Exemplo n.º 1
     * Injects the request object for the current request or subrequest
     * As this controller goes only through the main() method, it is rather simple for now
     * @param ServerRequestInterface $request the current request
     * @param ResponseInterface $response the prepared response object
     * @return ResponseInterface the response with the content
    public function mainAction(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
        $menuData = $this->buildMenuArray();
        $renderLinkAttributeFields = $this->renderLinkAttributeFields();
        $browserContent = $this->displayedLinkHandler->render($request);
        $content = $this->doc->startPage('Link Browser');
        $content .= $this->doc->getFlashMessages();
        if ($this->currentLink) {
            $content .= '<!-- Print current URL -->
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="typo3-curUrl">
						<td>' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('currentLink', true) . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($this->currentLinkHandler->formatCurrentUrl()) . '</td>
        $content .= $this->doc->getTabMenuRaw($menuData);
        $content .= $renderLinkAttributeFields;
        $content .= '<div class="linkBrowser-tabContent">' . $browserContent . '</div>';
        $content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        return $response;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * The main render method
  * Gathers all content and returns it
  * @return string
 public function render()
     $docHeaderButtons = array();
     // Check if the referenced record is available
     $this->recordIsAvailable = $this->repository->hasRecord();
     if ($this->recordIsAvailable) {
         // Load necessary JavaScript
         // Load necessary CSS
         // Load the settings
         // Localization
         // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
         $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
         $markers['CSH'] = $docHeaderButtons['csh'];
         // Hook
     // Getting the body content
     $markers['CONTENT'] = $this->getBodyContent();
     // Build the HTML for the module
     $content = $this->doc->startPage($this->getLanguageService()->getLL('title', true));
     $content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
     $content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     return $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($content);
  * Outputting the accumulated content to screen
  * @return void
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function printContent()
     $content = '';
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
     if ($this->editPage && $this->isAjaxCall) {
         $data = array();
         // edit page
         if ($this->theEditRec['uid']) {
             $data['type'] = 'page';
             $data['editRecord'] = $this->theEditRec['uid'];
         // edit alternative table/uid
         if (count($this->alternativeTableUid) == 2 && isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$this->alternativeTableUid[0]]) && \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($this->alternativeTableUid[1])) {
             $data['type'] = 'alternative';
             $data['alternativeTable'] = $this->alternativeTableUid[0];
             $data['alternativeUid'] = $this->alternativeTableUid[1];
         // search for something else
         if ($this->searchFor) {
             $data['type'] = 'search';
             $data['firstMountPoint'] = intval($GLOBALS['WEBMOUNTS'][0]);
             $data['searchFor'] = $this->searchFor;
         $content = json_encode($data);
         header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
         header('X-JSON: ' . $content);
     } else {
         $content = $this->content;
     echo $content;
     * Main function, rendering the browsable page tree
     * @return 	void
     * @todo Define visibility
    public function main()
        // Produce browse-tree:
        $tree = $this->pagetree->getBrowsableTree();
        // Outputting Temporary DB mount notice:
        if ($this->active_tempMountPoint) {
            $flashText = '
				<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::linkThisScript(array('setTempDBmount' => 0))) . '">' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sl('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xml:labels.temporaryDBmount', 1) . '</a>		<br />' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sl('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xml:labels.path', 1) . ': <span title="' . htmlspecialchars($this->active_tempMountPoint['_thePathFull']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($this->active_tempMountPoint['_thePath'], -50)) . '</span>
            $flashMessage = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Messaging\\FlashMessage', $flashText, '', \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessage::INFO);
            $this->content .= $flashMessage->render();
        // Outputting page tree:
        $this->content .= '<div id="PageTreeDiv">' . $tree . '</div>';
        // Adding javascript for drag & drop activation and highlighting
        $this->content .= $this->doc->wrapScriptTags('
			' . ($this->doHighlight ? 'Tree.highlightActiveItem("",top.fsMod.navFrameHighlightedID["web"]);' : '') . '
        // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
        $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
        $markers = array('IMG_RESET' => \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-document-close', array('id' => 'treeFilterReset', 'alt' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xml:labels.resetFilter'), 'title' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xml:labels.resetFilter'))), 'WORKSPACEINFO' => $this->getWorkspaceInfo(), 'CONTENT' => $this->content);
        $subparts = array();
        if (!$this->hasFilterBox) {
            $subparts['###SECOND_ROW###'] = '';
        // Build the <body> for the module
        $this->content = $this->doc->startPage('TYPO3 Page Tree');
        $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody($this->pageinfo, $docHeaderButtons, $markers, $subparts);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Main function to generate the content
  * @return 	void
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function main()
     $this->content = $this->doc->header('Indexing Engine Statistics');
     $this->content .= $this->doc->spacer(5);
     switch ($this->MOD_SETTINGS['function']) {
         case 'stat':
             $this->content .= $this->doc->section('Records', $this->doc->table($this->getRecordsNumbers()), 0, 1);
             $this->content .= $this->doc->spacer(15);
             $this->content .= $this->doc->section('index_phash TYPES', $this->doc->table($this->getPhashTypes()), 1);
             $this->content .= $this->doc->spacer(15);
         case 'externalDocs':
             $this->content .= $this->doc->section('External documents', $this->doc->table($this->getPhashExternalDocs()), 0, 1);
             $this->content .= $this->doc->spacer(15);
         case 'typo3pages':
             $this->content .= $this->doc->section('TYPO3 Pages', $this->doc->table($this->getPhashT3pages()), 0, 1);
             $this->content .= $this->doc->spacer(15);
     $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
     $markers = array('CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'FUNC_MENU' => BackendUtility::getFuncMenu(0, 'SET[function]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'], $this->MOD_MENU['function']), 'CONTENT' => $this->content);
     $this->content = $this->doc->startPage('Indexing Engine Statistics');
     $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody($this->pageinfo, $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
  * Main function of the module. Write the content to $this->content.
  * @return void
 public function main()
     $backendUser = $this->getBackendUser();
     $language = $this->getLanguageService();
     // Access check!
