public static function getUtcTimestamp($dateString = 'now', $timeZone = 'UTC')
     try {
         $obj = new DateTime($dateString, new DateTimeZone($timeZone));
         return $obj->getTimestamp();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         Logger::warning('Could not get timestamp from string', $dateString, $ex);
         return null;
  * Do the actual work of the script.
 public function execute()
     Logger::info('Info log message');
     Logger::debug('Debug log message');
     Logger::getTaggedLogger('RawData')->info('This should be tagged RawData');
     Logger::warning('Warning!', array('foo' => 'bar'));
     try {
     } catch (SmashPigException $ex) {
         Logger::error('ERROR!!!!', null, $ex);
 public function execute(ListenerMessage $msg)
     $destinationQueue = $msg->getDestinationQueue();
     if ($destinationQueue) {
         $queue = Context::get()->getConfiguration()->object("data-store/{$destinationQueue}");
         $queueMsg = $msg->normalizeForQueue();
     } else {
         $class = get_class($msg);
         Logger::warning("Ignoring message of type {$class}", $msg);
     return true;
  * Do the actual work of the script.
 public function execute()
     $this->datastore = new StompDataStore($this->getOption('queue'));
     $maxMessages = $this->getOption('max-messages');
     $startTime = time();
     $messageCount = 0;
     $raw = $this->getOption('raw');
     $ignore = $this->getOption('no-ack');
     // Construct the selectors
     $argId = 0;
     $selectors = array();
     while ($this->hasArgument($argId)) {
         $selectors[] = $this->getArgument($argId);
         $argId += 1;
     // Open the file for write-append
     $outfile = $this->getOption('outfile');
     $f = fopen($outfile, 'a');
     if (!$f) {
         $this->error("Could not open {$outfile} for write append", true);
     // Do the loop!
     do {
         // This is actually quite inefficient; but this whole thing is a hack so meh!
         // ...Ideally we would take the JSON from the store directly instead of walking
         // it through an object
         try {
             $queueObj = $this->datastore->queueGetObject(null, null, $selectors, !$raw);
             if (!$queueObj) {
             if ($raw) {
                 fwrite($f, 'raw' . "=" . json_encode($queueObj) . "\n");
             } else {
                 fwrite($f, get_class($queueObj) . "=" . $queueObj->toJson(false) . "\n");
         } catch (DataSerializationException $ex) {
             // We probably caught an anti-message here; log the exception and continue on
             Logger::warning("Possibly caught an antimessage. Not adding to file.", null, $ex);
         if ($ignore) {
         } else {
         $messageCount += 1;
     } while ($maxMessages === 0 || $messageCount < $maxMessages);
     $elapsedTime = time() - $startTime;
     Logger::info("Dumped {$messageCount} messages to {$outfile} in {$elapsedTime} seconds.");
  * @param WSDL\sendNotification $var
  * @return WSDL\sendNotificationResponse
 public function sendNotification(WSDL\sendNotification $var)
     $messages = array();
     $respstring = "[failed]";
     if ($var->notification instanceof WSDL\NotificationRequest) {
         if ($var->notification->live) {
             Logger::info("Notification received from live server.");
         } else {
             Logger::info("Notification received from test server.");
         // Create Messages from the hideous SOAPy mess
         if (is_array($var->notification->notificationItems->NotificationRequestItem)) {
             foreach ($var->notification->notificationItems->NotificationRequestItem as $item) {
                 $obj = $this->createAdyenMsgObjFromItem($item);
                 if ($obj !== false) {
                     $messages[] = $obj;
         } else {
             $obj = $this->createAdyenMsgObjFromItem($var->notification->notificationItems->NotificationRequestItem);
             if ($obj !== false) {
                 $messages[] = $obj;
         $numItems = count($messages);
         Logger::info("Extracted {$numItems} from received message. Beginning processing loop.");
         // Now process each message to the best of our ability
         foreach ($messages as $msg) {
             if ($this->processMessage($msg)) {
                 Logger::debug("Message successfully processed. Moving along...");
             } else {
                 Logger::error("Message was not successfully processed!", $msg);
         Logger::info('Finished processing of IPN message, retuning accepted.');
         $respstring = '[accepted]';
     } else {
         Logger::warning("Received notification is not instance of NotificationRequest!", $var);
         $this->server->fault(500, 'Received notification is not instance of NotificationRequest!');
     $response = new WSDL\sendNotificationResponse();
     $response->notificationResponse = $respstring;
     return $response;
  * Serialize an object to a JSON string.
