  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     $this->iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
     GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('PageTreeNavigationController is deprecated in favor of new pagetrees');
     $GLOBALS['SOBE'] = $this;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * constructor just init's the temp-file-name
  * @deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7, will be removed with TYPO3 CMS 8
 public function __construct()
     GeneralUtility::deprecationLog(self::class . ' is deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7, will be removed with TYPO3 CMS 8');
     // The file name is prefixed with "z" since the concatenator orders files per name
     $this->cssTcaFile = PATH_site . SpriteManager::$tempPath . 'zextensions.css';
     $this->styleSheetData = '/* Auto-Generated via ' . get_class($this) . ' */' . LF;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Render the supplied DateTime object as a formatted date.
  * @param mixed $date \DateTime object or a string that is accepted by DateTime constructor
  * @param string $format Format String which is taken to format the Date/Time
  * @param bool $currentDate if true, the current date is used
  * @param bool $strftime if true, the strftime is used instead of date()
  * @return string Formatted date
  * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception
 public function render($date = null, $format = '%Y-%m-%d', $currentDate = false, $strftime = true)
     GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('The ViewHelper "format.date" of EXT:news is deprecated! Use the one of the core!');
     if ($currentDate) {
         if ($strftime) {
             return strftime($format, $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME']);
         } else {
             return date($format, $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME']);
     if ($date === null) {
         $date = $this->renderChildren();
         if ($date === null) {
             return '';
     if (!$date instanceof \DateTime) {
         try {
             $date = new \DateTime($date);
         } catch (\Exception $exception) {
             throw new \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception('"' . $date . '" could not be parsed by DateTime constructor.', 1241722579);
     if ($strftime) {
         $formattedDate = strftime($format, $date->format('U'));
     } else {
         $formattedDate = date($format, $date->format('U'));
     return $formattedDate;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Renders a record list as known from the TYPO3 list module
  * Note: This feature is experimental!
  * @param string $tableName name of the database table
  * @param array $fieldList list of fields to be displayed. If empty, only the title column (configured in $TCA[$tableName]['ctrl']['title']) is shown
  * @param int $storagePid by default, records are fetched from the storage PID configured in persistence.storagePid. With this argument, the storage PID can be overwritten
  * @param int $levels corresponds to the level selector of the TYPO3 list module. By default only records from the current storagePid are fetched
  * @param string $filter corresponds to the "Search String" textbox of the TYPO3 list module. If not empty, only records matching the string will be fetched
  * @param int $recordsPerPage amount of records to be displayed at once. Defaults to $TCA[$tableName]['interface']['maxSingleDBListItems'] or (if that's not set) to 100
  * @param string $sortField table field to sort the results by
  * @param bool $sortDescending if TRUE records will be sorted in descending order
  * @param bool $readOnly if TRUE, the edit icons won't be shown. Otherwise edit icons will be shown, if the current BE user has edit rights for the specified table!
  * @param bool $enableClickMenu enables context menu
  * @param string $clickTitleMode one of "edit", "show" (only pages, tt_content), "info
  * @param bool $alternateBackgroundColors Deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7, will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 8
  * @return string the rendered record list
  * @see \TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList
 public function render($tableName, array $fieldList = array(), $storagePid = NULL, $levels = 0, $filter = '', $recordsPerPage = 0, $sortField = '', $sortDescending = FALSE, $readOnly = FALSE, $enableClickMenu = TRUE, $clickTitleMode = NULL, $alternateBackgroundColors = FALSE)
     if ($alternateBackgroundColors) {
         \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('The option alternateBackgroundColors has no effect anymore and can be removed without problems. The parameter will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 8.');
     $pageinfo = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::readPageAccess(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GP('id'), $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getPagePermsClause(1));
     /** @var $dblist \TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList */
     $dblist = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList::class);
     $dblist->backPath = $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'];
     $dblist->pageRow = $pageinfo;
     if ($readOnly === FALSE) {
         $dblist->calcPerms = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->calcPerms($pageinfo);
     $dblist->showClipboard = FALSE;
     $dblist->disableSingleTableView = TRUE;
     $dblist->clickTitleMode = $clickTitleMode;
     $dblist->clickMenuEnabled = $enableClickMenu;
     if ($storagePid === NULL) {
         $frameworkConfiguration = $this->configurationManager->getConfiguration(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagerInterface::CONFIGURATION_TYPE_FRAMEWORK);
         $storagePid = $frameworkConfiguration['persistence']['storagePid'];
     $dblist->start($storagePid, $tableName, (int) \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GP('pointer'), $filter, $levels, $recordsPerPage);
     $dblist->allFields = TRUE;
     $dblist->dontShowClipControlPanels = TRUE;
     $dblist->displayFields = FALSE;
     $dblist->setFields = array($tableName => $fieldList);
     $dblist->noControlPanels = TRUE;
     $dblist->sortField = $sortField;
     $dblist->sortRev = $sortDescending;
     $dblist->script = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     return $dblist->HTMLcode;
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('PageTreeNavigationController is deprecated in favor of new pagetrees');
     $GLOBALS['SOBE'] = $this;
     $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'] = '';
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @param mixed $value
 public function __construct($value = null)
     if (isset(static::$legacyValueMap[$value])) {
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('Using ' . $value . ' for resolving conflicts in file names is deprecated. Make use of the enumeration "\\TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Resource\\DuplicationBehavior" instead.');
         $value = static::$legacyValueMap[$value];
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @param array $arguments
  * @param \Closure $renderChildrenClosure
  * @param RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext
  * @return mixed
 public static function renderStatic(array $arguments, \Closure $renderChildrenClosure, RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext)
     GeneralUtility::deprecationLog(sprintf('Deprecated TypoLinkViewHelper from VHS was used. Please use %s instead.', FluidTypolinkViewHelper::class));
     if (null === $arguments['configuration']['additionalAttributes']) {
         $arguments['configuration']['additionalAttributes'] = [];
     return FluidTypolinkViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments['configuration'], $renderChildrenClosure, $renderingContext);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Constructor of a Generic component in Vidi.
