Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function subscribe()
     $consumer = new Stomp($this->broker);
     $consumer->sync = true;
     $consumer->clientId = 'test';
     $consumer->connect($this->login, $this->password);
     $consumer->subscribe($this->topic, array('persistent' => 'true'));
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected function consume()
     $consumer2 = new Stomp($this->broker);
     $consumer2->sync = false;
     $consumer2->clientId = 'test';
     $consumer2->connect('system', 'manager');
     $consumer2->subscribe($this->topic, null, null, true);
     $frame = $consumer2->readFrame();
     $this->assertEquals($frame->body, 'test message');
     if ($frame != null) {
     // yes, that's active mq! you must unsub two times...
     // http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/activemq-dev/201205.mbox/raw/
     //        %3C634996273.21688.1336051731428.JavaMail.tomcat@hel.zones.apache.org%3E/
     // that took me some time...
     $consumer2->unsubscribe($this->topic, null, null, true);
Exemplo n.º 3
// send a message while consumer is disconnected
$producer->send('/topic/test', 'test-2');
echo "Message 'test-2' sent to topic\n";
// reconnect the durable consumer
$consumer = new Stomp('tcp://localhost:61613');
$consumer->clientId = 'test';
$consumer->connect('admin', 'password');
$consumer->subscribe('/topic/test', null, true, true);
echo "Reconnecting consumer\n";
// receive a message from the topic
$msg = $consumer->readFrame();
// do what you want with the message
if ($msg != null) {
    echo "Message '{$msg->body}' received from topic\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to receive a message\n";
// disconnect
if ($consumer->getProtocol() instanceof \Stomp\Protocol\ActiveMq) {
    // activeMq Way
    $consumer->unsubscribe('/topic/test', null, true, true);
} else {
    // default (apollo way)
    $consumer->unsubscribe('/topic/test', null, true, true);
// this message will never be seen, since no durable subscriber is present
$producer->send('/topic/test', 'test-3');