     // The page will show only if there is a valid page and if
     // this page may be viewed by the user
     $this->pageinfo = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::readPageAccess($this->id, $this->perms_clause);
     $access = is_array($this->pageinfo);
     // Checking access:
     if ($this->id && $access || $backendUser->isAdmin()) {
         // Render content:
     } else {
         // If no access or if ID == zero
         $this->content .= $this->doc->header($language->getLL('statistic'));
     $docHeaderButtons = $this->getHeaderButtons();
     $markers = array('CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'CONTENT' => $this->content);
     $markers['FUNC_MENU'] = $this->doc->funcMenu('', \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getFuncMenu($this->id, 'SET[function]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'], $this->MOD_MENU['function']));
     // put it all together
     $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($language->getLL('statistic'));
     $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody($this->pageinfo, $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
     * TYPO3 Element Browser: Showing a folder tree, allowing you to browse for folders.
     * @return string HTML content for the module
     * @todo Define visibility
    public function main_folder()
        // include JS files
        // Setting prefs for foldertree
        $this->doc->JScode .= $this->doc->wrapScriptTags('
			Tree.ajaxID = "SC_alt_file_navframe::expandCollapse";
        // Starting content:
        $content = $this->doc->startPage('TBE folder selector');
        // Add the FlashMessages if any
        $content .= $this->doc->getFlashMessages();
        // Init variable:
        $parameters = explode('|', $this->bparams);
        if ($this->expandFolder) {
            $this->selectedFolder = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceFactory::getInstance()->getFolderObjectFromCombinedIdentifier($this->expandFolder);
        if ($this->selectedFolder) {
            $createFolder = $this->createFolder($this->selectedFolder);
        } else {
            $createFolder = '';
        // Create folder tree:
        $folderTree = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TBE_FolderTree');
        $folderTree->thisScript = $this->thisScript;
        $folderTree->ext_noTempRecyclerDirs = $this->mode == 'filedrag';
        $tree = $folderTree->getBrowsableTree(FALSE);
        list(, , $specUid) = explode('_', $this->PM);
        if ($this->selectedFolder) {
            if ($this->mode == 'filedrag') {
                $folders = $this->TBE_dragNDrop($this->selectedFolder, $parameters[3]);
            } else {
                $folders = $this->TBE_expandSubFolders($this->selectedFolder);
        // Putting the parts together, side by side:
        $content .= '

				Wrapper table for folder tree / folder list:
			<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="typo3-EBfiles">
					<td class="c-wCell" valign="top">' . $this->barheader($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('folderTree') . ':') . $tree . '</td>
					<td class="c-wCell" valign="top">' . $folders . '</td>
        // Adding create folder if applicable:
        $content .= $createFolder;
        // Add some space
        $content .= '<br /><br />';
        // Ending page, returning content:
        $content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($content);
        return $content;
  * Injects the request object for the current request or subrequest
  * As this controller goes only through the main() method, it is rather simple for now
  * @param ServerRequestInterface $request the current request
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @return ResponseInterface the response with the content
 public function mainAction(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
     $content = $this->doc->startPage($this->titleTag);
     $content .= $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
     $content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Main function, rendering the browsable page tree
  * @return void
 public function main()
     // Produce browse-tree:
     $tree = $this->pagetree->getBrowsableTree();
     $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
     $markers = array('IMG_RESET' => '', 'WORKSPACEINFO' => '', 'CONTENT' => $tree);
     // Build the <body> for the module
     $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($this->getLanguageService()->sl('LLL:EXT:commerce/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_be.xml:mod_orders.navigation_title'));
     $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody('', $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
  * Main function, rendering the folder tree
  * @return void
 public function main()
     // Produce browse-tree:
     $tree = $this->foldertree->getBrowsableTree();
     // Outputting page tree:
     $this->content .= $tree;
     // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
     $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
     $markers = array('CONTENT' => $this->content);
     $subparts = array();
     // Build the <body> for the module
     $this->content = $this->doc->startPage('TYPO3 Folder Tree');
     $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markers, $subparts);
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Main function, rendering the upload file form fields
  * @return void
 public function main()
     // Make page header:
     $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_upload.php.pagetitle'));
     $form = $this->renderUploadForm();
     $pageContent = $this->doc->header($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_upload.php.pagetitle')) . $this->doc->section('', $form);
     // Header Buttons
     $docHeaderButtons = array('csh' => BackendUtility::cshItem('xMOD_csh_corebe', 'file_upload'), 'back' => '');
     $markerArray = array('CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'FUNC_MENU' => '', 'CONTENT' => $pageContent, 'PATH' => $this->title);
     // Back
     if ($this->returnUrl) {
         $docHeaderButtons['back'] = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::linkThisUrl($this->returnUrl)) . '" class="typo3-goBack" title="' . $this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.goBack', true) . '">' . $this->iconFactory->getIcon('actions-view-go-back', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . '</a>';
     $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markerArray);
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Main function, rendering the upload file form fields
  * @return void
 public function main()
     // Make page header:
     $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_upload.php.pagetitle'));
     $form = $this->renderUploadForm();
     $pageContent = $this->doc->header($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_upload.php.pagetitle')) . $this->doc->section('', $form);
     // Header Buttons
     $docHeaderButtons = array('csh' => BackendUtility::cshItem('xMOD_csh_corebe', 'file_upload', $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']), 'back' => '');
     $markerArray = array('CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'FUNC_MENU' => BackendUtility::getFuncMenu($this->id, 'SET[function]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'], $this->MOD_MENU['function']), 'CONTENT' => $pageContent, 'PATH' => $this->title);
     // Back
     if ($this->returnUrl) {