  * @param array $configuration
  * @param array $legacyParameterConfiguration
 public function __construct($configuration = array(), $legacyParameterConfiguration = array())
     if (is_string($configuration)) {
         $configuration = $legacyParameterConfiguration;
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('ColumnRendererAbstract: first parameter must now be an array. Please edit me in ' . get_class($this));
     $this->configuration = $configuration;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Render content with htmlspecialchars
  * @return string Formatted date
  * @deprecated Use Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_Format_HtmlspecialcharsViewHelper instead
 public function render()
     if (class_exists('Tx_Fluid_ViewHelpers_Format_HtmlspecialcharsViewHelper')) {
         $message = 'EXT:news: Since TYPO3 4.6.0, a native ViewHelper for htmlspecialchars() ' . 'is available, use f:format.htmlspecialchars instead of n:format.hsc';
     return htmlspecialchars($this->renderChildren());
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Constructs the Statement instance
  * @param string|\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\PreparedStatement $statement The statement as sql string or TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\PreparedStatement
  * @param array $boundVariables An array of variables to bind to the statement, only to be used with preparedStatement
 public function __construct($statement, array $boundVariables = array())
     // @deprecated since 6.2, using $boundVariables without preparedStatement will be removed in two versions
     if (!empty($boundVariables) && !$statement instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\PreparedStatement) {
         \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('Using boundVariables' . ' in Extbase\'s custom statement without using preparedStatement is' . ' deprecated since TYPO3 6.2 and will be removed in two versions.');
     $this->statement = $statement;
     $this->boundVariables = $boundVariables;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Render context sensitive help (CSH) for the given table
  * @param string $table Table name ('_MOD_'+module name). If not set, the current module name will be used
  * @param string $field Field name (CSH locallang main key)
  * @param bool $iconOnly Deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7, will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 8
  * @param string $styleAttributes Deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7, will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 8
  * @return string the rendered CSH icon
 public function render($table = NULL, $field = '', $iconOnly = FALSE, $styleAttributes = '')
     if ($iconOnly) {
         \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('The option iconOnly has no effect anymore and can be removed without problems. The parameter will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 8.');
     if ($styleAttributes) {
         \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('The option styleAttributes has no effect anymore and can be removed without problems. The parameter will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 8.');
     return static::renderStatic(array('table' => $table, 'field' => $field), $this->buildRenderChildrenClosure(), $this->renderingContext);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Run migration dynamically a second time on *every* request.
  * This can not be cached and is slow.
  * @return void
 public function processData()
     /** @var \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Migrations\TcaMigration $tcaMigration */
     $tcaMigration = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Migrations\TcaMigration::class);
     $GLOBALS['TCA'] = $tcaMigration->migrate($GLOBALS['TCA']);
     $messages = $tcaMigration->getMessages();
     if (!empty($messages)) {
         $context = 'ext:compatibility6 did an automatic migration of TCA during boostrap. This costs performance on every' . ' call. It also means some old extensions register TCA in ext_tables.php and not in Configuration/TCA.' . ' Please adapt TCA accordingly until this message is not thrown anymore and unload extension compatibility6' . ' as soon as possible';
         array_unshift($messages, $context);
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog(implode(LF, $messages));
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Fetch available system languages and resolve iso code if necessary.
  * @param array $result
  * @return array
  * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
 public function addData(array $result)
     $database = $this->getDatabase();
     $languageService = $this->getLanguageService();
     $pageTs = $result['pageTsConfig'];
     $defaultLanguageLabel = $languageService->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_web_list.xlf:defaultLanguage');
     if (isset($pageTs['mod.']['SHARED.']['defaultLanguageLabel'])) {
         $defaultLanguageLabel = $pageTs['mod.']['SHARED.']['defaultLanguageLabel'] . ' (' . $languageService->sL($defaultLanguageLabel) . ')';
     $defaultLanguageFlag = 'empty-empty';
     if (isset($pageTs['mod.']['SHARED.']['defaultLanguageFlag'])) {
         $defaultLanguageFlag = 'flags-' . $pageTs['mod.']['SHARED.']['defaultLanguageFlag'];
     $languageRows = [-1 => ['uid' => -1, 'title' => $languageService->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_web_list.xlf:multipleLanguages'), 'iso' => 'DEF', 'flagIconIdentifier' => 'flags-multiple'], 0 => ['uid' => 0, 'title' => $defaultLanguageLabel, 'iso' => 'DEF', 'flagIconIdentifier' => $defaultLanguageFlag]];
     $dbRows = $database->exec_SELECTgetRows('uid,title,language_isocode,static_lang_isocode,flag', 'sys_language', 'pid=0 AND hidden=0');
     if ($dbRows === null) {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Database query error ' . $database->sql_error(), 1438170741);
     $isStaticInfoTablesLoaded = ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('static_info_tables');
     foreach ($dbRows as $dbRow) {
         $uid = $dbRow['uid'];
         $languageRows[$uid] = ['uid' => $uid, 'title' => $dbRow['title'], 'flagIconIdentifier' => 'flags-' . $dbRow['flag']];
         if (!empty($dbRow['language_isocode'])) {
             $languageRows[$uid]['iso'] = $dbRow['language_isocode'];
         } elseif ($isStaticInfoTablesLoaded && !empty($dbRow['static_lang_isocode'])) {
             GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('Usage of the field "static_lang_isocode" is discouraged, and will stop working with CMS 8. Use the built-in' . ' language field "language_isocode" in your sys_language records.');
             $lg_iso_2 = BackendUtility::getRecord('static_languages', $dbRow['static_lang_isocode'], 'lg_iso_2');
             if ($lg_iso_2['lg_iso_2']) {
                 $languageRows[$uid]['iso'] = $lg_iso_2['lg_iso_2'];
         } else {
             // No iso code could be found. This is currently possible in the system but discouraged.
