mustRun() public method

This is identical to run() except that an exception is thrown if the process exits with a non-zero exit code.
public mustRun ( callable $callback = null ) : self
$callback callable
return self
Exemplo n.º 1
  * Runs a process and returns the output.
  * @param Process $process
  * @return string
 public function run(Process $process, $returnOutput = true)
     if ($returnOutput) {
         return $this->getProcessOutput($process);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param Process     $process
  * @param bool        $mustRun
  * @param bool        $quiet
  * @return int|string
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function runProcess(Process $process, $mustRun = false, $quiet = true)
     $this->output->writeln("Running command: <info>" . $process->getCommandLine() . "</info>", OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE);
     try {
         $process->mustRun($quiet ? null : function ($type, $buffer) {
             $this->output->write(preg_replace('/^/m', '  ', $buffer));
     } catch (ProcessFailedException $e) {
         if (!$mustRun) {
             return $process->getExitCode();
         // The default for ProcessFailedException is to print the entire
         // STDOUT and STDERR. But if $quiet is disabled, then the user will
         // have already seen the command's output.  So we need to re-throw
         // the exception with a much shorter message.
         $message = "The command failed with the exit code: " . $process->getExitCode();
         $message .= "\n\nFull command: " . $process->getCommandLine();
         if ($quiet) {
             $message .= "\n\nError output:\n" . $process->getErrorOutput();
         throw new \Exception($message);
     $output = $process->getOutput();
     return $output ? rtrim($output) : true;
  * Runs the given string as a command and returns the resulting output.
  * The CWD is set to the root project directory to simplify command paths.
  * @param string $command
  * @return string
  * @throws ProcessFailedException in case the command execution is not successful
 private function runCommand($command, $workingDirectory = null)
     $process = new Process($command);
     $process->setWorkingDirectory($workingDirectory ?: $this->rootDir);
     return $process->getOutput();
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $command = $this->commandStringBuilder->build($this->config);
     $outputPath = $this->config->outputPath();
     if (file_exists($outputPath)) {
     if ($this->config->debug()) {
         $this->output->block('[DEBUG] Running command: ' . $command);
     if (empty(shell_exec("which mysqldump"))) {
         throw new MissingDependency('mysqldump is not available');
     if (is_executable($this->config->converterExecutable()) === false) {
         $process = new Process('chmod +x ' . $this->config->converterExecutable());
     $process = new Process($command);
     $outputFilter = $this->outputFilter;
     $process->mustRun(function ($type, $output) use($outputFilter) {
         // some things are expected, so we'll hide that
         // to avoid misleading warnings/errors
         $output = $outputFilter->filter($output);
         if ($output != null) {
             if (Process::ERR === $type) {
                 echo 'ERR > ' . $output;
             } else {
                 echo 'OUT > ' . $output;
     $this->output->success('Dump created at ' . $outputPath);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @param string $name
  * @param array  $arguments
  * @throws GulpBadTaskConfigurationException
  * @throws GulpUndefinedTaskException
 public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
     $taskName = Inflector::camelCaseToDaseCase($name);
     /** @var Event $event */
     list($event) = $arguments;
     $gulpTasks = self::getOption('gulp-tasks', $event);
     if (!isset($gulpTasks[$taskName])) {
         throw new GulpUndefinedTaskException(sprintf('Gulp %s task is not defined.', $taskName));
     // get gulp options
     $gulpBin = self::getOption('gulp-bin', $event);
     $logPrepend = self::getOption('gulp-log-prepend', $event);
     // get task options
     $taskOptions = $gulpTasks[$taskName];
     if (empty($taskOptions['command'])) {
         throw new GulpBadTaskConfigurationException(sprintf('Gulp %s task command option must be defined.', $taskName));
     $command = [$gulpBin, $taskOptions['command'], isset($taskOptions['params']) ? $taskOptions['params'] : ''];
     $failOnError = empty($taskOptions['fail-on-error']) ? false : $taskOptions['fail-on-error'];
     if (!$failOnError) {
         $command[] = '|| true';
     // execute process
     $process = new Process(implode(' ', $command), null, null, null, null, []);
     $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) use($event, $logPrepend) {
         self::writeProcessBuffer($type, $buffer, $event, $logPrepend);
Exemplo n.º 6
    public function mustRun(array $commands, $timeout = 60)
        $command_format = <<<SHELL
        $formatted_commands = $this->formatCommands($commands, $command_format);
        $shell = <<<SHELL
set -e
set -u

        $log_service = $this->log_service;
        $process = new Process($shell);
        $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) use($log_service) {
            if (Process::ERR === $type) {
            } else {
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @param Event $event
 public static function report(Event $event)
     $bin = self::getOption('phpcpd-bin', $event);
     $include = self::getOption('phpcpd-include', $event);
     $exclude = self::getOption('phpcpd-exclude', $event);
     $xmlReportFile = self::getOption('phpcpd-xml-report-file', $event);
     $minLines = self::getOption('phpcpd-min-lines', $event);
     $minTokens = self::getOption('phpcpd-min-tokens', $event);
     $failOnError = self::getOption('phpcpd-fail-on-error', $event);
     $logPrepend = self::getOption('phpcpd-log-prepend', $event);
     $command = array($bin, '--no-interaction', '--min-lines ' . $minLines, '--min-tokens ' . $minTokens);
     if ($xmlReportFile) {
         $command[] = '--log-pmd ' . self::getReportResultsPath($event) . '/' . $xmlReportFile;
     if ($exclude) {
         $command[] = '--exclude ' . implode(' ', $exclude);
     $command[] = implode(' ', $include);
     if (!$failOnError) {
         $command[] = '|| true';
     $process = new Process(implode(' ', $command), null, null, null, null, []);
     $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) use($event, $logPrepend) {
         self::writeProcessBuffer($type, $buffer, $event, $logPrepend);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function mustRun($callback = null)
     // Check for problems with output.
