protected function foreignIDFilter($id = null)
     if ($id === null) {
         $id = $this->getForeignID();
     // Apply relation filter
     $key = DataObject::getSchema()->sqlColumnForField($this->dataClass(), $this->getForeignKey());
     if (is_array($id)) {
         return array("{$key} IN (" . DB::placeholders($id) . ")" => $id);
     } else {
         if ($id !== null) {
             return array($key => $id);
     return null;
  * Link this group set to a specific member.
  * Recursively selects all groups applied to this member, as well as any
  * parent groups of any applied groups
  * @param array|integer $id (optional) An ID or an array of IDs - if not provided, will use the current
  * ids as per getForeignID
  * @return array Condition In array(SQL => parameters format)
 public function foreignIDFilter($id = null)
     if ($id === null) {
         $id = $this->getForeignID();
     // Find directly applied groups
     $manyManyFilter = parent::foreignIDFilter($id);
     $query = new SQLSelect('"Group_Members"."GroupID"', '"Group_Members"', $manyManyFilter);
     $groupIDs = $query->execute()->column();
     // Get all ancestors, iteratively merging these into the master set
     $allGroupIDs = array();
     while ($groupIDs) {
         $allGroupIDs = array_merge($allGroupIDs, $groupIDs);
         $groupIDs = DataObject::get("SilverStripe\\Security\\Group")->byIDs($groupIDs)->column("ParentID");
         $groupIDs = array_filter($groupIDs);
     // Add a filter to this DataList
     if (!empty($allGroupIDs)) {
         $allGroupIDsPlaceholders = DB::placeholders($allGroupIDs);
         return array("\"Group\".\"ID\" IN ({$allGroupIDsPlaceholders})" => $allGroupIDs);
     } else {
         return array('"Group"."ID"' => 0);
  * Applies matches for several values, either as inclusive or exclusive
  * @param DataQuery $query
  * @param bool $inclusive True if this is inclusive, or false if exclusive
  * @return DataQuery
 protected function manyFilter(DataQuery $query, $inclusive)
     $this->model = $query->applyRelation($this->relation);
     $caseSensitive = $this->getCaseSensitive();
     // Check values for null
     $field = $this->getDbName();
     $values = $this->getValue();
     if (empty($values)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Cannot filter {$field} against an empty set");
     $hasNull = in_array(null, $values, true);
     if ($hasNull) {
         $values = array_filter($values, function ($value) {
             return $value !== null;
     $connective = '';
     if (empty($values)) {
         $predicate = '';
     } elseif ($caseSensitive === null) {
         // For queries using the default collation (no explicit case) we can use the WHERE .. NOT IN .. syntax,
         // providing simpler SQL than many WHERE .. AND .. fragments.
         $column = $this->getDbName();
         $placeholders = DB::placeholders($values);
         if ($inclusive) {
             $predicate = "{$column} IN ({$placeholders})";
         } else {
             $predicate = "{$column} NOT IN ({$placeholders})";
     } else {
         // Generate reusable comparison clause
         $comparisonClause = DB::get_conn()->comparisonClause($this->getDbName(), null, true, !$inclusive, $this->getCaseSensitive(), true);
         $count = count($values);
         if ($count > 1) {
             $connective = $inclusive ? ' OR ' : ' AND ';
             $conditions = array_fill(0, $count, $comparisonClause);
             $predicate = implode($connective, $conditions);
         } else {
             $predicate = $comparisonClause;
     // Always check for null when doing exclusive checks (either AND IS NOT NULL / OR IS NULL)
     // or when including the null value explicitly (OR IS NULL)
     if ($hasNull || !$inclusive) {
         // If excluding values which don't include null, or including
         // values which include null, we should do an `OR IS NULL`.
         // Otherwise we are excluding values that do include null, so `AND IS NOT NULL`.
