Exemplo n.º 1
  * @param $data
  * @param $entity
  * @param $primaryId
  * @return QueryBuilder
 public function getQueryBuilderForEntity($data, $entity, $primaryId)
     $metaData = $this->modelManager->getClassMetadata($entity);
     $table = $metaData->table['name'];
     $builder = $this->getQueryBuilder();
     if ($primaryId) {
         $id = $builder->createNamedParameter($primaryId, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
         //update article id in case we don't have any field for update
         $builder->set('id', $id);
         $builder->where('id = ' . $id);
     } else {
     foreach ($data as $field => $value) {
         if (!array_key_exists($field, $metaData->fieldMappings)) {
         $key = $this->connection->quoteIdentifier($metaData->fieldMappings[$field]['columnName']);
         $value = $this->getNamedParameter($value, $field, $metaData, $builder);
         if ($primaryId) {
             $builder->set($key, $value);
         } else {
             $builder->setValue($key, $value);
     return $builder;
  * @inheritdoc
 public function exportProfile($profileId)
     $profileRepository = $this->modelManager->getRepository(Profile::class);
     $profile = $profileRepository->findOneBy(['id' => $profileId]);
     $profileDataStruct = new ProfileDataStruct($profile);
     return $profileDataStruct;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * initialises the bootstrapPath variable
  * @param $em
  * @param $soapApi
  * @param $config
 public function __construct(ModelManager $em, SoapApi $soapApi, Config $config)
     $this->db = $em->getConnection();
     $this->tsSoapApi = $soapApi;
     $this->tsConfig = $config;
     /** @var Repository $shopRepository */
     $shopRepository = $em->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\Shop\\Shop');
     $this->shops = $shopRepository->getActiveShops(AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Resolve username/realm to password/hash/etc.
  * @param  string $username Username
  * @param  string $realm    Authentication Realm
  * @return string|false User's shared secret, if the user is found in the
  *         realm, false otherwise.
 public function resolve($username, $realm)
     $repository = $this->modelManager->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\User\\User');
     $user = $repository->findOneBy(array('username' => $username, 'active' => true));
     if (!$user) {
         return false;
     if ($user->getApiKey() === null) {
         return false;
     $apiKey = $user->getApiKey();
     return md5($username . ':' . $realm . ':' . $apiKey);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * @inheritdoc
 public function write($messages, $status, Session $session)
     $loggerModel = new LoggerEntity();
     if (!is_array($messages)) {
         $messages = [$messages];
     $messages = implode(';', $messages);
 private function importNewsletterDemoData()
     $this->modelManager = Shopware()->Container()->get('models');
     $newsletterGroup = $this->modelManager->find(Group::class, 1);
     for ($addressAmount = 0; $addressAmount < 25; $addressAmount++) {
         $address = new Address();
         $address->setEmail('test_' . $addressAmount . '@example.com');
         $address->setAdded(new \DateTime());
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getListByCategory($products, Struct\ShopContextInterface $context)
     if (!$this->config->offsetExists('similarLimit') || $this->config->get('similarLimit') <= 0) {
         return [];
     $ids = [];
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         $ids[] = $product->getId();
     $ids = array_unique($ids);
     $categoryId = 1;
     if ($context->getShop() && $context->getShop()->getCategory()) {
         $categoryId = $context->getShop()->getCategory()->getId();
     $query = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
     $query->select(['main.articleID', "GROUP_CONCAT(subVariant.ordernumber SEPARATOR '|') as similar"]);
     $query->from('s_articles_categories', 'main');
     $query->innerJoin('main', 's_articles_categories', 'sub', 'sub.categoryID = main.categoryID AND sub.articleID != main.articleID');
     $query->innerJoin('sub', 's_articles_details', 'subVariant', 'subVariant.articleID = sub.articleID AND subVariant.kind = 1');
     $query->innerJoin('main', 's_categories', 'category', 'category.id = sub.categoryID AND category.id = main.categoryID');
     $query->where('main.articleID IN (:ids)')->andWhere('category.path LIKE :path');
     $query->setParameter(':ids', $ids, Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)->setParameter(':path', '%|' . (int) $categoryId . '|');
     $statement = $query->execute();
     $data = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $limit = (int) $this->config->get('similarLimit');
     $result = [];
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         $similar = explode('|', $row['similar']);
