF . $cssDefaultStyle . LF;
                    if ($iCSScode['_CSS_PAGE_STYLE'] && empty($tsfe->config['config']['removePageCss'])) {
                        $cssPageStyle = implode(LF, $iCSScode['_CSS_PAGE_STYLE']);
                        if (isset($iCSScode['_CSS_PAGE_STYLE.'])) {
                            $cssPageStyle = $tsfe->cObj->stdWrap($cssPageStyle, $iCSScode['_CSS_PAGE_STYLE.']);
                        $cssPageStyle = '/* specific page styles for extension "' . substr($key, 0, -1) . '" */' . LF . $cssPageStyle;
                        self::addCssToPageRenderer($cssPageStyle, true);
            if (!empty($stylesFromPlugins)) {
        if ($tsfe->pSetup['stylesheet']) {
            $ss = $tsfe->tmpl->getFileName($tsfe->pSetup['stylesheet']);
            if ($ss) {
        /* config.includeCSS / config.includeCSSLibs
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['includeCSS.'])) {
            foreach ($tsfe->pSetup['includeCSS.'] as $key => $CSSfile) {
                if (!is_array($CSSfile)) {
                    $cssFileConfig =& $tsfe->pSetup['includeCSS.'][$key . '.'];
                    if (isset($cssFileConfig['if.']) && !$tsfe->cObj->checkIf($cssFileConfig['if.'])) {
                    $ss = $cssFileConfig['external'] ? $CSSfile : $tsfe->tmpl->getFileName($CSSfile);
                    if ($ss) {
                        if ($cssFileConfig['import']) {
                            if (!$cssFileConfig['external'] && $ss[0] !== '/') {
                                // To fix MSIE 6 that cannot handle these as relative paths (according to Ben v Ende)
                                $ss = GeneralUtility::dirname(GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')) . '/' . $ss;
                            $pageRenderer->addCssInlineBlock('import_' . $key, '@import url("' . htmlspecialchars($ss) . '") ' . htmlspecialchars($cssFileConfig['media']) . ';', empty($cssFileConfig['disableCompression']), (bool) $cssFileConfig['forceOnTop'], '');
                        } else {
                            $pageRenderer->addCssFile($ss, $cssFileConfig['alternate'] ? 'alternate stylesheet' : 'stylesheet', $cssFileConfig['media'] ?: 'all', $cssFileConfig['title'] ?: '', empty($cssFileConfig['disableCompression']), (bool) $cssFileConfig['forceOnTop'], $cssFileConfig['allWrap'], (bool) $cssFileConfig['excludeFromConcatenation'], $cssFileConfig['allWrap.']['splitChar']);
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['includeCSSLibs.'])) {
            foreach ($tsfe->pSetup['includeCSSLibs.'] as $key => $CSSfile) {
                if (!is_array($CSSfile)) {
                    $cssFileConfig =& $tsfe->pSetup['includeCSSLibs.'][$key . '.'];
                    if (isset($cssFileConfig['if.']) && !$tsfe->cObj->checkIf($cssFileConfig['if.'])) {
                    $ss = $cssFileConfig['external'] ? $CSSfile : $tsfe->tmpl->getFileName($CSSfile);
                    if ($ss) {
                        if ($cssFileConfig['import']) {
                            if (!$cssFileConfig['external'] && $ss[0] !== '/') {
                                // To fix MSIE 6 that cannot handle these as relative paths (according to Ben v Ende)
                                $ss = GeneralUtility::dirname(GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')) . '/' . $ss;
                            $pageRenderer->addCssInlineBlock('import_' . $key, '@import url("' . htmlspecialchars($ss) . '") ' . htmlspecialchars($cssFileConfig['media']) . ';', empty($cssFileConfig['disableCompression']), (bool) $cssFileConfig['forceOnTop'], '');
                        } else {
                            $pageRenderer->addCssLibrary($ss, $cssFileConfig['alternate'] ? 'alternate stylesheet' : 'stylesheet', $cssFileConfig['media'] ?: 'all', $cssFileConfig['title'] ?: '', empty($cssFileConfig['disableCompression']), (bool) $cssFileConfig['forceOnTop'], $cssFileConfig['allWrap'], (bool) $cssFileConfig['excludeFromConcatenation'], $cssFileConfig['allWrap.']['splitChar']);
        // Stylesheets
        $style = '';
        if ($tsfe->pSetup['insertClassesFromRTE']) {
            $pageTSConfig = $tsfe->getPagesTSconfig();
            $RTEclasses = $pageTSConfig['RTE.']['classes.'];
            if (is_array($RTEclasses)) {
                foreach ($RTEclasses as $RTEclassName => $RTEvalueArray) {
                    if ($RTEvalueArray['value']) {
                        $style .= '
.' . substr($RTEclassName, 0, -1) . ' {' . $RTEvalueArray['value'] . '}';
            if ($tsfe->pSetup['insertClassesFromRTE.']['add_mainStyleOverrideDefs'] && is_array($pageTSConfig['RTE.']['default.']['mainStyleOverride_add.'])) {
                $mSOa_tList = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', strtoupper($tsfe->pSetup['insertClassesFromRTE.']['add_mainStyleOverrideDefs']), true);
                foreach ($pageTSConfig['RTE.']['default.']['mainStyleOverride_add.'] as $mSOa_key => $mSOa_value) {
                    if (!is_array($mSOa_value) && (in_array('*', $mSOa_tList) || in_array($mSOa_key, $mSOa_tList))) {
                        $style .= '
' . $mSOa_key . ' {' . $mSOa_value . '}';
        // Setting body tag margins in CSS:
        if (isset($tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagMargins']) && $tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagMargins.']['useCSS']) {
            $margins = (int) $tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagMargins'];
            $style .= '
	BODY {margin: ' . $margins . 'px ' . $margins . 'px ' . $margins . 'px ' . $margins . 'px;}';
        // CSS_inlineStyle from TS
        $style .= trim($tsfe->pSetup['CSS_inlineStyle']);
        $style .= $tsfe->cObj->cObjGet($tsfe->pSetup['cssInline.'], 'cssInline.');
        if (trim($style)) {
            self::addCssToPageRenderer($style, true, 'additionalTSFEInlineStyle');
        // Javascript Libraries
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['javascriptLibs.'])) {
            // Include jQuery into the page renderer
            if (!empty($tsfe->pSetup['javascriptLibs.']['jQuery'])) {
                $jQueryTS = $tsfe->pSetup['javascriptLibs.']['jQuery.'];
                // Check if version / source is set, if not set variable to "NULL" to use the default of the page renderer
                $version = isset($jQueryTS['version']) ? $jQueryTS['version'] : null;
                $source = isset($jQueryTS['source']) ? $jQueryTS['source'] : null;