     return $this;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @param string $path
  * @param Event  $event
 protected static function runFix($path, Event $event)
     $bin = self::getOption('phpcsfixer-bin', $event);
     $failOnError = self::getOption('phpcsfixer-fail-on-error', $event);
     $logPrepend = self::getOption('phpcsfixer-log-prepend', $event);
     $level = self::getOption('phpcsfixer-level', $event);
     $fixers = self::getOption('phpcsfixer-fixers', $event);
     $config = self::getOption('phpcsfixer-config', $event);
     $dryRun = self::getOption('phpcsfixer-dry-run', $event);
     $command = array($bin, 'fix', $path);
     if ($level) {
         $command[] = '--level=' . $level;
     if (!empty($fixers) && is_array($fixers)) {
         $command[] = '--fixers=' . implode(',', $fixers);
     if ($config) {
         $command[] = '--config=' . $config;
     if ($dryRun === true) {
         $command[] = '--dry-run';
     if (!$failOnError) {
         $command[] = '|| true';
     $process = new Process(implode(' ', $command), null, null, null, null, []);
     $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) use($event, $logPrepend) {
         self::writeProcessBuffer($type, $buffer, $event, $logPrepend);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @param Event $event
 public static function report(Event $event)
     $bin = self::getOption('phpcs-bin', $event);
     $include = self::getOption('phpcs-include', $event);
     $exclude = self::getOption('phpcs-exclude', $event);
     $report = self::getOption('phpcs-report', $event);
     $xmlReportFile = self::getOption('phpcs-xml-report-file', $event);
     $standard = self::getOption('phpcs-standard', $event);
     $failOnError = self::getOption('phpcs-fail-on-error', $event);
     $logPrepend = self::getOption('phpcs-log-prepend', $event);
     $command = array($bin, '--report=' . $report, '--standard=' . $standard);
     if ($xmlReportFile) {
         $command[] = '--report-file=' . self::getReportResultsPath($event) . '/' . $xmlReportFile;
     if ($exclude) {
         $command[] = implode(' ', array_map(function ($element) {
             return '--ignore=' . $element;
         }, $exclude));
     $command[] = implode(' ', $include);
     if (!$failOnError) {
         $command[] = '|| true';
     $process = new Process(implode(' ', $command), null, null, null, null, []);
     $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) use($event, $logPrepend) {
         self::writeProcessBuffer($type, $buffer, $event, $logPrepend);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * @param Project $project
  * @return string
  * @throws DeployException
 public function deploy(Project $project)
     $path = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/AwesomeDeployer';
     $process = new Process('git clone ' . $project->getRepo() . ' project');
     $out = $process->getOutput();
     $pathProject = $path . '/project';
     $script = $project->getScript();
     if ($script !== null) {
         $script = new Process($script);
         $out .= $script->getOutput();
     switch ($project->getStrategy()) {
         case Project::STRATEGY_FABRIC:
             $command = $project->getCommand();
             throw new DeployException('Strategy not supported');
     $deployment = new Process($command);
     $out .= $deployment->getOutput();
     return $out;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @see PlatformCommand::getCurrentEnvironment()
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     /** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProcessHelper $process */
     $process = $this->getHelper('process');
     if (!is_dir(Platform::rootDir() . '/docker/fg')) {
         $process->mustRun($output, ['git', 'clone', '', Platform::rootDir() . '/docker/fg']);
     if (!is_dir(Platform::rootDir() . '/docker/xhpfg')) {
         $process->mustRun($output, ['git', 'clone', '', Platform::rootDir() . '/docker/xhpfg']);
     $stack = StacksFactory::getStack(Platform::webDir());
     switch ($stack->type()) {
         case Stacks\Drupal::TYPE:
             $this->stdOut->writeln("<comment>Patching Drupal for xhprof</comment>");
             $patchProcess = new Process('patch -p1 < ' . CLI_ROOT . '/resources/drupal-enable-profiling.patch', Platform::webDir());
         case Stacks\WordPress::TYPE:
             $this->stdOut->writeln("<comment>Patching WordPress for xhprof</comment>");
             $patchProcess = new Process('patch -p0 < ' . CLI_ROOT . '/resources/wordpress-enable-profiling.patch', Platform::webDir());
             throw new \Exception('Stack type not supported yet.');
Exemplo n.º 13
  * @param Event $event
 public static function check(Event $event)
     $logPrepend = self::getOption('security-checker-log-prepend', $event);
     $process = new Process(self::getOption('security-checker-bin', $event) . ' security:check composer.lock --ansi');
     $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) use($event, $logPrepend) {
         self::writeProcessBuffer($type, $buffer, $event, $logPrepend);
  * @return string
 public function zip($file = '')
     $temporaryDir = $this->createTmpDirectory();
     $command = sprintf('zip -r "%s" "%s"', $file, $temporaryDir);