         $result[$row['articleID']] = array_slice($similar, 0, $limit);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Given a category id, returns the category path
  * @param int $categoryId Id of the category
  * @return array Array containing the path parts
 public function sCategoryPath($categoryId)
     $parts = $this->modelManager->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\Category\\Category')->getPathById($categoryId, 'name');
     $level = Shopware()->Shop()->getCategory()->getLevel();
     $parts = array_slice($parts, $level);
     return $parts;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @param int $articleID
  * @return bool
 private function deleteDownloads($articleID)
     /* @var ArticleRepository $articleRepository */
     $articleRepository = $this->getArticleRepository();
     $article = $articleRepository->find($articleID);
     if (!$article instanceof Article) {
         return false;
     $downloads = $article->getDownloads();
     foreach ($downloads as $downloadModel) {
         $filename = $downloadModel->getFile();
         /* @var MediaRepository $mediaRepository */
         $mediaRepository = $this->getMediaRepository();
         $mediaList = $mediaRepository->findBy(['path' => $filename]);
         foreach ($mediaList as $mediaModel) {
     $sql = 'SELECT id FROM s_articles_downloads WHERE articleID = ' . $articleID;
     $downloads = $this->db->fetchCol($sql);
     if (!empty($downloads)) {
         $this->deleteTranslation('download', $downloads);
     return true;
  * @return \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder
 public function getElementBuilder()
     $repository = $this->modelManager->getRepository(Element::class);
     $builder = $repository->createQueryBuilder('attribute');
     $builder->andWhere('attribute.translatable = 1');
     return $builder;
  * @param Category $category
  * @throws AdapterException
 private function validateCategoryModel($category)
     $violations = $this->modelManager->validate($category);
     if ($violations->count() > 0) {
         $message = SnippetsHelper::getNamespace()->get('adapters/category/no_valid_category_entity', 'No valid category entity for category %s');
         throw new AdapterException(sprintf($message, $category->getName()));
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @param EventArgs $arguments
 public function preRemoveCategory(EventArgs $arguments)
     $categoryModel = $arguments->get('entity');
     $categoryId = $categoryModel->getId();
     $builder = $this->em->getDBALQueryBuilder();
     $builder->delete('s_articles_sort')->where('categoryId = :categoryId')->setParameter('categoryId', $categoryId);
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Helper function that queries all sub shops (including language sub shops).
  * @return array
 private function getData()
     /** @var \Shopware\Models\Shop\Repository $repository */
     $repository = $this->models->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\Shop\\Shop');
     $builder = $repository->getActiveQueryBuilder();
     return $builder->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Returns all config elements of the passed template.
  * @param \Shopware\Models\Shop\Template $template
  * @return ArrayCollection
 private function getElements(Shop\Template $template)
     $builder = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
     $builder->select('elements')->from('Shopware\\Models\\Shop\\TemplateConfig\\Element', 'elements')->where('elements.templateId = :templateId')->setParameter('templateId', $template->getId());
     $elements = $builder->getQuery()->getResult();
     $elements = $this->eventManager->filter('Theme_Configurator_Elements_Loaded', $elements, array('template' => $template));
     return new ArrayCollection($elements);
Exemplo n.º 15
  * @return \Shopware\Components\Model\DatabaseDriver
 private function getDatabaseDriver()
     $platform = $this->em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
     $platform->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string');
     $driver = new \Shopware\Components\Model\DatabaseDriver(
     return $driver;
  * Removes the import files on update to version 1.2.2
 private function removeImportFilesAlbum()
     $repo = $this->modelManager->getRepository(Album::class);
     $album = $repo->findOneBy(['name' => 'ImportFiles']);
     if ($album) {
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Returns the Trusted Shops config used in the frontend
  * @param $shopId
  * @return array
 public function getTrustedShopBasicConfig($shopId)
     $config = $this->getSettings($shopId);
     $sql = "SELECT id, description\n\t\t\t\tFROM s_core_states\n\t\t\t\tWHERE description LIKE 'TS - Antrag%'\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY id";
     $states = $this->em->getConnection()->fetchAll($sql);
     //set trusted shop parameters
