  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $environment = $input->getArgument('environment');
     $template = $input->getArgument('template');
     $scalingProfile = $input->getOption('scaling-profile');
     $name = $input->getOption('name');
     $stack = $this->configStackMapper->create($template, $environment, $scalingProfile, $name);
     $table = new Table($output);
     $table->setHeaders(['Key', 'Value']);
     foreach ($stack->getParameters() as $key => $value) {
         $table->addRow([$key, $value]);
     $table = new Table($output);
     $table->setHeaders(['Key', 'Value']);
     foreach ($stack->getTags() as $key => $value) {
         $table->addRow([$key, $value]);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Runs when silly routes the command to us.
  * ie: ```ppm install```
  * @param  IOutput $output
  * @return void
 public function __invoke(IOutput $output)
     // Save the output interface so we can use it later
     $this->output = $output;
     // Tell the world we have started installing stuff
     $this->output->writeLn("Starting Installer");
     // Attach to Observables
     // Read in the root composer.json file
     $composer = $this->reader->getComposerObject();
     // Loop through all "require" packages, downloading them, recursively.
     if (isset($composer['require'])) {
     // Loop through all "require-dev" packages, downloading them.
     // This is done recursively just like the normal require packages but
     // only these first level packages are downloaded, as to say we do not
     // download any "require-dev" packages of a "require-dev" package.
     if (isset($composer['require-dev'])) {
     // Remove anything that shouldn't exist
     // Discover any namespace conflicts
     $conflicts = $this->conflicts->discover($this->downloader->getDownloaded());
     // Re-Name conflicting types.
     $replacements = $this->renamer->renameConflicts($conflicts);
     // Generate auto loader.
     $this->autoload->generate($this->downloader->getDownloaded(), $replacements);
     $autoloader = (require $this->vendorDir . '/autoload.php');
     // Create proxies for renamed types.
     //$this->proxy->generate($replacements, $autoloader);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $dryRun = $input->getOption('dry-run');
     $content = $this->processConfig($this->crontab);
     $enviroment = isset($content['env']) ? $content['env'] : array();
     $commands = isset($content['commands']) ? $content['commands'] : array();
     foreach ($commands as $entry) {
         preg_match('/\\[(.*)\\](.*)/', $entry, $match);
         $tab = $match[1];
         $command = $match[2];
         $cron = CronExpression::factory($tab);
         $output->writeLn('<info>- Checking schedule entry: ' . $tab . '</info>');
         // If the cron is not due for execution, just skip
         if (!$cron->isDue()) {
         // Construct the fork command
         $fork = $command . " > " . $this->log . " 2>&1 & echo \$!";
         $output->writeLn('<info>- Command:</info> ' . $fork);
         // Start a new process
         if (!$dryRun) {
             exec($fork, $pid);
             $pid = current($pid);
             $output->writeLn('<info>- Process created:</info> ' . $pid);
         } else {
             $output->writeLn('<info>- Skipping execution (--dry-run)</info>');
  * @see Command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $repo = $this->getContainer()->get('lichess.repository.game');
     $dm = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager');
     $query = array('isAi' => array('$exists' => false));
     $select = array('players.isAi' => true);
     $collection = $dm->getDocumentCollection($repo->getDocumentName())->getMongoCollection();
     $total = $collection->count($query);
     $batchSize = 10000;
     $it = 0;
     $output->writeLn(sprintf('Found %d games to process', $total));
     for ($it = 0, $itMax = ceil($total / $batchSize); $it < $itMax; $it++) {
         $cursor = $collection->find($query, $select)->limit($batchSize)->skip($it * $batchSize);
         $games = iterator_to_array($cursor);
         $nbIsAi = 0;
         foreach ($games as $id => $game) {
             if (!empty($game['players'][0]['isAi']) || !empty($game['players'][1]['isAi'])) {
                 $collection->update(array('_id' => $id), array('$set' => array('isAi' => true)), array('safe' => true));
         $output->writeLn(sprintf('%d%% %d/%d %d/%d', ($it + 1) * $batchSize * 100 / $total, ($it + 1) * $batchSize, $total, $nbIsAi, $batchSize));
