Exemplo n.º 1
  * Handle AJAX calls to show a new inline-record of the given table.
  * @param string $domObjectId The calling object in hierarchy, that requested a new record.
  * @param string|int $foreignUid If set, the new record should be inserted after that one.
  * @return array An array to be used for JSON
 protected function renderInlineNewChildRecord($domObjectId, $foreignUid)
     // The current table - for this table we should add/import records
     $current = $this->inlineStackProcessor->getUnstableStructure();
     // The parent table - this table embeds the current table
     $parent = $this->inlineStackProcessor->getStructureLevel(-1);
     $config = $parent['config'];
     if (empty($config['foreign_table']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'][$config['foreign_table']])) {
         return $this->getErrorMessageForAJAX('Wrong configuration in table ' . $parent['table']);
     $inlineRelatedRecordResolver = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(InlineRelatedRecordResolver::class);
     $config = FormEngineUtility::mergeInlineConfiguration($config);
     $collapseAll = isset($config['appearance']['collapseAll']) && $config['appearance']['collapseAll'];
     $expandSingle = isset($config['appearance']['expandSingle']) && $config['appearance']['expandSingle'];
     $inlineFirstPid = FormEngineUtility::getInlineFirstPidFromDomObjectId($domObjectId);
     // Dynamically create a new record using \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\DataPreprocessor
     if (!$foreignUid || !MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($foreignUid) || $config['foreign_selector']) {
         $record = $inlineRelatedRecordResolver->getNewRecord($inlineFirstPid, $current['table']);
         // Set default values for new created records
         if (isset($config['foreign_record_defaults']) && is_array($config['foreign_record_defaults'])) {
             $foreignTableConfig = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$current['table']];
             // The following system relevant fields can't be set by foreign_record_defaults
             $notSettableFields = array('uid', 'pid', 't3ver_oid', 't3ver_id', 't3ver_label', 't3ver_wsid', 't3ver_state', 't3ver_stage', 't3ver_count', 't3ver_tstamp', 't3ver_move_id');
             $configurationKeysForNotSettableFields = array('crdate', 'cruser_id', 'delete', 'origUid', 'transOrigDiffSourceField', 'transOrigPointerField', 'tstamp');
             foreach ($configurationKeysForNotSettableFields as $configurationKey) {
                 if (isset($foreignTableConfig['ctrl'][$configurationKey])) {
                     $notSettableFields[] = $foreignTableConfig['ctrl'][$configurationKey];
             foreach ($config['foreign_record_defaults'] as $fieldName => $defaultValue) {
                 if (isset($foreignTableConfig['columns'][$fieldName]) && !in_array($fieldName, $notSettableFields)) {
                     $record[$fieldName] = $defaultValue;
         // Set language of new child record to the language of the parent record:
         if ($parent['localizationMode'] === 'select') {
             $parentRecord = $inlineRelatedRecordResolver->getRecord($parent['table'], $parent['uid']);
             $parentLanguageField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$parent['table']]['ctrl']['languageField'];
             $childLanguageField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$current['table']]['ctrl']['languageField'];
             if ($parentRecord[$parentLanguageField] > 0) {
                 $record[$childLanguageField] = $parentRecord[$parentLanguageField];
     } else {
         // @todo: Check this: Else also hits if $foreignUid = 0?