                // When "noConflict" is not set or "1" enable the default jQuery noConflict mode, otherwise disable the namespace
                if (!isset($jQueryTS['noConflict']) || !empty($jQueryTS['noConflict'])) {
                    // Set namespace to the "noConflict.namespace" value if "noConflict.namespace" has a value
                    if (!empty($jQueryTS['noConflict.']['namespace'])) {
                        $namespace = $jQueryTS['noConflict.']['namespace'];
                    } else {
                        $namespace = PageRenderer::JQUERY_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT_NOCONFLICT;
                } else {
                    $namespace = PageRenderer::JQUERY_NAMESPACE_NONE;
                $pageRenderer->loadJquery($version, $source, $namespace);
            if ($tsfe->pSetup['javascriptLibs.']['ExtJs']) {
                $css = (bool) $tsfe->pSetup['javascriptLibs.']['ExtJs.']['css'];
                $theme = (bool) $tsfe->pSetup['javascriptLibs.']['ExtJs.']['theme'];
                $pageRenderer->loadExtJS($css, $theme);
                if ($tsfe->pSetup['javascriptLibs.']['ExtJs.']['debug']) {
        // JavaScript library files
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSLibs.'])) {
            foreach ($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSLibs.'] as $key => $JSfile) {
                if (!is_array($JSfile)) {
                    if (isset($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSLibs.'][$key . '.']['if.']) && !$tsfe->cObj->checkIf($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSLibs.'][$key . '.']['if.'])) {
                    $ss = $tsfe->pSetup['includeJSLibs.'][$key . '.']['external'] ? $JSfile : $tsfe->tmpl->getFileName($JSfile);
                    if ($ss) {
                        $jsFileConfig =& $tsfe->pSetup['includeJSLibs.'][$key . '.'];
                        $type = $jsFileConfig['type'];
                        if (!$type) {
                            $type = 'text/javascript';
                        $pageRenderer->addJsLibrary($key, $ss, $type, empty($jsFileConfig['disableCompression']), (bool) $jsFileConfig['forceOnTop'], $jsFileConfig['allWrap'], (bool) $jsFileConfig['excludeFromConcatenation'], $jsFileConfig['allWrap.']['splitChar'], (bool) $jsFileConfig['async'], $jsFileConfig['integrity']);
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooterlibs.'])) {
            foreach ($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooterlibs.'] as $key => $JSfile) {
                if (!is_array($JSfile)) {
                    if (isset($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooterlibs.'][$key . '.']['if.']) && !$tsfe->cObj->checkIf($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooterlibs.'][$key . '.']['if.'])) {
                    $ss = $tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooterlibs.'][$key . '.']['external'] ? $JSfile : $tsfe->tmpl->getFileName($JSfile);
                    if ($ss) {
                        $jsFileConfig =& $tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooterlibs.'][$key . '.'];
                        $type = $jsFileConfig['type'];
                        if (!$type) {
                            $type = 'text/javascript';
                        $pageRenderer->addJsFooterLibrary($key, $ss, $type, empty($jsFileConfig['disableCompression']), (bool) $jsFileConfig['forceOnTop'], $jsFileConfig['allWrap'], (bool) $jsFileConfig['excludeFromConcatenation'], $jsFileConfig['allWrap.']['splitChar'], (bool) $jsFileConfig['async'], $jsFileConfig['integrity']);
        // JavaScript files
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['includeJS.'])) {
            foreach ($tsfe->pSetup['includeJS.'] as $key => $JSfile) {
                if (!is_array($JSfile)) {
                    if (isset($tsfe->pSetup['includeJS.'][$key . '.']['if.']) && !$tsfe->cObj->checkIf($tsfe->pSetup['includeJS.'][$key . '.']['if.'])) {
                    $ss = $tsfe->pSetup['includeJS.'][$key . '.']['external'] ? $JSfile : $tsfe->tmpl->getFileName($JSfile);
                    if ($ss) {
                        $jsConfig =& $tsfe->pSetup['includeJS.'][$key . '.'];
                        $type = $jsConfig['type'];
                        if (!$type) {
                            $type = 'text/javascript';
                        $pageRenderer->addJsFile($ss, $type, empty($jsConfig['disableCompression']), (bool) $jsConfig['forceOnTop'], $jsConfig['allWrap'], (bool) $jsConfig['excludeFromConcatenation'], $jsConfig['allWrap.']['splitChar'], (bool) $jsConfig['async'], $jsConfig['integrity']);
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooter.'])) {
            foreach ($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooter.'] as $key => $JSfile) {
                if (!is_array($JSfile)) {
                    if (isset($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooter.'][$key . '.']['if.']) && !$tsfe->cObj->checkIf($tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooter.'][$key . '.']['if.'])) {
                    $ss = $tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooter.'][$key . '.']['external'] ? $JSfile : $tsfe->tmpl->getFileName($JSfile);
                    if ($ss) {
                        $jsConfig =& $tsfe->pSetup['includeJSFooter.'][$key . '.'];
                        $type = $jsConfig['type'];
                        if (!$type) {
                            $type = 'text/javascript';
                        $pageRenderer->addJsFooterFile($ss, $type, empty($jsConfig['disableCompression']), (bool) $jsConfig['forceOnTop'], $jsConfig['allWrap'], (bool) $jsConfig['excludeFromConcatenation'], $jsConfig['allWrap.']['splitChar'], (bool) $jsConfig['async'], $jsConfig['integrity']);
        // Headerdata
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['headerData.'])) {
            $pageRenderer->addHeaderData($tsfe->cObj->cObjGet($tsfe->pSetup['headerData.'], 'headerData.'));
        // Footerdata
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['footerData.'])) {
            $pageRenderer->addFooterData($tsfe->cObj->cObjGet($tsfe->pSetup['footerData.'], 'footerData.'));
        $metaTagsHtml = static::generateMetaTagHtml(isset($tsfe->pSetup['meta.']) ? $tsfe->pSetup['meta.'] : array(), $tsfe->xhtmlVersion, $tsfe->cObj);
        foreach ($metaTagsHtml as $metaTag) {
        if (is_array($tsfe->config['INTincScript'])) {
            $tsfe->additionalHeaderData['JSCode'] = $tsfe->JSCode;
            // Storing the JSCode vars...