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @see Command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $repoUrl = 'git://github.com/ornicar/lichess.wiki.git';
     //$repoUrl = '/home/thib/lichess.wiki/';
     $repoName = 'lichess_wiki';
     $repoDir = '/tmp';
     $repo = $repoDir . '/' . $repoName;
     $command = sprintf('cd %s && git clone %s %s', $repoDir, $repoUrl, $repoName);
     $finder = new Finder();
     $mdFiles = $finder->files()->depth(0)->name('*.md')->in($repo);
     $pages = array();
     foreach ($mdFiles as $mdFile) {
         $name = preg_replace('/^(.+)\\.md$/', '$1', $mdFile->getFileName());
         if ($name == "Home") {
         $output->writeLn('* ' . $name);
         $command = sprintf('sundown %s/%s', $repo, $mdFile->getFileName());
         exec($command, $out);
         $body = implode($out, "\n");
         $pages[] = new WikiPage($name, $body);
     if (empty($pages)) {
         throw new \Exception('No pages to save');
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $newrelic = $this->newrelic;
     $appNames = $newrelic->getDeploymentNames();
     if (!$appNames) {
         $output->writeLn("<error>No deployment application configured.</error>");
         return self::EXIT_NO_APP_NAMES;
     $exitCode = 0;
     foreach ($appNames as $appName) {
         $response = $this->performRequest($newrelic->getApiKey(), $this->createPayload($appName, $input));
         switch ($response['status']) {
             case 200:
             case 201:
                 $output->writeLn(sprintf("Recorded deployment to '%s' (%s)", $appName, $input->getOption('description') ? $input->getOption('description') : date('r')));
             case 403:
                 $output->writeLn(sprintf("<error>Deployment not recorded to '%s': API key invalid</error>", $appName));
                 $exitCode = self::EXIT_UNAUTHORIZED;
             case null:
                 $output->writeLn(sprintf("<error>Deployment not recorded to '%s': Did not understand response</error>", $appName));
                 $exitCode = self::EXIT_HTTP_ERROR;
                 $output->writeLn(sprintf("<error>Deployment not recorded to '%s': Received HTTP status %d</error>", $appName, $response['status']));
                 $exitCode = self::EXIT_HTTP_ERROR;
     return $exitCode;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $filename = 'app/config/parameters.yml';
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         throw new RuntimeException("No such file: " . $filename);
     $data = file_get_contents($filename);
     $config = Yaml::parse($data);
     if (isset($config['pdo'])) {
         $pdo = $config['pdo'];
     } else {
         if (!isset($config['parameters']['pdo'])) {
             throw new RuntimeException("Can't find pdo configuration");
         $pdo = $config['parameters']['pdo'];
     $partten = '/^(\\w+)\\:\\/\\/(\\w+)\\:(.+)\\@([a-zA-Z0-9\\.]+)\\/(\\w+)/';
     preg_match($partten, $pdo, $matches);
     if ($matches) {
         if ('mysql' == $matches[1] || 'mysqli' == $matches[1]) {
             $cmd = 'mysql -u ' . $matches[2] . ' --password='******' -h ' . $matches[4] . ' ' . $matches[5];
         } else {
             $output->writeLn('<error>PDO is not mysql type</error>');
     } else {
         $output->writeLn('<error>Cannot parse DSN</error>');
Exemplo n.º 8
 private function runCommandProcess($cmd, OutputInterface $output)
     $process = new Process($cmd);
     $output->writeLn('<comment>' . $process->getCommandLine() . '</comment>');
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $configLoader = new ConfigurationLoader(new FileLocator());
     $config = $configLoader->load('config.yml');
     // Print the list of available groups
     if ($input->getOption('list')) {
         foreach (array_keys($config->getGroups()) as $item) {
             $output->writeln(sprintf('<comment>%s</comment>', $item));
     // Compile all assets declred in config
     if ($input->getOption('compile-all')) {
         // Do the Compile
         $compiler = new CssCompiler(new Filesystem());
         foreach ($config->getGroups() as $name => $group) {
             $compiler->compile($group['files'], $group['destination']);
             $output->writeLn(sprintf('Group <info>%s</info> [OK]', $name));
     // Compile the specified group, if one is specified
     $groupName = $input->getOption('group');
     $group = $config->getGroup($groupName);
     if (is_null($group)) {