  * This function will call __sleep() on the object and attempt to save all requested
  * properties listed (IE: all non-static properties that are not listed in the
  * propertiesExcludedFromExport list).
  * Object properties may be serialized only if they inherit from JsonSerializableObject.
  * If $resumeUse is specified 'true' then __wakeup() will be called at the termination of
  * this function. As this is the case, it is not safe to continue to use the object after
  * serialization if $resumeUse = false.
  * @param bool $resumeUse Set to false if this object reference will not be further used this
  *                        session post serialization.
  * @return string JSON string representing the object.
 public function toJson($resumeUse = true)
     $properties = array();
     foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $propName => $propValue) {
         if (!in_array($propName, $this->propertiesExcludedFromExport)) {
             if (is_object($propValue)) {
                 if ($propValue instanceof JsonSerializableObject) {
                     $properties[$propName] = $propValue->toJson($resumeUse);
                 } else {
                     $className = get_class();
                     Logger::warning("Object contained in property {$className}->{$propName} is not instance of JsonSerializableObject.");
             } else {
                 $properties[$propName] = $propValue;
     if ($resumeUse) {
     return json_encode($properties);
  * Do the actual work of the script.
 public function execute()
     $this->datastore = new StompDataStore($this->getOption('queue'));
     $this->damagedDatastore = new StompDataStore($this->getOption('damaged-queue'));
     $startTime = time();
     $messageCount = 0;
     $successCount = 0;
     do {
         $jobObj = $this->datastore->queueGetObject();
         if (!$jobObj) {
             // No more jobs available to run :'(
         $success = false;
         if ($jobObj instanceof \SmashPig\Core\Jobs\RunnableJob) {
             try {
                 if ($jobObj->execute()) {
                     $success = true;
                 } else {
                     Logger::info("Job tells us that it did not successfully " . "execute. Sending to damaged message queue.");
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 Logger::error("Job threw exception. Sending to damaged message queue.", null, $ex);
         } else {
             Logger::warning(get_class($jobObj) . " is not an instance of RunnableJob. " . "Could not execute and sending to damaged message queue.");
         if ($success) {
             $successCount += 1;
         } else {
     } while (time() - $startTime < $this->getOption('time-limit') && ++$messageCount < $this->getOption('max-messages'));
     $elapsedTime = time() - $startTime;
     Logger::info("Processed {$messageCount} ({$successCount} successful) jobs in {$elapsedTime} seconds.");
     * Delete a message from the database
     * Note that we delete by (gateway, order_id) internally.
     * @param array $message
    public function deleteMessage($message)
        if (!isset($message['order_id'])) {
            $json = json_encode($message);
            Logger::warning("Trying to delete pending message with no order id: {$json}");
        $sql = '
			delete from pending
			where gateway = :gateway
				and order_id = :order_id';
        $params = array('gateway' => $message['gateway'], 'order_id' => $message['order_id']);
        $this->prepareAndExecute($sql, $params);
  * Monolithic function to send an email!
  * Several configuration nodes are required for this function:
  * email/from-address      Default address for the From header
  * email/bounce-address    Default address to use when VERPing the email.
  *     IE: bounce+$
  * email/archive-addresses A list of addresses to always BCC when this function is used
  * @param string            $to        Email address of recipient
  * @param string            $subject   Subject line of email
  * @param string            $textBody  Non HTML text of email (fallback text if $htmlBody is defined)
  * @param null|string|array $from      Email address of sender, if null is the value of the configuration
  *                                     node 'email/from-address'. If passed as an array it is expected that
  *                                     index 0 is the address and index 1 is the friendly name of the address.
  * @param null|string       $replyTo   Address that recipient will reply to. If null will be set from the value
  *                                     of $from.
  * @param null|string       $htmlBody  HTML text of the email
  * @param array             $attach    Paths to any attachments. These can have any legal PHP file descriptor.
  * @param null|string|array $cc        Carbon-Copy addresses.
  * @param null|string|array $bcc       Blind carbon-copy addresses. If specified these will always be in addition
  *                                     to any archival addresses specified by the 'email/archive-addresses'
  *                                     configuration node.
  * @param bool|string       $useVerp   If true will set the MAIL FROM to the value specified under configuration
  *                                     node 'email/bounce-address'. This can be overriden if a string is passed
  *                                     instead of strict true. In either case, '$1' will be replaced by the
  *                                     first $to address, RFC-3986 encoded.