         // Simplified from (!$inclusive && !$hasNull) || ($inclusive && $hasNull);
         $isNull = !$hasNull || $inclusive;
         $nullCondition = DB::get_conn()->nullCheckClause($field, $isNull);
         // Determine merge strategy
         if (empty($predicate)) {
             $predicate = $nullCondition;
         } else {
             // Merge null condition with predicate
             if ($isNull) {
                 $nullCondition = " OR {$nullCondition}";
             } else {
                 $nullCondition = " AND {$nullCondition}";
             // If current predicate connective doesn't match the same as the null connective
             // make sure to group the prior condition
             if ($connective && ($connective === ' OR ') !== $isNull) {
                 $predicate = "({$predicate})";
             $predicate .= $nullCondition;
     return $query->where(array($predicate => $values));
 protected function foreignIDFilter($id = null)
     if ($id === null) {
         $id = $this->getForeignID();
     // Apply relation filter
     $key = "\"{$this->joinTable}\".\"{$this->foreignKey}\"";
     if (is_array($id)) {
         return array("{$key} IN (" . DB::placeholders($id) . ")" => $id);
     } else {
         if ($id !== null) {
             return array($key => $id);
  * Return all of the groups that have one of the given permission codes
  * @param array|string $codes Either a single permission code, or an array of permission codes
  * @return SS_List The matching group objects
 public static function get_groups_by_permission($codes)
     $codeParams = is_array($codes) ? $codes : array($codes);
     $codeClause = DB::placeholders($codeParams);
     // Via Roles are groups that have the permission via a role
     /** @skipUpgrade */
     return Group::get()->where(array("\"PermissionRoleCode\".\"Code\" IN ({$codeClause}) OR \"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ({$codeClause})" => array_merge($codeParams, $codeParams)))->leftJoin('Permission', "\"Permission\".\"GroupID\" = \"Group\".\"ID\"")->leftJoin('Group_Roles', "\"Group_Roles\".\"GroupID\" = \"Group\".\"ID\"")->leftJoin('PermissionRole', "\"Group_Roles\".\"PermissionRoleID\" = \"PermissionRole\".\"ID\"")->leftJoin('PermissionRoleCode', "\"PermissionRoleCode\".\"RoleID\" = \"PermissionRole\".\"ID\"");
  * Safely query and return all pages queried
  * @param array $ids
  * @return SS_List
 protected function getPages($ids)
     // Check empty set
     if (empty($ids)) {
         return new ArrayList();
     $recordClass = $this->recordClass;
     // Bypass translatable filter
     if (class_exists('Translatable') && $recordClass::has_extension('Translatable')) {
     // Bypass versioned filter
     if ($recordClass::has_extension(Versioned::class)) {
         // Workaround for get_including_deleted not supporting byIDs filter very well
         // Ensure we select both stage / live records
         $pages = Versioned::get_including_deleted($recordClass, array('"RecordID" IN (' . DB::placeholders($ids) . ')' => $ids));
     } else {
         $pages = DataObject::get($recordClass)->byIDs($ids);
     if (class_exists('Translatable') && $recordClass::has_extension('Translatable')) {
     return $pages;
  * @param array $params Request params (unsanitized)
 public function __construct($params = null)
     $this->ids = array();
     $this->expanded = array();
     $parents = array();
     $q = $this->getQuery($params);
     $res = $q->execute();
     if (!$res) {
     // And keep a record of parents we don't need to get parents
     // of themselves, as well as IDs to mark
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         if ($row['ParentID']) {
             $parents[$row['ParentID']] = true;
         $this->ids[$row['ID']] = true;
     // We need to recurse up the tree,
     // finding ParentIDs for each ID until we run out of parents
     while (!empty($parents)) {
         $parentsClause = DB::placeholders($parents);
         $res = DB::prepared_query("SELECT \"ParentID\", \"ID\" FROM \"SiteTree\" WHERE \"ID\" in ({$parentsClause})", array_keys($parents));
         $parents = array();
         foreach ($res as $row) {
             if ($row['ParentID']) {
                 $parents[$row['ParentID']] = true;
             $this->ids[$row['ID']] = true;
             $this->expanded[$row['ID']] = true;
  * Ensure that the query is ready to execute.