         throw new \Exception('The group you have specified does not exist in your config file');
     // Do the Compile
     $compiler = new CssCompiler(new Filesystem());
     $compiler->compile($group['files'], $group['destination']);
     $output->writeLn(sprintf('Group <info>%s</info> [OK]', $groupName));
Exemplo n.º 10
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->writeLn("Received argument <info>entity</info> as <comment>" . $input->getArgument('entity') . "</comment>");
     $output->writeLn("Received option <info>fields</info> as <comment>" . $input->getOption('fields') . "</comment>");
     $output->writeLn("Received option <info>opt</info> as <comment>" . $input->getOption('opt') . "</comment>");
     $output->writeLn("<comment>Successfully finished purified</comment>");
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Execute the filter command
  * @param  InputInterface  $input  Input object
  * @param  OutputInterface $output Output object
  * @return null
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $col = new \Expose\FilterCollection();
     $filters = $col->getFilterData();
     $id = $input->getOption('id');
     if ($id !== false) {
         $idList = explode(',', $id);
         foreach ($idList as $id) {
             if (array_key_exists($id, $filters)) {
                 $detail = "[" . $id . "] " . $filters[$id]->getDescription() . "\n";
                 $detail .= "\tRule: " . $filters[$id]->getRule() . "\n";
                 $detail .= "\tTags: " . implode(', ', $filters[$id]->getTags()) . "\n";
                 $detail .= "\tImpact: " . $filters[$id]->getImpact() . "\n";
             } else {
                 $output->writeLn('Filter ID ' . $id . ' not found!');
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         echo $filter->getId() . ': ' . $filter->getDescription() . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @see Command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $repo = $this->getContainer()->get('lichess.repository.game');
     $batchSize = 1000;
     $sleep = 15;
     $ids = $repo->findCandidatesToCleanup(999999);
     $nb = count($ids);
     $output->writeLn(sprintf('Found %d games of %d to remove', $nb, $repo->createQueryBuilder()->getQuery()->count()));
     if (!$input->getOption('execute')) {
     do {
         try {
             $ids = $repo->findCandidatesToCleanup($batchSize);
             $nb = count($ids);
             $output->writeLn(sprintf('Found %d games of %d to remove', $nb, $repo->createQueryBuilder()->getQuery()->count()));
             if ($nb == 0) {
             $output->writeLn(sprintf('Removing %d games...', $nb));
             if ($nb == $batchSize) {
                 $output->writeLn('Sleep ' . $sleep . ' seconds');
         } catch (\MongoCursorTimeoutException $e) {
             $output->writeLn('<error>Time out, sleeping 60 seconds</error>');
     } while ($nb > 0);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->factory = $this->getContainer()->get('mautic.factory');
     $queueMode = $this->factory->getParameter('queue_mode');
     // check to make sure we are in queue mode
     if ($queueMode != 'command_process') {
         $output->writeLn('Webhook Bundle is in immediate process mode. To use the command function change to command mode.');
         return 0;
     $id = $input->getOption('webhook-id');
     /** @var \Mautic\WebhookBundle\Model\WebhookModel $model */
     $model = $this->factory->getModel('webhook');
     if ($id) {
         $webhook = $model->getEntity($id);
         $webhooks = $webhook !== null && $webhook->isPublished() ? array($id => $webhook) : array();
     } else {
         // make sure we only get published webhook entities
         $webhooks = $model->getEntities(array('filter' => array('force' => array(array('column' => 'e.isPublished', 'expr' => 'eq', 'value' => 1)))));
     if (!count($webhooks)) {
         $output->writeln('<error>No published webhooks found. Try again later.</error>');
     $output->writeLn('<info>Processing Webhooks</info>');
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $output->writeLn('<error>' . $e->getMessage() . '</error>');
     $output->writeLn('<info>Webhook Processing Complete</info>');
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     /** @var ImportAddressService $importAddressService */
     $importAddressService = $this->getHelper('container')->getByType('StreetApi\\Services\\ImportAddressService');
     $cityId = $input->getArgument('cityId');