            $tsfe->config['INTincScript_ext']['divKey'] = $tsfe->uniqueHash();
            $tsfe->config['INTincScript_ext']['additionalHeaderData'] = $tsfe->additionalHeaderData;
            // Storing the header-data array
            $tsfe->config['INTincScript_ext']['additionalFooterData'] = $tsfe->additionalFooterData;
            // Storing the footer-data array
            $tsfe->config['INTincScript_ext']['additionalJavaScript'] = $tsfe->additionalJavaScript;
            // Storing the JS-data array
            $tsfe->config['INTincScript_ext']['additionalCSS'] = $tsfe->additionalCSS;
            // Storing the Style-data array
            $tsfe->additionalHeaderData = array('<!--HD_' . $tsfe->config['INTincScript_ext']['divKey'] . '-->');
            // Clearing the array
            $tsfe->additionalFooterData = array('<!--FD_' . $tsfe->config['INTincScript_ext']['divKey'] . '-->');
            // Clearing the array
            $tsfe->divSection .= '<!--TDS_' . $tsfe->config['INTincScript_ext']['divKey'] . '-->';
        } else {
        $scriptJsCode = '';
        if ($tsfe->spamProtectEmailAddresses && $tsfe->spamProtectEmailAddresses !== 'ascii') {
            $scriptJsCode = '
			// decrypt helper function
		function decryptCharcode(n,start,end,offset) {
			n = n + offset;
			if (offset > 0 && n > end) {
				n = start + (n - end - 1);
			} else if (offset < 0 && n < start) {
				n = end - (start - n - 1);
			return String.fromCharCode(n);
			// decrypt string
		function decryptString(enc,offset) {
			var dec = "";
			var len = enc.length;
			for(var i=0; i < len; i++) {
				var n = enc.charCodeAt(i);
				if (n >= 0x2B && n <= 0x3A) {
					dec += decryptCharcode(n,0x2B,0x3A,offset);	// 0-9 . , - + / :
				} else if (n >= 0x40 && n <= 0x5A) {
					dec += decryptCharcode(n,0x40,0x5A,offset);	// A-Z @
				} else if (n >= 0x61 && n <= 0x7A) {
					dec += decryptCharcode(n,0x61,0x7A,offset);	// a-z
				} else {
					dec += enc.charAt(i);
			return dec;
			// decrypt spam-protected emails
		function linkTo_UnCryptMailto(s) {
			location.href = decryptString(s,' . $tsfe->spamProtectEmailAddresses * -1 . ');
        // Add inline JS
        $inlineJS = '';
        // defined in php
        if (is_array($tsfe->inlineJS)) {
            foreach ($tsfe->inlineJS as $key => $val) {
                if (!is_array($val)) {
                    $inlineJS .= LF . $val . LF;
        // defined in TS with page.inlineJS
        // Javascript inline code
        $inline = $tsfe->cObj->cObjGet($tsfe->pSetup['jsInline.'], 'jsInline.');
        if ($inline) {
            $inlineJS .= LF . $inline . LF;
        // Javascript inline code for Footer
        $inlineFooterJs = $tsfe->cObj->cObjGet($tsfe->pSetup['jsFooterInline.'], 'jsFooterInline.');
        // Should minify?
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']) {
            $minifyErrorScript = $minifyErrorInline = '';
            $scriptJsCode = GeneralUtility::minifyJavaScript($scriptJsCode, $minifyErrorScript);
            if ($minifyErrorScript) {
                $timeTracker->setTSlogMessage($minifyErrorScript, 3);
            if ($inlineJS) {
                $inlineJS = GeneralUtility::minifyJavaScript($inlineJS, $minifyErrorInline);
                if ($minifyErrorInline) {
                    $timeTracker->setTSlogMessage($minifyErrorInline, 3);
            if ($inlineFooterJs) {
                $inlineFooterJs = GeneralUtility::minifyJavaScript($inlineFooterJs, $minifyErrorInline);
                if ($minifyErrorInline) {
                    $timeTracker->setTSlogMessage($minifyErrorInline, 3);
        if (!$tsfe->config['config']['removeDefaultJS']) {
            // inlude default and inlineJS
            if ($scriptJsCode) {
                $pageRenderer->addJsInlineCode('_scriptCode', $scriptJsCode, $tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']);
            if ($inlineJS) {
                $pageRenderer->addJsInlineCode('TS_inlineJS', $inlineJS, $tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']);
            if ($inlineFooterJs) {
                $pageRenderer->addJsFooterInlineCode('TS_inlineFooter', $inlineFooterJs, $tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']);
        } elseif ($tsfe->config['config']['removeDefaultJS'] === 'external') {
             * This keeps inlineJS from *_INT Objects from being moved to external files.
             * At this point in frontend rendering *_INT Objects only have placeholders instead
             * of actual content so moving these placeholders to external files would
             *     a) break the JS file (syntax errors due to the placeholders)
             *     b) the needed JS would never get included to the page
             * Therefore inlineJS from *_INT Objects must not be moved to external files but
             * kept internal.
