  * Create a new PolymorphicHasManyList relation list.
  * @param string $dataClass The class of the DataObjects that this will list.
  * @param string $foreignField The name of the composite foreign relation field. Used
  * to generate the ID and Class foreign keys.
  * @param string $foreignClass Name of the class filter this relation is filtered against
 function __construct($dataClass, $foreignField, $foreignClass)
     // Set both id foreign key (as in HasManyList) and the class foreign key
     parent::__construct($dataClass, "{$foreignField}ID");
     $this->classForeignKey = "{$foreignField}Class";
     // Ensure underlying DataQuery globally references the class filter
     $this->dataQuery->setQueryParam('Foreign.Class', $foreignClass);
     // For queries with multiple foreign IDs (such as that generated by
     // DataList::relation) the filter must be generalised to filter by subclasses
     $classNames = Convert::raw2sql(ClassInfo::subclassesFor($foreignClass));
     $this->dataQuery->where(sprintf("\"{$this->classForeignKey}\" IN ('%s')", implode("', '", $classNames)));
  * Return a set type-formatted string
  * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
  * @return string
 public function set($values)
     //For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function:
     //$parts=Array('datatype'=>'enum', 'enums'=>$this->enum, 'character set'=>'utf8', 'collate'=>
     // 'utf8_general_ci', 'default'=>$this->default);
     //DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "enum('" . implode("','", $this->enum) . "') character set
     //utf8 collate utf8_general_ci default '{$this->default}'");
     $valuesString = implode(",", Convert::raw2sql($values['enums'], true));
     $charset = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\ORM\\Connect\\MySQLDatabase', 'charset');
     $collation = Config::inst()->get('SilverStripe\\ORM\\Connect\\MySQLDatabase', 'collation');
     return "set({$valuesString}) character set {$charset} collate {$collation}" . $this->defaultClause($values);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Return a SQL CONCAT() fragment suitable for a SELECT statement.
  * Useful for custom queries which assume a certain member title format.
  * @return String SQL
 public static function get_title_sql()
     // This should be abstracted to SSDatabase concatOperator or similar.
     $op = DB::get_conn() instanceof MSSQLDatabase ? " + " : " || ";
     // Get title_format with fallback to default
     $format = static::config()->title_format;
     if (!$format) {
         $format = ['columns' => ['Surname', 'FirstName'], 'sep' => ' '];
     $columnsWithTablename = array();
     foreach ($format['columns'] as $column) {
         $columnsWithTablename[] = static::getSchema()->sqlColumnForField(__CLASS__, $column);
     $sepSQL = Convert::raw2sql($format['sep'], true);
     return "(" . join(" {$op} {$sepSQL} {$op} ", $columnsWithTablename) . ")";
  * The core search engine, used by this class and its subclasses to do fun stuff.
  * Searches both SiteTree and File.
  * @param array $classesToSearch
  * @param string $keywords Keywords as a string.
