Exemplo n.º 1
  * Get a HeaderInformation from a book object : used on book pages
  * @param \Sb\Service\Sb\Db\Model\Book $book a book object
  * @return \Sb\Model\HeaderInformation HeaderInformation object for book pages
 public function get(Book $book)
     try {
         $result = new HeaderInformation();
         // Set url canonical
         // Set title tag
         $publisherName = "";
         if ($book->getPublisher()) {
             $publisherName = $book->getPublisher()->getName();
         // Get if book is an ebook
         $bookIsEbook = !$book->getISBN10() && substr($book->getASIN(), 0, 1) == "B";
         // For tag title, maximum length recommended is 60
         $titlePrefix = "";
         if ($bookIsEbook) {
             $titlePrefix = "ebook ";
         $title = StringHelper::tronque(sprintf(__("%s de %s par %s", "s1b"), $book->getTitle(), $book->getOrderableContributors(), $publisherName), 60 - strlen("...") - strlen($titlePrefix));
         $title = $titlePrefix . $title;
         // Set description
         // For meta description, maximum length recommended is 160
         $descriptionSuffix = "";
         if ($bookIsEbook) {
             $descriptionSuffix = " | numérique";
         $description = StringHelper::tronque($book->getDescription(), 160 - strlen("...") - strlen($descriptionSuffix));
         $description .= $descriptionSuffix;
         // Remove double quotes
         $result->setDescription(str_replace("\"", "", $description));
         // Set keywords
         // Get 2 first tags for keywords
         $bookTags = TagSvc::getInstance()->getTagsForBooks(array($book));
         $tags = "";
         if ($bookTags && count($bookTags) > 0) {
             $firstTags = array_slice($bookTags, 0, 5);
             $firstTagNames = array_map(array(&$this, "getTagName"), $firstTags);
             $tags = implode(" | ", $firstTagNames);
         $keywords = sprintf(__("%s | %s | %s", "s1b"), $book->getTitle(), $book->getOrderableContributors(), $publisherName);
         if ($tags != "") {
             $keywords = sprintf(__("%s | %s | %s | %s", "s1b"), $book->getTitle(), $book->getOrderableContributors(), $publisherName, $tags);
         // Remove double quotes
         $keywords = str_replace("\"", "", $keywords);
         // Set page image
         return $result;
     } catch (\Exception $exc) {
         $this->logException(get_class(), __FUNCTION__, $exc);
 public function sendByEmailAction()
     $uid = $this->_getParam('uid');
     $emails = $this->_getParam('emails');
     $origin = $this->getRequest()->getHeader('referer');
     $origin .= "&emails=" . $emails;
     // Checking if parameters are passed
     if ($uid && $emails) {
         // Checking if uid is a valid user
         $user = UserDao::getInstance()->get($uid);
         if ($user) {
             // Getting user wished books
             $wishedUserbooks = $user->getNotDeletedUserBooks();
             $wishedUserbooks = array_filter($wishedUserbooks, array(&$this, "isWished"));
             // Cheking if some valid emails are passed
             $emailsArray = array($emails);
             if (strpos(",", $emails) !== 0) {
                 $emailsArray = explode(",", $emails);
             foreach ($emailsArray as $email) {
                 if (!StringHelper::isValidEmail($email)) {
                     Flash::addItem(__("Un des emails renseigné n'est pas valide.", "s1b"));
             // Building the mail content
             $emailContent = \Sb\Helpers\MailHelper::wishedUserBooksEmailBody($user, $wishedUserbooks);
             // Sending mail
             MailSvc::getInstance()->send($emails, sprintf(__("%s - Liste des livres souhaités par %s", "s1b"), Constants::SITENAME, $user->getFriendlyName()), $emailContent);
             Flash::addItem(__("La liste a bien été envoyée par email.", "s1b"));
     Flash::addItem(__("Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'envoi de la liste par email", "s1b"));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function get()
     $tplBook = new \Sb\Templates\Template("pushedBooks/pushedBook");
     // préparation des champs pour le template
     // Prepare variables
     $avgRating = $this->book->getAverageRating();
     $roundedRating = floor($avgRating);
     $ratingCss = "rating-" . $roundedRating;
     $viewBookLink = \Sb\Helpers\HTTPHelper::Link($this->book->getLink());
     $img = \Sb\Helpers\BookHelper::getMediumImageTag($this->book, $this->defImg);
     $bookTitle = $this->book->getTitle();
     $bookDescription = \Sb\Helpers\StringHelper::tronque($this->book->getDescription(), 250);
     $bookPublication = $this->book->getPublicationInfo();
     $bookAuthors = "";
     if ($this->book->getContributors()) {
         $bookAuthors = sprintf("Auteur(s) : %s", $this->book->getOrderableContributors());
     $nbRatings = $this->book->getNbRatedUserBooks();