         $record = $inlineRelatedRecordResolver->getRecord($current['table'], $foreignUid);
     // Now there is a foreign_selector, so there is a new record on the intermediate table, but
     // this intermediate table holds a field, which is responsible for the foreign_selector, so
     // we have to set this field to the uid we get - or if none, to a new uid
     if ($config['foreign_selector'] && $foreignUid) {
         $selConfig = FormEngineUtility::getInlinePossibleRecordsSelectorConfig($config, $config['foreign_selector']);
         // For a selector of type group/db, prepend the tablename (<tablename>_<uid>):
         $record[$config['foreign_selector']] = $selConfig['type'] != 'groupdb' ? '' : $selConfig['table'] . '_';
         $record[$config['foreign_selector']] .= $foreignUid;
         if ($selConfig['table'] === 'sys_file') {
             $fileRecord = $inlineRelatedRecordResolver->getRecord($selConfig['table'], $foreignUid);
             if ($fileRecord !== FALSE && !$this->checkInlineFileTypeAccessForField($selConfig, $fileRecord)) {
                 return $this->getErrorMessageForAJAX('File extension ' . $fileRecord['extension'] . ' is not allowed here!');
     // The HTML-object-id's prefix of the dynamically created record
     $objectName = $this->inlineStackProcessor->getCurrentStructureDomObjectIdPrefix($inlineFirstPid);
     $objectPrefix = $objectName . '-' . $current['table'];
     $objectId = $objectPrefix . '-' . $record['uid'];
     $options = $this->getConfigurationOptionsForChildElements();
     $options['databaseRow'] = array('uid' => $parent['uid']);
     $options['inlineFirstPid'] = $inlineFirstPid;
     $options['inlineRelatedRecordToRender'] = $record;
     $options['inlineRelatedRecordConfig'] = $config;
     $options['inlineStructure'] = $this->inlineStackProcessor->getStructure();
     $options['isAjaxContext'] = TRUE;
     $options['renderType'] = 'inlineRecordContainer';
     $childArray = $this->nodeFactory->create($options)->render();
     if ($childArray === FALSE) {
         return $this->getErrorMessageForAJAX('Access denied');
     $jsonArray = array('data' => $childArray['html'], 'scriptCall' => array());
     if (!$current['uid']) {
         $jsonArray['scriptCall'][] = 'inline.domAddNewRecord(\'bottom\',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($objectName . '_records') . ',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($objectPrefix) . ',json.data);';
         $jsonArray['scriptCall'][] = 'inline.memorizeAddRecord(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($objectPrefix) . ',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($record['uid']) . ',null,' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($foreignUid) . ');';
     } else {
         $jsonArray['scriptCall'][] = 'inline.domAddNewRecord(\'after\',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($domObjectId . '_div') . ',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($objectPrefix) . ',json.data);';
         $jsonArray['scriptCall'][] = 'inline.memorizeAddRecord(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($objectPrefix) . ',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($record['uid']) . ',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($current['uid']) . ',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($foreignUid) . ');';
     $jsonArray = $this->getInlineAjaxCommonScriptCalls($jsonArray, $config, $inlineFirstPid);
     // Collapse all other records if requested:
     if (!$collapseAll && $expandSingle) {
         $jsonArray['scriptCall'][] = 'inline.collapseAllRecords(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($objectId) . ', ' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($objectPrefix) . ', ' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($record['uid']) . ');';
     // Tell the browser to scroll to the newly created record
     $jsonArray['scriptCall'][] = 'Element.scrollTo(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($objectId . '_div') . ');';
     // Fade out and fade in the new record in the browser view to catch the user's eye
     $jsonArray['scriptCall'][] = 'inline.fadeOutFadeIn(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($objectId . '_div') . ');';
     return $jsonArray;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Entry method
  * @return array As defined in initializeResultArray() of AbstractNode
 public function render()
     $languageService = $this->getLanguageService();
     $this->inlineData = $this->globalOptions['inlineData'];
     /** @var InlineStackProcessor $inlineStackProcessor */
     $inlineStackProcessor = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(InlineStackProcessor::class);
     $this->inlineStackProcessor = $inlineStackProcessor;
     $table = $this->globalOptions['table'];