  * @param array|null $queriedColumns Any columns to filter the query by
  * @return SQLSelect The finalised sql query
 public function getFinalisedQuery($queriedColumns = null)
     if (!$queriedColumns) {
         $queriedColumns = $this->queriedColumns;
     if ($queriedColumns) {
         $queriedColumns = array_merge($queriedColumns, array('Created', 'LastEdited', 'ClassName'));
     $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
     $query = clone $this->query;
     $baseDataClass = $schema->baseDataClass($this->dataClass());
     $baseIDColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($baseDataClass, 'ID');
     $ancestorClasses = ClassInfo::ancestry($this->dataClass(), true);
     // Generate the list of tables to iterate over and the list of columns required
     // by any existing where clauses. This second step is skipped if we're fetching
     // the whole dataobject as any required columns will get selected regardless.
     if ($queriedColumns) {
         // Specifying certain columns allows joining of child tables
         $tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->dataClass);
         // Ensure that any filtered columns are included in the selected columns
         foreach ($query->getWhereParameterised($parameters) as $where) {
             // Check for any columns in the form '"Column" = ?' or '"Table"."Column"' = ?
             if (preg_match_all('/(?:"(?<table>[^"]+)"\\.)?"(?<column>[^"]+)"(?:[^\\.]|$)/', $where, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     $column = $match['column'];
                     if (!in_array($column, $queriedColumns)) {
                         $queriedColumns[] = $column;
     } else {
         $tableClasses = $ancestorClasses;
     // Iterate over the tables and check what we need to select from them. If any selects are made (or the table is
     // required for a select)
     foreach ($tableClasses as $tableClass) {
         // Determine explicit columns to select
         $selectColumns = null;
         if ($queriedColumns) {
             // Restrict queried columns to that on the selected table
             $tableFields = DataObject::database_fields($tableClass);
             $selectColumns = array_intersect($queriedColumns, array_keys($tableFields));
         // If this is a subclass without any explicitly requested columns, omit this from the query
         if (!in_array($tableClass, $ancestorClasses) && empty($selectColumns)) {
         // Select necessary columns (unless an explicitly empty array)
         if ($selectColumns !== array()) {
             $this->selectColumnsFromTable($query, $tableClass, $selectColumns);
         // Join if not the base table
         if ($tableClass !== $baseDataClass) {
             $tableName = $schema->tableName($tableClass);
             $query->addLeftJoin($tableName, "\"{$tableName}\".\"ID\" = {$baseIDColumn}", $tableName, 10);
     // Resolve colliding fields
     if ($this->collidingFields) {
         foreach ($this->collidingFields as $collisionField => $collisions) {
             $caseClauses = array();
             foreach ($collisions as $collision) {
                 if (preg_match('/^"(?<table>[^"]+)"\\./', $collision, $matches)) {
                     $collisionTable = $matches['table'];
                     $collisionClass = $schema->tableClass($collisionTable);
                     if ($collisionClass) {
                         $collisionClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($collisionClass, 'ClassName');
                         $collisionClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($collisionClass);
                         $collisionClassesSQL = implode(', ', Convert::raw2sql($collisionClasses, true));
                         $caseClauses[] = "WHEN {$collisionClassColumn} IN ({$collisionClassesSQL}) THEN {$collision}";
                 } else {
                     user_error("Bad collision item '{$collision}'", E_USER_WARNING);
             $query->selectField("CASE " . implode(" ", $caseClauses) . " ELSE NULL END", $collisionField);
     if ($this->filterByClassName) {
         // If querying the base class, don't bother filtering on class name
         if ($this->dataClass != $baseDataClass) {
             // Get the ClassName values to filter to
             $classNames = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($this->dataClass);
             $classNamesPlaceholders = DB::placeholders($classNames);
             $baseClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($baseDataClass, 'ClassName');
             $query->addWhere(array("{$baseClassColumn} IN ({$classNamesPlaceholders})" => $classNames));
     // Select ID
     $query->selectField($baseIDColumn, "ID");
     // Select RecordClassName
     $baseClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($baseDataClass, 'ClassName');
     $query->selectField("\n\t\t\tCASE WHEN {$baseClassColumn} IS NOT NULL THEN {$baseClassColumn}\n\t\t\tELSE " . Convert::raw2sql($baseDataClass, true) . " END", "RecordClassName");
     // TODO: Versioned, Translatable, SiteTreeSubsites, etc, could probably be better implemented as subclasses
     // of DataQuery
     $obj = Injector::inst()->get($this->dataClass);
     $obj->extend('augmentSQL', $query, $this);
     return $query;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Get a map of all members in the groups given that have CMS permissions
  * If no groups are passed, all groups with CMS permissions will be used.