            $inlineJSint = '';
            self::stripIntObjectPlaceholder($inlineJS, $inlineJSint);
            if ($inlineJSint) {
                $pageRenderer->addJsInlineCode('TS_inlineJSint', $inlineJSint, $tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']);
            if (trim($scriptJsCode . $inlineJS)) {
                $pageRenderer->addJsFile(self::inline2TempFile($scriptJsCode . $inlineJS, 'js'), 'text/javascript', $tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']);
            if ($inlineFooterJs) {
                $inlineFooterJSint = '';
                self::stripIntObjectPlaceholder($inlineFooterJs, $inlineFooterJSint);
                if ($inlineFooterJSint) {
                    $pageRenderer->addJsFooterInlineCode('TS_inlineFooterJSint', $inlineFooterJSint, $tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']);
                $pageRenderer->addJsFooterFile(self::inline2TempFile($inlineFooterJs, 'js'), 'text/javascript', $tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']);
        } else {
            // Include only inlineJS
            if ($inlineJS) {
                $pageRenderer->addJsInlineCode('TS_inlineJS', $inlineJS, $tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']);
            if ($inlineFooterJs) {
                $pageRenderer->addJsFooterInlineCode('TS_inlineFooter', $inlineFooterJs, $tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']);
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['inlineLanguageLabelFiles.'])) {
            foreach ($tsfe->pSetup['inlineLanguageLabelFiles.'] as $key => $languageFile) {
                if (is_array($languageFile)) {
                $languageFileConfig =& $tsfe->pSetup['inlineLanguageLabelFiles.'][$key . '.'];
                if (isset($languageFileConfig['if.']) && !$tsfe->cObj->checkIf($languageFileConfig['if.'])) {
                $pageRenderer->addInlineLanguageLabelFile($languageFile, $languageFileConfig['selectionPrefix'] ?: '', $languageFileConfig['stripFromSelectionName'] ?: '', $languageFileConfig['errorMode'] ? (int) $languageFileConfig['errorMode'] : 0);
        // ExtJS specific code
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['inlineLanguageLabel.'])) {
            $pageRenderer->addInlineLanguageLabelArray($tsfe->pSetup['inlineLanguageLabel.'], true);
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['inlineSettings.'])) {
            $pageRenderer->addInlineSettingArray('TS', $tsfe->pSetup['inlineSettings.']);
        if (is_array($tsfe->pSetup['extOnReady.'])) {
            $pageRenderer->addExtOnReadyCode($tsfe->cObj->cObjGet($tsfe->pSetup['extOnReady.'], 'extOnReady.'));
        // Compression and concatenate settings
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['compressCss']) {
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['compressJs']) {
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['concatenateCss']) {
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['concatenateJs']) {
        // Backward compatibility for old configuration
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['concatenateJsAndCss']) {
        // Add header data block
        if ($tsfe->additionalHeaderData) {
            $pageRenderer->addHeaderData(implode(LF, $tsfe->additionalHeaderData));
        // Add footer data block
        if ($tsfe->additionalFooterData) {
            $pageRenderer->addFooterData(implode(LF, $tsfe->additionalFooterData));
        // Header complete, now add content
        if ($tsfe->pSetup['frameSet.']) {
            $fs = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FramesetRenderer::class);
            $pageRenderer->addBodyContent(LF . '<noframes>' . LF);
        // Bodytag:
        if ($tsfe->config['config']['disableBodyTag']) {
            $bodyTag = '';
        } else {
            $defBT = $tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagCObject'] ? $tsfe->cObj->cObjGetSingle($tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagCObject'], $tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagCObject.'], 'bodyTagCObject') : '';
            if (!$defBT) {
                $defBT = $tsfe->defaultBodyTag;
            $bodyTag = $tsfe->pSetup['bodyTag'] ? $tsfe->pSetup['bodyTag'] : $defBT;
            if (isset($tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagMargins'])) {
                $margins = (int) $tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagMargins'];
                if ($tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagMargins.']['useCSS']) {
                } else {
                    $bodyTag = preg_replace('/>$/', '', trim($bodyTag)) . ' leftmargin="' . $margins . '" topmargin="' . $margins . '" marginwidth="' . $margins . '" marginheight="' . $margins . '">';
            if (trim($tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagAdd'])) {
                $bodyTag = preg_replace('/>$/', '', trim($bodyTag)) . ' ' . trim($tsfe->pSetup['bodyTagAdd']) . '>';
        $pageRenderer->addBodyContent(LF . $bodyTag);
        // Div-sections
        if ($tsfe->divSection) {
            $pageRenderer->addBodyContent(LF . $tsfe->divSection);
        // Page content
        $pageRenderer->addBodyContent(LF . $pageContent);
        if (!empty($tsfe->config['INTincScript']) && is_array($tsfe->config['INTincScript'])) {
            // Store the serialized pageRenderer in configuration
            $tsfe->config['INTincScript_ext']['pageRenderer'] = serialize($pageRenderer);
            // Render complete page, keep placeholders for JavaScript and CSS
            $tsfe->content = $pageRenderer->renderPageWithUncachedObjects($tsfe->config['INTincScript_ext']['divKey']);
        } else {
            // Render complete page
            $tsfe->content = $pageRenderer->render();
        // Ending page
        if ($tsfe->pSetup['frameSet.']) {
            $tsfe->content .= LF . '</noframes>';
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Basically makes sure that the workspace preview is rendered.