         $docHeaderButtons['back'] = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::linkThisUrl($this->returnUrl)) . '" class="typo3-goBack" title="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.goBack', TRUE) . '">' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-view-go-back') . '</a>';
     $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markerArray);
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Main function, rendering the table wizard
  * @return void
 public function main()
     if ($this->P['table'] && $this->P['field'] && $this->P['uid']) {
         $this->content .= $this->doc->section($this->getLanguageService()->getLL('table_title'), $this->tableWizard(), 0, 1);
     } else {
         $this->content .= $this->doc->section($this->getLanguageService()->getLL('table_title'), '<span class="typo3-red">' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('table_noData', TRUE) . '</span>', 0, 1);
     // Setting up the buttons and markers for docHeader
     $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
     $markers['CSH'] = $docHeaderButtons['csh'];
     $markers['CONTENT'] = $this->content;
     // Build the <body> for the module
     $this->content = $this->doc->startPage('Table');
     $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 14
     * Main function, rendering the content of the rename form
     * @return void
    public function main()
        // Make page header:
        $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_rename.php.pagetitle'));
        $pageContent = $this->doc->header($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_rename.php.pagetitle'));
        $pageContent .= $this->doc->spacer(5);
        $pageContent .= $this->doc->divider(5);
        if ($this->fileOrFolderObject instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folder) {
            $fileIdentifier = $this->fileOrFolderObject->getCombinedIdentifier();
        } else {
            $fileIdentifier = $this->fileOrFolderObject->getUid();
        $code = '<form action="tce_file.php" method="post" name="editform">';
        // Making the formfields for renaming:
        $code .= '

			<div id="c-rename">
				<input type="text" name="file[rename][0][target]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->fileOrFolderObject->getName()) . '"' . $GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->formWidth(40) . ' />
				<input type="hidden" name="file[rename][0][data]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($fileIdentifier) . '" />
        // Making submit button:
        $code .= '
			<div id="c-submit">
				<input type="submit" value="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_rename.php.submit', TRUE) . '" />
				<input type="submit" value="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.cancel', TRUE) . '" onclick="backToList(); return false;" />
				<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->returnUrl) . '" />
				' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormEngine::getHiddenTokenField('tceAction') . '
        $code .= '</form>';
        // Add the HTML as a section:
        $pageContent .= $code;
        $docHeaderButtons = array('back' => '');
        $docHeaderButtons['csh'] = BackendUtility::cshItem('xMOD_csh_corebe', 'file_rename', $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']);
        // Back
        if ($this->returnUrl) {
            $docHeaderButtons['back'] = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::linkThisUrl($this->returnUrl)) . '" class="typo3-goBack" title="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.goBack', TRUE) . '">' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-view-go-back') . '</a>';
        // Add the HTML as a section:
        $markerArray = array('CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'FUNC_MENU' => BackendUtility::getFuncMenu($this->id, 'SET[function]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'], $this->MOD_MENU['function']), 'CONTENT' => $pageContent, 'PATH' => $this->title);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markerArray);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
  * Main method.
  * @return void
 public function main()
     $listUrl = GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI');
     // Access check!
     // The page will show only if there is a valid page and if user may access it
     if ($this->id && (is_array($this->pageRow) ? 1 : 0)) {
         // JavaScript
         $this->doc->JScode = $this->doc->wrapScriptTags('
             script_ended = 0;
             function jumpToUrl(URL) {
                 document.location = URL;
             function deleteRecord(table, id, url, warning) {
                 if (
                 ) {
                     window.location.href = "' . $this->getBackPath() . 'tce_db.php?cmd["+table+"]["+id+"][delete]=1&redirect="+escape(url);
                 return false;
             ' . $this->doc->redirectUrls($listUrl) . '
         $this->doc->postCode = $this->doc->wrapScriptTags('
             script_ended = 1;
             if (top.fsMod) {
                 top.fsMod.recentIds["web"] = ' . (int) $this->id . ';
         $this->doc->inDocStylesArray['mod_systemdata'] = '';
         // Render content:
     } else {
         $this->content = 'Access denied or commerce pages not created yet!';
     $docHeaderButtons = $this->getHeaderButtons();
     $markers = array('CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'CONTENT' => $this->content);
     $markers['FUNC_MENU'] = $this->doc->funcMenu('', BackendUtility::getFuncMenu($this->id, 'SET[function]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'], $this->MOD_MENU['function']));
     // put it all together
     $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($this->getLanguageService()->getLL('title'));
     $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody($this->pageRow, $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 16
     * Main function, rendering the content of the rename form
     * @return void
    public function main()
        // Make page header:
        $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_rename.php.pagetitle'));
        $pageContent = $this->doc->header($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_rename.php.pagetitle'));
        if ($this->fileOrFolderObject instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folder) {
            $fileIdentifier = $this->fileOrFolderObject->getCombinedIdentifier();
        } else {
            $fileIdentifier = $this->fileOrFolderObject->getUid();
        $pageContent .= '<form action="' . htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('tce_file')) . '" method="post" name="editform" role="form">';
        // Making the formfields for renaming:
        $pageContent .= '

			<div class="form-group">
				<input class="form-control" type="text" name="file[rename][0][target]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->fileOrFolderObject->getName()) . '" ' . $this->getDocumentTemplate()->formWidth(40) . ' />
				<input type="hidden" name="file[rename][0][data]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($fileIdentifier) . '" />
        // Making submit button:
        $pageContent .= '
			<div class="form-group">
				<input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="' . $this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_rename.php.submit', TRUE) . '" />
				<input class="btn btn-danger" type="submit" value="' . $this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.cancel', TRUE) . '" onclick="backToList(); return false;" />