     $xmlFile = simplexml_load_file($importAddressService->getRootDir() . '/../adresy.xml');
     if (!$xmlFile) {
         $output->writeln(PHP_EOL . '<error>Missing source file!</error>');
         return 1;
     try {
         $output->writeLn('<info>Start importing addresses</info>');
         $totalCount = $xmlFile->count();
         $output->writeln(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
         $progressBar = new ProgressBar($output, $totalCount);
         $progressBar->setFormat('%message%' . PHP_EOL . '%bar% %percent:3s% %' . PHP_EOL . 'count: %current%/%max%' . PHP_EOL . 'time:  %elapsed:6s%/%estimated:-6s%' . PHP_EOL);
         $progressBar->setEmptyBarCharacter(' ');
         $progressBar->setRedrawFrequency(ceil($totalCount / 100));
         $importAddressService->import($xmlFile, $progressBar, $cityId);
         $output->writeLn(PHP_EOL . '<info>Importing addresses finished</info>');
         return 0;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $output->writeLn('<error>' . $e->getMessage() . '</error>');
         return 1;
  * @see Command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $date = new \DateTime('-2 hours');
     $dm = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager');
     $postRemover = $this->getContainer()->get('herzult_forum.remover.post');
     $topicRemover = $this->getContainer()->get('herzult_forum.remover.topic');
     $posts = $this->getContainer()->get('herzult_forum.repository.post')->createQueryBuilder()->field('createdAt')->gt($date)->getQuery()->execute()->toArray();
     $posts = array_filter($posts, function ($post) {
         return !$post->hasAuthor();
     $output->writeLn(sprintf('Will remove %d posts', count($posts)));
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $output->writeLn(substr($post->getMessage(), 0, 80));
         try {
             if ($post->getNumber() == 1) {
             } else {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $user = $input->getArgument('user');
     $project_dir = realpath($this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.root_dir') . '/..');
     $root_dir = realpath($this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.root_dir'));
     $env = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.environment');
     $namespace = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('supertag_gearman.namespace');
     $debug = $input->getOption('no-debug') ? ' --no-debug' : '';
     $numWorkers = $input->hasOption('num-workers') ? intval($input->getOption('num-workers')) : 1;
     if ($numWorkers <= 0) {
         $numWorkers = 1;
     $workers = '';
     $replace = compact('project_dir', 'root_dir', 'user', 'env', 'namespace', 'debug');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numWorkers; $i++) {
         $replace['num_worker'] = $i + 1;
         $workers .= ($i === 0 ? '' : "\n\n") . str_replace(array_map(function ($key) {
             return '%' . $key . '%';
         }, array_keys($replace)), array_values($replace), self::TEMPLATE_WORKER);
     $replace['workers'] = $workers;
     $content = str_replace(array_map(function ($key) {
         return '%' . $key . '%';
     }, array_keys($replace)), array_values($replace), self::TEMPLATE_MAIN);
     $outputFile = $project_dir . '/worker-supervisor.conf';
     if (file_put_contents($outputFile, $content) === false) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to write into {$outputFile}");
     $output->writeLn("Generated <info>{$outputFile}</info>, use it like:");
     $output->writeLn("    <comment>supervisord -n -c {$outputFile}</comment> - for debug mode, will do output when started");
     $output->writeLn("    <comment>supervisord -c {$outputFile}</comment> - for production mode, to run in background");
Exemplo n.º 17
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $overwrite = $input->getOption('overwrite') ? EntityBuilder::OVERWRITE : NULL;
     $module = $this->getDoctrineModule();
     $builder = new EntityBuilder($input->getArgument('name'), $module);
     $entity = $input->getOption('with-entity') != 'false';
     $builder->setWithRepository($repo = $input->getOption('with-repository') != 'false');
     if ($input->getOption('version1')) {
     } else {
     if ($entity) {
         if ($table = $input->getArgument('tableName')) {
         $file = $builder->write(NULL, $overwrite);
         $output->writeLn('Entity in Datei: "' . $file . '" geschrieben');
     if ($repo) {
         $repoFile = $builder->writeRepository(NULL, $overwrite);
