getDocument() public method

Method may return document as array if cursor configured through Cursor::asArray()
public getDocument ( string | MongoId $id, callable $callable = null ) : Document | array | null
$id string | MongoId
$callable callable cursor callable used to configure cursor
return Document | array | null
Exemplo n.º 1
  * Abstract test
  * @param mixed $value1 first value to push
  * @param mixed $value2 second value to push
  * @param array $expectedList expected list, stored in db
  * @param int $fieldName name of field, where values pushed: one of self::FIELD_NAME_*
  * @param bool $isDocumentSaved is document already stored to db before push
 private function doPushTest($value1, $value2, $expectedList, $fieldName, $isDocumentSaved)
     // create document
     $doc = $this->collection->createDocument($this->initialDocument);
     // test push to saved or new document
     if ($isDocumentSaved) {
     // prepare expected value
     switch ($fieldName) {
         case self::FIELD_NAME_SCALAR:
             $expectedList = array_merge(array($this->initialDocument[$fieldName]), $expectedList);
         case self::FIELD_NAME_LIST:
             $expectedList = array_merge($this->initialDocument[$fieldName], $expectedList);
     // push single to empty
     $doc->push($fieldName, $value1)->push($fieldName, $value2);
     // test document in identity map after push before save
     $this->assertEquals($expectedList, $doc->get($fieldName));
     // test document in identity map after push after save
     $this->assertEquals($expectedList, $this->collection->getDocument($doc->getId())->get($fieldName));
     // test document in db
     $this->assertEquals($expectedList, $this->collection->getDocumentDirectly($doc->getId())->get($fieldName));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function testEnableDocumentPool()
     // disable document pool
     // create documents
     $document = $this->collection->createDocument(array('k' => array('f' => 'F1', 'kk' => 'A')))->save();
     // read document
     // check if document in pool
     // enable document pool
     // read document to pool
     // check if document in pool
     // clear document pool
     // disable document pool
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function testPullFromThreeDimensionalUsingExpressionInValue()
     // create document
     $doc = $this->collection->createDocument(array('some' => array(array('sub' => array(array('a' => 1), array('b' => 2))), array('sub' => array(array('a' => 3), array('b' => 4))))));
     // push array to array
     $doc->pull('some', $this->collection->expression()->where('sub.a', 1));
     $this->assertEquals(array(array('sub' => array(array('a' => 3), array('b' => 4)))), $this->collection->getDocument($doc->getId())->some);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function testSetGeometryCollection()
     $documentId = $this->collection->createDocument()->setGeometryCollection('location', array(new \GeoJson\Geometry\Point(array(30.523400000000038, 50.4501)), new \GeoJson\Geometry\LineString(array(array(30.523400000000038, 50.4501), array(24.012228, 49.831485), array(36.230376, 49.993499))), new \GeoJson\Geometry\Polygon(array(array(array(24.012228, 49.831485), array(36.230376, 49.993499), array(34.174927, 45.035993), array(24.012228, 49.831485)), array(array(34.551416, 49.588264), array(32.049226, 49.431181), array(35.139561, 47.838796), array(34.551416, 49.588264))))))->save()->getId();
     $this->assertEquals(array('type' => 'GeometryCollection', 'geometries' => array(array('type' => 'Point', 'coordinates' => array(30.523400000000038, 50.4501)), array('type' => 'LineString', 'coordinates' => array(array(30.523400000000038, 50.4501), array(24.012228, 49.831485), array(36.230376, 49.993499))), array('type' => 'Polygon', 'coordinates' => array(array(array(24.012228, 49.831485), array(36.230376, 49.993499), array(34.174927, 45.035993), array(24.012228, 49.831485)), array(array(34.551416, 49.588264), array(32.049226, 49.431181), array(35.139561, 47.838796), array(34.551416, 49.588264)))))), $this->collection->getDocument($documentId)->get('location'));