public function setUp()
     // Fixtures assume Email is the field used to identify the log in identity
     Member::config()->unique_identifier_field = 'Email';
     Security::$force_database_is_ready = true;
     // Prevents Member test subclasses breaking ready test
     Member::config()->lock_out_after_incorrect_logins = 10;
 public function testDatabaseIsReadyWithInsufficientMemberColumns()
     $old = Security::$force_database_is_ready;
     Security::$force_database_is_ready = null;
     Security::$database_is_ready = false;
     // Assumption: The database has been built correctly by the test runner,
     // and has all columns present in the ORM
     /** @skipUpgrade */
     DB::get_schema()->renameField('Member', 'Email', 'Email_renamed');
     // Email column is now missing, which means we're not ready to do permission checks
     // Rebuild the database (which re-adds the Email column), and try again
     Security::$force_database_is_ready = $old;