  * @returns bool True if successfully sent. False if a PHPMailer exception occurred. Exceptions are logged at the
  * warning level.
 public static function sendEmail($to, $subject, $textBody, $from = null, $replyTo = null, $htmlBody = null, $attach = array(), $cc = null, $bcc = null, $useVerp = true)
     $config = Context::get()->getConfiguration();
     $mailer = static::mailbaseFactory();
     try {
         $to = (array) $to;
         $cc = (array) $cc;
         $bcc = (array) $bcc;
         $archives = (array) $config->val('email/archive-addresses');
         array_walk($to, function ($value, $key) use($mailer) {
         array_walk($cc, function ($value, $key) use($mailer) {
         array_walk($bcc, function ($value, $key) use($mailer) {
         array_walk($archives, function ($value, $key) use($mailer) {
         array_walk($attach, function ($value, $key) use($mailer) {
         // Set the from address
         if (!$from) {
             $from = $config->val('email/from-address');
         if (is_array($from)) {
             $mailer->SetFrom($from[0], $from[1]);
         } else {
             $mailer->SetFrom((string) $from);
         // Only add reply to manually if requested, otherwise it's set when we call SetFrom
         if ($replyTo) {
         // Set subject and body
         $mailer->Subject = $subject;
         if ($htmlBody) {
             $mailer->AltBody = $textBody;
         } else {
             $mailer->Body = $textBody;
         // We replace $1 in email/bounce-address or useVerp if string to create the bounce addr
         if ($useVerp) {
             $sourceAddr = (array) $to;
             $sourceAddr = rawurlencode($sourceAddr[0]);
             if (is_string($useVerp)) {
                 $bounceAddr = $useVerp;
             } else {
                 $bounceAddr = $config->val('email/bounce-address');
             $bounceAddr = str_replace('$1', $sourceAddr, $bounceAddr);
             $mailer->Sender = $bounceAddr;
     } catch (\phpmailerException $ex) {
         $toStr = implode(", ", $to);
         Logger::warning("Could not send email to {$toStr}. PHP Mailer had exception.", null, $ex);
         return false;
     return true;
  * Creates or re-uses a subscription to the STOMP backing store. There can only be one active
  * subscription at a time so if the requested subscription does not match the previous one,
  * the old one is unsubscribed and a new one is started.
  * @param null|string $type   Object type to select on
  * @param null|string $id     Correlation ID to select on
  * @param string[]    $custom Array of STOMP selector strings, like "gateway=adyen"
 protected function createSubscription($type, $id, $custom = array())
     static $sType, $sId, $sCustom;
     $properties = array('ack' => 'client-individual');
     if ($this->subscribed && $sType === $type && $sId === $id && !array_diff($sCustom, $custom)) {
         // Same subscription; just return
     } elseif ($this->subscribed) {
         // We need to create a new subscription; but we also have to delete the old one
         if ($this->refreshConnection) {
             // Apparently the backend STOMP library has some issues clearing
             // out its buffer so we get old stuff :(
             Logger::debug("Refreshing STOMP connection object on selector change. refresh-connection = true");
     $sType = $type;
     $sId = $id;
     $sCustom = $custom;
     // Sanitize the custom selectors
     foreach ($custom as &$selector) {
         $groups = array();
         $result = preg_match('/([^\\=]+)([<>]\\=?|!?\\=)([^\\=]+)/', $selector, $groups);
         if ($result != 1) {
             Logger::warning("Custom STOMP selector doesn't make sense: {$selector}");
         $key = $groups[1];
         $operator = $groups[2];
         $value = $groups[3];
         if (is_numeric($value) === true) {
             if ($this->convertStringExpressions) {
                 // See
                 $key = "convert_string_expressions:{$key}";
             } else {
                 // Nothing, the key is already in canonical form
         } else {
             $value = trim($value, " '\"");
             $value = "'{$value}'";
         $selector = "{$key}{$operator}{$value}";
     // And build the selection header array
     $selectorQuery = array();
     if ($type) {
         $selectorQuery[] = "php-message-class='{$type}'";
     if ($id) {
         $selectorQuery[] = "JMSCorrelationID='{$id}'";
     $selectorQuery += $custom;
     if ($selectorQuery) {
         $properties['selector'] = implode(' AND ', $selectorQuery);
     Logger::debug("Attempting to STOMP subscribe to '{$this->queue_id}' on '{$this->uri}'", $properties);
     $this->stompObj->subscribe($this->queue_id, $properties);
     $this->subscribed = true;