getMd5Base64Digest() public static method

Calculates an MD5.Base64digest for the given string.
public static getMd5Base64Digest ( string $string ) : string
$string string A string which should digest be calculated for.
return string Returns MD5 Base64 digest
Exemplo n.º 1
  * Calls Amazon web service method.
  * It ensures execution of the certain AWS action by transporting the request
  * and receiving response.
  * @param     string    $action           REST METHOD (GET|PUT|DELETE|HEAD etc).
  * @param     array     $options          An options array. It's used to send headers for the HTTP request.
  *                                        extra options: _subdomain, _putData, _putFile
  * @param     string    $path    optional A relative path.
  * @return    ClientResponseInterface
  * @throws    ClientException
 public function call($action, $options, $path = '/')
     $httpRequest = $this->createRequest();
     $httpMethod = $action ?: 'GET';
     if (substr($path, 0, 1) !== '/') {
         $path = '/' . $path;
     $this->lastApiCall = null;
     $eventObserver = $this->getAws()->getEventObserver();
     if ($eventObserver && $eventObserver->isSubscribed(EventType::EVENT_SEND_REQUEST)) {
         foreach (debug_backtrace() as $arr) {
             if (empty($arr['class']) || !preg_match("/\\\\Service\\\\Aws\\\\.+Api\$/", $arr['class']) || $arr['type'] !== '->') {
             $this->lastApiCall = ucfirst($arr['function']);
     //Wipes out extra options from headers and moves them to separate array.
     //It also collects an x-amz headers.
     $extraOptions = ['region' => null];
     foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 1) === '_') {
             $extraOptions[substr($key, 1)] = $val;
     if (!isset($options['Host'])) {
         $options['Host'] = (isset($extraOptions['subdomain']) ? $extraOptions['subdomain'] . '.' : '') . $this->url;
     if (strpos($options['Host'], 'http') === 0) {
         $arr = parse_url($options['Host']);
         $scheme = $arr['scheme'];
         $options['Host'] = $arr['host'] . (isset($arr['port']) ? ':' . $arr['port'] : '');
         $path = (!empty($arr['path']) && $arr['path'] != '/' ? rtrim($arr['path'], '/') : '') . $path;
     } else {
         $scheme = 'https';
     if ($httpMethod === 'PUT' || $httpMethod === 'POST') {
         if (!empty($extraOptions['putData'])) {
             $options['Content-Md5'] = Aws::getMd5Base64Digest($extraOptions['putData']);
         } elseif (!empty($extraOptions['putFile'])) {
             $options['Content-Md5'] = Aws::getMd5Base64DigestFile($extraOptions['putFile']);
     $httpRequest->setRequestUrl($scheme . '://' . $options['Host'] . $path);
     if (true) {
         $this->signRequestV4($httpRequest, !empty($extraOptions['region']) ? $extraOptions['region'] : null, empty($extraOptions['putFile']) ? null : $extraOptions['putFile']);
     } else {
         $this->signRequestV3($httpRequest, isset($extraOptions['subdomain']) ? $extraOptions['subdomain'] : null);
     $response = $this->tryCall($httpRequest);
     if ($this->getAws() && $this->getAws()->getDebug()) {
         echo "\n", "{$httpRequest}\n", "{$response->getResponse()}\n";
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Calls Amazon web service method.
  * It ensures execution of the certain AWS action by transporting the request
  * and receiving response.
  * @param     string    $action           REST METHOD (GET|PUT|DELETE|HEAD etc).
  * @param     array     $options          An options array. It's used to send headers for the HTTP request.
  *                                        extra options: _subdomain, _putData, _putFile
  * @param     string    $path    optional A relative path.
  * @return    ClientResponseInterface
  * @throws    ClientException
 public function call($action, $options, $path = '/')
     $httpRequest = $this->createRequest();
     $httpMethod = $action ?: 'GET';
     if (substr($path, 0, 1) !== '/') {
         $path = '/' . $path;
     $this->lastApiCall = null;
     $eventObserver = $this->getAws()->getEventObserver();
     if ($eventObserver && $eventObserver->isSubscribed(EventType::EVENT_SEND_REQUEST)) {
         foreach (debug_backtrace() as $arr) {
             if (empty($arr['class']) || !preg_match("/\\\\Service\\\\Aws\\\\.+Api\$/", $arr['class']) || $arr['type'] !== '->') {
             $this->lastApiCall = ucfirst($arr['function']);
     //Wipes out extra options from headers and moves them to separate array.