     $row = $this->globalOptions['databaseRow'];
     $field = $this->globalOptions['fieldName'];
     $parameterArray = $this->globalOptions['parameterArray'];
     $resultArray = $this->initializeResultArray();
     $html = '';
     // An inline field must have a foreign_table, if not, stop all further inline actions for this field
     if (!$parameterArray['fieldConf']['config']['foreign_table'] || !is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'][$parameterArray['fieldConf']['config']['foreign_table']])) {
         return $resultArray;
     $config = FormEngineUtility::mergeInlineConfiguration($parameterArray['fieldConf']['config']);
     $foreign_table = $config['foreign_table'];
     $language = 0;
     if (BackendUtility::isTableLocalizable($table)) {
         $language = (int) $row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['languageField']];
     $minItems = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($config['minitems'], 0);
     $maxItems = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($config['maxitems'], 0);
     if (!$maxItems) {
         $maxItems = 100000;
     // Add the current inline job to the structure stack
     $newStructureItem = array('table' => $table, 'uid' => $row['uid'], 'field' => $field, 'config' => $config, 'localizationMode' => BackendUtility::getInlineLocalizationMode($table, $config));
     // Extract FlexForm parts (if any) from element name, e.g. array('vDEF', 'lDEF', 'FlexField', 'vDEF')
     if (!empty($parameterArray['itemFormElName'])) {
         $flexFormParts = FormEngineUtility::extractFlexFormParts($parameterArray['itemFormElName']);
         if ($flexFormParts !== NULL) {
             $newStructureItem['flexform'] = $flexFormParts;
     // e.g. data[<table>][<uid>][<field>]
     $nameForm = $inlineStackProcessor->getCurrentStructureFormPrefix();
     // e.g. data-<pid>-<table1>-<uid1>-<field1>-<table2>-<uid2>-<field2>
     $nameObject = $inlineStackProcessor->getCurrentStructureDomObjectIdPrefix($this->globalOptions['inlineFirstPid']);
     // Get the records related to this inline record
     $inlineRelatedRecordResolver = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(InlineRelatedRecordResolver::class);
     $relatedRecords = $inlineRelatedRecordResolver->getRelatedRecords($table, $field, $row, $parameterArray, $config, $this->globalOptions['inlineFirstPid']);
     // Set the first and last record to the config array
     $relatedRecordsUids = array_keys($relatedRecords['records']);
     $config['inline']['first'] = reset($relatedRecordsUids);
     $config['inline']['last'] = end($relatedRecordsUids);
     $top = $inlineStackProcessor->getStructureLevel(0);
     $this->inlineData['config'][$nameObject] = array('table' => $foreign_table, 'md5' => md5($nameObject));
     $this->inlineData['config'][$nameObject . '-' . $foreign_table] = array('min' => $minItems, 'max' => $maxItems, 'sortable' => $config['appearance']['useSortable'], 'top' => array('table' => $top['table'], 'uid' => $top['uid']), 'context' => array('config' => $config, 'hmac' => GeneralUtility::hmac(serialize($config))));
     $this->inlineData['nested'][$nameObject] = $this->globalOptions['tabAndInlineStack'];
     // If relations are required to be unique, get the uids that have already been used on the foreign side of the relation
     if ($config['foreign_unique']) {
         // If uniqueness *and* selector are set, they should point to the same field - so, get the configuration of one:
         $selConfig = FormEngineUtility::getInlinePossibleRecordsSelectorConfig($config, $config['foreign_unique']);
         // Get the used unique ids:
         $uniqueIds = $this->getUniqueIds($relatedRecords['records'], $config, $selConfig['type'] == 'groupdb');
         $possibleRecords = $this->getPossibleRecords($table, $field, $row, $config, 'foreign_unique');
         $uniqueMax = $config['appearance']['useCombination'] || $possibleRecords === FALSE ? -1 : count($possibleRecords);
         $this->inlineData['unique'][$nameObject . '-' . $foreign_table] = array('max' => $uniqueMax, 'used' => $uniqueIds, 'type' => $selConfig['type'], 'table' => $config['foreign_table'], 'elTable' => $selConfig['table'], 'field' => $config['foreign_unique'], 'selector' => $selConfig['selector'], 'possible' => $this->getPossibleRecordsFlat($possibleRecords));
     $resultArray['inlineData'] = $this->inlineData;
     // Render the localization links
     $localizationLinks = '';
     if ($language > 0 && $row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField']] > 0 && MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($row['uid'])) {
         // Add the "Localize all records" link before all child records:
         if (isset($config['appearance']['showAllLocalizationLink']) && $config['appearance']['showAllLocalizationLink']) {
