Exemplo n.º 1
  * Processes antispam filters
  * @access public
  * @return bool
 public function passes()
     if (!empty($this->data)) {
         // Load the antispam configuration
         // This is not same as the site configuration
         $antispam = Config::get('antispam');
         // We get the enabled services
         // Then we iterate through each of them to see if there is a
         // handler available for the service. If found, we run the handler
         $services = preg_split('/\\||,/', $this->config->services);
         // Immutable services are always executed even if they are not
         // set explicitly from the admin panel. These services ideally
         // require no configuration and therefore, do not appear in the
         // antispam section of the admin panel
         $services = array_merge($services, $antispam['immutable']);
         // Remove leading/trailing spaces from service names
         $services = array_map('trim', $services);
         // Run the spam filters
         foreach ($services as $service) {
             // Check if this service is available for the current scope
             // This helps us decide whether or not to run this service
             if (in_array($service, $antispam['scopes'][$this->scope])) {
                 $handler = array($this, 'run' . studly_case($service));
                 if (is_callable($handler)) {
                     if (!call_user_func($handler)) {
                         if (isset($this->customMessages[$service])) {
                             $this->message = $this->customMessages[$service];
                         } else {
                             $this->message = Lang::get('antispam.' . $service);
                         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Fetches available Sticky Notes versions for update
  * @static
  * @param  bool  $csv
  * @return array|string
 public static function updateVersions($csv = FALSE)
     $versions = array();
     foreach (Config::get('schema.update') as $version => $schema) {
         $versions[$version] = $version;
     if ($csv) {
         $versions = implode(',', $versions);
     return $versions;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Generates a navigation menu
  * @access public
  * @param  string  $menu
  * @return string
 public static function menu($menu)
     // Current path - will be used to highlight menu item
     $path = Request::path();
     // Current user ID for role based menus
     $user = Auth::check() ? Auth::user()->id : 0;
     // Get current project name
     $project = System::project();
     // Grab and parse all the menus
     $group = Config::get("menus.{$menu}");
     // The cache key is not only menu and path specific but also
     // unique for a user and a project
     $cacheKey = "site.menu.{$menu}.{$path}.{$user}.{$project}";
     // Build the menu items. Items are cached for 60 minutes
     $output = Cache::remember($cacheKey, 60, function () use($path, $user, $group) {
         $output = NULL;
         foreach ($group as $key => $item) {
             if (!str_contains($key, '_')) {
                 $label = Lang::get($item['label']);
                 $current = FALSE;
                 // Check if visibility of the item is bound
                 if (isset($item['visible'])) {
                     $visible = FALSE;
                     $bindings = preg_split('/\\||,/', $item['visible']);
                     // Iterate through each binding
                     foreach ($bindings as $binding) {
                         $components = explode('.', $binding);
                         // Check for the invert flag
                         if (starts_with($components[0], '!')) {
                             $components[0] = substr($components[0], 1);
                             $invert = TRUE;
                         } else {
                             $invert = FALSE;
                         // Check for a value
                         if (str_contains($components[1], '=')) {
                             $expression = explode('=', $components[1]);
                             $components[1] = $expression[0];
                             $value = $expression[1];
                         } else {
                             $value = TRUE;
                         // Get the binding flags
                         switch ($components[0]) {
                             case 'role':
                                 $flags = Auth::roles();
                             case 'config':
                                 $flags = Site::config('general');
                                 $flags = NULL;
                         // Do not parse the menu item if the flag does not
                         // evaluate to true
                         if (!is_null($flags)) {
                             $visible = ($visible or $flags->{$components}[1] == $value xor $invert);
                     // Set the visibility of the item
                     if (!$visible) {
                 // Determine whether this is the active link
                 if ($group['_exact'] and $key === $path) {
                     $current = TRUE;
                 } else {
                     if (!$group['_exact'] and starts_with($path, $key)) {
                         $current = TRUE;
                 // Highlight the active item
                 if ($current) {
                     $active = 'class="active"';
                     $href = '';
                 } else {
                     $active = '';
                     $href = 'href="' . url($key) . '"';
                 // Set the entry icon
                 if (isset($item['icon'])) {
                     $icon = View::make('common/icon', array('icon' => $item['icon']), FALSE);
                 } else {
                     $icon = NULL;
                 // Generate the item markup
                 $output .= "<li {$active}><a {$href}>{$icon} {$label}</a></li>";
         // Add login/logout link if menu is set for that
         if ($group['_showLogin']) {
             if ($user) {
                 $label = Lang::get('global.logout');
                 $href = 'href="' . url('user/logout') . '"';
             } else {
                 $label = Lang::get('global.login');
                 $href = 'href="' . url('user/login') . '"';
             // Are we on the login screen?
             $active = $path == 'user/login' ? 'class="active"' : '';
             $icon = View::make('common/icon', array('icon' => 'user'), FALSE);
             // Generate the markup
             $output .= "<li {$active}><a {$href}>{$icon} {$label}</a></li>";
         return $output;
     return $output;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Submits statistics to Sticky Notes server
  * @return void
 public static function submitStats()
     try {
         // Send / mask the site's URL
         $url = Config::get('app.fullStats') ? URL::current() : Lang::get('global.anonymous');
         // Populate the data to be send
         $data = array('url' => $url, 'action' => Request::segment(2), 'version' => Config::get('app.version'));
         // Send the stats to the REST stats service
         Requests::post(Site::config('services')->statsUrl, array(), $data);
     } catch (Requests_Exception $e) {
         // HTTP POST failed. Suppress this exception