  * The preview itself consists of three frames, so there are
  * only the frames-urls we've to generate here
  * @param int $previewWS
  * @return void
 public function indexAction($previewWS = null)
     $backendUser = $this->getBackendUser();
     // Get all the GET parameters to pass them on to the frames
     $queryParameters = GeneralUtility::_GET();
     // Remove the GET parameters related to the workspaces module and the page id
     // Assemble a query string from the retrieved parameters
     $queryString = GeneralUtility::implodeArrayForUrl('', $queryParameters);
     // fetch the next and previous stage
     $workspaceItemsArray = $this->workspaceService->selectVersionsInWorkspace($this->stageService->getWorkspaceId(), $filter = 1, $stage = -99, $this->pageId, $recursionLevel = 0, $selectionType = 'tables_modify');
     list(, $nextStage) = $this->stageService->getNextStageForElementCollection($workspaceItemsArray);
     list(, $previousStage) = $this->stageService->getPreviousStageForElementCollection($workspaceItemsArray);
     /** @var $wsService WorkspaceService */
     $wsService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(WorkspaceService::class);
     $wsList = $wsService->getAvailableWorkspaces();
     $activeWorkspace = $backendUser->workspace;
     if (!is_null($previewWS)) {
         if (in_array($previewWS, array_keys($wsList)) && $activeWorkspace != $previewWS) {
             $activeWorkspace = $previewWS;
     /** @var $uriBuilder UriBuilder */
     $uriBuilder = $this->objectManager->get(UriBuilder::class);
     $wsSettingsPath = GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL');
     $wsSettingsUri = $uriBuilder->uriFor('singleIndex', array(), ReviewController::class, 'workspaces', 'web_workspacesworkspaces');
     $wsSettingsParams = '&tx_workspaces_web_workspacesworkspaces[controller]=Review';
     $wsSettingsUrl = $wsSettingsPath . $wsSettingsUri . $wsSettingsParams;
     $viewDomain = BackendUtility::getViewDomain($this->pageId);
     $wsBaseUrl = $viewDomain . '/index.php?id=' . $this->pageId . $queryString;
     // @todo - handle new pages here
     // branchpoints are not handled anymore because this feature is not supposed anymore
     if (WorkspaceService::isNewPage($this->pageId)) {
         $wsNewPageUri = $uriBuilder->uriFor('newPage', array(), PreviewController::class, 'workspaces', 'web_workspacesworkspaces');
         $wsNewPageParams = '&tx_workspaces_web_workspacesworkspaces[controller]=Preview';
         $liveUrl = $wsSettingsPath . $wsNewPageUri . $wsNewPageParams . '&ADMCMD_prev=IGNORE';
     } else {
         $liveUrl = $wsBaseUrl . '&ADMCMD_noBeUser=1&ADMCMD_prev=IGNORE';
     $wsUrl = $wsBaseUrl . '&ADMCMD_prev=IGNORE&ADMCMD_view=1&ADMCMD_editIcons=1&ADMCMD_previewWS=' . $backendUser->workspace;
     $backendDomain = GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_HOST_ONLY');
     $splitPreviewTsConfig = BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($this->pageId, 'workspaces.splitPreviewModes');
     $splitPreviewModes = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $splitPreviewTsConfig['value']);
     $allPreviewModes = array('slider', 'vbox', 'hbox');
     if (!array_intersect($splitPreviewModes, $allPreviewModes)) {
         $splitPreviewModes = $allPreviewModes;
     $wsList = $wsService->getAvailableWorkspaces();
     $activeWorkspace = $backendUser->workspace;
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'SplitPreviewModes', $splitPreviewModes);
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'token', FormProtectionFactory::get('backend')->generateToken('extDirect'));
     $cssFile = 'EXT:workspaces/Resources/Public/Css/preview.css';
     $cssFile = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($cssFile);
     $backendUser->setAndSaveSessionData('workspaces.backend_domain', GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_HOST_ONLY'));
     $logoPath = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName('EXT:backend/Resources/Public/Images/typo3-topbar@2x.png');
     list($logoWidth, $logoHeight) = @getimagesize($logoPath);
     // High-resolution?
     $logoWidth = $logoWidth / 2;
     $logoHeight = $logoHeight / 2;
     $this->view->assignMultiple(['logoUrl' => PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($logoPath), 'logoLink' => TYPO3_URL_GENERAL, 'logoWidth' => $logoWidth, 'logoHeight' => $logoHeight, 'liveUrl' => $liveUrl, 'wsUrl' => $wsUrl, 'wsSettingsUrl' => $wsSettingsUrl, 'backendDomain' => $backendDomain, 'activeWorkspace' => $wsList[$activeWorkspace], 'splitPreviewModes' => $splitPreviewModes, 'firstPreviewMode' => current($splitPreviewModes), 'enablePreviousStageButton' => !$this->isInvalidStage($previousStage), 'enableNextStageButton' => !$this->isInvalidStage($nextStage), 'enableDiscardStageButton' => !$this->isInvalidStage($nextStage) || !$this->isInvalidStage($previousStage), 'nextStage' => $nextStage['title'], 'nextStageId' => $nextStage['uid'], 'prevStage' => $previousStage['title'], 'prevStageId' => $previousStage['uid']]);
     foreach ($this->getAdditionalResourceService()->getLocalizationResources() as $localizationResource) {
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Get configuration of external/additional plugins
  * @return array
 protected function getExternalPlugins() : array
     // todo: find new name for this option (do we still need this?)
     // Initializing additional attributes
     $additionalAttributes = [];
     if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['rte_ckeditor']['plugins']['TYPO3Link']['additionalAttributes']) {
         $additionalAttributes = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['rte_ckeditor']['plugins']['TYPO3Link']['additionalAttributes'], true);
     $uriBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(UriBuilder::class);
     // todo: add api for this https://forge.typo3.org/issues/78929
     $pluginPath = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath(ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('rte_ckeditor', 'Resources/Public/JavaScript/Plugins/typo3link.js'));
     $externalPlugins = ['typo3link' => ['path' => $pluginPath, 'config' => ['routeUrl' => (string) $uriBuilder->buildUriFromRoute('rteckeditor_wizard_browse_links'), 'additionalAttributes' => $additionalAttributes]]];
     return $externalPlugins;
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Add hooks from the additional backend items to load certain things for the main backend.
  * This was previously called from the global scope from backend.php.
 protected function includeLegacyBackendItems()
     $TYPO3backend = $this;
     // Include extensions which may add css, javascript or toolbar items
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['typo3/backend.php']['additionalBackendItems'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['typo3/backend.php']['additionalBackendItems'] as $additionalBackendItem) {
             include_once $additionalBackendItem;
     // Process ExtJS module js and css
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES']['_configuration'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES']['_configuration'] as $moduleConfig) {
             if (is_array($moduleConfig['cssFiles'])) {
                 foreach ($moduleConfig['cssFiles'] as $cssFileName => $cssFile) {
                     $cssFile = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($cssFile);
                     $cssFile = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($cssFile);
                     $TYPO3backend->addCssFile($cssFileName, $cssFile);
             if (is_array($moduleConfig['jsFiles'])) {
                 foreach ($moduleConfig['jsFiles'] as $jsFile) {
                     $jsFile = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($jsFile);
                     $jsFile = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($jsFile);
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Renders the $icon, supports a filename for skinImg or sprite-icon-name
  * @param string $icon The icon passed, could be a file-reference or a sprite Icon name
  * @param string $alt Alt attribute of the icon returned
  * @param string $title Title attribute of the icon return
  * @return string A tag representing to show the asked icon
  * @internal
 public static function getIconHtml($icon, $alt = '', $title = '')
     $icon = (string) $icon;
     $absoluteFilePath = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($icon);
     if (!empty($absoluteFilePath) && is_file($absoluteFilePath)) {
         $iconInfo = StringUtility::endsWith($absoluteFilePath, '.svg') ? true : getimagesize($absoluteFilePath);
         if ($iconInfo !== false) {
             return '<img' . ' src="' . htmlspecialchars(PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($absoluteFilePath)) . '"' . ' alt="' . htmlspecialchars($alt) . '" ' . ($title ? 'title="' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '"' : '') . ' />';
     $iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
     return '<span alt="' . htmlspecialchars($alt) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '">' . $iconFactory->getIcon($icon, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . '</span>';
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Call function if you need the requireJS library
  * this automatically adds the JavaScript path of all loaded extensions in the requireJS path option
  * so it resolves names like TYPO3/CMS/MyExtension/MyJsFile to EXT:MyExtension/Resources/Public/JavaScript/MyJsFile.js
  * when using requireJS
  * @return void
 public function loadRequireJs()
     // load all paths to map to package names / namespaces
     if (empty($this->requireJsConfig)) {
         // In order to avoid browser caching of JS files, adding a GET parameter to the files loaded via requireJS
         if (GeneralUtility::getApplicationContext()->isDevelopment()) {
             $this->requireJsConfig['urlArgs'] = 'bust=' . $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'];
         } else {
             $this->requireJsConfig['urlArgs'] = 'bust=' . GeneralUtility::hmac(TYPO3_version . PATH_site);
         $corePath = ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('core', 'Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/');
         $corePath = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($corePath);
         // first, load all paths for the namespaces, and configure contrib libs.