     $trustedShop = array('id' => $config['trustedShopsId'], 'rating_active' => $config['trustedShopsShowRatingWidget'], 'rating_buttons' => $config['trustedShopsShowRatingsButtons'], 'rating_link' => $this->getRatingLink($config['trustedShopsId']), 'rate_later_days' => $config['trustedShopsRateLaterDays'], 'user' => $config['trustedShopsUser'], 'pw' => $config['trustedShopsPassword'], 'trustBadgeCode' => $config['trustedShopsTrustBadgeCode'], 'stateWaiting' => $states[0], 'stateSuccess' => $states[1], 'stateError' => $states[2]);
     return $trustedShop;
  * @param Menu|null $menuItem
  * @param string $menuLabel
 private function createMenuItemIfItDoesNotExist($menuItem, $menuLabel)
     if ($menuItem instanceof Menu) {
     $menu = new Menu();
Exemplo n.º 19
  * creates the DB tables on base of the Trusted Shops CustomModel
 private function createSchema()
     $tool = new SchemaTool($this->em);
     $classes = array($this->em->getClassMetadata('Shopware\\CustomModels\\TrustedShops\\TrustedShops'));
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Exemplo n.º 20
 private function removePriceGroup()
     $ids = $this->db->fetchCol("SELECT id FROM s_core_pricegroups WHERE description = 'TEST-GROUP'");
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $group = $this->entityManager->find('Shopware\\Models\\Price\\Group', $id);
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Try to get the Tax object
  * @return bool|Tax
  * @throws ORMException
  * @throws OptimisticLockException
  * @throws TransactionRequiredException
 private function getTax()
     $taxId = $this->getTaxId();
     /** @var Tax $tax */
     $tax = $this->em->find('Shopware\\Models\\Tax\\Tax', $taxId);
     if (!$tax instanceof Tax) {
         echo json_encode(array("success" => false, "message" => "Tax with id: {$taxId} does not exist!"));
         return false;
     return $tax;
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Returns the query builder object to select the theme configuration for the
  * current shop.
  * @param \Shopware\Models\Shop\Template $template
  * @param boolean $lessCompatible
  * @return \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder|\Shopware\Components\Model\QueryBuilder
  * @throws \Enlight_Event_Exception
 private function getShopConfigQuery(Shop\Template $template, $lessCompatible)
     $builder = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
     $builder->select(array('element.name', 'values.value', 'element.defaultValue', 'element.type'));
     $builder->from('Shopware\\Models\\Shop\\TemplateConfig\\Element', 'element')->leftJoin('element.values', 'values', 'WITH', 'values.shopId = :shopId')->where('element.templateId = :templateId');
     if ($lessCompatible) {
         $builder->andWhere('element.lessCompatible = 1');
     $this->eventManager->notify('Theme_Inheritance_Shop_Query_Built', array('builder' => $builder, 'template' => $template));
     return $builder;
  * @param $type
  * @return Profile
  * @throws \Exception
 public function loadHiddenProfile($type)
     /** @var Repository $profileRepository */
     $profileRepository = $this->modelManager->getRepository(ProfileEntity::class);
     $profileEntity = $profileRepository->findOneBy(['type' => $type, 'hidden' => 1]);
     if (!$profileEntity) {
         $data = ['name' => $type . 'Shopware', 'type' => $type, 'hidden' => 1];
         $profileEntity = $this->createProfileModel($data);
     return new Profile($profileEntity);
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Helper function to read the landing pages urls
  * @return array
 private function readLandingPageUrls()
     $categoryId = $this->contextService->getShopContext()->getShop()->getCategory()->getId();
     $emotionRepository = $this->em->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\Emotion\\Emotion');
     $builder = $emotionRepository->getCampaignsByCategoryId($categoryId);
     $campaigns = $builder->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
     foreach ($campaigns as &$campaign) {
         $campaign['show'] = $this->filterCampaign($campaign[0]['validFrom'], $campaign[0]['validTo']);
         $campaign['urlParams'] = array('sViewport' => 'campaign', 'emotionId' => $campaign[0]['id'], 'sCategory' => $campaign['categoryId']);
     return $campaigns;
  * @param string $profileType
  * @param string $profileName
 private function createProfile($profileType, $profileName)
     $defaultTree = TreeHelper::getDefaultTreeByProfileType($profileType);
     $profile = new Profile();
     $this->profileIds[$profileType] = $profile->getId();
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Generates and inserts static page urls
  * @param $offset
  * @param $limit
 private function insertStaticPageUrls($offset, $limit)
     $shopId = Shopware()->Shop()->getId();
     $sitesData = $this->modelManager->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\Site\\Site')->getSitesWithoutLinkQuery($shopId, $offset, $limit)->getArrayResult();
     foreach ($sitesData as $site) {
         $org_path = 'sViewport=custom&sCustom=' . $site['id'];
         $this->data->assign('site', $site);
         $path = $this->template->fetch('string:' . $this->config->get('seoCustomSiteRouteTemplate'), $this->data);