             // So, code within FormEngine has to be suited to work with an empty iso code. However,
             // it may impact certain multi language scenarios, so we add a flash message hinting for
             // incomplete configuration here.
             // It might be possible to convert this to a non-catchable exception later if
             // it iso code is enforced on a different layer of the system (tca required + migration wizard).
             // @todo: This could be relaxed again if flex form language handling is extracted,
             // @todo: since the rest of the FormEngine code does not rely on iso code?
             $message = sprintf($languageService->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:error.missingLanguageIsocode'), $dbRow['title'], $uid);
             /** @var FlashMessage $flashMessage */
             $flashMessage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlashMessage::class, $message, '', FlashMessage::ERROR);
             /** @var $flashMessageService FlashMessageService */
             $flashMessageService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlashMessageService::class);
             $defaultFlashMessageQueue = $flashMessageService->getMessageQueueByIdentifier();
             $languageRows[$uid]['iso'] = '';
     $result['systemLanguageRows'] = $languageRows;
     return $result;
  * Converts all HTML entities to their applicable characters as needed
  * using PHPs html_entity_decode() function.
  * @param string $value string to format
  * @param bool $keepQuotes if TRUE, single and double quotes won't be replaced
  * @return string the altered string
  * @see http://www.php.net/html_entity_decode
 public function render($value = null, $keepQuotes = false)
     if (class_exists('TYPO3\\CMS\\Fluid\\ViewHelpers\\Format\\HtmlentitiesDecodeViewHelper')) {
         $message = 'EXT:news: Since TYPO3 4.6.0, a native ViewHelper for html_entity_decode() ' . 'is available, use f:format.htmlentitiesDecode instead of n:format.htmlEntityDecode';
     if ($value === null) {
         $value = $this->renderChildren();
     if (!is_string($value)) {
         return $value;
     $flags = $keepQuotes ? ENT_NOQUOTES : ENT_COMPAT;
     return html_entity_decode($value, $flags);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Hook to add custom content
  * @return array with additional content sections
  * @deprecated Since 4.7; will be removed together with the call in indexAction and the fluid partial in 6.1
 protected function getCustomContent()
     $sections = array();
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['about/index.php']['addSection'])) {
         \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('Hook about/index.php addSection is deprecated and will be removed in TYPO3 6.1, use fluid overrides instead.');
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['about/index.php']['addSection'] as $classRef) {
             /** @var $hookObject \TYPO3\CMS\About\CustomSectionsInterface */
             $hookObject = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getUserObj($classRef);
             if (!$hookObject instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\About\CustomSectionsInterface) {
                 throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$hookObject must implement interface TYPO3\\CMS\\About\\CustomSectionsInterface', 1298121573);
     return $sections;
  * Other extensions may rely on the fact that $GLOBALS['SOBE'] exists and holds
  * the DocumentTemplate instance. We should really get rid of this, but for now, let's be backwards compatible.
  * Relying on $GLOBALS['SOBE'] is @deprecated since 6.0 and will be removed in 6.2 Instead ->getDocInstance() should be used.
  * If $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc holds an instance of \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\DocumentTemplate we reuse it,
  * if not we create a new one.
  * Relying on $GLOBALS['SOBE'] is
  * @deprecated since 6.0 and will be removed in 6.2 ->getDocInstance() should be used instead.
  * @return \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\DocumentTemplate
 protected function createDocInstance()
     if (isset($GLOBALS['SOBE']) && is_object($GLOBALS['SOBE']) && isset($GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc) && $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\DocumentTemplate) {
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('Usage of $GLOBALS[\'SOBE\'] is deprecated since 6.0 and will be removed in 6.2 ->getDocInstance() should be used instead');
         $doc = $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc;
     } else {
         $doc = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Backend\\Template\\DocumentTemplate');
         if (!isset($GLOBALS['SOBE'])) {
             $GLOBALS['SOBE'] = new \stdClass();
         if (!isset($GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc)) {
             $GLOBALS['SOBE']->doc = $doc;
     return $doc;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Returns parsed data from a given file and language key.