         $this->requireJsConfig['paths'] = array('jquery-ui' => $corePath . 'jquery-ui', 'datatables' => $corePath . 'jquery.dataTables', 'nprogress' => $corePath . 'nprogress', 'moment' => $corePath . 'moment', 'cropper' => $corePath . 'cropper.min', 'imagesloaded' => $corePath . 'imagesloaded.pkgd.min', 'bootstrap' => $corePath . 'bootstrap/bootstrap', 'twbs/bootstrap-datetimepicker' => $corePath . 'bootstrap-datetimepicker', 'autosize' => $corePath . 'autosize', 'taboverride' => $corePath . 'taboverride.min', 'twbs/bootstrap-slider' => $corePath . 'bootstrap-slider.min', 'jquery/autocomplete' => $corePath . 'jquery.autocomplete');
         // get all extensions that are loaded
         $loadedExtensions = ExtensionManagementUtility::getLoadedExtensionListArray();
         foreach ($loadedExtensions as $packageName) {
             $fullJsPath = 'EXT:' . $packageName . '/Resources/Public/JavaScript/';
             $fullJsPath = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($fullJsPath);
             $fullJsPath = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($fullJsPath);
             $fullJsPath = rtrim($fullJsPath, '/');
             if ($fullJsPath) {
                 $this->requireJsConfig['paths']['TYPO3/CMS/' . GeneralUtility::underscoredToUpperCamelCase($packageName)] = $fullJsPath;
         // check if additional AMD modules need to be loaded if a single AMD module is initialized
         if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['RequireJS']['postInitializationModules'])) {
             $this->addInlineSettingArray('RequireJS.PostInitializationModules', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['RequireJS']['postInitializationModules']);
     $this->addRequireJs = true;
     * Render a list of items as a nicely formated definition list including a
     * link, icon, title and description.
     * The keys of a single item are:
     * - title:             Title of the item
     * - link:              Link to the task
     * - icon:              Path to the icon or Icon as HTML if it begins with <img
     * - description:       Description of the task, using htmlspecialchars()
     * - descriptionHtml:   Description allowing HTML tags which will override the
     * description
     * @param array $items List of items to be displayed in the definition list.
     * @param bool $mainMenu Set it to TRUE to render the main menu
     * @return string Fefinition list
    public function renderListMenu($items, $mainMenu = false)
        $content = $section = '';
        $count = 0;
        // Change the sorting of items to the user's one
        if ($mainMenu) {
            $userSorting = unserialize($this->getBackendUser()->uc['taskcenter']['sorting']);
            if (is_array($userSorting)) {
                $newSorting = array();
                foreach ($userSorting as $item) {
                    if (isset($items[$item])) {
                        $newSorting[] = $items[$item];
                $items = $newSorting + $items;
        if (is_array($items) && !empty($items)) {
            foreach ($items as $itemKey => $item) {
                $title = htmlspecialchars($item['title']);
                $icon = $additionalClass = $collapsedStyle = '';
                // Check for custom icon
                if (!empty($item['icon'])) {
                    if (strpos($item['icon'], '<img ') === false) {
                        $absIconPath = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($item['icon']);
                        // If the file indeed exists, assemble relative path to it
                        if (file_exists($absIconPath)) {
                            $icon = '../' . str_replace(PATH_site, '', $absIconPath);
                            $icon = '<img src="' . $icon . '" title="' . $title . '" alt="' . $title . '" />';
                        if (@is_file($icon)) {
                            $icon = '<img src="' . PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($icon) . '" width="16" height="16" title="' . $title . '" alt="' . $title . '" />';
                    } else {
                        $icon = $item['icon'];
                $description = $item['descriptionHtml'] ?: '<p>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($item['description'])) . '</p>';
                $id = $this->getUniqueKey($item['uid']);
                $contentId = strtolower(str_replace('\\', '-', $id));
                // Collapsed & expanded menu items
                if (isset($this->getBackendUser()->uc['taskcenter']['states'][$id]) && $this->getBackendUser()->uc['taskcenter']['states'][$id]) {
                    $collapsed = true;
                    $collapseIcon = $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon('actions-view-list-expand', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render('inline');
                } else {
                    $collapsed = false;
                    $collapseIcon = $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon('actions-view-list-collapse', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render('inline');
                // Active menu item
                $panelState = (string) $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'] == $item['uid'] ? 'panel-active' : 'panel-default';
                $content .= '<li id="el_' . $id . '">
                                <div id="' . $contentId . '" data-taskcenter-id="' . $id . '" class="panel ' . $panelState . '">
                                    <div class="panel-heading">
                                        <div class="panel-heading-right">
                                            <a href="#task_content_' . $contentId . '" class="panel-header-collapse t3js-taskcenter-header-collapse" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-uid="' . $contentId . '" aria-expanded="' . ($collapsed ? 'false' : 'true') . '">
                                                ' . $collapseIcon . '
                                        <div class="panel-heading-left">
                                            <a href="' . $item['link'] . '" class="panel-title">
                                                ' . ($icon ? '<span class="panel-title-icon">' . $icon . '</span>' : '') . '