         $output->writeLn('EntityRepository in Datei: "' . $repoFile . '" geschrieben');
     return 0;
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $type = $input->getArgument('type');
     if (!in_array($type, $this->type)) {
         $output->writeln("Invalid type.");
     // Get the indexer
     $token = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('swiftype_api_key');
     $engine = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('swiftype_engine_slug');
     $indexer = new SwiftypeIndexer($token, $engine);
     $docBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory::getDocumentBuilder($this->getContainer(), $type);
     $allDocs = $docBuilder->getDocuments();
     $numDocs = count($allDocs);
     $totalIndexed = 0;
     $batch_size = 100;
     while ($totalIndexed < $numDocs) {
         $docs = array_slice($allDocs, $totalIndexed, $batch_size);
         $result = $indexer->bulkCreateOrUpdate($docs, $type);
         $totalIndexed += $batch_size;
         if (count(array_unique($result)) == 1) {
             $output->writeLn(count($result) . " documents indexed successfully");
         } else {
             $output->writeLn("Some documents may have failed indexing. Total attempted " . count($result));
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Executes the current command.
  * @param InputInterface $input An InputInterface instance
  * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $oxContent = oxNew('oxcontent');
     if (!$oxContent) {
         $output->writeLn("<error>Content with ident {$input->getArgument('ident')} not found.</error>");
     if ($input->getOption('language') !== false) {
         $language = $input->getOption('language');
     } else {
         $language = \oxRegistry::getLang()->getBaseLanguage();
     if ($input->getOption('title')) {
         $oxContent->oxcontents__oxtitle = new \oxField($input->getOption('title'));
     if ($input->getOption('content')) {
         if (is_file(getcwd() . '/' . $input->getOption('content'))) {
             $content = file_get_contents(getcwd() . '/' . $input->getOption('content'));
         } else {
             $content = $input->getOption('content');
         $oxContent->oxcontents__oxcontent = new \oxField($content);
     if ($input->getOption('active')) {
         $oxContent->oxcontents__oxactive = new \oxField($input->getOption('active'));
     if ($oxContent->save()) {
         $output->writeLn("<info>Content with ident {$input->getArgument('ident')} updated.</info>");
Exemplo n.º 20
  * @see Command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
     $output->writeln(array('', $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter')->formatBlock(sprintf('This will delete all invoices and contacts from %s.moneybird.nl', $this->getContainer()->getParameter('ruudk_moneybird.subdomain')), 'bg=red;fg=white', true), ''));
     $moneybird = $this->getContainer()->get('moneybird.api');
     $contactService = $moneybird->getService('Contact');
     $contacts = $contactService->getAll();
     $invoiceService = $moneybird->getService('Invoice');
     $invoices = $invoiceService->getAll();
     $output->writeLn(sprintf('<info>Found %s and %s</info> ', count($contacts) == 1 ? "1 contact" : count($contacts) . " contacts", count($invoices) == 1 ? "1 invoice" : count($invoices) . " invoices"));
     if (count($contacts) == 0 && count($invoices) == 0) {
         $output->writeln(array('', $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter')->formatBlock('Nothing to do', 'bg=blue;fg=white', true), ''));
     if (!$dialog->askConfirmation($output, '<question>Are you sure you want to do this?</question> ', false)) {
     foreach ($invoices as $invoice) {
     foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
     $output->writeln(array('', $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter')->formatBlock('Done!', 'bg=blue;fg=white', true), ''));
Exemplo n.º 21
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $env = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.environment');
     $output->writeLn("Clearing app cache for environment <comment>{$env}</comment>...");
     $cache = $this->getContainer()->get('cache.default');
     $output->writeLn("Cache was cleared.");
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Log
  * @param string $message
 public function log($message)
     if ($this->progress) {
         $this->logs[] = $message;
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Execute the command.