     $nbBlowOfHearts = $this->book->getNbOfBlowOfHearts();
     // Set variables
     $tplBook->setVariables(array("averageRating" => round($avgRating, 2), "ratingCss" => $ratingCss, "isBlowOfHeart" => $this->boh, "nbBlowOfHearts" => $nbBlowOfHearts, "roundedRating" => $roundedRating, "bookTitle" => $bookTitle, "bookDescription" => $bookDescription, "bookPublication" => $bookPublication, "bookAuthors" => $bookAuthors, "viewBookLink" => $viewBookLink, "image" => $img, "nbRatings" => $nbRatings));
     return $tplBook->output();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function testIsValidEmailKO()
     $emailToTest = "*****@*****.**";
     $validEmail = \Sb\Helpers\StringHelper::isValidEmail($emailToTest);
     $this->assertEquals($validEmail, false, "\\Sb\\Helpers\\StringHelper::isValidEmail failed testing a unvalid email.");
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Send invitation to users
 public function inviteAction()
     try {
         $globalContext = new \Sb\Context\Model\Context();
         $user = $globalContext->getConnectedUser();
         $continue = true;
         $emails = ArrayHelper::getSafeFromArray($_POST, 'Emails', null);
         $message = ArrayHelper::getSafeFromArray($_POST, 'Message', null);
         if (!$emails || !$message) {
             Flash::addItem(__("Vous devez renseigner tous les champs obligatoires.", "s1b"));
             $continue = false;
         if ($continue) {
             $emailsListFromPost = explode(",", $emails);
             // Getting emails list
             if ($emailsListFromPost) {
                 // Looping through all emails for validating all of them
                 // At the end of the loop:
                 // we will have an array of emails to be processed
                 // and flag to process or not the sendings
                 $emailsList = array();
                 foreach ($emailsListFromPost as $emailToInvite) {
                     $addEmail = true;
                     $emailToInvite = strtolower(trim($emailToInvite));
                     if ($emailToInvite != "") {
                         // Testing if the email is valid
                         if (!StringHelper::isValidEmail($emailToInvite)) {
                             Flash::addItem(sprintf(__("%s n'est pas un email valide.", "s1b"), $emailToInvite));
                             // We will stop invitation sending
                             $continue = false;
                             // Current email not added to the array of emails to be processed
                             $addEmail = false;
                         } else {
                             // Testing if the email does not match an existing user
                             $userInDb = UserDao::getInstance()->getByEmail($emailToInvite);
                             if ($userInDb && !$userInDb->getDeleted()) {
                                 $friendRequestUrl = HTTPHelper::Link(Urls::USER_FRIENDS_REQUEST, array("fid" => $userInDb->getId()));
                                 Flash::addItem(sprintf(__("Un utilisateur existe déjà avec l'email : %s. <a class=\"link\" href=\"%s\">Envoyer lui une demande d'ami</a>", "s1b"), $emailToInvite, $friendRequestUrl));
                                 // We will stop invitation sending
                                 $continue = false;
                                 // Current email not added to the array of emails to be processed
                                 $addEmail = false;
                             } else {
                                 // Testing if invitations have been sent to that guest (email) by the current user
                                 $invitations = InvitationDao::getInstance()->getListForSenderAndGuestEmail($user, $emailToInvite);
                                 if ($invitations && count($invitations) > 0) {
                                     Flash::addItem(sprintf(__("Vous avez déjà envoyé une invitation à cet email : %s.", "s1b"), $emailToInvite));
                                     // We will stop invitation sending
                                     $continue = false;
                                     // Current email not added to the array of emails to be processed
                                     $addEmail = false;
                     if ($addEmail) {
                         $emailsList[] = $emailToInvite;
                 if ($continue) {
                     // Looping through all emails for sending invitation
                     $initialMessage = $message;
                     foreach ($emailsList as $emailToInvite) {
                         $emailToInvite = strtolower(trim($emailToInvite));
                         if ($emailToInvite != "") {
                             $sendInvitation = true;
                             // Testing again if invitations have been sent to that guest (email) by the current user