				<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->returnUrl) . '" />
				' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormEngine::getHiddenTokenField('tceAction') . '
        $pageContent .= '</form>';
        $docHeaderButtons = array('back' => '');
        $docHeaderButtons['csh'] = BackendUtility::cshItem('xMOD_csh_corebe', 'file_rename');
        // Back
        if ($this->returnUrl) {
            $docHeaderButtons['back'] = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::linkThisUrl($this->returnUrl)) . '" class="typo3-goBack" title="' . $this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.goBack', TRUE) . '">' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-view-go-back') . '</a>';
        // Add the HTML as a section:
        $markerArray = array('CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'FUNC_MENU' => '', 'CONTENT' => $pageContent, 'PATH' => $this->title);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markerArray);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
     * Main function, rendering the folder tree
     * @return void
     * @todo Define visibility
    public function main()
        // Produce browse-tree:
        $tree = $this->foldertree->getBrowsableTree();
        // Outputting page tree:
        $this->content .= $tree;
        // Adding javascript for drag & drop activation and highlighting
        $this->content .= $this->doc->wrapScriptTags('
			' . ($this->doHighlight ? 'Tree.highlightActiveItem("", top.fsMod.navFrameHighlightedID["file"]);' : '') . '
        // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
        $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
        $markers = array('IMG_RESET' => '<img' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/close_gray.gif', ' width="16" height="16"') . ' id="treeFilterReset" alt="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xml:labels.resetFilter') . '" ' . 'title="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xml:labels.resetFilter') . '" />', 'CONTENT' => $this->content);
        $subparts = array();
        // Possible filter/search like in page tree
        $subparts['###SECOND_ROW###'] = '';
        // Build the <body> for the module
        $this->content = $this->doc->startPage('TYPO3 Folder Tree');
        $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody($this->pageinfo, $docHeaderButtons, $markers, $subparts);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Injects the request object for the current request or subrequest
  * As this controller goes only through the main() method, it is rather simple for now
  * @param ServerRequestInterface $request the current request
  * @param ResponseInterface $response the prepared response object
  * @return ResponseInterface the response with the content
 public function mainAction(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
     $menuData = $this->buildMenuArray();
     $renderLinkAttributeFields = $this->renderLinkAttributeFields();
     $browserContent = $this->displayedLinkHandler->render($request);
     $content = $this->doc->startPage('Link Browser');
     $content .= $this->doc->getFlashMessages();
     if (!empty($this->currentLinkParts)) {
         $content .= $this->renderCurrentUrl();
     $content .= '<div class="link-browser-section link-browser-tabs">' . $this->doc->getTabMenuRaw($menuData) . '</div>';
     $content .= $renderLinkAttributeFields;
     $content .= $browserContent;
     $content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     return $response;
     * Main function, rendering the browsable page tree
     * @return void
    public function main()
        // Produce browse-tree:
        $tree = $this->pagetree->getBrowsableTree();
        // Outputting Temporary DB mount notice:
        if ($this->active_tempMountPoint) {
            $flashText = '
				<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::linkThisScript(array('setTempDBmount' => 0))) . '">' . $this->getLanguageService()->sl('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.temporaryDBmount', true) . '</a>		<br />' . $this->getLanguageService()->sl('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.path', true) . ': <span title="' . htmlspecialchars($this->active_tempMountPoint['_thePathFull']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($this->active_tempMountPoint['_thePath'], -50)) . '</span>
            $flashMessage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlashMessage::class, $flashText, '', FlashMessage::INFO);
            $this->content .= $flashMessage->render();
        // Outputting page tree:
        $this->content .= '<div id="PageTreeDiv">' . $tree . '</div>';
        // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
        $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
        $markers = array('WORKSPACEINFO' => $this->getWorkspaceInfo(), 'CONTENT' => $this->content);
        // Build the <body> for the module
        $this->content = $this->doc->startPage('TYPO3 Page Tree');
        $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 20
     * Main function of the module. Write the content to $this->content
     * @return void
     * @todo Define visibility
    public function main()
        // Template markers
        $markers = array('CSH' => '', 'FUNC_MENU' => '', 'WS_MENU' => '', 'CONTENT' => '');
        // Setting module configuration:
        $this->MCONF = $GLOBALS['MCONF'];
        $this->REQUEST_URI = str_replace('&sendToReview=1', '', GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI'));
        // Draw the header.
        $this->doc = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Backend\\Template\\DocumentTemplate');
        $this->doc->backPath = $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'];
        // Add styles
        $this->doc->inDocStylesArray[$GLOBALS['MCONF']['name']] = '
.version-diff-1 { background-color: green; }
.version-diff-2 { background-color: red; }
        // Setting up the context sensitive menu:
        // Getting input data:
        $this->id = (int) GeneralUtility::_GP('id');
        // Record uid. Goes with table name to indicate specific record
        $this->uid = (int) GeneralUtility::_GP('uid');
        // // Record table. Goes with uid to indicate specific record
        $this->table = GeneralUtility::_GP('table');
        $this->details = GeneralUtility::_GP('details');
        // Page id. If set, indicates activation from Web>Versioning module
        $this->diffOnly = GeneralUtility::_GP('diffOnly');
        // Flag. If set, shows only the offline version and with diff-view
        // Force this setting:
        $this->MOD_SETTINGS['expandSubElements'] = TRUE;
        $this->MOD_SETTINGS['diff'] = $this->details || $this->MOD_SETTINGS['diff'] ? 1 : 0;
        // Reading the record:
        $record = BackendUtility::getRecord($this->table, $this->uid);
        if ($record['pid'] == -1) {
            $record = BackendUtility::getRecord($this->table, $record['t3ver_oid']);
        $this->recordFound = is_array($record);
        $pidValue = $this->table === 'pages' ? $this->uid : $record['pid'];
        // Checking access etc.
        if ($this->recordFound && $GLOBALS['TCA'][$this->table]['ctrl']['versioningWS'] && !$this->id) {
            $this->doc->form = '<form action="" method="post">';
            $this->uid = $record['uid'];
            // Might have changed if new live record was found!
            // Access check!
