function setCommonConfig(Config &$config, $serverName = null)
    // Config that can be carried over to any server
    if (empty($serverName) && isset($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) {
        $serverName = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    // clientAndServer configs are readable via javascript.
    if ($serverName == 'localhost' || $serverName == 'test') {
        $serverConfigAdd = array('imagecachesPath' => BASE_PATH . 'images/cache/', 'isDevMode' => false, 'logSql' => false);
        $clientAndServerConfigAdd = array('baseUrl' => 'http://localhost/skully-amazon-s3/Tests/app/', 'publicDir' => 'public/');
    } else {
        $serverConfigAdd = array('imagecachesPath' => BASE_PATH . 'images/cache/', 'isDevMode' => false, 'logSql' => false);
        $clientAndServerConfigAdd = array('baseUrl' => '', 'publicDir' => 'public/');
    $config_r = array_merge(array('namespace' => 'TestApp', 'caching' => 0, 'maintenance' => false, 'maintenanceIp' => '', "dateFormatDb" => "Y-m-d H:i:s", 'dateFormat' => 'd M Y', 'longDateTimeFormat' => 'M j, Y h:i A', 'shortDateTimeFormat' => 'd/m H:i', 'longDateFormat' => 'M j, Y', 'shortDateFormat' => 'd/m', 'adminLongDateTimeFormat' => 'd/m/Y H:i', 'adminLongDateFormat' => 'd/m/Y', 'urlRules' => array('' => 'admin/home/index', 'admin' => 'admin/home/index', 'admin/index' => 'admin/home/index', 'admin/loginProcess' => 'admin/admins/loginProcess', 'admin/login' => 'admin/admins/login'), 'language' => 'en', 'languages' => array('en' => array('value' => 'english', 'code' => 'en')), 'smtpPort' => '465', 'smtpHost' => '', 'smtpPassword' => 'password', 'smtpUsername' => '*****@*****.**', 'senderEmail' => '*****@*****.**', 'senderName' => 'SenderName', 'replyToEmail' => '*****@*****.**', 'replyToName' => ' Contact', 'smtpSecurity' => 'ssl', 'basePath' => BASE_PATH, 'globalSalt' => 'hakunamatata', 'ruckusingConfig' => array('migrations_dir' => array('default' => BASE_PATH . 'migrations'), 'db_dir' => BASE_PATH . 'db', 'log_dir' => BASE_PATH . 'logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'migrations', 'ruckusing_base' => RUCKUSING_BASE), 'additionalCommands' => array('\\SkullyAwsS3\\Skully\\Commands\\S3Command')), $serverConfigAdd);
    $clientAndServerConfig = array_merge(array('theme' => 'default', 'formDateFormat' => 'M d, yy', 'serverFormDateFormat' => "%b %e, %Y", 'formTimeFormat' => 'hh:mm TT', 'serverFormDateTimeFormat' => "%b %e, %Y %I:%M %p"), $clientAndServerConfigAdd);
    $config_r = array_merge($config_r, $clientAndServerConfig);
    $clientConfig = array();
    $clientConfig = array_merge($clientConfig, $clientAndServerConfig);
    // Copy credentials.csv from AmazonS3 website into directory "config/AmazonS3/"
    $csv = file_get_contents(realpath(__DIR__ . '/AmazonS3/credentials.csv'));
    $csv_r = explode("\n", $csv);
    $s3Config = explode(',', trim($csv_r[1]));
    $s3Config[0] = str_replace('"', '', $s3Config[0]);
    $config->setProtectedFromArray(array('amazonS3' => array('enabled' => true, 'bucket' => 'skully-admin', 'region' => 's3-ap-southeast-1', 'settings' => array('profile' => $s3Config[0], 'key' => $s3Config[1], 'secret' => $s3Config[2]))));
Exemplo n.º 2
function setUniqueConfig(Config &$config, $serverName = null)
    if (empty($serverName)) {
        $serverName = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    if ($serverName == 'localhost') {
         * LOCALHOST
        $config_r = array('serverName' => $serverName, "dbConfig" => array('type' => 'mysql', "host" => "", "user" => "root", "password" => "oisadj", "port" => "3306", "dbname" => "skully", 'charset' => 'utf8'));
    } elseif ($serverName == 'test') {
         * TEST
        $config_r = array('serverName' => $serverName, "dbConfig" => array('type' => 'sqlite', "host" => "localhost", "user" => "", "password" => "", "port" => "", "dbname" => 'test.db', 'charset' => 'utf8'));
    } else {
         * ONLINE
        $config_r = array('serverName' => $serverName, "dbConfig" => array('type' => 'mysql', "host" => "", "user" => "", "password" => "", "port" => "3306", "dbname" => "online_database", 'charset' => 'utf8', 'directory' => 'skully'));
    if ($serverName == 'localhost') {
        $clientAndServerConfig = array();
    } elseif ($serverName == 'test') {
        $clientAndServerConfig = array();
    } else {
        $clientAndServerConfig = array();
Exemplo n.º 3
function setCommonConfig(Config &$config, $serverName = null)
    // Config that can be carried over to any server
    if (empty($serverName)) {
        $serverName = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
    // clientAndServer configs are readable via javascript.