             $localizationLinks .= ' ' . $this->getLevelInteractionLink('localize', $nameObject . '-' . $foreign_table, $config);
         // Add the "Synchronize with default language" link before all child records:
         if (isset($config['appearance']['showSynchronizationLink']) && $config['appearance']['showSynchronizationLink']) {
             $localizationLinks .= ' ' . $this->getLevelInteractionLink('synchronize', $nameObject . '-' . $foreign_table, $config);
     // Define how to show the "Create new record" link - if there are more than maxitems, hide it
     if ($relatedRecords['count'] >= $maxItems || $uniqueMax > 0 && $relatedRecords['count'] >= $uniqueMax) {
         $config['inline']['inlineNewButtonStyle'] = 'display: none;';
         $config['inline']['inlineNewRelationButtonStyle'] = 'display: none;';
     // Render the level links (create new record):
     $levelLinks = $this->getLevelInteractionLink('newRecord', $nameObject . '-' . $foreign_table, $config);
     // Wrap all inline fields of a record with a <div> (like a container)
     $html .= '<div class="form-group" id="' . $nameObject . '">';
     // Add the level links before all child records:
     if ($config['appearance']['levelLinksPosition'] === 'both' || $config['appearance']['levelLinksPosition'] === 'top') {
         $html .= '<div class="form-group t3js-formengine-validation-marker">' . $levelLinks . $localizationLinks . '</div>';
     // If it's required to select from possible child records (reusable children), add a selector box
     if ($config['foreign_selector'] && $config['appearance']['showPossibleRecordsSelector'] !== FALSE) {
         // If not already set by the foreign_unique, set the possibleRecords here and the uniqueIds to an empty array
         if (!$config['foreign_unique']) {
             $possibleRecords = $this->getPossibleRecords($table, $field, $row, $config);
             $uniqueIds = array();
         $selectorBox = $this->renderPossibleRecordsSelector($possibleRecords, $config, $uniqueIds);
         $html .= $selectorBox . $localizationLinks;
     $title = $languageService->sL($parameterArray['fieldConf']['label']);
     $html .= '<div class="panel-group panel-hover" data-title="' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '" id="' . $nameObject . '_records">';
     $relationList = array();
     if (!empty($relatedRecords['records'])) {
         foreach ($relatedRecords['records'] as $rec) {
             $options = $this->globalOptions;
             $options['inlineRelatedRecordToRender'] = $rec;
             $options['inlineRelatedRecordConfig'] = $config;
             $options['inlineData'] = $this->inlineData;
             $options['inlineStructure'] = $inlineStackProcessor->getStructure();
             $options['renderType'] = 'inlineRecordContainer';
             /** @var NodeFactory $nodeFactory */
             $nodeFactory = $this->globalOptions['nodeFactory'];
             $childArray = $nodeFactory->create($options)->render();
             $html .= $childArray['html'];
             $childArray['html'] = '';
             $resultArray = $this->mergeChildReturnIntoExistingResult($resultArray, $childArray);
             if (!isset($rec['__virtual']) || !$rec['__virtual']) {
                 $relationList[] = $rec['uid'];
     $html .= '</div>';
     // Add the level links after all child records:
     if ($config['appearance']['levelLinksPosition'] === 'both' || $config['appearance']['levelLinksPosition'] === 'bottom') {
         $html .= $levelLinks . $localizationLinks;
     if (is_array($config['customControls'])) {
         $html .= '<div id="' . $nameObject . '_customControls">';
         foreach ($config['customControls'] as $customControlConfig) {
             $parameters = array('table' => $table, 'field' => $field, 'row' => $row, 'nameObject' => $nameObject, 'nameForm' => $nameForm, 'config' => $config);
             $html .= GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($customControlConfig, $parameters, $this);
         $html .= '</div>';
     // Add Drag&Drop functions for sorting to FormEngine::$additionalJS_post
     if (count($relationList) > 1 && $config['appearance']['useSortable']) {
         $resultArray['additionalJavaScriptPost'][] = 'inline.createDragAndDropSorting("' . $nameObject . '_records' . '");';
     // Publish the uids of the child records in the given order to the browser
     $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $nameForm . '" value="' . implode(',', $relationList) . '" ' . $this->getValidationDataAsDataAttribute(array('type' => 'inline', 'minitems' => $minItems, 'maxitems' => $maxItems)) . ' class="inlineRecord" />';
     // Close the wrap for all inline fields (container)
     $html .= '</div>';
     $resultArray['html'] = $html;
     return $resultArray;