  * @param array $groups Groups to consider or NULL to use all groups with
  *                      CMS permissions.
  * @return Map Returns a map of all members in the groups given that
  *                have CMS permissions.
 public static function mapInCMSGroups($groups = null)
     if (!$groups || $groups->Count() == 0) {
         $perms = array('ADMIN', 'CMS_ACCESS_AssetAdmin');
         if (class_exists('SilverStripe\\CMS\\Controllers\\CMSMain')) {
             $cmsPerms = CMSMain::singleton()->providePermissions();
         } else {
             $cmsPerms = LeftAndMain::singleton()->providePermissions();
         if (!empty($cmsPerms)) {
             $perms = array_unique(array_merge($perms, array_keys($cmsPerms)));
         $permsClause = DB::placeholders($perms);
         /** @skipUpgrade */
         $groups = Group::get()->innerJoin("Permission", '"Permission"."GroupID" = "Group"."ID"')->where(array("\"Permission\".\"Code\" IN ({$permsClause})" => $perms));
     $groupIDList = array();
     if ($groups instanceof SS_List) {
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $groupIDList[] = $group->ID;
     } elseif (is_array($groups)) {
         $groupIDList = $groups;
     /** @skipUpgrade */
     $members = Member::get()->innerJoin("Group_Members", '"Group_Members"."MemberID" = "Member"."ID"')->innerJoin("Group", '"Group"."ID" = "Group_Members"."GroupID"');
     if ($groupIDList) {
         $groupClause = DB::placeholders($groupIDList);
         $members = $members->where(array("\"Group\".\"ID\" IN ({$groupClause})" => $groupIDList));
     return $members->sort('"Member"."Surname", "Member"."FirstName"')->map();
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Pre-populate the cache for Versioned::get_versionnumber_by_stage() for
  * a list of record IDs, for more efficient database querying.  If $idList
  * is null, then every record will be pre-cached.
  * @param string $class
  * @param string $stage
  * @param array $idList
 public static function prepopulate_versionnumber_cache($class, $stage, $idList = null)
     if (!Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\ORM\\Versioning\\Versioned', 'prepopulate_versionnumber_cache')) {
     $filter = "";
     $parameters = array();
     if ($idList) {
         // Validate the ID list
         foreach ($idList as $id) {
             if (!is_numeric($id)) {
                 user_error("Bad ID passed to Versioned::prepopulate_versionnumber_cache() in \$idList: " . $id, E_USER_ERROR);
         $filter = 'WHERE "ID" IN (' . DB::placeholders($idList) . ')';
         $parameters = $idList;
     /** @var Versioned|DataObject $singleton */
     $singleton = DataObject::singleton($class);
     $baseClass = $singleton->baseClass();
     $baseTable = $singleton->baseTable();
     $stageTable = $singleton->stageTable($baseTable, $stage);
     $versions = DB::prepared_query("SELECT \"ID\", \"Version\" FROM \"{$stageTable}\" {$filter}", $parameters)->map();
     foreach ($versions as $id => $version) {
         self::$cache_versionnumber[$baseClass][$stage][$id] = $version;