    if ($serverName == 'localhost' || $serverName == 'test') {
        $serverConfigAdd = array('imagecachesPath' => BASE_PATH . 'images/cache/', 'isDevMode' => false, 'logSql' => false);
        $clientAndServerConfigAdd = array('baseUrl' => 'http://localhost/localsite/', 'publicDir' => 'public/');
    } else {
        $serverConfigAdd = array('imagecachesPath' => BASE_PATH . 'images/cache/', 'isDevMode' => false, 'logSql' => false);
        $clientAndServerConfigAdd = array('baseUrl' => '', 'publicDir' => 'public/');
    $config_r = array_merge(array('freeze' => true, 'namespace' => 'App', 'caching' => 0, 'maintenance' => false, 'maintenanceIp' => '', 'maintenancePath' => 'home/maintenance', 'notFoundPath' => 'home/notFound', "dateFormatDb" => "Y-m-d H:i:s", 'dateFormat' => 'd M Y', 'longDateTimeFormat' => 'M j, Y h:i A', 'shortDateTimeFormat' => 'd/m H:i', 'longDateFormat' => 'M j, Y', 'shortDateFormat' => 'd/m', 'adminLongDateTimeFormat' => 'd/m/Y H:i', 'adminLongDateFormat' => 'd/m/Y', 'urlRules' => array('' => 'home/index', 'admin' => 'admin/home/index', 'admin/index' => 'admin/home/index', 'admin/loginProcess' => 'admin/admins/loginProcess', 'admin/login' => 'admin/admins/login'), 'language' => 'en', 'languages' => array('en' => array('value' => 'english', 'code' => 'en')), 'smtpPort' => '465', 'smtpHost' => '', 'smtpPassword' => 'password', 'smtpUsername' => '*****@*****.**', 'senderEmail' => '*****@*****.**', 'senderName' => 'SenderName', 'replyToEmail' => '*****@*****.**', 'replyToName' => ' Contact', 'smtpSecurity' => 'ssl', 'basePath' => BASE_PATH, 'skullyBasePath' => null, 'globalSalt' => 'hakunamatata', 'ruckusingConfig' => array('migrations_dir' => array('default' => BASE_PATH . 'migrations'), 'db_dir' => BASE_PATH . 'db', 'log_dir' => BASE_PATH . 'logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'migrations', 'ruckusing_base' => RUCKUSING_BASE)), $serverConfigAdd);
    $clientAndServerConfig = array_merge(array('theme' => 'default', 'formDateFormat' => 'M d, yy', 'serverFormDateFormat' => "%b %e, %Y", 'formTimeFormat' => 'hh:mm TT', 'serverFormDateTimeFormat' => "%b %e, %Y %I:%M %p"), $clientAndServerConfigAdd);
    $config_r = array_merge($config_r, $clientAndServerConfig);
    $clientConfig = array();
    $clientConfig = array_merge($clientConfig, $clientAndServerConfig);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function testSetPublicFromArray()
     $config = new Config();
     $config->setPublicFromArray(array('test' => 'value'));
     $this->assertEquals('value', $config->getPublic('test'));