  * @param string $fileReference Input is a file-reference (see \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName). That file is expected to be a supported locallang file format
  * @param string $languageKey Language key
  * @param string $charset Character set (option); if not set, determined by the language key
  * @param int $errorMode Error mode (when file could not be found): 0 - syslog entry, 1 - do nothing, 2 - throw an exception$
  * @param bool $isLocalizationOverride TRUE if $fileReference is a localization override
  * @return array|bool
 public function getParsedData($fileReference, $languageKey, $charset = '', $errorMode = 0, $isLocalizationOverride = false)
     // @deprecated since TYPO3 v8, will be removed with TYPO3 v9
     // this is a fallback to convert references to old 'lang' locallang files to the new location
     if (strpos($fileReference, 'EXT:lang/locallang_') === 0) {
         $mapping = ['lang/locallang_alt_doc.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_alt_doc.xlf', 'lang/locallang_alt_intro.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_alt_intro.xlf', 'lang/locallang_browse_links.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_browse_links.xlf', 'lang/locallang_common.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_common.xlf', 'lang/locallang_core.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_core.xlf', 'lang/locallang_general.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_general.xlf', 'lang/locallang_login.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_login.xlf', 'lang/locallang_misc.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_misc.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_admintools.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_admintools.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_file_list.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_file_list.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_file.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_file.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_help_about.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_help_about.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_help_cshmanual.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_help_cshmanual.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_help.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_help.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_system.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_system.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_usertools.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_usertools.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_user_ws.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_user_ws.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_web_func.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_web_func.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_web_info.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_web_info.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_web_list.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_web_list.xlf', 'lang/locallang_mod_web.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod_web.xlf', 'lang/locallang_show_rechis.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_show_rechis.xlf', 'lang/locallang_t3lib_fullsearch.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_t3lib_fullsearch.xlf', 'lang/locallang_tca.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_tca.xlf', 'lang/locallang_tcemain.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_tcemain.xlf', 'lang/locallang_tsfe.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_tsfe.xlf', 'lang/locallang_tsparser.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_tsparser.xlf', 'lang/locallang_view_help.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_view_help.xlf', 'lang/locallang_wizards.xlf' => 'lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_wizards.xlf'];
         $filePath = substr($fileReference, 4);
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('There is a reference to "' . $fileReference . '", which has been moved to "EXT:' . $mapping[$filePath] . '". This fallback will be removed with TYPO3 v9.');
         $fileReference = 'EXT:' . $mapping[$filePath];
     $hash = md5($fileReference . $languageKey . $charset);
     $this->errorMode = $errorMode;
     // Check if the default language is processed before processing other language
     if (!$this->store->hasData($fileReference, 'default') && $languageKey !== 'default') {
         $this->getParsedData($fileReference, 'default', $charset, $this->errorMode);
     // If the content is parsed (local cache), use it
     if ($this->store->hasData($fileReference, $languageKey)) {
         return $this->store->getData($fileReference);
     // If the content is in cache (system cache), use it
     $data = $this->cacheInstance->get($hash);
     if ($data !== false) {
         $this->store->setData($fileReference, $languageKey, $data);
         return $this->store->getData($fileReference);
     try {
         $this->store->setConfiguration($fileReference, $languageKey, $charset);
         /** @var $parser \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Localization\Parser\LocalizationParserInterface */
         $parser = $this->store->getParserInstance($fileReference);
         // Get parsed data
         $LOCAL_LANG = $parser->getParsedData($this->store->getAbsoluteFileReference($fileReference), $languageKey, $charset);
     } catch (Exception\FileNotFoundException $exception) {
         // Source localization file not found, set empty data as there could be an override
         $this->store->setData($fileReference, $languageKey, []);
         $LOCAL_LANG = $this->store->getData($fileReference);
     // Override localization
     if (!$isLocalizationOverride && isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride'])) {
         $this->localizationOverride($fileReference, $languageKey, $charset, $errorMode, $LOCAL_LANG);
     // Save parsed data in cache
     $this->store->setData($fileReference, $languageKey, $LOCAL_LANG[$languageKey]);
     // Cache processed data
     $this->cacheInstance->set($hash, $this->store->getDataByLanguage($fileReference, $languageKey));
     return $this->store->getData($fileReference);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Returns parsed data from a given file and language key.
  * @param string $fileReference Input is a file-reference (see \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName). That file is expected to be a supported locallang file format
  * @param string $languageKey Language key
  * @param string $charset Character set (option); if not set, determined by the language key
  * @param int $errorMode Error mode (when file could not be found): 0 - syslog entry, 1 - do nothing, 2 - throw an exception$
  * @param bool $isLocalizationOverride TRUE if $fileReference is a localization override
  * @return array|bool
 public function getParsedData($fileReference, $languageKey, $charset = '', $errorMode = 0, $isLocalizationOverride = false)
     // @deprecated since CMS 7, will be removed with CMS 8
     // this is a fallback to convert references to old 'cms' locallang files to the new location
     if (strpos($fileReference, 'EXT:cms') === 0) {
         $mapping = ['cms/web_info/loallang.xlf' => 'frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_webinfo.xlf', 'cms/locallang_ttc.xlf' => 'frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf', 'cms/locallang_tca.xlf' => 'frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_tca.xlf', 'cms/layout/locallang_db_new_content_el.xlf' => 'backend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db_new_content_el.xlf', 'cms/layout/locallang.xlf' => 'backend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_layout.xlf', 'cms/layout/locallang_mod.xlf' => 'backend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_mod.xlf', 'cms/locallang_csh_webinfo.xlf' => 'frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_csh_webinfo.xlf', 'cms/locallang_csh_weblayout.xlf' => 'frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_csh_weblayout.xlf'];
         $filePath = substr($fileReference, 4);
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('There is a reference to "' . $fileReference . '", which has been moved to "EXT:' . $mapping[$filePath] . '". This fallback will be removed with CMS 8.');
         $fileReference = 'EXT:' . $mapping[$filePath];
     $hash = md5($fileReference . $languageKey . $charset);
     $this->errorMode = $errorMode;
     // Check if the default language is processed before processing other language
     if (!$this->store->hasData($fileReference, 'default') && $languageKey !== 'default') {
         $this->getParsedData($fileReference, 'default', $charset, $this->errorMode);
     // If the content is parsed (local cache), use it
     if ($this->store->hasData($fileReference, $languageKey)) {
         return $this->store->getData($fileReference);
     // If the content is in cache (system cache), use it
     $data = $this->cacheInstance->get($hash);
     if ($data !== false) {
         $this->store->setData($fileReference, $languageKey, $data);
         return $this->store->getData($fileReference);
     try {
         $this->store->setConfiguration($fileReference, $languageKey, $charset);
         /** @var $parser \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Localization\Parser\LocalizationParserInterface */
         $parser = $this->store->getParserInstance($fileReference);
         // Get parsed data
         $LOCAL_LANG = $parser->getParsedData($this->store->getAbsoluteFileReference($fileReference), $languageKey, $charset);
     } catch (Exception\FileNotFoundException $exception) {
         // Source localization file not found, set empty data as there could be an override
         $this->store->setData($fileReference, $languageKey, array());
         $LOCAL_LANG = $this->store->getData($fileReference);
     // Override localization
     if (!$isLocalizationOverride && isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['locallangXMLOverride'])) {
         $this->localizationOverride($fileReference, $languageKey, $charset, $errorMode, $LOCAL_LANG);
     // Save parsed data in cache
     $this->store->setData($fileReference, $languageKey, $LOCAL_LANG[$languageKey]);
     // Cache processed data
     $this->cacheInstance->set($hash, $this->store->getDataByLanguage($fileReference, $languageKey));
     return $this->store->getData($fileReference);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Returns the path (visually) of a page $uid, fx. "/First page/Second page/Another subpage"
  * Each part of the path will be limited to $titleLimit characters
  * Deleted pages are filtered out.