  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface   $input
  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if (file_exists($this->configFile)) {
         $output->writeLn('Static Sites already installed.');
     copy($this->configStubFile, $this->configFile);
     $output->writeLn('Static Sites installed.');
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $vat = new Vat();
     $line = new InvoiceLine();
     $output->writeLn('Unit total: ' . $line->getUnitPriceTotal());
     $output->writeLn('Total: ' . $line->getTotalPrice());
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $queue = $this->getContainer()->get('jobqueue');
     if ($queue->flush()) {
         $output->writeLn('<info>Cleaned exceptions</info>');
     } else {
         $output->writeLn('<info>Flush failed</info>');
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Will work only on linux or unix
 protected function doKill(OutputInterface $output)
     $projectDir = dirname($this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.root_dir'));
     if (file_exists($pidFile = $projectDir . '/supervisord.pid')) {
         $pid = trim(file_get_contents($pidFile));
         $output->writeLn("Found supervisor pid file, killing process: <comment>{$pid}</comment>");
         exec("kill {$pid}");
     } else {
         $output->writeLn("Could not find supervisor pid file, probably a worker is not running.");
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $name = $input->getArgument('name');
     $scalingProfile = $input->getOption('scaling-profile');
     $stackA = $this->apiStackMapper->create($name);
     $stackB = $this->configStackMapper->create($stackA->getTemplate()->getName(), $stackA->getEnvironment(), $scalingProfile, $name);
     $output->writeLn('<info>Changes to the CloudFormation parameters:</info>');
     $output->write($this->coloriseUnifiedDiff($this->stackComparisonService->compareParameters($stackA->getParameters(), $stackB->getParameters())));
     $output->writeLn('<info>Changes to the CloudFormation template:</info>');
     $output->write($this->coloriseUnifiedDiff($this->stackComparisonService->compareTemplate($stackA->getTemplate(), $stackB->getTemplate())));
Exemplo n.º 28
  * @see Command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $repo = $this->getContainer()->get('lichess.repository.game');
     $game = $repo->findOneById($input->getArgument('id'));
     if (!$game) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No game found.');
     $output->writeLn(sprintf('Game   %s', $this->generateUrl($game->getId())));
     $output->writeLn(sprintf('White  %s', $this->generateUrl($game->getPlayer('white')->getFullId())));
     $output->writeLn(sprintf('Black  %s', $this->generateUrl($game->getPlayer('black')->getFullId())));
  * @see Command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $repo = $this->getContainer()->get('lichess.repository.game');
     $dm = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager');
     $collection = $dm->getDocumentCollection($repo->getDocumentName())->getMongoCollection();
     $games = $collection->find(array('clock.moveBonus' => array('$exists' => true)), array('clock.moveBonus' => true));
     $output->writeLn(sprintf('Found %d games to process', $games->count()));
     foreach ($games as $game) {
         $collection->update(array('_id' => $game['_id']), array('$set' => array('clock.increment' => $game['clock']['moveBonus']), '$unset' => array('clock.moveBonus' => true)));
Exemplo n.º 30
  * @see Command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $repo = $this->getContainer()->get('fos_user.repository.user');
     $dm = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager');
     $collection = $dm->getDocumentCollection($repo->getDocumentName())->getMongoCollection();
     $users = $collection->find();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $output->writeLn(sprintf('Update %s', $user['username']));
         $collection->update(array('_id' => $user['_id']), $user, array('safe' => true));