  * @param int $start
  * @param int $pageLength
  * @param string $sortBy
  * @param string $extraFilter
  * @param bool $booleanSearch
  * @param string $alternativeFileFilter
  * @param bool $invertedMatch
  * @return \SilverStripe\ORM\PaginatedList
  * @throws Exception
 public function searchEngine($classesToSearch, $keywords, $start, $pageLength, $sortBy = "Relevance DESC", $extraFilter = "", $booleanSearch = false, $alternativeFileFilter = "", $invertedMatch = false)
     $pageClass = 'SilverStripe\\CMS\\Model\\SiteTree';
     $fileClass = 'SilverStripe\\Assets\\File';
     $pageTable = DataObject::getSchema()->tableName($pageClass);
     $fileTable = DataObject::getSchema()->tableName($fileClass);
     if (!class_exists($pageClass)) {
         throw new Exception('MySQLDatabase->searchEngine() requires "SiteTree" class');
     if (!class_exists($fileClass)) {
         throw new Exception('MySQLDatabase->searchEngine() requires "File" class');
     $keywords = $this->escapeString($keywords);
     $htmlEntityKeywords = htmlentities($keywords, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     $extraFilters = array($pageClass => '', $fileClass => '');
     $boolean = '';
     if ($booleanSearch) {
         $boolean = "IN BOOLEAN MODE";
     if ($extraFilter) {
         $extraFilters[$pageClass] = " AND {$extraFilter}";
         if ($alternativeFileFilter) {
             $extraFilters[$fileClass] = " AND {$alternativeFileFilter}";
         } else {
             $extraFilters[$fileClass] = $extraFilters[$pageClass];
     // Always ensure that only pages with ShowInSearch = 1 can be searched
     $extraFilters[$pageClass] .= " AND ShowInSearch <> 0";
     // File.ShowInSearch was added later, keep the database driver backwards compatible
     // by checking for its existence first
     $fields = $this->getSchemaManager()->fieldList($fileTable);
     if (array_key_exists('ShowInSearch', $fields)) {
         $extraFilters[$fileClass] .= " AND ShowInSearch <> 0";
     $limit = $start . ", " . (int) $pageLength;
     $notMatch = $invertedMatch ? "NOT " : "";
     if ($keywords) {
         $match[$pageClass] = "\n\t\t\t\tMATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaDescription) AGAINST ('{$keywords}' {$boolean})\n\t\t\t\t+ MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaDescription) AGAINST ('{$htmlEntityKeywords}' {$boolean})\n\t\t\t";
         $fileClassSQL = Convert::raw2sql($fileClass);
         $match[$fileClass] = "MATCH (Name, Title) AGAINST ('{$keywords}' {$boolean}) AND ClassName = '{$fileClassSQL}'";
         // We make the relevance search by converting a boolean mode search into a normal one
         $relevanceKeywords = str_replace(array('*', '+', '-'), '', $keywords);
         $htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords = str_replace(array('*', '+', '-'), '', $htmlEntityKeywords);
         $relevance[$pageClass] = "MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaDescription) " . "AGAINST ('{$relevanceKeywords}') " . "+ MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaDescription) AGAINST ('{$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords}')";
         $relevance[$fileClass] = "MATCH (Name, Title) AGAINST ('{$relevanceKeywords}')";
     } else {
         $relevance[$pageClass] = $relevance[$fileClass] = 1;
         $match[$pageClass] = $match[$fileClass] = "1 = 1";
     // Generate initial DataLists and base table names
     $lists = array();
     $baseClasses = array($pageClass => '', $fileClass => '');
     foreach ($classesToSearch as $class) {
         $lists[$class] = DataList::create($class)->where($notMatch . $match[$class] . $extraFilters[$class]);
         $baseClasses[$class] = '"' . $class . '"';
     $charset = static::config()->get('charset');
     // Make column selection lists
     $select = array($pageClass => array("ClassName", "{$pageTable}.\"ID\"", "ParentID", "Title", "MenuTitle", "URLSegment", "Content", "LastEdited", "Created", "Name" => "_{$charset}''", "Relevance" => $relevance[$pageClass], "CanViewType"), $fileClass => array("ClassName", "{$fileTable}.\"ID\"", "ParentID", "Title", "MenuTitle" => "_{$charset}''", "URLSegment" => "_{$charset}''", "Content" => "_{$charset}''", "LastEdited", "Created", "Name", "Relevance" => $relevance[$fileClass], "CanViewType" => "NULL"));
     // Process and combine queries
     $querySQLs = array();
     $queryParameters = array();
     $totalCount = 0;
     foreach ($lists as $class => $list) {
         $table = DataObject::getSchema()->tableName($class);
         /** @var SQLSelect $query */
         $query = $list->dataQuery()->query();
         // There's no need to do all that joining
         $querySQLs[] = $query->sql($parameters);
         $queryParameters = array_merge($queryParameters, $parameters);
         $totalCount += $query->unlimitedRowCount();
     $fullQuery = implode(" UNION ", $querySQLs) . " ORDER BY {$sortBy} LIMIT {$limit}";
     // Get records
     $records = $this->preparedQuery($fullQuery, $queryParameters);
     $objects = array();
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         $objects[] = new $record['ClassName']($record);
     $list = new PaginatedList(new ArrayList($objects));
     // The list has already been limited by the query above
     return $list;
 public function testAppendExtraFieldsToQuery()
     $list = new ManyManyList('ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields', 'ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields_Clients', 'ManyManyListTest_ExtraFieldsID', 'ChildID', array('Worth' => 'Money', 'Reference' => 'Varchar'));
     // ensure that ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields_Clients.ValueCurrency is
     // selected.
