Exemplo n.º 1
  * Handles the changelog page.
 public function changelogAction()
     // Fetch issues
     $issues = [];
     $query = Ticket::select('t.summary', 't.ticket_id', 't.milestone_id', 't.type_id')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'types', 'type', 'type.id = t.type_id')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'statuses', 'status', 'status.id = t.status_id')->where('t.project_id = ?')->andWhere('type.show_on_changelog = 1')->andWhere('status.show_on_changelog = 1')->orderBy('t.type_id', 'ASC')->setParameter(0, $this->currentProject['id'])->execute();
     // Index issues by milestone ID
     foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $row) {
         $issues[$row['milestone_id']][] = $row;
     // Fetch complete milestones
     $milestones = Milestone::select('m.id', 'm.name', 'm.slug')->where('m.project_id = ?')->andWhere('m.status = 2')->orderBy('m.display_order', 'DESC')->setParameter(0, $this->currentProject['id'])->execute()->fetchAll();
     // Combine issues and milestones into a single array
     foreach ($milestones as $index => $milestone) {
         $milestones[$index]['changes'] = isset($issues[$milestone['id']]) ? $issues[$milestone['id']] : [];
     // Fetch ticket types
     $types = [];
     $query = queryBuilder()->select('id', 'bullet')->from(PREFIX . 'types')->execute();
     foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $row) {
         $types[$row['id']] = $row['bullet'];
     return $this->respondTo(function ($format) use($milestones, $types) {
         if ($format == 'html') {
             return $this->render('projects/changelog.phtml', ['milestones' => $milestones, 'types' => $types]);
         } elseif ($format == 'txt') {
             $resp = $this->render('projects/changelog.txt.php', ['_layout' => false, 'milestones' => $milestones]);
             $resp->contentType = 'text/plain';
             return $resp;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Toggles the state of a task.
  * @param integer $ticket_id
  * @param integer $task_id
 public function action_toggle($ticket_id, $task_id)
     if (current_user()->permission($this->project->id, 'ticket_properties_complete_tasks')) {
         // Get ticket, update task and save
         $ticket = Ticket::select()->where('project_id', $this->project->id)->where('ticket_id', $ticket_id)->exec()->fetch();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Dashboard index page.
 public function indexAction()
     // Check for update
     $lastUpdateCheck = Setting::find('setting', 'last_update_check');
     if ($lastUpdateCheck->value <= time() - 86400) {
         $lastUpdateCheck->value = time();
     // Get information
     $info = ['users' => User::select('id')->rowCount(), 'newestUser' => User::select('id', 'name')->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->execute()->fetch(), 'projects' => User::select('id')->rowCount()];
     // Issues
     $info['tickets'] = ['open' => Ticket::select('id')->where('is_closed = ?')->setParameter(0, 0)->rowCount(), 'closed' => Ticket::select('id')->where('is_closed = ?')->setParameter(0, 1)->rowCount()];
     return $this->render('admin/dashboard/index.phtml', $info);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Toggles the subscription.
  * @param string  $type Subscription type (Project, Milestone, Ticket)
  * @param integer $id   Subscribed object ID
 public function action_toggle($type, $id)
     switch ($type) {
         // Project
         case 'project':
             // Delete subscription
             if (is_subscribed($this->user, $this->project)) {
                 $sub = Subscription::select()->where(array(array('project_id', $this->project->id), array('user_id', $this->user->id), array('type', 'project')))->exec()->fetch();
             } else {
                 $sub = new Subscription(array('type' => "project", 'project_id' => $this->project->id, 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'object_id' => $this->project->id));
             // Milestone
         // Milestone
         case 'milestone':
             // Get milestone
             $milestone = Milestone::select()->where(array(array('project_id', $this->project->id), array('slug', $id)))->exec()->fetch();
             // Delete subscription
             if (is_subscribed($this->user, $milestone)) {
                 $sub = Subscription::select()->where(array(array('project_id', $this->project->id), array('user_id', $this->user->id), array('type', 'milestone'), array('object_id', $milestone->id)))->exec()->fetch();
             } else {
                 $sub = new Subscription(array('type' => "milestone", 'project_id' => $this->project->id, 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'object_id' => $milestone->id));
             // Milestone
         // Milestone
         case 'ticket':
             // Get ticket
             $ticket = Ticket::select()->where(array(array('project_id', $this->project->id), array('ticket_id', $id)))->exec()->fetch();
             // Delete subscription
             if (is_subscribed($this->user, $ticket)) {
                 $sub = Subscription::select()->where(array(array('project_id', $this->project->id), array('user_id', $this->user->id), array('type', 'ticket'), array('object_id', $ticket->id)))->exec()->fetch();
             } else {
                 $sub = new Subscription(array('type' => "ticket", 'project_id' => $this->project->id, 'user_id' => $this->user->id, 'object_id' => $ticket->id));
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Save ticket description form.
  * @param integer $id ticket_id
 public function saveDescriptionAction($id)
     $ticket = Ticket::select()->where('ticket_id = ?')->andWhere('project_id = ?')->setParameter(0, $id)->setParameter(1, $this->currentProject['id'])->fetch();
     $ticket->body = Request::$post->get('body');
     return $this->redirectTo('ticket', ['pslug' => $this->currentProject['slug'], 'id' => $ticket['ticket_id']]);
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Get a query builder object pre-built with all the necessary ticket information.
function ticketQuery()
    // $ticket = queryBuilder()->select(
    $ticket = Ticket::select('t.id', 't.ticket_id', 't.summary', 't.user_id', 't.milestone_id', 't.version_id', 't.component_id', 't.type_id', 't.status_id', 't.priority_id', 't.severity_id', 't.assigned_to_id', 't.votes', 't.created_at', 't.updated_at', 'u.name AS user_name', 'm.name AS milestone_name', 'm.slug AS milestone_slug', 'v.name AS version_name', 'v.slug AS version_slug', 'c.name AS component_name', 'tp.name AS type_name', 's.name AS status_name', 'p.name AS priority_name', 'sv.name AS severity_name', 'at.name AS assigned_to_name')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'users', 'u', 'u.id = t.user_id')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'milestones', 'm', 'm.id = t.milestone_id')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'milestones', 'v', 'v.id = t.version_id')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'components', 'c', 'c.id = t.component_id')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'types', 'tp', 'tp.id = t.type_id')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'statuses', 's', 's.id = t.status_id')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'priorities', 'p', 'p.id = t.priority_id')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'severities', 'sv', 'sv.id = t.severity_id')->leftJoin('t', PREFIX . 'users', 'at', 'at.id = t.assigned_to_id');
    return $ticket;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Returns an array containing the open, started and closed ticket count queries.
  * @return array
 protected function getTicketCountQueries()
     // Open ticket count
     $openQuery = Ticket::select('COUNT(t.id)')->where('t.milestone_id = m.id')->andWhere('t.is_closed = :open_count_is_closed');
     // Started ticket count
     $startedQuery = Ticket::select('COUNT(t.id)')->where('t.milestone_id = m.id')->andWhere('s.status = 2')->leftJoin('t', Status::tableName(), 's', 's.id = t.status_id');
     // Closed query count
     $closedQuery = Ticket::select('COUNT(t.id)')->where('t.milestone_id = m.id')->andWhere('t.is_closed = :closed_count_is_closed');
     return [$openQuery, $startedQuery, $closedQuery];