  * @param int $uid Page uid for which to create record path
  * @param string $clause is additional where clauses, eg.
  * @param int $titleLimit Title limit
  * @param int $fullTitleLimit Title limit of Full title (typ. set to 1000 or so)
  * @return mixed Path of record (string) OR array with short/long title if $fullTitleLimit is set.
 public static function getRecordPath($uid, $clause = '', $titleLimit = 1000, $fullTitleLimit = 0)
     if ($clause !== '' || (int) $titleLimit !== 1000 || (int) $fullTitleLimit !== 0) {
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('The arguments "clause", "tileLimit" and "fullTitleLimit" ' . 'have been deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 8 and will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 9');
     $uid = (int) $uid;
     $output = $fullOutput = '/';
     if ($uid === 0) {
         return $output;
     $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getQueryBuilderForTable('pages');
     $clause = trim($clause);
     $loopCheck = 100;
     while ($loopCheck > 0) {
         $queryBuilder->select('uid', 'pid', 'title', 'deleted', 't3ver_oid', 't3ver_wsid')->from('pages')->where($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('uid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($uid, \PDO::PARAM_INT)));
         if (!empty($clause)) {
         $row = $queryBuilder->execute()->fetch();
         if ($row !== false) {
             BackendUtility::workspaceOL('pages', $row);
             if (is_array($row)) {
                 BackendUtility::fixVersioningPid('pages', $row);
                 $uid = (int) $row['pid'];
                 $output = '/' . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($row['title'], $titleLimit)) . $output;
                 if ($row['deleted']) {
                     $output = '<span class="text-danger">' . $output . '</span>';
                 if ($fullTitleLimit) {
                     $fullOutput = '/' . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($row['title'], $fullTitleLimit)) . $fullOutput;
             } else {
         } else {
     if ($fullTitleLimit) {
         return [$output, $fullOutput];
     } else {
         return $output;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * @param array $arguments
  * @param \Closure $renderChildrenClosure
  * @param RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext
  * @return mixed|string
  * @throws Exception
 public static function renderStatic(array $arguments, \Closure $renderChildrenClosure, RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext)
     $value = $arguments['value'];
     $default = $arguments['default'];
     $viewHelperVariableContainer = $renderingContext->getViewHelperVariableContainer();
     if ($default !== false) {
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('Argument "default" on f:case is deprecated - use f:defaultCase instead');
     if ($value === null && $default === false) {
         throw new Exception('The case View helper must have either value or default argument', 1382867521);
     $expression = $viewHelperVariableContainer->get(OriginalSwitchViewHelper::class, 'switchExpression');
     // non-type-safe comparison by intention
     if ($default === true || $expression == $value) {
         $viewHelperVariableContainer->addOrUpdate(OriginalSwitchViewHelper::class, 'break', true);
         return $renderChildrenClosure();
     return '';
  * @param string $path
  * @param string $extensionKey
  * @param string $name (deprecated, just use $path instead)
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 public function render($path = NULL, $extensionKey = NULL, $name = NULL)
     if (NULL !== $path) {
         $pathToExtract = $path;
     } elseif (NULL !== $name) {
         $pathToExtract = $name;
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('v:variable.extensionConfiguration was called with parameter "name" which is deprecated. Use "path" instead.');
     } else {
         throw new Exception('v:variable.extensionConfiguration requires the "path" attribute to be filled.', 1446998437);
     if (NULL === $extensionKey) {
         $extensionName = $this->controllerContext->getRequest()->getControllerExtensionName();
         $extensionKey = GeneralUtility::camelCaseToLowerCaseUnderscored($extensionName);
     if (FALSE === array_key_exists($extensionKey, $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'])) {
         return NULL;
     $extConf = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'][$extensionKey]);
     return $this->extractFromArrayByPath($extConf, $path);
Exemplo n.º 22
  * @param string $identifier
  * @param string $size "large", "small" or "default", see the constants of the Icon class
  * @param string $overlayIdentifier
  * @param IconState $state
  * @return Icon
 public function getIcon($identifier, $size = Icon::SIZE_DEFAULT, $overlayIdentifier = null, IconState $state = null)
     if ($this->iconRegistry->isDeprecated($identifier)) {
         $deprecationSettings = $this->iconRegistry->getDeprecationSettings($identifier);
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog(sprintf($deprecationSettings['message'], $identifier));
         if (!empty($deprecationSettings['replacement'])) {
             $identifier = $deprecationSettings['replacement'];
     if (!$this->iconRegistry->isRegistered($identifier)) {
         $identifier = $this->iconRegistry->getDefaultIconIdentifier();
     $iconConfiguration = $this->iconRegistry->getIconConfigurationByIdentifier($identifier);
     $iconConfiguration['state'] = $state;
     $icon = $this->createIcon($identifier, $size, $overlayIdentifier, $iconConfiguration);
     /** @var IconProviderInterface $iconProvider */
     $iconProvider = GeneralUtility::makeInstance($iconConfiguration['provider']);
     $iconProvider->prepareIconMarkup($icon, $iconConfiguration['options']);
     return $icon;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Download a file
  * @param string $file Path to the file
  * @param array $configuration configuration used to render the filelink cObject
  * @param bool $hideError define if an error should be displayed if file not found
  *     * @param string $class optional class
  *     * @param string $target target
  *     * @param string $alt alt text
  *     * @param string $title title text
  * @return string
  * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception\InvalidVariableException
 public function render($file, $configuration = [], $hideError = false, $class = '', $target = '', $alt = '', $title = '')
     GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('The ViewHelper "format.fileDownload" of EXT:news is deprecated! Just use the native implementation of FAL');
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         $errorMessage = sprintf('Given file "%s" for %s is not valid', htmlspecialchars($file), get_class());
         GeneralUtility::devLog($errorMessage, 'news', GeneralUtility::SYSLOG_SEVERITY_WARNING);
         if (!$hideError) {
             throw new \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception\InvalidVariableException('Given file is not a valid file: ' . htmlspecialchars($file));
     $cObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ContentObjectRenderer::class);
     $fileInformation = pathinfo($file);
     $fileInformation['file'] = $file;
     $fileInformation['size'] = filesize($file);
     $cObj->data = $fileInformation;
     // set a basic configuration for cObj->filelink
     $tsConfiguration = ['path' => $fileInformation['dirname'] . '/', 'ATagParams' => 'class="download-link basic-class ' . strtolower($fileInformation['extension']) . (!empty($class) ? ' ' . $class : '') . '"', 'labelStdWrap.' => ['cObject.' => ['value' => $this->renderChildren()]]];
     // Fallback if no configuration given
     if (!is_array($configuration)) {
         $configuration = ['labelStdWrap.' => ['cObject' => 'TEXT']];
     } else {
         /** @var $typoscriptService TypoScriptService */
         $typoscriptService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TypoScriptService::class);
         $configuration = $typoscriptService->convertPlainArrayToTypoScriptArray($configuration);
     // merge default configuration with optional configuration
     \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($tsConfiguration, $configuration);
     if (!empty($target)) {
         $tsConfiguration['target'] = $target;
     if (!empty($alt)) {
         $tsConfiguration['altText'] = $alt;
     if (!empty($title)) {
         $tsConfiguration['title'] = $title;
     // generate link
     $link = $cObj->filelink($fileInformation['basename'], $tsConfiguration);
     return $link;
  * Find all Configuration/TCA/* files of extensions and create base TCA from it.
  * The filename must be the table name in $GLOBALS['TCA'], and the content of
  * the file should return an array with content of a specific table.
  * @return void
  * @see Extension core, extensionmanager and others for examples.
 protected static function buildBaseTcaFromSingleFiles()
     $GLOBALS['TCA'] = array();
     $activePackages = static::$packageManager->getActivePackages();
     // First load "full table" files from Configuration/TCA
     foreach ($activePackages as $package) {
         $tcaConfigurationDirectory = $package->getPackagePath() . 'Configuration/TCA';
         if (is_dir($tcaConfigurationDirectory)) {
             $files = scandir($tcaConfigurationDirectory);
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 if (is_file($tcaConfigurationDirectory . '/' . $file) && $file !== '.' && $file !== '..' && substr($file, -4, 4) === '.php') {
                     $tcaOfTable = (require $tcaConfigurationDirectory . '/' . $file);
                     if (is_array($tcaOfTable)) {
                         // TCA table name is filename without .php suffix, eg 'sys_notes', not 'sys_notes.php'
                         $tcaTableName = substr($file, 0, -4);
                         $GLOBALS['TCA'][$tcaTableName] = $tcaOfTable;
     // Apply category stuff
     // Execute override files from Configuration/TCA/Overrides
     foreach ($activePackages as $package) {
         $tcaOverridesPathForPackage = $package->getPackagePath() . 'Configuration/TCA/Overrides';
         if (is_dir($tcaOverridesPathForPackage)) {
             $files = scandir($tcaOverridesPathForPackage);
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 if (is_file($tcaOverridesPathForPackage . '/' . $file) && $file !== '.' && $file !== '..' && substr($file, -4, 4) === '.php') {
                     require $tcaOverridesPathForPackage . '/' . $file;
     // TCA migration
     // @deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7, will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 8. This can be removed *if* no additional TCA migration is added with CMS 8, see class TcaMigration
     $tcaMigration = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TcaMigration::class);
     $GLOBALS['TCA'] = $tcaMigration->migrate($GLOBALS['TCA']);
     $messages = $tcaMigration->getMessages();
     if (!empty($messages)) {
         $context = 'Automatic TCA migration done during bootstrap. Please adapt TCA accordingly, these migrations' . ' will be removed with TYPO3 CMS 8. The backend module "Configuration -> TCA" shows the modified values.' . ' Please adapt these areas:';
         array_unshift($messages, $context);
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog(implode(LF, $messages));
Exemplo n.º 25
  * @test
 public function deprecationLogFixesPermissionsOnLogFile()
     if (TYPO3_OS == 'WIN') {
         $this->markTestSkipped('deprecationLogFixesPermissionsOnLogFile() test not available on Windows.');
     // Fake all required settings and get an unique logfilename
     $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['encryptionKey'] = uniqid('test_');
     $deprecationLogFilename = Utility\GeneralUtility::getDeprecationLogFileName();
     $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['enableDeprecationLog'] = TRUE;
     $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['fileCreateMask'] = '0777';
     // Call method, get actual permissions and clean up
     $resultFilePermissions = substr(decoct(fileperms($deprecationLogFilename)), 2);
     $this->assertEquals($resultFilePermissions, '0777');
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Returns the label-value for fieldname $col in table, $table
  * If $printAllWrap is set (to a "wrap") then it's wrapped around the $col value IF THE COLUMN $col DID NOT EXIST in TCA!, eg. $printAllWrap = '<strong>|</strong>' and the fieldname was 'not_found_field' then the return value would be '<strong>not_found_field</strong>'
  * @param string $table Table name, present in $GLOBALS['TCA']
  * @param string $col Field name
  * @param string $printAllWrap Wrap value - set function description - this parameter is deprecated since TYPO3 6.2 and is removed two versions later. This paramater is a conceptual failure, as the content can then never be HSCed afterwards (which is how the method is used all the time), and then the code would be HSCed twice.