                             $invitations = InvitationDao::getInstance()->getListForSenderAndGuestEmail($user, $emailToInvite);
                             if ($invitations && count($invitations) > 0) {
                                 $sendInvitation = false;
                             if ($sendInvitation) {
                                 // Getting existing guests matching email, and take first 1
                                 $guest = null;
                                 $guests = GuestDao::getInstance()->getListByEmail($emailToInvite);
                                 if ($guests && count($guests) > 0) {
                                     $guest = $guests[0];
                                 $token = sha1(uniqid(rand()));
                                 // Send invite email
                                 $message = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $initialMessage);
                                 $message .= "<br/><br/>";
                                 $message .= sprintf(__("<a href=\"%s\">S'inscrire</a> ou <a href=\"%s\">Refuser</a>", "s1b"), HTTPHelper::Link(Urls::SUBSCRIBE), HTTPHelper::Link(Urls::REFUSE_INVITATION, array("Token" => $token, "Email" => $emailToInvite)));
                                 $message .= "<br/><br/>";
                                 $message .= "<strong>" . sprintf(__("L'équipe %s", "s1b"), Constants::SITENAME) . "<strong/>";
                                 MailSvc::getNewInstance($user->getEmail(), $user->getEmail())->send($emailToInvite, sprintf(__("Invitation à rejoindre %s", "s1b"), Constants::SITENAME), $message);
                                 // Create invitation
                                 $invitation = new Invitation();
                                 $invitation->setLast_modification_date(new \DateTime());
                                 if ($guest) {
                                     // Updating guest
                                 } else {
                                     // Create guest
                                     $guest = new Guest();
                                     $guest->setCreation_date(new \DateTime());
                                 Flash::addItem(sprintf(__("Une invitation a été envoyée à %s.", "s1b"), $emailToInvite));
         // If we arrive here : an error occured, then redirect to the invite form
         HTTPHelper::redirect(Urls::USER_FRIENDS_INVITE, array("emails" => $emails));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Trace::addItem(sprintf("Une erreur s'est produite dans \"%s->%s\", TRACE : %s\"", get_class(), __FUNCTION__, $e->getTraceAsString()));
         $this->forward("error", "error", "default");
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Get detail page link for chronicle
  * @return string the detail page link
 public function getDetailLink()
     if ($this->getTitle()) {
         return HTTPHelper::Link("chronique/" . StringHelper::sanitize(StringHelper::cleanHTML($this->getTitle())) . "-" . $this->getId());
     } else {
         return HTTPHelper::Link("chronique/chronique-" . $this->getId());
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Set ChronicleViewModelLight object member with the chronicle
  * @param ChronicleViewModelLight $lightChronicle
 private function setChronicleViewModelLight(ChronicleViewModelLight $lightChronicle)
     // Set title, description and link
     $lightChronicle->setShortenText(StringHelper::cleanHTML(StringHelper::tronque($this->chronicle->getText(), 100)));
     // Set internal detail page link
     // Set Image
     if ($this->chronicle->getBook() && $this->chronicle->getBook()->getId() > 0) {
     } else {
         if ($this->chronicle->getImage()) {
         } else {
             if ($this->chronicle->getTag()) {
                 $lightChronicle->setImage(sprintf("/images/tag/tag_id%s.jpg", $this->chronicle->getTag()->getId()));
             } else {
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function get()
     $globalContext = new \Sb\Context\Model\Context();
     $tplEvent = new \Sb\Templates\Template("userEvents/userEvent");
     $friend = $this->userEvent->getUser();
     $friendImg = UserHelper::getSmallImageTag($friend);
     if ($friendImg == "") {
         $friendImg = UserHelper::getSmallImageTag($friend);
     $friendName = $friend->getUserName();
     $friendProfileLink = HTTPHelper::Link(Urls::USER_PROFILE, array("uid" => $friend->getId()));
     $userBookRelated = false;
     $friendRelated = false;
     // used for cases of new friend event
     $additionalContent = "";
     $friendId = null;
     $friendFriendImg = null;
     $friendFriendProfileLink = null;
     switch ($this->userEvent->getType_id()) {
         case EventTypes::USERBOOK_ADD:
             $userBook = \Sb\Db\Dao\UserBookDao::getInstance()->get($this->userEvent->getItem_id());