                                                <span class="panel-title-name">' . $title . ' ' . $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon('actions-view-table-expand', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render('inline') . '</span>
                                    <div id="task_content_' . $contentId . '" class="panel-collapse collapse t3js-taskcenter-collapse ' . ($collapsed ? '' : 'in') . '" aria-expanded="true">
                                        <div class="panel-body">
                                            ' . $description . '
            $navigationId = $mainMenu ? 'id="task-list"' : '';
            $content = '<ul ' . $navigationId . ' class="list-unstyled">' . $content . '</ul>';
        return $content;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Load the necessary css
  * This will only be done when the referenced record is available
  * @return void
 protected function loadCss()
     $cssFiles = array('Wizard/Form.css', 'Wizard/Wizard.css');
     $baseUrl = ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('form') . 'Resources/Public/CSS/';
     // Load the wizards css
     foreach ($cssFiles as $cssFile) {
         $this->getPageRenderer()->addCssFile(PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($baseUrl . $cssFile));
     * Creates a color image selector
     * @return string
    public function colorImage()
        // Handling color-picker image if any:
        if (!$this->imageError) {
            if ($this->pickerImage) {
                if (GeneralUtility::_POST('coords_x')) {
                    /** @var $image \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\GraphicalFunctions */
                    $image = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\GraphicalFunctions::class);
                    $this->colorValue = '#' . $this->getIndex($image->imageCreateFromFile($this->pickerImage), GeneralUtility::_POST('coords_x'), GeneralUtility::_POST('coords_y'));
                $pickerFormImage = '
				<p class="c-head">' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('colorpicker_fromImage', true) . '</p>
				<input type="image" src="' . PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($this->pickerImage) . '" name="coords" style="cursor:crosshair;" /><br />';
            } else {
                $pickerFormImage = '';
        } else {
            $pickerFormImage = '
			<p class="c-head">' . htmlspecialchars($this->imageError) . '</p>';
        return $pickerFormImage;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Check and update reference index!
  * @return void
 public function func_refindex()
     $readmeLocation = ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('lowlevel', 'README.rst');
     $this->view->assign('ReadmeLink', PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($readmeLocation));
     $this->view->assign('ReadmeLocation', $readmeLocation);
     $this->view->assign('binaryPath', ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('core', 'bin/typo3'));
     if (GeneralUtility::_GP('_update') || GeneralUtility::_GP('_check')) {
         $testOnly = (bool) GeneralUtility::_GP('_check');
         // Call the functionality
         $refIndexObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ReferenceIndex::class);
         list(, $bodyContent) = $refIndexObj->updateIndex($testOnly);
         $this->view->assign('content', str_replace('##LF##', '<br />', $bodyContent));
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Creates a link to a script (eg. EditDocumentController or NewRecordController) which either opens in the current frame OR in a pop-up window.
  * @param string $string The string to wrap in a link, typ. and image used as button in the edit panel.
  * @param string $url The URL of the link. Should be absolute if supposed to work with <base> path set.
  * @param string $additionalClasses Additional CSS classes
  * @return string A <a> tag wrapped string.
  * @see editPanelLinkWrap()
 protected function editPanelLinkWrap_doWrap($string, $url, $additionalClasses = '')
     $width = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($this->backendUser->getTSConfigVal('options.feedit.popupWidth'), 690, 5000, 690);
     $height = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($this->backendUser->getTSConfigVal('options.feedit.popupHeight'), 500, 5000, 500);
     $onclick = 'vHWin=window.open(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($url . '&returnUrl=' . PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath(ExtensionManagementUtility::siteRelPath('backend') . 'Resources/Private/Templates/Close.html')) . ',\'FEquickEditWindow\',\'width=' . $width . ',height=' . $height . ',status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1\');vHWin.focus();return false;';
     return '<a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-sm ' . htmlspecialchars($additionalClasses) . '" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars($onclick) . '" class="frontEndEditIconLinks">' . $string . '</a>';
Exemplo n.º 27
     * Main function generating the BE scaffolding
     * @return void
    public function render()
        // Prepare the scaffolding, at this point extension may still add javascript and css
        $view = $this->getFluidTemplateObject($this->templatePath . 'Backend/Main.html');
        // Extension Configuration to find the TYPO3 logo in the left corner
        $extConf = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf']['backend']);
        $logoPath = '';
        if (!empty($extConf['backendLogo'])) {
            $customBackendLogo = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($extConf['backendLogo']);
            if (!empty($customBackendLogo)) {
                $logoPath = $customBackendLogo;
        // if no custom logo was set or the path is invalid, use the original one
        if (empty($logoPath)) {
            $logoPath = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName('EXT:backend/Resources/Public/Images/typo3-topbar@2x.png');
        list($logoWidth, $logoHeight) = @getimagesize($logoPath);
        // High-resolution?