  * @return string or NULL if $col is not found in the TCA table
 public static function getItemLabel($table, $col, $printAllWrap = '')
     // Check if column exists
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]) && is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$col])) {
         return $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['columns'][$col]['label'];
     if ($printAllWrap) {
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('The third parameter of getItemLabel() is deprecated with TYPO3 CMS 6.2 and will be removed two versions later.');
         $parts = explode('|', $printAllWrap);
         return $parts[0] . $col . $parts[1];
     return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Returns the package meta data object of this package.
  * @return MetaData
 public function getPackageMetaData()
     if ($this->packageMetaData === null) {
         $this->packageMetaData = new MetaData($this->getPackageKey());
         $requirements = $this->getValueFromComposerManifest('require');
         if ($requirements !== null) {
             foreach ($requirements as $requirement => $version) {
                 $packageKey = $this->packageManager->getPackageKeyFromComposerName($requirement);
                 // dynamically migrate 'cms' dependency to 'core' dependency
                 // see also \TYPO3\CMS\Extensionmanager\Utility\ExtensionModelUtility::convertDependenciesToObjects
                 if ($packageKey === 'cms') {
                     GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('Extension "' . $this->packageKey . '" defines a dependency on ext:cms, which has been removed. Please remove the dependency.');
                     $packageKey = 'core';
                 $constraint = new MetaData\PackageConstraint(MetaData::CONSTRAINT_TYPE_DEPENDS, $packageKey);
         $suggestions = $this->getValueFromComposerManifest('suggest');
         if ($suggestions !== null) {
             foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion => $version) {
                 $packageKey = $this->packageManager->getPackageKeyFromComposerName($suggestion);
                 $constraint = new MetaData\PackageConstraint(MetaData::CONSTRAINT_TYPE_SUGGESTS, $packageKey);
     return $this->packageMetaData;
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Gets the document's score.
  * @param string $document The result document as serialized array
  * @return float The document's score
  * @throws RuntimeException if the serialized result document array cannot be unserialized
 protected function getScore($document)
     $rawDocument = $document;
     $score = 0;
     if (is_numeric($document)) {
         // backwards compatibility
         \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('You are using an old notation of the ' . 'releavnace view helpers. The notation used to be ' . '###RELEVANCE:###RESULT_DOCUMENT.SCORE######, please change ' . 'this to simply provide the whole result document: ' . '###RELEVANCE:###RESULT_DOCUMENT######');
         return $document;
     $document = unserialize($document);
     if (is_array($document)) {
         $score = $document['score'];
     } else {
         if ($rawDocument == '###RESULT_DOCUMENT###') {
             // unresolved marker
             // may happen when using search.spellchecking.searchUsingSpellCheckerSuggestion
             // -> ignore
         } else {
             $solrConfiguration = Tx_Solr_Util::getSolrConfiguration();
             if ($solrConfiguration['logging.']['exceptions']) {
                 \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::devLog('Could not resolve document score for relevance calculation', 'solr', 3, array('rawDocument' => $rawDocument, 'unserializedDocument' => $document));
             throw new RuntimeException('Could not resolve document score for relevance calculation', 1343670545);
     return $score;
Exemplo n.º 29
     * Creating the module output.
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
     * @return void
    public function main()
        $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
        $this->content .= '<form action="" name="editForm" id="NewContentElementController"><input type="hidden" name="defValues" value="" />';
        if ($this->id && $this->access) {
            // Init position map object:
            $posMap = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Tree\View\ContentCreationPagePositionMap::class);
            $posMap->cur_sys_language = $this->sys_language;
            // If a column is pre-set:
            if (isset($this->colPos)) {
                if ($this->uid_pid < 0) {
                    $row = array();
                    $row['uid'] = abs($this->uid_pid);
                } else {
                    $row = '';
                $this->onClickEvent = $posMap->onClickInsertRecord($row, $this->colPos, '', $this->uid_pid, $this->sys_language);
            } else {
                $this->onClickEvent = '';
            // ***************************
            // Creating content
            // ***************************
            $this->content .= '<h1>' . $lang->getLL('newContentElement') . '</h1>';
            // Wizard
            $wizardItems = $this->wizardArray();
            // Wrapper for wizards
            $this->elementWrapper['section'] = array('', '');
            // Hook for manipulating wizardItems, wrapper, onClickEvent etc.
            if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms']['db_new_content_el']['wizardItemsHook'])) {
                foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms']['db_new_content_el']['wizardItemsHook'] as $classData) {
                    $hookObject = GeneralUtility::getUserObj($classData);
                    if (!$hookObject instanceof NewContentElementWizardHookInterface) {
                        throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$hookObject must implement interface ' . NewContentElementWizardHookInterface::class, 1227834741);
                    $hookObject->manipulateWizardItems($wizardItems, $this);
            // Add document inline javascript
            $this->moduleTemplate->addJavaScriptCode('NewContentElementWizardInlineJavascript', '
				function goToalt_doc() {	//
					' . $this->onClickEvent . '

				if(top.refreshMenu) {
				} else {
            $iconRegistry = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconRegistry::class);
            // Traverse items for the wizard.