     $db = DB::get_conn();
     $expected = 'SELECT DISTINCT "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields_Clients"."WorthCurrency",' . ' "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields_Clients"."WorthAmount", "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields_Clients"."Reference",' . ' "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields"."ClassName", "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields"."LastEdited",' . ' "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields"."Created", "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields"."ID",' . ' CASE WHEN "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields"."ClassName" IS NOT NULL THEN' . ' "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields"."ClassName" ELSE ' . Convert::raw2sql('ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields', true) . ' END AS "RecordClassName" FROM "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields" INNER JOIN' . ' "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields_Clients" ON' . ' "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields_Clients"."ManyManyListTest_ExtraFieldsID" =' . ' "ManyManyListTest_ExtraFields"."ID"';
     $this->assertSQLEquals($expected, $list->sql($parameters));
  * Test that publishing processes respects lazy loaded fields
 public function testLazyLoadFields()
     $originalMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode();
     // Generate staging record and retrieve it from stage in live mode
     $obj = new VersionedTest_Subclass();
     $obj->Name = 'bob';
     $obj->ExtraField = 'Field Value';
     $objID = $obj->ID;
     $filter = sprintf('"VersionedTest_DataObject"."ID" = \'%d\'', Convert::raw2sql($objID));
     // Check fields are unloaded prior to access
     $objLazy = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Stage', $filter, false);
     $lazyFields = $objLazy->getQueriedDatabaseFields();
     $this->assertEquals('VersionedTest_Subclass', $lazyFields['ExtraField_Lazy']);
     // Check lazy loading works when viewing a Stage object in Live mode
     $this->assertEquals('Field Value', $objLazy->ExtraField);
     // Test that writeToStage respects lazy loaded fields
     $objLazy = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Stage', $filter, false);
     $objLive = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('VersionedTest_DataObject', 'Live', $filter, false);
     $liveLazyFields = $objLive->getQueriedDatabaseFields();
     // Check fields are unloaded prior to access
     $this->assertEquals('VersionedTest_Subclass', $liveLazyFields['ExtraField_Lazy']);
     // Check that live record has original value
     $this->assertEquals('Field Value', $objLive->ExtraField);
  * Ensure that the query is ready to execute.
  * @param array|null $queriedColumns Any columns to filter the query by
  * @return SQLSelect The finalised sql query
 public function getFinalisedQuery($queriedColumns = null)
     if (!$queriedColumns) {
         $queriedColumns = $this->queriedColumns;
     if ($queriedColumns) {
         $queriedColumns = array_merge($queriedColumns, array('Created', 'LastEdited', 'ClassName'));
     $query = clone $this->query;
     // Apply manipulators before finalising query
     foreach ($this->getDataQueryManipulators() as $manipulator) {
         $manipulator->beforeGetFinalisedQuery($this, $queriedColumns, $query);
     $schema = DataObject::getSchema();
     $baseDataClass = $schema->baseDataClass($this->dataClass());
     $baseIDColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($baseDataClass, 'ID');
     $ancestorClasses = ClassInfo::ancestry($this->dataClass(), true);
     // Generate the list of tables to iterate over and the list of columns required
     // by any existing where clauses. This second step is skipped if we're fetching
     // the whole dataobject as any required columns will get selected regardless.
