Exemplo n.º 1
  * Module initialization.
  * @param array $params Initialization parameters collection
  * @return bool Initialization result
 public function init(array $params = array())
     // Create SamsonPHP routing table from loaded modules
     $rg = new GenericRouteGenerator($this->system->module_stack);
     // Generate web-application routes
     $routes = $rg->generate();
     // Create cache marker
     $this->cacheFile = $routes->hash() . '.php';
     // If we need to refresh cache
     if ($this->cache_refresh($this->cacheFile)) {
         $generator = new Structure($routes, new \samsonphp\generator\Generator());
         // Generate routing logic function
         $routerLogic = $generator->generate();
         // Store router logic in cache
         file_put_contents($this->cacheFile, '<?php ' . "\n" . $routerLogic);
     require $this->cacheFile;
     // This should be change to receive path as a parameter on initialization
     $pathParts = explode(Route::DELIMITER, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $this->requestURI = implode(Route::DELIMITER, $pathParts);
     // Subscribe to samsonphp\core routing event
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('core.routing', array($this, 'router'));
     // Continue initialization
     return parent::init($params);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Module initialization.
  * @param array $params Initialization parameters collection
  * @return bool Initialization result
 public function init(array $params = array())
     $modules = $this->system->getContainer()->getServices('module');
     // Create SamsonPHP routing table from loaded modules
     $rg = new GenericRouteGenerator($modules);
     // Generate web-application routes
     $routes = $rg->generate();
     // Create cache marker
     $this->cacheFile = $routes->hash() . '.php';
     // If we need to refresh cache
     if ($this->cache_refresh($this->cacheFile)) {
         $generator = new Structure($routes, new \samsonphp\generator\Generator());
         // Generate routing logic function
         $routerLogic = $generator->generate();
         // Store router logic in cache
         file_put_contents($this->cacheFile, '<?php ' . "\n" . $routerLogic);
     require $this->cacheFile;
     // Set locale resolver mode
     SamsonLocale::$leaveDefaultLocale = $this->browserLocaleRedirect;
     // This should be change to receive path as a parameter on initialization
     $pathParts = array_values(array_filter(explode(Route::DELIMITER, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), function ($v) {
         return $v !== '' && null !== $v;
     // Parse URL and store locale found bug
     $localeFound = SamsonLocale::parseURL($pathParts, $this->browserLocaleRedirect);
     // Gather URL path parts with removed locale placeholder
     $this->requestURI = implode(Route::DELIMITER, $pathParts);
     // Get localization data
     $current = SamsonLocale::current();
     $default = SamsonLocale::$defaultLocale;
     // Browser agent language detection logic
     if ($this->browserLocaleRedirect && !$localeFound) {
         // Redirect to browser language
         $lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
         // Is browser language supported by application
         $langSupport = in_array($lang, SamsonLocale::get(), true);
          * If browser language header is supported by our web-application and we are already not on that locale
          * and current locale is not default.
         if ($current === $default && $current !== $lang && $langSupport) {
             header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $lang . '/' . $this->requestURI);
         } elseif (!$langSupport || $lang === $current) {
             SamsonLocale::$leaveDefaultLocale = false;
     // Subscribe to samsonphp\core routing event
     \samsonphp\event\Event::subscribe('core.routing', array($this, 'router'));
     // Continue initialization
     return parent::init($params);