             $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a ajouté un livre.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             $userBookRelated = true;
         case EventTypes::USERBOOK_RATING_CHANGE:
             $userBook = \Sb\Db\Dao\UserBookDao::getInstance()->get($this->userEvent->getItem_id());
             $newRating = $this->userEvent->getNew_value();
             $resume = sprintf("<div class=\"ue-rating-label\"><a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a noté.</div> <div class=\"rating rating-" . $newRating . "\"></div>", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             $userBookRelated = true;
         case EventTypes::USERBOOK_BLOWOFHEART_CHANGE:
             $userBook = \Sb\Db\Dao\UserBookDao::getInstance()->get($this->userEvent->getItem_id());
             $isBoh = $this->userEvent->getNew_value();
             $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a supprimé son coup de coeur.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             if ($isBoh) {
                 $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a marqué comme coup de coeur.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             $userBookRelated = true;
         case EventTypes::USERBOOK_REVIEW_CHANGE:
             $userBook = \Sb\Db\Dao\UserBookDao::getInstance()->get($this->userEvent->getItem_id());
             $oldReview = $this->userEvent->getOld_value();
             $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a modifié son commentaire.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             if ($oldReview == "") {
                 $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a ajouté un commentaire.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             $additionalContent = StringHelper::tronque(strip_tags($this->userEvent->getNew_value()), 120);
             $userBookRelated = true;
         case EventTypes::USERBOOK_HYPERLINK_CHANGE:
             $userBook = \Sb\Db\Dao\UserBookDao::getInstance()->get($this->userEvent->getItem_id());
             $oldHyperLink = $this->userEvent->getOld_value();
             $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a modifié son lien hypertexte.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             if ($oldHyperLink == "") {
                 $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a ajouté un lien hypertexte.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             $hyperLink = "http://" . $this->userEvent->getNew_value();
             $truncatedHyperLink = \Sb\Helpers\StringHelper::tronque($hyperLink, 100);
             $additionalContent = sprintf(__("<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"hyperlink link\" >%s</a>", "s1b"), $hyperLink, $truncatedHyperLink);
             $userBookRelated = true;
             $userBook = \Sb\Db\Dao\UserBookDao::getInstance()->get($this->userEvent->getItem_id());
             $newReadingSateId = $this->userEvent->getNew_value();
             switch ($newReadingSateId) {
                 case ReadingStates::NOTREAD:
                     $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a marqué non lu.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
                 case ReadingStates::READING:
                     $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> lit actuellement.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
                 case ReadingStates::READ:
                     $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a lu.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             $userBookRelated = true;
         case EventTypes::USERBOOK_WISHEDSTATE_CHANGE:
             $userBook = \Sb\Db\Dao\UserBookDao::getInstance()->get($this->userEvent->getItem_id());
             $newWishedSateValue = $this->userEvent->getNew_value();
             $oldWishedSateValue = $this->userEvent->getOld_value();
             if ($newWishedSateValue) {
                 $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a marqué comme souhaité.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             } elseif ($oldWishedSateValue) {
                 $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> ne souhaite plus.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             $userBookRelated = true;
         case EventTypes::USER_ADD_FRIEND:
             $friendNewFriendProfileLink = null;
             $newFriendId = $this->userEvent->getNew_value();
             if ($this->getContext()->getConnectedUser() && $newFriendId == $this->getContext()->getConnectedUser()->getId()) {
                 $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> est ami avec moi.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
                 $friendFriendImg = UserHelper::getXSmallImageTag($this->getContext()->getConnectedUser());
             } else {