         $path = $this->sCleanupPath($path, false);
         $this->sInsertUrl($org_path, $path);
Exemplo n.º 27
  * gets the old data of the Trusted Shops core integration and the Trusted Shops Excellence plugin
  * and fills them into the new DB table of this plugin
  * @param $pluginId
 public function migrateData($pluginId)
     $tsValues = $this->getTsClassicData();
     $tsExcValues = $this->getTsExcellenceData($pluginId);
     /** @var Repository $shopRepository */
     $shopRepository = $this->em->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\Shop\\Shop');
     $shops = $shopRepository->getActiveShops();
     /** @var Shop $shop */
     foreach ($shops as $shop) {
         if (!$shop) {
         $shopId = $shop->getId();
         $oldTsId = $tsValues[$shopId];
         $oldTsEID = $tsExcValues['tsEID'][$shopId];
         $oldTsWebServiceUser = $tsExcValues['tsWebServiceUser'][$shopId];
         $oldTsWebServicePassword = $tsExcValues['tsWebServicePassword'][$shopId];
         $tsExcValues['testSystemActive'][$shopId] ? $oldTestSystemActive = $tsExcValues['testSystemActive'][$shopId] : ($oldTestSystemActive = 0);
         $tsExcValues['ratingActive'][$shopId] ? $oldRatingActive = $tsExcValues['ratingActive'][$shopId] : ($oldRatingActive = 1);
         /* @var TrustedShops $trustedShopsModel */
         $trustedShopsModel = $this->em->getRepository('Shopware\\CustomModels\\TrustedShops\\TrustedShops')->findOneBy(array('shopId' => $shopId));
         if (!$oldTsId && !$oldTsEID) {
         if (!$trustedShopsModel) {
             $trustedShopsModel = new TrustedShops();
             $oldTsEID ? $trustedShopsModel->setTrustedShopsId($oldTsEID) : $trustedShopsModel->setTrustedShopsId($oldTsId);
Exemplo n.º 28
  * @param array $category
  * @return bool|int
 public function import(array $category)
     $category = $this->prepareCategoryData($category);
     // Try to find an existing category by name and parent
     $model = null;
     if (isset($category['parent']) && isset($category['name'])) {
         $model = $this->repository->findOneBy(['parent' => $category['parent'], 'name' => $category['name']]);
     if (!$model instanceof Category) {
         $model = new Category();
     $parentModel = null;
     if (isset($category['parent'])) {
         $parentModel = $this->repository->find((int) $category['parent']);
         if (!$parentModel instanceof Category) {
             $this->logger->error("Parent category {$category['parent']} not found!");
             return false;
     // Set category attributes
     $attributes = $this->prepareCategoryAttributesData($category);
     $categoryId = $model->getId();
     if (!empty($attributes)) {
         $attributeID = $this->db->fetchOne("SELECT id FROM s_categories_attributes WHERE categoryID = ?", [$categoryId]);
         if ($attributeID === false) {
             $attributes['categoryID'] = $categoryId;
             $this->db->insert('s_categories_attributes', $attributes);
         } else {
             $this->db->update('s_categories_attributes', $attributes, ['categoryID = ?' => $categoryId]);
     return $categoryId;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Returns the sort mode for the passed value ids.
  * If the value ids contains more than one property set, the
  * global fallback sort mode is used.
  * @param array $valueIds
  * @return int
 private function getSortMode(array $valueIds)
     $query = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
     $query->select('DISTINCT propertySet.sortmode')->from('s_filter', 'propertySet');
     $query->innerJoin('propertySet', 's_filter_relations', 'relations', 'relations.groupID = propertySet.id');
     $query->innerJoin('relations', 's_filter_values', 'propertyOption', 'relations.optionID = propertyOption.optionID');
     $query->where('propertyOption.id IN (:ids)')->setParameter(':ids', $valueIds, Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY);
     /**@var $statement \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ResultStatement */
     $statement = $query->execute();
     $rows = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
     if (count($rows) == 1) {
         return $rows[0];
     } else {
         return $this->config->get('defaultFilterSort', self::FILTERS_SORT_POSITION);
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Helper function which resolves the theme parent for each
  * passed theme
  * @param array $themes
  * @throws \Exception
 private function setParents(array $themes)
     /**@var $theme Theme */
     foreach ($themes as $theme) {
         if ($theme->getExtend() === null) {
         $template = $this->repository->findOneBy(array('template' => $theme->getTemplate()));
         $parent = $this->repository->findOneBy(array('template' => $theme->getExtend()));
         if (!$parent instanceof Shop\Template) {
             throw new \Exception(sprintf("Parent %s of theme %s not found", $theme->getExtend(), $theme->getTemplate()));