            // The page will show only if there is a valid page and if this page may be viewed by the user
            $this->pageinfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($pidValue, $this->perms_clause);
            $access = is_array($this->pageinfo) ? 1 : 0;
            if ($pidValue && $access || $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['admin'] && !$pidValue) {
                // JavaScript
                $this->doc->JScode .= $this->doc->wrapScriptTags('

						function hlSubelements(origId, verId, over, diffLayer)	{	//
							if (over) {
								document.getElementById(\'orig_\'+origId).attributes.getNamedItem("class").nodeValue = \'typo3-ver-hl\';
								document.getElementById(\'ver_\'+verId).attributes.getNamedItem("class").nodeValue = \'typo3-ver-hl\';
								if (diffLayer) {
									document.getElementById(\'diff_\'+verId).style.visibility = \'visible\';
							} else {
								document.getElementById(\'orig_\'+origId).attributes.getNamedItem("class").nodeValue = \'typo3-ver\';
								document.getElementById(\'ver_\'+verId).attributes.getNamedItem("class").nodeValue = \'typo3-ver\';
								if (diffLayer) {
									document.getElementById(\'diff_\'+verId).style.visibility = \'hidden\';
                // If another page module was specified, replace the default Page module with the new one
                $newPageModule = trim($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getTSConfigVal('options.overridePageModule'));
                $this->pageModule = BackendUtility::isModuleSetInTBE_MODULES($newPageModule) ? $newPageModule : 'web_layout';
                // Setting publish access permission for workspace:
                $this->publishAccess = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspacePublishAccess($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace);
            $this->content .= $this->doc->spacer(10);
            // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
            $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
            $markers['CSH'] = $docHeaderButtons['csh'];
            $markers['FUNC_MENU'] = BackendUtility::getFuncMenu($this->id, 'SET[function]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'], $this->MOD_MENU['function']);
            $markers['CONTENT'] = $this->content;
        } else {
            // If no access or id value, create empty document
            $this->content = $this->doc->section($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('clickAPage_header'), $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('clickAPage_content'), 0, 1);
            // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
            $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
            $markers['CONTENT'] = $this->content;
        // Build the <body> for the module
        $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('title'));
        $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody($this->pageinfo, $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Main function of the module. Write the content to $this->content
  * @return void
 public function main()
     // Template markers
     $markers = array('CSH' => '', 'FUNC_MENU' => '', 'WS_MENU' => '', 'CONTENT' => '');
     // Setting module configuration:
     $this->MCONF['name'] = $this->moduleName;
     $this->REQUEST_URI = str_replace('&sendToReview=1', '', GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI'));
     // Draw the header.
     $this->doc = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\DocumentTemplate::class);
     // Setting up the context sensitive menu:
     // Getting input data:
     $this->id = (int) GeneralUtility::_GP('id');
     // Record uid. Goes with table name to indicate specific record
     $this->uid = (int) GeneralUtility::_GP('uid');
     // // Record table. Goes with uid to indicate specific record
     $this->table = GeneralUtility::_GP('table');
     $this->details = GeneralUtility::_GP('details');
     // Page id. If set, indicates activation from Web>Versioning module
     $this->diffOnly = GeneralUtility::_GP('diffOnly');
     // Flag. If set, shows only the offline version and with diff-view
     // Force this setting:
     $this->MOD_SETTINGS['expandSubElements'] = true;
     $this->MOD_SETTINGS['diff'] = $this->details || $this->MOD_SETTINGS['diff'] ? 1 : 0;
     // Reading the record:
     $record = BackendUtility::getRecord($this->table, $this->uid);
     if ($record['pid'] == -1) {
         $record = BackendUtility::getRecord($this->table, $record['t3ver_oid']);
     $this->recordFound = is_array($record);
     $pidValue = $this->table === 'pages' ? $this->uid : $record['pid'];
     // Checking access etc.
     if ($this->recordFound && $GLOBALS['TCA'][$this->table]['ctrl']['versioningWS'] && !$this->id) {
         $this->uid = $record['uid'];
         // Might have changed if new live record was found!
         // Access check!
         // The page will show only if there is a valid page and if this page may be viewed by the user
         $this->pageinfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($pidValue, $this->perms_clause);
         $access = is_array($this->pageinfo) ? 1 : 0;
         if ($pidValue && $access || $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['admin'] && !$pidValue) {
             // If another page module was specified, replace the default Page module with the new one
             $newPageModule = trim($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getTSConfigVal('options.overridePageModule'));
             $this->pageModule = BackendUtility::isModuleSetInTBE_MODULES($newPageModule) ? $newPageModule : 'web_layout';
             // Setting publish access permission for workspace:
             $this->publishAccess = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspacePublishAccess($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace);
         // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
         $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
         $markers['CSH'] = $docHeaderButtons['csh'];
         $markers['FUNC_MENU'] = BackendUtility::getFuncMenu($this->id, 'SET[function]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'], $this->MOD_MENU['function']);
         $markers['CONTENT'] = $this->content;
     } else {
         // If no access or id value, create empty document
         $this->content = '<h2>' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('clickAPage_header', true) . '</h2><div>' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('clickAPage_content') . '</div>';
         // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
         $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
         $markers['CONTENT'] = $this->content;
     // Build the <body> for the module
     $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('title'));
     $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody($this->pageinfo, $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
  * End page and print content
  * @return void
  * @deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7, will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 8, use mainAction() instead
 public function printContent()
     echo $this->doc->startPage($this->titleTag) . $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content) . $this->doc->endPage();
Exemplo n.º 23
     * Main function, redering the actual content of the editing page
     * @return void
     * @todo Define visibility
    public function main()
        //TODO: change locallang*.php to locallang*.xml
        $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
        $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:file_edit.php.pagetitle'));
        // Hook	before compiling the output
        if (isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/file_edit.php']['preOutputProcessingHook'])) {
            $preOutputProcessingHook =& $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/file_edit.php']['preOutputProcessingHook'];
            if (is_array($preOutputProcessingHook)) {
                $hookParameters = array('content' => &$this->content, 'target' => &$this->target);
                foreach ($preOutputProcessingHook as $hookFunction) {
                    \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($hookFunction, $hookParameters, $this);
        $pageContent = $this->doc->header($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:file_edit.php.pagetitle') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($this->fileObject->getName()));
        $pageContent .= $this->doc->spacer(2);
        $code = '';
        $extList = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['textfile_ext'];
        if ($extList && \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::inList($extList, $this->fileObject->getExtension())) {
            // Read file content to edit:
            $fileContent = $this->fileObject->getContents();
            // Making the formfields
            $hValue = 'file_edit.php?target=' . rawurlencode($this->origTarget) . '&returnUrl=' . rawurlencode($this->returnUrl);
            // Edit textarea:
            $code .= '
				<div id="c-edit">
					<textarea rows="30" name="file[editfile][0][data]" wrap="off"' . $this->doc->formWidthText(48, 'width:98%;height:80%', 'off') . ' class="fixed-font enable-tab">' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::formatForTextarea($fileContent) . '</textarea>
					<input type="hidden" name="file[editfile][0][target]" value="' . $this->fileObject->getUid() . '" />
					<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . htmlspecialchars($hValue) . '" />
				<br />';
            // Make shortcut:
            if ($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->mayMakeShortcut()) {
                $this->MCONF['name'] = 'xMOD_file_edit.php';
                $docHeaderButtons['shortcut'] = $this->doc->makeShortcutIcon('target', '', $this->MCONF['name'], 1);
            } else {
                $docHeaderButtons['shortcut'] = '';
        } else {
            $code .= sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:file_edit.php.coundNot'), $extList);
        // Ending of section and outputting editing form:
        $pageContent .= $this->doc->sectionEnd();
        $pageContent .= $code;
        // Hook	after compiling the output
        if (isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/file_edit.php']['postOutputProcessingHook'])) {
            $postOutputProcessingHook =& $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/file_edit.php']['postOutputProcessingHook'];
            if (is_array($postOutputProcessingHook)) {
                $hookParameters = array('pageContent' => &$pageContent, 'target' => &$this->target);
                foreach ($postOutputProcessingHook as $hookFunction) {
                    \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($hookFunction, $hookParameters, $this);
        // Add the HTML as a section:
        $markerArray = array('CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'FUNC_MENU' => \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getFuncMenu($this->id, 'SET[function]', $this->MOD_SETTINGS['function'], $this->MOD_MENU['function']), 'BUTTONS' => $docHeaderButtons, 'PATH' => $this->title, 'CONTENT' => $pageContent);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markerArray);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 24
     * Main function, redering the actual content of the editing page
     * @return void
    public function main()
        $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
        $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_edit.php.pagetitle'));
        // Hook	before compiling the output
        if (isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/file_edit.php']['preOutputProcessingHook'])) {
            $preOutputProcessingHook =& $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/file_edit.php']['preOutputProcessingHook'];
            if (is_array($preOutputProcessingHook)) {
                $hookParameters = array('content' => &$this->content, 'target' => &$this->target);
                foreach ($preOutputProcessingHook as $hookFunction) {
                    GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($hookFunction, $hookParameters, $this);
        $pageContent = $this->doc->header($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_edit.php.pagetitle') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($this->fileObject->getName()));
        $pageContent .= $this->doc->spacer(2);
        $code = '';
        $extList = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['textfile_ext'];
        try {
            if (!$extList || !GeneralUtility::inList($extList, $this->fileObject->getExtension())) {
                throw new \Exception('Files with that extension are not editable.');
            // Read file content to edit:
            $fileContent = $this->fileObject->getContents();
            // Making the formfields
            $hValue = BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('file_edit', array('target' => $this->origTarget, 'returnUrl' => $this->returnUrl));
            // Edit textarea:
            $code .= '
				<div id="c-edit">
					<textarea rows="30" name="file[editfile][0][data]" wrap="off" ' . $this->doc->formWidth(48, TRUE, 'width:98%;height:80%') . ' class="text-monospace t3js-enable-tab">' . GeneralUtility::formatForTextarea($fileContent) . '</textarea>
					<input type="hidden" name="file[editfile][0][target]" value="' . $this->fileObject->getUid() . '" />
					<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . htmlspecialchars($hValue) . '" />
					' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormEngine::getHiddenTokenField('tceAction') . '
				<br />';
            // Make shortcut:
            if ($this->getBackendUser()->mayMakeShortcut()) {
                $docHeaderButtons['shortcut'] = $this->doc->makeShortcutIcon('target', '', 'file_edit', 1);
            } else {
                $docHeaderButtons['shortcut'] = '';
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $code .= sprintf($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_edit.php.coundNot'), $extList);
        // Ending of section and outputting editing form:
        $pageContent .= $this->doc->sectionEnd();
        $pageContent .= $code;
        // Hook	after compiling the output
        if (isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/file_edit.php']['postOutputProcessingHook'])) {
            $postOutputProcessingHook =& $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/file_edit.php']['postOutputProcessingHook'];
            if (is_array($postOutputProcessingHook)) {
                $hookParameters = array('pageContent' => &$pageContent, 'target' => &$this->target);
                foreach ($postOutputProcessingHook as $hookFunction) {
                    GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($hookFunction, $hookParameters, $this);
        // Add the HTML as a section:
        $markerArray = array('CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'FUNC_MENU' => '', 'BUTTONS' => $docHeaderButtons, 'PATH' => $this->title, 'CONTENT' => $pageContent);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markerArray);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
     * Creating the module output.
     * @return void
     * @todo Define visibility
    public function main()
        if ($this->id && $this->access) {
            // Init position map object:
            $posMap = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('ext_posMap');
            $posMap->cur_sys_language = $this->sys_language;
            $posMap->backPath = $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'];
            // If a column is pre-set:
            if (isset($this->colPos)) {
                if ($this->uid_pid < 0) {
                    $row = array();
                    $row['uid'] = abs($this->uid_pid);
                } else {
                    $row = '';
                $this->onClickEvent = $posMap->onClickInsertRecord($row, $this->colPos, '', $this->uid_pid, $this->sys_language);
            } else {
                $this->onClickEvent = '';
            // ***************************
            // Creating content
            // ***************************
            // use a wrapper div
            $this->content .= '<div id="user-setup-wrapper">';
            $this->content .= $this->doc->header($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('newContentElement'));
            $this->content .= $this->doc->spacer(5);
            // Wizard
            $code = '';
            $wizardItems = $this->getWizardItems();
            // Wrapper for wizards
            $this->elementWrapper['section'] = array('<ul class="contentelement-wizard list-unstyled">', '</ul>');
            // Copy wrapper for tabs
            $this->elementWrapperForTabs = $this->elementWrapper;
            // Hook for manipulating wizardItems, wrapper, onClickEvent etc.
            if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms']['db_new_content_el']['wizardItemsHook'])) {
                foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms']['db_new_content_el']['wizardItemsHook'] as $classData) {
                    $hookObject = GeneralUtility::getUserObj($classData);
                    if (!$hookObject instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Wizard\NewContentElementWizardHookInterface) {
                        throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$hookObject must implement interface TYPO3\\CMS\\Backend\\Wizard\\NewContentElementWizardHookInterface', 1227834741);
                    $hookObject->manipulateWizardItems($wizardItems, $this);
            if ($this->config['renderMode'] == 'tabs' && $this->elementWrapperForTabs != $this->elementWrapper) {
                // Restore wrapper for tabs if they are overwritten in hook
                $this->elementWrapper = $this->elementWrapperForTabs;
            // Add document inline javascript
            $this->doc->JScode = $this->doc->wrapScriptTags('
				function goToalt_doc() {	//
					' . $this->onClickEvent . '

				if(top.refreshMenu) {
				} else {
            // Traverse items for the wizard.