                 $friendNewFriend = UserDao::getInstance()->get($newFriendId);
                 $friendNewFriendProfileLink = HTTPHelper::Link(Urls::USER_PROFILE, array("uid" => $friendNewFriend->getId()));
                 $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> est ami avec <a class=\"link\" href=\"%s\">%s</a>.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName, $friendNewFriendProfileLink, $friendNewFriend->getUserName());
                 $friendFriendImg = UserHelper::getXSmallImageTag($friendNewFriend);
             $friendId = $newFriendId;
             $friendFriendProfileLink = $friendNewFriendProfileLink;
             $friendRelated = true;
         case EventTypes::USER_BORROW_USERBOOK:
             $lendingId = $this->userEvent->getNew_value();
             $lending = LendingDao::getInstance()->get($lendingId);
             $userBookBorrowed = $lending->getUserBook();
             $userBook = $userBookBorrowed;
             $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a emprunté le livre à %s.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName, $userBookBorrowed->getUser()->getUserName());
             if ($this->getContext()->getConnectedUser()) {
                 if ($userBookBorrowed->getUser()->getId() == $this->getContext()->getConnectedUser()->getId()) {
                     $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> m'a emprunté le livre.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             $userBookRelated = true;
         case EventTypes::USER_LEND_USERBOOK:
             $lendingId = $this->userEvent->getNew_value();
             $lending = LendingDao::getInstance()->get($lendingId);
             $userBookLended = $lending->getBorrower_UserBook();
             $userBook = $userBookLended;
             $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> a prêté le livre à %s.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName, $userBookLended->getUser()->getUserName());
             if ($this->getContext()->getConnectedUser()) {
                 if ($userBookLended->getUser()->getId() == $this->getContext()->getConnectedUser()->getId()) {
                     $resume = sprintf("<a href=\"%s\" class=\"link\">%s</a> m'a prêté le livre.", $friendProfileLink, $friendName);
             $userBookRelated = true;
     $creationDate = $this->userEvent->getCreation_date()->format(__("d/m/Y à H:m", "s1b"));
     $bookImageUrl = null;
     $bookLink = null;
     $bookTitle = null;
     $bookAuthor = null;
     $bookId = null;
     $bookImgTag = null;
     if ($userBookRelated) {
         $bookImageUrl = $userBook->getBook()->getSmallImageUrl();
         $bookImgTag = BookHelper::getSmallImageTag($userBook->getBook(), $this->getContext()->getDefaultImage());
         $bookLink = HTTPHelper::Link($userBook->getBook()->getLink());
         $bookTitle = $userBook->getBook()->getTitle();
         $bookAuthor = $userBook->getBook()->getOrderableContributors();
         $bookId = $userBook->getBook()->getId();
     $showAddButton = false;
     if ($globalContext->getConnectedUser()) {
         $showAddButton = true;
     // Set variables
     $tplEvent->setVariables(array("friendImg" => $friendImg, "friendName" => $friendName, "resume" => $resume, "bookImageUrl" => $bookImageUrl, "bookImgTag" => $bookImgTag, "friendProfileLink" => $friendProfileLink, "friendId" => $friendId, "bookTitle" => $bookTitle, "bookId" => $bookId, "bookAuthor" => $bookAuthor, "creationDate" => $creationDate, "bookLink" => $bookLink, "additionalContent" => $additionalContent, "userBookRelated" => $userBookRelated, "userFriendRelated" => $friendRelated, "friendFriendImg" => $friendFriendImg, "friendFriendProfileLink" => $friendFriendProfileLink, "showOwner" => $this->showOwner, "showAddButton" => $showAddButton));
     return $tplEvent->output();
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @return mixed|string
 public function get()
     $lineIdx = 0;
     foreach (array_values($this->shownResults) as $book) {
         $addSep = true;
         if ($lineIdx == 1) {
             $addSep = false;
         $bk = $book;
         $language = urlencode($bk->getLanguage());
         if ($bk->getImageUrl()) {
             $imgSrc = $bk->getImageUrl();
         } else {
             $imgSrc = $this->defImg;
         // Utilisation de urlencode à la place htmlspecialchars car ce dernier pose des pbs qd la valeur est ensuite passée en post
         $title = $bk->getTitle();
         $titleEsc = urlencode($bk->getTitle());
         // encodé
         $author = $bk->getOrderableContributors();
         $authorEsc = urlencode($bk->getOrderableContributors());
         // encodé
         $id = $bk->getId();
         $isbn10 = $bk->getISBN10();
         $isbn13 = $bk->getISBN13();
         $asin = $bk->getASIN();
         $desc = StringHelper::tronque($bk->getDescription(), 350);