     //It also collects an x-amz headers.
     $extraOptions = array();
     $amzHeaders = array();
     foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 1) === '_') {
             $extraOptions[substr($key, 1)] = $val;
         } elseif (preg_match('/^x-amz-/i', $key)) {
             //Saves amz headers which are used to sign the request
             $amzHeaders[strtolower($key)] = $val;
     if (!isset($options['Date'])) {
         $options['Date'] = gmdate('r');
     if (!isset($options['Host'])) {
         $options['Host'] = (isset($extraOptions['subdomain']) ? $extraOptions['subdomain'] . '.' : '') . $this->url;
     if (strpos($options['Host'], 'http') === 0) {
         $arr = parse_url($options['Host']);
         $scheme = $arr['scheme'];
         $options['Host'] = $arr['host'] . (isset($arr['port']) ? ':' . $arr['port'] : '');
         $path = (!empty($arr['path']) && $arr['path'] != '/' ? rtrim($arr['path'], '/') : '') . $path;
     } else {
         $scheme = 'https';
     if ($httpMethod === 'PUT' || $httpMethod === 'POST') {
         if (array_key_exists('putData', $extraOptions)) {
             if ($httpMethod === 'PUT') {
             } else {
             if (!isset($options['Content-Length'])) {
                 $options['Content-Length'] = strlen($extraOptions['putData']);
             if (!isset($options['Content-MD5']) && !empty($options['Content-Length'])) {
                 $options['Content-MD5'] = Aws::getMd5Base64Digest($extraOptions['putData']);
         } elseif (array_key_exists('putFile', $extraOptions)) {
             if ($httpMethod === 'PUT') {
             } else {
             if (!isset($options['Content-Length'])) {
                 $options['Content-Length'] = filesize($extraOptions['putFile']);
             if (!isset($options['Content-MD5']) && !empty($options['Content-Length'])) {
                 $options['Content-MD5'] = Aws::getMd5Base64DigestFile($extraOptions['putFile']);
     //This also includes a mock objects which look like "Mock_S3QueryClient_d65a1dc1".
     if (preg_match('#(?<=[_\\\\])S3QueryClient(?=_|$)#', get_class($this))) {
         //S3 Client has a special Authorization string
         $canonicalizedAmzHeaders = '';
         if (!empty($amzHeaders)) {
             foreach ($amzHeaders as $k => $v) {
                 $canonicalizedAmzHeaders .= $k . ':' . trim(preg_replace('/#( *[\\r\\n]+ *)+#/', ' ', $v)) . "\n";
         //Note that in case of multiple sub-resources, sub-resources must be lexicographically sorted
         //by sub-resource name and separated by '&'. e.g. ?acl&versionId=value.
         $t = explode('?', $path);
         if (!empty($t[1])) {
             $canonPath = $t[0] . '?';
             parse_str($t[1], $subresources);
             $allowed = $this->getAllowedSubResources();
             foreach ($subresources as $k => $v) {
                 if (in_array($k, $allowed)) {
                     $canonPath .= $k . ($v !== '' ? '=' . $v : '') . '&';
             $canonPath = substr($canonPath, 0, -1);
         $canonicalizedResource = (isset($extraOptions['subdomain']) ? '/' . strtolower($extraOptions['subdomain']) : '') . (isset($canonPath) ? $canonPath : $path);
         $stringToSign = $httpMethod . "\n" . (!empty($options['Content-MD5']) ? (string) $options['Content-MD5'] : '') . "\n" . (!empty($options['Content-Type']) ? (string) $options['Content-Type'] : '') . "\n" . (isset($amzHeaders['x-amz-date']) ? '' : $options['Date'] . "\n") . $canonicalizedAmzHeaders . $canonicalizedResource;
         $options['Authorization'] = "AWS " . $this->awsAccessKeyId . ":" . base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $stringToSign, $this->secretAccessKey, 1));
     } else {
         $options['Authorization'] = "AWS " . $this->awsAccessKeyId . ":" . base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $options['Date'], $this->secretAccessKey, 1));
     $httpRequest->setUrl($scheme . '://' . $options['Host'] . $path);
     $httpRequest->setMethod(constant('HTTP_METH_' . $httpMethod));
     $response = $this->tryCall($httpRequest);
     if ($this->getAws() && $this->getAws()->getDebug()) {
         echo "\n";
         echo $httpRequest->getRawRequestMessage() . "\n";
         echo $httpRequest->getRawResponseMessage() . "\n";
     return $response;