        if (strpos($logoPath, '@2x.') !== false) {
            $logoWidth = $logoWidth / 2;
            $logoHeight = $logoHeight / 2;
        $view->assign('logoUrl', PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($logoPath));
        $view->assign('logoWidth', $logoWidth);
        $view->assign('logoHeight', $logoHeight);
        $view->assign('logoLink', TYPO3_URL_GENERAL);
        $view->assign('applicationVersion', TYPO3_version);
        $view->assign('siteName', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['sitename']);
        $view->assign('moduleMenu', $this->generateModuleMenu());
        $view->assign('toolbar', $this->renderToolbar());
         * Now put the complete backend document together
        foreach ($this->cssFiles as $cssFileName => $cssFile) {
            // Load additional css files to overwrite existing core styles
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['stylesheets'][$cssFileName])) {
        if (!empty($this->css)) {
            $this->pageRenderer->addCssInlineBlock('BackendInlineCSS', $this->css);
        foreach ($this->jsFiles as $jsFile) {
        $this->pageRenderer->addJsInlineCode('BackendInlineJavascript', $this->js, false);
        // Add state provider
        $states = $this->getBackendUser()->uc['BackendComponents']['States'];
        // Save states in BE_USER->uc
        $extOnReadyCode = '
			Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new TYPO3.state.ExtDirectProvider({
				key: "BackendComponents.States",
				autoRead: false
        if ($states) {
            $extOnReadyCode .= 'Ext.state.Manager.getProvider().initState(' . json_encode($states) . ');';
        $extOnReadyCode .= '
			TYPO3.Backend = new TYPO3.Viewport(TYPO3.Viewport.configuration)';
        // Set document title:
        $title = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['sitename'] ? $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['sitename'] . ' [TYPO3 CMS ' . TYPO3_version . ']' : 'TYPO3 CMS ' . TYPO3_version;
        // Renders the module page
        $this->content = $this->getDocumentTemplate()->render($title, $view->render());
        $hookConfiguration = array('content' => &$this->content);
        $this->executeHook('renderPostProcess', $hookConfiguration);
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Writes contents in a file in typo3temp and returns the file name
  * @param string $label: A label to insert at the beginning of the name of the file
  * @param string $fileExtension: The file extension of the file, defaulting to 'js'
  * @param string $contents: The contents to write into the file
  * @return string The name of the file written to typo3temp
  * @throws \RuntimeException If writing to file failed
 protected function writeTemporaryFile($label, $fileExtension = 'js', $contents = '')
     $relativeFilename = 'typo3temp/assets/js/rte_' . str_replace('-', '_', $label) . '_' . GeneralUtility::shortMD5($contents, 20) . '.' . $fileExtension;
     $destination = PATH_site . $relativeFilename;
     if (!file_exists($destination)) {
         $minifiedJavaScript = '';
         if ($fileExtension === 'js' && $contents !== '') {
             $minifiedJavaScript = GeneralUtility::minifyJavaScript($contents);
         $failure = GeneralUtility::writeFileToTypo3tempDir($destination, $minifiedJavaScript ? $minifiedJavaScript : $contents);
         if ($failure) {
             throw new \RuntimeException($failure, 1294585668);
     return PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($destination);
Exemplo n.º 29
  * This function acts as a wrapper to allow relative and paths starting with EXT: to be dealt with
  * in this very case to always return the absolute web path to be included directly before output.
  * This is mainly added so the EXT: syntax can be resolved for PageRenderer in one central place,
  * and hopefully removed in the future by one standard API call.
  * @param string $file the filename to process
  * @param bool $prepareForOutput whether the file should be prepared as version numbered file and prefixed as absolute webpath
  * @return string
  * @internal
 protected function getStreamlinedFileName($file, $prepareForOutput = true)
     if (strpos($file, 'EXT:') === 0) {
         $file = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($file);
         // as the path is now absolute, make it "relative" to the current script to stay compatible
         $file = PathUtility::getRelativePathTo($file);
         $file = rtrim($file, '/');
     } else {
         $file = GeneralUtility::resolveBackPath($file);
     if ($prepareForOutput) {
         $file = GeneralUtility::createVersionNumberedFilename($file);
         $file = PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($file);
     return $file;
     * Render a list of items as a nicely formated definition list including a
     * link, icon, title and description.
     * The keys of a single item are:
     * - title:             Title of the item
     * - link:              Link to the task
     * - icon:              Path to the icon or Icon as HTML if it begins with <img
     * - description:       Description of the task, using htmlspecialchars()
     * - descriptionHtml:   Description allowing HTML tags which will override the
     * description
     * @param array $items List of items to be displayed in the definition list.
     * @param bool $mainMenu Set it to TRUE to render the main menu
     * @return string Fefinition list
    public function renderListMenu($items, $mainMenu = false)
        $content = $section = '';
        $count = 0;
        // Change the sorting of items to the user's one
        if ($mainMenu) {
            $userSorting = unserialize($this->getBackendUser()->uc['taskcenter']['sorting']);
            if (is_array($userSorting)) {
                $newSorting = array();
                foreach ($userSorting as $item) {
                    if (isset($items[$item])) {
                        $newSorting[] = $items[$item];
                $items = $newSorting + $items;
        if (is_array($items) && !empty($items)) {
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                $title = htmlspecialchars($item['title']);
                $icon = $additionalClass = $collapsedStyle = '';
                // Check for custom icon
                if (!empty($item['icon'])) {
                    if (strpos($item['icon'], '<img ') === false) {
                        $absIconPath = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($item['icon']);
                        // If the file indeed exists, assemble relative path to it
                        if (file_exists($absIconPath)) {
                            $icon = '../' . str_replace(PATH_site, '', $absIconPath);
                            $icon = '<img src="' . $icon . '" title="' . $title . '" alt="' . $title . '" />';
                        if (@is_file($icon)) {
                            $icon = '<img src="' . PathUtility::getAbsoluteWebPath($icon) . '" width="16" height="16" title="' . $title . '" alt="' . $title . '" />';
                    } else {
                        $icon = $item['icon'];
                $description = $item['descriptionHtml'] ?: '<p>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($item['description'])) . '</p>';
                $id = $this->getUniqueKey($item['uid']);
                // Collapsed & expanded menu items
                if ($mainMenu && isset($this->getBackendUser()->uc['taskcenter']['states'][$id]) && $this->getBackendUser()->uc['taskcenter']['states'][$id]) {
                    $collapsedStyle = 'style="display:none"';
                    $additionalClass = 'collapsed';
                } else {
                    $additionalClass = 'expanded';
                // First & last menu item
                if ($count == 0) {
                    $additionalClass .= ' first-item';
                } elseif ($count + 1 === count($items)) {
                    $additionalClass .= ' last-item';
                // Active menu item
                $active = (string) $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'] == $item['uid'] ? ' active-task' : '';
                // Main menu: Render additional syntax to sort tasks
                if ($mainMenu) {
                    $section = '<div class="down"><i class="fa fa-caret-down fa-fw"></i></div>
								<div class="drag"><i class="fa fa-arrows"></i></div>';
                    $backgroundClass = 't3-row-header ';
                } else {
                    $backgroundClass = '';
                $content .= '<li class="' . $additionalClass . $active . '" id="el_' . $id . '">
								' . $section . '
								<div class="image">' . $icon . '</div>
								<div class="' . $backgroundClass . 'link"><a href="' . $item['link'] . '">' . $title . '</a></div>
								<div class="content " ' . $collapsedStyle . '>' . $description . '</div>
            $navigationId = $mainMenu ? 'id="task-list"' : '';
            $content = '<ul ' . $navigationId . ' class="task-list">' . $content . '</ul>';
        return $content;