         $descEsc = urlencode($bk->getDescription());
         // encodé
         $smallImg = $bk->getSmallImageUrl();
         $img = $bk->getImageUrl();
         $largeImg = $bk->getLargeImageUrl();
         $pubEsc = "";
         $pubInfo = "";
         if ($bk->getPublisher()) {
             $pubEsc = urlencode($bk->getPublisher()->getName());
             // encodé
             $pubInfo = $bk->getPublicationInfo();
         $pubDtStr = "";
         if ($book->getPublishingDate()) {
             $pubDtStr = $book->getPublishingDate()->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $amazonUrl = $book->getAmazonUrl();
         $nbOfPages = $book->getNb_of_pages();
         $cssClass = $lineIdx % 2 ? "lineA" : "lineB";
         $viewBookLink = null;
         $bookInDB = false;
         if ($bk->getId()) {
             $viewBookLink = HTTPHelper::Link($bk->getLink());
             $bookInDB = true;
         $resultTpl = new Template('searchBook/resultRow');
         $resultTpl->setVariables(array('addSep' => $addSep, 'viewBookLink' => $viewBookLink, 'bookInDB' => $bookInDB, 'cssClass' => $cssClass . ' ' . ($bookInDB ? 'indb' : ''), 'title' => $title, 'publisher' => $pubInfo, 'author' => $author, 'id' => $id, 'isbn10' => $isbn10, 'isbn13' => $isbn13, 'asin' => $asin, 'titleEsc' => $titleEsc, 'descEsc' => $descEsc, 'desc' => $desc, 'smallImg' => $smallImg, 'img' => $img, 'largeImg' => $largeImg, 'imgSrc' => $imgSrc, 'authorEsc' => $authorEsc, 'pubEsc' => $pubEsc, 'pubDtStr' => $pubDtStr, 'amazonUrl' => $amazonUrl, 'language' => $language, 'nbOfPages' => $nbOfPages));
         $resultTplArr[] = $resultTpl;
     $results = Template::merge($resultTplArr);
     $resultsTpl = new Template('searchBook/results');
     $resultsTpl->set("resultRows", $results);
     $links = $this->pagerLinks;
     $resultsTpl->set("links", $links['all']);
     $resultsTpl->set("first", $this->firstItemIdx);
     $resultsTpl->set("last", $this->lastItemIdx);
     $resultsTpl->set("nbItemsTot", $this->nbItemsTot);
     return $resultsTpl->output();
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Get a collection of chronicles with same keywords
  * @param Array of String $keywords the keywords to search chronicle having one of them
  * @param int $numberOfChronicles number of maximum chronicle to get
  * @return Collection of chronicle
 public function getChroniclesWithKeywords($keywords, $numberOfChronicles, $useCache = true)
     try {
         $results = null;
         if ($useCache) {
             // Get cache key : sanitize keywords string and replace "-" by "_"
             $key = self::CHRONICLES_WITH_KEYWORDS . "_k_" . str_replace("-", "_", StringHelper::sanitize(implode("_", $keywords))) . "_m_" . $numberOfChronicles;
             $results = $this->getData($key);
         if (!isset($results) || $results === false) {
             /* @var $dao ChronicleDao */
             $dao = $this->getDao();
             $criteria = array();
             // Add is_validated criteria
             $criteria["is_validated"] = array(false, "=", 1);
             // Add keywords criteria
             $criteria["keywords"] = array(false, "LIKE", $keywords);
             $orderBy = array("creation_date" => "DESC");
             $results = $dao->getList($criteria, $orderBy, $numberOfChronicles);
             if ($useCache) {
                 $this->setData($key, $results);
         return $results;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logException(get_class(), __FUNCTION__, $e);
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function validateUserInputForm()
     $ret = true;
     if ($_POST) {
         if (strlen(ArrayHelper::getSafeFromArray($_POST, "guest_name", NULL)) < 3) {
             Flash::addItem(__("Le nom doit comprendre au moins 3 caractères.", "s1b"));
             $ret = false;
         if (ArrayHelper::getSafeFromArray($_POST, "send_invitation", NULL) == 1) {
             $guestEmail = ArrayHelper::getSafeFromArray($_POST, "guest_email", NULL);
             if (!$guestEmail) {
                 Flash::addItem(__("Vous devez renseigné un email si vous souhaitez envoyer une invitation.", "s1b"));
                 $ret = false;
             } else {
                 if (!StringHelper::isValidEmail($guestEmail)) {
                     Flash::addItem(__("L'email que vous avez renseigné n'est pas valide. Merci de réessayer.", "s1b"));
                     $ret = false;
     } else {
         $ret = false;
     return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function getFriendlyName()
     return ucfirst(\Sb\Helpers\StringHelper::tronque(strtolower($this->getFirstName()), 20)) . " " . strtoupper(mb_substr($this->getLastName(), 0, 1)) . ".";
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function getLink()
     $encodedTitle = StringHelper::sanitize($this->getTitle());
     return sprintf("livre/%s-%s", $encodedTitle, $this->getId());