            // An item is either a header or an item rendered with a radio button and title/description and icon:
            $cc = $key = 0;
            $menuItems = array();
            foreach ($wizardItems as $k => $wInfo) {
                if ($wInfo['header']) {
                    $menuItems[] = array('label' => htmlspecialchars($wInfo['header']), 'content' => $this->elementWrapper['section'][0]);
                    $key = count($menuItems) - 1;
                } else {
                    $content = '';
                    if (!$this->onClickEvent) {
                        // Radio button:
                        $oC = 'document.editForm.defValues.value=unescape(\'' . rawurlencode($wInfo['params']) . '\');goToalt_doc();' . (!$this->onClickEvent ? 'window.location.hash=\'#sel2\';' : '');
                        $content .= '<div class="contentelement-wizard-item-input"><input type="radio" name="tempB" value="' . htmlspecialchars($k) . '" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars($oC) . '" /></div>';
                        // Onclick action for icon/title:
                        $aOnClick = 'document.getElementsByName(\'tempB\')[' . $cc . '].checked=1;' . $oC . 'return false;';
                    } else {
                        $aOnClick = "document.editForm.defValues.value=unescape('" . rawurlencode($wInfo['params']) . "');goToalt_doc();" . (!$this->onClickEvent ? "window.location.hash='#sel2';" : '');
                    $menuItems[$key]['content'] .= '<li>
							<div class="contentelement-wizard-item">
								' . $content . '
								<div class="contentelement-wizard-item-icon">
									<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars($aOnClick) . '">
										<img' . IconUtility::skinImg($this->doc->backPath, $wInfo['icon'], '') . ' alt="" />
								<div class="contentelement-wizard-item-text">
									<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars($aOnClick) . '">
										<strong>' . htmlspecialchars($wInfo['title']) . '</strong>
										<br />' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars(trim($wInfo['description']))) . '</a>
            // Add closing section-tag
            foreach ($menuItems as $key => $val) {
                $menuItems[$key]['content'] .= $this->elementWrapper['section'][1];
            // Add the wizard table to the content, wrapped in tabs:
            if ($this->config['renderMode'] == 'tabs') {
                $code = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('sel1', 1) . '<br /><br />' . $this->doc->getDynTabMenu($menuItems, 'new-content-element-wizard', FALSE, FALSE);
            } else {
                $code = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('sel1', 1) . '<br /><br />';
                foreach ($menuItems as $section) {
                    $code .= '<h3 class="divider">' . $section['label'] . '</h3>' . $section['content'];
            $this->content .= $this->doc->section(!$this->onClickEvent ? $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('1_selectType') : '', $code, 0, 1);
            // If the user must also select a column:
            if (!$this->onClickEvent) {
                // Add anchor "sel2"
                $this->content .= $this->doc->section('', '<a name="sel2"></a>');
                $this->content .= $this->doc->spacer(20);
                // Select position
                $code = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('sel2', 1) . '<br /><br />';
                // Load SHARED page-TSconfig settings and retrieve column list from there, if applicable:
                $modTSconfig_SHARED = BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($this->id, 'mod.SHARED');
                $colPosList = trim($modTSconfig_SHARED['properties']['colPos_list']) !== '' ? trim($modTSconfig_SHARED['properties']['colPos_list']) : '1,0,2,3';
                $colPosList = implode(',', array_unique(GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $colPosList)));
                // Removing duplicates, if any
                // Finally, add the content of the column selector to the content:
                $code .= $posMap->printContentElementColumns($this->id, 0, $colPosList, 1, $this->R_URI);
                $this->content .= $this->doc->section($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('2_selectPosition'), $code, 0, 1);
            // Close wrapper div
            $this->content .= '</div>';
        } else {
            // In case of no access:
            $this->content = '';
            $this->content .= $this->doc->header($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('newContentElement'));
            $this->content .= $this->doc->spacer(5);
        // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
        $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
        $markers['CSH'] = $docHeaderButtons['csh'];
        $markers['CONTENT'] = $this->content;
        // Build the <body> for the module
        $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('newContentElement'));
        $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody($this->pageinfo, $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->sectionEnd();
        $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Print module content (from $this->content)
  * @return void
 public function printContent()
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
     echo $this->content;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * Main module operation
  * @return void
 public function main()
     $body = '';
     // Begin edit:
     if (is_array($this->editconf)) {
         // Initialize TCEforms (rendering the forms)
         $this->tceforms = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FormEngine::class);
         $this->tceforms->doSaveFieldName = 'doSave';
         $this->tceforms->localizationMode = GeneralUtility::inList('text,media', $this->localizationMode) ? $this->localizationMode : '';
         // text,media is keywords defined in TYPO3 Core API..., see "l10n_cat"
         $this->tceforms->returnUrl = $this->R_URI;
         if ($this->editRegularContentFromId) {
         // Creating the editing form, wrap it with buttons, document selector etc.
