public function sign(Request $request, ApiKey $apiKey)
     $date = new \DateTime();
     $timeStamp = $date->format(self::TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
     $dateStamp = $date->format(self::DATE_FORMAT);
     $nonce = UUID::generate(UUID::UUID_RANDOM, UUID::FMT_STRING);
     $parsedUrl = parse_url($request->getResourceUrl());
     // SAuthc1 requires that we sign the Host header so we
     // have to have it in the request by the time we sign.
     $hostHeader = $parsedUrl['host'];
     if (!RequestUtils::isDefaultPort($parsedUrl)) {
         $hostHeader .= ':' . $parsedUrl['port'];
     $requestHeaders = $request->getHeaders();
     $requestHeaders[self::HOST_HEADER] = $hostHeader;
     $requestHeaders[self::STORMPATH_DATE_HEADER] = $timeStamp;
     $method = $request->getMethod();
     $canonicalResourcePath = $this->canonicalizeResourcePath($parsedUrl['path']);
     $canonicalQueryString = $this->canonicalizeQueryString($request);
     $canonicalHeaderString = $this->canonicalizeHeaders($request);
     $signedHeadersString = $this->getSignedHeaders($request);
     $requestPayloadHashHex = $this->toHex($this->hashText($this->getRequestPayload($request)));
     $canonicalRequest = $method . self::NL . $canonicalResourcePath . self::NL . $canonicalQueryString . self::NL . $canonicalHeaderString . self::NL . $signedHeadersString . self::NL . $requestPayloadHashHex;
     $id = $apiKey->getId() . '/' . $dateStamp . '/' . $nonce . '/' . self::ID_TERMINATOR;
     $canonicalRequestHashHex = $this->toHex($this->hashText($canonicalRequest));
     $stringToSign = self::ALGORITHM . self::NL . $timeStamp . self::NL . $id . self::NL . $canonicalRequestHashHex;
     // SAuthc1 uses a series of derived keys, formed by hashing different pieces of data
     $kSecret = $this->toUTF8(self::AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME . $apiKey->getSecret());
     $kDate = $this->internalSign($dateStamp, $kSecret, self::DEFAULT_ALGORITHM);
     $kNonce = $this->internalSign($nonce, $kDate, self::DEFAULT_ALGORITHM);
     $kSigning = $this->internalSign(self::ID_TERMINATOR, $kNonce, self::DEFAULT_ALGORITHM);
     $signature = $this->internalSign($this->toUTF8($stringToSign), $kSigning, self::DEFAULT_ALGORITHM);
     $signatureHex = $this->toHex($signature);
     $authorizationHeader = self::AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME . ' ' . $this->createNameValuePair(self::SAUTHC1_ID, $id) . ', ' . $this->createNameValuePair(self::SAUTHC1_SIGNED_HEADERS, $signedHeadersString) . ', ' . $this->createNameValuePair(self::SAUTHC1_SIGNATURE, $signatureHex);
     $requestHeaders[self::AUTHORIZATION_HEADER] = $authorizationHeader;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static function generateNonce()
     return UUID::v4();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Generate the url for ID Site.
  * @param array $options
  * @return string
  * @throws InvalidCallbackUriException
 public function createIdSiteUrl(array $options = array())
     if (!isset($options['callbackUri'])) {
         throw new InvalidCallbackUriException('Please provide a \'callbackUri\' in the $options array.');
     $p = parse_url($this->href);
     $base = $p['scheme'] . '://' . $p['host'];
     $apiId = $this->getDataStore()->getApiKey()->getId();
     $apiSecret = $this->getDataStore()->getApiKey()->getSecret();
     $token = array('jti' => UUID::v4(), 'iat' => microtime(true), 'iss' => $apiId, 'sub' => $this->href, 'state' => isset($options['state']) ? $options['state'] : '', 'path' => isset($options['path']) ? $options['path'] : '/', 'cb_uri' => $options['callbackUri']);
     if (isset($options['organizationNameKey'])) {
         $token['onk'] = $options['organizationNameKey'];
     if (isset($options['showOrganizationField'])) {
         $token['sof'] = true;
     if (isset($options['useSubDomain'])) {
         $token['usd'] = true;
     $jwt = JWT::encode($token, $apiSecret);
     $redirectUrl = $base . "/sso";
     if (isset($options['logout'])) {
         $redirectUrl .= "/logout";
     return $redirectUrl . "?jwtRequest={$jwt}";
 protected function generateResponseUrl()
     $jwt = array();
     $jwt['iss'] = '';
     $jwt['sub'] = self::$account->href;
     $jwt['aud'] = UUID::v4();
     $jwt['exp'] = time() + 60;
     $jwt['iat'] = time();
     $jwt['jti'] = UUID::v4();
     $jwt['irt'] = UUID::v4();
     $jwt['state'] = "";
     $jwt['isNewSub'] = false;
     $jwt['status'] = "AUTHENTICATED";
     $apiSecret = Client::getInstance()->getDataStore()->getApiKey()->getSecret();
     $token = JWT::encode($jwt, $apiSecret);
     return '' . $token;