     if ($queriedColumns) {
         // Specifying certain columns allows joining of child tables
         $tableClasses = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor($this->dataClass);
         // Ensure that any filtered columns are included in the selected columns
         foreach ($query->getWhereParameterised($parameters) as $where) {
             // Check for any columns in the form '"Column" = ?' or '"Table"."Column"' = ?
             if (preg_match_all('/(?:"(?<table>[^"]+)"\\.)?"(?<column>[^"]+)"(?:[^\\.]|$)/', $where, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     $column = $match['column'];
                     if (!in_array($column, $queriedColumns)) {
                         $queriedColumns[] = $column;
     } else {
         $tableClasses = $ancestorClasses;
     // Iterate over the tables and check what we need to select from them. If any selects are made (or the table is
     // required for a select)
     foreach ($tableClasses as $tableClass) {
         // Determine explicit columns to select
         $selectColumns = null;
         if ($queriedColumns) {
             // Restrict queried columns to that on the selected table
             $tableFields = $schema->databaseFields($tableClass, false);
             $selectColumns = array_intersect($queriedColumns, array_keys($tableFields));
         // If this is a subclass without any explicitly requested columns, omit this from the query
         if (!in_array($tableClass, $ancestorClasses) && empty($selectColumns)) {
         // Select necessary columns (unless an explicitly empty array)
         if ($selectColumns !== array()) {
             $this->selectColumnsFromTable($query, $tableClass, $selectColumns);
         // Join if not the base table
         if ($tableClass !== $baseDataClass) {
             $tableName = $schema->tableName($tableClass);
             $query->addLeftJoin($tableName, "\"{$tableName}\".\"ID\" = {$baseIDColumn}", $tableName, 10);
     // Resolve colliding fields
     if ($this->collidingFields) {
         foreach ($this->collidingFields as $collisionField => $collisions) {
             $caseClauses = array();
             foreach ($collisions as $collision) {
                 if (preg_match('/^"(?<table>[^"]+)"\\./', $collision, $matches)) {
                     $collisionTable = $matches['table'];
                     $collisionClass = $schema->tableClass($collisionTable);
                     if ($collisionClass) {
                         $collisionClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($collisionClass, 'ClassName');
                         $collisionClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($collisionClass);
                         $collisionClassesSQL = implode(', ', Convert::raw2sql($collisionClasses, true));
                         $caseClauses[] = "WHEN {$collisionClassColumn} IN ({$collisionClassesSQL}) THEN {$collision}";
                 } else {
                     user_error("Bad collision item '{$collision}'", E_USER_WARNING);
             $query->selectField("CASE " . implode(" ", $caseClauses) . " ELSE NULL END", $collisionField);
     if ($this->filterByClassName) {
         // If querying the base class, don't bother filtering on class name
         if ($this->dataClass != $baseDataClass) {
             // Get the ClassName values to filter to
             $classNames = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($this->dataClass);
             $classNamesPlaceholders = DB::placeholders($classNames);
             $baseClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($baseDataClass, 'ClassName');
             $query->addWhere(array("{$baseClassColumn} IN ({$classNamesPlaceholders})" => $classNames));
     // Select ID
     $query->selectField($baseIDColumn, "ID");
     // Select RecordClassName
     $baseClassColumn = $schema->sqlColumnForField($baseDataClass, 'ClassName');
     $query->selectField("\n\t\t\tCASE WHEN {$baseClassColumn} IS NOT NULL THEN {$baseClassColumn}\n\t\t\tELSE " . Convert::raw2sql($baseDataClass, true) . " END", "RecordClassName");
     // TODO: Versioned, Translatable, SiteTreeSubsites, etc, could probably be better implemented as subclasses
     // of DataQuery
     $obj = Injector::inst()->get($this->dataClass);
     $obj->extend('augmentSQL', $query, $this);
     // Apply post-finalisation manipulations
     foreach ($this->getDataQueryManipulators() as $manipulator) {
         $manipulator->afterGetFinalisedQuery($this, $queriedColumns, $query);
     return $query;