/** * Display page content * * @access public */ public function display_content() { if (VPost::submit(false)) { Html::header_contact(); Html::contact_submitted($this->_result); } else { echo '<form method="post" action="#" accept-charset="utf-8">'; Html::header_contact(); Html::contact('o'); foreach ($this->_users as $user) { Html::option($user['user_email'], $user['user_publicname']); } Html::contact('c'); echo '</form>'; } }
echo '<li class="tmenu"><a href="' . WS_URL . '?ctl=' . $item['ctl'] . '">' . $item['name'] . '</a></li>'; } ?> </ul> </header> <section id="corps"> <ul id="menu"> <li id="search"> <form class="form" method="get" action="index.php"> <input type="hidden" name="ctl" value="search" /> <input type="text" name="q" placeholder=" Search..." list="titles" /> <?php Html::datalist('titles'); ?> </form> </li> <?php foreach ($menu as $item) { echo '<li class="menut">' . $item . '</li>'; } ?> </ul> <section id="content">
* Lynxpress is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Lynxpress. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ namespace Site; use Library\Variable\Server as VServer; use Library\Mail\Mail; use Exception; try { define('PATH', ''); define('INC', 'includes/'); define('ADMIN', 'admin/'); require_once 'config.php'; require_once INC . 'class.loader.inc.php'; Loader::load(); new Session(); $title = '404 Page Not Found'; $menu = array('Sorry but the Lynx didn\'t show up'); require_once Html::header(); Html::_404(); require_once Html::footer(); $mail = new Mail(WS_EMAIL, '"404 not found reached', str_replace('",', "\",\n", json_encode(VServer::all()))); $mail->send(); } catch (Exception $e) { die('<h1>' . $e->getMessage() . '</h1>'); }
/** * Display page content * * @access public */ public function display_content() { Html::header_authors(VGet::author()); if (!empty($this->_content)) { if (!VSession::html5()) { echo '<ul id="authors">'; } foreach ($this->_content as $user) { Html::author($user->_publicname, $user->_email, $user->_website, $user->_msn, $user->_twitter, $user->_facebook, $user->_google, $user->_avatar, $user->_bio); } if (!VSession::html5()) { echo '</ul>'; } } else { Html::no_content('Wanted user doesn\'t exist'); } }
/** * Display page content * * @access public */ public function display_content() { if (!empty($this->_content)) { Html::header_links(); if (!VSession::html5()) { echo '<ul id="links">'; } foreach ($this->_content as $link) { Html::related_link($link->_name, $link->_link, $link->_rss_link, $link->_notes, $link->_priority); } if (!Vsession::html5()) { echo '</ul>'; } } else { Html::header_links(); if (!VSession::html5()) { echo '<ul id="links">'; } Html::no_content('There\'s no link registered yet.'); if (!Vsession::html5()) { echo '</ul>'; } } }
/** * Display comments about an album * * @access private */ private function display_comments() { Html::header_albums($this->_album->_name . ' > Comments'); Html::album_details($this->_album->_id, $this->_album->_author_name, $this->_album->_date, nl2br($this->_album->_description), $this->_album->_name, WS_URL . '?ctl=' . $this->_pid . '&album=' . $this->_album->_id); echo '<br/><span id="go_back_album"><a href="' . PATH . '?ctl=' . $this->_pid . '&album=' . VGet::album() . '">Go Back</a></span>'; if (VSession::renderer() != 'mobile') { //create comment section if ($this->_album->_allow_comment == 'open') { $c = new Comments($this->_album->_id); $c->display_content(); } else { Html::comment_closed(); } } }
/** * Display a specific post * * @access private */ private function display_news() { if (!empty($this->_content)) { $cats = explode(',', $this->_content[0]->_category); try { foreach ($cats as &$cat) { $id = $cat; $infos = new Category($id); $cat = Helper\Posts::make_category_link($id, $infos->_name); } } catch (Exception $e) { @error_log($e->getMessage() . ' file: ' . __FILE__ . '; line: ' . __LINE__, 1, WS_EMAIL); } $content = nl2br($this->_content[0]->_content); $tags = explode(',', $this->_content[0]->_tags); foreach ($tags as &$tag) { $tag = Helper\Posts::make_tag_link($tag); } $link = WS_URL . '?ctl=posts&news=' . $this->_content[0]->_title; Html::html5('o', 'id="news_alone">'); Html::article_alone($this->_content[0]->_title, $this->_content[0]->_date, $this->_content[0]->_author_name, $cats, $content, $tags, $link, $this->_content[0]->_updated, $this->_content[0]->_update_author_name); if (VSession::renderer() != 'mobile') { //create comment section if ($this->_content[0]->_allow_comment == 'open') { $c = new Comments($this->_content[0]->_id); $c->display_content(); } else { Html::comment_closed(); } } Html::html5('c'); } }
/** * Display an error message what says there's no result for the search * * @access private */ private function display_error() { if (!empty($this->_search)) { $msg = $this->_search; } elseif (!empty($this->_by_date)) { $msg = date('M Y', strtotime($this->_by_date)); } elseif (!empty($this->_tag)) { $msg = $this->_tag; } elseif (!empty($this->_cat)) { try { $cat = new Category($this->_cat); $msg = ucwords($cat->_name); } catch (Exception $e) { header('Location: 404.php'); } } if (!VSession::html5()) { echo '<ul id="listing_articles">'; } Html::no_content('No results founded for "' . $msg . '"'); if (!VSession::html5()) { echo '</ul>'; } }
/** * Display message after contact form has been submitted * * @static * @access public * @param mixed [$result] */ public static function contact_submitted($result) { MHtml::html5('o', 'id="contact_form">'); if ($result === 'false email') { echo '<span id="c_error">Your e-mail is not a valid one</span>'; } elseif ($result === false) { echo '<span id="c_error">You need to fill all inputs</span>'; } else { echo '<span id="c_well">Your message has been sent</span>'; } MHtml::html5('c'); }
/** * Display retrieved comments * * @access private */ private function display_comments() { if (!empty($this->_comments)) { $com_link = $this->build_link(); Html::html5('o'); foreach ($this->_comments as $comment) { Html::comment($comment->_id, $comment->_name, $comment->_date, $com_link, nl2br($comment->_content), $comment->_email); } Html::html5('c'); } }
/** * Display page content * * @access public */ public function display_content() { if (VGet::cat()) { $add = $this->_menu[VGet::cat()]; } else { $add = null; } Html::header_videos($add); if (!empty($this->_content)) { Html::html5('o', 'id="videos">'); if (!VSession::html5()) { echo '<ul>'; } foreach ($this->_content as $video) { Html::video($video->_name, $video->_author_publicname, $video->_permalink, $video->_embed_code, nl2br($video->_description), $video->_date); } if (!VSession::html5()) { echo '</ul>'; } Html::html5('c'); } else { if (!VSession::html5()) { echo '<ul>'; } Html::no_content('There\'s no videos right now.'); if (!VSession::html5()) { echo '</ul>'; } } }