            // An item is either a header or an item rendered with a radio button and title/description and icon:
            $cc = $key = 0;
            $menuItems = array();
            foreach ($wizardItems as $k => $wInfo) {
                if ($wInfo['header']) {
                    $menuItems[] = array('label' => htmlspecialchars($wInfo['header']), 'content' => $this->elementWrapper['section'][0]);
                    $key = count($menuItems) - 1;
                } else {
                    $content = '';
                    if (!$this->onClickEvent) {
                        // Radio button:
                        $oC = 'document.editForm.defValues.value=unescape(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue(rawurlencode($wInfo['params'])) . ');goToalt_doc();' . (!$this->onClickEvent ? 'window.location.hash=\'#sel2\';' : '');
                        $content .= '<div class="media-left"><input type="radio" name="tempB" value="' . htmlspecialchars($k) . '" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars($oC) . '" /></div>';
                        // Onclick action for icon/title:
                        $aOnClick = 'document.getElementsByName(\'tempB\')[' . $cc . '].checked=1;' . $oC . 'return false;';
                    } else {
                        $aOnClick = "document.editForm.defValues.value=unescape('" . rawurlencode($wInfo['params']) . "');goToalt_doc();" . (!$this->onClickEvent ? "window.location.hash='#sel2';" : '');
                    if (isset($wInfo['icon'])) {
                        GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('The PageTS-Config: mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.*.elements.*.icon' . ' is deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7, will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 8.' . ' Register your icon in IconRegistry::registerIcon and use the new setting:' . ' mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.*.elements.*.iconIdentifier');
                        $wInfo['iconIdentifier'] = 'content-' . $k;
                        $icon = $wInfo['icon'];
                        if (StringUtility::beginsWith($icon, '../typo3conf/ext/')) {
                            $icon = str_replace('../typo3conf/ext/', 'EXT:', $icon);
                        if (!StringUtility::beginsWith($icon, 'EXT:') && strpos($icon, '/') !== false) {
                            $icon = TYPO3_mainDir . GeneralUtility::resolveBackPath($wInfo['icon']);
                        $iconRegistry->registerIcon($wInfo['iconIdentifier'], BitmapIconProvider::class, array('source' => $icon));
                    $icon = $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon($wInfo['iconIdentifier'])->render();
                    $menuItems[$key]['content'] .= '
						<div class="media">
							<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars($aOnClick) . '">
								' . $content . '
								<div class="media-left">
									' . $icon . '
								<div class="media-body">
									<strong>' . htmlspecialchars($wInfo['title']) . '</strong>' . '<br />' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars(trim($wInfo['description']))) . '</div>
            // Add closing section-tag
            foreach ($menuItems as $key => $val) {
                $menuItems[$key]['content'] .= $this->elementWrapper['section'][1];
            // Add the wizard table to the content, wrapped in tabs
            $code = '<p>' . $lang->getLL('sel1', 1) . '</p>' . $this->moduleTemplate->getDynamicTabMenu($menuItems, 'new-content-element-wizard');
            $this->content .= !$this->onClickEvent ? '<h2>' . $lang->getLL('1_selectType', true) . '</h2>' : '';
            $this->content .= '<div>' . $code . '</div>';
            // If the user must also select a column:
            if (!$this->onClickEvent) {
                // Add anchor "sel2"
                $this->content .= '<div><a name="sel2"></a></div>';
                // Select position
                $code = '<p>' . $lang->getLL('sel2', 1) . '</p>';
                // Load SHARED page-TSconfig settings and retrieve column list from there, if applicable:
                $colPosArray = GeneralUtility::callUserFunction(BackendLayoutView::class . '->getColPosListItemsParsed', $this->id, $this);
                $colPosIds = array_column($colPosArray, 1);
                // Removing duplicates, if any
                $colPosList = implode(',', array_unique(array_map('intval', $colPosIds)));
                // Finally, add the content of the column selector to the content:
                $code .= $posMap->printContentElementColumns($this->id, 0, $colPosList, 1, $this->R_URI);
                $this->content .= '<h2>' . $lang->getLL('2_selectPosition', true) . '</h2><div>' . $code . '</div>';
        } else {
            // In case of no access:
            $this->content = '';
            $this->content .= '<h1>' . $lang->getLL('newContentElement') . '</h1>';
        $this->content .= '</form>';
        // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Revive the domain model of the accordant element.
  * @param Element $element
  * @param array $userConfiguredElementTypoScript The configuration array
  * @param string $elementType The element type (e.g BUTTON)
  * @return void
 protected function reviveElement(Element $element, array $userConfiguredElementTypoScript, $elementType = '')
     // @todo Check $userConfiguredElementTypoScript
     if ($elementType === 'IMAGEBUTTON') {
         GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('EXT:form: The element IMAGEBUTTON is deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7, will be removed with TYPO3 CMS 8.');
     $elementBuilder = ElementBuilder::create($this, $element, $userConfiguredElementTypoScript);
     if ($element->getElementType() == 'CONTENTELEMENT') {
         $attributeValue = '';
         if ($this->configuration->getContentElementRendering()) {
             $attributeValue = $this->formUtility->renderItem($userConfiguredElementTypoScript['cObj.'], $userConfiguredElementTypoScript['cObj']);
         $element->setAdditionalArguments(array('content' => $attributeValue));
         /* use the compatibility theme whenever if a layout is defined */
         if ($this->configuration->getCompatibility()) {
             $this->compatibilityService->setElementLayouts($element, $userConfiguredElementTypoScript);
             if (isset($userConfiguredElementTypoScript['layout'])) {
     } else {
         $this->setAttributes($elementBuilder, $element, $userConfiguredElementTypoScript);
         $userConfiguredElementTypoScript = $elementBuilder->getUserConfiguredElementTypoScript();
         /* use the compatibility theme whenever if a layout is defined */
         if ($this->configuration->getCompatibility()) {
             $this->compatibilityService->setElementLayouts($element, $userConfiguredElementTypoScript);
             if (isset($userConfiguredElementTypoScript['layout'])) {
         $this->signalSlotDispatcher->dispatch(__CLASS__, 'txFormAfterElementCreation', array($element, $this));
         // create all child elements
         $this->setChildElementsByIntegerKey($element, $userConfiguredElementTypoScript);