         $editForm = $this->makeEditForm();
         if ($editForm) {
             $this->firstEl = reset($this->elementsData);
             // Checking if the currently open document is stored in the list of "open documents" - if not, then add it:
             if (($this->docDat[1] !== $this->storeUrlMd5 || !isset($this->docHandler[$this->storeUrlMd5])) && !$this->dontStoreDocumentRef) {
                 $this->docHandler[$this->storeUrlMd5] = array($this->storeTitle, $this->storeArray, $this->storeUrl, $this->firstEl);
                 $this->getBackendUser()->pushModuleData('FormEngine', array($this->docHandler, $this->storeUrlMd5));
                 BackendUtility::setUpdateSignal('OpendocsController::updateNumber', count($this->docHandler));
             // Module configuration
             $this->modTSconfig = $this->viewId ? BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($this->viewId, 'mod.xMOD_alt_doc') : array();
             $body = $this->tceforms->printNeededJSFunctions_top();
             $body .= $this->compileForm($editForm);
             $body .= $this->tceforms->printNeededJSFunctions();
     // Access check...
     // The page will show only if there is a valid page and if this page may be viewed by the user
     $this->pageinfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($this->viewId, $this->perms_clause);
     // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
     $docHeaderButtons = $this->getButtons();
     $markers = array('LANGSELECTOR' => $this->langSelector(), 'EXTRAHEADER' => $this->extraFormHeaders(), 'CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'CONTENT' => $body);
     // Build the <body> for the module
     $this->content = $this->doc->startPage('TYPO3 Edit Document');
     $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody($this->pageinfo, $docHeaderButtons, $markers);
     $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
Exemplo n.º 28
  * Print module content (from $this->content)
  * @return void
  * @deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7, will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 8
 public function printContent()
     $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
     echo $this->content;
Exemplo n.º 29
     * Main function, rendering the main module content
     * @return void
    public function main()
        $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
        // Start content compilation
        $this->content .= $this->doc->startPage($lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_newfolder.php.pagetitle'));
        // Make page header:
        $pageContent = $this->doc->header($lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_newfolder.php.pagetitle'));
        if ($this->folderObject->checkActionPermission('add')) {
            $code = '<form role="form" action="' . htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('tce_file')) . '" method="post" name="editform">';
            // Making the selector box for the number of concurrent folder-creations
            $this->number = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($this->number, 1, 10);
            $code .= '
				<div class="form-group">
					<div class="form-section">
						<div class="form-group">
							<label for="number-of-new-folders">' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_newfolder.php.number_of_folders') . ' ' . BackendUtility::cshItem('xMOD_csh_corebe', 'file_newfolder') . '</label>
							<div class="form-control-wrap">
								<div class="input-group">
									<select class="form-control form-control-adapt" name="number" id="number-of-new-folders" onchange="reload(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">';
            for ($a = 1; $a <= $this->folderNumber; $a++) {
                $code .= '<option value="' . $a . '"' . ($this->number == $a ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $a . '</option>';
            $code .= '
            // Making the number of new-folder boxes needed:
            for ($a = 0; $a < $this->number; $a++) {
                $code .= '
					<div class="form-section">
						<div class="form-group">
							<label for="folder_new_' . $a . '">' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_newfolder.php.label_newfolder') . ' ' . ($a + 1) . ':</label>
							<div class="form-control-wrap">
								<input type="text" class="form-control" id="folder_new_' . $a . '" name="file[newfolder][' . $a . '][data]" onchange="changed=true;" />
								<input type="hidden" name="file[newfolder][' . $a . '][target]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->target) . '" />
            // Making submit button for folder creation:
            $code .= '
				</div><div class="form-group">
					<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_newfolder.php.submit', TRUE) . '" />
					<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->returnUrl) . '" />
					' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormEngine::getHiddenTokenField('tceAction') . '
            // Switching form tags:
            $pageContent .= $this->doc->section($lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_newfolder.php.newfolders'), $code);
            $pageContent .= $this->doc->sectionEnd() . '</form>';
        if ($this->folderObject->getStorage()->checkUserActionPermission('add', 'File')) {
            $pageContent .= '<form action="' . BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('tce_file') . '" method="post" name="editform2">';
            // Create a list of allowed file extensions with the nice format "*.jpg, *.gif" etc.
            $fileExtList = array();
            $textFileExt = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['textfile_ext'], TRUE);
            foreach ($textFileExt as $fileExt) {
                if (!preg_match('/' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['fileDenyPattern'] . '/i', '.' . $fileExt)) {
                    $fileExtList[] = '<span class="label label-success">' . strtoupper(htmlspecialchars($fileExt)) . '</span>';
            // Add form fields for creation of a new, blank text file:
            $code = '
				<div class="form-group">
					<div class="form-section">
						<div class="form-group">
							<label for="newfile">' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_newfolder.php.label_newfile') . ' ' . BackendUtility::cshItem('xMOD_csh_corebe', 'file_newfile') . '</label>
							<div class="form-control-wrap">
								<input class="form-control" type="text" id="newfile" name="file[newfile][0][data]" onchange="changed=true;" />
								<input type="hidden" name="file[newfile][0][target]" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->target) . '" />
							<div class="help-block">
								' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:cm.allowedFileExtensions') . '<br>
								' . implode(' ', $fileExtList) . '
            // Submit button for creation of a new file:
            $code .= '
				<div class="form-group">
					<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_newfolder.php.newfile_submit', TRUE) . '" />
					<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->returnUrl) . '" />
					' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormEngine::getHiddenTokenField('tceAction') . '
            $pageContent .= $this->doc->section($lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:file_newfolder.php.newfile'), $code);
            $pageContent .= $this->doc->sectionEnd();
            $pageContent .= '</form>';
        $docHeaderButtons = array('back' => '');
        // Back
        if ($this->returnUrl) {
            $docHeaderButtons['back'] = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::linkThisUrl($this->returnUrl)) . '" class="typo3-goBack" title="' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.goBack', TRUE) . '">' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-view-go-back') . '</a>';
        // Add the HTML as a section:
        $markerArray = array('CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'], 'FUNC_MENU' => '', 'CONTENT' => $pageContent, 'PATH' => $this->title);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(array(), $docHeaderButtons, $markerArray);
        $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
        $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
  * End page and print content
  * @return void
 public function printContent()
     echo $this->doc->startPage('') . $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content) . $this->doc->endPage();