     $process = new Process($command);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public function do()
     $commands = $this->commands();
     if (!empty($commands)) {
         $process = new Process(implode("\n", $commands));
Exemplo n.º 16
  * @param Event $event
 public static function addAll(Event $event)
     $logPrepend = self::getOption('git-log-prepend', $event);
     // execute process
     $process = new Process('git add . -A');
     $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) use($event, $logPrepend) {
         self::writeProcessBuffer($type, $buffer, $event, $logPrepend);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function runCommands()
     $commands = implode('; ', $this->getCommands());
     $process = new Process($commands, $this->getPath());
     $this->logger->info('Running "' . $process->getCommandLine() . '"');
Exemplo n.º 18
  * @return bool
 public function run()
     $command = 'vendor/bin/console setup:install';
     $this->info('Run ' . $command);
     $process = new Process($command);
     $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) {
Exemplo n.º 19
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function run($command, $mustSucceed = true)
     $process = new Process($command);
     if ($mustSucceed) {
         return $process->mustRun();
     return $process;
 private function realExec($cmd, $throw_exception, $cwd)
     $process = new Process($cmd, $cwd);
     if ($throw_exception) {
     } else {
     return $process->getOutput();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function run(Process $process, $mustSucceed = true)
     $this->userInteraction->write('<info>RUN</info> ' . $process->getCommandLine());
     if ($mustSucceed) {
         return $process->mustRun($this->getRunningProcessCallback());
     return $process;
  * Performs an obscure check with the given password
  * @param string $password
  * @throws ProcessFailedException
 public function check($password)
     if (empty($password)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('The password cannot be empty');
     $process = new Process($this->command);
     return $this->verifyOutput($process->getOutput());
Exemplo n.º 23
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $command = 'vendor/bin/console collector:storage:export';
     $this->info('Run ' . $command);
     $process = new Process($command);
     $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) {
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Runs a ``Process``.
  * @param Process $process
  * @return string
  * @throws ProcessFailedException
 protected function runProcess(Process $process)
     try {
         $message = $process->getOutput();
     } catch (ProcessFailedException $e) {
         $message = '<error>' . $e->getMessage() . '</error>';
     return $message;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Execute the command.
  * @param  InputInterface   $input
  * @param  OutputInterface  $output
  * @return void
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $process = new Process('docker-compose ps');
     try {
     } catch (ProcessFailedException $e) {
         $output->writeln('<error>' . $e->getMessage() . '</error>');
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Execute the convert command.
  * @param string $size
  * @param string $path
 protected function convert($size, $path)
     $path = $this->outputPath($path);
     $this->comment("Converting {$path}");
     if (!$this->isDryRun()) {
         $command = "convert -geometry {$size} {$this->baseFavicon} {$path}";
         $process = new Process($command);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function getFacts()
     $hostname = $fqdn = gethostname();
     try {
         $process = new Process('hostname --fqdn');
         $fqdn = trim($process->getOutput());
     } catch (ProcessFailedException $e) {
     return array('fqdn' => $fqdn, 'hostname' => gethostname());
Exemplo n.º 28
 public function testCommit()
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     for ($i = 1; $i < 10; ++$i) {
         $fs->dumpFile('commit-file-' . $i, 'test commit file');
     $process = new Process('git add commit-file-1');
     static::assertTrue($this->object->commit('Commit file name commit-file-1'));
Exemplo n.º 29
  * @param string $branch
  * @return bool
 protected function displayOrExecute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $branch)
     $command = 'git branch -D %s';
     if ($input->getOption('force')) {
         $output->write('<question>Executing</question>: ');
         $process = new Process(sprintf($command, $branch));
     $output->writeln(sprintf($command, '<info>' . $branch . '</info>'));
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 30
  * @param string   $commandLine
  * @param int|null $timeout
  * @throws RuntimeException
  * @return bool
 private function runCommandSilently(string $commandLine, $timeout = 60) : bool
     try {
         $process = new Process($commandLine);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         throw new RuntimeException($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception);
     return $process->isSuccessful();